THURSAY, ECEMBR 4,1947THE CANADIAN.STATESMAN. BOWMAN4VMLLg ONTARIO hBck le hie Bow and Arrow Or Forging Ahead in Reverse (Continued from Page One) -les and Fred Bruce. Chairman Fred Bruce put Uic now members Io work selling tickets for the Rotary Leona Flood Concert in January. hsndnewa A special isndnewa served due ta' the generosity af 'Rotarian Tommy Palmes who was thanked by President Mol for the enjoyable treat. Ms. Gully's address is reported in full hesewith because in thîs pre-Chsistmas issue ai The States- man it,is foît apprapsiate ta avoid abridgement ai such a wealth af humas and precopt at this sdbson wben the se-imposition ai co&trols ruffle many feelings. Ho spoke as follaws: Sorry State During the Civil War a woman askdd a Negro soldier just.back from the front, if ho bad any encouraging news. You may se- cail wbat ho, said, "Woll 'Ma'am owing ta the peculiar nature af «.tbe gsound where the fighting is being did, the enemy arn retreat- ing fosward, wbile wo ail is ad- vancing backward." To those wha look at the warld 'hif~is sorry state, and wonder if chaos bas came ta stay, I shah oen- deavor ta ibring you what is mis- takenly callod a message, but whatever you caîl it, it may cause you ta wonder more, if you ro- main witb me the noxt few min- utes. Maybe less than 5 per cent, or fewer than five in every hun- dred ai aur population study or understand the basic laws that govern the economic jungle in which civilization lives, breathes, works, suffers and butchers one another. Even if you arc among the five percent presumably sa gifted that yau do understand the basic law, you are almost sure ta be bu.ffaloed, because it is s0 gen- erally ignared. Public Confusion Ninety-iive out ai every hun- dred thon, who don't understand the basic law, confuse jobs, wages, security and loîsure, and imagine that wages, security and leisure camne from an high, or irom, some- body else, but not as the resuli af theis own labour or exertions. Is it any wander, therefore, thal in a land papulated by innocent visianaries, we should be heading into a period ai passible pauper- ization? Do people really believe bal! af wbat is told thom by the dream- ors? One ai the proafs ai man's credulity is that ho accopts a mol- anchoiy existence in the hope thal the hereaiter wvill bo crammed with hamburgers, bot dags and coca cola. If you would like to know what poople are thinking and talking about, go ta one af the new cocktail bars where the occupants are haif stewed. The barkeeper wheels in a tray-load ai grog and the customers' opin- ions begin ta flicker. You learn that one nation's commun sense (ours for example) is another natian's high blIoo d pressure, (Russia's let's say). That things wan't be right in the world until every "hottentot" has a Cad- illac. In Hollywood the brides keop the bouquets and throw the grooms away. Things won't be right or satisiactory at Queens Park until the Governmont, with every quart ai Scotch, gives yau a tin cup and six lead pendils. As yau listen ta these absurdi- tios, you tbink ai wbat your father used ta say when ho taok you traut fishing on the banks ai the pond. "Listen son, keep yaux Iiilh:ii:.ii.EUiilU!Hhiii ....~'.*i!!iih. .I....... " PURFECTID SUPERHET CIRCUIT " BEAM POWER OUJTPUT " MJTOMATIC VOLUME CONTROL " ALNICO NO. 5 SPEAKER " BOTH AC-DC OPERATION " MAHOGANY PLASTIC CABINET BUY NOWI 33 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE 80MSIED lu TUE! PlUC NTErE' Ontario profita almnost as mnuch from tourist business as from gold mning..11'., t s b u s i e s s growing. DBi SflghtIy higher ln lyory A 5-TUBE Sensation I PHONE 2890 Every. tourist dollar la shared this waý, 1. HotIs; 2. Stores:, 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amusements; 6. Garages. NY 1lO01N UTT UNITED in the country, ho will do until the door said, "I neyer fargret a face---- smartest one cames along. Ho but in your case I'mi wilhing ta found an ad entitled "Why Boys make an exception",. Leave Home", so he filled out the Other Jobs coupon, and back came a letter He was able ta save something fromn The Glow in the Dark Neck- in spite ai his limited easnings. Ho tie Corporation, away down in knew how ta get along on a little Omaha. They wanted ta knaw - Nevertholess ho lost social if Wilbur would like ta hawk standing by always asking for neckties irom door tao door-There 'lemonade. j was big money in it. Big Money. Ho didn't stay with Glaw in the Not even a wbispcred "I lave you" Dark Necktie Corporation. It carries so much joy and comfort would take a pack ai beagles ta and sesponse as the words "I fallow bis mns and outs. Ho got LOVE YOU". linked up with an inventor who Smart Salesman worked in a commercial aviary. The letter worked like Rinso. This inventas had won a goldl Keeping bis oye on the silver modal for csossing a carrier pig-I Iining, Wilbur stays awake al con with a woodpeckor. The resuit j night. In the morning ho puts on was a bird that not only b roughti his attter shirt--waiks ta Winnipeg you a message, but knacked on, --negotiates a smalî financial ac- the cfoor. Wilbur's tenure in this commodation from the Disaster venture was short. Loan Corporation and strikes out For a while ho was with the for Omaha. Inflation wasn't even Little Gem Ca. (They manufac- I around the corner ýood was pion- tured 20' pales for people you tiful. You could stokc the furnace1 wouldn't touch with a 10' pale). for 3c- no contrais, no over the! It was here that the Salles Mana- ceiling--under the counter_-orj (Continued on Page Fourteen) Ris WEMj ffiles on the water-trout don't Engineers Honored Ilive in trees." In the last depression, Joe Doak, 13Y Lavai University on relief, was employed on a high- way project. He complalned to To mark the occasion of the. the foreman that he hadn't a shov- Fortieth Anniversary of the Que- el. The foreman told hlm flot ta bec Bran<ch of The Engineering worry - he was getting paid wasn't Institute of Canada, Lavai Univer- he? But Joe said, III can't.have sity conferred the honorary degree a shovel ---everybody but me's got of Doctor of Science on Lieut. Col- somethin' to lean on." onel L. F. Grant, President of the Six or seven civilizations ar- Institute, and Ernest L a v i g n e, rived at the point we are ap- President of the Corporation of proaching--..and then collapsed. Professional Engineers of Quebec. Do you suppose that one cause of Lieut. Colonel LeRoy Fraser OUR sorry muddle is that we have Grant, E.D., M.E.I.C., is an honor learned to read and write? During my lifetime the country bt as become largely literate, and twith it an immense market of persons who are able ta read in *the sense that they are able to pass printed produce through their -*4 minds, but to a very startling de- .~ fgree it is tripe. .On the speculation that you may sfind some profit, or at any rate - relaxation in the story of Will4ur *~ tKiffle, lot me take you ta a bloak iarming community near Haskett, Northorn Manitoba, in the vicinity of the Pembina Mountains. You will see this botter, perhaps if fyou allow yourself to look back for a moment on your own child- hood. Prairie Family Wilbur was born on the desolate sprairie, 20 miles from a awy (which isn't balf a block from the bus). If you read Frederick Phil- 1ip Grove's well publicizod book t'In Search of Myseli", you wilL.Cl .F rn get some idea of the hardships L.Cl .F rn of Northern Manitoba, when Wil. graduate of the Royal Military bur lived there. The snow was College and Queen's University seleven feet deep in winter. but (B.Sc.). He is associate professor Deach spring it meltod and disap- of engineering, Queon's Universi- 2peared from the fiat tract of land, ty. which was sa poor the cattie got O rdaigfo h oa down on their knees to pluck the Military College he entered the patches of starveling herbage. praetfrea nofcri But the Kiffle family, Martha teroalntfreadian rtieriH aevn Zoeek and Wibur and his retired, to tako up cîvilian engin- s evenbrohr and s istes wee eering work, in 1907, but returned healhy ad hapy. od gves tat the forces in 1914, with the birds their food, but hie doesn'trakocptiinteCadn ro itntenst atetrn Ovorseas Railway Construction of existence did for the KifflesCop.Hwsmeiodine- wrhavelannoecuiymgb e-patches on three occasions. er hve dne.From 1921 until 1939 Colonel Advertlsint Lure Grant was an instructor and pro- There are 4,800 ways to benefit fessor at the Royal Military Col- a farmer, not including leaving lege. in Soptembor, 1939, ho was hlm alone, so one day a lotter cames to the Kiffle homestead. Since no motivating force com- pares with curîosity, they have to get saime literato person ta coin- 1 municate its contents. The lotter is from tbie Knickerbockcer Busi- ness College. It is advocating edu- cation and praying deliverance from the vacuity of mcrely exist- ing on the fringe of civilization. The letter suggests that Mrs. . .~ Kiffle go over her offspring and....... see if she can detect a gleamn of genius therein. Acting on the cir- cular letter's impulse, Mrs. Kiffle examines her progeny and a spark responds in Wilbur. Drawn, as by magnet, Uic Kif- fies pull out and settie near Win- nipeg, where Wilbur goes ta scbool. Through wind and rain, snaw and scorching sunshino, Wilbur makes his way to this primary seat of -learning, return- ing each night too tired to down the cup o! cocoa his motlierpress- es upon him. Barely snatching Ernest Lavigne time for a bite, hie rushes out to milk the cows, shoar the sheep, called for active service with the curry the borses, paint the bouse, rank af lieutenant-colonel, R.C.A. dig the woll and ail the odd jobs, In 1940 hoe was appointed general that any roador of biography Staff Officer, first grade, M.D. 3. q knows must be done before a man He became an Associate Mem- can hope ta be Chairman of the ber of the Institute in 1913, and a Board o! Premier af the Province. Momber in 1927. He bas held af- Bright Pupil fice in the Kingston Branch on several occasions and was named There are 500 odd students at Dominion Presidont in May af this the schaol, but Wilbur was one afier the oddest. Ho was ashamed ofyar the paverty that made the seat of Ernest Lavigne, O.B.E., M.E.I.C., his pants sa sbiny, and ashamed -president af the Corporation of because they would neyer stay Professional Engineers of Quebec, buttoned---yot, in spite af ail this, îs~ a graduate of Ecole Polytoch-' and try as hie might, ho couldn't nique. Following his graduation develap an inferiarity camplex. hie served as an engineer with the He won a prize. Departmont af Public Works and2 The prize was for his knowledge Labor, Queboc. Since 1926 he has o! symbalic liberty in the U .S. held the Provincial appointment It concorned the Statue of Liberty of fire commissioncr. in New York Harbor ta be exact. 'Ms. Lavigne is on the Council af He came through with the right The Engineering Institute of Can- answer ta a quiz, that fazed smart- ada as the reprosentative af the er boys. The teacher said "Which Corporation. band is the S tatue af Liberty The Engineering Institute of holingov - be had, -and quick Caqnadaisthis year cleraIngit MEN'S WATCH SPECIAL 15 .Iewel WESTFIELD - $17.50 17 Jewel WESTFIELD- $19.50 $5 Others from -----------$ .0u 7 Jewel BOYS' WATCH Swlss made -------- $8.95 Ladies' Walches 17J Elco White $16.95 Others ranging____$7.95 10K gold onyx ______-- $15.00 10K gold signets -- $7.50 up Sterling silver man's $1.50 up Toilet Sels 3-plece, Comb, Brush and Mirror _______ 5-plece Sets______- 10-plece Sets - - - $13. Sterling Silver - $39.' $5.95 1 .95 up 75 up ASSORTED COMPACTS ail st>4eg from $1.95 up arr s 43 Ring Si. W. TEA SETS 3-piece Rogers Sheffield ~- $15.95 5-piece Rogers Sheffield- - $45.00 Large assortmont af these on hand For the Younger Sel Baby Culp, as eut -_________ $1.50 Baby Spoon and Fork _______65e up 'Baby Sterling Dent Spoon .- $1.75 Baby Comb and Brush Sets --- -- - $1.00 Pr. Baby, Gold Comi> and Brush Sets $5.95 Cigarette Cases Chrome Plate $5.93 Yeilow ---$4.75 Sterling Silver $9.50 (No tax on above) 17J Bulova as above $29.75 7 'J Swlss12s $8.95 J ew eliery Bowmanville l'tom 8B1G in Performance! BI1G in Size!1 ,SmaII oniy in Pricel1 EXPANSION BRACELETS' f or Men and Women Stalnless Steel $5.95 (no tax> Men's and Ladies' Benrus Cold filled. $6.95 1 year guarantec on al expansion bracelets irom this store. Mrs. A. M. Darch Two million or mare motorists fron. the States visit us each year .. . thousands of them just for the beauty of aur Ontasio countryside. Let's see toit that our haspitality matches the perfection of aur lakes and buls. Ha-,-', you a copy of our 1948 Christmas Glft Catalogue? If not write, phone or eall and we wili gladly send you one. %Let's mdc. th.m want to corne bock!"J Y-.----------------------------------------- Phone 463 Marr s Jewellery ............. ............... .... Fm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4,1947 You are eordlally invlted to drop lnanmd look around. are under no obligation to buy.