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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1947, p. 10

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THE CAKADIAN STATEZMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PR RAlOPRIZE WIflfERS RTBaH.S. 0 ROTARY CLUB PRIME To the student with the highest standing in Upper subjects, who li addition has won the school crest fora and first class honors in at least five subjects. $25. 00j lI the event of the crest not having been won by the with the highest standing, $15.00 is awarded to the studi the remaining $10.00 ta the Athletic Societies. Winner-Evelyn Taylor THE HOSKIN PRIZE The Hoskmn prize for the highest standing in Upper Examinations. $5.00 in books. Donor: The late. John Esq., L.L.D. Winner-Evelyn Taylor THE LIONS CLUB PRIME For the highest standing in Upper School Mathematie. li cash. Donor: The Lions Club, Bowmanville. Winner-Archie Hendry THE HAROLD É. LONGWORTH MEMORIAL SCHOLI Awarded to pupils of Grade XIII for general proficien( didates must write on, at Ieast, eight papers-French and1 being a requisite. In addition, the candidate must have1 School Crest. If, in any year, no student qualifies in Gers tin may be substituted for that year. First-$75.00; s $25.00. Donor: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Longworth, in me: their son Harold F. Longwarth, who served as Modemns and Rugby Coach in Bowmanville High School. Winners-lst, Evelyn Taylor :.2nd, Norma Piper GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Charles Cattran, Stuart Daw, Dorothy Evans, Stew; guson, June Luffman, Phyllis Niddery, Norma Piper, Ross, Evelyn Taylor. 9 LITERARY SOCIETY Honarary President, Miss J. Cunningham; President, Bellman; Vice-President, Audrey Sturrock; Secretary, Knox; Treasurer, June Luffman; Pianists, Audrey Northci Lycett. Form Representatives: IA, Colleen Clarke, Dona 1B, Helen Osborne, Kenneth Hockin; IC, Ann Van Bridgei Wilson; 2A, Mary .5outhey, Alan Clark; 2B, Patricia Co ald Piper; III, Christena Campbell, Donald White; IV, Reynolds, Gerald Morris; V, Joan Rice, Jim Paterson; Clbartran, Everett King. GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY President, Mildred Wilson; Vice-President, Mary P Secretary-Treasurer, Lois Wilson. Formn Representati-, Audrey Fletcher; IB, Doris Larmer; IC, Wilhelmina Wall Betty Grant; 2B, Joan Roach; III, Audrey Northcutt; I Price; y, Jacqueline Heyland; C. Yvonne Woods. BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY President, Morice Tamblyn; Vice-President, John Secretary-Treasurer, Russell Alldread; Business Manage. Wood. Form Representatives: IA, Ted Dadson; lB, DonaJ IC, Tom VanBridger; 2A, Gardon Sturrock; 2B, Larry Chý Frank Hooper; IV, Arthur Reynolds; V, William Rundle; thur Buckspan. Why worry about those "pesky" little destructive r For only ten cents you can protect a man's suit for a For fifty cents a year you can mathproof your davenpor and this protection is guaranteed in writing hy the fi Berlou guarantee. Berlou professional mothproofing protects you If years against any damage dr we pay the bill - - - a protection and witten guarantee remains in force a! t peated dry cleanings. Berlou mothproofing will pratecl clothing, blankets, rugs and furniture - - - it is colorlesi and odorless. Remember any material mothproofed Berlou retains its original softness and is guaranteed. For reliable Berlou ten year mothproofing servicec BO WNAN VILLE CLEANERS & DYE 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP & DELI .School athletics i cash. student lent and rSchool Hoskin, ýs. $10.00 ARSHIP cy. Can- German won the nan, La- econd- ýmary o! teacher rart Fer- Thomas tHaines ,Robert -utt, Kay id Cale; -r, Ralph le, Ger- ,Jeanne C, Doris atersan; ves: IA, [ker; 2A, IV, Gail Cattran; r, Keith ld Stutt; i&nt; III, ,C. Ar- moths? iyear. famaus ,r ten d thisý er re- .t your s - - - 1 with call :Rs VERY qIn~ishu a% Now is the Time .. to visit our store and pick-upi ail the "Foods for Fcasting." 1'oulIl find everything in our store from soup to nuts that willi make your meals that much tastier this Yuletide Season. Everything lI our store looks good and tastes good and Just the thlng for the famlly festive board. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables arriving daily' Cooked and Fresh Meats High QuAlit yGroceries EDNGNDSTONE'S NAIKET Harvey 'Joint, Proprietor 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE T13EE The Stevens Prize for: $15.00 in books. Donor: 1Y Wnners-1 THET The Tamblyn Prize fci XIII and Commercial. $15 Tamblyn, Esq., M.A. Winners-1 THE LIEUTENANT RE( lI n memory of the late Vimy Ridge; awarded to tl topic of imperial interest. late Mrs. Elviria A. Jolliff Winners- THE G The Gilfillan Prize, ir Gilfillan, for the highest siý tions. $10.00 in books. Winn( DRAI To the student who h 1$5.00in books. Donor: Mr: Winnei THE For the highest standiz Schaol Examinations. $5. Barton. Winnei TUE DEVITT Awarded ta the boy ar showed diligence in studie submission ta authority, s acter, readiness ta forgive of others and moral courag in books. Donors: Dr. J.1 Winners-( THE lM To the best student in1 $10.00 in cash. Donors:1 McGregor. Winne THE The Squair Prize for th $5.00 in books. Donor: The' of French, University of Tc Winn( UPPER SCI For the highest standi cash. Donor: The Board ai WinnE THE BANK GO[TTEflCEITEflT STEVENS PRIZE Public Speaking i Grades IX and X. Mr. R. R. Stevens.N lst, Muriel StevensN 2nd, Grant WilliamnsN TAMBLYN PRIZEN r Public Speaking in Grades XI, XII, N ,5.00 li books. Donor: The late W. W. lst, Virginia HopkinsN 2nd, Stanley Snowden N 3rd, Ev elyn Taylor :GINALD HEBERJOLLIFFE PRIZE * Lieutenant Reginald Jolliffe, killed at the student writing the best essay on a ýIncome from $300.00. Donor: The fe. The1 -lst, Gregory Friend Ma E 2nd, Glenn Brooks Arthi Carol 7xILFILLAN PRIZE PaEul ri memory of the late Principal James '1 anding in the Middle Schoal Examina- ta vis er-Pearl Breslin ama MATIC AWARD has shawn mast promise in Dramatics. rs. Maitland Gould. Georý er-Audrey Venton Lewiý Mrs. BARTON PRIZE Mrs. ng in English Literature on the Upper .00 in books. Dcihor:. Mr. Douglas D. 'r-Phyllis Niddery rAND FERGUSON PRIZE al ind girl, elected by fellow students, who Effie ýes and other school activities, cheerful Auni elf respect and independence of char- Gran offence, desire ta conciliate differences Myra ýge and unflinching truthfulness. $10.00 Zulie C. Devitt and Mr. E. S. Ferguson. Mel Girls, Rase Kibsey Boys, Charles Caftran WcGREGOR PRIZE Latin and English in the Upper School. Frenc Miss Helen McGregor and Mr. Alex Greer ,er-Evelyn Taylor Strait arates SQUAIR PRIZE Labrad( stroyed he best student in Upper School French. A Wli late John Squair, Esq., M.A., Professor bank, d 'oronto. which m er-Norma Piper Citizens al counI bIOL BIOLOGY PRIZE was los, ng in Upper School Biology.' $5.00 in fEducation. ier-Thomas Ross 0 F MONTREAL CUF For speed andi accuracy in Typewriting. Winner-Betty Clayton TUE BANK 0F COMMERCE PRIZE To the student obtaining the highest standing in the Com- mercial Form. $5.00 li cash. Winner-Lois McMullen COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS Gladys Brooks, Barbara Bruce, Betty ClayLon, Fay Fry, Lois McMullen, Vivian Prout, Marjorie Rundie, Harry Snowden, Lloyd Winacott, Dorothy Winter. ATHLETIC PRIZES Boys' Senior ChampiÏofship------- Frank Hooper Boys' Senior Runner-up------------ Tom DeGeer Boys' Intermediate Championship Rowland Coombes Boys' Intermediate Runner-up Clarence Kilpatrick Boys' Junior Championship Ted Dadson Boys' Junior Runner-up ---- Jim DeGeer Girls' Senior Championshlp-- Rhona Evans Girls' Senior Runner-up__------------------- Gaynor Reid Girls' Intermediate Champianship Jane Marjerrison Girls' Intermnediate Runner-up-------------------- Betty Grant Girls' Junior Championship --- Doris Larmer and Barbara Rogers, tied. INTER-SCHOOL TRACK MEET (Whitby, Uxbridge, Port Perry, Bownrianville) Senior Boys' Champianship ------------------------- Frank Hoaper Intermediate Boys' Championship- - Rowland Coombes Junior Boys' Championship __ Ted Dadson Senior. Girls' Championship -------- Rhona Evans Intermediate Girls' Championship -- ------ Betty Hoaper Intermediate Girls' Runner-up --- Jane Marjerrison Junior Girls' Championship Doris Larmer DAVIS CUP Donated by Mr. E. Davis, in memory of the late Mr. James W. Davis, ta the student who has contributed most ta Junior Rugby. Winner-John Cattran RUGBY MEDAL Donated by Mr. W. L. Paterson ta the student who has con- tributed rnost to the Senior Rugby Team-40 per cent rugby, 60 percen acdeme.Winner-Arthur Reynolds BOARD 0F EDUCATION PRIZES Awarded ta the students obtaining the highest standing in Grades IX and X. $10.00 in books. Winners-GradeIX, Judith Stenger GradeX, Kay Lycett MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB HISTORY PRIZE Awarded ta the students in Grade X obtaining the, highest standing in Canadian History. Danar: The Men's Canadian Club, Bowmanville. $2.50 each ik books. Winners-Girls, Patricia Bowles j Boys, Donald White PHONE 375 BOARD OF EDUCATI[ON Dr. H. Ferguson, Chairman Dr. J. C. Devltt, Mr. W. A. Edger, Mr. A. M. Hardy, Mç. Alex McGregor, Mr. W. L. Paterson, Mr. J. R. Stutt, Mr. S. R. James, Secretary.Treasurer TEACHING STAFF M è. L. W. Dlppeil, B.A. Principal and Teacher of Science M r. A. C. Anderson. B.A. l'ceacher of Latin, and Lower School Freph Mise L. M. Carr, B.A. * Teacher 0fer.nch and Germati Miss E. J. Cunningham, B.A. . Teacher of English Mhr. G. R. Elliott, B.A. Teacher of Hlstory and Occupations Mr,. R. G. Harle - Director of Music 4Irs. H. W. Jeffery, B.A. Teacher of Art M rs. A. V. Lewis, B.A. Teacher of Meaith and Physical Education, Mathemnatica and Physics Miss C. J. Martin, B.A. * Teacher of Commercial Subjecte Mhise H C. «Ries, B.A. Teacher of Mathematice M r. W. M. Stacey' B.A. Teacher of Engiish and Agriculture Mr. E. G. Witherspoon, B.A. -. Teacher of Health and Physical Education and Geography "The Happy Journey" CHARACTERS Stage Manager--------- - Robert Gallagher Kirby Mary Paterson ijr--- Jerry Piper Line - Patricia Cale Kirby--------- Gerald Morris [a - ---------- ------------- ----- --------- Audrey Sturrock T'his is the story of "The Happy Journey" of the Kirby family it their daughter, Beulah, who has been ill. It is a cyclor- on an empty, bare stage. "Trilles CHARACTERS rge Henderson, County Attorney--------- Haines Belîman ry Peters, Sheriff -------------- Frank Mohun s Hale, a Neighboring Farmer Grant Brooks Peters----------------------------------- June Luilman Hale ------------------------------- --__ Pearl Breslin Scene: A Gloomny Kitchen. A.ssistants-Virginia Hopkins, Ross Metcalf. "The Thompsons" CHARACTERS lan Thompson ---------- Morice Tamblyn Thompson ---------- - - ----- Lydia Bates 1Mattie Thompson -------- ------- ---- -Muriel Stevens npa Stevcns ---------------------------------- - ---- -----Neil Britton -Thompson ------------ Mary Alldread eThompson --------------------- ----------------------Lois Fisher Sparks ----------------------------------------------------- Glenn Brooks Scene: The living room in the Thompson farm home. 4issisants-Patricia Bowles, Willaim Rundie. Each play is produced by special arrangements with Samuel ih (Canada) Limited, Toronto. ,ly Island lighthouse in the of Belle Isle, which sep- Newfoundland from the lor anainland, has been de- 1by fire. sconsin clerk, going ta the .ropped a package- of billcz vere scattered by the wind. ihelped recover them. Fia- t-three dollars more than st. 41ar9s Jewellerv ethorM~s. you moy *ge- NMOTHING or aWRONG NUMM THE nu TELEPHONE COUPAN 1u By pressure application of "liq- uid glass" and calcium chloride, Russian scientists can convert quicksand into limestone in ten days! More than 5,000 Canadians die of tuberculosîs each year. Many of these lives could have been saved, had the disease been dis- covered in its early stages. Through the sale of Christmas Seals money is raised to find these ear]y cases. 1W E L DINGC - Jim Camerait LESKARD - ONTARIO Phone Orono ir 5 MFormerly Cameron Weldig Service, Toronto ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING Cylinder Blocks and Heads É Welded. Specializing lI Alu- E E mlnum and White Metal. (Ail Work Guaranteed> w - b *4 www. SWEATERS PULLOVERS, sizes 16 to 20, blue, white, pink, yellow, navy and black, Each $4.95 anid $5.95 CARDIGANS, izes 34 to 40, Ail colors. Each $5.95 and $6.95 BULTS Fancy, hand-woven, ln plain colors or mlxed colors. Biack and gold, black aud silver. $1.49 Io $2.75 THE Phone 439 PÂtIE TM y 4? Order Tour CHRISTNAS POULTET Early . -ha un rýmxjm ---------------------------------- ----------- a

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