a71fulumay , ivwa.iit,1947iTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIL&NVILL,ONTW(OPGEI . A record shipment of mail, larg- Liverpool Nov. 23, with 19,750 last bags of mail in the record est ever to leave a Canadian port, bags of parcel post, in addition to shipment, which weighed 800 tons was carried to the 'United King- 10,350 tons of regular cargo, in and occupied 192,410 cubic feet dom n te Cnadin Pcifc cr- cudig te havy eckoadof o0f space, were being loaded. The dom n te Cnadan Pcife cr- ludig te havydeckoadof ogsmail, a large part of which is made go - passenger ship Beaverford, as shown above. and 28 passen- up of Christmas packages, is pack- which sailed from Montreal for gers. In the above picture, the, ed 25 feet deep in the hold. onto, Mr. Stuart Daw, Hampton, auders, but, according to statis- at Mr. John Hill's. ýBULLE.IF SFO tics, the domestic cat is by far the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Ce- 1 _ L' ixn worst offender. Birds of prey, cile and Douglas, and Mr. T. Phil- 1 BR L N Crows and Blue Jays are to blame lips attended the Park - Thomas i s'MJAj. for the disappearance. of small wedding in Peterboro on Satur- M1IFffD E. W!LsoJI<sang birds. day and spent the weekend wîth Man, however, takes the heavi- relatives, est toll, though it must be admit- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ted that hie generally does it only John Hill who celebrated their inadvertently. Countless birds are 25th wedding anniversary Tues- killed annually by flying against day evening at the home of Mr. lîghthouses on their trips north Albert Beliman, Bowmanville. andi south. Forest fires bumn the Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. trees and char the ground so that Douglas Bothwell, (nee J u n e no bird life exists in the black- Kane), Bowmanville, who were ____ ened area for years to come. The married at the Tyrone parsonage lD'ENM S cleaming of land deprives birds of by Rev. A. E. Cresswell on Nov. BR' NME their nesting sites; draining it 22. Sometimes we wondem that the means a loss of homes and -food In he bsnceof hemisionrynumber of birds in our locality stores. The farmer's cattle tramp Int. thrasenceT. o thems.So . does not increase, remcmbeming down the Meadowlark's grassy Jewell took charge of the program o many yon 3'parfed;th0iybile eoe given at S.S. on Sunday. Mrs.A. brought up in previous seasons. the Cliff Swallow's sandbank and Hill read the scripture, Roland But if ail eggs hatched andi ail the Blackburnian Wambler's coni- Coombe sang a solo, Mrs, Leon famnilles survived there would ferous trees. Moome read a story for the girls soon be a lack of food for such an The number of birds man now and boys, Misses Lillian and Helen enormous bird population, andi ev- kilîs intentionally is, in compari- Cole played a piano duet, Mrs. oterly no place for man or any son, negligible. Primitive peoples Russell Wright gave a paper, Miss ote animal. Naturehas arang- used to destmoy for the sake of the Doreen Rahm a piano solo and mat: o h et feathers, which they wanted for Mrs. Jewell gave a reading. The elements are responsible ornamentation, andi it is yet con- Rev. E. S. Linstead and Mr. A. for much bird mortality. 'Fierce sîdemed legitimate for Indians, Es- L. Pascoe, Hampton, spoke in the sping gales frequently blow mi- quimaux, and-trappers in the f ar interest of the M and M Fund at grants off their regular flyways, north to kil birds for foodi. Not the Sunday morning church ser- sometimes away fmom food sup- so long ago, when fashion de- vice, plies, At other times over un- manded feathers, birds wýre sac- friendly waters where they are rificeti, but since the Mîigratory A white gift service will be held forced down into the waves. Hail Bird Convention Act the rules of on Sunday, Dec. 14. Parcels are storms at the nesting period often the game must be adhered to in forEngandandarebeig sntwipe out whole families; dry sea- North America. The real sports- wheme Rev. A. E. Cesswell at- sons brîng devastation. Our non- mani is learning, though slowly, to tendeti S.P. as a boy at Smestow, migrants suffer most, and are apt take only- what the law allows. Englanti. Gifls of canneti gootis to peis, when sîcet stomms freeze Today theme is more shooting done and money will be accepted. their feet and make both their with the camera andi less with the Nov. 27, Tyrone Sr. Young Peo- perches anti their food inaccess- gun. ple met at the home of Rev. and ible because of coatings of !ce. Mrs. Cresswell. The business meeting was in charge of Presi- Some animals pmey on bîrds and dent, Lomne Annis. Progmam was eat their eggs. Chipmunks, weas- .eStes a in charge of the Literary Group els, and foxes are among the mar- TheSffema Uld under leadership of Rev. 'andi Mms. At Followinrr Stores Cresswell. Program was as fol- ed by hostess and gmoup. Presi- lows: Hymn, scripture and pray- dent moved a vote of thanks to Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle er by Mrs. Yellowlees; poem Rev. Linsteati and ta Rev. and D. G. Walton's, Newcastle 'Strong" by Mrs. Cesswell. Rev. Mrs. Cresswell for opening their W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonvilie Cresswell intmotiuced the guest home. C. B. Tyrmell, Orono speaker, Rev. Linsteati of Hamp- On Saturday afternoon the wed- T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen on, who eviewed the life of ding of Mr. Clifford Shmed, son Of F. L. Byam, Tyrone 'Fredemick Phîlp" by Groves. He Mr. and Mms. Robt. Shred and G. A. Barmon, Hampton also read a chapter of "Turn of Miss Alice Patricia Papineau, Wm.. Hackwoati, Pontypoal he Years" which Groves wrote. daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Harmy H. T. Saywell, Blackstock This topie was very intemesting. C. Papineau, Castleton, took place W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveli Percy Werry was in charge of the in the Tyrone Unitedi Chumch by J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and games. Refreshments were serv- Rev. A. E. Cresswell. The Statesman Offite. SVisit M F 1 THE CHRIS THEY WAN TGYS and GAI Skis - - - - $3.50 b $20.00 Child's Ski Sets - - - $3.25 up Ski Poles - - - $1.39 to $6.25 - Ski Harness - - -$1.59 tb $8.75 ' Ski Boots--- $7.50 fo $12.95 L w Tbere are 13,500 sanatorium beds in' Canada, yet these are flot enough to house the tuberculosia population. Cheaper than curing the diseese is preventing it. Buy Christmas Seals and help build up a strong preventive programn. C. R. Buskard, machine shop forenian at the Canadian National materials i the Dominion. Railways Polist St. Charles =cg tive power shops has been apà pointed superintendent of th& company'a motive power shopsala Fort Rouge, Manitoba. With annual purchases as h194~ as 100 mlilion dollars, the Can- adian National Railways Is thié biggest Individual purchaser ot (hieners Lr with t Anti- v prices Beatt y nhone 497 YOU CAN ENJGY LIFE When. you use our new Lin-X Brig] LIN-X ANTI-SLIP SELF POLISHING WA' LIN-X PASTE WAX LIN-X FURNITURE POLISH LIN-X CLEAR GLOSS LIN.X METAL POLISH LIN-X KLEANER, for dUaes, woodwork, e Don't leave It until It Is toc, late to f111 your cai anti-f reeze. We have a gocut supply of Hot Shot Freeze. Trans Canada Tires and Tubes'ai low Exide Batteries . DeLaval Milkers and -Separalors,1 Bros. Barn Equipment WE SELL, SERVICE AND REPAIR W.1H. DROW DRALER FOR Case Farm Maoblnery -pireatone DeLaval Milers and Separators Beatty Brou. Stable Equlpment elK"St. W.1 WILL TAKE AWAY ML Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Highost Prices PaId for OId Hors.. PHONE 4026 PETEIBORO - 'RzVppjBE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. TMAS GIT T S0 NUCH MES 10c Io $8.95 Skates and Boots Hockey Equiprnei Roller Skates White Skate Sets Socks- Wini Badminton Tenisand TensRacqueis Sleighs... Toboggans... Kiddy Kars ... BOWMANVICLLI -$7.95 Io $40.00 bni -35c Io $20.00 - -- - $3.95 -$10.39 and $14.95 Sweaters dbreakers un - en M. in ic-c ýir -71