TfUIRSDAY, NOV. Mtl. 1947 -- Ezz.Jý BO J.FM'4V Jj.a., ONTARIO A m She'll Look Grand in a HOUS9COAT from Walker's $12m95 Tou can make her happy on Christmas morn with one of these beautifully eut and deslgned housecoats, Choose it to- day. Our selection Includes padded ray- on In soft pastel shades, ail wool flannel In wine and navy, and two-tone effects In rayon jersey. Sizes 14 to 20. by Cliflon TOILETRIES A large and varied selection that In- eludes. dusting powder, colognes, bath crystals, soaps, shaving sets, etc. Al Individually boxed for easy gift wrap- ping. 49c Io $4.50 The Ever Popular Gifi BANNIES Fine Irish Linen and exqulsite lawn with petit point embroidery. $10 o 3 tosabox -----_----- $.0_o Fine iawn wlth fiower and bfrd design@ i petit point embroldery. 75 bo 3 to a box -75cbo Printed cotton hankies with varlous coloris sud fiowered design&.4c o 3 to abox -- -------- _ 9 o For Men-a fine cotton handkerchieï wlth various colored O ea borders --- __------ __ ca Bere'.s apure linen handkerchiet sny man wIll be proud te have ___ lc eae Yes! We are the headquarfers for gifis in Bowmanville. Our seleciion is wide and varied. You will find here gifis Jo suit the most discriminaiing fast es. Our sales clerks will be glad fJo help you with your problems, so bring ihem fo us. Remem- be "Do your shoppi ng in November for a happy December." A Lovely Gifi Indeed ]BLOUSES Serels a personal glft that wlll wln for you hlgh pralse. Ifere In a blouse for every occasion, smre stnlctly tallored, nmre fussy with bows snd ribbons. There is one here to suit her tante. $2,98 A GiffIJo Someoe Dear A New Handbag There's no doubt about 11, you'll "bag"P top praise If you select your git from one of our latest models. It may be an envelope type, an over the shoulder, or pouch model. You'll find ,them al here. All at low pnices, ln plastic,or cenuine leather. i 'W' $3.59 - $4.72 - $5.95 - $ 10.95 GIFTS SHE'LL APPRECIATE RAYON CREPE SLIPS Adainty and lovely glît for someone close to you. Beautifully eut and tailored Is this high quality, straight-cut slip. A pleasure to give and a treasure to receive. Sizes 34 to 40. White only ------$ «9 SPUNI RAYON PYJAMAS A Christmas gît t that can't help but please. These popular pyjamas are made from a fine spun rayon, ln sof t pastel shades of biue, turquoise or rose. Sizes small med., large S300 Yards Flowered COTTON PRINT >zerels a real value for those that like to make their own gifts. A fine quallty printcd cotton in 'small fiowered design. Ideal for aprons, dresses, quilts, etc. Specially prlced for early Christmas shoppers___ m $3,98 m $4095 Jusi What They Wani SKIRTS Beautiful, smart-looking shirts, for business or sportswear. A lasting and useful gift. Plain colons and plaids lu all wool mnaterlals. AUl handsomely tailored. Sizes 12 to 20. $4095 $3.98 59c yard Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanvifl m $5,95 m $6,95 FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS WO]PLAID DRESSING GOWNS. Snug and warm for$59sa CORDUROY DRESSING GOWNS. Mannishly tallored for ALL WOOL SKI SLACKS. With shoulder straps. del for don winter days ahead. Sizes 1 te 6X. Navy or brown - 208sa. CHINCHILLA SNOW SIITS. In contrasting colon o! blue and powder, red and navy. Set consists o! coat, slacks and helmet. Sizes 1 to 6X ___$10_____ a.50ea. SPUN DRESSES. Pretty little dresses wth Peter Pan colar ta>~ snd embroidery trlm. Powder shade only. Sizes i te 6X... ~ti.~G 0E. I. t SILVER. WEDDING MIlh4 MRS. DAVID JOHNS A very bappy event was celc- breýed on Saturday, Nov. 8, when Mn. and Mrs. David Jobns of Cart- wright were at home ta 75 rela- tives, friends and neighbors, on the occasion o! their Silver Wed- ding anniversary. The guests wene received by the happy cou- ple and their daughter, Miss Hilda Johns. The rooms were lovely with pink and white streamers, snap- dragons and 'mums, the gif t o! Mn. and Mrs. Louis Fitze. Center- ing the table was the artistically decorated three - layer wedding cake, the gift o! their daughter, which was cut by the bride and groom, during the supper at which all the sisters and brothers with their lamilies were present. The nieces and nephews presented the couple with a lovely corsage and button-hole !lower of red roses. A beautiful bed and blankets, the gifts of the sisters and broth- ens, were presented by Mns. How- ard Wonnacott, Mrs. Gardon Won- nacatt and Mrs. Jack' Hazelden, who addcd words o! congratula- tions. Two lovely occasional chairs and a card table were aiso pre- sented by Mrs. Alan Wilson, Mn. Herman Wilson and Mr. Clarke Williams representing the friends and neighbors. Mr. Henry Thomp- \son read the address. Other gi!ts included a iovely plate glass mir- rar from Mr. John Wappin, a rose Kenwood blanket from Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Bridgeport, Darwin, Engiand, a chest of silver lrom Miss Hilda Johns, a silver dish, the gift aI Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crap- per and calIce vaculator from Mn. and Mrs. Herb Luke. Two iovely blankets were aiso received lrom the bride's two aunts, Misses Mary and Annie Taylor. ,Two' little nephews o! the bride showered the couiple with confet- ti and the hast o!f fîends joined in singing -For they are Jolly Good Fellows." Mri. and Mrs. Johns gxýaciouly replicd to the ýiniany speeches of cong-ratulations and expressed their pleasuire in welcoming the guests. Beautilul cards wisbing the bride and groom. eveny bappiness on'attaining their 1>ilver wedding anniversary were greatly admired. The remainder of the deiightful evening passed quickly in a so-i cial time of çQmmunity singing card playing jid dancing. An abundant and deliclous lunch was served.. Guests from a distance inclVd- cd several from Long Branch, Port Credit, Toronto, Oshawa, Orono, Elizabethville, Hampton and Ome- mec. During the necent world war! some 12,000 ex-members of the Girl Guides Association in Canada joined the armed fore'-, LONG SAUT Long Salflt Community Clu the school F'riday evenini Nov. 7. William Thiesburger pre sided, and also acted as secretary November program. committeE Stuart Hooey and Miss Jessie Hoc ey, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simç presented a varieci entertainment The school children provided mus ic; Miss Agnes Van Eyk sang: K Lycett played a comprehensivt program of piano music and Mrs McClure gave a reading. T h( speaker of the evening was W. .1 Berry, Bowmanville, a former pu. pl of the Long Sault school. H. gave a most interesting and gra. phic description of a trip througl. the Canadian Rockies. After thii delightful entertainment, refresh- ments were served. Next meeting Dec. 5, with pro- gram arrangement by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner and Mr. anc Mrs. Gordon Baker. On Friday aftennoon, Oct. 31, the teachen and pupils entertainec the mothens and small brothers and sistens to a Hallowe'en party with a number in costume. Mrs. Van Eyk and Mrs. Gobels and Miss Agnes Van Eyk a c ted a s judges. Pnizes were awarded tc Bertha Pleasance, Mary Van Eyk, Tom Pleasance, and John Va n Eyk. Bertha Pleasance, pres. of E. Tomlinson EAST END GARAGE Phone 320 Clarke Newcastle, Ontario AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK REPAIRS Sfudebaker Cars and Trucks Immediate delivery on 2 and Buehler Farm Equipment Uockey Equipment Jr. Red Cross, took the chair and P TPnn opened the meeting with singing J.O J. 1. LJ. "O Canada.' ' Betty Burgess, sec- ib retary, read the minutes. Tom We visited Mrs. Robt. Payne g, Pleasance, leader of program coin- this week. She bas just celebrat- e- mittee, called on the follawing ed bier 83rd birthday, Is as spry y. numbers: Hallowe'en readings, as a spring chicken, has the use e, Malcolm and Alfred Pleasance; o! ail her faculties and can waik )-Haiiowe'en stories, Bob and Bet- fnom her home to Pontypool, 11/2 s, ty Burgess; Hallowe'en song, the miles away, a lot casier than ma- t. school; recitation in unison, four ny people halfliher age. Many sJr. boys; Hallowe'en duet, Bertha happy retunns! CPleasance and Mary Van Eyk. A On Wednesday, Nov. 5, we said ,e haîf bour o! rolliclcing contests our last goodbye to Jim Masters. . and games foliowed. All enjoyed McCrea's Church was packed for e a delicious lunch o! sandwiches, the funenai, many could not gain . cake, cookies, apples, candy and admission. The officiating min- !- cocoa. istens were Rev. 11ancock, Ponty- ,e pool Circuit and Rev. J. E. Gril- NES LE ONfith, Bowrnanville United Church. [S much appreciated. Mrs. Roy Co- Nestleton W.I. met at the home chrane pnesided at the ongan. The of Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Nov. heavy downpour of ramn caused -5, with meeting in'charge of Mrs. the Oddfeliows to cuntail their ser-1 d R. W. Marlow's group. There vice, thus causing some disap-c wene 23 ladies and some cbildren pointment, but most agneed, be-i present. We were pleased to have cause many were flot properîyi our district president, Mns. S. E. ciad for such inclement- weathen.c 1Werry, present, who gave a fine The many beautiful floral trib-f adrs nCtznsi.Rî4al utes bore mute witness to the ne-1 "How ta be a good citizen.", Pro- sp ect in which oun late friend andt gram: Solo, Mrs. T. Langfeld, "My neighbor was beîd.c Cathedral;" neading, Mrs. H. Ms o ohaebsfih Wheeier, "A Pretty Hat;"~ reading, r.RyCcraebsfih Mrs H.Vie, TheComunonfuily, over a long period o! years,t Set;" solo, Miss Gladys Emersonpae htodara tMCe' "Bless This House." A dainty Church wheneven asked, olten atf lunch and cup of tea was served very short notice. We ledl thata and Mrs. ýmerson and group in her true wonth has neyer beenc charge, also Mrs. Werry, were al l ully appneciated, so, at long last, S given a hearty vote of thanks for we are glad to give this public a pleasant alternoon. spirited, self effacing, talented la- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowan dy the public recognition she so and family visited their aunt, Mrs. richly deserves. Thanks a million, Wm. Steelp. Mrs. Cochrane for ail your past, Mr. Roy Knapp, Hamilton, vis- generously donated services. îted Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- When Mrs. Harry Richardson son. went to their garage on Monday Mn. and Mrs. Percy L. Malcolm, morning to secure bier coat from Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. L. the car, she found the near Win- Joblin. dows down and a jar o! nine-day Mn. and Mrs. K. Samelîs visited pickles on the seat. Evidently, hier mother, Mrs. Smith, Lindsay. someone owning the pickles bad Mns .Jas. Williamson visited her intended to pinch the car, but was brother, Mr. John McGill; Janet- scared off by Richardson's dogs. ville., Mnr, and Mrs. Metcalfe and Mr There's quite a race on for the and Mrs. Ronher had their child- job o! driving the mail on R.R. 3. ren baptized in the United Church Tenders close Nov. 21. Anyone on Sunday. who bas been a caurier wiîî tell Mrs. R. M. Hoskin visited bier you that, unless a penson is rea- son, Mn. Ivan Hoskin, Biackstock. dy ta place service above salary Mr. David John, Mr. and Mrs. and self, they should neyer tender George Johns and Billy, visited for this service o! trust. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Mabel Coulter bas not im- Mns. Jas. Hedge vissted Mrs.1 proved, but is still dangerously George Forder. ill. Her daughter, Jean, flt com- Mn. Fred Johns visited Mn. and peiled to resign from her school Mrs. George Johns. teaching duties ta be her matben's Miss Manjonie McLaren, Ton- attendant. onto, visited Miss Hilda Johns. L Miss Jean 1Rlack and Miss Helen Lloyd Cain, one of ou n popular Bowers, Toronto. spent the week- 1Young veterans is now a marriedI end with thein parents. man, his bride, the former Miss Miss Jean Malcolyn, Islington' Ke rr lrom Yelverton. Our bope with bier parents, Mn. and Mrs. is that you will both enjoy a long Stanley Malcolm. happly mannied life. Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Black- Our local, tobacco chewing auc- stock; Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Mc- toneer, not only works bard ta Brien, Toronto, visited Mr. and produce resuits, but, when be goes1 Mrs.Lews Fize.into high gean and lhe wind is in Congratulations ta Mn. and the right direction, will treat the Mrs. David Johns who celebrated crowd ta a nicotine laden shower their silver wedding anniversary. 'bath. This latter service is cheer- s T fullY given without extra charge. On Sunday afternoon veterans of World Wars I and 11, led by the Pontypool Fife and Drun Band, paraded to Pontypool Un- ited Church to take part in the dedication cenemonjes of the 1939- 45 Honor Roll. Rev. Edwin Han- cock is to be commended for the exceptionally fine onder of ser- vice. Roy Forresten of Onono, a naval veteran, sounded the Lasi Post, and after the two minutes of reverent silence, sounded the Reveilie. The old "sweat" pres- ent were laud in their praise of bis fine technique. It was nice to sec the "old boys" with gray hair and "bay windows" swinging jauntily along with the younger, slimmer lads of the last war at a lively parade pace in the rhanch past alter the service. One of Pontypool's «"Old Boys," Nqnton Chambers, must be given credit for bis unremitting labons in cannection with the actual mak- ing of both Honon Rols in our church. In addition to his othcn fine achievements, given gratis, he paid his own lare from Toronto to be present at the unveiling ceremonies, and donated five dol- lars wonth o! gold leaf, used in the preparation of the scroli. What he started 25 years ago on the lirst Honor Roll, be continued to a successful conclusion on the se- cond one. Public spirited citizens such as Nort Chambers cannot Sewing Machine ... New sewlnt machines are now avaiable in Oshawa. Eiectric cabinets, treaies and Portables. Immediate deliv- ery. repairs to ail makes of sewlng machines reni a Portable Electric In your own home, $5 per month. Singer Universal Motors 25 to 75 cycle ----.$30.00 Singer Lights ___ $5.25 Buttonhole Attachments $10.75 Singer îMuomatic Electric Irons ___$ 9.75 Sewvint Cabinets (walnut> .-______ $24.75 Sewlng Stoola ____ $14.()( Skfrt Markers ____ $2.39 Singer Household Iron _$12.95 SINGES SEWJNG MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Tel. Oshawa 696 OSHAWA be given too much credit fon the part tbey bave dope and are do- HAYDON ing ta help build this Canada o! ours inta the finest land an earth. Mn. T. S. Mountjoy had a veny One o! Neil Curtis' sans, La- successful lurniture sale on Sat- verne, ran out lrom some parked urday with a good crowd present. cars, and crashed into the side a! Lunch and calIce sold by the la- Dan Monk's car which was pro- dies was much in demand, pro- ceeding forth at a maderate pace. cecds being $24.15. Don stopped quickly and picked up the little lellow, who, outside Harry Degeer, Melville Bert- of a buised head and lace, was rim, Lloyd Ashton, and Onville not badly hurt. Ashton have gane deer bunting. Mrs. Earl Degeer accompanied then ta visit ber son, Mr. Shelton y Degeer, Bancroft. Hon.Vincnt M sseMn. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Mn. To Adres Anual and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mn. Jam- To A dres Anual es Graham, Mr. and Mrs. A. Read on and family, were at Mn. and Ms Meein o Fdeafi Rueben Ashton's, Port Hope, in Durham County Federation o! a Agriculture met at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. K. Asbby, Part Bri- tain, on Nov. 6, with a splendid attendance. .XLI Secretary reported that final an- - tÇ'L~ rangements haci been made as ta the purchasing a! the County Camp site and that the Committec was naw preparing Ion a meeting with a langer committee re plans. Clarence J. Allen reported that options had been secured on two businesses in Orono by the Co-op Committee and plans were now being lormed for a thonough can- vas for funds. Annual meeting o! the Federa- tion will take place Dec. 4, in Newcastle Cammunity Hall in the form of a Pot Luck Supper. Hon. Vincent Massey bas been secured as the speaker. A letter lrom Ontario County ne the broadcast was nead and Charles Osborne and Walter Run- dle were appointed ta act with tbe Secretary as a Committee and proceed with this as quickly as possible. Another step ta encourage dele- gates ta short courses during the winter was made when the direc- tans o!lered ta grant each dele- gate ta a short course, $5.00 alter showing they are eligible Ion such amount, and also that they write a letter on what they lind ta be the value o! such study. In connectian w it h F ol1k Scbools, the Secretany was in- structed ta appoint a Committee ta study the matter. Electian o! Oflicers for 1948 ne- sulted as follows: Hon. presidents, Dr. J. B. Reynolds and E. A. Sum- mers; past president, W. Banister; president, Chas. Osborne; Iirst vice, M. H. Staples; second vice, Ralph Larmer; third vice, Edgar Nichais; !ourth vice, Walter Run- die; treasurer, Walter Reynolds; secretary, Joseph J. Mellon. Mrs. John S. 'Corbett of Mont- real is Chief Commissianer a! the jCanadian Girl Guides Association. 1Mrs. Corbett is also chairman o! the World Association o! Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. hon o!o their 50th wVedding an_ Iniversary and MrAsltnR4 irh jday. .~nsbrh Mrs. J. Aikenbead, Miss E. M. IWerry, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, Mn. Rass and Miss Marie Ashton, Leaside, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, En- niskillen, at Mn. L. R. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Dr. and Mrs. W. Rudell and son, Bowman.. ville, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mn. Wm. Trewin's. Mrs. Jack Bird, Mount Hamnil- ton, at Mn. T. S. Mountjoy's. Misses May and Winnifred Tre- Win, Miss June Anderson at M. Sulas Trewin's, Bawmanville. Mrs. W. Thompson at Mn. W. Bidgett's, Bowmanvîlle. la BUT-why tie it clown ta me? How about the way you use Crown Brand for wonderful baking ? For a sweetener? And why flot mention how delicious it i with pancakes, cereals and bot woffles; You can't kd me, mom. Crown Brand Com Syrup Il 2Sod for cil of usi For years doctors have recommendea the use of Crown Brand Corn Syrup as a satisfactory carbohydrate atig as a milk modifier for bottle-fed in"tnea lfCROWN -BRAND iffl CORN SYRup' é4Amofuru.gofcf Cnaa cor Siorâé TflE CANADA STARCH COMPANY IMffD-MONRrdLTC>QO1O Au 7ME CAMADIAN STAT3-4tV,&V 1!telv"ATvnrr ip $5.95 ea.