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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1947, p. 5

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*~1 .j.jig LN-~-~JN -. IM O A W iviqp Auw <àael rHUII@AY , A ED*LIDLI 4,1947 TM AItADIAM M'rA'rUMANt IOWMANVII.M. ONTARIO PAGE PVE MULY MILLS WRITES ABOUT 048QUIKE" SYLVESTER AND HIS APPLE CIDER St. Marys, Ont. Nov. 20, 1947. bear George: What a %<I,:vellous faîl we in Ontario havE been experiencing. As I write, a brilliant sun, set pa cloudless sky, is drenciing in ~rays the grent outdoors. Days sudh as this were a joy, nany long years ago, ta a coterie pf lads who, in October could be »und ,percled in the boughs cf 'Squire" Sylvester's apple trees, fatlering the abundant fruit at 'two-bits" per day, witi meals- ind cider. I do not recail tie Columbus umong us wio first discovered the keg cf tasty beverage in the 'Squire's" celler, but thereafter bach ttip with a basket of fruit iras punctuated by a generous kelping, mad ail went merry as a marringe bell, until we ,on yen- lure bent, decided ta sample an- ?ther keg, which proved ta be o! koarynage, endawed with patent kck, as we found ta our chagrin, when, like nutumn leaves, we be- j> fan ta faîl from the trees with IP ,ulnful regularity. The austere old "Squire" soon sensed the situ- ation and bundled us off home before any bones were broken, and when next morning, we re- ported fer duty, tic temptation hadbeen removcd. Doubtless there are still those oif my own vintage who can recal die "Squire" witi lis ralling gait, tiend sligitly cockcd ta one side. In questing attitude and mental lertness belying thc rheumy cycs rfage an honest upright man wla n lIs capacity as Justice of the Pence iewed ta the line o! recti- tude, letting the chips faîl wlere- poWer tley migit, as I have per- oonnlly learned ta my sorrow, vWhen I conceived the idea that an agg slipped into the coat pocket pi an unsuspecting citizen, and Mahsaged from witiout by a wooden paddle, would provide al tie elements of slap-stick comedy. But the Cadi, ta convince me that "Ilife was real, life was carnest", made it "twa dollars and costs", andrIeft me bankrupt. My counsel was ÎT. C. Mitchell and tuis was- Dne of the very few cases le ever iost. "Sylvester Foundry" owned and operated by the "Squirc's" sons, Richard and Robert, was the prin- cipal 'industry in tie village and turned e ut walking plows, drag harrows and "seci like" agricul- tural implements, whici the flrm's salesmnen loaded upon horse- drawn lorries and'peddled from farm ta farm. Honest goods. pro- duced by honest men, they found an always ready market. But Fire-the Nemesis of En- niskllen-drove tuis enterprise ta Lindsay, as it lad driven Mc- Laugilin to Oshawa, and fromn the dual blaw thc village neyer fully recovered Its spot ini thc sun. But it is and nlways will be i"loine" to the exiles like myscîf who wandered afar ciasing bub- bles. Sincerely Thine, O'Billy'ý' Each cf 2GW&cases e! canned peaches sent fMfm St. Catharines, Ontario, to Princess Eliz'abeth for distributionin Britain, contains a Ïolared folder descriling the city D! St. Catharines and the Niagara The Siaiesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C, Lane & Son, Newtonville C. B. Tyrrell, Orono T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen Ir. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypoal H. T. Saywell, Blackstock W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveli J. W. Jewcll, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office. Symbollsm of M» Royal Weddling By Lewis Milligan Whatever fear there was tînt tic people cf Great Britain were turning away from their national traditions was dispclled by thc en- thusiastic loyalty ta tic Crown expressed on the occasion o! the wedding o! Princess Elizabeth. Tic pageantry o! regal splendor whicl passed between Bucking- ham Palace and Westminster Ab-~ bey lad neyer been more brilliant and impressive in thc pempous days o! tic Great Elizabeth or Queen Victoria. Coming as it did in ticeniidst e! a period e! drab and depressing austerity, the cal- orful and romantic spectacle lifted the people above their environ- ment and releascd their suppress- cd spirits in an outburst of jubila- tion. Even we in Canada, wio lave experienced littie or nothing o! the stress and strain through which the people o! Britain have passed, felt an emotional uplift and exhilaration as we listened ta tic broadcast descriptions o! tic royal procession and tic rapturous chorus o! hli a million jcyful voices along thc route. "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and ns tic voice of many waters, and as tic sound a! miglty tiunderings, saying, Alleluin; for tic Lord God omnipotent reigneti. "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give lonor to him; for tic mar- niage a! tic Lamb is came, and lis wifc hath made lerself rcady." "And ta 1er was granted tînt she slould be arrayed in fine lin- en, clcan and white: for tic linen is tic igiteousncss of tic saints." It is fia sacilege ta apply tic abave Scrîpture ta tic occasion of thc Royal Wedding. The people o! Britain did nat regard this mar- niage merely as tic linking -o! a young man and woman in tic bonds o! matrimony. The occa- sion represented ail o! that in its mast sacrcd form, and tic broad- cast of tic ceremony in tic Abbcy, with its dignificd yct simple ritual, must have brought home ta mil- lions o! listeners tiraughout tic world thc sanctity and benuty o! Christian marriage. That was surely needed in these times when marriages are too often entered inta ligitly and broken witl tic same indifference toward tic plighted troti. But tiere was far more in and lencati thc voice o! tiat great multitude than tic acclamation a! a bride and bridegroom. The oc- casion wns highly symbolic. To tic British people tic Royal House, with its central Throne, is a symbol o! authority and stability in government, and it stands for aIl tiat is noble and cnduring in the life o! the nation. After six terrible years o! war, this was tic fîrst cpportunity the people lad ta proclaim their loyalty ta tic great traditions o! tic past and their faiti in their future destiny under divine Providence; In the midst o! privations and national crisis tic people lifted up their hearts in a "vaice o! migity tiunderings, saying, Allelula 1 for the Lard God omnipotent reig- neti!" That voice eciocd round tic world, and it was rc-echoed in the icants o! aIl people wio- le- lieve in tic ultimate triumph o! Love and Rigiteousness under tic, omnipotent rule o! tic King o! Kings. Let us pray tint tic Royal Wedding may le a symbolic pre- lude ta tic conference o! tic fore- ign ministers in London, thnt tic Scripture may be !ul!illcd:, "Mcrcy and Truth are met togetier; Rigi- teousness and Pence have kisscd enci otier." EMMIGRATION RECORD SET DURING OCTOBER Tic largcst number o! civilians ta rendh Canada since lefore tic war, arnived at Halifax during the monti o! Octoler, it was announc- cd ly H. J. Nevin, general passen- ger agent, Canadian National Rail- ways. Of tic record number of 4,000 persons ta rend tic Domin- ion last mogrth, nearly aIl were im- migrants c ing ta settie in Can- ada. VIEHfou I Ti wîî fHIS UiS YOUJI *The Esterbrook pen writes yoiur wa...for Esterbrook gives you 33 different point styles from which to select the exact style to suit your handwriting. Complete Pens $2.38 - $3.08 (Tax Included) Io Sat Herc's the. tech- tically perfect w ri t i a g tedl ycu've been wat- ing fdr, the Ester- brook fouatain pen with the nib designed for your personai aeed. Just pick the right r nit for the way I Write. ,7Jm nîs idea for a Chrristmas Seal tne . - --- --.y-------- -h double-barred cross lad been tak- ines and sometimes mobile X-ray h hlrno aehgn n-e.We h neoe asuuy1 en a th sybolof he ampignunits which are used ta determine stead he has provided the whole apened by the bride, inside wete an( en ans teymbo cf the ama-g the presence b! tubercul o s i s world with a practical way of several studies of a baby lying on ha, tainattuberculosis Atnter-ii, among the general population. The dealing with its tuberculosis prab -________________ enation. TBercloisthonfeàr only sure way cf detecting T.B. in lem. e92 nce ofl tnherncn h e ear the- early stages is by X-ray ex- 1902, one cf thte rnchdeegiates amination. Seal Sale funds have mad apla tattI ai Cusd-made it possible for thousands of INCENTIVE er's embiern be ndopted as thefCandins______cedfo tb symbol cf the modern tuberculos- e:Caadis dta le cheked for tub the point is the Printed Word D TI is ygaearteSeli.Cnd years. with this observation: "The Comn- Thisyearthe eal n Caadamunists must find it difficult ta depicts.a famillar Christmas scene Every province in Canada and, canvince the average Canadianun -- laid of evergreens being !indeed, every district, spends its ta eo h shvn og drawn ta market over a snowy kSeal Sale money in a different thm.At a or ste ishavng arug country road. In the upper right- way, accarding to its local needs. timre. trany t, the he are, x ou see a different method, hand corner is the double-bnrred ýThe campnign in each district isan lthspsfontrelyTi omhngnieyn cross.diteed Some Cr nitas es lçC»- essential spending are lard put ta In Canada tie amount ôf money ite So Crmtespcn it ta find roam for their patrons." lation Value in your attlc, ai raised from the Seal Sale has sar X-rny surveys, some pay for grown with ench succeeding year. the services o! visiting nurses who Another publication las figur- Plane or write In 1927, the year that Linar Hol- 'go into homes khere T.B. pati- es ta indicate that this nation is boell died. the firat seal sale on n ýents who could flot secure sana- hardly suffering from a terrible nation-wide basis was leld in this torium accommodation are being shartage of purchasing power, 0w- country and the amount of money cared for, and instruet the other ing ta low incarnes-points eut A T T taken in was $84,613. Last year, :.members o! tic family low best tint in 1946, the Canadian people SL I E I the fund had grown ta $1,200.000. .to avoid infection. Still otie spent $1.9 billion on food, comn- Every cent of the money rnised -Committees place the emphasis on ý pared with $917 million in 1938; 47 QUEEN ST. - BOWMA by the sale of Seals is used ta cam- rehabilitation. Fonds are set aside on clothing. $1.0 billion in 1946 as __ tbePUloe",[t la for m te hlp the tuberculosis person &et compared with $419milo ii The Story ofi-he Christmas Seal L"Suifer the littie children tae#» Q corne unto me, and forbid 1 them fnot! for such is the King- s'i dom of- God." .1 Two thousand .years ago Christ spoke these words ta lris Disciples. V The Carpenter of Nazareth was neyer too busy, nor too tired ta spare a few minutes for the. chul- IVfj ! dren. It is characteristic of most L U C À C great men that they are fond of ai WALKER'S where you will find the very children. " l " ' w n The.story is told in Copenhag- gif,* fornifi fo or "He. Lt Our irained e.of a Young Dane of humble-stf- origin-a postal clerk-whose lovesaehepyub ole orpolms for children lifted him out of oh- slssafhl o osleyu rbe s scurty nd mde him a wrldbring your Christmas shopping lisi wllh you, figure. That young man's name I .absi lognrahot. ouwil îndgiisfo The story of Einar Holboell is eilogo shr.Y uwl fn gfsfr the story of the tuberculosis Christmas Seal. It is the kind of vroeh eing dsupy story mast people liké ta read,eeroeh eing dsppy for it restores their faith in hu- man nature. It tells how an or- dinary individual had a great idea which resulted in th'e saving of many people's lives. An assarment of luggifge for men ___________________ At the time that this young man or women. Was living in Copenhagen-about fifty years aga--there was a great$9 5 o$25 daoftuberculosis, particularly$92 Io 3.5 among children. There were net enough hospitals for ail who were sick and many of the children SETR were dying because of lack of S E T R care. Many people in high places were disturbed by this state of af- fairs, but no one knew what tae1 . 5 & do. It hardly seemed likely that $ 2 9 a mere postal clerk would be able ta salve a prpblem that baffled people with money and influence. Einar Holboell bad, however, i ou'll be right out in front one thing that a good many peo- for the holiday'seasan in one ple of that time-and perhaps of any time-lacked. He had a great furdes.Loeyfck faith in the innate kindlîness offo atrno oreeng y' his fellow men. He believed that Wear. Ail expertly styled in people genuinely wanted ta belp the seasan's Iatest fashion. those in distress and would do Plan.backor.n .nte se if they could anly ho shown the Girls' ail wool sweater in rein- shades, trimmed with se- way. It is not known just exactly deer or bird designs. quins or ornaments. Choose when the great idea came ta him, r yours now. Sizes 12 to 17. but it was doubtless one day when $525ea. he was sorting the quantities of Christnmas mail. As he looked about him at the parcels and let-________________ ters piled high, and le must haveG0W Ns thought ta himself - I'There is proaf that people are really kind. Every one af these packages rep-Do d resents a kind thought." oe And because he was a postman, his mind turned to stamps. Al amount -of money spent on post- ~S A I N R age. Just one more penny stamp Here's an ideal gift for a friend on each letter-for tuberculosis- out of town. Fine quality sta- would raise a fund big enough ta tlanery, attractlvely boxed. Sev- build a hospital for sick children! eral size boxes ta choose from. And se the idea of the Christ- mas Seal was born. The young postal clerk talked about his plan to everyone le met, and finally 4 CI 10 o the news reached King Christian. His Majesty was so pleased jhat Rayon crepe goivns wvîth eyelet he offered ta lend lis patronage to trimmîng. Ail sizes. the first Christmas Seal, Sale andSnU ta have the picture ofhis beloved Queen on the first tuberculosis $3.79 ea. I W U A On Dec. 6, 1904, the first C hrist- mas Seal went on sale in the post H I t hwneriounefaduwrm Copenhagen andi.before ar N E hi ite noe omade the end of t he* campaign mare Snow Suits. They aemd than 4,000,000 had been sold. The fram aIl wool frieze. Coat people of Copenhagen and later is w~e1I lined and pants have the, people'of ail Denmark, saw in reinfarced knees, with elas- the Christmas Seal the opportun- tic ankiets. Helmet ta match. ity ta give expression ta the gen- ," . Navy or brown. Sizes 3 ta 6. erosity and. benevolence for which they are fanMaus. ,. 80 a Se firmly did these Seals take $89 . root, in fact, that bef are Einar Holboell died in 1927, enough2: money had been raised thraugh their sale ta erect a huge tuber-Chris mas culosis sanatorium, three Christ- mas Stamnp Homes for boys and girls, and a children's sanatorium CARDS and W RJ in Greenland. And there was enough left over ta create sever- Awd eeta fhnis ae Waiker's have a real assortm.c ai "funds" for war sufferers and o ige Lc rm e n rpig o hita. W hungry children as well. Today, o ige aetimd andcwaeingandfookCritemasove the Christmas Seal is an annual Plain. oeianloktmovr institution in a great many coun- dun tries and through it millions of lUc I 1 00UUu dollars are raised, every penny of fL'Ai S Se S which la an active enemy of the In 1908 Christmas Seals came BELT SIKI A K T te Canada, one of the first ccun-T tries ta adopt the idea. At that Just what the outdoar girl wants for Christmas. Fie time. the National Sanitarium As- >otni gab02hiaine skri jce ihdtcal aks A gif t shc'll appreciate on a wet rainy day, A lovcly rayon taffeta eovered umbrella ln checked design, or plain black. Brgtyc des andit $5pl50i lnBrlty cdanls -o $lastic Soit1, Absorbent ]RAINDOW TGWELS Here's a dandy xif t for someone yau know. Thick, soft, thlrsty towcls, ln large bath size. Jacquard design ln a bevy o! rainbow colora. Sizes 24x42 - $1.00 ea. C 0s y CHENILLE MATS Jlere's a Chenille Mat that will brighten up someone's. bedroom. Softly tufted ln soft pastel shades, large size too. Came ln and pick yours today $5.95 ea. BEDSPREADS A bcdspread that wlll give long, bard wemr. Ideal for boy's or girl's rooms. Several desIgna and colors te chaos. from in cither single or double bcd size. Each $12015 LF'PINGS, int of carda and )suggest that you Boys' Flannelette PYJAMAS They are made from thick j l vell-nappcd English flan-II neette. Cnt just like dad s J p Stripcd designs. Sîzes 6 to 12j $2.25 pr. W Éeid4 RN STORE Phont 451 h-RU S~Uil DiUIUL. - -g m rug, witi the inscription on tic ack o! tic prints: "Please state early which size you want - nd law many." Thc lelligerent Maple Creek ews (Whcn it cames ta spout- ig politicians) always has a good mreback, and lcre's a good ex- rple: Socialist speakers are giv- rta ranting about tic down trod- n Wcsterners forced out o! their omes by tIc grasping mortgage d life insurance campanies. Wc ve lIvcd around here for many - years and we do not know of a single family tlrown out into tic streets o! tic town, or a single !arm !fami]y chucked out into tic road allowances by these greedy' monsters. We lave plenty o! C. C.F. partizans in and around Ma- pIe Crcek. From tiem we would be glad te lcearn o! specifie fammi- ies put out o! tîcir lames by these nllegcd rapaciaus COmpanies. Any persan can use a wealti o! words ta Pull tic aid sob stuf!, but facts, flot gaI, is wiat tells tic correct story. 'SULATE! 1uscd oniy by "Sealtit" new, and adds much Insu- at no extra cost. XSULATION ANVILLE- PHONE 404 I Attiract ive UNDRELLAS

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