-rnRm * »jw mmi1 V j-Alàm, qi'E lFAl~lu 1WURSDAY, DEC. 111h, 194U FAM- TE f- MARRIAGE Ca KART'N-CAMPBELL - In aid Rai St. Andrew's Church, Toranto, on M] December 3, 1947, 1by Dr. J. R. P. tf Sciater, Miss Ruth Campbell was united in marriage witb Mm. RonI eci Martin, Mont Clair, New Jersey. in 50-11 rei to DEATHS BROWNELL - In Bowmanville Hospital on December 8, 1947, Jacob Brownell, belavcd husband of the late Alta Maria Browncil, aged 93 years. Fnrlfo h Morris Funcral Chapel. Inter- IMment Bawmanviiid -cemctery. wl DEAN-In Buketan an Deceni- ber 5th, 1947, Susan Brown, be- loved wife of Chas. M. Dean, in lier 82nd year. Ii-termcnt in St. Jobn's Anglican cemetcry, Black- stock. CARDS 0F TIIANKS To the Voters of Bowmanville: I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta the people of Bowman- ville in elccting me ta the Board of Education on Monday iast. May the Yulctide seasan be a blcssing ta you ail. 50-1 J. deP. Wright Dear Board of Education Vaters: SMy sincere thanks ta evcry vot- er who exercised their franchise. My special thanks and apprecia- tian ta cach and cvcry citizen who in any way made passible my ci- ectian ta "aur" Bowmanville Board of Educatian. "I will do mny best." 50-1"' Winona W. Clarke To the Electors of Bawmanvillc: I should like ta express my ap-1 preciation for the support given' me at the ecent lectian for the Board of Education, and I promise ta carry out the duties of office ta the best of my ability. Wisbing everyone the complinments of the seasan. Yours very truly, 50-1"' E. L. "Bill" Oliver We just want ta take this op- portunity ta thank aur many lniends and neigbbors for their kindness in sending, cards, letters, flowers, fruit, candy, and phone calls. Aiso thanking the doctars and nurses wbo attended Mr. Bai- son while being a patient in Osh- awa General Hospital. -Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Baison 50-1* Mr. Chas. M. Dean and family cf Burketan, wish ta express ta 4 their many fiends and neighbbrs their heartfelt tbanks for the ex- pressions of sympatby, acts of kindness and floral tributes ex- tendcd ta theni in the loss of a dear wife andi mother. Special thanks ta Dm. J. McArtbur, Rev. J. McKibbon, Rev. R. m. Seymour. 50-1 COMING EVENTS *Newcastle United Churcb Sun- day Schaol Christmas Concert, on Friday. December l9th at 8:00 p. i mn. 49-3 Providence Sehool will present their Christmas concert, Decem- ber 19, 8:30 P.M. Everyone wel- came. 50-1* Dance at Bradiey's Scbaol Fi- day, Dec. 12, under auspices of Bradley's Community Club. Bil Clark's orchestra. 50-1 Dance in Enniskilluen Commun- ity Hall, Friday, December 12, sponsored by the Enniskillcn Ath- letic Club. Ruth Wilson's Var- iety Band. Admission 50c. 49-2* Eucbre and Daw ta be held in St. John's Parish Hall, Wednes- - day night, Dec. l7tb at 8 o'clock. Good prizes and lucky door prize. 25 cents. 50-i' Shooting match, Saturday, Dec. 13, at 12 noon sharp. 50 B.B.B. tumkeys. 12 gauge shotguns andi .22 rifles used (shehîs supplied). Rainbow Cabins. anc mile east of Newcastle on Higbway No. 2. 49-2* IN ME.MORIAM FOSTER-In loving memory of Frances Elizabeth Foster who passed away Decemb2r 5, 1945. "Two years have passed since that sad day When one we ioved was cafled away, God took her home-it was His wiil, Within our hearts she liveth stili." -Ever remembered by grand- sons, Harold and Ken. 50-1 GIBBS-In ioving memory of our dear littie son, Donald Vernon Gibbs, age 16 manths, who pass- ed away in Toronto on Nov. 30, 1945. God knows how much we miss him; Neyer shall bis memary fade, Loving thoughts shall always wander To the spot where he is laid. -A lways remembered.by Daddie, Mommie, sisters and brother Kenneth. 50-1 HUGHES-In loving memory of my dear husband, Thomas Hughes who passed away December 1 lth, 1946. Fandly loved and deeply mourned, Heart of my heart, I miss yau.so; 0f ten, my darling, my tears will flow, Dimming your picture where'er I go. In memory's frame I shall keep it, Because he was one of the best. -Ever remembered by Lily. 50-1 * MARTIN-A tribute of lave and remembrance of a dear husband and father, William Martin, who passed away December 13, 1946. "The depth of sorrow we cannot tell 0f the ioss of ane we ioved s0 well. And while he lies in peaceful sleep Ris memary we shail always keep.» -Sadly missed by wife and fam- iiy. 50-1 MARTIN-In loving memary of aur dear mother, Elizabeth Anne Martin, who passed away Decem- ber 11, 1943. "Her thoughts were ail so full of us, She neyer couid forget; And sa we think from where she is She must be watching yet. As angels keep their watch Up there, Please, God, just let her know That 'wc, down here, could not' forget, We love and miss ber s." -Sadly missed by sans and daughters, Allan, Sanny, Bella and Anne. 50-1 TOMPKINS-To a dear mother and grandmother, Louisa Tomp- kins, of Burketon, who passed peacefully away, Dec. 15, 1945. "We miss yau, Mother dear, Sometimes we wish yau were here; But your wark was donc, Sa rest in your siumber, dearest anc." -Ever remembered by daughter Dorfs, Son-in-iaw Fred and Grandchildren Fred, Frank, Bill, Doreen and Eleen. 50-1 Reception Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Aluin, 55 Church St., Bowmanvîlle, will be at home to their friends and rela- tives an the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary on Satur- day. Dec. 13, from 3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9 p.m. 50-1 Notices King Taxi Service will be clos- cd aIl day, December 25. 50-2* Keith W. Siemor, MD., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon. Office haurs: Afternoon 2-4, except Wcdncsday. Nights, Tuesday, Thusday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf To the Ratepayers af the Articles For Sale SCORE of Christmas trees. Ap- ply James Brown, Base Line. 50-1 SKATES and boots, sizes 7 and 5, reasonable. Phone 685. 50-1 PAIR men's skates, size 9%~. Near- ly new. Phone 2290. 50-1l OLDSMOBILE sedan, 1935, new tires, better than average car. Phone 608. 50-1 TURKEYS for Christmas. Phone 3603 Clarke. Mrs. John Van Al- len, ;qewtonvi1le. 50-1* PAIR ladies' white skates, fur top size five, goad condition. Apply 187 King St. East. 50-1* CHEVROLET sedan, 1938, in good condition. Cheap. Phone 2673. STORM windows. combination doors, made ta measurements. T. H. Tabb, Tyrane. 50-3 GRAHAM Paige coupe, 1929;! sawing machine; wood lot. E. W. Downey, 223 Liberty St. N. 50-1w'ý HAPPY Thought range in goad! candition. Carl Wright, Black- stock. 50-1 YOUNG lady's evening dresses, sizes twelve and faurteen, white silk jersey, blue siik crepe, pink taffeta. Phone 2622. 50-lA' CHRISTMAS turkeys, live weight 40c lb., dresscd 50c lb . Write or phone J. Mercer, R.R. 2,' Ne-%v- castle. Phone 2534 Clarke. 50-2* CHRISTMAS trees. Scotch pine and balsam. E. R. Walker, 39 Elgin St., phone 432, Bowman- ville. 50-2* QUANTITY of 45-gallon drums, $3.50 eazh, suitable for stove ail. Phone 2801 R Oshawa, or apply 67 Qucen St., Oshawa. 50-1 SPECIAL! Shipments of hard-to- get Congoleum rugs, and window binds-while they iast, at F. F. Morris Ca. 50-1 TWO Plymouth sedans, 1938 and 1942, bath in good condition. 66 Scugog St. Phone 2153, Bowman- TWO 700-18 8-ply tires; two 600- 18 6-ply tires, practicaliy new; twa wheeied trailer. Apply E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. 50-1* ON-third h.p. electric motor with step pulley, good condition, used very littie. Arthur Beliman, 17 Centre St. Phone 2588. 50-1 GIRL'S Harris tweed coat, size 14, heavy interlining. Price $10; man's tuxeda, size 36. Phone 606. 50-1 DODGE coupe, 1931, in first class condition, good tires. May be seen at Edwards' Garage. $195. USED hockey boots and skates, sizes 2, 3 and 4. Also pair of 5 ft. skis. Appiy F. A. Dillîng, 116 Church St. Plane 2767. 50-1* KITCHEN cabinet, in good condi- tion; glass-top cupboard; wooden ice-box, 50 lb. capacity. Phone 2487. 50-1 TWO sets of team sleighs com- plete, gaad condition. 50 pigeons; 15 aid lhens, and 25 spring chick- ens. Appiy Alf Shrubb, phone 2680, Bowmanville. 50-1* HENS-75 mixed hiens 1 year aid. $1.00 each, reason for selling, space needed for other purposes; also fur coat size 16. Phone 579. BEAUTIFUL Habbs Plate Glass Mirrors, in ail shapes and sizes from $745. Salve your Christ- mas gift problems this easy way, at F. F. Marris Ca. 50-1 QUEBEC stove with ail burner; circulator heater: 1929 Ford truck; set new Case disc harrows: Mof- fatt Electro pails. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 50-1 JUST arrived! Shipment of Tri- lite lamps, 100-200-300 watt in- tensity. Prices from $12.75. Also nice assortment of fancy chester- field cushions, at F. F. Morris Ca. WILLYS 5-passenger coupe. 1940, Class.fied Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Muat ho pald before Insertion IF CRARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra for box numbers or replies dlrected to this office ADDITIONAL 11NSERTIONS SAME RATES Agi Classified Adiets Muet Be In -Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must include cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy to get low rate. POSTPONED AUCTION SALE FARM SOLD I have been authorized ta seli by Dublic auction for Peter Lllovchik FIRST FARM SOUTH 0F SHELL GAS STATION, MAPLE GROVE on Friday, December 121h The following: DAIRY CATTLE Holstein caw, 4 years aid, fresh 6 weeks; Holstein cow, 4 years aid, fresh; white cow, 6 years aid, bred June lth; black cow, 5 years aid, bred May llth; black cow, 6 years, milking 2 months; black cow, 7 years, milking gaod, not bred: black cow, 4 years, bred June 10; black cow, 4 years, bred May 15; white cow, 3 yeams, brcd May 31; black cow, 6 years, bred Septem- ber 21st; heifer, bred November 20th; 2 heifers, rising 11/2 years; heifer caîf, 5 months; 2 heifer calves, 7 months; 2 heifer calves; Holstein bull, 2 years. POULTR'Y 35 spring turkcys; 2 geese; 1 gan- der; 2 young geese. 40 Leghorns, 1 year; 60 Rock pullets; 10 Rock roosters. WOOD Quantity af stave wooci. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Woods electric coaler 4-can (new); separatar, M.-H.; ýmilk pails; and strainers. HAT Quantity of hay. GRAIN Quantity of chop. ENSILAGE Approximately 15 feet of ensilage. HORSES Bay mare, 3 years aid, bay horse, 9 ycars aid; gray horse, 9 years aid; brown mare, 14 years aid. IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H., 6 ft.; mower, M.-H., 5 ft.; seed drill, M.H.; cuitivator disc; rubbcm-tired wagon; single plow (Wilkinson 21); gang plow (Cockshutt) new; sleighs; corn binder, M.-H.; hay rake (gaod); electric fencer; rouler (2-drum); harraws; manure spreader, Cock- shutt) new; scuffler, team; spring tooth scuffler; potato hiller; pota- ta plow; fanning miii; Stewart Clippers; brooder stave (electrie, new); incubatar; farks; bacs; chains;, whiffletrccs and many other articles. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Windaw frames (new): quantity of metai; quantity of latb; 4 100- ib. bags of potash; 2 steel window sasb 5'x9'; 24 4-in.tile. HARNESS Set af tcam harncss; third horse set, and 3 collars. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Terms Cash Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Elmer Wllbur, auctioneer. 50-1 Auction Sales Wood Sale. - Standing timber, property of E. A. Werry, on the farm known as the Beech pro- perty, haîf mile south of Union School, an Wednesday, December 17, four acres of mixed timber, which is mostly.cedar, ta be sold in 1/4 and 1,1 of an acre lots, mare or less. Those wishing transpor- tation ta the sale are asked ta be at Enniskillen at 1 p.m. Sale at i:30 p.m. Terms cash. Cliffard Pethick, auctioneer. 50-1 Star I havE tions by pu of Dei Twp. of iJarlingtan: in excellent condition. C.ar must A dance will be held in New- The rates levieci for schaai pur- be scen ta be appmeciated. As hp castle Community Hall under aus- poses have been reduced by the G.M.C. dump truck, 1941, short p.m'. n.Cs,(mor( pices of the Board of Management amaunt of $24,143.50 received by wheel base, in Ai conditionCah cedar on Friday, Dec. 12, at 9 p.m. Russ the respective schoal boards fmom easy terms orta-i.A'sG- es BrownsrBuy Bes areholdng so shipree Creighton and his Vaiety Band the Provincial Govenment ta- age, Hampton. Phone 2148. 50-lA' separi in attendance. Admission 50c per ward education costs, ta be used b s persan. 49-2 for relief of taxation on real es- THREE tweîve- year size coats,be5 tate. twelve year size quxlted ski jack- Estat( Bron' Buy eesar hodig . D. HOGARTH, et, large baby bassinet, medium mare a bazaar andi sale of home made 50-1 Township Clerk size tricycle. 15 rubber stair will1 cooking on Saturday, Dec. 13, in treads. Everything in good con- a es, the kitchen of the Community REPAIRS dition. Apply 60 Concession St. R. J. Hall, Newcastle, fromn 3 ta 5:30SE arne stc0fG do. p.m. Tea will be served. Plan REPAIR§ toalal makes of refrig- Lloyd, a nd Sunshine strollers. Al ta attend. 50-l* erators, domestic and commercial. colors avallabie, banc, silver, ma- SUFI Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., rmon, blue, grey. At the same Rheui December l2th, Group 4 of St. phone 438. 26-tf time select a steel or ivooden crib bago Paul's Women's Association are1 holdiU~ a sale in the lecture room NEAT-Way Shae Repair: Good, for baby, inciuding -. saft camfy capsi cf aprons, baby knittcd garments, substantial warkmanship, relia- mattress from $19.75 at F. F. Mor- Greg( pillow cases, stuffed animal toys bility. dycing, soîing, sewing, etc. ris Ca. 50-1 -YG and many other useful articles. Try the Ncat-Way. King St., W. CHESTERFIELDS, velour and goods Home coaking. Cafeteria tea 3 ta 30-tf mohair, 3 pieces, $149.50; Torch- sealec 5. Hot plate 5 ta 7. 49-2* icres, $21.50; dresser sets $9.00; Six se Custom Work travelling irons $4.95; kitchen ta- Mail Oddfellows Service Club dance bics, chrome legs, porcelain top, ber C and daw, Town Hall, Orono, Fn- SIDEWALKS snow cleaned by $29.00; unpainted funiture. Easy day, December l2th. Roy 'For- small Gibson tractor at reasonable terms. Apply Murphy's, phone - rester's popular dance band in at- rates. H. T. Moore, phone 671. 811. 50-1* tendance. Sixteen valuable prizes1 49-2* given away ta iucky ticket hold-1 OSHAWA'S new furnîtume store- CON5 ers. also four special prizes. Round Lost Everything in mode.:n. Chester- also1 and square dancing. Admission Ilfield, bedroom and dining moani Beech 50c per persan. 49-2 IRISH sett?r, full grown.i answers suites, ànd studios. Bedding and - . ta neme of '"Flame." Strayeci floor caverings a speciaity. Quai- 'IlIJ Annual meeting of Durhua north of Munday's. Finder please ity merchandise at competitive! Crop Impravement Association an' phone Don Camneron 2645 or 343. prices. Befare buying visit Brad- Monday, Dcc. 15, rt 1:30 p.m., in .50-1 ley's New Furniture Store. 156 the Agricultural Office. Guest -- ____Si._S._Oshawa._____ speaker. Dr. G. P. McCrostie, Dir-'FEMALE hound, anc and a haif Smo t . saa 6t ector of Field Husbandry Depart- years aid, dark back, brown legs, TRADE-in Princess Pat coal stove LE ment. Gtclo This Crap îm-!with white on chest, front legs 930. witb arming aven, ahi ena- ra\-cmcnt Ai;sociation bclongs ta, and tip of tail. Anyont: having mei; Princess Pat coal stove with *Fa ' fz'-niers of Durham County so seen this hound please phone warming aven and reserv'air; eve:¾cnc is invited ta be present. Carke 2534. Reward. 50-2* Beach coal stove with sheif; Beat- jEL -50-1 ty washemrcconditioncd; walnutà - . Fouind dining romr suite.- walnut bcd- roomn suite, like new: kitchen c* MN-z-lgne Lzke in Jasper Nation- STEER. strayed ta premises of chairs: daveno bcd; 3-picce ches- EWi -Prr'- is tiie largcst glacipl leàe Je.mes Melton, Burketon. Owner terfieid; walnut vanity; kitchen3'n "i*- C- dian Roý,kiei. It is 17 may have sanie by paying cxncn- tables. Apply Murphy*s, phone= mlcs long, ses. 49-2* 81« -501* i Lu ,nding timber and real estate: ve been favomed with instruc- ;from Russell Shortt ta sll .iblic auction 11/2 miles east ýan's Corners, Clarke Town- on Saturday, Dcc. 20, at 1 ten acres of standing timber re or less) cansisting of elm, ', ash, hemlock, etc. Elm suitable for lags will be said rately, ahl other timber will 'id in quarter acre lots. Reni e, consisting of 20 acres Lor less, suitable for pasture, be offered for sale subjcct ta erve bld. A. Mitchell, clerk. Payne, auctianeer. 50-2 Personal 'ERING from backaches, imatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- is not necessary. Use Ruma- at once for quiek relief. Mc- ,or's Drug Store. 50-1 IENIC suiplies <rubber s) mailed postpaid in plain !d envelope with price list. samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 45-8 Storage Space [SIDERABLE starge spa< for two cars. F. R. Schan. ih Ave. 50. Jim Cameron 1 ESKARD - ONTARIO. Phone Orono Ir 5 ormerly Cameron Welding Service. Toronto .ECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING Ylinder Blocks and Heads 7elded. Speclalizing ln Ahi- Inum and Whitc Metal. (Ail Work Guaranteed) ce Wanted CATTLE for feeding. Apply Wreford Cornish, R.R. 3, Burke- ton. 50-1* Work Wanted ALL kinds of saws sharpened, Don Ellis, 41 King Street West, Bowmanvillc. 49-3 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typ- ist, desires part or full time cm- ploymerit. Good references from large and small offices. Write Box 992 Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 50-1 Wanted To Buy APPLES-Ali varieties, any quantities, best prices. Apply D. Feldman, 205 Arlington Ave., To- ronto. Kenwood 5687. 49-4 ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prîces paid. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf WE are offering highest prices for Red <Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa and Timothy. Submit samples. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-tf LIVE horses for mink and fox food. Caîl us for highe.,t prices. We also pick up dead farm stock free of charge. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf Ilp Wanted SALESLADY, part time, experi- ence not necessary. Apply Hoap- er's Ladies' Wear. 50-1 PROVIDING yau are an energetic young man willing to work hard ta build a successful business and future for yaurself, we have an opening for you, now, in this dis- trict, as direct distributor of aur products. Previous experience unnecessary. Apply to Home Of- fice Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd., 7227 Alexandra Street, Montreal. 47-dl Gift Headquarters FOR BABY Doli Prams, Kindergarten Sets, Tricycles, Wagons, Rockers, Kid- die Cars, Cradies, Sleighs, Auto- mobiles, Desk Sets, Rocking Harses, Baby Prams, Cribý, High Chairs, Commodes, Walkers. FOR HIM Smokers, Lounge Chairs, Cellar- ettes, Bed Lamps, Table Lamps, Magazine Racks, Bridge Sets, Card Tables, Bookcases, Desks, Blankets. FOR HER Sewing Cabinets, Cushions, Elec- tric Tea Ketties, Chenille Bcd- spreads, Toasters, Irons, Caffee Tables, End Tables, Lamps, and Sparkling Mirrorà, Tri-Lite Lamps Cedar Chests. GIVE FURNITURE (the lasting gift) Beautiful Kroehler Chesterfield Suites, modemn lovely walnut Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Suites, Marshall Spring-filled Mattresses, Famous Beauty Rest Mattresses, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs Hall Trees, Chest of Drawers, Drapes, Pictures, Gateleg Tables, Rugs, Rangettes, Coal Stoves, Re- frigeratars, Electric Heaters. Our Location Saves You Money Budget Terra WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 Church Street OSHAWA, ONTARIO 50-2 Livestock For Sale TWELVE Yorkshire pigs, six weeks oid. Phone 2831.- 50-1* SIX Yorkshire pigs, twelve weeks aid. Phone 2357. 50-1w SEVENTEEN pigs, six weeks aid. John Liptay, Hampton. Phone 2738 5011* TWO cows due ta freshen shortly, 2 heifers, 1 year aid. Cyril Rut- land, Newcastle. 50-1 JERSEY cow, five years aid, due to freshen in February. Phone 2186. 50-1. JET black pony mare, 3 years aid,' cutter and single hamness. Quan- tity of mixed hay. Phone 2472 Bowmanville after 7 p.m. 49-2* 'IReal Estate For Sale ILOT on Brown Street. Apply 26 ULiberty St. North, Bawmanville. E 50-1 = W * W-storey brick house, modem Econveniences, large garden. dou-1 M ble garage, eight gaad building !lots. Possession arranged. Ap- I ply Mms. Margaret Brust, 103 Scu- =gag St. (Dingman Estate). 50-2* Nothing can bring you peace but -yo urself; nothing can bring y'ou àpeace but the triumph of princi- ~iples.-Emnerson. Federalion News Is Bright Newsy Paper The second issue of The Feder- ation News, officiai argan of the Durbat County Federation of Agriculture came off the press last week in tume for distribution before the annual banquet of the Federation in Newcastle Coni- munity Hall but in sanie districts the paper was 'a bit late in get- tîng thraugh the mails. Howcver extra copies were av- ailable for distribution at the ban- quet and reccivcd mucb favor- able comment. As presently Planned the paper is issued twice à yeam, the first number being is- sued in June. The idea is ta pre- sent news of interest showing the effectivencss of the Fedematian in promnoting farmers' intercsts. .The second issue was pinted by The Statesman jolb print de- partnient and was considcrably bigtcned with pictumes,' prom- inent amang wbich was a photo of Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, C.H., guest speaker at tbe banquet, and a threc-column eut of Ed. Suni- mers and bis champion Junior Fammer judging teani. Credit far mast of the niaterlal appearing in the issue goes ta Secmetary J. J. Meilor, Orano, wba bas earned recognition as an cd- itar of sanie repute. It is bellev- cd that Mr. Meilor bas sanie ex- tra copies on band and anyone wishing ta secume a copy may bave anc or mare by contacting bum. Whatever is unjust is contmary ta the divine will; and froni this it foliows that no truc and abiding happîncss can be gained by those wbo are unjust.-Stretch. Be honest but ha±e no one; 0v- erturn a man's wrong-doing but do nat overturn hlm unless it miust bc donc in the overturning of the wrong.-Abraham Lincoln. CHRISTMAS ANSWER Il SM BATH PREPARATUONS ..from ELIZABETH ARDEN Delicate Bath Ois, Bath Saits, fine Soaps, Velva Bath Mits-each a fragrant rernonder of your good wishes for months to corne. Ail these bath luxuries are exquisitely perfumed and delightfully packaged. Bath Oit-Ambre, Pine or Carnation, 1.50 and 3.25 -June Geranium, 2.25 and 4.25 -Blue Grass, 4.50 and 10.00. Bath Sals-June Geranium, Pins or LiIac ... 3.00, 4.73 and 7.50. Luxury Bath Sat-Concentrated-BIpe Grass ... 5.50 Volve Bath Mts-1.00, 3 in a box, 2.75 -June Geranium, 1.25 and 3.50 Blue Grass, 1.50 and 4.25. lune Geranium Bath Sop-.75, 3 in a box, 2.15. Blue Grass Hand Soop, 1.00, 3 in a box, 2.50. THE REXALL STORE PHONL 778 Ring St. W Bowmanvilla WHAT OTHERS SAY THE DU;a0TER8 (Peterboro Examiner) What is wrong witii Ontario electors? They will flot use thefr franchise. In the recent Peter- borough election onilr a third of the electors voted. In Oshawa the ratepýRyers votcd on the ammn day on a by-iaw ta raise $700,000 for a new school, but only one- quarter of thcmn bothered to vote. Are the citizens of Oshawa even less interested than Peterborough people in their tax ate, the spend- îng of their money, the ways the dammunity is managed. Are the people of this province afraid* of a ballot sheet? Are they frîghtened that theme are Gestapo men at the polling booths waitlnik ta slug theni aven the head? Or are they mercly pin-heeded, duil- witted, spiritualiy flabby, phys-- ically lazy? It is perhaps asking too much of free citizens in a free Society ta vote. Perhaps thet îilc elections in Ontario occur at 'th wrong time-in winter when nia- ny of the citizens seem to let their brains jely and their blood cane geai and when they have gone ita hibernation with sigris over their cazy clls-"Do Not DIstgrb Until April lst". Apnil lst hap- pens ta be Ail Foals Dayr. Election Resuitô Quite in contrast to Bowman- ville the municipal elections In Port Hope, Cobourg and Trentori, captured public interest in high çlegree andi citizens were given op- partunity by ballot ta choose their epresentatives for 1948. Kenncth J. Couch who dug up the facts in the baose administra- tion resulting in contract aven- payments and slipshod- methods, was clected Mayor of Trenton. with a 500 majanity. He aust.ed H. R. Cary, Mayor for 13 yeams.- In Cobourg, Joe Smith was ci- ected Mayor aven Robt. Love 1208 ta 931. John Westington was - ected Reeve over Dr. Oliver Kerr, 1391 tai 771. Roy Dodge heacled tbe vote for council with 1677. - Maj ority for a ncw nink in Ca- bourg resulted fram a vote 0f 5p for, 383 against. Work will eo pushed. In Port Hope, W. R. Jex was el- ected Mayor aven R. H. Wickett, 802 ta 735. Reeve was acciaimecL' Deputy Reeve, Lamne Giddy 126b, G. Caldwell 238. Council, Geo. Phillips 1054, John Rosveam 922, Wni. Autin 910, Wii.bur Moore 886, John Whetstane 702, Robt. Halle- way 672. WA Pl Taperite Pei Taperi Desk1 MANI Culex DeluxeE leather c Smartee, wlth blug case--- ?TERNLN 'EN SETS -Pen with matchlng eneil, complote $15.47 ite Set, GoId Cap $22.90 Pen, mar,.-e base $11.90 ICURE SETS Set, real case ---- -_- ýcomplete je leather $6.00 Peggy Sage Shimmer Set, Nail Polush and matchin $1 .85 Llpstlck----------- Mademoiselle S'et$2D complete Set $20 Helena Rubinstein Apple Biossom Col- 2D ogne wlth atomlzer$20 Heve-SntFoam $1.75 Bath -- ---- Gardenla Cologne $2 00 and Body Powder MIENS FIII'ED LEATHER CASE $14.90 KEYSTONF. MILITARX BRUSH SETS $6.00j $7.50 MAR - - Sponsored by the Bowmanville Lions Club Jury (1Lvl --amie. -.00M.-