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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1947, p. 7

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e THT7IM8AY, NOV. làtb, 1047 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV1YLK ONTAMO r~.w~a ~d V5L~ - a - ~ Mr. W. H. Bellyar, Clinton, Cpi. Robert Clark, Provincial ut the wetkend wfth his sister, Police, Chatham, visited his par- rlaaEva Jlyar. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Menzo Clark. ,Mrs. Mina ColwelI l spending Mrs. F. F. Alexander and Miss a few days with hr daughter,. T. Maude Penfound were guests Mrs. A. J. Lymner, Oshawa. of Mrs. H. B. Fraser, Brookl. lois CHRISTMIAS c. ive Canaa's reatest Watch value ........ .. "M t 8 t r il HoeeAr. OustaidIn BU OVAValusie r d h MARR'S -lwllIt* - NOW IS THE TIMI It'a a izood time now when storing nour machini winter ta check them over to see what you wil for sprlzsg. Then corne ln and let us show y new CASE FARM IMPLEMENTS no yau ein yaur order for spring delivery. WE HAVE SOME BT. WATER BOWLS A WATER SYSTEMS ON HAND try for il1 need 'ou the nplace ND Use Super Pyro Anfi-Freeze This Winier W. eau seli yau tires as cheap as yau can buy them anywhere DeLaval Milkers, Coolers, Separators. Water Fressure Systems for immediate delivery W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Co Faim Maehtner7 - Fireutone Tiffl DeLaval Milkesad Separators Bleatty Dieu. Stable Equipment si Ki"i St. W. Phone 497 H E = i H H i i i i H H E M. Mrs. Foster F. Duval, St John. has returned home, having spent a month with Mn.. Bert Curtis, Simpson Ave. Mrs. F. S. Phiflips, Providence, has rented Mrs. H Laymnan's res- idence for the winter months while the latter is in Florida. Lions Turkey Draw tickets are now on sale for 19 birds to be dis- tributed oni December 19. Two bits may win you a Christmas din- ner. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Foster, Glenn Larra, King St. E., who observed their 52nd wedding anniversary on October 8th. Cobourg started house-to-house mail delivery Monday, Nov. 10. First letter delivered was from the Postmaster General to Mayor Roy Dodge. It's renewal subscription time again. Those whose subscriptions are expiring should remit prompt- ly to avoid interruption in the re- ceipt of their weekly copy of The Statesman. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clarke and family have moved from Bowmanville Beach to 26 Beech Ave.. where Mt. Clarke has the position of resident caretaker at the Lions Community Centre. Ernie Dickens, Bowmanville hockey star, is now on the regular lineup of Chicago Black Hawks. He flgured in the 8-5 victory over New York Rangers, Sunday, the first win for the Hawks this sea- son. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Novem- ber 5 in the lecture raom. The worship service, in charge af Jean and Joyce Bragg was on the theme "Remembrance." Aiter the business bath groups did shell. craft. The Royal Winter Fair, Toron- to, opens Tuesday, Nov. 18. Many local exhibitors are sending en- tries. Many more plan ta attend. The Statesman's farm editor is stili minus the usual press invi- tation. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Smith and daughten Elsie, 20, arrived front Birmingham, England, last week ta take up nesidence in Bowman- ville. Mrs. Smith is a sister ai Mrs. Elsie Fry and Mrs. Ethel Moore. Envoy and Mrs. J. Whitchouse are continui-ng ta hold meetings at The Salvation Army each night at 8 p.m. They will be in charge af the meetings an Sunday. Child- ren's meetings are held aiter sehool each day. First fail snowfIakes sifted past rnorning windows Sunday. Wool- ens exuded a mothball aroma in churches observing Remembrance Day. But the pnevailing west wind brought ram Manday and nain- coats. Fanmera resumne plowing clelayed by the dry sped. A large number af local hunters headed for the backwoods this week in search ai big gameý and a littie relaxation fromn the ordeals of business. Sanie of the local group include: Percy. Cowling, Aubrey Smith, Tommy -Palmen, Hoaward Biekle, Fred Hoar, Dr. H-oward Rundle. Guests at the wedding of Miss rean Metcalf and Mr. Robert Jef- rey, in Oshawa on Saturday in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcalf, Bawmanville, and Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Crago, Danlington, grand- parents of the bride; Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Morwood and Miss Pa- tricia Pearce, Reg.N., ai Oshawa. Second Bawmanville Guides net Tuesday night under leader- ship of Capt. Robson, Lieut. Ben- nett and Senior Patrol Leader royce Buttery., A noisy round of games and relaya was enjayed followed by a rousinq campeti- ion of singing. Pat Hoopen is be- ing ennolled into the Company, next week, so girls we want full iniforms for this special occasion. The Senior Young People's of St. PauPs met Nov. 10. The newly elected president, William Conden vas in the chair. Devotional per- id and program were in charge of Group 1 under leadership of Mr'. and, Mrs. K. McQuarnie. Miss Beverly Allison entertained with twa veny fine accondion solos. Mr. )ave Morrison delivered a most itcresting address on Vibrations. A tasty lunch was served. Rev. G. C. Quigley pronounced the benediction. On Friday evening many riends gathered at the home of Dr. J. C. Devitt ta hanor the recent ride, Mrs. Roy Topping (nec Donis Stevens). The gucats were ,reeted by the efficient hostess, \s. Wm. Rudeil. Later in the ev- ming Dr. Devitt mingled with the ,uests. Whcn fnîends were say- ng goodnight, Dr. Rudeil and the ;room made their appearance. rany useful and beautiful gifts Yre neceived by the bride who xanked her sehool chums and ýiends for their good wishes. Ev- !ryone enjoyed the social houx' 'hen Mrs. Rudeli served a dcii- aous lunch. RotaryCluab (Continued froni Page One) frec nations as a bulwank against ideologies that deny fneedom. But this was more in the nature oi club business at the conclusion af a splendid effort. President Mel Dale intnoduced Gov. Smith wha was tendered an .ovation following thanks express- cd by Past Pres. Forbes Heyland. Club Business Intenestcd guests included. Geo. Heron and Ed. Storie, Oshawa Ro- tanians. Past President Gea. James took a bow when President Mcl an- nounced that the club feit honon- cd in having a memben win the A.CA. Silven Medal fan autstand- ing service ta Canadian advertis- ing. Announcement was made of the Rotary pnogramn planned for the Rotary Junior Basebail Tcamn in the High School, Dec. 5. Repre- sentativea af the St. Louis Card- inais will show basebaîl action pictures as part of the ententain- muent. G. bE fr br D( gr en gu inl gr M; th fri e: cic Si. Paul's <Continued fromn Page One) telling hia to, repent and there- fore he went about preaching this word to others. Especially in this land today, we need a baptism of "Repentence" as we have allow. ed our lives ta become Sa corrupt. We need repentence because after the war our aid wounds are not healed but are festering and being agita ted. Because of the great prosperity we are experiencing, we must flot consider ourselves as God's chosen people but remember the words: "Repent Ye," as he stressed, we must ail account to the Lord for our own souls and must menit the blessing of God. This prosperîty of today cannot last if we do flot measure up to God and repent, as God makes the final decision. He emphasized this fact by the words of John the Baptist "The axe is laid at the foot of the tree and that which does not bear good fruit must be cut down." He went on to say as a padre, he had visited clifferent parts of the wonld and on returning to see the great prosperity of this coun- try, he was disgusted to think we were not doing more for these countries. Although we are send- ing food and clothing he thought the tîme was ripe to spread Chris- tianity in these beaten lands, but practically nothing is being done. He challenged the congregation with: What are you doing about it," and said that we had 'better do something soon as the respon- sibility rests on our shoulders. We must again learn to f car God who will be our Judge. In closing he challenged the congregation that in these pros- perous times are we building aur houses an the drifting sands in- stead of solid rock, for the time has corne when we as a Christian nation must choose where to build our house of civilization. He warned that we had better think and get it on solid rock, for the time has corne when the masses are looking toward communismn as the way out. QQ TRIS VEAR SANTA 15 FILLING IRIS PACK with- Toys & Games frorn £llioligs Variely HoÉse Corne ln and vick out your -choice. We are Proud to M present the Iargest selectionM E of garnes and toys in Bowmanvllle See the New Musical FOWDER BOXES = GREETING CARDS à for every occasion = =ELLIOTT'S -Variely House -65 KING STREET EAST M Opposite Garton's Bus Station= Rue UT WITH Arii D'S. and note the reie fait ett Oita boulie today; keep 1ECONOMICAI 546 it handy. s" 05C Lions Club (Continued fromn Page One) Mount. With a final challenge to have the courage to kecp faith with the fallen, Capt. Balsdon con- Ecluded with Rupert Brooke's stir- ring poem, "Blow Bugles, Blow." The speaker was thanked by Gordon Elliott and assured af a standing invitation to "c o rne again" by President Earl Riddols. Guests Legion guests included Chap- lain Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Cliff Samis, Jack Allun, Alex Mairs, Reg. Harding, Jack Living, Alan Densem and Arnold Lobb. Chaplain Wright expressed the thanks of the Comnades in being invited and the pleasure in hear- ing a notable address. Other guests included Frank Williams who accompanied his son, Lion Don, also Gordon Harle, Director af Music for Bowmanville schools. Business President Earl Riddols cxtend- cd a warmn welcome to Bart Smith- son, Recreational Director, who was voted an Honorary Memben- ship in the club. Turkey draw tickets were dis- tributed for sale, the winners to be announced Dcc. 19. The Christ- mas Seal Drive will get under way next week according to Lion Ray Dilling. The special pre- Christmas Lions Concert is ex- pected ta be held in Trinity Church, Dec. 17. Recreation Calendar Friday, November l4th 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathercraft Class, Lions Community Centre. 4 p.m.-Junior Stamp Club, Pub- lic School. 7 p.m.-Boys' Model Class, Lions Cornmunity Centre. Saturday, l5th Monday, November l7th 2 to 4 p.m.-Leathercraft Class, at Lions Community Centre. 9 p.m.-Basketball practice, at High School. Tuesday, November l8th 7 p.m. Leathencraft Class, Lions Community Centre. Wednesday, November l9th 8 p.m..--Shellcraft Class. 7 p.m.-Men's Volleyball, High School. 8 p.m.-Girls' Basketball practice, High School. Thursday, November 2Oth 7 p.m.-Basketball practice, High School. 8 p.m.-Community Council Meet- ing, Lions Community Centre. Coming Events Community Song Service, St. John's Anglican Church, Sunday, N'ovember 23rd. Boys' hockey meeting, at Lions Community Centre, Thursday, No- vember 27th. BURKETON Visitons: Mn. George Osborne, Chcery- field, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rob- lin. Mrs. E. Caughill was in Toron- to and attended Armistice Day Services at the City Hall. Mrs. H. Rahme spent two weeka with hen son in Saintfield. Mr. Jim Monroe, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Porter. Mn. and Mrs. H. Rice and lÉel- en, Mn. Nonm Hobson, Scarbono, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Carter. Remembrance Day service was well attended. Mns. Seymour wili be guest speaker at a special ser- vice next Sunday at 7 p.m. Regu- lan service and Sunday School in the marning. Mns. J. Rogers. Hampton, wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Tompkin. Mrs. Nicldery, Hampton, with Mrs. H. Rahm. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, Miss June Oeztel, Toronto, with Mn. and Mra. T. Bailey. Churches ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. C. Quig!ey Organist: Mns. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Directon: D. Alex McGregor Sunday, November 16 10 a.m.-Sunday School 11 a.m.--"The Valley ai Dry Bones" il a.m.-Nursery School 7 p.m.-"The Power oi Stillness" ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: R. D. Duncanson Organist: Miss L. Osborne 10 a.m.-Sunday School Il a.m. and 7 p.m. Divine Worship TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November l6th, 1947 Il a.m. Annual M. & M. Service Rev. George Birtch, B.A., ai St. !Andnew's Church, Toronto, ncwly returncd from China 7 p.m. Musical reference ta, Hymn "Abide With Me" and its place in religiaus expenience il a.m.-The Nursery Il a.m.-Junior Church 2:00 p.m.-Sunday School ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rcv. J. dePencier Wright, Rector Mn. R. G. Harle, Onganist 23rd Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.-Sunday Schooi and Bible Class 11 a.m.-Monning Frayer Subjeet: "What docs the future hold for yau?" Nursery: Two years and aven 7 p.m.-Evensong Speaker: The Rev. John Lang- stone, leader in Young People's organizatians. Fireside Mn. Langstone will show maving pictures on the work af the C hurch. Huge Red Apple Product of PelCounty Visitors at The Statesman of- fice this week were astounded to sce on the editon's desk one of the largest apples ever seen ln this district. Colored a rich red over its entire surface, it measur- cd exactly 14 inches bath in girth and pole circumference. It weigh-. ed more than two pounds. With an aroma like a Mclntosh it is believed to 'be a Wolf River var- iety. ~The apple is a produet of Peel Counity which boasts a good many "firsts" in several directions. It was brought ta Bowmanville by R. R. McNichol, Brampton, who picked it from the onchard of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Watson, near Bramp- ton. He presented it ta his sisten Mns. Mary Brown who is conval- escing in Bowmanville Hospital. About the only way we can con- nect Durham County with this story is to point out that Mrs. Me- Nichai is a former Bowmanville girl, (fiee Kate Dustan), daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H Dustan and a sister af Mrs. kM,M Gerry, Queen St. But the real human interest in the story is that Mrs. Brown was greatIy pleased with the giftao this splendid specimen from an Ontario orchard. -It did much to brightei4 the long days in hos- pital be tween the visits of her mia- ny Bowmanville, Toronto and Brampton friends. With her ac- customed'generosity, Mrs. Brown insisted on sharing the gif t with the editor and once again wins our thanks. Jr. Farmers Judglng At Royal Winter Fair Next Wednesday Still waiting for the day-to-day schedule at the Royal Winter Fair passes. Woodbury's Three Flowers Grove's Coid Tabs 29c 49e Mentholatum. 29c, 55e Gray's Baim 43c, 79e Buckley's White Rub -. 30e, SOct 011, 3 ozs - - ---- 23e Anaigesie Baim T( I.D.A -.---- ..---- 25c Mason's "49'" - 40c, 75e Thermogene, Medicated W ool --------- 49c, 99c~ ronchida Cough Syrup 8 OZS ------------------- 50( Pinex Cough Com- pound 49ec Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver 011 16 oz. $1,00 Kepler Cod Liver 011 with Malt ANi 90c, $1.50 Waierbury's Comnpound 93o Scoii's Emulsion Coliseum ini Toronto, we learn, from Agricultural Representative, E. A. Summers, that the Junior' Fanmer Judging Contesta take place Wednesday, Nov. 19. The Durhanm County entrants include the winners in the O.A.Ce. judging contest and a Senior Teamn of three boys now belng coached by Mr. Summers. It is expected that many fromn this district wll be at the Ipyal to boost for the success of these teams. Mr. Summers also believes ttiat Tuesday, Nov. 20, is deslgnated as Farmers' Day. He has already received.a llmited number of tic- kets to be distributed as student'j h M 1'U SORE Pure Spr.Famed front a mous OId Effel Ih formule, MACLEAN'S TOOTU FASTE 29c, 47o OGILVIE CREME SHfAMPOO $1.00 ISofteri Safln PAD S 12 IN Box rFer quiok firsi ad.. IJ AA ADHESIVE BANDAGES "'Easy-f o-Take" Vitamins Abbott's Pentacaps Ayerst Aiphamettes -- --$1.00, $3.50 sules -- $1.25, $2.25, $5 Vitadiet Caps $1.15, $2.70 Halibut Liver 011 BEAUTY AIDSd Keep your face and bands sof t and levely with protecting crearns and lotions. Make sure that you have sufficient Beauty Aids on hand ta see you through the winter months. The conentrated vita- min food with a doudcous orange flavour. Helps bulld roslstance. ~ q.týa a&tda i lb. $l.19-2.lIbs. $1.98 A Produet off " Oveltbie RosuardLcorowWIe Floress Lipsiick Dioxogen Cream F Nomzma 5kin Cream Evelyn Howard Rayve Creme Shampoo ICon H inds ONEY and ALMOND "Fluorescent" Lipstick For a clearer complexion 6 oz. jar reg. 93e COLD CREAM 1 lb. Jar ?owder ntains molin Face Powder Lipstick, Rouge ea.60 $1.35 30c, 60c. 65C 69C 7 5c, 10 29c, 49c, 98c 29c, 49c speclal 1 TOOTH IBRUSH "Lustral" - 19c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALT ALEX McGREGOR Phone 792 We Ddiver i e ~w -~ .~ - ..~.i. ~ - -~ I t = E H i = I i i I 'v h- ; Your Local I.D.AI R Druggist R G -M - . - ZMC-- THE CANAIMAIN STATESMAS. BOWMANVT=, ONTAPIO À Pm MiRqplwqw 9 33e Pl 30c, 50C 1 i; "ý X-l i i . Cold Needs

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