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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1947, p. 11

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A M I AAU AM rA 'JI MkLn 1AJ.T W IAIT Vl IN £ J'PrUPGEEEVI THrURZAY, DE.CEIM 4, 1047 .8LZ~LJ~* ~ ' * Nfear the 'Vil In seeIking a bit of local history, the editor of TheS znan a few wé*! ago accept invitation fromn Ewart Mc] lin, Oshawa, to visit the McL lin farms at Tyrone which sist of a block of 380 ac which is incorporated the oi 100 acres taken up by Johl Laughlin, great - grandfatf Ewart and grandfather ol R. S. McLaughlin, President eral Motors of Canada asm Col. Lortie T. McLaughlin, DSOÎ of Bowmanville. It,,was interesting to fin whole «bock of land pre! prdbably for sentimental r as the homestead of a famil ha§ made such a notable( bution to the economie and tarY âffairs of thq communi the country. Completelyr nàized with fine, new buildin, mnechanized equipment the unit is maintained in suc production. CHRISTI The perfeci ytang an from $40. ready tb Clearing fthe Land here. the familiar routine and compara- study the scientific, economic, NEWCASTL11 FAiMoUM maghli W srkshop John McLaughlin began at once When Col. Lorne McLaughlin ______iyo ih colw hat n mrlpoleso h tocerthe land which wscm eundfo i itnusd.corne face to face with an even alcohol question. A go4 citizen We. met at Clarence AlnsO dhfAISif!mlpletely wooded. His recoflection career in World War 1, he f armed tmo&é important medium of educa- is unworthy of her franchise un- Monday evening.. Thetop wasthtaitgyonawntfnydi-fa a tiirn. cn the lanci owned by tion-life in the everyday world less she keeps informed an these Wasne in eit"brgt IIs hatif nyoeiwnt ny his Wa' e nHàt tance fromn the original cîa i s.latýier, Joi4n, ànd then locat- where the greatest teacher is ex- vital public questions. I it was necessary ta "blaze" >the ed in Howmanville in an admmis- perience. We ha've tô make our Miss Patricia Pearce, R.N, out,$O\ê verSf lively dsuso ige o Tyroie trees to find the way back. But trative position with the govern- - decisions and shoulder responsib- Oshawa, and Mr.. Orval Stinsan, and interesting informain h laea osdrbearaement which lie stili pursues. ilities. Some wlll go on to uni- Blackstock were guests of Mrs. H. We decided that we wr mn hore Bttepin fms e e lea red allcponsîeraed aeage ac o amigversities or normal schools, oth- R. Pearce. the eyfrua w But the point ofrioitalnteree and.fugibarop r n H but Bc amn ers niay enter, baspital training The Young People's Union met vryftuae holedn sourc e hsoiia osead anbt The late George W. McLaughlinthmoehckypu States i h visît was the discoveW.Fthat only the foundation af the house eyentually retired from. associa- . schools or business colleges. What Monday evening, Nov. 24, with tellmoreickly uaed areasto ted an the original barn -stili stands an remains today., No doubt his sons tion with the great organization we do depends on our desires, re- President Glenn Allun presiding. Wel pike ihtwsadvl I¶nh heod-hmestead and it was in helped build the enduring barn that grew up from his father's ia- sources and abilities. Whatever Betty Allin, Fellowship convener, lages which are fairly aeut~ Laugh- the buldig wet do willRbertbekedonRobetheter ust we itwasv anntchargeed iofa- theo Devotionaite bst upplien harewiftheDoctorsa suande whospi-or E..augh~surd thsbidn htth aeRbr î e h Roertltrbst.siitveadte undbsa can, and we have to thank B.H.S. assisted by Louise Hancock. Glenn tl ýh con- McLaughlîn, founder of the Mc- sud eiis tention to the improvement of ag- for the training which will bene- Allia, accompanied by Paul Ben-tas res in Laughlin Carniage Co, built bi§ FamIIy History riculture mn this central Ontariofiusntecongea. nett, favored with two vialin so It w as concludeu athub )riina fistcuter.Tha slidy cnsrue Th geeaogyof hefamily la district. His farms in h oigyas o.TeUinwsdvddit i elhsrie e hnigMal-ite cte.Ta oîl src- Tdesgenealogy o! the equipped with build- P'uture graduates, we wisb you s ThUnowadiieitolceatsrves eeaaibe thn Mc- te single sleigh was the nucleus the maie succession includes ngsrcoutoc awere emnt second the best o! everything and rely on two groups for discussion on racial to a certain degree. Somtouh er ofo wbat bas grown ta be the huge sons o! the oid patriarcb John. igsokadipeet o amk odueo h nv prejudices. Paul Bennett con- these services could beetnd )f Col. General 'Motors Corporation o! They were Robert, -William, Dr. ta none in Canada and pedigreed ilegeswbich e ar ue ole rvbtdcedtercetinl to. ftirtber and made beltrknw t, Ge- Caada.It is hoped later to get Bfia n Jhn obn sS u iecd f l~'3 rnhswr . which, for the present, are yours C.G.! .T. Group met Tuesday ev- totepulc well as a poogaho! this bistani were J.J MLuglnwbo îocat t noy bnyo Ldut a ening, Nov. 28, with President Ha- It was agreed thata rvnc pboogrphbarn. tMcLaughlin featured.te ma CMG, Seeking further among aid rec- ed in Toronto aad inveAîted the Elmrcroft Farm, north of Osha- evro7sya7ehpete a zel May Fisher in charge. Velma with bealth services bah noe ord w laredfroi r.Ewrtformula of Canada Dry Ginger wa, came under the direct man- esvaouttecas '7 Te Alldread wvas responsible for the great asset iu that al cmunc nd this McLaughlin that the original John Aie; Col. R. S. McLaugbl in, Osh- agemeat o! bis son the late Rayscolbseom a etepae Worship period. It was decided able diseases have beencttq served McLaughlin came !rom Northernn wa, now bead o! General Matons McLaughlin and became one ! Llla ihi osîdere by be as eoumetohod he nntlVeserSe-lmnium reasons Ireland and took title ta bis home- of Canada; and the late Geo. W. the most noted in Canada, particu- Lman critic s onseeaCnda' ____________of___ vices hon Sunday, Dle 14, t er- pm i Anionlem.ln oldb iyta ta rn h aaaCmayMLaughlin, father o! Ewartad larly in Holstein cattle aad in ma reatcsto o neooit. ofl dsvcso udyDe.1,t7pm Aninlh h contri- on May 27, 1840, just aven 107 the late Ray McLaughlia. William Ciydesdale horses. It will now be mea 9ITrAo h ornojoe eor h Gopdsmse.Tt' hecs o ik d miii- years ago.: He secured titie on pay- died many years ago. Dr. James continued by Ray's eidest son, a monearaatoyse o tnedToroNEWCeASfoeTLeGrupdiise . Psha eestomsade e ity and ment o! sixty-two pounds, ten shi- McLaughlii's son, Major A. E. graduate o! OAC, who wili also studies with Paul Aithouse o! New tpiguofGetBtansPtLcSpero moder- llings, "Lawful maney of the Pro- ML laprmnn0ars-oeaete yoe!r.York, and is currently soioist at WHY DO WE NEED THE epping Uapo rmteat n itais Poat lcknSupperab bedi ngs and vince o! Upper Canada." The Can- ter o! Bowmanville was killed in Farms Consolidated Yorkminster Baptist Church, To- W.C.T.U.? 9 montbly ration o! Scotch wbiskey when our Forum isexctda Sentire ada Cqmpany, was iacorporated action in Wanld War I. John The Tyrone holdings were con- roato. Lillian Smitb will sing at :cess!ul uader Act o! King George IV, to bought a farn adjoiaitig bis fath- soidated by the late George W. the Lions Club Christmas concert, Newcastle Christian Tempen- in Qntanio from onie ta 12 botties. prepare tbe Hall, etc., adbo ! disos ofladsin ppr's on the north and he died McLaughlin in 1935, when be pur- Tinity United Cburch, Wednes- ance Union met as usuai with a .Wbile a Roman Catbolic can- ter the guests. The spekr St dispose o! andol.n Uppr Canaea- fot sit on the tbrone of England, be Hon. Vincent Massy saieyersago. Cl ae un chased the bomestead fnom the, 'day, Dec. l7th. Aniang other num- rather smdll attendance-. Mrs. tianed above is a son of John. widow o! William, the land ta tbe bers she bas selected "Holy Night" Pbilp gave the scripture reading al bigh offices o! state are open We meet next week tHar In farming, industry and mniii- north originally owned by Johin, What Star is This," and "The and Mrs. Stoneberg a solo, which to him except the Lord Chancel- Jose's and the follawin! eka tary affairs, therefore, this rugged together with bis father Robert's LiteRad ta Bethlehemi." was much appreciated. Mrs. Non-losi.GrnMat'. S TW S Irish pianeer, John MeLaughlin, 50 ta the west and ail the remnain- man Rickard gave a brie! report wa the farerunrier o! a great ing acrepge in the block save the *of a!tbe Durham County Temper- trdto.I sftigthat the late odd 20-acre lot on tbe nortb-west. Vaeitr ance Unit held in Port Hope, Nov. Gerg . ttauin suhtt 12, a report o! wbich was given GeogeW.Mcaubln ouhtta The entire holding was immed- in The .Canadian Statesman on perpetuate bis niemory ini causal- îately modernized. Some 200 yardls fturess Nov. 20. yPplrD m n idating the MeLaughlin holdings west o! the aid bomestead build-____ByPp arD m d at the aid home just on the out- ings, a new, modern brick bouse Te!loigi h aeitr Mrs. Beman conducted the List- skrt o Troe Te olowngi te alditoyening Post, fmom which it was Dowmanville Lions Club skrt o Tnae.was built, and just ta, the north a address given Friday nigbt in the learned that 4,000,000 lbs. o! Mo- WIIUAcreage Enlarged buge wing barn was erected with High School by Miss Evelyn Tay- lasses was used in breweries and ES T oAn aid flour and grist miii that a brick foundation and steel siding ]or, vaiedictonian for the 1947 iÔ' ,000ooolhs. o! sugan for winen- PEET has a stony ail its owa, still is in and roof. Adjoining are two buge graduating class. Miss Taylor is ies in 1945. Britain is not making flI l lactive opération where the Mani- silos and separateiy at the east the daughtem o! Mr. and Mrs. E. R. any drink for a year so that the west at the 7th concession. Just sheep-folds ta be found anywbere. herse]! an outstanding student and Thujc !teCi ha acmoss the null-pond on the 7tb A bigb, ornamental cedar bedge ail-round pupil during ber f ive forNeber aof*tWeby do e IN is tbe south-east corner o! the oni- iorders the driveway leading ta years at Bowmanville H i g b orNee e W.C..U."WIn adplae ginal McLaughiin bhaoni e s t e a d. the new bouse aiXd new wire fenc- School. Hem speech was deîivered cras heat La Gurd Ia iîn aug TlanelAL HU C F rom this point west a bal! a mile ing encloses the whoie acreage. in a clear voice, easily heard at 2,ras hich aGariat iend ton uo! the U IT D HU C - ~ UARANTEED p[Fe and north ta the 8th concession is Modemn Equipment the back o! the auditorium, and 2,renwhwena kilotditw fd thatWeED Y E E D R 1T contained the present 380, acres The stables are equipped with the thougbts which she expnessed thew ep ilot wasitxiaeod. n tea of theaA t t~ i bLu 2hares ihol ins týhose running water ta accommodate a showed lem good sense o! values. !the ule " Noiquor for 12 t 24 8:15 P.DE CM B 1 isbo ut2 arriès. 1thsedairy berd whicb was continued Miss Taylor is spending this yeam o h ums e"omelight,"fthe1e is n4 IYII' YS1 boun a mfes MLagli .hoefor some time. But the farm t- with br parents prion ta begin- hofficiaefoemenigt o tee s ta 8see.M Youn Jams Mcaughin coseday is openated mainly as a grain ning her career as a nurse-n- otialtenfrulem ad res taSome- 4.ta become a doctor and canied on producer and as pastumage for training. tbingtce rtaiyshodh d oe t tss a successful practice in Bowman- young Holstein stock and pedi- Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gen- protect the travelling public, + JewelIWr ville for many years. Robent, Wil- greed Suffolk and Cheviot sbeep. tlemen, Staff and Students o! B. whose lives are in danger if a pilot MARY ANN PAUL, Vialili liam and John continued on the Tractons, trucks and modern farm H.S. drinks. ' Laws are impmoved as' SIMEON JOYCE, Piano _____________________________farm witb their father. Robent implements, together with a few Tonigbt I have the pleasume and public opinion is educatêd ta de- Sbouglit the 50 acres adjoining on1 honsas are empioyed by the esi- the gneat honon o! speaking ta mand improvement. That's one EDGAR GOODAIRE, Organ Sthe west. John bought the land dent manager and 'three h i r e d you for a few minutes on behaif ofbithe things the W.C.T.U. are IANS THSorn imniediateiy on- the north. Wil- men ta un the farm. o! the graduating class, 1946-47., trying ta do. Our Canadian Char-LIANS TH Sorn liani remained on the bomestead Roy Mayaard, f or nie n iy o! In spite o! many anxious peniods' ter salyu that we are onganizad ta HARRY READ, Baritono E Nand in due course inhenited it Brooklibas heen the resident o! doulit thmougbout the iast fiva edticate and influence society iun___________________________ froni bis father.- When lie died it manager for the past 7 yeans and years we bave !inally reached the favor o! sabiety and virtue; to went ta bis widow and famiiy. witb bis famuly occuples the new once distant goal - graduation - impress upof# youtiî the foily 6f Tickets n M E N sough t ute:::'t ar age:: home. Another bouse. is and must say aur farewelis ta the taking intoxicants, and ta endea-Tikl u Robent found 50 acres toa limit- being renovated ta the west for a schooi, the teachers, and ail that van justly, guided by Christian cd for bis ideas o! farmn n married farmi helper. Many o! we associate with high school life. principal ta procure more advan- OSASRSRE souht o iuy ddtioal crege heoriginal trees stili stand and I arn sure that it is nat without ced temperance legisiatian! I adjoining. James Curtis owned the land slopes in bath directions some feeling of sadness that we thene were no organized temper- Le u el oute 0acres on the west and ta 'bordering cneeks in which have coma tonight for this pur- ance conviction thene'd 'be no pro-, Tickets available front amy member of thxe Lions lu Liu hepyuwouldn't seil. Diectly north, p. brook trout are still found. pose.tesol vgecmais.W Gleason had 6 acres notfosae'l Recoileetioiis Itis usomry n hi occasion have 4ta 'ha oganized ta lie neady or at the following places:- McGnegor's.Drug StoreB - wih your t eiwbihl h highsoffre#envle.1 p e u ia l th re e se p a ra te p a c e ls, sp e n t m a n y h a p p y su m m e r h- sc h o o l life . T h e e is u c h m re t a t p r e s fr e n c men t . h a sD p o 20,10and10acesai ted p. das o te id omstad.FIOmthan the academic train- i eesayta w aeaDrugs,- Orono, and RoyW.NcosGraeCotce 2,1n 10lyacrue, Robtent h asone old hmetapears that ing. Indead some people believe Itis nC esarT U w av Not ull ocupid, ober be strie tod thh-iit ppers hatthat the extra cumicular activities W.C.T.U. and aur special womnan's ik A SSRH )O]p ]p 1 N G anta make axhandles and whif- their great-gnandfather, John Mc- have too prominent a place in the tempeance paper, the Canadian fletres n hs sal ban.The Laghinwasa obberby taeWieRbo iigt epu came bis ventura in making a cut- in Ireland and in the nugged aid pnagram o! the average student. Gififor er., Needing mare spaca he built days around -Tymone he was atbeyare, howeamo u st as impgeoft Gii or- t in-bis fathar's barn on the old known as "Brougie John." Thene quadnatic equations or o! the lifa h omestead and theme the barn wene hears and woives in the fan- o! Napoleon. Ail the suet ld Olu stands today. It is iikely bis est about and these eanly sattiars take part anthusiastically in ath- brothers William and John halped carried sacked whaat on hanse- iatics wbich help ta formi stnong, bum in odd moments and that fthe back ta hae milled in Bawmanvilla. srib oisadt rdc -wbale famuly were proud o! bis Stillinl openation on fthe oid ials o essanshiop. ratan- caneful craftsmanship. 1 bomastead is a hydraulic ramnicalscontesptsaneas ive Orthe Move to Enniskilien waten-lift instailed by the sans as picl ost canc eatcqe s elh- Overwheimed with ondena fora n i distr!istkiNdothl e adconfidence, poise, and the ability WIm Ou up ~~~~these farm nacessities and blocked o9f hi itrc.Nodu t ot think and speak cleaany and .00 up in bis wish ta get a langer fanm, inventive genius o! Robant Mc- îogicaîîy. Formi programs and 4 Robent moved ta Enniskillen and Laughuin was responsihie for this commencement exencisas provide opend ashé tht tok is ullinnovation. Soalal this, then, i odetranetadbigt wear -oee hpta okbsfh a bit o! the history o! the Me- go netiietadbigt tme and Mnore in fumning out bis Luhilaiy TeadTnn iglit unaxpected talents in music several péut.Ha had ta bine traditin ain îr Thean d anria ontoor dramna. mnta belp hlmi and thus grew the Trnditcto! . 'igto For, Every Mlember of the Family fthe, faniaus line of!- McLauhi Township, Durhami County, Cati- greatast benefîts o! higli school, vehîclas, many o! which areinuea. and neyer is thîs more evident * Ch s . K o oa ssuda h n se ada than at ur dances and fornm par- Generai Electric hsshop. 'ties. One a! the most antertaining Testary ofbow bis business Ia Russia 300 years aga, wben monnings each yean is ftha ana on-$3 50 $5 0 Orono Phone 64r-r2 expanded until it becanianaces- a man was caught smoking bis wvhich the candidates fan offices Maniel R do 3.0I ha was jained in business hy bis In gratitude for wartime cane neckless promises ta win aur vot- ~~--~ 70 sons,- Sami and George, was told o! wives and chidren o! thein as. C3JUinaLUAAAA a dios L'- by C . San in- is-adu! ss-n-th- taacin t af 4-fs, Oxfordand- Bim- Friendiy canipatition li striving Wiiai a Record! X Who rations hi, Medicine Orcmlt tc fte ne sw ne matter how badly hi. i gleaaed such as, tixat it is possiblehckhaes -4Qll 91f *.we've gttfor assemblint the patients need lb. Tw prove me bytha itrfwa aquaos aigebra fa uChik 'PJs 1.00 U- $15 i **o* byth intwiciacis o na,I hn lateat h#6t ... popular and cln.- NoVeltieS tht the mast arnazing fhing1 Eleciric Irons - 50 1.5 Yet omepeope ive teiralmost everyfthing wa have been ieal. W. alàe boaut a top phono- property investment only a THERE'S A GIFT HERE tauehit can lie fongotten. In spite ~nlp nijv~- - $9 SUITABLE FOR EVERY o! this it is pleasant ta nealize SadihT str$89 traction et bbe insurance MEMBER 0F THE tnat we ntain aur happy mamn- i graph selection. Unbeatable protection it needs. FAMILY las o! school whiie the uapîeasaat Fluorescent Lamps - $ 16.75 anas are gnadually being obscuredr Christmnas giftst Corne In now while the by flic miat o!f inie. Dont oube ha folih.chicelsgod.Many finies during niy student EJumidifiers - - - $49.75 aeWrm s Don' ~'u betha toiish chlce a god.ycans aider people bave said ta Cau n ni "Sanie day you will look jxack on thxe period spent in higix scixool Thie as the hast days of youn life." AI-H GO EETI Singri . Ja es LLIO T"S thougli at the finie usuaily in the rnidst o! a set a! stif! axaminations Ra i h p Suri . J ao o ames elI NOTTse Ifs rth. lu ur a hiaentcs u enraE Ciice R ae Radioor o.1 .. asn I have alnaady begun ta believe in Kins Sreet Eat.Phne 57 inSre- etwAniL ET ppTEteGarten'. Bus Station respansibilities are light and oIyorec plin BOWMANVILLE KnSreomnil 65 KINV STREET EAST worias and cames liinited. Iaovwon- POE3 O~A VIL 2IGS d cering whather on not we will pass HN 3 B0WMANV14 2KN - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t ik é n e x t F r n c hi t e s t . A s w e l e a v e - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 1RC)Wi&ANVILI.Z- ONTAMO - - . - - 1 . . PAGE WaMM,ý

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