~WnTWn~ t. .-~ t THURSDAY, DECMMER 4,1947 AB CANADIAI< STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. Stewart Ferguson, Toronto, Was weekend guest of his mother, M>,s. M. Ferguson. .Mr. Tommy Ross, University of Toronto, spent the weekend with his mothe>.* rs. C. T. Ross. Miss Auey Box, Port Hope, spent the Weekend with her cous- in, Miss Audrey Northcutt. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moody and daughter, Eleanor, spent the weekend with friends in Aurora. Miss Dorothy Swinford, Tor- onto, was guest o! Mrs. Hugh Mur- phy, Church St. Mrs. Ada Mullis and Mrs. Dick Metcalfe, Toronto, were weekend guests af Mrs. J. W. Knight. Little Miss Carol Cale was the winner of the doli and doll car- niage in the St. John's Guild draw.i Misses Irena and Dorothy Rahm and Miss Bonnie Hawkey spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Ar- thur Rahm, Burketon. Miss Sally Hall, Riding Mistress, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, was guest of Miss Ruth Hutchin- son. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thompson, [f anýl son, Jock, St. Catherines, tspent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Slemon. Mr .and Mrs. Bob McIlveen and Carol, Islington, wene weekend guests with Mrs. C. H. Mason and Donald. Roy McDonald, Carlisle Ave., 1'won the I.O.O.F. draw for hockey tickets for the Oshawa Jr. O.H.A. game last Saturday night. Misses Joan Greenfield and Nancy Townsend, Ontario Ladies' Nomination Meeting (Continued from Page One) Schaol Board. Edsall Oliver, also a candidate for the Board of Education, spoke sharply and forcefully in suggest- ing that new members be electad to the Board. His briaf remanks concluded the evening's session. It is hoped that a more com- prehensive reviaw af what xvas said at the meeting may ha as- sembled for publication in a lat- er issue of The Statesman. In the meantime the orly thing naces- Eary is to urge people to go out and vote their choice for the 1948 School Board. College, Whitby, spent the week- end with the farmer's parents, Mn. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield. Miss Helen Dixon and Mr. Don Venton, Clinton, and Miss Audrey Venton, Western Hospital, Tor- anto, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. S. Venton. Miss Ellenor Barton. Oshawa, visited hier gr&ndmother, Mrs. L. J. Barton, and attended the High School Commencement Friday night. WIll the holder o! Ticknet No. 48 -on the Christmas cake at the Ladies' Leglon Auxiliary bazaan please eall at 29 Temperance St. for samie. Kenneth C. Cnaggs "Father on the Farm," most popular Canadian Ibook of the fail season, is appean- ing in a second large printing. Production limitations will pre- clude the third printing before January. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutchinson and PabZicia, arrived in England aboard the Queen Mary this week where they will spand the Christ- mas holidays with lier parents, Mn. and Mns. A. B. Mitchell, Ar- broath, Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sansom, Rosetown, Sask., and daughter Mrs. Miskelly, Montreal, were re- cent visitors with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hobbs, Liberty St. The motor party will procead to Los Angeles for the wintar and return ta Saskatchewan in the spring. ST. PAUL'S C.G.I., St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Nov. 19 with Marie Martin in charge e! the worship service. In the busi- ness was discussed a Christmas Sunday service and a decision ta donate $5 to the M & M fund. Sheil cra!t work was enjoyed by bath groups until the meeting closed. St. Pa l's C.G.I.T. was held on Nov. 26 t~ith the worship service in charge oi Mrs. Quigley and the theme "Doing Good." Colleen Hutchinson read the scriptune and a story was read by Mrs. Quigley. The Vaspen service was discussed aften which both groups did sheli craft work. The meeting closad with taps. I.... *f~ Dumbo - Snow White One String Fiddle Little Black Sambo The 12 Dancing Princesses Three Little Pigs The Night Before Christmas Plnoechlo Fun with Muter Shakespeare (Unbreakable Records) THE RADIO SHOP ~O Phone 573 38 King Street East ~Q~BOWANVLLE ATTrENTrION!9. WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS CLEARANCE SALE of ail merchandise in the store ai 1/2 THE REGULArA PuICE Regular Price $25.00 Sale Price - $12-50 (Plus Luxury Tax> Christmsas Shoppers this là your chance te ave money on your Christmnas Gi! ta. Shop early for good seleetion of watehes, rings, peulis, lochets, dresser seta and many other Items. W. have declded to discontinue earrying merahandise and devote our full tlme to the reptirlnt of wat'ches and docks. pWe 4I flbe open evenlngs Monday, Tuesday, Wed- Fnesday and Thursday tili 9 p.m. P SaturdAy evening from à p.m. MI 10 p.m. B ARTWIG'S JEWELLERY KING STREET EAST Trlnity W.M.S. Elect Officers For The Coming' Year December meeting of Trinity W.M.S. xvas held in the Sunday School room Dec. 2. Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, lst Vice President, was in the chair and conducted the busi- ness. The Supply Secretary re- ported that parcels of food had been sent to Japan and thatwe stili haGYmoney left from the col- lection taken at the November meeting to send more af ter Christmas. Mrs. C. W. Siemon and Rev. J. E. Griffith made announ- cements regarding the clothing and money that were to be collac- ted in th next few weeks. The organization "The Canadian As- sociation o! Consumers" was dis- cussed and our Society is in sym- pathy with the movement and will support the local branch when it is formed. Mrs. W. P. Rogers presided for the election of officers and Mrs. L. Nicholîs recommended the fol- lowing siate, which was adopted: Pres:Mrs. C. A. Wight; lst Vice: Mrs. R. J. Hoskin; 2nd Vice: Mrs. L. W. Dippeli; Rec. Sec: Mrs. A. S. Baker; Treas: Mrs. L. Nicholis: Asst. Treas: Mrs. C. H. Mason; Cor. Sec: Miss Leta Jackson; Com- munity Friendship Sec: Mrs. H. Hardy; Asst* Mrs. L. Nichoîls, Literature Sec: Mrs. I. Bragg; Asst: Mrs. R. J. Hoskin; Press Sec: Mrs. H. Jamieson; Supply Sec: Mrs. Markle; Christian Citizen- ship and Temperance Sec: Mrs. J. E. Elliott; Christian Steward- ship Sec: Mrs. W. P. Rogers; Mis- sionary Monthly Sec: Mrs. D. Ail- dread; Asst: Miss A. Bragg; Assoc- iate Helpers Sec: Mrs. W. J. Richards; Asst: Mrs. L. Jackson; Pianist: Mrs. D. Alldread; Asst: Mrs. T. Hirccck; Boys' Mission Band Leader- Mrs. W. Clarke; Girls' Mission~ Band Leader: Miss M. Beilman; Group Leaders: Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. L. Dippeil, Mrs. Wagar and Mrs. Fostar, Miss F. Werry and Miss V. Spargo. Mrs. L. Goddard gave a lovely Christmas story "The Cake of Pink Soap." Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle and her group had charge o! the worship period. Mrs. L. W. Dippeli read the Scripture which was the Christmas story as told in St. Luke. Mrs. Rundie led in prayer. Mrs. Dîppeli, Mrs. Foley, Mrs. R. Bragg, Mrs, M. Jamieson, Miss L. Jackson and Mrs. Rundie led us in "'A Canadian Friendship Carol Service" showing how we must share the spirit of Christmas with ail peoples in our country, regard- less of their religion or national- ity. This was interspersed with carol singing in which ail took part. Two lovely solos were ren- dered by Mrs. S. R. James, an In- dian carol "'Twas in the moon of winter-time" and an African carol "O Little One Lowly, O Little One Holy," and a duet "Away in a Manger" by two tiny tots, Linda and Merridy Mutton. Lions Club (Continued from Page One) address, Mr. Cobourne touched on the modern trends o! agriculture and the economics of farming. To- day, farmers experience a wider prosperity, have a higher morale and a 'broader kindred 'feeling with their neighbors than ever be- fore. The interest o! Service Clubs generally in cerative agriculture was wahl exemplified in their sponsorship of numerous farm projects. In moving the vote of -thanks of the Club* to the speaker, Lion Russell Osborne expressed a f arm- er's high appreciation of the valu- able service rendered by the ag- ricultural representatives and in particular the manifold henefits of research to agriculture. Personal WHY sufer the agony of Rheuma- tic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick welcome relief. McGregor's Drug Store. 49-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 PERSONALIZED-. Ch r ist ma s Cards-Your name and address printed free on your Christmas cards. Ordar now from Hobby- craft Supply, 52 King St. West. Phone 2174 between 4 and 6 p.m. 44tf One-tenth of the world's people speak English. _ Aj& lgx Oshawa Collegiate Orchestra Provides Program at B.T.S., On Tuesday evening the boys at BT.S. were ententained by the O.C.V.I. orchestra fromn Oshawa, under the able direction o! Mr. Roy. The programn consisted o! the following: Fortuna aventure, Danube Waves Waltz, Sarabande by Handel, a very fine arrange- ment o! Temptation, T h e r e 's Something About a Soldiar, Dutch Carol, Prayer o! Thanksgiving, Unto the Hilîs, aIl by the orchestra under the direction o! Mr. Roy. There were some very fine solo- ists, Jim Scanmell and Clive'Alde- vinkle doing a camedy §,ct with sound affects by Spike Jones and lis City Slickers. They per!orm- ed two numbans, "Laura" and "Serenade ta a Jerk," 'both were well received. Mis Shirley Harmar did some fine sînging and latar retunned for two encoras. Other numbers in- cluded Witterick, at the piano with a swall rendition of Bumble Bea Boogie, Miss Margaret Park- hill, pianist, playing a vemy nice arrangement of "'Daep Purpia;" Miss Joan Tunnecliffe, piano, a Chopin nocturne; Fred Bart.latt, violin; Gardon Wittanick, saxo- phone and a maie vocalist. 1Mr. Bent thanked aur visitors for a very fine performance and hoped they woulcl visit us again. Simeon Joyce, pianist, organist, composer, arranger and conductor, Mr. Joyce has achieved an en- viable career in. Canada and the United States. Well known ta ra- dio audiences as leader and ar- ranger for the former Joyce Tria ha is Chair Director of St. Clair United Church. Toronto. Simeon Joyce'cornes ta Bowmanville on Wadnesday, Dec. l7th, as pianist arid accompanist for the Lions Club Christmas concert at Trinity United Church. Radias oparating at high alti- tudes are affected by an unknown radiation. !rom their neighbor, because thay have so littla o! their awn.-Mary There ara no harems in Turkey. now. lai BE READY for that last minute INVITATION with a crisp SPOTLESS SUIT! Phone Zenith 13000 SOCIAL ADPEONAL_ Only 56 miles of open seai arates Russia and Alaska. The kangaroo uses its tail a vaulting pole when loping. Churches sep- like ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. deP. Wright, Rector Mr. R. G. Harle, Organist Second Sunday lni Advent 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class Il a.m.--,Morning Prayer Subject: "'The Bible'« Nursery, 2 years and over 7 p.m.- Laymen's Service Conducted by: Mr. R. Harding, Mr. C. Bell, Mr. J. Living, Mr. W. J. Ormiston, Mr. A. Park- er. (Ail warmly ivelcomed) TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. E. Griff ith Organist: Mr. W. E. C. Workman Sunday, Dec. 7 Heraldlng the Advent 11 a.m..-Of JESUS "He shall be great." (Baptism). 7 p.m.-Of JOHN the BAPTIST "Called the Prophet of the Highest." (Carols) Il a.m.-The Nursery Junior Church 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. C. Qulgley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregor Sunday, Dec. 7th Special gifts for M. & M. will be received. 10 a.m.-Sunday School il a.m.-Nursery ScIool Il a.m.-Worship: "Look to Yourself." 7 p.m.-Worship: "Christianity Works." Installation of the off icers of Senior and Junior Young People's groups. Members of both socie- tics will attend in a body. K NO0X'S' Furs Honey (You Can Save Pick out your mlnk or fox scanf now, ha- fore they are palted. We wlll finish them for you, ready to wear. The quality is top. Money Rare) Small quanti- ties o! amber ail sold out. Have a few 301h. pails le! t We wllIIde- liver. CHAS R. KNOX ORONO PH 64r2 COMPETITIVE PEICES PILUS PERSONAL SERVICE MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS and REMINDERS for THUESDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 'j, \~.x i Bathettes......----65c, $1.25, $3.00 Compacts -----.- $1.50, $3.00 up Hudnut Gemey Perfume 1.50. 3.50 Perfume Atomizers ------ $1.75 up Playing Cards -------81.05, $2.25 YARDLEY of London for Luxurious Shaving Shavc Bowl $1.25 After Shave - -$1.5 Also Sets for Maen and Women REVLON Christmas Sels "«BLACK BEAUTY"- contains essentials for a complete manicure $2.95 Enlargement Specials Make lovely Glfts Black and white, size 5x7 in. - --------- 43e Same sîze, hand- colored ----------- 73e Popular Shavlng Gifts by GILLETTE "MILORD" Glft Set - contains ra- zor, ample supply of blue blades, shave eream. $4.62 Colgate- Palmolive M EN'S 9S ET S GIFT SETS for Men containing shavlng and dental needs 3100$1.50, $1.75 Seals Tags Enclosure Card3 5c, 10, 15C Mennen GIFT BOX for men Richard Hudnut Smartly packed - ex- quIsite fragrance $1.25 Parfume $1.10 Dustlng Powder $1.25 Oshawa Vitamin Bi Tabs., 100's, 300's, ----- -29c, 67c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTYI ALEX MGREGOR FYour Local .D.A. y " 0 Phone 792 f Druggist DI 85 Gw yj*Dellver S~~-------- ---- -- - - - - - - - - - J3k OMM- GIRL GUIDES The second company Girl Guid- es met on Tuesday night under, the leadership af Lieuts. Joyce Buttery, Ulva Green and Sr. Pat- rel Leader Audrey Richards. The meeting opened with the horse- shoe formation followed by two new games callad, "Legs Out" and "What's Out of Place." A rousing game of volleyball with Lieuts. Green and Buttery as captains and Audrey Richards as referee, was enjoyed. The score was 21-121 for Joyce's team. We formed a ring, and sang sangs foilowed by taps. We would like ta sec al Guides out for the next meeting, because there will be important1 news about aur Christmas Party.! Whai Kepi You? PACKARD Electric Shaver,~ -~2~ RONSON Lighters - - - $6.00 uP PIPES, choice of styles- $1,00 Io $7.00 CUTEX Sets o incr 69c, $1,00 up DRESSER Sets, 5 pieces_- - $5.98 up EAG-LE Prince Pen & Pendi Sel - $2.90 POND'S Giff Boxes - $1.25, $1.59, $2.00 CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS CHOICE 0F ASSORTMIENTS Excellent Values 12 fine cards-all different- each with envelope, in box 25e Box o! 18 suparior carda wîth e v l p s -- ------------- 49c Deluxe box o! 12 carda wîth envelapes ------------------- -----98e Box o! 21 carda with envelopes - -- $1---------- PERSONAL GREETING CARDS $1.00 PER DOZEN EVERY-DAY DRUG NEEDS Here's a list of evaryday drug needs featurlng our weekly I.D.A. Brand special. With Christmas shopping at hand, these specials 'viii save you monay on present day drug needs. Cascara Tablets. 100's, reg. 39c -- 33c Castor 011, 4 oz. reg. 25c - - - 19c ColdTablets, reg. 25c - - - 19C Epsom Salis, 11hb. reg. 15c --lc IdasalTablets, 300's, reg. 89c - 67c Pabisal Tablets, 100's, reg. 59c 47c "JEANETTE" TALCUN 12 ounces 13e ALMOND LOTION reg. 5e ----------------- 39e Cocoanut 011 Shampoo reg. 25c, 39e ----19c, 33e Cod Liver 011 Capsules 100's, reg. 98ce - ----- 79e Evelyn Howard Cold Cream 1 lb. reg. 69ce---..----..54e Let Oshawa Laundry keep you poised on the springboard of the faîl social season with an expertly cleaned and pressed suit, coal or dress. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning COMPANY LIMITED