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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1947, p. 10

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-~ - - - *-* *~* ~ 4 elR !ITT W lA'UaI ~~% m owV ieA~- a ~ Lg~J1 NJ.IV.LLE aM J I DA; O . --, k Football Teams Entertained 6y Roy Nichols,, Gen.eral Motor eae Speciai Harvest Home Services on Sunday were largciy attended. 1ev. A. E. Eustace, Orono. who was guest speaker at both services gave very fine messages, which were upliiting and heipful. Our choir under the leadership of Mrs. K. Cavcriy, rendereil two spien- c#d antherns, "The Earth is ful ai Trhy Riches" and "Ring out the Glad Tidings" at the aiternoon sprvice and were greatiy assisted b~y Mr. Owen Nicholas, Bowman- ville, wha sang as a solo "The Loord's Prayer" which was a fitting contribution to the service, as were the choir numbers aiso, *hich blended weli with the in- spiring theme "0 that I might know where I might find God,"1 chosen by the pastor. In thé ev- ening the Rotary Club Choir, about twenty in ail, from Bow-i mÛanvilie, under the leadership ai Mr. Gea. Chase, supplicd the mu-1 alc consisting ai two chair num-i bers "The Hand that Was Wound-i ed for Me" and "I want my lufe1 tô tell for Jesus," and a solo, "Thei Penitent" by Mr. Chase, al afi Ù Which were pleasing, and addcdf Iipirations ta the service. Thcy e werc assistcd 'by Miss Norah Hornj at the organ. At the close ai the service the men gather-ed in thet Sunday School raom whcre thcya enjoyed a livcly sing-sang around the piano aiter which Hampton air mnembers scrvcd a dciicious lunch. Appreciation ai the choir'sI services in carning out ta Hamp.. t6n to sing was expressed by Mr.s Tï Sýlter and hcartiiy endorscd brHampton chair members. Mr.f ~ase made a suitable response vt ftak ntepr od- the Rotary Chair for the en-a jàyable lunch and social hour pro-1 vided, was expressed by Mr. D. Morrison. Our own church chair f were bccomingly, attircd In theirà Vf Yau have a lot of snow this wlnter lni Your driveway or on Yaur sidewalk Just give us a ring at 497 and we 'wlIipush it off for you at a very reasonabie price. iry new Lin-X home brîghteners LIN-X PASTE WAX LIN-X FURNITURE POLISH LIN-X METAL POLISH LIN-X KLEANER for dishes, waodworlc, etc. Try these products for satisfaction We have somne B.T. Water Bowls aud Water Systems M3E LAVAL MILKERS, SEPARATORS' and PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Faim Machiuery - Firestone Tire« DeLaval Mllkers aud Separators Beatty Dros. Stable Equipmeut el Kim BSt. W. Phone 497 HIGHEST .PICES PAID For GId or Crippled Horses Enlnte the middle man-get the entire pro- ceed for yourseif by seliint directiy to Uhe conhmel. Saturday cvening, Nov. 22 ta celc- brate their Silver Wcdding Anni- vcrsary, and presented them with a silver plate, a tri-iight floor lamp and a cheque. Mrs. J. Stain- tan, the groom's mother, receîvcd a beautiful basket af chrysanthe- mnums. An enjoyabie evening was spent playing cards and the la- dies servcd a bountiful lunch. GIRL GUIDE NEWS SECOND GUIDE COMPANY Under the leadership af Cept. T. Bennett, the Second Guide Ca. met Tuesday evenilig with Acting Lieuts. Joyce Buttery and Ulva Green and Sr. Patrol Leader Aud- rey Richards, assisting. With almast perfect attendance, the meeting opencd with- horse- shoe formation and rail cail. Fol- lowing a short discussion, the girls were delighted ta have as guests, Mrs. W. Cunningham, wha took a number ai girls for part ai their First Ciass and Miss M.. Couch who toak a Company Class ai Folk Dancing. It was declded that the last meeting ai the 'ycar would take the form ai an cxchange ai Christ- mas gits Meeting ciosed with circle ant taps. Last wcek Patricia Hooper was enrollcd as a new Guide. During the cvening, Capt. Helen Robson was presented with a lovc]y cup and saucer by Joyce Buttery on behaif ai the Ca. Capt. Ro'bsonj icaves Bawmanvillc ta reside in Oshawa, and will be .grcatly miss- cd by the girls and Ihders. Al join in extending ta her best wish- es in ber new home. 'I .1 LUXIEUS SCARVES of Nink and Fox Save mouey by buyint direct from thc producer. Order immedlately to be lu Urne for Chrlstmas. NIARGWILL FUI FARNi IR.L 1. Tyroue. WE ALSO PICK UP DEAD FAIM STOCK FIEE 0F CHARGME 1 M DISGUSTED WITH SAMPLE 0F ONTARIO APPLES SOLD AS GRADE 1 Fort William, Dear George: 4 As an aid Darlington boy I should agree that the contents ai an editorial in The Statesman two weeks ago re the avaiiabiiity af Ontario apples for the Boy Scout Apple Day was correct. I'm very much airaid, however, that they are wrang in practice. There must be too many local citizens eating the good- fruit so that none, is avaîlabie for shiprnent. To support this contention I arn sending you a sampie ai Grade I Ontario appies selected at randam in a local store. The large anc was the best I couId find. These are 9c per pound. Aiongside themn were the beautifuily coiored, care- fully wrapped, B.C. apples, quite in contrast to the Ontario sampie.: -The storekeeper toid me he couldn't seil these Ontario apples and that was his usuai finding. A second grocer confirmed this. When I requested Snows or Spys a f ew years ago, a third- ieading merchant told me he reiused ta buy them, they -were ai such poor quaiity from n n appie producing sectioni aithough he wouid try ta get sorne irom the Collingwood arca.' A gif t package from Tren- ton savcd the situation. To date we've insisted on On- tario appies but this fail wc too will be forced ta buy -B.C. apples despite the fact we live in onc of Ontario's* leading communities. Familiar as I arn With your local apples, some study shouid be made ta determine why it is ne- ccssary for stili another Ontario customer ta purchase apples from B.C. "In.tercsted Reader"I Ed. Note: True enough aur Fort William friend sent along six Ontario ap- pies. Frankiy they were ail culis. What he says appears ail too true. But, having just returned from seeing the wonderful dispiay af Ontario appies at the Royal Win- ter Fair, we stili maintain they are the worid's best. The thing is; who is to biarne for failure ta meet competition frorn British Ca- lumbia? If sorne Durham County orchardiit wiil bring the editor a hamper af apples li. be giad ta pay for them apd send them ta "Interested Readbr," toshow him that Durham County stili pradue- es apples equal ta and better t.han Each year Canadian National Aailways locomotives rnove about 3,000,.000 ioaded freight cars, which, end ta end, would caver a dîstance of 22,000 miles. .. 1 s On an average ai one thousand apparently heaithy people in ev- ery cammunity, three are likeiy ta have tubercuiosis. The best way ta find these people is through an x-ray survcy. Christ- mas Seal rnoney is used ta finance such surveys. EVERYBODVIS Btusna~ss Why do saine men achieve greater success than others? The reason is nat sa much because saine men have greater natural aptitudes and âbilities, but because they have developed greater thinking power. Ta Iearn ta think, learn first ta concentrate. This takes constant practice. Ail of us tend ta be mentaily lazy. When we try 'ta think abaut any subject, aur minds persist in wandering. Sa we must keep yanking aur thaughts back on the track. Practice thinking far 15 minutes every day about Canada's raie in inter- national affairs, televisian, how ta imprave radia pro- grains, or any other subject yau may choose. Stay with it and, if possible, reach some original conclusions. You wiIl find that, just as yau can build muscle by exercise, sa you can increase your thinking power. And yau wil bave taken an im- portant step toward greater persanal success. a 0 0 It may pay you ta concentraoe today an tbe subject of bringing your life insuranco Up to date. Your ciwcum- stances may have qhanged in recent years sa tbat your insurance no longer meets your present needa. So re- adjust it pearidicaily with the help of a good agent. w-nw There's no'use nationaiizing in- dustry uniess industry is inspired with the %plrit ai national service -and then yau don't need ta. For Chrisimas We have speciaiized ln handkerchiefs for the Christmas season.' for ladies Pure Linen - Fine Lawu Lace Trimmed - Initialled for men White Linen Colored Cottot for children Gay Prints a n d Colored Intiais Se aur sciections befare you buy Choose Your Christmas Carda whiie our stock ln complete. J. W. JEWELL 6"BIO 20" PHONE 558 27 King St. W., BowmanviDLe General Eleciric VACUUM CLEANERS Floor Model' Tank Models, complete with allachmenfs - -, $89-00 Humidifiers $28.95 Io $42.50 -------$44--75 SEE AND HEAR THE NEW Nulono Door Chimet A chime ta suit every house and budget. Hear the West- minster 8-tone ehime, from $5.50 Io $85.50 Electrie Ciocks ---- - $8.69 ta $ Fluorescent Laumps ~$16.75 Schick Shavers - $1800 and $21.50 Electric Irons - -- 5.00 to, 13.50 Electrie iKettles $14.50-15.95 Electrie Blanketo.-- $42.50 Sandwich Toasters --. 8.95 Combination Radios $159.50 ELECTRIC REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F APPLIANCES AND REFRIGERATORS HRIGGGN ELECTRI*' Your General Bisotria Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmiwvillo 42 King St. E. @mu PAM 2m - - - $79,50 Telephone Bowmanville 2879 a TEZ CANADIM RTATZMAu- larbwuÀ mu.. »ir.v. ewm,&uire% uý- . - -- --.. -- -- r , 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC 4e Radios $44.75

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