~; t. ~ '~1-~. PAGE SIXTEEN TMECANADIAN STATEMAN. BOWMANVTLL, ONTAIUO TUtDTD ,0 Ers. A. Je.*Oke, Courticer Revives srdinthose dWsfo heWo-Celebrato Silver Weddig SAWTS e rlSO Ha p pa smotion of the preent generation~3. Old q Ms. ke e fnd tezepries ur.met in the school room on Friday rettose dwy evening, Nov. 31,. with the presi- Harried and distracted In try- New Engalxid States by impressive A>.niadentic arnce farytedane.nMthe Inig to figure out just what to scores. Noted in théP picture of Brb chaiprct. in 4~Emr Cox, aeareatrynrad eveMra print ini The Statesman to ex- the Toranto team are the late Dr. derb wire, $650' pert 15c ( bin lters ai appreiatian and sthak plain aur present economic per- Norman Heatlij, a Sauina boy who ilv i?;Potan enet$20fr îofwrhe club hnand ent ta piexities we were happy ta re- practised in Pontypool and Dr. whveat 2cPotl 1 arîee 6,t- i.80rev ebes ceive fram Mrs. A. J. Oke, Cour- Wes Clark, now af Peterboro, bath wte 18c, andegs 324c A 36 bt.s ho ndbrt uess meetin w tice, several aid papers and clip- members af the famous, undefeat- tr1an gs2csh ratrbusinesh mthe ling a pings she had saved up which cd Bowmanville Football Team oi At the same time Torono citU prografrnws iveh the camlwin show a composite picture of how those old days. zens compiained that the tax bill *.* r~xte ansistin oiGthe Rck- people livcd and the prices they Another picture is that ai the w as rising too rapidly. In 1891, armrte os. Astin Wod, r.Notr-c hapiertims n tis ou- 1899 team ai the Ontario College the rate per capita was 2:34 and inmnRiaranGe.An.n paid infai harmacy, the college that lat- 1897 it had risen ta 2:49. High theasn cea r Rickard ad eMrAi . I Mrs. Oke, it would appear Is one er graduated Frank Kerslake o coltahrwr skn frteabneofM.RkrdM. of toseindvidals ho elive etied i Bomanill, Hrb. $550 Per year and country sehool Alnto h hi:Voi e ta l hosiniualprsewha eloiee redy, LetBowaid lc,an teachers were asking no less than j lection by Mr. AI. Fletcher, ac- tht ilar reen coomc credy Ltbrdg, ia. ad$250 per year. It was an awful cornpanied by his daughter, Lor- troubles are purely artificial and W. J. Inch, Weston, ail membersstaintoedn;slcinb ecsî ur we are inclined ta agree with ber. af the Bowmanville Football ag- staio h sdys. nt ette (Mr.n Mrewst leur.s tisrefreshing ta iook back and gregatian. Durham County fig- Even the Walker House,Tor- kerville and Mr. and Mrs. Howard see haw people gat aiang and in- ured prominently in the caliege onto, one ai the leading hoteis Aluin), "I passed by your win- deed prospered on a price level sparts those days. ai the day <which is stili operat- ..< ow"paoslbyL aFet ai nin oth epl ftaday. Old Time Papers ing) askcd the unheard ai price cher. padrcsol by ev. G. leC.u- astoundngAta he peapelaip$.00 peaday inludinga Mbïd ey, "Christianity in the Whirlpool It bas evidentlyshrt shtaty we rAntoote pigwsfonteand three ai the best nieais cook- and til anoherofaife;" piano duet by Mrs. Otto ine bac tay seine anrt ofst aat lb n t the d in Ontaria. As an aside at the BagadRt;slcinb peeintCada seninl g and t from the Methodist publication, marnent we might mention that BagadRt;slcinb pepl i Cnaawil zre wih"Happy i-lours" In ail these the one single meai in a îirst class city Newcastle quartette, "S i 1lv e r he.clumns partraycd the lufe in those hotel today casts more than two selectan by mr. ther accavioin Hence we print extracts f r o in turnes and one af the feature ar- dollars. Hence as Mm. Gully as- slcinb r lthracm the clippings she sent in and tell ticles was the story oi Napolean serts "we are forging ahead in Anitrtening to a teeceln ai a few of the pictures also en- in exile an St. Helena. Tepit reverse."adrcsndm ialubrsw clased. Here, are saine of the ing was excellent, the stories in fde e ad msicanoms roit highlights:thbetounisi tradition. Olti Statesman Files al vnn.Lnhwssre Real Football Day: Many ai the stories in the Globe Buteta get bacLutahThe States- frm a pers Oke seds infages *and asocial turne spent. Aiter- First is a pictr ith9nvr al iruaaapnigicldn r sity af Toronto Football Teain ai items irain Durhar n d Çart anppr ulse sfrbc wards the young people enjoyed a as 1904. And we are astoundedshrpridadncg.Nx 1905 that went ta the U.S.A. that wright which necd not be repeat- sihsohretasFo m ei iiobefdn an. N9, year and beat the best they had ed here for they appear frornturne meetnnote the p 1948.n. 9 dawn south. The team trimmed ta time in the "Dim and Distant" instance:.___19____8.__ the University - af Pennsyivania columos af The Statesman. S. W. Masan and Sons had. the Mr. andi Mn. George Klngsman cutting the cake at the celebration and ail the leading teams in the But frorn the ord Globe clip- temnerity ta advertise as follows: ai their 25th wedding anniversary, held at their home in Oshawa, _______________________________________ Mcn's suits $9.00, bay's suits $. Saturday, Novembr 22.. Mrs. Kinsman was farmerly Miss Helen H Y O 15, l at clearance prices."1 Fred R. King aiBwmnile and Mr. isa' home was in Cour-_______ Foley advcrtised boy's and giri's tice. -Courtesy Times-Gazette shoes at $1.00 per pair and in ala Bible Class meeting was held LUMBER ________ this no anc stampeded. Wheat an a r .Seo' nTusa the local market was the great. a bad time for frugal farmers. ers' Banquet on Friday night at evening with 12 present. Presi- ________________-price ai 90e a bushel; barley at' Maybc ! ! ! Bethany. dent Mrs. C. Siernan prcsided. Bi- 40c; aats at 3lc and dairy cows Local Weddln.g Mns. C. Sanderson, Rev. Milton bic rcading was rcad by'James thrived. Butter was 14e per lb.; In the sarne issue was an ac- and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto, with Graham and the devational by __________ eggs 16c a doz., and potatoes 30c. caunt ai the Jewell-Fieldirg wcd- Mr. A. Sharpe. Mrs. C. Garrard. MiltonFSlemon Wasn't thein the happy- days? ding and the stary ai the happy Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and lcd in prayer. Election ai offie- (Today a Pound ai butter and a couple taking a wedding jaur'ney iamily were Sunday callers at Mr. ers for 1948 were: President, Mrs. boat o£ breaci aimost take a whoie before taking up residence in Buf- Fred Wright's, Mapie Grave. C. Siemon; vice president, Miltan dollar bill.) falo. Alsa in that year the Ander- M.adMsD.Can m- Siemon; ecretary, Lloyd Siemon; Recirocty isuesonStore advertised suits at $7.45; Mr. atdMM. . ar a non. treasurer, Cecii Siemon; social Vacuum Cleaners are GR010EAT! clpoly 'u sontMr .Ram Uin committce, Mrs. J. Patts and Miss But ta continue. In 1911, the shirts at 69c, sox at 19c and shoes Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston vis- May Trewin. It was decidcd ta year ai the Dominion election on at $2.65, ail guarantced or maneyitdM.itnTabnndM.ol acasmeigth irt recpraitywit th U..A. wht bck.J. D. Brown, Orono. Tuesday in cach rnonth duringthe Wasin MaHns re RE T! do we iind in The Statesman? Sa these are the highlights iroin Mrs. .Walter Carr, Codrington, wintcr. Lunch was served. Wahn M c.*eiscr-CR A uick and McMurtry, Bowman- the clippings sent in from Mrs. spent a lew days with ber son, Mr. IsetrMEc iie u vlie, shipped a car ai Ontaria ap- Oke ai Caurtice. Wc hope they D. Carr. soalo riday, e hiidren pies across the border and had to will prave intercsting at this Sudymrnn tS..frhve iinshcdathei e Chi n- pay $315.40 duty. The Statesmnan Christmias season and rnay have Tempe3rmance inrutn Mrs. Ror aefnse hi hita x 1. The 'blue CORI' TICUP-MASTER with "Elue- trlc Eye" contrais furnace dampers auto- matlcal)y 24 hauru a day-while you relax. TU EI-'H HA O 'EV FT R O K Uv e s-oa o ______ i r of bccoming acquainted with Mrs. Seymnour's parents during their visit at the parsonage last wintcr. Mr. Kruse was in bis 82nd year. Al cnjoyed the Presbytcry Ex- change ai pulpits on Sunday, whcn Rev. H. A. Bunt and bis iayman ai Ncwtonville, ably presented the work oi the M and M Departrnent ai aur church. Next Sunday aur minister will present the work af the Lord's Day Alliance using aý bis subject: "How should we observe the Lord's Day?" ami an amc busy gettlng reedy for the Christmas Troc Concert on Dec. 18. Mrs. T. S. MountJoy attendati thc Ice Capades in Taronte. Several irorn here attendd thc Righ -School Commencement ai Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton andi famiy, at Mr. Milton Tamblyn': and Mr. John Brown'#, Orono. Mm. and Mmm. Harvey Strong, Salem, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mm. and Mrs. Rosa Richards andi Ronnie, Bowmanviile, at Mr. C. Mi. James Rannawu hoSe ov- or thc wcekcad. Mun. 0. Smiths, artonvifle, ai Mfr. R. Aunger's. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. TeI ,Mr. and Mrs. 511*: Trewin ai M. Wkn. Smllh'o, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mss. A. louis at Xi, Ceci Rdaedm, Union. Tcnmake Its service possible, thse Canadien National Telegas maintaîn 22,M00mil;,âf pl landi 173,000 mlles of W*r circuits. #'A stiteis lu lime" wil save Yoli a lot Of car grief. Catch the amail "worriers" now anti prevent big car pnablems tisai load te acci- dents or expensive repairs. Brlug yaur car ta us for a careful check of every part ioday and make a real saving. GARTON'S GARAGE 64 KING ST. E. PHONE 2666 i HERE'S WHY- the price of milk is being increased FIRST-The farmers have found il necessary Io increase the cost of milk Io the dainîes by 55c per 100 lbs. or about 1 1/2c per quart. SECOND-Because, of increased operatinig costs including a higher expense for labour, the dainies have had Io increase iheir return by about 1/2c a quart. IT 15 NOT the wish ner ls It' ln the Interest of your dalry te increase the price af milk but lust look at the following figures- In the last elght years whlle the average price ot milk throughout Ontario ha% gone up tram 11.5 cents ta 15.20 cents or 3.7 cents, less than one quarter af a cent ai this inerease bas gane ta your dalry. In other words up ta July af thîs year the farmer recelv- cd 93.79 ver cent of thse total mneuse. Rer. are thc figures taken tram tise Report ai tise Ontario Royal CommIssion on Mllk. (Page 99 aoflise Appendices) 1939 1947 mnrease Avenage selling price.per quart.- 11.50o July 15.20o 8.7 cents Avenage price fer quart (paidt l farmer> 5.58o 9.00o 3.47 cents 5.970 % 6.200 0. 23c *Out ofthtis grass spread must came the dainies entire expenses. This includes the cost ai pasteurizing, bottling and the dcliv- ery ai your rniik. Also the maintenance ai equipmcnt and buildings and the payrnent af taxes. Thse reason dairnes have been able te operate wlth a profit at aIL, la because of Increased consumption of mllk andi economies whlch wcre effecteti througis Ca. operation anti effleleney. Durngtishe pat year howeven, thse consumpilan et mllk lu Ontauio bau droppeti 5 per cent and the cest yau has lucrçased very rapldly. 1 Here are a fcw examples of inereases mnc 1989: mneuse BaIlles 10%1 Bottie Caps -- 500% Cases 100% Cano 23% wagons -- 100% Hay 65%7 Increase $traw -25% Oats 133% Coul 660/ Clesners -50% Brushes 35% Wages -43% More than llkely youn dairy Io dairies tisnoughout the Province ef thc Ontario Milk Distribuions this organlzation many measures direct benefit te the consumer. lM been made possible, tisai have ise price of mlik lu recent years. BoWMANV!LLZC It ls the alm of yaur dalry ta keep milk prices aU low as possible, ln onder that thse consumer may at ail tîmes ho able ta purchase an adequate supply andi thse producer recelve an equltable neturn fer hie produet. your dairy Thse dainy whlch delivers milk te your doorstep evcny mornlng ln a servant et Uic consmunlty. Il lo their duty ta sec tisat you andi your neighbor recelve an ade- quate supply of mllk lu bath wlnter andi summer andi ln ail kintis ef weather. BOWMANVILLE MILK DISTRIBUTORS ASSI one eofIsuntirels of which are membesu Association. Throuth have been taken of [sny economies have lped keeP down the OCIATION 77- 1 ~- , .~ . .-.,, e