PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVULE. O?~TARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 194? The n»waielipuem Plwme: Clarke 3314 NoÏmination Meeting' Largely Attended Election Dec. 8th The growing interest cf rate- payera cf Newcastle was evinceti in the large attendance at the nomination meeting on Friday ev- ening, Nov. 28. The Council Cham- ber was filledt t capacity wîtb in- terested citizens unable te gain admittance anti having te stand in the hall adjoining. Reeve George Walton gave a very interesting resume cf the work undertaken anti accomplisb- ed duning 1947 by him anti bis ceuncil. He cahleti the attention of the ratepayers te thc fact that the tax rate was the same as last year, alhough the Counly rate was 2 milîs bigber. Other matters be spoke on inclutiet the policing cf the village. His opinion being that a local policeman would be more satisfactary in thal, be woulti be able te devote al bis time te maltera pertaining te the village. He also conveyed tbc gooti news of the decision of the Depi. of Public Works that barbour lm- provemeni at the lake ta ceat $20,- FI 477.45 was anc of the prajects in- cluded in the Dost war prcgram of the Depi. On requcat by the Çouncii ta the Depi. they sent * their engincer down te Newcas- tle on Aug. 29, 1946, anti wilh Reeve George Waltcn he visited the lake la ascertain the necessi- ty anti extent of the barbour im- provements requesteti by the Cauncil. The tiecision le inchude Ibis in bbc Govi. post war pro- gram is the result of that visit. Reeve Wallon also apoke on the remavai of the snaw from the bus- iness sectian cf the main aircet lasi year, anti of Ibis great im- pravement. Town Clcrk H. C. Banathan bati pastcd up ai thc front cf tbe hall, a detaileti statement of tbe rev- enue anti expendilures during 1947: Receipts $18,395.27; expen- ditures $16,389.16, balance $2,006. Il. Tax arnears $p76.05. Counillar H. T. Manca, chair- man Property Cammittee which includes the Park anti grounida cf Communiiy Hall, gave bis repent sbowing work accamplisheti at cQst of $424.00. Councillon A. W. Ghenny, Chair- man Roada anti Bridges, gave bis report abowing an expenditune of $2,300.00. Councillor John F. Rickard, chairman Sidewaîks, shawed $90 bati been spent in that tiept. Caun- cillon Rîckardi who is also chair- man of Finance Committee touch- ed on the financial side of the year's work by the Council. Chairman Ernest Rinch of the Newcastle Hydre Commiss i on gave a ment lnteresting and en- lightening report dealing with hydro mattens from the time New- castle first purchased the Hydre in 1938 up te present time. In 1938, Newcastle Hydro bad ne money, now due to the efficient andi capable manner in which the Hydre has ibeen manageti by the Newcastle Hydre Commissioners, they bave a store Ëiouse weil fill- ed with supplies, censisting cf pal- es, etc. Tbey purchased an Inter- national 1 Ton Truck hast year and they have eut the rate 45 % for the hast thnee years, saving the village $3,000 per year. If they continue for the next two years at that sav- ing they wilh have a saving cf $15,- 000 which is $ 1,000 more than the original cost cf the Ulilities whcn th.ey were first purehased by New- castle, the price paid being $ 14,- 000. Newcastle Hydre Commission bas a surplus cf $9,000 investeti in Bonds at 3 % which is in the nature of insurance against any unforeseen disasten that would cause destruction te the wiring, poles, etc. Chairman Ernest Rinch bas served the Newcastle Hydre with efficiency and ability fan nine years, ever since the village purchased it. Rev. Douglas Dewdney, Chair- man Board cf Educatian, spake an matters pertaining te the scboola andt he improvements undertak- en there, amang which is the splendid new beating system. Nominations resulteti in the fol- lewing: For Reeve-George Ansan Wal- tan, John Franklin Rickard. Fan Councillor-(4 ta be elect- cd), Joaeph Thomas Brown, Chas. Alfredi Cowan, Richard Henry Da- vies, Howard Stanley Graham, Rasa Dickinson, Archie William Glenny, Gordion Leaver Gray, Harry Jase, Hugh Tracy Manes, Garnet Porter. Harry Jase, Rasa Dickinson andi Garnet Porter did net qualify andi droppeti eut. For Boarti cf Education, Rev. Douglas Dewdney, Rasa Dickin- son, Irwin McCullough, elected by acclamation. For Hydro-(One ta be elected) Ernest Rincb, Cecil R. Carveth, (dîd net qualify), Kcith Aiken. The election will take place on Manday, Dec. 8, ta elect a Reeve, 4 members te 1948 Ceuncil and anc member te Hydre Commis- sion. Wantiswonth la London's lar- geat boraugh. BORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING Annual meeting cf Newcastle Hoticultural Society this year again took the form of a banquet and again repeated the great suc- cess it was last year when it was first originated. It was held in the basement of the Community Hall on Thursday evening, Nov. 27. Mr. J. Taylor, propnietor of Elmhurst Hotel, cat- ered and served a delicieus dinner consisting cf roast chieken and al the tnimmings and tepped off with apple pie and coffee. President Mrs. C. A. Cowan was chairman and fulfilled ber duties in her usual charmlng and capable manner. After the "King" bad been bonored, Reeve George Wal- ton speke on bebaif of the citi- zens of Newcastle andi expressed their appreciatien for the great work the society was doing in beautifying the village. He con- veyed ta the Society the best wish- es for the continuing success of their splendid work. Mr. J. S. Dyer es. sang leader, braught much merriment by bis original and amusing action sangs. Mr. Neil Stewart, music supervis- or of schoois, acted as accampan- ist. Mr. John Rickard in intradue- îng the gueat speaker, Mr. J. A. Carroll, Secy, cf Dept. of Agricul- ture, spoke of the great pleasure it gave bim te introduce such a well known and distinguished man. Mr. Camaoll was Agriculture Representative in Peel County, fromn 1914-1924 with leave cf ab- sence from 1915-18 te serve in the First World War. Hc was a mcm- ber cf the Senate cf the Univer- sity cf Toronto from 1926-32. He la the Secy. cf the Ont. Horticul- tural Associations, aecy. Ont. Plowman's Assac., General Mana- ger International Plowing Match. He is also a writer contributing articles for farm papers. Mr. Carroll gave a moat inter- esting talk an "Agriculture and Horticulture." His remarka con- tained a wealth of information pcrtaining ta the above two sub- jecta and was mast instructive and excecdingiy înteresting. Secretary Mrs. Cecil Ferguson in presentîng ber yearly report for 1947, spoke of the succesaful year the Society had with their capable President, Mrs. C. A. Cowan and 104 ca-operative memnbers. They had 10 meetings. Work underta- ken andi accamplisheti included: Urna filleti in front of-Hall, spirea trimmed at narih bcd, the slope on west bcd lowered and John Rickard bad ordercd 100 wvhite spirea bushes ta be delivereti in the spring. Thanka werc extenti- cd te John Rickard and the men for their wcrk in remnoving four loada af atone, etc.. fram west bill, thanka was aise given ta Mr. Ad- air for trimming the fine Hall betige, free gratis. The flowcr show was a success, with many exhibitors. Mr. Cowan, Roscbank, was judge and sbowed his pictur- es. Thanks gees teail wbhel and te business men who sekidl donated prizes, aIso ta Miss O. Warren for her extra work in se- curing members. Apnil meeting Miss O. Warren and Mrs. A. Gienny presented very interesting reports re con- vention nt Niagara Falls. At this meeting a standing vote was takcn ne erecting a memonial monument on West Hill and car- ricd. Later Mrs. C. A.' Cowan ind Mvr. W. F. Riekard were ap- pointed a comittee te procure pric- es, etc., re suitable atone. They reported as follows: 5' die 61 base $400.00; 6' die 7' base $500-00 with $50 on cither cut all around.' Sccretary canvassed members ne fail buiba and total sales were $95.49. 1948 aim-A full membersbip, happy times and the west bed on the bill ta be completed. The president then threw the meeting open for discus si on. Would the Society proceed with their prajcct cf the memorial atone as well as planting the bcd or would they juat plant the bcd? Mrs. Robert Gibson brought a re- quest from the ex-service men cf Newcastle and district and asked the Society if they would postpane their decision ne memorial atone until after the Veterans banquet at Elmhurst Hotel on Dec. 1Oth, when the principal item under dis- cussion would be what form a memonial should take, the major- ity of the veterans favoring a liv- ing memorial. The Society grant- ed this requcat and representa- tives from the Society will meet with the veterans some time aftcr Dec. 10. Officers for 1948 arc: Honorary Officers, Dr. J. A. Butler, W. F. Rickard, Mrs. Percy Hare, J. H. Jase, R. S. Graham; president, Mrs. C. P4. Cowan; lat vice presi- dent, Miss O. Warren; 2nd vice president, Mrs. P. Brown; secy. and treas. ta be elected by officers and directors., Directors, 1947-48: Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. Floyji Butler, Miss L. Trenwith, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Morris; 1948-49: John Rickard, Jack Wade, Mrs. J. Awde, Mrs. 1. ColwelI and R. W. Goheen. Jim Brown Heads Polis at Clarke Township Elections The municipal qlections in the1 Township of Clarke held Monday ta elect a Deputy-Recve and three Councillors resulted Ps follows: J. Hartwell Lowery wzs clected Deputy-Reevc with 625 votes; G.1 Melville Joncs rcceiving 3641 votes. In the conteat for councillors, the first three wcre electcd, the1 votes cast as follows: James1 Brown 622, Arthur McKay 611, Harry Davey ý40, G. Wilfrcd1 Hawke 408. t E A GIFT THAT IVILL EMEMBERED AND USED SAJRE wHE.N You GIVE, 3F OUR FAMOUS NAME UR TABLE MODELS FIT Election Card Tothe Electors of the SCOrporation of Newcastle, "~~Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again asking your support othe office of Reeve for this municipaiity I feel that my rec- ord while in office and the pro- g ramme 1 advocate for the comn- .i ng year will menit your approval. I have been three years in Coun- cil and w years your Reeve. Dur- ing ail that time I have acted on my judgment solely with the in- terests of the whole community at heArt. My aim has been te keep the tax rate within bounds and pro- vide at the same time the fullest measure of public services. No new work bas been undertaken without careful study and com- plete information. New lhghting has been provided on the front street and I should like te see this extended. A new heating system has been provided for the schôol and our Fire Departmeut bas been main- taineçi at a high level of efficiency. Jndeed ail public services have received careful attention. As a resuit of careful financing we have a surplus of $2.000, and are in a position ta strike a budget without any in- crease in the tax rate. One of my chief interests bas been to maintain law and order and I propose ta continue that peiicy if re-elected, for it is of the flr§t intereAt in any self-respecting community. For the coming year I advocate a permanent improvement on the road ta the lake which can be financed without increasing the levy. In co-operation with C. E. Stephenson, M.P., arrangements are gaing forward for harbor imprevements and conditions will be made much more attractive at the beach for residents and taurists. Consideration wiil aise be given te arranging a more per- manent system of police protection. In brief my platform is ta make Newcastle a better place in which ta live and work, ta at- tract tourist patronage and ta keep the tax rate as low as pos- sible. May I express thanks ta the management of the Newcastle Community Hall for the fine donation of $500 as remuneration ta the caretaker and toalal who have co-operated in promoting municipal interests. I wish also ta congratulate the School Board for building up a surplus which has obviated asking the Council for financial assistance and is a further measure of relief ta the taxpayers. Please accept my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Faithfully yours, GEORGE A. WALTON. Social and Persona-l Mrs. John Orr, Rydal Bank, Ont., spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Mrs. W. H. Cooke spent the weekend mn Toronto wUiere she was guest on Saturday evening at. the marriage of Miss Phyllis Marie Cawker ta Mr. John Charles Leachmnan in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Runnymede. Miss Myrtle Johnston, Deseron- ta, who has been spending the past month as guest of Mrs. D. B. Simpson, left on Wednesday for her winter home in Jamaica. Mrs. W. H. Pearce spcnt sever- ai days last week ln Toronto as guest of her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwiil. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton were weekend guesta of Mr. and Mrs. F. Atkinson, Stouffvil]e. Mrs. Britton's mother, Mrs. McKenzie, returned with them to spend the winter months. IThe Ex-Service men of Newcas- tie and district are going ta hold their first Annual banquet at Eim- hurst Hotel on Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m. The pur- pose is ta discuss, suggestions brought forward by several prom- mnent citizens for the erection of a living memdriai. Ail ex-ser- vice men are urged ta attend. Tickets $1.00. Kindly purchase tickets for banquet before Mon- day, Dec. 8, from Douglas Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trillergar, daughter and two sons. Columbus, were Sunday guests of Mr. H. T. Manes. WHY suffer the agony of Rheu- matie Pain, Sciatica. Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give y ou quick welcome relief. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle 49-1 Election Cards TO THE ELECTORS 0F NEWCASTLE Having hati 4 years' experience *as a councillor untier 2 differeni Reeves in. aur village, I feel that I am now qualifieti fer the position of Reeve. It is my firm belief that fan tbc ncxt 3 or 4 ycars, a difficult time lies aheati for any cauncil, but if electcd, I wihl endeavor ta do my best anti work in tbc interesi cf ahl citizens anti the wclfarc of aur fine village. Wishing one anti al the compli- menta of the season, Respectfuily, 49-1* John Rickard Eleciors of Newcastle, Ladies anti Gentlemen: Having been nominateci for the office of Councillor I have alawed my name te go on the ballot. If electeti I am preparedti t give the time anti attention the office de- manda anti wili atlempt te admin-1 ister the civic business efficienthy1 anti economicaliy. Wilh theseî theugbts in mind I soicit yaur . voie anti influence at the polis. 1 49-1 Thomas Browni ORONO NEWS The firsi meeting cf the new]y1 organizeti Jr. Homemakers Club was belti Manday evening, Nov. 24 in tbc Orano Town Hall. There were 17 prescrit anti followving an outline of the Club work given by Mrs. C. Mîier, the electian cf of- ficers was beiti. Miss Jean Rainey was elecieti president with Miss iCarole Cornish as secretary-treas- urer anti Misa Kay Gamusby as press reporter. Mrs. W. R. Gilbart spoke on1 record books anti scrap books fol- lowing wbich Mrs. Miler gave tbe firat hessen on Flower ar- rangements. Using chrysanthe- muma, evergreens anti berry boughs, Mrs. Miller demonstraiet i flowers as a deccralive theme fori dining tableF. The members teck. i notes anti minutes cf the meetingi OBITUARY W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., M.P. Just a fcw weeks ago, Tbe Statesman paiti special tnibute ta William Etimondi Newton Sinc- lair, K.C., M.P., on his netirement from active legal business which he cantiucted for almoat haîf a century in Oshawa. Like a hast cf frientis cf 'Billy" Sinclair wbo prayer for bis recovcry from a lingering ilîness, bis death last week camè as a great shock ta the eduter of The Statesman andi lit- crally bundretis cf people in Durham County. Hauing recounteti the great ser- vices rendereti by Mr. Sinclair to bis camunity, bis province and ta the Dominion af Canada in our' previaus story we bati ne thaugbt that it wauld be a final tnibute ta bis memary. But he bas passed on, dcepiy mourneti by a multitude of frienda and a hast wbo werc net privilegeti te mccl him personally whilc be liveti and workcd so generously and se faitbfully in the public interest. Wc affer ne formai obituary in these circumatances. The inibute of The Stalesman te "Billy" Sinc- lair %vas quoteti quite widely anti neetis ne repetition ai Ibis time. We can anly say that this great man tiuring bis lifetime was anc of the finesi Canadians cf bis time and bis passing leaves a place bard ta fi in the councils that shape the destinies of the Dominion of Canada. ALBERT GEORGE LANE Saturtiay, Nov. 22, 1947, Albert George Lane, 76, anc of Darling- tan's mast respecteti citizens pasa- cd axvay in Bawmanville Hospital. He bati been ili for eniy seven wecks prior ta bis death and right te the last maintaineti a livcly in- terest in the aff aira of the com- munity. He was son of the laIe Thomas anti Mary Lane. Marrieti on the 23rti cf November, 1901, te Miss Gertrude Crage, thcy spent 40 years on their farm in the Shaw's district near the fruit bouse, Dar- hington Township. When their children grew Up the parents ne- tiredti t Bowmanvilc and for the past four years Mr. Lane bas been the leading fan at all the local sports meetings. He wvas right in the front line in the stands when the Bowman- ville baya met the stronjest ap- position in ail branches of sport and was in ihere shouiing for the Bewmanville youngsiers lOwin. Fcw older men bad a greaterin tereat in local sports. The young kida worsbipped bim. But at the last game be vent home feeling not se well and in time he juat fatietiaway. With Mrs. Lane he was an ar- dent worker in the Shaw's Home and Scbool Association anti in- deeti in aIl the course cf ibis hap- py couple andi their family tbe in-I teresta cf chiltiren was their chief absorblion. In Bawmanville this serene couple, in retirement founti happy work ta do in Tniniiy Un- ied Cburch with many new founti fnientis. There remain ta moumn bis pasa- ing, bis wife, Gertrude, their daughter Mrs. Lloyd Richards, (Eva) cf Salem, one son, Rosa, ai home on the farm; one daughter, Ruby, ai home anti five beloveti grantichiltiren wbo were the de- light of Mr. Lane's declining years. The funerai was helti from the Marris Funeral Parleurs on Tues- day, Nov. 25, witb bis pasbor, Rev. J. E. Griffith, Triniiy Unitedi Church, Bowmanviiie, officîaiing1 in the services. Many floral wreatbs came frcim people who admireti the deceaseti aIl bis life and a great lhreng came te walk ta lus last resting place. He was buried in loving memory and it was decitied the next meet- ing be helti early in December te avoid any cenflict witb Christmas activities. in Bowmanville Cemeter-y sa near ing. At Belleville slýie came first te his fanm home. in the Hastings County competi- Palîbearers were five nephews, tien andi was presented with the, Gordon Coles, Bill Currie, Toron- Colonel Vanderwater Cup, the te, Leland, Jack and Lloyd Crago, gold medal, a sum cf money and Bowmanville, and a cousin, Leslie three popular books. Moving on Jackson, Bowmanville. te Brighton Mary was again suc- _________________ cessful this time coming a close third and receiving a silver cup T heDim& Dsiai Psi or Eastern Ontario. The States- _______Miss Mary Rodd and wisbes for ber continued success. FIFTY YEARS AGOPndPgr c7sum November 17, 1897 Piei goac;d easm Three columns on the front most who. have the leaist wisdorn page were devoted te an address or experience; and they steal by 1;>v. J. J. Rae on "Success or Baker Eddy. Failure, Which?" It was published for the special benefit of the struggling masses. T re ho Courtice-W. Trick bas return- T re ho ed after spending two years in SATURDAY, DEC. 6th Manitoba. - Mr. Fotbeningham' 10 a.m. to 12 - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. bas engaged an expert ta operatei the new machinerly instailed in Hot Plate Eerved the Darlington Butter Ca. factory <RfeadShtus on the bighway.(Rfean htus Premier J. P. Whitney address- 100 - TURKEYS - 100 ed a Conservative rally in Orono GEESE and DUCKS with Dr. S. C. Hillier Chairman. Cbitmas Dellvery) . James Goard announces be will Crs open a jeweiry store in shop next F. LaSALLE, Phone 3430J1 ta Tait Photograph Gallery. Lot 2, Con. 3, East Whitby John Lyle was appeinted Town ______________ Clerk an resignation of Richard IÀ Windatt. Miss Helen Beith attended a re ceDtion at Government House giv- en by the Governor-General and Lady Aberdeen. 'B E R Chief of Police Jarvîs arreste I another horse thief. This is the W T E 7 third cuiprit Chief bas nabbed in Z e 47 a couple of manths. 1 Those taking part in the Meth- It's more than a hint we're odist Epworth League Monday giving he Christmas host- night were L. T. Courtice, ess. . . îî's a heiping hand dent; Cgave a xreaînghand reap ture; Miss I. Gould and Edgardet ChsAo ea h cI- an easy way toe ut lin, gave addresses; Lottie Brim- doin on werk... a won- aobgaearaigadFIer- dru ayt epyour i ence Tilley and Gertie Young ~f111 cf compliments. played an instrumental duet. Enniskiilen: Etta Gilbert and From aur delileous selection ~ Mary Virtue took part In a pro- of fresb baked cakes, pies, gram at Mahood's School.-Fif- y 'tarts and cookies, yen can teen teams took part in a plowing Y# match on Montgomery's farm. D aeo ada i ie Hampton: Over 73 tons f ~tmptng treats for family cheese bas been shipped from and friends. aur factory se far this scason. ~ Newtonville: Gea. Hancack bas X securcd a position in Port Hope.-~ W. P. Milligan has returncd fram LARGE SUPPLY Toronto Military School. OF HOLIDAY CANDIES CLE VER YOUNG ORATOR OU L mery f owmnvil, i fie_____%4 SEE OUR SPECIAL Mary Rodd, age 12, daughter cf v CHRISTIIAS CAKES Mr. and Mrs. Henry Radd, (nee . Marina Bagneli) cf Lonsdalc, fr merl of owmavill, isthe champion public speaker in Tyen danaga Township. She bas wo Po ole's ]Baker this title two years in succesi seveal auntes or, ublcespeak- Mary is in the eighth grade and î0 Phone 654 53 King St. E. bas made a name for herself in SBrush, Comb and Mirror Seis le asorted colors, new patteras S $5.98 - $8.95 - $9.95 $11-95 - $14.95 GIFT STATIONERY i'75e - $1.50 - $2.00 - $3.50 v ti Correspondence Cards 50-75 mm r-,W±i~ SCUTEX MANICURE SETS $1.25 - $3.00 - $5.00 The COnCentraited vitc- Min foodwith a delucious REVLON LADIES' SETS ~é .7 w i i w i j- $1.00 - $2.50 - $2.95 - $4.95 Woodbury Ladies' Sets $1.35 Jergens Ladies' Sets $1.25 Evening in Paris $135- $2 - $3.25 - $4 SHAVING BOWLS $1,1$1.25,1$1.50 GI Ceriified ANTI-FREEZE.---- Phone 695 COWI Sets build resisfance. 1lb. $1.19-2 Ibs. $1.98 j- $5.50 A roduet of the Ovoitine Resorch LGborotoeeu I [LLETTE Autostrop SCHICK SETS RAZORS RAZORS Rec, $2.50 $1.25 $1.49 i MnsBilfod $.5,$6.50, Meîî's Travelling Case $8.25 é% jOS« Men's Brushes $3.25, $5.00 MA deI . Colgatc's Men's Sets $1, 1.50 S Woodb.iry Mcn's Sets $1,00A eens Paîniolive Sets $1.00, $1.75 ô Ladies' Nylon Hair Brushes $2,25, $3.00, $4.50, $6.00 9.8 ~Baby Brush Sets ------32.25 E Dustlng Powder $1.00, $1.50 Perfuine - . - -------40c, $4.00 Tollet Water- 65c, $2.25 ANT8I-FREEZE -------$1,69 ANTI Frs it ING'S DRUG STO RE 'T'russes John T. MceCreery Optometrist Eyes Zxamined -Glasses IFitted Thursday - 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.* Optlcal Repairs COWLING'S DRUO STORE b 9 mumamw THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLIE. ONTARIO PAGM Sm THURSDAY, DECEMMM 4,1947 -