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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1947, p. 8

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?AGE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMA2qVILLE, ONTAMO TRUIISDAY, NOV. I7th, 194~ Thé Royal 22nd Regiment wlfl mo tart basic glider training at Valcartier. ELECTRICITY ÎS PRECIOUS * Ontarlo's fast-growing lndustry und agriculture, demands more a.nd more -- l.ctricity. New power developments cannet be - built fait enough te supply - the immediate need. SAVE ELECTrRICUY MAINTAIN EmptOYMENT THE HYDR1~On-ELECTRI POWER COMMISSIONOFONAIO CANAD IAN BLD CHEESE lb. 41< SLICED LOAF CEESE lb. 41< HERSHEY'S CROC. BARS Gan 35 ANN PAGE FRUIT CAKE R ig1,39 NEW ENGLAND STYLE DEANS B. & M. Jar le< AVLMER B.C. PRUNE ]PLUIES "- ' Tin 164 4. -'.4 CLARK'S MIRISESTEW Toiz 194 CLIPPER WHOLE DILL PICKLES -24-:L 25 GRAVES SOLID PACK APPLES" -ri-., < HEINZ ASSORTED SOUPS s TinOo13< FANCV TMlA FI Tin5 Lions Club <Continud fromn Page One> any other schools in existence. The program ambraces academies, athleties, vocational training and cultural activitias. Trained tea- chers exceptionaliy well qualified have charge of each activity. School work embracas ail subjects taught in ordinary schocls. Par- ticipation in every sport playad in Canada is suparvised by train- ed athietic instructors, and fre- querit compatitions are held. The saine is truc in-vocational training. Everything from farm- ing te alniost every modern trade is made available under compet- cnt Instruction. Art, music, sing- ing, dramatics ara given full play. So thc Whole roundad picture is one shaped te bring eut individual talents and te encourage feliow- ship and co-operatien. Thus the objective of devaioping social con- scicuaness and diracting efforts in- te useful amploymant is ampiy met. Boys Net ta Blame *Mr. Eastaugh told that 90 par cent cf the boys coming under wardsbip are found to ba beys who have bean deprived cf nor- mal home lifa such as homes bro- ken by desertions, quarreling, parental negiect and poverty. En- dowad with normal instincts wbich ara daniad them in thase circumstancas it was natural that these undarpriviieged boys sbould saek an outiat for energias on the street. Coming under the influ- ence of eider beys and gangs it becomes finally necessary for the stata to repair its ommissions and set up wardship as in these schools. Criticisma Heard Mr. Eastaugh deait briefly with criticisms beard concerning the Beys' Training Schools. Soe people asked why thase ex-pen- sive and splendidly fittad schoois should be provided for what tbay caîl "bad" boys wban so many schools nead modernization te ac- commodate beys who nevar gat into trouble. In other words, "good achools for bad boys and bad schoois for good boys." mANNSs 1s1s PECAN PIECES" The speaker deit with* this shortsighted view by pointing out that if these Boys' Training Schools were not in existence and these boys were allowed to roam at large and left to their own de- vices, the costs for police and courts and new buildings for de- tention would absorb a tremen- dous share of the national income and add greatly to the national tax burden. Aside froni that a11 such criticisms were completely deviod of the human element and every social consideration. Christmas Concert Andy Thompsor± moved the vote of thanks with words of apprecia- tion for the great work carried on by the staff of the Boys' Training School. Vern Ott, former Secre- tary of the Lions Club and form- er instruetor at the school, was an interested visitor. Business included plans for en- tering a team in the inter-club Volîcybali League. Ray Dilling gave an account of the Christmas Seal Drive and showed p~terestin.g films pertaining to the fIght again- st T.B. Alex McGregor gave a complete resume of plans for the Lions Christmas Concert te be held in Trinity United Church, Wednes- day, Dec. 17. The artists include some of the best musical talent in Canada. Tickets are on sale at 50d each and should be secured early since a sellout is anticipated before the date of the concert. Pedestrian deaths rise in the winter because of the longer per- îod of darkness, warns the Ontar- io Department of Hîghways. When driving, watch out for the walker who may not be watching eut for himself. And when walking, watch out for the driver who may not be watching out for you! Most people won't bet except on a good thing. Yet thousands of motorists and pedestrians take foolhardy chances to'save a min- ute, and wager ail the millions of minutes they might otherwise ex- pect to live through. It's a suici- dal gamble. PIRE SALMON FANCY 1/2l1b)tin 21c TOMATO SGUP Clark's 210 oz.tins 15c GREEN PEAS Ion, Std 220 oz tins 25c TEA BAÇA & P 15's pkg 17c3o's pkg29c APPLE JELLY AYMER 24 oz ar33c MAYONNAISE ANN PAGE 8 oz jar 21c A & P Fui. Fresh Fruits UNEfVeetuhies ONTARIO MoINTOSH APPLU Domfestic Grade JUPLUONTARIO GREENING Combination Grade HAD SELECTED TOMM ES CELLOPKG. No. 1 ONTARIO GROWN CQOKING No. 1 CAhOTS MARSH GROWNNoI ONTARIO GROWN TUmRIiir WASHED & WAXED No. 1 6-Qt. e Bask 6-Qt. fl Bask. 59eP Pkg. 39g 3 Ibs. 19 e 3 Ibs. 19e 2 lbs. 9 3-oz. Celle ai Pkg. -170 $-oz. Cello29 Pkg. Auditors Prenant Report tO Town Counl (Contlnued from Page-One) No interest charges have been computed on Uic mornes ad- vanced froin Uic General Fund. In order to have thc costs as accurate as possible this should be dofte and'would, therefore, increase the cost par unit beyond the- present figure of $5,635.38. A detalled list oe± nonies on deposit is given on Sehedule "IB" and lias been prepared for me by responsible Town officiais. Ail costr. for materlal and sub-contAct work have been seub- stantiated by proper vouchers shewing delivery cf goods or ser- vice.4direo~te the projeet. Itrmust be assumad, however, thatail - charges were consuined on the project and flot transferred to any other work.j.nder construction. The method ef reporting the time consumed by the workmen whiie on the project and the rates cf pay thereon were tested by me. This system included the com'piling cf daiiy time records by the foreman in charge and sent te the sub-offcq cf the Company in Bowmanviile. However, as thare were othi works, viz., the sewaga disposai plant and service mains, in--process no definite check by mne on the aztual time spent by each man can be definitely esta*blisbad, betwcen prejects. It was necessary in this case te raiy entiraiy upoti the foreman cf each job for the proper allocation cf aach man's time. Prom my audit of the records it saams reascnabie that the tima charged te the Housing Project is correct. The Minutas pertaining te this projact wera very iimitad and it was, tharefora, in rnany instances impossible to verify or substantiatft tha dealings betwaan the Committea, the Building Inspector and the Toronto Construction Corporation Limited. I could oniy rely upon the mamory cf thosa involved and can oniy surmise that information wvich should have bean given in answer te my quastioning bas not bean overiooked or omittad. .It wou:d seani frorn the examination made that thame was a certain amount cf camaiassness on the part cf ail parties connacted with the housing Pmojact. As far as I can asçatain ne proper report was made upon the changés in design as oiginally planned, ne direct or constant supervision cf the* prejeet was made, nor was there any evidance on the part of the construction company in keaping the costs in lina with their original estimate or inform- ing the Comimittee from lime te tima the incrcased cost over the original tender prica. The cost on the average for each unit e--aeded the original astimata by neariy 50% as follows: Original cest as per tender 3,737.50 Cest cf Land 50.00 Total astimated coat 3,787.50 Approximateiy 50% increasa in cozl 1,847.88 Actufal cost at present time 5,635.38 Lassa Slling price as aranged 4,000.00 Loss te Town per unit 1,635.38 The charges rmade by the Toronto Construction Corporation Lmmitad for ovarbead expenses and profit wera computed as fol- lows: 10% and 5% cf $3,250-00 as par tender 487.50 10 c%' and 5 % cf total extras and changes in units not detàiled in tender 36.79 Total Charges par unit (average) Total charges for completed project 524.29 9,437.28 It wili ha noted froni the foregobng that the 10% for overhead and 5% for profit on extras amounted te $36.79 par unit, and therafore the extras amountad te ap4,roximately $250.00 par unit. Taking the basis of $3,250.00 as par tha tender, plus $250.00 for extras, plus ovarhead and profit cf $524.29, the total coat wouid then bave been $4,024.29, exclusive of land par unit. It would appear, tharefore, that appmoximately $1,500.00 cf the final cost par unit is due te increasad labor and matarial cest and bacause the tender was made at a price lower than the con- tract could possibly have bean executad, after considering the tume clament and other factors praviously mentiened. The accounts as submitted by the Toronto Construction Cor- poration Limited searnite ha in ordar and the amount cf $4,865.81 outstanding at presant is awaiting the approval of the Committea and Inspector. This amount represOnts accounts rendared as fol- lows. July 6, 1947-Invoice Sept. 2, 1947-Invoica Cost of aractien of Fence 958.87 3,881.94 125.09 4,865.81 The foregoing report bas been prapared froni the esuits ef rny audit and the information and axplanatiens given te me. Yours truiy, W. E. Johnson, Charterad Accountant j (Sehedule A) A resume cf the coat inicurrad on construction cf the housing tinits la as follews: Expensas incurred direct by Town Lpts purchased __.--- -------- -- - -$ 900.00 Insurancc --- ------------------ _237.90 Survaying cf Lots, Daeds, etc. _____ 24.34 Building Inspecter - Salary ---- 1,111.67 Sewar Pipe -------------------------------- 292.70 Sundry Wages (Watchman, etc.) 875.00 Interest paid on loans - ---- 1,931.05 $5,572,66 Internmant camp buildings $ 7,040.00 Direct mc>ving ceats re Bridge, etc - ------ 121.65 $ 7,161.65 Less: Sale cf Surplus Mater- ials therfrcm,- Toronto Construction --------310,447.38 Less-.-Com missions, etc. 736.53 Town of *Bowmànvilla '--$ 9,710.85 $10,780.70 $ 3,619.05 $ 1,953.61 Expenses incurrad by the Toronto Construction Corporation Lim- ited: Materials and sub-contracts 42,037.81 Wages-------------------------- 40,768.63 Workmen's Compensation ~ 1,184.23 41,952.86 Rentai of Equipment ~-5,731.01 89,72 1.68 Overhead, Profit Charges ---. 9,437.28 Small Tools Expanse-Net - 323.71 99,482.67 Total Cost ----------------- 101,436.28 Cost par Unit-18 bouses --- 5,635.38 (!$chedUle B) Schedule cf Deposits received mc sale cf Houses: Purchaser Address cf Purchaser Date of Deposit Daposit W. J. R. McKnight, 1 Vetarans Avenue Sept. 7, 1946 -200.00 Gordon McPherson, 2 Veterans Avenue Aug. 7, 1946 200.00 Shirley Dur-eron, 3 Vaterans Avenue Jan. 10, 1947 200.00 Alfred Sameils, 4 Vetemans Avenue Aug. 7, 1946 200.00 Raymond Kôwal, 5 Vaterans Avenue Jan. 10, 1947 200.00 Robert Hayes, 6 Veterans Avenue Aug. 9, 1946 200.00 C. A. Rogers, 7 Veterans Avenue Feb. 13, 1947 200.00 C. W. Wright, 8 Vetemans Avenue Aug. 29, 1946 515.00 Raginald Rackham, 9 Vatarans Avenue Feb. 26, 1947 200.00 Edward Tica, 10 Veterans Avenue Aug. 16, 1946 400.00 Aug. 20, 1946 600.00 Sept. 17, 1946 925.00 W. B. Syar, 11 Veterans Avenue, Mar. 18, 1947 . 200.00 Wmn. I. Tait, 12 Veterans Avenue Mar. 12, 1947 200.00 Geo. R. Car-ter, 36 Second Street Juna 30, 1946 200.00 Richard Patfield, 38 Second Street Aug. 9, 1946 200.00 Fred E. Dorkin, Lambs Lane Aug. 27 1947 200.00 Katharine Thompson, Lambs Lana Sept. 24, 1947 200.00 E. A. Baker, Lambs Lana Aug. 27, 1947 100.00 Donald W. Allun, Lamba Lana Aug. 27, 1947 200.00 $5,540.00 NEW METHODS TO FIGHT as leafy spurge, hoamy cress, Rus- WEED MENACE sian knapwaed, and fipld bind- _______weed. These weeds are much The program te be prasantad te, more persistent and damaging the f irst Western Wead Confer- than most et the commen kinds ance at the meetings te, be held in and have taken ovar antire farms. Regina, Sask., froni Nov. 26 te 28 In Manitoba alone, more than incusie, illempasie te geat$60,000 is bebng spant te hait the strides that have been made ininao. weed control during the past yeam and previously. For soe time past, technical wead werkems hava About three-fourths ef ah pa- been busy summarizing the me- destrians kilied in traffie acci- suits cf ecant extensive research dents last yaar ware eithat violat- fer prasentatien te the Conference and it will be the work of thc Con- îng a traffie haw or committing ferance te, assess the value of thesa an unsafe act, according-to safcty resuits. The Confemence will also surveys. Walk carefully and with hear from field workers against reaEonabla caution, te keep wa]k- thc invasion cf such serieus weeds ing longer. Ivan W@olhy WIns Durham County TftU Oratorical Contest Ivan Woofley, age 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolay, 50 Queen St., was the winner of the Durhamn County Finals of tha Public School Oratorical Contest held in Blackstock Town Hall Friday, Nov. 17. Ivan was one of 18 semi - finalists from public schools throughout the county and his speech, which is printed be- low, was prepared by himself with the guidance of his teacher, Mr. M. Slute- The judges, ail outsiders,- ware Chas. 'E. - Stephenson, M.P., Port Hope, Miss Hetherington, Mill- brook, Russell Manning, Cobourg, and two officiais from Oshawa, selected by School Superintendent T. M. McEwen. Second priza was given to Glenn Ridgood, Ida, whose address was titled "Beach- wood, My School Grounds." Ivan's speech is an excellent composition shewing clear thought and practical knowladga of bis subjeet. Prom reading the daily nawspa- pers during the past summar, we are ail aware cf the many deaths right here in Ontario, due te drowning. Many cf these lives couid easily have been saved if thosa involved had knownmore about swimming, safaty precau- tiens, and artificial respiration. It is surprising to learn of the number of people who have nev- er learned to swim, particuiarly among the aduits. However, it is graduaily being feit new by our parents and sports organizations, that avery growing boy and girl should know how te swim, if only for a few yards. Net enly is it a worth-wbila recreation, but might at any tima mean the difference between our lifa or that of soma- oe ease, being savad or lost. In learning te swim ail you have te do at first is try te swim like a dog, as if crawling slowly along in the water. Don't try ail at once te swim with the ordinary braast stroke that swimmers use, this only lets your mouth go under water avery tima. When paddling along like a clog, gat a friend te support you at first with a poe, or bis band under your stomach. Any of you who cannet swim as yat, and who fall into the water eut of your depth, remembar that you need net sink if yeu take cara te do the foilowing things: 1. Keep your mouth upwards by threwing the haad weil back. 2. Kaep your lungs fuillcf air by taking in long breaths, but breathe eut very littie. 3. Keap yeur arms under water. To do this you should net begin te sbout, whicb wiil only ampty your lungs, neither shouid you throw yeur arms about or beckon Mor halp, else you will sink. A moacrate swimmer can save a drowning man if he krnôws how, and has practised it a few times with bis friends. The popular idea that a drewning persen rises thraa times bafore he finally sýinks is ail nonsense. Ha often drowns at once, unless someene is quick to, halp him. The important point is net te let the drowning parson catch hold of yeu, or he wbll preb- ably drown yeu, tee. Keep bahind hini always. If you find yoursaelf ciutchad by the wrist, turn your wrist against his thumb, and force yoursaif free. Your bast way in halping a Idrowning persen is te kaap behind and hold him up 'by the elbows, or by the back cf the nack, until o raach shore. When you hava him eut of the water bagin performing iartifîcial respiration. In speaking of artificial respira- i tien, again we hear of many lives baing foolishly lest, simply be- cause those at hand de net know the preper methed of carrying this eut. Aise the doctors tell us that soe patients have died only because artificial respiration has net been centinued long aneugh on the persen. One shouid knew that the patient's lungs have be- cerne fiilad with watar, and that it is necessary te ramoe that watar and replace it with air by trying soe artificial means of making courses, but we should at laast know a littia about swimming, the precautions te takçe wbiie near water, and the general method cf carrying out artificial respiration. Motorists are raminded by the Onitario Department cf Highways that the winter i% -a littie more' season. A littie more watchful- ness for the surface condition of roads and streets. A littie more following distance between your car and the one ahead. A flttle more promptnass in beginning te appiy brakes when it's sllppery. And a little more attention te, the conditions cf brakes, lights, wind- shield and your car *in general. Thesa little extras may mean a lot more safety. If ail the freight, passangar and work eguipment of the Can&O,"ý- National Railways were coupled tegether, exc.±.. - . they woubd make a train 8â3 milaej long. Ev.lghP* Canre (Contlnued from Page One) customer" carried on rellgiously and constantly caried the business through thesa doubtful periods te where ha bas reached a point now where a staady volume is always avallable.. Since golng te Oshawa, Mr. Eve- leigh has taken an active part in many local organizations and bas provan himself te be a vary val- uable citizen ini many walks cf if e. With the addition of the New Sanitone Cleaning Systam that bas just been installed, the Eve- leigh's Cleaners now ranks as oe of the most complate laundry and dry claaning establishments any- whara. Sanitone cleaning is an entireiy new system cf dry dlean- bng and the method usad practic-. ally guarantees the rem oval cf ev- ery spack of dirt froni clothas. Besidas this, clothes cleanad by the new Sanitone System wiii bold their original colora and wear much longer than ciothes cleaned by ordinary niethods. Many thousands cf dollars wara spant on naw, aquipment, and ac- cording to Mr. Evaleigh, this new cleaning systeni assures bis ever growing list of customers the bast in dry cleaning. This year marks the coming cf age cf the Christmas Seal Sale. It celebrates ts twenty-first birth- day in December, 1947. Approx- imateiy two million dollars bas been raised from the sala of seals during the past two dacadas and more is needed if tuberculosis la te ba wiped out. ]Phone Orono 27 r 16 GASOLINE You'll go pl ces-with undreamed. of smoothness, pick-up and power.*a' when you fill up with this skiifully. eagineemed Texaco Sky ChIe Gaso.ý line. It'a for those who waat tiie best. For luxury performance ini yoa car, try itýtoday. BOB STOCK G ARA(s TEXACO PRODi MARFAK LUBRICI FIRESTONE TUE 153 King St. E. CER1S LJCTS ATION RES Phone 804 ear Box No. 33, Orono The concentrated vita- min foodwith a delicious orange flavour. Helps build resistance. qdaai44oa~ 1 lb. $1.19-2 Ibs. $1.98 A Product of the Ovaltir,. Re,.orch Loboofoles LADIES' BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS 3 and 5 places i- $5.98 - $8.95 - $11.95 - $14.95 Ladies' Brushes $50-$2.25 - $3.00 Revion Ladies' Sets $1.00 - $2.50 - $2.95 - $4.95 Cutex Manleure Sets $1.25 - 33.00 - 35.00 Evenlng in Paris Sets $1.35, $2.00, $3.25, $4, $10 Cashmere Bouquet Sets $1.00 Certified anti-freeze Hot Water Boittes Non-corrosive retarded evp- guaranteed oration, gai. ---------- $1.89 89e $ 1.19 - $1.49 $ 2.00 Christmas Statlonery $1 - $1.50 - $2 - $2.50 - $3.50 Gillette Razors 49e - $3.79 - $6.00D iou Schick Razors $1.49 a el Woodbury Men's Set ---- $1.00 ew e Colgate's Men's Set $1.00 - $1.50 meals Palmolive Set $1.00 --$1.7558 9 ç Men's Bllfolds $1.65 te 3$5.50 E Men's Travelling Cases 38.25T I ; Men'a Utllity Cases 34.25 Men's Brushes $3.25, $5.00 Personal Christmas Cards from your own négative, with envelopes, 10 for ,98c 115-COW LING'S DRUG STORE Twempw John T. McCreery Optometrist Eyeu Examinod - GIase)n t.d Thursday 2 p.m. to 8 Optical lepairs. COWLINC'S DRUG STORE ÉLLITISI1UNI' Knitied and Crepe Dresses and Suit Fine Kniited Underwear and Ouierwi for Men, Women and CHILDREN Represented by NRBS. ALICE RIC13ARDI SPENCER CORSETIERE If Yo.rNoHmIIU SpoilS Sieep Tonight AFOw DroPS Surprisingly fast, Va-tro-nol works right 'keBCeOEoa where trouble is te open up your clogged invitOeMs I. nose-relieve stuffy transiant conges- tion. You'Il like the way it brl.ngs relief. ~U (NOTE- Va-tro-nol is aise grand for CM * relieving snifly, sneezy distress of head u a * * cold.) Fllowdirections ifolder. gtIR O JUST ARRIVED: CALIFORNIA NEW CROP NAVEL. 0Om1 NçaE 'o NEW BRUNSWICK or P.E.I. - PLENTIFUL SUPPLIES THIS WEEK-END. Weil maturod, excellent quality. DAES JOLLV GOOD, PI17ED li-oi. CIDER gg Gai. Jar- 794 uwu~.VARIOUS SIZES, PRICED TO BAVIE. 46'P SperRigt Q lit Meat; REDaMd BRUE BRAND, BIEF - STEAKS o ROASIS poETEEESISEI UING MMI OR BONELESS ROUND lb. 494 PEDE mE FIRST 5RIDS . . . . . s s.s lb.3g< - HADDOMIK F'LETSDE"" OSIIlb. < NOV. 17th, f9e rAGE WGHT THE CANAIDUS STATESUM, BOV;UANVff.LT4 ONTARIO Shaving Shaving Aftar - Shave After - Shave Bowls Brushes Lotion Talcum 75e - $1 - $1.50 $1 - $1.98 - $5 50e- 85e - 1.40 39e - 65e 1

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