i ?mJRSDAI, DECEMEER 44~4? TE UA1ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILýLE OHTAIUO _______ RES<717Y FOR e*vew WpIflI~~JU(Itw(f<~J%/./ Y e e P4 se th e: e ci dq te w yt ul Ele clion Cards 'ro the Ratpcayers of Beowmanville: . Having been nominatedl for a position on the Board of Educa- tion. I would resvcctfully solîcit your support in the forthcoming elections. 49-1 E. L~ "Bill" Oliver To the Electors of the Town of Bowmanville: Having had severai years' ex- peî'iencc on fhe Board of Educa- tion I have offcred my services for another term. If elected I will carry out the responsibilities of that off ice believing ta be in the bcst interesta of aIl concerned. Your support will be much appre- ciatcd. Truly --ours, 49-1* A. M. Hardy To the Electors of Boxvmanviblc: As a candidate for the Board of Education I suggest that it would be in the generai interest that wo- men of the Home and School Clubs shauld be elected ta the Board. I have qualified ta stand and would appreciate your sup- port at theManday's elections. I stand for better educatian and de- mocracy in. th*se grave times. Sincercly 4941 Mrs. Lillian Difling Dear Votera: I have alowcd my name ta go on the election ballot ta selmulate an "active" interest in our sehools and aur Bowmanviile Board of Education. Ta hcip foster a real spirit of co-opematian and under- standing bctween we parents and aur chiîdren's teachers for the benefit of our childmen. 'Mothers" and "Dada" what we do for ourselves we cannot take with us, what we do for aur child- en passes on ta the next genera- tion. 1, Winona W. Clarke, ask you ta vote on Monday. December 8th, 1947, for the candidates whom you think have the best aIl round qual- ifications. Here is hoping two are women. (Mrs.) Winona W. Clarke, Candidate for Bowmanville Board of Education. 49-1' Notices ANYONE cutting Christmas trees on my praperty will be prosecut- ed accomding ta law. L. A. Squair. 49-1 * Kcith W. Slemar, M.D., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon. Office hours: Af ternoon 2-4, exccpt Wcdnesdziy. Nights. Tuesday. Thumsday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf WILL the persan who took a bi- cycle fmom the Goodyear plant please return it to owner, or ta the ack from which it was emoved, before further action is taken. 49-1' To Whom it May Concern: I wish ta inform the people of Bowmanvîlle regardirg the~ sale of womk I have advemtised in S.O. E. hall, Thumsday, Dcc. 11, that I have consulted the town solicitor W. R. Strike. K.C.. also Chief of Police Mm. Sidney Venton and find such a sale of work is bath legal and lawful for me ta hold the same. There 's no law against anyonc- sclling their own work anywhere or any time. The soaner the general pubiicý realize this the better. Sa niany people are of theopinion that un- beas the proceeds are Ain aid of some organization that the sale is unlawful and act as if I were some kind of criminal out ta break the law and cheat the public. I assure you tis is not the cas I suggest that Mayor Sidney Little or any others wha are in doubt consult a solicitor for their own satisfaction and the benefit of all others who may in future wish ta hold similar sales of womk. 49-1 Mrs. Thos. Gould FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATTLE REMOVED IMMEDIATEbiY and WITHOUT C'!ARGE Telephone Colleet: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOURG - 48j GzORDON YOUNC. LILITED An Atmosphere of Light, Color, Music and, Beauty 1q om:is Mem.rrîal Chapel is the anly entirely new funeral establishment of its kind in Durham, planned fromn the gound up with a three-fold pumpse-to honar the departed, ta salace the living. and ta serve every creed. It ia Durham's mdIst spaciaus and complete, fineat appointed motuary. 1q orris New Memarial Chapel xvas erccted to carry out the nearly century-aId tradition of the founder of the Marris arganizatin-an ever-finer funeral service. It was dcsigned ta impart light, color,, music and beauty and ta dispel the at- moaphere of darkness. gloom and mystery sa prevalent in the oldl-fa4hioned. convertcd houics which usually serve as funeral homes. T he oft-quoted words of Keats, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," moat fittingly express the comfort and satis- faction thousands have sensed from services in the bright, pleasant, but quietly-Inspiring atmosphcre at the Morris New IMemoriai Chapel. 1.1 BIRTUS IN MEMORIAM SUCKLER-Len and Doris Buck- CLARKE-In sad and ioving me- er tre happy ta announce the mary of our dear mother, Mrs. bith of .theîr son at Bowmanvillc Hanah Elizabeth Clarke. whol Hospital on Thursday, November vassed away December 3rdi, 1 938. 1,1947. 49-1' Yciu suffered hours, yes hours of 2'7,_______pain flOBBS - Mr. and Mrs Ian T wait for cure but ail in an Hobbs (nec Vera Lonsberrýy) are Thij)l God alone kncw what was Happy ta announce the bith of, best their daughter, Gail Patricia, on1 He called you home with him ta 'ruesday, November '25, 19411 _at rest. Bawmanville Hospital. 4à-1 * 1God khn ew that you wcre suffer- 1 ing NEALMr.andMrs.Joh L.And the hilîs werc bard ta climb NEaAkrMo n m. J nocheL.Sahe closed your weary cyclids Neal, Akthran. Oh, noucertheAnd whispcred Peace be thine.. Diraftheir daugcr , 1Barbara1 Sadly missed by dauehter Dian, o Noembr 17 197. 9-1 Hilda and family, Rochester, New York. 49-1' ENGAGEMENT FEWSTER-In loving memory of Mm. and Mrs. A. E. Quinney, aur dear son, William John Fews- Providence, wish ta announce the ter, ki]led in action at Jamane Ri- engagement of their second daugh- ver, Italy, Dec. 8th, 1944. ter. Dorathy Mildmed, ta Calvin, Days of sadness stili 'corne o 'er us Melbourne Craeo, youngest son of Tear7, in silence often flow Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crago. Prav- For memory kecps you ever near idence. The wedding will take - iSl, place, December 27th. 49-1 Though you died thrèe years ago. -Mother and Dad. 49-1* DEATK MASTERS-In lovinaniernory of CURRIE-At his residence 91-5th Masters. xvho passed away Decem- st,'reet. New Toronto. on Friday, ber 2, 1945. Nov. 28. 1947. Rev. Peter W. Cur- "In aur hearts your memory lin- tie, dear father of Christena. at gers, home and, Daisy (Mrs. Franle Alway3 tender, fond and truc: WZalIcolm). Oshawa, in his- 78th There is not a day, dear Mother, ycar. Funeral Monday, Dec. lst. That we do not think of you." I4teýmmnt,X.Gainebridge cemnetcry. -Ever remembered by Howard, 49-i Archie and families. 49-1' Room and Board ROOM and board accommodation i for two; camfortable modemn home, with young owners. Write Box 991,*Statesman Office. 49-1* ACCOMMODATION in refined home« for semi-invalid or conval- escent; private or semi-private. Write Box 988, Statesman Office. 48-2f Wanted ROOM for young gentleman. Mr. D. Baker, phone 2277, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 49-1' Lost HOUNDS, two black and tan, iost north of Courtice last Sgturday.i Phone 2703. 49-1' BLACK and tan hound, female. iRcward. Lamne Kellett, Sauina Gencral Store. 49-1 STRING af pearls,' lbat between Coronation Cafe, Public School and Carlisle Ave. Reward. Phone 521, Bowmanville. 49-1 WHITE female Trigg heund, bast north of Bowmanville. Reward. Leonard Taylor, North Oshawa.1 Phone 436 r 3. 49-1' COSMETIC.red plastic purse, be- tween Garton's and Jury and La- l vell s. Finder please return ta 311 King. 49-1* LEATHER grip between Cobauri and Bowmanville on No. 2. Naine inside. Anyane finding please send collect ta G. A. Weavem, Stir- ling. 49-1' ! TOBOGGAN, bast Sunday a;ter- 1 noon between 3 and 4 o'ciock aon Manvers road between end of the pavement ana Mr. A. Hl. Brent's corner. Will finder kindly phone' 2709. 49-1 i COMINO ÉVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Friday, Dec. 5. Sponsorcd by Tyrone Re- creation Park. Ruth Wilson's Variety Band .4 9-1' Annual Rod and Gun rabbit drive will be held Dec. 13. For particulars apply ta Kenneth Flint or George Young. 49-1 Newcastle United Church Sun- day Schooi Christmas Concert, on Friday, December l9th at 8:00 -p. M. 49-3 Dance in Enniskillen Commun- ity Hall, Friday, December 12, sponsored by the Enniakillen Ath- letic Club. Ruth Wilson's Var- iety Band. Admission 50c. 49-2' Dance at Newcastle Commun- ity Hall on Friday, Dec. 5, under auspices of Newcastle Lions Club. Roy Forrestem's orchestra. Ad- mission 50c. Proceedi for Food for Britain. 49-1 Mrs. T. Gouid-Sale of work in the Sons of England Hall, Thurs- day, Dec. il, wide selection of dalla' aprons, infant gowns, tatted hand- kerchiefs, home cooking, candy, afternoon tea. 47-3l Shooting match, Saturdayý Dec. 13, at 12 noon sharp. 50 B.B.B. tumkeys. 12 gauge shotguns and .22 rifles used (shelîs supplied). Rainbow Cabins, anc mile east of .Newcastle on Highway Na. 2. 49-2' On Saturday afternoon, Decem- ber 6th at 2:30 Mrs. Slemon will open the Home League Sale at the Salvatian Army where home made cooking and candy wili be sold and there wili be afternoon tea. 49-1 A dance will be heid in New- castle Cammunity Hall under aus- pices of the Board of Management on Friday, Dec. 12, at 9 p.m. Rus Creighton and bis Variety Band in attendance. Admission 50e per persan. 49-2 The Courtice Woman's Associa- tion bazaar at Salvation -Army Citadel, Oshawa, December l0,<t 2:30 p.m. Quiîts. fancy worx hoafe coaking, childrcn's aud no- velty couniters. Aftemnoon tea. Evemyonc welcome. 49-1 Newcastle High Achool Com- mencement Exercises in the Com- munity Hall, Wednesday evening, Dec. lOth at 8 p.m. Presenitation of prizes, play, cadet drilla, char- uses, etc. Admission, silver col- lection. 49-1 The annual meeting of the Dur- ham County Shomthorn Brèeders Club will be held tn the office of the Department of Agriculture in Bowmanvilie on Saturday, Dec. 6th at 2 p.m. It ia haped ahl in- tcrested in Sharthomns will at- tend. Garnet Rickamd, president. S. Chas. Allin, secretary. 49-1' December l2th. Gmoup 4 of St. Paul's Women's Association are holding a sale in the lecture oom of aprons, baby knitted gamments, pillow cases, stuffed animal toys and many other useful articles. Home cooking. Cafetemia tea 3 ta 5. - ot plate 5 ta 7. 49-2l' Durham Cour.ty Holstein Breed- crs annual dinner will be held at Weîcome United Church on Wed- neaday, Dec. 10, at 12:30 noon. Judge Mott, of Tomanto, will be guest speaker. AIl breeders in caunty will be welcome. Gordon Kellogg, president; H. C. Muir, secmetary. 49-1 Oddfcllows Service Club dance and draw, Town Hall, Orono, Fi- day, December l2th. Roy For- rester's popular dance band in at- tendance. Sixteen valuable prizes given away ta lucky ticket hoid- ers, abso four special prizes. Round and square dancing. Admission 50c per persan. 49-2. 1 - Strayed STRAYED fromr Margwill Fur Farm, four old hamacs. Phone 2679. 49-1 WEErI.ola cali. iApply borne Lamb, phone 2450. 49-i CAL VES for vealing. Phone 2278 Bowmanville. 49-1' TWO calves for vcaling. A. W. Martin, Bowmanvillc. Phone 2594. 49-1' JET black pony mare, 3 years aId, cutter and single hamness. Quan- tity of mixed hay. Phone 2472 Bowmanville after 7 p.m. 49-2* SIX freshi purebred Jersey heifers T.B. and blood tested. Apply H. C. Pedwell. Phone Clarkc 3823. 49-1' Custom Work SIDEWALKS snow cleaned by amali Gibson tmactcr at reasonable rates. H. T. Moore, phone 671. 49-212 CARDS OF TIIANK*S Mrs. A. L.* Nichais and son An- drew wish ta thank their many friends for sympathy expressed and kindnesses shown in the pass- ing of Mr. Nicholis. 49-1 Mr. and Mrs. Fredcrick Lewis wish ta extend thanks ta their neighbors and friends for gifts and messages of congratulation receiv- cd on the occasion of' their 37th Wedding Anniversary. 49-1* To the Ratepayers of Clarke Township: My sincere thanks for your sup- port on Monday. December lat. It shall be rny endeavor ta live up to the confidence you have plac- ed in me. 49-i* J. Harry Davey -Mrs. Gea. Lane and family wish ta express ta their friends, rela- tives and neighbors. their thanka for the expressions of sympathy, cards sent and floral tributes cx- tended ta thcm in the loss of a dcar husband and father. Special thanks ta nurses and superintend- cnt of Bowmanville Hospital, Dr. Birks and Rev. J. E. Griffith. 49-1* Mrs. Thomas W. Colliss and fa- mily wish ta express ta their many friends, relatives and neighbars, their heartfclt thanks for the ex- pressions of sympathy, acta 'of kindness, and floral tributes, ex- tended ta them in the bass of a dear husband and father. Speciai thanka ta Mrs. W. Allison, Mrs. D. Bothwell and sons; Mrs. P. Finney. Mrs. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Best and Mr. Alan Snowden. Dr. H. Ferguson and Rev. F. Yardley. 49-1* To the Electors of - Clarke Townahip, Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish ta sincerely thank you for your vote of confidence on Mon- day st. It shall be my aim throughout the year to serve you ta the beat of my ability as a mcm- ber of Clarke Township Council and aiso as anc of yaur represen- tatives at County Council. 49-1 Sibtccrely 3'ours, 49-1 J. H. Lowery To the Electors of Clarke Township: I wish ta express my apprecia- tion of the support I receivcd from you in last Monday's election. es- pecially thase of my own palling division who gave me 83 votes fromi 84 ballots palled. This is vcry gratifying. I shall endeavour ta prove worthy of your confi- dence. Thanking ail those responsible, for my election and wishing you aIl the compliments of the season, I am, yaurs faithfully, 49-1* James T. Brown l-elp Wanted GIRL or woman, ta help with housewark, in country home with modern canveniences. Apply Mrs. Howard Quantrill, Elizabethville. 49-1 * REPORTER ta send news of new buildings, fires and engineering information. Stationerv and pos- tage supplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stating aualifications. MacLean Building Reports Ltd., 345 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario. 49-1 MALE-Dcsk clerk, piesntpr sonality and goad characterrf- crences casential, knwldge 0f typing and boakkeeping anaet Apply in persan or letter, gvn experience, age and salary re- quired, ta Commercial Hotel, Osh - awa. 49-i PROVIDING yot, are an energetic yaung man willing ta wark hard ta, build a succesaful business and future for yourself, we have an opening for you, now, in this dis- trict, as direct distributor af aur producta. Previaus experience unnccessary. Apply ta Home Of- fice Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd., 7227 Alexandra ôtreet, Montreal. 47-6 Work Wlanted ALI, kinds of saws sharpencd, Don Ellis, 41 King Street West, Bowmanville. 49-3 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typ- ist, desires part or full time cm- ployment. Good references from large and amail offices. Write Box 992 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 49-1' r REPAIRS REPAIRS ta all makes of refrig- erators, damnestic and commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantiai worl;manship, relia- bility. dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St.. W. - 30-ti: *Articles For Sale GREY straller in good condition, $10. Phone 352. 49-1' CHEVROLET sedan., 1938, in good condition. Phone 2873. 49-1 QUEBEC heatét, medium size. Phone 758. 49-1 Ail Classified Adiets Must Be Un Mot Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY rou must lnclu#e cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy to get 10w raýte. Classified Ad.[Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must be paid before Insertion IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra for box numbers or replies directed ta this office ADDMTONAL, INSERTIONS SAME RATES Auction Sales The undersigned has rcceived in structions fromn the Executors ofthe Estate of Fred Sisson. ta seli by publit auction on Saturday, December 6th, at the Flax Fac- tory, Orono, at 1 p.m., ail his household furniture. Sce bills. Ne reserve. Terms cash. Note: This sale xiii be heid inside. Fred Lycett, cierk; Jack Reid, auction- eer 49-91 Wood Sgle-Standing timber, property of E. A. Werry, on the south end of thc Wni. Fraser farm, haif mile east of Cacsarea School, Cqrtwright township, on Saturday Dec. 6th. The affering consists of five acres of mixed standing tim- ber ta be sold in suppbscd quar- ter acre lots, under the usual con- ditions. Suitable time will be giv- en ta remove wood. Terms cash. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 49-1 FARM SOLD 1 have been authorized ta seil by public auction for .Pefer Liiovchik FIRST FARM SOUTH 0F SHELL GAS STATION, MAPLE GROVE Friday, December 5th The foliowing: DAIRY CATTLE Holstein cow, 4 years aid, fresh 6 weeks; Holstein cow, 4 years aid, fresh; white cow, 6 years old, bred June lOth; black cow, 5 years aid, bred May llth; black cow, 6 years, milking 2 months; black cow, 7 years, milking good, not bred; black cow, 4 years, bred'June 10; black cow, 4 ycars, bred May 15; white cow, 3 ycars,- bred May 31; bl.dck cow, 6 years, bred Septem- ber 21st; heifer, bred November 20th; 2 hiefers, rising 1%/ years; heifer caîf, 5 monthE; 2 heifer caives, 7 months; 2 heifer caives; Holstein bull, 2 ycars. POULTRY 35 spring turkeys; 2 geese; 1 gan- der; 2 young geese. 40 Leghorns, i year; 60 Rock puilets; 10 Rock roosters. WOOD Quantity of stove wood. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Woods electric cooler 4-can <new); separator, M.-H.; miik pails; and strainers. HAY Quantity of hay. GRAIN Quantity of chop. ENSILAGE Approximately 15 feet of ensilage. HORSES Bay mat~e. 3 years old; bay horse, 9 years aid; gray horse, 9 years aId; brown mare, 14 years aid. IMPlýEMENTS Binder, M.-H., 6 ft.; mower. M.-H., 5 f t.;- seed drill, M.H.; cultivator dise; rubber-tired wagon, single plow (Wilkinson 21); gang plow (Cockshutt) new; sieighs; corn binder, M-H.; hay rake (good); electric fencer: rouler (2-drum); harrows; manure spreader, Cock- shutt) new; seufl er, team; spring tooth scuffler; potato hiller: pota- ta plow; fanning miii; Stewart Clippers; brooder stove (eiectric, new); incubator; forks; hoes; chains; whiffletrees and rnany other articles. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Window frames (new)*; quantity of metal; quantity of lath; 4 100- lb. bags of potash; 2 steel window sash 5'x9'; 24 4-mn. tile. HARNESS Set of team harness; third horse set, and 3 collars. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Terms, Cash Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 49-1 For Rent THREE rooms, unfurn-ished. Write Box 993, Statesman Office. 49-1' T-HREE roams. Appiy 19 Brad- shaw St. Phone 812. 49-1 Found STEER, straycd ta premises of JamnesMeiton, Burkcton. Owner may have same by pàying expen- ses. 49-2* Roomn & Board Wanted BABY'S metal crib, mattress in- cluded. Phone 2602. , 49-1' STORM windows, combination doars. made ta mâeasurements. T. H. Tabb, Tyrane. 47-3* LADY'S grcy coat, new, size 16, latest style. Apply Cawan Block, Apartment 1. 49-1' PONTIAC 5-passenger coupe, '41, heater, defroster. Goad condition. D. Deeiey, R.R. 4. 49-1' CIRCULAR sàw for Fardsan tx'àc- tar with Ferguson systcm. Phon~e 2840., 49-1' BOY'S hockey skates and, boots, size 8, used twa years. Phone 373. 49-1 * ORDER your turkcy now. Phone 2'747. W. H. Tate, R.R. «2, Bow- manvilie. 49-1 FIFTY or more cords seasoned mîixed wood. W. H. Tate. R.R. 2, Bowmanville. ýPhone 2747. 49-1 CLARINET, violin, cellç, trumpet, three violin baws. Phone 2561. 49-1 GIRL'S red blanket-cloth ski jack- et with hood attached, size 12. Phone 2367. 49-1* FAWN tweed overcoat, sîze 36-38, good as new. Would buy worn children's apparel 3-6 years. Phone 2830. 49-1 FINDLA'Y cîrculator heater; new Case hay rake; 7 f. tandem trac- tor discs. W. H. Brown, Cage Dealer. Phone 497. 49-i FOR immediate sale '36 Chevrolet coupe, body and motor 'in very good condition. Bcst affer. Phone Orona 61 r 8. 49-1' LADY'S 'coon coat, in first class condition, beautifully lined, $40. Can be scen at Mrs. Gus Boun- sali's, 133 Church St., or phone 762. 49-1 FUR coat, silver alpine, only worn haîf a season, size 14, 2 dresses, size 16, blue with nail head trim, two-piece gold color. Phone 2938. 49-1* FINDLAY Super-Oval cook stove, ail eriamel, 18" avýen. Been used very littie.. Good as new. Clar- ence Allun, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2623,.91 M.-H. grinder 10"' in perfect con- dition; immediate deiivery an Woods electric grinders. Apply F. W. Werry, dealer for Woods Electric Farm Equipment, phone 2539, Bowmanviiie. 49-1* 11,000 Parisians wcre shot as hostages during the German occu- pation. space F. R. 49-1' ONE *1good used Beatty hand- pumnp 4" cylinder With 151 of 2" pipe, $12, and a good copper core car heater with hase, $10.- A. W.' Qrahamn, phone-< Marke, 1223, New- castle. ..49-1' UNFINISHED- Furniture specials: 5 piece bedroom suite inciuding full size or 4/0 bed, 5 drawer chcst kxpee-hole vanity. benich -aîd Ven- etian mirrar, reg. $85.00« value, Christmas special at F. F. Morris Ca., only $59.50. 49-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everythlng in mode..»n. Chester- field, bedraom mnd dinlng rooxn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coveririgs a specialty. Quai- ity* merèhandisé at 'competitive prices. Éefore buying visit Brad- ley's New "Furniture, Store, 156 Silticoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf NEW steel beds $10; trillght lamps With shades $22.05; kitchçn table, parcelain top, chramç iege, 48x25, $29.50; floar mats, 27x52, $2.95; ruga 6x9, $39,50; kitchen chairs, $2.95; bridge lampa with, shade, $12.50; elcctrîc ciocks $7.95'; coal heaters,. medium $19.ý0, large, $26M9; Quebec style coaI -stoves, $35.95; Westinghouse inantel ra- dios $3 1.95; Eiectrikbroom vacu- um cleaners, $49.50; stnali size, electric waÊhers, $59.50. Easy terms. Murphy's. Open evenings. Phone 811. 49-1 TRADE-IN- Modern bcd. spring and dresser, walnut finish, com- pieteý29.50; studio couch $10; med- ium size cÔal heatera, $6.95; Beach coal stove,- deêp firebax, With sheif, $29.50; Gurncy White ena- mel coal range, complete with sheif and reservair $79.50; Pria- ceas Pat coai. range 9-30, wlth ahelf, $59.50; medium. size baby crib, '$5; «.occasionai 'chair, newly covered $5; Kroehicr chesterfield, suite,' springs like new, coit $400, seli $35; vaidty, walnut veneer, with chair, $29.75; Royai portable typcwritcr, rèbuiit, $49.50. Odd dressera. $7.50. E&Èsy terms. Open evcnings. Murphy's. Phone 811. 49-1 CHESTERFIELD suites - Christ- mas Specials, floaor samplcs in d is- continued cavera:. One 3-piece Braemore suite covcred ail over in heavy "'waffie pattern" velour, 2 pieces wine, chailnel back chair in blue, regular $279.00, clearing at.1 $199.001. One Gold Medal 2- piece suite, modemn design in wine repp with icather piping and lea- ther covered arma. A reai ýbuy!. Regular $195.00, clearing at $149. One Snyder sectionai suite, 4 piece covered'in fine biue-ribbed home- spun, can be, used as séepaate chairs, chesterfield or love seat, iatest Lawcon design, - regular $245.00, clearing. ai $189.00. 'Sec these at F. F. Morris Ca., Bowman- ville Store. ville Store. 49-1. ,~",- '.5,, HIGHIIGHT her Christmas Tree WITH CREATIONS B HELENA RUBINSTEIN Enchante Colo'ge-elusivr... piquant *..sophisticatcd -.85, 1.25. Apple Biossom CGôogn-orehsrd-sweet and iiniversally beloved .85, 1.25. Heavea- -Sent Cologne-ethereal ... heavenly- sweet, 1.00 1.50 A set of six daintyguest cakes of Apple Blossàm Soap, 1.00. Shaker of Apple Blossoin Dust. ing Powder topped. with two Three for Lovelincs-Apple ]Biassom Cologne, Body Powder and Gueat Soap. Set 2.50 Cbarming Heaven-Sexit boxed set which includes Heaven-Sent Cologne, Dusting Powder ith, Puif, and Atomzer, 3.90 JURY & LOVELL TUE REXALL STORE King Ét. W. PHONE 778 Hwmanviile rMAGE TWECLVEC Storage Space 1 Wanted To Buy SHOTGUN, 12 le gauge, in good condition. P1fone 2791. 49-1' SKIS, 4 % or 5 foot, with pols Phone 352. 41 CHEAP farmn with bush or swanip. with or withaut buldings: Wri e Box 986, Statesman Office. 48-2 BROWNIE and Girl Guide uni_-. forms, in good condition. Phone Mrs. A. J. Frank 2834. 49-1 ONE td five acres, near BowmpL.- ville, of Highway property. Write Box 994,,Statesman Office. 49410 SKATES-Pair of child's w.-hite boots and skates,, slzq il or 12. Phone 648. 49-i1f BUCKWHE'AT a¶id Rye. Will.pay highest prices for both. Phone, Clarke 33-12. A. IV. Glpnney Newcastle. 42-ti APPLES-Ail varieties, an àuatitities, best prices. AppIyý 91 Feidman, 205 Arlington Ave., oj ronto. Kenwood 5687. 4-4 ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf WE are Qffering highcst prices fôr Red Claver, Aisike, Alfaif a and Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-tf ELECTRIC motor, 60 cycle, froni 1/2 h.p. up ta 1 h.p., hcavy dûty type preferred, in good condition. Write-Box 990, Statesman Office. .49-1 LIVE horses for mink and fox food. Cail us for highest prices. We also pick up dead farmn stock free of charge. Margwill Fuir Farm,. R.R. 1, Tyrane. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf Pets For Sale TWO ColUe pups, black and white. E. R. Taylor, phone 2392. 49' SPRINGER Spaniel pups, seven weeks aid. Phone 579. 49-1 COCKER Spaniel pups, from reg- istered stock. Apply Bob Wheel- er, Blackstock. 49-111 WALKER Red Bone hound pups 5 months old, -$7.00. D. Adcock, Hampton. 49-1' PUREBRED Red Cocker Spaniel puppy, 6 months old. House-train- ed, reasonable' price. G. Virtue. 5 Cowan Block. 49-1' Real Estate For Sale COTTAGE, winterized, rast Beach. Phone 2975. 49-1 HOUSE, partly finished, passes- sion in a reasonable time. Lot 13b: Con. 3, Darlingtan. 49-1' NEW seven room cernent. bl oclc , hause, water and lights, hot ýair ~ heating, buiît-on garage, quarter açre of land. Apply Gardon W.- Lockwaod, Orono Flour Milis, Or- ana, Ont. . 474 CONSIDERABLE atorage for non-pemishable goods. Sehoni, Beech Ave. _______________________FOR young working girl, willing ta look after childmen or help with Livestock For Sale housework. Apply Clerk 8, Walk- ,.,~~ ~ ,e~*. r's. 49-1' 1