THUEDAY DE. ltli,194xl-T I d'MANPà I OPI'ATES AN, B WMAN~VIL NTRI NE WTON VILLE 1Jim Smith, Chatham, lef t Mon- treul on the Enwress af Canada for- England ta visit his mother, who is il. Mr. Smith has flot been in England since he left nmre 23 years ago. Before being transferred to the Chathami Di- vision of the Canadian Pacific Rallway, he was stationed at New- tonville, as a telegraph operator about sixteen years ago. Also he worked at C.P.R. stations at Co- bourg, Port H<fpe, Toronto, Lea- ide and Pt. MI»ichol before go- ing to Chatham. ff# 4 0GI/T What could make. a more wel- tomne gift ta en absent loved one thoan a chance ta spend the holi- day season at home ... send a prepaid railway ticket this year I Any Conadian Pacific agent wiII arrange deflvery and explain about speclal Iow holiday faras. Ciaik's Fresh & Fuuity )MNCEMEA Domino Dry-Plus Deposit o. Returnable GINGERALE Fiesh Giound As Sold IICNE0LOCOFFEE Oui Own Blend DOINO TEA Picnîc Swcet Mixed PICULE Hcinz Fancy Quality OMATO JICE 2 Tns 3 Royal City. Cholce Quality, B.C. Pack PEAS & CAUOTS 'nal9Ç BURIETON Sympathy is extcnded to Rev. and Mis. R. M. Seymour in their befeavement and to the relatives of the late Mrs. Charles Dean, who dicd at her home Dcc. 5. Fun- eral service was hcld at the church here and interment in St. Johns- Cemetery, Blackstock. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Grant Wilson and Beryl, Oshawa, with Mis. Pearl Avery. Mis. Fred Bailey, Mrs. Joseph Forder, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Herb McLaugl lin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughhin. Wc welcome our new school tea- cher, Mr. J. McCarron, Guelph. Miss Doreen Pcrrott, Hampton, helpcd here tili a premanent tea- cher was sccured. Miss Isobel Lochead, Toronto, with Mrs. F. Hopley. Mrs. L. Haesman has îeturned home after visiting her daughter in Peterbbro. LONG SAULT Another success!ul and enjoy- able meeting o! the Long Sauli Community Club was heltI in the schôoi on the evening o! Thuis- day, Dec. 4. Mr. William Thies- burger was in the chair. Mr. and Mis. Fred Pertncr and Mi. antI Mis. Gardon Baker had erianged'an evening o! varied en- tertainmcnt. The senior school children's choir sang the Poacli- cî's Sang andI the Saiior's Sang. With Gordon Baker et the piano, Otto Virtue and Stuart Hoocy gave somne o! their popular aid - time dance music on their violins. Glenn Hodgson gave a varied pîagîem o! piano solos, both ciass- ical antI Popular. The speaker o! Uic evening was Mi. D. R. Morîison o! Bowman- ville. Announcing that his sub- ject was "Cansider the Woodpile,"y lie piacceded fîom there intoaa most interesting talk on the won- tIers of modern chemistry. He told how, from Wood, we weîe able ta obtain paper, rayon, impiegnated Wood and sa on. He then discuss- cd the veried and useful mater- ials we obtain fîam bituminous coal, fram glass antI crude ail, and !inally, the iatest news about plas- tics. Mr. Morrison had an inter- esting number o! sampies wIi which to illustrate his discussion. A lunch of sandwiches, cakes and co!!ec was served by the la- dies. Januery meeting, which will beé a card antI crokinole peîty, is ta be heid on Jan. 9. The school con-~ cert and Christmas tîce will be~ heltI on Wednesday, Dec. 17. 1 , GPC j FTPE1 Earu Burley has gone ta Peter- boro. Elmer Elliatt and John Thamp- son took in the races in Toronto, an Saturfdey. Mrs. John Thampson has been Lvisiting her mothet, Mis. *Larry Watters. Mrs. Frank Kawa attended thc funeral o! her mather in Ottawa. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Patterson have îeturned ta, Kirby ta spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Robt. Winn has closed down his lumbcîing operations for a while. A number o! ladies attended a quilting at Mis. W. Mercer's, lest Wcdnesday in spite o! the heavy rain. Congratulatians ta Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Buckler on the arival of their son at Bawmanville Hos- pital, Nov. 27. A number fîom here attended the Pot Luck Supper and addiess at Newcastle Thursday, under aus- pices o! Federation o! Agriculture. Dr. G. Miller and the nurse wcre at Kendal School examining the pupils Wednesday last. The Hydra power was turned of! Tuesday on. the line narth of Kendal from 9 a.m. ta 4p.m., much ta the inconvenience of some la- dies who were washing. Faim Forum met et the home af Mr. Bell Monday evcninýg with a good- attendance. A discussion was held under Education on how Uic rural teachers could be help- ed. Congratulations to Mi. Ariel I, --itaff and Miss Isobel Moore - ,u were married in Peterboro, Nov, 29. RADIO ACTIVE BUGS To deteumine how fast bugs travel, British sclentists fitted tiny aluminum containers holding ra- dium ta young becties. Detectors tracing the radioactive action a! the radium showcd that anc bec- tic tîavelled nine feet in a day. Another progressed fivefeet andI a third only six inches. Claîk's Cream of 1jarE 3le MUSHROON SOUP 2 10 Royal Manor n Botte- STUFEDOLIVESi 2 30 Several Brands, Choice Quality 2 tole25Ç PEURHS- i L. 5 $ M itchell's 2 Lb.51ÇAPPLE JUICE M a os4ÇMagic 43$ BAIG POUDR 11<. jar îining ta Uic letters a! "Citizen- ~ n--- an---h-----s. Services on Sunday werc wchl cnded, xvith Rev. F. Yaîdlcy in iarge. The choir pravided suit- Le music. At the Sunday School ssion, Mi. Mcl Steples, Orono, ive an eppreciative address. He o was guest speaker et the inday School session held by the ihway eppointment. Sunday <t will be White Gift Service. Mri. and Mis. Mei Staples, Or- o, weîe Sundey guests with arence antI Mis. Penfound. Lloyd and Mis. Crago antI fem- 1wcre Sunday night dinner iest with Bill Bickle and family. 'EST LOSSES IN STORED FOODS HIGH According ta recent statistics, S1946 world expaîts o! food îhlled 50 million tons. It is es- iated thet 40 million tans were sstcd with storage Pests and t the total loss amounted ta proximatély 20 million tons. S.S. No. 9, Clarfke Our Home and School Club meets this weck an Tuesday in- stead of Wednesday night as sev- eral of aur members wanted to, attend thc High School Com- mencement in Newcastle. Congratulations ta Keith Ped- well who is the winner of Uic Montague prize this year. Mary Bowen was home from Cornwel-for the weekend. KENDAL Miss Mary McLean, Toronto, Is spending a few days in the vill- age. BLACKSTOCK 1 United Church W.A. met at Mrs. Neil Malcolm's on Nov. 28, with Mis. Norman Mountjoy pie- siding in Uic chair. Mrs. Fred Trewin took the Devotional on thc 'Christmas theine It is more blesrs- ed to give than ta, receive,"1 follow- cd by prayer. and singing "Silent Night." Mrs. Peîcy Van' Camp favorcd with a îeading and. Mrs. N. Malcolm with a piano solo. Business includcd sale of articles left fîom 'bazaar and. election of officers. Good cheer committee îepoîtedi that Glenn Van Camp was remembercd when sick and Howardi Saywell when bereaved. 'Good cheer boxes will again be ,sent to sick and shut-ins at Xmas. $ 15.00 wîlI be given ta church budget and $15.00 ta M and M Fund and complete payment of dccorating chuirch basement, if :sufficient funds in treasuiy. Rev. R.B. Harrison presided and fol- lowing officers were (for the -most. part) re-elected: Pies., Mrs. iN..Mouintjoy; ist vice, Mis. H. Shartridge; secy., Mis. Clarence *Marlowv; assist. secy., Mis. N. Mal- colm; treasurer, Mrs. M. Graham; pianist, Mis. Ivan Mountjoy; fruit and good cheer, Mis. Leith Byers; gîoup- leaders, Mrs. N. Archer, .Mrs. T. Sameils, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mr&. H. Shortridgc, Mrs. Howard SWain; paîsonage committee. Mis. G.,Strong, Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Per- cy Van Camp. A lovely lunch was served and Mrs. Malcolm lwas thanked for her hospitality. ,There has been quite a change in tenants these last few days. Mr. and Mis. Hector Shoîtridge have purchased andi moved into the new house buiît by Mr. Earl Doîreil at the north end, of the village. Mr. and Mis. C. Suther- land and family have movcd into Mrî. Chas. Smith's house which the Shortîidge family vacated. Also Mis. Fred Bailey is getting settled in her home once again. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Robt. Bruce and Miss M. King on the sudden passing of their bro- ther, Alfred King in Port Perîy. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Courtis were up from Cobourg for the funeral of Mr. Kin-g and visited with Mrs. Bruce ancd Miss M. King. Miss Audrey Mountjoy is sick at home with the chicken pox. So veîy sorry to leain af the death of Canon John H. Turner who was the Prayer Paîtner o h W?.A. of St. John's. o h Blackstock Women's Institute met at the lovely home of Mis. Neil Malcolm on Thursday after- noon, Dec. 4. Miss Aima Graham and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp gave very interesting reports o f the recent convention in Toronto. Some of the gî handed in ioney made îecently. The raill ýal was answered with words per- c ship.' ' Christmas carols wcre sung and a iovely lunch seived. St. John's W.A. met at the home Lof Mis. Robert Parr on Nov. 27 ,with President is. McKibbon, »presiding. Mrs. Fred. Hamilton 1gave Uic chapter fîam the study book., Mus. McKitbon passed. around pictures from -Kangra, In- dia, scenes fram the Maple Leaf' Hospital. Mis. Thos. Smith îcad an article froip the Living'Mess- age on India. Mis. McKibban read >paît of a letter ta us that Mis. Fred Willan had îeceived from Mis. John Turner. 'Two members wçre named ta prescnt a cheque for $50.00 ta the church on St. Andrew's Day, the ocasion o! cor- porate communion. A social per- iod concluded thc meeting. COUMTME, The Berean Ladies' class hcld thcir Christmas meeting on Thurs- day, Dec. 4, at the home of Miss Ann Hoît, with an attendence o! 19 aduits and 3 childien. The president, Mis. K. E. Caurtice, oc- cupied the chair and openeci the meeting with a îeading, followed .by prayer. Mis. G. F. Annis was in charge o! devotionel period and opencd with a hymn and Luke 8- 20 was îepeeted in unison. Mis. Annis contributed the vocal solo, "Bîahm's Lullaby" and alsao gave a Christmas message. Business was then deait with which included report from Mrs. Hopkins îegarding British parcel sent and perteining ta the ad-opt- ed child a! the cless, Eleanar Smith. Christmas box and, Read- ci s Digest to be sent Mr. Pcm- berthy, Cobourg. Donation ta M and M Fund and expences ta be met for elcctric stove and instel- : ling. A vote of thanks was ex- tended ta the retiîing president byi Mrs. H. F. Osborne. Minutes wcrei read and approved, and treasurer gave a satisfactory report. The slete of officers were then present- cd, with these ladies taking of- fice: President, ta be chosen lat-1 er; lst 'vice pies., Mis. W. Brown;1 2nd vice pres., Mrs. G. F. Annis; 3rd vice pies., Mis. Keith Ormis-1 ton; teecher, Mis. Hopkins. Oth-1 er officcis to be chosen et execu- tive meeting. This progîam wasi then piesentcd: Hymn, "Oh' Came1 aIl ye Faithful;" îcading, Mis. F. Yard ley;, piano solo, Mis. Eric Couitice; îeeding, Mis. Cecil Found. Meeting closed with Mi-i gpah benediction, lovely îefresh- rnents wcîe then seiveci and a so-r cial time enjoyed together. The childien, Herb and Mis. f Nifchols, Jack and Mis. Hawkshaw, 1 Bill and Mis. Bicklc, and cousins, Iý Sidney and Mis. Venton, Bow- e nanvilie, andI Miss Audrey Ven-C on, Toronto, gathered at the home 9 of Mi. andI Mis. Thos. Bickle on P Sunday, Nov. 30 ta celebrete with 1( MrIs. Bickle lier 79th birthday. Af- ci cir a sumptuous repest, including 'T a lovciy biîthday cake, a social cý and picasant visit was cnjayed. il Lovely bouquets, cards andI other b favais weîe received 'by Mis. Bic- 0 kle. Her fîiends aIl join in wish- L rig her many maie happy biith- Vi ays. E Those In attendance et the Milk h Praducers' banquet heitI et St. t Andrew's United Church, Oshawa,01 with Rev. W. J. Johnston, Egling- .n United Churcli, Toronto, as guest speaker, weîe Kcith and lirs. Ormiston, Lloyd, Carl and Mlan Down and their wives, Mis. Eaîry Worden, Wilbuît and Mis. Bresnett, Will and Mis. Bickie, Ronaid andI Jack, Noîm and Mis. Down, Elmer and Elle, Mis. Cecil .darns, Ansoni and Mis. Phair, ,relie, Harold and Sandy Muir rid their wives. From here attending the Pot' ,uck Supper et Newcastle, spon- îed by Durham Caunty Federa- ion o! Agriculture with Rt. Hon. Tincent Massey, C.H., as guest ;eakei weîe: Mis. A. J. Oke, El- on andI Mis. Weîîy, Bill and Mis. ickle, Chas. and Mis. Osborne, Telter andI Mis. Rundie, Hilton ink, Lloyd and Mis. Crago. At the Sund-ay School executive .ceting heltI at the Glen Pickehl omc an Thursdey night, the offi- ers werc ail re-elected andI also ce teachers with the exception o! ý1 STAIRK VILLE A number. gathered at Staik- ville Schôol Wcdnesday last and presenited Mr.. and Mis. W. A. Hallowell with an occasional chair, end table and a mirrai. Mr. and Mrs. HalloweUl have takcn up residence in Newtonville. Bath were bain, raised and lived in this- community* until they mavcd. The address was read by Mr. Art McKay aftcr which Mr. and Mis. Hallawell made fitting replies. Lunch was scived. Remainder of evening was spent in social time. Mr. and Mis. Walter Simpson and sons, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tîim. Miss V. Tyler, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Liew Halioweil. Bert Trim received a number of prizes on his pigeons at the Royal Winteî Fair. Miss Dorathy Farrow and friend o! Toronto, at Mr. Victor Farrow's. Mrs. E. White with his son, Mi. L. White, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mis. A. Dobson and Mary Lau, Miss H. Dechcrt, in Or. ana. Miss Eileen Farrow,, Bradlcy's, at Mr. H. Farrow's. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid and daughteîs, at Mi. T. A. Rcid's of Oshawa., WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 10:30 with an attendance of 32. Church was held at 11:30 with' a gaod sermon on "It is more blessed to give than to receive." A .euchre party. was held at thc home of Mr. and. Mrs. Arnold Aus- tin Fridey* evening. Owing ta the, badl weather there were only six tables. Miss Bernice Best was awarded the ladies' high prize and Miss Dolores Dickerson w a s awarded the consolation prize. Clarence Nicholis was awarded the men's, high prize and Charles Pearson received the men's low prize. Thirteen from the community attended the, Durham Fedleration Pot Luck Supper held at Newcas- tle on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ArnoldThornidyke, Sharon Ann and Carol and Misses Helen and Laura Binsted spent Sunday withMr.. and Mrs. Walter. Longyear. Mr. George Helmèr, Maltbn( is spending a fýew days with his icc Mrs. Edgar'tarrowclough. Several of the ladies of the com- FO CHITA :HAVE BOOKS FORr VE RYBODY "WE E Fo Adul. NwFici or dutr New Fictiondoty Current Events ICut-outs aud Paitn Booleî SGive a Magazine Subscrie, tion-The GIft: that lasts, ail year I.CRRISTMWAS CARDS Boxed Assortments and Single Carda and Decorations J h Wl t a . O rn me nta 40BIG 20"p PHONE 556. 27ing St. W., Bownianvil1e k' - « ?awf Santa says, "win ber heart and hold her heait --send flowers at Christmas time!" Hardy year 'round plants and exquisite fresh cut flowers grown in our own nurseries affer a ýwide sud beautiful selection. Place yaur aider now, avold disap- pointment later. .& IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GIVE.. If you are canfronted with this prabiem ive sugggest that yau drop into our store and let us ive Au a hand. lVe've lots of deas that are positive ta make your glt i a hit. SEE OUR DISPLAYS 0F PLANTS, IVREATHS, CUT FLOWERS, POINSETTIAS, CYCLAMEN AND MIXED PANS ATKINS' FLOWER SHOP PHONE 474 FOR FREE DELIVERY - BOWMAN VILLE 33 KING STREET EAST 54Florida or Texas Seediess Size 96's SGrapefruit -'6 for 29c 3çSweet and Juicy Valencia SCalifornia Oranges 5~Size 252 - doz. 35c Size 229 - doz. 39c 5$California Red Eiuperor Grapes - lb. 21c 13 Cape Cod Cello Bag Cranherries - - IL 49c O~Calfornia Frcsh Table Dates, 8 oz. pkg. 25c »ÇSelected Ontario Washed Carrots - 3 IL 19c 7$Selected Ontario *Washed Parsnips - 2 I lb Oc Fancy Fresh 8 oz. pkg. Turkish Layer Figs - 17c AiU merabandis. .ald at you> Dominion Store la uncondi- tlonaily guaranteed ta give 100% satitifaetion. WO PAY Idhent prevailing market prie, for ungraded eggu. Ship wth confidence ta Dominion Storsu Llmted, 828 Old Weston fRond, Toranto. Eegt. No. 0.29. VALVES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY munity attended a Womnen' In- stitute meeting at Mrs. Walter Reynolds'.,.-. , The Farm Porum iiwa& held ai the ýhome of Mr.a4nd Mr& C. Payne.-wlth.a fMir atten4nnce. The topic was the..tâacher in the comn- munlty. Mrs. Reýd4e Bec, Port Hope, spent 7%ursday.with. Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. Mrs. Bernice Snell, ýMiss Lois Snell and- Mr. Bill Sneyd, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. Add1tioùea1 - dial equip Menrt, planýned tô be coèmplefely Iiista1- led in the Bowmanvifle exehange early in the ncw year, includes sufficient central-,office apparatus to serve 20Q.,mom subscri1bers' Unmes. Mi. antI Mis. W. Baskeîville and !amily, with Mi. and Mis. E. Gil- bank, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mis. Bob Hendry and family, Bowmanville, Mi. and Mis. G. Rickard and femiiy, Shaw's, Dr. andI Mis. R. B. Mur- ray and family, Stirling, Mi. and Mis. Alec Hendry and family, with Mi. and. Mis. John Hendîy. Congratulations ta Archie 1-Ien- dry on îecciving the Lions Club mathematies prize. Miss Hezel Powell spent the weekend with her sister, Mis. Don Coulter, Downsview. Mi. Meredith, Mis. Helps and Mr. Moffatt, Mapie Grave, with Mi. and Mis. Geo. Skelding.. Mr .and Mis. Art Bedwin, Mer- lene and Fîeddy with Mi. and Mis. Chas. Bedwin, Brown's. Mis. Ken Neai antI family, Bow- manville, with Mi. antI Mis. Bih- Lake. Mis. W. Lake who has been with ber daughter, Mis. Ai!. Brown, for some time will be vis.- ting lier deugliter, Mis. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, for the winter months. A large number o! potentiel iiends andI neiglibors a! Mi. andI Mrs. E. D. Hagermen, recent new- ly weds o! thc community, gath- etI. et the home o! Mi. antI Mis. Gordon Martin, Dec. 6, ta con- gratulate and weicome them antI rescnt them with a few gifts, a avely carci table, a set o! kitchen lanisters antI several other items. 'lie evening wes spent in piaying !ards, the presentation bcing made ust before lunch with the happy ride antI groom thanking every- ne in a few wcll chosen words. Ladies high for cuchre was Mis. e. Adams; gent's high was Mu. XHageiman. One persan was' card ta say "Why cen't we o! ,he community get together more ften for cards, etc.?" DOOKS Please turn off Iights und op- plianceswhen flot ne.ded. Li TEU MAT, DEC. Ilth, 1947 IIM CAMAnTAIV 12nUMMArýnrTTTV tkTnAI50TO% THE HYROEEuRI OWR CM IS S N ÔFs s *aIi 1 1