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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1947, p. 4

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PAGE ~I TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMAEVILLE, ONTAIITO ?HURSDÂ~Y, NOV. mIth, 1947 SPORT NEWS if You WamI Specled Trent Why Vl Try Durham Counly? It ha& corne ta aur attention through weekly press exchanges that a group o! Toronto fishermen are ooking about for a place ta locate a fishing iodge whene they edfi "loas!sud Iftvite their souls" on weekends snd bolidays andi ln comparative seclusiozn renew their youth ii anglng for the luaty trout. We heard a bit about this scheme, toa, fromn Gillis Purcell, manager, Canadian Press, at the Roya Winter Fair Luncheon. Weil, why not try Durhiam County? Here we are 40 - odd miles froin Toronto, a county that bas earnied hlgh acclaim, wldely across Uic Dominion througb pub- lished stories of its production o! agricultural wealth ln many bran- ches andi the great. success o! na- tive sons. Now we sec we bave amltted something, Its natural at- tractions as a haven for holiday seekers and ardent anglers. Wlth a score or more o! apark- ling streains and abandoned miii ponds circling among wooded farina andi hills aur local cîtizens have for three generations annual- iy taken ahi tbe speckled trout ta meet their hcart's desire. More than that, in recent years, many o! these streains and ponds have been restocked with Loch Leven trout. Andi o! late many "whop- pers" have been caughtw>ith hook and lime. The thinghas been Sa common- place we have failedi ta boast about it. Sa why flot share it? Wdli, we extcnd an invitation ta aur Toronto friends ta came aud sec. If is doubt!ul if any district in Ontario can boast of the at- tractions o!flhc Ganaraska Water- shed and the Durham Forest that has been set aside and built up in the past ten years. Not oniy do trout abound in Flaitering the Sweel Tooth Been thinkin' about a piecei o! tempting ohd-fa cake latcly? We have If .. . w're sure it's just centive you needi ta iick the holiday piaffer c1cai Chistinas specials? Cookies ta strudels-ail ove marning and affernoon. Treat Uic folks to aur pa "whai foods these morsel The Carter IPami1 'Bakers for Two Generations"l 25 King St. E. Bowmanville ashioncd tthe in- n. Our ren-!resh astry. s be" Phone 855 the streams but gamne birds are being introduced anid everal or- ganizations have already made plans to lease hioliday grounds within thiq huge, natural play- ground. In winter of course there is skiing with two splendid runs in operation. But we are tallcing about trout amidst nature's beauty in this particular story. Our bid goes in to capture another Dur- ham County honor. Come and see us sornetime, as Mae West would say. Ted Bagneli Hifs Bowling Tops Wiih Score of 357 in Single Ted Bagneil came Into bis awn on Wednesday night when hej walked off with the high single for the week with 357 and high triple honors with 822. Ted's three games were 217-248-357. Other high triple scores were Frank Williams 804, Sam Woods 780, Dick Little 764, Clarence Oke 749, Don Sweet 747, Bill Bates 725, and Bill Westlake 702. Other single garnes were Dick Little 327, Frank Williams 306 and Sam Woods 291. Frank William's score of 804 raised his average to 229 to take over first place in the high aver- ages. Philip Cancilla's teami still kept up theirterrific pace having high triple wiýh 3434 and the high single game with 1220. Philip's team is now on top with 41 points with Bill Mutton's teain second with 38. Sd Nîchols of Courtice had the low score of 99. Ross McKnight came through with 115 and one of the Polley boys, Bill, had 117. Team Standing Team Won Lost Pts. Cancilla 17 10 41 Mutton 16 10 38 Piper , 16 il 38 Cole 16 il 38 Westiake 15 12 36 Bagnell 13 14 30 Coole 13 14 80 Osborne 12 15 28 Luxton 12 15 27 Williams il 16 25 Rundie il -1e 24 Eliîott, 10 17 23 Averages Names Games Ave. F. Williams 21l 229 A. Osborne 24 228 B. Westlake 127 228 Dr. Rundie 15 226 K. Luxton 27 224 P. Cancilla 27 224 B. Hearle 27 223 S. Woods, 27 222 B. Milne 23 221 A. Spicer 26 220 E. Roach 27 220 A. Piper 27 219 T. Bagneil 27 218 B. Mutton 26 217 J. Coole 27 215 L. Wisemar 27 212 C. Rundie 24 211 R. Oke 27 210 W. Polley 26 208 R. Hallman .24 207 H. C. Oâb'orne .24 206 D. Sweet 27 .206 B. Bates 27 '206 D. Parka 26 205 J. Gay 23 205 .D. Carter .27 204 Herli. Calmer 26 204 R. McKnight 27 204 M. Vanstone 24 204 H. Depew 27 203 D. Little 20 202 J. Woodward 23 201 E. Rundle .16 201 C. Oke 27 201 B. Pohley 26 200 R. Hearle 27 200 M. Harrison 26 20Ô THRBRILLING NEW KIND 0F CARI, Eli's the daringly different postwar Studebaker. IT ISN' possible for any picture ro do fuil justice go the beautifu, modéra styling of this 1947 Studebaker. To appreciate the distinction of this daringly different, revolutionary new automobile, you have to sec ht in ail its low-swung, streamlined loveliness. The whole world's çes are on this sen- sationally advanced Studebaker because it's so obviously a es! postwar car- exceptionally roomy, superbly appointed -and just as delightfuily diffèrent in per. formance as in appearance. EDWARDS' NOTOR SALES Tour British American Oil Dealer . 181lKing Si.E. - Bowmanville - Phone 671 Local Ski Club Ail SotFor Winter Program With the cluIbhouse ail finished and comlortable heating and lun- cheon arrapgemnents the Bowman- ville Ski Club bas put the finish- ing touches on the ski run by pro- viding a ski-taw which is one o! the big l2hings in this superli win- ter sport. It cpst considerable money to buy t he 1200 feet of rope required but it is money wel spent. Members have received their ski crests and enough are on hand for ail new members. In the meantime while waiting for suf- ficient snow the club bas planned many activities to attract new members and popularize the art of skiin.g. A Rolex watch has been put up as a lucky draw to raise funds and tickets are on sale at Hooper's Jewellery Shop. The evening of Dec. 1, members go to Oshawa to take in the Fas- hion Show and ski movies ta lie shown in the Oshawa Community Centre. Proepective members are invited to go along for the show andl to bear a lecture by a Swiss expert on the art of skiing. Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, anoth- er open meeting will be beid in the Lions Community Centre ta discuss complete plans for the wnter. It wîll lie a social gathfer- ing for everyone wishing to at- tend. Then on Friday evening, Dec. 12, a dance is planned. in the Hîgh School auditorium. It wil lie informal and during the even- ing the draw will take place for the watcb. In general, ail these activities have been planned to ir."rease the membership in the club before the season olens. It goes without saying that this enterprise will be the chie! attraction for real fun in this district this coming winter. The ski run Is located north and east af Enniskillen and arrange- ments for transportation will bce worked out at the meeting Mon- day evening. Anyone wisbing to join the club may get ail particulars from Art Hooper at bis jewellery store iu case tbey find it impossible to at- tend the meetings and shows as outlined above. Orono Trlms Toronto In Exhibition Gamne At Oshawa Arena An enthusiastic crowd of fans in Oshawa Arena Friday night certalnly got their money's worth wben the Orono Junior H&6key Team. took tbe measure o! the To- ronto Industrials, champions of the City Commercial League for 1946-47 season. Having practic- ed faithfully on Oshawa ice for the past 7 weeks tbe Orono boys gangcd up with a passing attack that put thein out front earhy in the game. Managed by Dane Found and coached by Dutch Osborne, the Orono lads needed littie pep-talk between periods andi swept into a finalscore of 11-3, which was somne going agalnst a ckampion team. Other exhibition gaines are being arranged before the Dis- trict League afficially opens at the first of tbe year. The team. is actually made up o! players froin both Orono and Bow'manville and the lineup Fri- day was as follows: Goal, Hooper and Rowe; defence, Patterson, Pollard, Perfect; forwards, Sili- lock, Cox, Martin, J. West, Run- die, D. West, Flintoff, Cornish and Espanedo. Sturrock and Gibson werc absent on the injured list. Ladies' Playoff, Starts Dec. 2nd In close competition the Ram- blers hast two gaines ta flic Hel Cats by 14 pins iu the three gain- es. The Head Pins, after flot wln- ning à gaine ln 5 wceks, chahked up 2 gaines, against the Atomics. The Lucky Stnikes chalked up 7 points over the Tip Tops, which wasn't surprising since thene were anly four playens ouf for Tip Tops. Higli single for flic niglit wcnt ta Jean Blunt 242, Qhie Patfield 240, with Dot Brooks, Carol Martyn and Doris Yourth 238. Higli triple honors ta Canal Mar- tyn with 659 (238, 215 and 206), fallowcd by Bern Carter andi Ada Tonkin with 582. Just ta keep fthc records straiglit if you are running for the pnize for high single you have ta, beat Carol Martyn's 319. If you are mot interested inl that but would like to carry of! Uic higli triple, yau bave ta top Viv Pickard's 713. The first gaines o! the phay-o!!s wili commence on Tucsday, Dcc. 2, with the first four teanis coin- pcting. Came ouf and support your teain. Bigh Averages Naine Games, Ave. Viv Pickard 17 203 Canal Martyn 23 196 Bern Carter 27 193 Vi Martyn 26 192 Vi Cool. 27 189 Kay Beauprie 27 188 Marg E. King 25 185 Lifian Phullips 19 183 Joyce Major 24 180 The. team. standing wlth one more gamin luhei regular scbedule is as follows: Tip Tops .44 points Heil Cats 42 o Lucky Stnikes 39 P Ramiblers 29 o Head Pins 18 op Atomica 17 y This yean's scmi of the tubencul- osis associations brings ta mind thec oigin o! one o! our favorite Yuletidc traditions-the customo! having a Christmnas tree. The seal depicts au ox-drawn sîcigli heaped higli with evergneens. It is only a hundred ycars ago that Uic first sleigh loadi o! evengreens was ta- ken by a woodsman nained Mark Carr froni the Catskill Mountains ta New York City, lu the hope that the city folk migbt ike ta buy theux. The city folk didi iike ta buy thein, and froni that sinal beginning sprang the present cus- tom of the Christmnas trce as part a!t the. holiday tradition. COMM1JNIT1 SONG SERVICE Thesecond-in a senies o! lnonth- ly Sunday èvching Song Sqrvices was held in St. John'à PAriatà Hal last Sunday.,evenling. Mima Eve- lyn Foilett et! the Commxnty Pro- gramn Branch of the Dept. o! Eti- ucation led the sining',asslsted by Mr' Harle-at the plano. qv eral old, faniuilar sangs, together with saine new-ones, were-sung and enj oyeti by al present. The ncxt service will lie held in St. Paul's Church on Sunday, Dec. 21. JUNIOR STAMP CLUB The regular meeting- of the Jun,- ion Stamp Club will 'be heldi in thie Public School tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.m. The election o! officers will be held and it is hopedi that eveny member will lie present. An auction sale will aiso be held so don't forget ta bring collections andi traders. AJ>ULT STAMP CLUB The. Adult Stamp Club will hold its regular monthly meeting in the, Board Roornio! the Lions Corn- munity Centre on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 8 p.m. Any interested collectons regardlesof how sinal their collections wiUllie welcom- ed. VOLLEYBALL AND, BASKI&TBALL Due t the Commencement Ex- erciseà at the High School, thc Volleybali and basketball1 sched- uledi for hast night and tonight, haLve been cancelicd. Volleyball gaines w'ihl le hchd next Wednes- day at 7,p.m. anid It is hopedi cv- eryone Interestedi in playlng wil be on hand. suitcd te the home, is to use a container which will hold the moisture in the apple. Cellophane bags or glass jars can lie used for this puropse. If glass jars are used, the tops shauldi be. le!t loose se tbat the apples do not, su!- focate. If apples are stored in this way and thc containers are kept in the refrigerator, the fruit1 will retain its fresh flavor and ap- pearance for a reasonable time. If it is desiredi ta store larger quantifies a! apples in the home same helpful suggestions will lie found in the publication, "The Home Storage for Fruits and Vegetables," available from the Dominion Departinent o! Agricul- ture, Ottawa. If is Publication 743. SOLINA Mns. Roscoe Baker underwent an operation at Bowmanvilhc Hos- pitla Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe at- tended, the Silver Wedding anni- versary party for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton, Zion. Mrs. Gordon Scott and. sons, Raymond and Wayne andi baby daughter, bave moved from Tor- anto ta join Mr. Scott, teacher at the public school . We wehcome thcm to the community. The Women'a Institute held a quilting at the Church last Thurs- day. Home and Scbool Club met at the School Friday evening wlth Bruce Tink presiding. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westhake Jr. were in charge o! the prograin. As guest speaker, Mns. R. M. Seymour, En- niskillen, gave an interesting talk on 'Learning ta Live." Other programn included a reading by Mrs. Roy Langmaid and vocal solo by Pearl Leach andi Mrs. Ralph Davis conducted a contest. Rev. A. E. Crcsswell o! Tyrone, will accupy the pulpit at Eldad Sundlay and will speak in the in- terest a! the M and M Fund. A temperance program is an- ranged in the S.S. when Miss Mar- ilyn Leask will render thec sehec- tion she gave at Port Hope "Alco- ol in Relation te Crime" andi she will b. af!icially presentedi with the trophy. Several froin bere attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Jas. Sinahes lias soldi his farni 'ta an Oshawa buyer. A good attendance' la requestcd from the Hampton Circuit Bro- therhood, who willibe thie guests of South Darlingtan Circuit Brofli- enhood at Maple Grave on Tués- day night next, Dec. 2. Hamptan Circuit men wll furnikh the spea- ker and the program. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. William Culllng, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pot- ter 'and Brenda, Hampton, Miss Annie Patter, Toronto, at Alex Potter's. Miss Muriel Lan.gmald, Peter- bora, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe at Samn Dewell's, Hamptoni. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Aoskln and Darlene, Oshawa, Mrs. Jeéan Mc- Hugh, Toronto, Mrs. Rahph Davis, and Patsy, at Lorne hioskin's. A chest x-ray for everyone is the present-day goal in tubercul- osis control. To do this thousands of dollars must lie raised thraugh the Christmas Seal Sale. Recreation Calendar Thunsday, Nov. 27 Baskctbal ractice. Cancelhed due ta Commencement. 7 p.m.-Bays' Hockey meeting, Lions Community Centre. 8 p.m.-Cribbage meeting, Lions Community Centre. Friday, Nov. 28 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathercra!t Class, Lions Community Centre. 4:10 p.m.-Junior Stamp Club, Public Schaol. 7' Modelcraft Club, Lions Community Centre. Saturday, Nov. 29 8:30 pin. - Teen Town, Higli Schooh. Monday, Dec. 1 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathercra!t Class, Lions Community Centre. 9 p.m.-Basketball Practice, High Schooh. Tuesday, Dcc. 2 7. p.m.-Leathercra!t Class, Lions Community Centre. Wednesday. Dcc. 3 7 p.m.-Volleybalh, High School Gym. 8 p.m.-Shelhcraft Class. 8 p.m.-Girls' Basketball Practice, Higli School. 8 p.m.-Adult Stamp Club, Lions Community Centre. Bill Varcoe Steals Show For Courtice ln Bush League Courtice took Nobhe's teain 7-0 Friday niglit. It was flot so mucli the win that pleased thc Courtice boysibut the fact that Varcoe has picked up bis feet. Bill had the high single o! 266 and a triple of 678. Bil Wooluen's tearn took aven second place as they upset the B.T.S. lads 7-0. Osborne,, Janzen and, -Woolhten sparked the upset. Harrison and Hurst were the pick o! the lasers. Jim Levett and Bob Galaglier led Polley's teain ta a 7-0 win over. Mitchell's. Bath ralledi aven 700 pins. Bob Mitchell tnied hard but ta. no avail as he was short baud- ed fnomn the start. N.B. - Postponed gaine, Noble vs. B.T.S. ta lie piaycd this week. Team Standings Naine Won Last Pts. Polley 18 6 48 Woolner 13 il 31 Noble 12 9 28 B.T.S. 12 9 27 Courtice 8 16 18 Mitchell 6 18 14 Averages B. Gallaglier 237 D. Bothwell 212 W. Pollcy 210 M. Harrison 208 D. Deehey 201 J. Levett 200 HOW TO KEEP APPLES GOOD IN THE HOME Many hauseholders may be dis- counaged fnomn buyiug apples in large quantities because fhe fruit becomes withered and tasteless if kcpt for any length o!fume. This la caused chie!ly by loss o! mais- ture froin the apple. The air in most hauses is usualhy too dry for goadi storage, and because o! thiÊ dry condition, Uic moisture iu Uic apples escapes through these snial pares in fthc skin. As this moisture contains most o! the fresh anoma- tic flavor o! the apple, its hoss causes the fruit ta become wrink- led and tasteless. Through fthc efforts o! Uic Hon- ticultural Division, Central Ex- perimeutal Farin, Ottawa, and other research organizations, com- mercial caldi storage plants are in- proving their methods for retain- ing the freali quality o! apples. If consumers wislý ta benefit fron these modern storage improve- ments, thcy too must give atten- tion ta how the fruit can lie kept best in the home, says W. R. Phil- lips, who speciahizes ia a study of fruit storage for the Division o! Horticulture. Thene are two ways to prevent moisture and flavor hass in apples, he says. One, low temperature and h 'hiibmidîity the methoi Northern llghts have been meen as far south as Singapore. .1 An easy way ta take out hëlth Insurance is to buy tuberculosia Christimas Seals. oeunnmuunmiumiumiunnrnuuuumnuimuinni W E L D 1N ILESKAV'- OfARIO Phone Onono ir 5 Formerly Cameron Weldlng Service, -Taronto ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE, WELDING Cylinder Blocks and ReadS Welded. Speelaltzing in Alu- minum and White Metal. (AUl Work Gu.aranteed) i DOROT13Y ROWN Baby Coals 9; months to P2 rears. Eaeh Panda Dears Each Brown Teddy Bears, each 111 Waal IC.adnançi $5.50 $2.39 $2.39 pMade by Horst and came ln attractive gift boxes. BOYS",sizes 2 ta06 _______ $3.29 GIRLS', sizes 2 ta 6- $3.49 Dressing Gowns Te Iderdftt aath b. Young tots cosy, each $1.75 Gift Jar Sets 9___ 8o Brush & Comb Sels Five piecca, brush, comb, powder box, rattie, seai box, iner net $2.98 Four-piece Sets- $2.15 ' Sleep Safe \ 3aby Hmeu1i0 Band IMoeket Girls' Dfesses $3.95 and $5.50 COME IN AND LOOK ARDUND AT OUR SPLENDID STC THE ""TOT" TOGGERtY 1 MRS3. BERNIOZ C0LLMS, PR0PRITOIt 67 Rin Kwst. B. (Ouiliosite fBalmoral Hotel> Bowmanvlle -- - - -- - - - - - - - S -.....-~ - u- :r~ USEFUL YET INEXPENSIVE FOR MOTHER Swirl-Mixer A "Minute-Minder" Presto Cooker Kitchen Radio Chrome Toaster Automaiic Iron Electric Kettie FOR SISTER Her Favorite Recor'ds - 60c up Record Player Bedroom Lamps Plaques for her room Bed Lamps - Bookends - - 38 King Si. E. $19.50 up $5.50 up - 60c up $2.75 up $2.75 up FOR FATHER -- $30.15 up -- $21.95 m $2.00 ýern - $5.25ý 60 BOup - - -$2.75 FOR BROTHER . -$2.00 )rds - 60c up - $21.95 up - -- $3.95 -$8.69 up --$5.00Oup Phone 573 h y --------------------------------------------- -- - - - e., COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS FOR TEE YOUNG SET Little Boys' Chinchilla Coal Sels Three-pleee Chinchilla Coat Sets ln i'ow- der bloc and yelle>w. Sizes 1. 2 snd 3, per set $8.98__ Baby Shawlà AiU wool botany and s11k,$8 Emei $2.89 - - - 69c - $5.50 - - $15.75 -$30.15 up -$4.95 up -$12.95 up -- $11.95 Den Radio Electric flazor Flashlighi Eleciric Lai Favorite Records Desk Lamp Thanks go brilliant new achievements in chassis design, this postwar Studebaker rides with amazing comfort and handies with almost uncanny case. And evemything cisc about it is wonderMf, evento big, good-looking windows that increase your range of vision behind and along- side, as weil as ahead. Be sure that youn new-car money boys you ýal the postwar style and iadvance-, ments that the ncw Studebaker positively assures you. Corne in now and make arrangements to get a distinctive 1947 Studebaker soon. Flashlighis His favorite Reco Electric Razor Desk Lamp Desk Clock Bedroom Lamps THE RADIO SHOP' ..... . .. ........ .......... . .............................. ---------- BOWMANVILLE IIWMDAY, NOV. 2ýý, ; TEZ CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVMLlLF4 ONTAIUO PAGK

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