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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1947, p. 5

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THURSDAY, NOV. 131* 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gatchell and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransferry, Enterprise, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Ahbott. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Pethick and Gail, Mrs. Vqna Wood, Toronto, with Mr. S. YmFethick. Mrs. E. Strutt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm, Tyronc. Mrs. G. Yeo, Harry Collacutt, Bowmanvile, Mrs. C. Woodicy and Mr. and Mrs. N. Coliacutt, Tyrone, attendcd tbcir cousin's funerai at Markbam. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wcrrv vist- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa, Tbursday, and attendcd a birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson, Mr. Alex Davidson and Miss'N.' Jen- kins witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Dor- land. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and faxnily witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Stain- King Si. W. FIRST 5 RIBS b BLADE BONE OUT PRIME RE RAST - 7< BLADE RGAST « b. FLAT RIB DRISKET lb. 18g I PGRK SHOULDERS - lb. 31< SALMON STEAKS FLOR LOSS Tint FANCY LOBSTER -Tin 09e DELICIOUS CHICKEN HADDIE ' - Tin ?5à FINE CANADIAN GLU CHEESE lb. 4&1 HEINZ ASSORTED SOUPS -- Tin 13e CHAN FLOOR WAX Tin M e OGILVIE GAS48-oz. 23e<5-1b.29w HERSHEY'S GIANT CHOC. BARS «ech3ne WHEN AVAILABLE USE SUPER SUDS Pkg. 31e WHEN AVAILABLE USE SGPCASHMERE Cake 3 GRAVE OLDPACK LANG' P8IKESDMixed 625e JUICE - 2 'Ti. i25e KRAFT CHEESE 12-lb. < ton, Hampton. Mrs. C. R. Walton, Ronnie, Ted- dy and Blairne, Kingston, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens. Mr. A. Leadbeater at Fisherville and Hagersville, Ont. Miss Grace Kersey, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. Gordon Stevens spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. George Reid has returned from visiting friends and relatives at Little Britain. Mrs. J. Kennedy is visiting friends and relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Robbs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor, Blackstock, Dr. and Mrs. W. Ru- deil and Scotty, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grif- fin, Union. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shortt, Mrs. Clifford Shortt, Seagrave, called Bo wmanville aon Mrs. H. Mils on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Mr. anai Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Purpie Hill, with friends at Lake- port. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner and Helèn, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan and fa- mily with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele, Nestieton, Mr. Gordon Beckett, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mrs. S. R. Pethick attended the funeral of ber cousin, Mrs. Witmer Toronto, A large congregation attended the Remembrance Day service on Sunday in our church when the pastor, Rev. R. M. Seymour, made titting reference to those who had made the supreme sacrifice and to ail who had given their best in the service qf King and country. A large basket of white 'mums was placed before the altar by Mr. Kenneth Graham in bonor of those who served in Ris Majqsty's Service. During the service, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr Iwas baptized. The work of the Bible Society was ably presented by our minister. Those spending the weekend at the parsonage were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker of Cataraqui, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burt of West- brook, Mrs. C. Riley; Mrs. A. E. Rowiey, Miss Margaret Leonard of Collins Bay, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ma- ker and Grace and Miss Margaret Seymour of Toronto. There are approximately 66,000 Girl Guides in Canada and 2,500,- 000 throughout the world. Chief Scout for Canada is his Exceliency Field Marshall the Right Hon. Viscount Alexander of Tunis, G.C.B., Governor -General of Canada. Ail warrants of ap- pointment for Canadian Scout Leaders are approved and signed by His Exccllency. ILARGE NORTHERN SELECT lb.5< YSTEES SALAD DRESSING MAYONNAISE ANN PAGE DELICIOUS BONELESS CHIEEN MITCFIELL'S CHOICE APPLE JUICE - 2 FANCY-CASE OF 24-$2.16 GRAPEFRUIT JIJCE 3 20 FANCY PINK SALMON 1/2 l b tin 21c 1 GRAPEFRUIT !/-PL~ s9< 8 oz jar 21c tin 35C toz tin lOc ýoz tins 27c [ lb tin 37c FLORIDA MARSH 5 for19 SEEDLESS No. 19%'s s COMBINATION GRADE APPLES BEST FOR EATING- GRAPES RED OMN lA- No.1 CARBOMARSH GROWN TSTENDER, CRISP No. 1 ONIONSONTARIO GROWN SpINAj&H GRESH GREEN No. 1 CELEITSTALKS PASCAL¶ ONTARIO GRaWN, CANADA No. 1 ]PGTATOES 10-lb. 2 Ibs. 29e 3 Ibs. 149 50-lb« .5 Bag *1 2 Ibm. 19e 2 for M3 7-b. I PROWN'S Busy Bees met at Mrs. George Honey's for a business meeting. It was decided ta send $10.00 10 the British Orphan Christmnas Par- cel Fund. The group will hold a bazaar and tea in December witb Mrs. H. Reichrath and Mrs. T. Wilson in charge, It is the aim of this smail group of ladies to have enough funds to furnisb or par- tially furnish a roomn in Bowman- viile's New Hospital. Next meet- ing at Mrs. J. }Hilier's. First meeting of Newcastle Farm Forum was held at Welling- ton Farrow's on Nov. 3 and Nov. 10, the meetin2g was beld at Bill Allin's, Lockh>àrt's. Geo. Stephenson and Bob are enjoying a week of hunting. Mrs. Geo. Roney and Mrs. Clar- ence Turner attended Court Ses- sions at Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs.. T. Wilson and Wyilene attended a Silver Wed- ding Celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte, held at Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldred's, Lake Shore. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held as us- ual with ail teachers present. Cburch followed at 11:30 with Dr. Oke preacbing an excellent ser- mon on "The Characteristics of Ruman Nature" Eighteen of our Young People motored to Weicome, Wednesday evcning to attend the Young Peo- ple's Rally of Cobourg Presbytery. Farm Forum was held for the first time this season in the school- bouse with Edgar Nichols showing slides and Alex Rendry and Gar- net Rickard as guest speakers. Master David Dickerson bad four knuckles broken in a eut-box. Mrs. W. T. Nicholîs, Port Hope, is with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nic- bouls. Bruce Dinner and Truman Aus- Ëin are deer bunting at Bayswa- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner and Ronnie spent Thursday with Mrs. Charles Snell wbo cclcbrated ber 82nd birthday. A meeting of the Parsonage cornrittce was beld at Mrs. Per- cy Snell's Monday aftcrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rarold Barrow- clough and Billy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Morton, Ken- dli. Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne and Ruth spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beebe, Morrisb. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen and famiiy, spent Sunday witb bis par- ents at Castieton. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rook, Tor- onto, spent weekcnd witb Mr. înd Mrs. L. Swailow. Mr. Wm. Everson, Courtice, vis- i'ed Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snow- den on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence White, Misses Loryne and Jean, Masters Teddy and Eiwood White, spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Colwell, Newtonvilie, and attended anni- Iversary services. Mr. and Mrs. L. Coilacutt, Miss- es Pearl and Lenore Collacutt spent Sunday witb Mrs. Roar,' Newtonviile, and attended anni- versary services. rMrs. Ivison Munday, Misses Joan and Mary Lou, visited ber moiber, Mrs. Lancaster, at New- 'onville on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Jeffrey (nee Jean Metcaif, R.N.) on their recent marriage. Aitbough a bit late bearing it announced by Andy Clark over the radio on Sunday, this com- imunity extends bearty congratula- tions to Mrs. Chas. Axford, wbo on Oct. 27, celebrated ber 92nd birtb- day. Giad to see Victor Cooifson out again after being confined to bis bed and the bouse for a number of weeks witb infiammatory rhcum- atism. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden ac- cornpanied Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of Oshawa.on a motor trip to Peterboro and Keene on Satur- day. Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, at borne. Mr. Ivison Munday along witb several men fromn Bowmanville are deer bunting.this week, nortb of Madoc. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Hcrb Galbraith, Bowmanville, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. T. Saiter visitcd Mr. and Mrs. H. Peters, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Edger, Mrs. Tubb and son, Gerry, Courtice, at R. Wilcox's. Miss Jean Balson was in Toron- to during the weckend. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron wcrc in Toronto on Sunday. Rex'. and Mrs. Linstead and daughter, Ilda, visitcd bis broth- er and wife at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMahon attcnded the funcral on Wednes- day of Mr. Jas. Masters at Mc- Crea's Cemetery, near Pontypool. Mr. J. W. Balson bas returned from Oshawa Hospital and is stili confined to bcd, though somewhat improved. Mrs. Smithson, Caledon, visit- cd Mrs. Herb Rundle. Mrs. S. Niddcry and Miss Mary jNiddery wcre in Toronto on Sun- Mr. C. W. Souch visited relativ- es in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Barron bas returneçi from Canfield. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy at- tended the Fowl supper in con- nection witb the opening of the new Grace United Church at Scu- gog Island on Wednesday. Visitors at S. Kersey's were Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Bar- bara, Mr. and Mrs. S. Armour and Dorothy, Marion Kersey. Oshawa, Ted from Toronto and Reg. from Ajax. Miss Ruby Ciatworthy, R.N., Bowmauvie, with Mm. L.TruIL BLÂCKSTOCK Past Masters' Night at the L.O. L. was weii attended and greatly enjoyed. The business session was held at the Orange Hall, with a banquet scrved later in'tbe Coin- munîty Hall. Speciai guest speak- ers wcre the Grand Master of Ont. East, Garfield Raaflawb, of Pembroke and Rev. R. M. Sey- mour, Enniskillen. On Sunday evcning in the Unit- ed Churcb, Rev. R. B. Harrison baptized four children. They were Janice Aileen Byers, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers, Marion Kathleen, infant dauhgter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bradburn, Lloyd Eiwood, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, James Garth, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes. Jack Green and Stuart Dorrell were home from Kemptviile Ag- ricuitural scbool. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp, Listowell, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Mrs. W. A. Van Camp returned with them aftcr baving completed lier visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rerb Swain and family, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Roc- kins, Shirley. Misses Mabel, Helen and Wilma Van Camp were home for the weekend to celebrate Mr. Wm. Van Camp's birthday. Rev. Isherwood, Toronto, spent the weekend at the Rectory with Rev. John McKibbin and Mrs. McKibbin and assisted in the ser- vice at St. John's on Sunday morn- ing.. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. James Hen- ry. Mr. Merle Bailey returned home from the West Saturday. In spite of a very rainy day on Remembrance Day, many wenlt to the Community Hall, to the short service conducted by Rev. John McKîbbin and Rev. R. B. Harri- son. Then the gathering went to the memorial wbere the two min- utes silence was observed. Vet- eran George Black read the bon- or list which now reads as fol- lows: 1914-1918 John Steel, Bruce Ferguson, Roy Swain, Elmer Mountjoy, Craig Tibb, John Wootton, Edward Moody, Stanley White, Herbert Millard. .1939-1945 Alfred Rail, Raiph Van Camp, Leonard Davidson, Harvey Ma- baffy, Leslie Langfield, Roy Car- ter, Raiph Emerson, Arnold John- ston. The wreath was placcd by Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Prayers were said and the National Anthem sung. Mrs. Earl Dorreli opened ber home on Wednesday afternoon,i Nov. 5, for the Women's Institute and a large gathering assembled.i Mrs. Norman Malcolm took the chair. Business was very lengthy and as a resuit the programn was shortcned. Mrs. Ernest Larmer's group was in charge. Miss Jean Taims, Pur- pie Hill, favored with a loveiy pi- ana solo. A very interesting bis- torical talk on "The Stone of Des- tiny'I was ably given by Mrs. Wil- liam Hooey. Lunch was served. WEDDING JEFFREY-METCALF The marriage of Hazel Thelma Jean Metcalf, daughter of Mr. Norman Metéalf, Bowmanville, and the late Mrs. Metcalf, to Ro- bert John Jeffrey, Port Perry, son of Mrs. Cecil W. Jeffrey was sol- emnized by the Rev. B. S. Mor- wood in the parsonage of North- minister United Church, Osbawa, on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 8. The bride, wbo graduated from the Scbool of Nursing of the Osh- awa General Rospital in 1944, wore a two-piece dress of copper moire taffeta with a iight blue feather bat, brown accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. She was attended by Mrs. Alex Muir, Courtice, her sister, who wore a two-piece wine crepe dress with matching bat and black ac- cessories. Rer corsage was of white carnations.' The best -man was Mr. Orval Stinson of Port Perry. A reception for immediate mcm- bers of the familles was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago, Darlington, the bride's un- cie and aunt. Mrs. Crago was wearing turquoise crepe wit'h black accessories and a corsage of yellow chrysanthemnums. Thbe bridegroom's mother wore limeý green figured crepe with brown accessories and a corsage of bronze and yellow 'mums. After their honeymoon the couple will live in Oshawa. OBITUARY WM. MERWIN DICKINSON The funeral service was held for the late William Murwîn Dick- inson, a life-long resident of Hope Township, on Nov. 6, fromn the lamiiy resicience. Rcv. Dr. C. Oke was in charge. The late Mr. Dickinson, who was 55 years of age, had been in ill health for the past five years. Re is survived by bis wîdow, the former Larmne May Thompson;: and bis mother and father, Mr.i and Mrs. Benjamin Dickinson. Aiso surviving the deceased are two brothers and two sisters, Carl- lus of Hope Township, Ross of Newcastle, Mrs. Stapleton (Edna) of Hamilton, MVrs. T. Spencer (Norma) of Weston. Attcnding the Zion and Port Hope High Scbools, the late Mr. Dickinson was wcil known in the district. He was aiso a member of the Morrisb United Church. Interment took place in the Wel- corne Cemetery. The palibearers were Messrs. Edward Morton, Kenneth Ashby, Tom Turner, Nelson Rodgson, Clarke Dickinson and George Stapieton. 0 JACKSON'S POINTr The Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE Don't risk accidents! Have evcry stairway in your home properly lighted frorn top to bottomn steps. Equip fixtures with bright, long-lasting G-E Lamps. GENEAI OIECTRIC 0 OSHAWA 0BELLE VIL LE .1 Y <I SPECIAL for NURSES and HAIR STYLISTS good qualify, shorf sleeves $00ec THE TOWN SHOP ANN PAGE NMIA DDEA White or 24 oz IL Brown losf lo Buy Finer Flavour A& P DOKAR COFFEE lb 51c Cholce Grade A ROILINII lb 29C 1. .. ATLANTIC a PACIFIC ,. e. ma Ladis.. CHRISTIAN'S Stores HAVE HEADLINE NEWS FOR YOU! TWO CARLOADS. 0F <VASHINO MACHINES - _ Hove Just A.-.......! Deliveries have been Sa uncertain in the past that we couldn't in al fairness, make any promise of delivery . .. we had to ask you ta wait until washers arrived and we said ,we would let you know, sa The new 1948 Madel Montgomery Ward Electric is here now - but- only 100, and aur three stores and mail arder wiII soan seil them- sa URRY ta your nearest Christian Store. *FULL FAMILY SIZE a SUPER WRINGER with large, u f latest chrome plated, streamlined word 3 5 0 .*n wringer, new safety devices.9 luminum, porcelain enamelled white. TU.F1 8FT9Eexr eay- ' eDEEF, EXTRA REAVY SKIRT encloses ail worklng parts, absolute uafety from chlldren playlng wlth exposed motor. le EXTRtA HEAVY QUALITY '.Ik'TIME~" ELEUTRIC MOTOR, the fine3t of lifetimne quality operatIng equlpment, sealed in oil bath for life. NO TUB DRAIN'JNG, and no messy flooru. no heavy pahls to lif t, the Warta automati- eaUly empties waste Water. FULL GUARANTEE. The Price? Yen, there are cheaper waulîers, we have them occaslonally, but Wards', a "Lifetime Washer," la only $189.50. BUDGET TERMS OnIy $25 Down, 18 $fonths to Pay NO ELECTRIC POWER? We have the same superior Deluxe Ward Wa8hing Machine, gasoline operated. Delivered Free of Yes, women wlthout electrlc power, we ean give you Transportation tes1ROpelrwahroprt ygsoie Anywhere la meaprorwme oeac lygs lne.O Canada Guaranteed for a Mfeti me. CHRISTIA'S- Ontario's Friendly C hain of Hardware and Eloctrical Stores A & P Fan,, Fash fruits ad Vegtuhlfs r 6L At. ~II.'&7 - - - - - m TRURSDAY, NOV. 13t* 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM, ONTARIO PAGE 17vz

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