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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1947, p. 15

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TKDR$DAY, DEC~MBER 4. 194? TEE CMiADIM< STATMAN, EOWMAI<VILLE. ONTARTO PAGE FIF~EE?~ Colored, Travelogue of Peru and Nexico Showu ai Durham Club (Elsie RL Fair) The - Durham Caunty Club of. Train" from the highest railroad 9roronto met- at I.O.D.E. Head- ia the worid into the Andes. quarters;, Thursday, Nov. 27. The travelague was colorful and Président Dr. Frank Trebilcock, informative, showing the Indian ln ie open~ remarks, referred in his native picturesque costume to the weddI of Princess Eliza- and mode of living. This trip to beth, a d reada few lines from the the Andes requires a certificate Poet Laureate's Ode of Welcome frorn a Doctor; a sound heart; flot of 1808 to Queen Alexandra, by over forty years of age, and very Tennyson, and one by John Mase- littie money, as a one-way ticket field, 1947, to Princess Elizabeth. costs only 45c, the oniy klnd sold. The minutes of the iast meet- It is a case of "wait and see if you Ing were. read by Miss Helen B3. corne back." The average money Baker, iter which the chairman earned by a native is about 25c introduced Dr. A. I. Willinsky as a day. Food, that was for sale at a Medical Associate, who present- the stations, since there were no ed a colored travelogue of Peru dining cars on the train, was flot and Mexico. relished by the best of man, and Dr. Wllinsky was a delegate to it was noted that potatoes origin- the International College of Sur- atcd in Peru. geons and took part in scientific It is advisable not to condemn discussions but mnanagcd to get or criticize but to understand. away for four days to take the pic- The Jlama is used extensively turcs shown "An Hour on the and exclusively as a beast of bur- Pepsi-Cola hits the spot onytimel There's fwice as much in the big 1 2-ounce bottiel1 ýPepsT.Coa' g, the r.gistared rade ,,ýrk lI Canada of the Pepsi-Colta Company of Canada Limited den. The male carrnes the Ioad, the female looks ater the family. They travel in great herds and are the oniy animais that conlilve in such a high altitude. They t- spond to the careful. care of their keepers. The native is more con- cerned about the losa of a ilama than of his wife, because ho cun obtain the latter easier. The ila- ma is a cross bctween a camel and a mnule. The second film "From Mexico City to Vera Cruz" taken in 1043 was snorter but aIse colorful. Or- chida and gardenias were shown that grow in profuse abuiidance and sold at railway stations In ciongatcd boxes af fibrous wood -that tends to kecp the flowers fresh for a perlod of time. Gar- denias were thrown into the swimming pool at the hotel by th 'e barrelful-a delightful place to swli. Ray Dudley of Bowmanville, showed remarkablc talent as a pi- anist In his rendering of "Fantaoy Impromptu" and "Waltz in E Min. or" by Chopin. Mrs. Rachel Cope- land'thanked the.young artlst for the pleasure he had given the au- dience. The social hour was in charge of Group 2 under the leadership of Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, when Mrs. L. B.. Wiliams and Mis. Col. Jcffery presided at the cofîce urns. It scemcd good to again see the Misses McGili and Mrs. Sol. JeIf- ery who have flot beenr able to at- tend the meetings for sametime. It was learned with regret that Mrs. O. Henderson had been in- jured recently by a faîl. Mrs. Holmes of Newcastle was the guest of Mrs. Latikin. Bruce Madden brought along his broth- er and Mr. John Halliday o! North Bay was the guest of Mr. Fair. As this was the last meeting of 1947 Christmas greetings were in order: "'Neyer a Christmas morning, Neyer the old year ends But somebody thinks of sorneone, Old days, old times, old fricnds."l Every cent spent oh Christmas Seals is used ta combat tubercul- osis. 't'uberculosis' Christmas Seals have become part of the Christ- mas tradition in Canada. They serve ta brighten up the Christ- mas mail and they make it pos- sible for every persan to contri- bute to the Anti-T.B. campaign. 1 - - i Thé Finest ,Car. in the IowmPrîce Field //a qfik & a (6t me 9p ",/' And what friends it makes! The sort of friends who do not give their friendship lightly ... whose affection, respect, and Ioyalty can only be earned by the truly deserving . .. by a car such as Pontiac. Wherever you travel, you'1l fiad these fricnds af Pontiac - owners who have experi- enced at first band the thrilling power and dependabie performance of the farnous Pontiac L-Head engine... owners whose expenses have been cut amazingly by Pontiac's iow cost of aperatian and upkeep. Inside, out- side, bumper ta bumper, conpare Pontiac with other cars. The truth wili aiways out - Pontiac is the finest car in the low-price field. ýrhe stack a! orders piledu p for the nota Pontiac are gratifing testimonials go the quality ans! beauty aithisfilnest ai the farnous Silver Streaks. Unforivinately, sa nea,,y orders also méat, that many who cho ose Pontiac tmust u'ait. Sa it your car- wvise head and heart say 'Potic'. ,. yu present car will git'e you better, saler serv- ice uhile j ois wai.e if van have it services! by your Pontiac dealer. ROY W. NICROLS COURTICE ONTARIO TEEN TOWN At a meeting of the executivo heid Monday, Dec. 1, it was decid- ed ta halal the annual election af officers this Saturday, Dec. 6. The nommnating conittec have pre- sented a very gaod list of nomina- tions. The presidency and vice- prosidcncy will this year coasist of a boy and girl ln each. Voting wili be donc by ballot on Satur- day night and it Is hopcd that cv- eeyone wiil be on, hand ta make sure that the new executive is the choice of aIl antd fot a miaority. Due ta high school oxaminations there wlll flot bo a, Teen Town on Saturdmjr, Dec. 13, but a vcry ia- toresting Christmnas party is being Planned for Saturday, Dec. 20. The foliowing are the list o! names presented by the nominating com- mnittec which wîll appear on the ballot. President and vice presi- dent, Mary Paterson,.Doris Char- tran, Gladys Brooks, Pearl Bres- lin, Maxino Moare, Herb Dustan, Tom DoGeer, Bob Gallaghor, and Al. Clarke. The boy and gifl with thc highest number of votes will be president and the second high- est vice president. For secrctary Lois Fisher and Mary Alldread; treasurer, Vivian Prout and Lois Wilson and for publicity and ýe- porting Gregory Friond and Glenn Brooks. SALEM On Thursday, Nov. 13, many fricnds and neighbors gathered at the Cana home ta e xpreiss the re- gret that they are leaving Salem and ta show their appreciation for the variaus ways they have help- cd la the community life. Rev. Mr. Cresswell, who actcd as chair- man, made a !ew brie! remarks after which Mr. and Mrs. Cana wcre presented with an occasion- al chair, Mary with a tri - light floor lamp, Reta and Joan pictures and books. Each présentation was ably respondcd ta by the reci- pients, wha said that aithough they are leaving Salem théSr will be living ia Bowmanviile and want their friends ta corne and ,Visit them there. The rest o! the evening was spent la a social man- ner and a dainty lunch was serv- ed by the ladies. Bowmanville Isi Troop Visits Fourth Troop Ai Boys' Train. Schooi On Monday, Dec. 1, the First Bowmanville Scout Traop were guests o! the B.T.S. Fourth Troap. The meeting opened wîth flag- break followed by the Lord's Prayer. The two Traaps thon broke up inta two groups, anc 'going sýyirming, the other ta play basketball. A!tei- 20 minutes o! this, they switched about with the Bawmaaqville Scouts and a few af B.T.S. going swimming. The B.T.S. Troop is under the leadership o! Scautmaster Bent, asslsted by Mr. Cuthbertson. The Troop has sevea patrols, the Lions, Foxes, Owls, Whipperwills, Boa- vers, Eagles and the Wolvcs. Each patrol has around 8 ta 10 boys la it. % Towards the close o! the meet- Ing District Scoutmaster Denis Piekard gave the boys a very ln- tercsting talk. This Friday the best Scouts out o! each patral are going ta Camp Samac for twa days in the cabins. Meeting closed with flag low- ering and a prayer. New!oundland has an lndustry -oleamargarine-whose manu- ture or importation is forbidden la Canada. Business Directory Legal W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money to lcan - Phone 791- Bowmanvillc, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bewmanvillc Phone: Office 688 - Residencc 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9% King Street E. Bowfianville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- Houso 409 MISS APRA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Tesperance St. - Bowmanville Phono 351 Dental DRIL DEVIT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dcntistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville, Office H ours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily. 9 ar..ta 12 noon Wedncsday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office fours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closcd Sunday Phono 604 - . 23-5* Monuments TeRut ýr Granite Company Phone bol - P.O. Box,622 Port Hope, Ont. JUNIOR STAMP CLUB ¶'he Junior Stamp Club met la the Public School last Friday and held thoir ciection o! officers. The following were electcd. Chairman, Tom Graham; vice chairman, Rob- in Miller; secretary, Alan Rich- ards, and treasurer, Jack Hum- phries. The next meeting will be held Fniday, Dec. 12, la the Public School and cvcry boy and girl in- terested in cailecting stamnps is invited to attend. RECREATI.ONAL CALENDAR Thhrsday, Dec. 4 7 p.m.-Baskotbali Practice, High School. Friday, Dec. 5 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathercraft Class, Lions Community Centre. 7 p.r.-Boys' Model Club, Lions Community Centre. Saturday, Dee. 6 8 p.m.-Tcen Town, High School. Monday7 Dec. 8 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathercra!t Class, Lions Community Centre. 9 p.m.-Basketball Practice, High School. 6 Tuesday, Dec. 9 7 p.m.-Leathercraft Class, Lions Community Centre. Wednesday, Dec. 10 7 p.m.-Volleyball Games, High Sehool. 8 p.m.-Girls' Baskctbali Practice, High School. 8 pi.m.-Shellcraft Class. Presid ent of Bank Cails on Government To Reduce Spending Montreal, Dec. 1 - Urging a sharpened sense of responisibility among groups that make policies whichbear on prices and costs, George Spinney, president o! the Bank of Montreal, today declared that "self-imposed restraint from charging what the traffic wil bear, either for goods or the skill, George W. Spinney, C.M.G. requir ed ta produce them, is as necessary, as practical and as pru- dent as fire insurance on a high- ly -inflammable structure." Addressing B of M sharehold- crs at their l3Oth annuai meeting, Mr. Spinney alsa pleaded for an immediate, selective immigration program and a reduction la gov- crament spending, as possible aids ta a mare stable cconamy. Emphasizing the danger o! the belief held 'by some economic theorists that, bymonetary mani- pulation and state control, a com- munity could indefinitely consume more than it is able or iiling ta produce, Mr. Spinney1 said that now, "evea the most ardent pro- ponet of compensatory public spending would agree that we have arrived at one of those points in the cconomic cycle where old- fashioned virtues of frugality are thoroughly consistent ýwith the dictates of thle most advanced ec- onomic theory. "The course now indicated lis the difficult and more courageous route of remorseless elimination o! luxuries of governmeatal ex- penditure which represent an un- necessary demand on the taxpayer and on aur productive resources," Mr. Spinney said. Prices and Costs Referring ta the present high prices, Mr. Spinney said that re- cent developments emphasized for all influential groups in the com- munity the urgent need of a shar- pened sense of responsibilîty for the implications of* their own pal- icies in relation ta the behaviaur af prices and living costs. "The upthrust in prices and costs," he said, "is now everybo- dy's concern. It affects the house- wife, ruefully contemplating the famiiy budget. It enormously complicates the problem of pro- vidîng urgently needed housing at prices that people can afford ta pay. It reduces the reai value o! ail accumulated savings in mono- tary form, eating away at the hard-won rewards of foresight and -thrift." While admitting that Canadians h-ve been spared the hardships of violent inflation, Mr. Spinney said, '"we have experienced enough o! the consequences o! a graduai de- COMMUNITY CQUNCIL NEWS Greatest Fallacy - And Greatest Threat (John Atkins la The Scene from Shiagwauk Farm) The greatest !allacy o! aur age and the. one that carnies the great- est threat to aur civilization, is the belie! that the welfare of. the individuai is the responsibility of the state. This belief doos not seem ta carry with it any sense of the individual's respansi'bility toward the state. It is based on the notion that gaverament can distribute wealth among the peo- ple without first collecting it from the people. It is encouraged by politicians who ought ta know better, but who find it politically profitable ta promise the voters something for nothing. People -who believe that they can get something for nothing al- ways have been easy vîctims for confidence mca; and people who elect governments on the strength o! such promises are no exception ta the rule. They pay dearly for their folly. The greatest disservice a gov- crament can render its people is ta make them dependent on it for their bread and butter. The great- est mistake a people can niake is ta allow their goverameat ta make thcm sa dependent. The money the people receive jI FRIGIDAIRE APPLIAN( A 36 Kin g St. E. fr omithe government must be col- lected from the people themselves. It may not be paid ta each in ex- acet proportion ta what is collected from each; but this às certain, less will be paid out than is collected. This also is certain, ail who ac- cept payments from the goverfi- ment will become dependeat on the governiment for part of their livelihood.. They have takea the King's shilling and they have be- corne the King's mca. Henceforth, thcy wili depend less on their earnings and more on their votes for their bread and butter. To make the voter dependent on CES- MARCONI, STROMBERG. CARLSON, SPA!R COMPLETE STOCK 0F SPORTS EQUIPMENT B o w m a n v 1-11' the gavernment rathor than on hlm owa labor is the surcst way ta un~- dermine democracy. - Pariner IL H. Montreal, Dcc. 3-lt was exactly ten minutes before train time at the Central Station when the gefi- tiernan walked up to the C.N. Tclegraph ofifce. "I must fiad out from my people la Charlottetown whethcr or not I should get on that train," ho said. "Can you get a reply ta, this telegrain for me ia time?" Fast fiagors tapped out the message. Baclc came the answer. Thc gentleman made the train. ,preciation of the internai purchas- ing power of aur dollar ta yearn for the advaatages o! a depead- able standard af value in terns o! a stable level of prices."1 Mr. Spinney then turned to a discussion of Caaada's uabalanced trading relationships, and suggest- ed that the measures recently tak- en ta nicet the pro'blem wero a challenge ta the good sense of Canadians. ln view of what ma- ny other nçitions were suffcring, ho remarked that the present re- strictions scarcely dcserved the dlgnity o! the title "ýausterity."1 For Canadians ta achieve their full destiny, ho feît that a greater population was essential. Sayirig that Countless people on the other side of the Atlantic regarded this country as a land o! golden op- portunity, Mr. Spianey said, "Ca- nadians are at this moment help- iag ta support, at a low level o! existance, many of these people who could be and should ic cary- ing out a fuller life for themsclves1 ia this country in which there are far too many empty spaces. If ev- or there was a time when Canada should press forward with an im- migration program, that time isi now," he addcd. sure lt's just the Incentive you need ta, lick t] holiday platter clean. Our Christmas special Cookies ta strudels-ail oven-fresh mornii and alternoon. Treat the folks ta aour pasti "wh ai foo ds 1h e se mo r se i The Carter Fami] "Bakers for Two Genorations"l 2i King St. E. tho Ing ry. s b e [y Phone 855 RTON RADIOS Phone 408 ~Ij:-1uLuLr~rTxiTI7LrjILt N I 4 BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS-TAKE ALL NEXT YEAR TO PAY USE OUR BUDGET CREDIT PLAN-EAS.Y. CONVENIENT MAtsON AND D AL E WINNING AND KEEPING FRIENDS.. Flallering the Sweet Toofh Been thinkin' about a piece of tempting aid- fashioned cake lateiy? We have it ... we're . 1 TMnMAT, DECVRIM 4,1947 PAGE PnPTEU "MIC!A1.t.ADUNSTATIMUN, BOWMANVnLF,4 ONTAIUO 1

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