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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1947, p. 15

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¶'WUDAY. DEC. llth. î~47 THE CANADIAN STATESMAK. BOWMAKVIILZ, O!~TABIO PAGE PZVTE~I iigt? Louis Lu a qulck, heuv-y township of Clarke. Us "ustump- PONTYPOOL wutr but Walcatt is aur pick as dodgers" aiways wark up more _____an. al-round 'brainy"l figliter. steamn over a township than eith- Lest Thursday evenlng, Jack Phoacy ta thc judgee! er a provincial or federal electian. Roriier pourcd anti-freeze Into the Lait Friday niglit a big crowd Just twa -more weeks, then we radiator of his car, in front of gathered in the L.0.L. Hall to pre- can openflthat parcel that gurgies Mltchefls Garage, then heid a sent gifts and felicitations ta pop- sa deliciously every time we move lighted match ta note his progress, ular Jim McMullen and his bride. it, too bad if it turns out ta be a Uic mixture exploded, severely When aur local folks take the large bottle af shaving lotion! burning his face. Atten.ding phys- train ta Peterboro, the ladies bring Iclans are mare concerned about back graceries in shopping bags. the. possible cffcct on their pati- But what do the men bring back NESTLETON cnt's cyes tha* eai burne. We in their suitcases that is so prec- ail wlsh Jac 1spedy, complete ious that they won't let anyarle Smab setne Ms recoery els cary temLeir McGiil in Mr. McGill's sud- Perhaps this repart may draw ta Mrs. Ed Youngman received den passing. aother readers' attention the inad- word on Dec. 1, that ber daughter, Miss Florence Fair, Toronto, vis- vlaability af using lighted matches Myrtle, had just presented ber ited Mr. and Mrs. Josephi Farder. ini the close viinity af ails, gasa- husband (Ken Sparkes) with a Mr. Lewis Fitze lost one of hi, lune and alcoholic mixtures, baby boy weighing more than 9 horses. When Mrs. AUf. Mitchell naticed paunds. Four days later came Mrs. Ralpli Emerson visited Mr. 'Jack burning, shc whipped off her word that daughter-in-law, Mrs. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. cçiat, threw it over, thc youth's Art «Youngman, had had a similar Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. head, and smothered the fiamea, experience. Grandma's comment Wayne and Brenda visited Mr. at Uic same time -telling Jack's was: 'Gaod Lord, nothing but and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton. brother ta hurry and place Uic boys." She bas four grandsons Owing ta road conditions Mns. cap an Uic radiatar ta prevent now. George Johns has beeni boarding iuither sprcadlng of the burning Mns. John Wozney and ber two near ber sdhool at Lotus. liqld.sons, Nick and Jack, bave moved Miss Jean Malcolm, Islingtan, Too mucli praise cannot be giv- from their former apartmeflts ini spent thé weekend with her par- en ta this brave, col-headed lady, the Brown Building, ta their new, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mai- who, by lier presence of mi, pre- imposing, cernent block residence colm. vented an ugly accident from be- on John St. Mrs. Wm. Steele, Mrs. Agnew comlng warse. We salute you, Although we had an acclama- and Mrs. John Nesbitt bave tele- Hazel! tion of thé entire Manvers Muni- phones installed. According ta aur score card, Joe cipal Coklncil, it did nfot prevent Mr. Reginald Nesbitt spent a Walcott won 7 rounds, Joé Louis aur bloodi pressure from going up few days in Toronto. 6, and twa were even. Sa, why a few points as we watched the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stinson and ýý,.dld the officiaIs #ive Louis Uic "lbullfightt"in the neigbboring Marilyn, Master Billy Fitze, Miss Nora Ginn and Mr. Gerald Stin- son, Cadmus, visitéd Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze. -. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradley M*.ad lv visited friends at Nés- lservice,. huc Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson ~ I ....visitéd their daughter, Mrs. Mer- fr vin Brd, Brooklin. ~ "' Plans are being made for the Christmas Trée in the United -.... Church on Dec. 22. Ny Home Town ICI wl 'I'l .v1J t> w i te l aJS. r h"-'- I BUT-why tie It down ta me? How about the way you use Crown Brand for wanderful beking I For a sweetcnerf And why not mention haw delkclous It is with pancakesi cereals end hot waffles I You can't kid mo, mom. Crown Brand Con ýyrup j:- pood for ai# of usij For years doctors have recasnuended thé use of Crowa Brand Corn Syrup as a satisfactry carbahydrate acting a milkmodifier for bottIe-fed infants. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP b.. At .ufdbwura of Ca- 9 Corn Sf orâ VR! CANADA STARCK COMPANY UMITBD- MONTRAL -TORONTO home is founded; where my busi- ness is situated, and where my vote is cast; where my chldren are educated; wbere my neighbors dwell, and. wheré my lufe is chief- ly lived. It is the home spot f«r me. My town bas the right ta my cîvic Ioyalty. It supports me and I shoulti support it. My town1 wants my citizenship, not my par- tiýanship; my friendliness, not my dissension; my sympatby, nat my criticism; my intelligence, not my indifference. My town supplies me with pro- tection, trade, frientis, éducation, recréation, schools, churches and the right ta free, moral citizen- ship. It lias somée things that are better than others; thé best things I should seéli ta mahe better, the worst things I should help ta sup- press. Také it all-mn-ail, it is my town, and it is entitled ta the bést there is in me. ULTRAVIOLET AFFECTS 2, 4-D Laboratory experiments show that irradiation ai 2, 4-D solutions with ultraviolet liglit affect Uic action of that chemical. Thé ac- tion of the ammonium sait Was weahened but with most ather 2, 4-D compounds, their weed kiiling activity was increased. Chemists suggest this may be a passible ex- planation for conflicting field ne- sults ai tests conducted under dif- férent conditions af sunlight. Their Favorite Drink is MILE! They love i-l-hey ihrive on ii-here's hardly a chili who will refuse a glass of milk. Keep ihem saiisfied, happy and heallhy wiih our whole creamy, rich milk. A glass ai each meal and with iheir afiernoon snack wifl put roses on Iheir cheeks, a sparkle in iheir eye, keep lheir bodies fil and iheir minds aleri. Our cho- colale milk is deliciaus iasiing and jusi as nuiritiaus. Deliveries made daily. OLEN RAE DAIRI BOWMANVILLE 99 KING ST. W. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bianchard and Mn.. Charles Blanchard at- tended Uic funcral oi Charles Sturgiss ta Mount Lawn Ceme- tery, Oshawa. Hilton, Clarence and Bruce Tink visitéd, Mr. Wili Wills at Cobourg Hospital, Sunday. Mr. Wils lias since passed away. Several men from hère attend- éd the Brotherhood meeting at Maple Grave iast week'. The Christmas meeting, of the Women's Institut. was lield at the1 Churcli on Manday afternaan wîthj Mrs. Roy Langmaid presiding.1 Rail Cali was answered with an exchange ai gifts. Mrs. S. E. Wér- ry gave a timely address on "Good1 Citizénsbip." Other program in-1 cluded a vocal solo by Mrs. J. C.1 Smales and reading by Mrs. Percyi Deweil.1 Last Thursday niglit a number1 of friends and former patrons as- sembled at thé home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. KiveIl ta lionor Miss Anne HaIt, of Courtice. Miss Haît, who bas served the communlty so faithiully and well for many years in carrying on the grocery busi- ness af the late Mr. Rundle, lias relinquished thé delivery service in this district ta Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kellett, ai the Sauina Gên- erai Store. In recognition ai a finmly established friéndship and token of true appréciation, Mrs. Narval Wotten, on behalf ai those present, presented Anne with a set af pictures. Mrs. Roy Langmaid was chairman for this occasion. A social time was enjoyéd and the ladies served lunch. Mrs. Josiah Butson, Ken and June, bave moved inta the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allin and family, wha bave mav- éd ta Providence and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and iamily have maved into the former Annis bouse. We welcomé these new neigbbors. Y.P.U. met Monday night with Ewart Leash, Fellowship Convén- er, in charge ai the pragram which opened with the singing af Christ- mas carols. Evelyn Taylor and Harold Clendenen presénted the worship service. Stan Milîson ab- ly reported the Officers' Congress for Oshawa Presbytery held nt Columbus last weéh and outlin- ed the work expected ai the four conveners in co-opératian with the presbytery officers. Jean Montgomery and Pearl Leach gave readings and Rae Pascoe con- ducted recreatian. Arrangements bave been, made ta hold thé community Christmas Concert on Tuésday night, Dec. 23. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peter- bora, at borne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cramé, Osh- awa, with Mrs. Chas. Blanchard. Mrs. S. E. Wérry with friends in Toronto. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. James Laing passed away at the home ai ber brothér-in-law, Stanley Glover on Saturdey mon- ning and was burled in Orono Cemetery an Monday atternoon, Déc. 8.f Friends and neigh-bors af Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Reid, met in the community hall last Friday eve- ning and presented Uiém with an electric dlock, a lamp and a mir- rar. Bad weather and lieavy colds kept some away but a good-ly num- ber were present ta énjay the so- cial evening and wish Mr. and Mrs. Reid the best for the future in théir new home in Orono. Several attended the races and hockey game in Toronto on Sat- urdayý HAMPTON At thé Sunday evening Cburch service, thirtéén young, people wére réceived into church imema- bership. Rev. E. S. Linsteati was in charge ai thé service and was assistéti by Haroldi Quarry and Orvillé Hindman, membérs ai the Young People's Society. Thé chair provided two appropriate sélec- tions, "Show me my Task'> and "Living for Jesus." A white giit service will be helti in thé Sunday School session an Sunday, Déc. 21. Miss Minnie Horn bas returned fram Kitchener where she lias for thé past twa manths been in charge ai the home and f amily ai ber cousin, Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert R. Bailey, wbile they were absent in England and Scotland, lie hav- ing béen loaned for several ber Ca., Edinburgh, Scotland. Mn. andi Mrs. Hilton Péters, To- ronto, were at thé Salter bouse, Sunday. Miss Eileén Wray, Oshawa, vis- ited lier parents Sunday. Ted Kersey, Taranto, was at home for the wéekend. Mr. andi Mns. Keith Yeo, Bow- manville, visitéd Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Yéo. Miss Margaret Purdon, Cherry- wood, was at home for thé wééh- end . Miss Nellie Trenmouth has bejn ages iM n. and Mrs. Ai- fredChalléener. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy vis- itéd at L. Stinson's, Cadmus. Miss Bessie Reynolds, Oshawa, Iwith ber brothers hère. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlaw, iNestleton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Merwîn Mountjoy. iMn. and Mrs. Will Ferguson, Nestleton, were visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, Satun- day. * .H.C. TOIC TO LICE *According ta recént expeni- ments, four paunds of a 50 per cent wettablé benzène hexachlor- ide product in 100 gallons ai wa- ter, supplied as a spray, contrais lice an cattlé, liogs and in chicken bouses. Control ai stable Mles and botflies can also be obtainéti. To be perféctly just is an attri- bute af the divine nature: ta be co ta the utmost of aur abîlitiés, is thé glory ai man.-Addison. ln The Editor's Mail ABOUT ALASKA HIGHWAY November 27, 1947 C. A. Walters No. 6 Repeater Station Mile 1oi Alaska Highway B.C. Dear Editor: Due to a request from the peo- pie around aur community of Newtonville, 1 arn sending you a stary of our trip to British Colum- bia an the Alaska Highway. The Canadian National Telegraphs or- dered me to, be in Edmonton, AI- berta, March 1, 1947, so due to travelling time we lef t Toronto Feb. 24 arriving there, morning of 27th at 6:40 a.m. 0f course the housin-g situation is .very much the sarne as down there, however, we managed to get a room in the Yale Hotel on Jasper Ave. My wife, myseif and son Bruce had no idea where our destination would take us from there. Irhe following day I was posted to Blueberry, B.C. I was really on the spot then, because I had ta leave my family in Edmonton un- tii I had fixed up a bouse at Blue- berry to live in, so, the next day I toured the city until 1 found a sultable place for them to live. Our.trip across the prairies was flot very exciting as it was very cold, although we saw miles and miles of level fields with small settiements here and there. I left Ed.monton on March 3 on the Nor- thern Aiýberta Railroad that took me to Dawson Creek ta Mile 0 of the Highway, I then was in the Peace River Country. The next morning the British Yukon Navigation bus lef t for up the iiighway. Around il a.m. we started ta descend four miles ta the Peace River. 1 arn enclosing a picture of the Bridge, it certain- ly is woncterful to see. From there we travelled into Fort St. John, where there are two hotels, a number of stores, post office and a Bank of Commerce, with lots of Indians walking around. Blueberry is fifty miles north of Fort St. John, and,. is situated in a very heavily wooded area, and WHAT OTRERS SAY Municipal spending .jumps (The Financial Post) Municipal authorities, watching carefufly the pré -election pram- ises af elécted couneils and other representatives,- are adding *up 1947 totals and shawing same alarm, particularly at the pros- pecta ofa i spénding spree" on items whidli might be shelvéd at ,the présent time. Here's the picture: At.Uic end ai 1946, the gross dcbt af Canadian municipalitiés was estimated at $860.7 millions. At the end of 1947, it is con- servately estimatéd, the debt may bé close ta $950 millions. In 1937, total municipal tax col- lections were $264.6 millions; in -s ver nce except that the moi- quo aaevery thick in thc surn- moer. The ones wc have ini On- tario are just babies compared with tiiese. It is grand here in tic summer, the doays are warm and the nights cool. This fali when the leaves turned in color, well, I, have seern quite a lot o:! the world but there is nothlng that I have seen that can even compare with it. I would like ta advise anyone that is thinking of a vacation, that I have been 635 miles up the highway to Watson Lake in the Yukon and there is something new and different around every corner and there certainly are lots of them. We are only thirty-five miles ifrom the foothulîs of the Rockies here and travelling the road ai what is called Steamboat, Mountain you cross anc range af them. The bears are very thick ini the sumuner. I was lucky enough'ta stanid in our back door and shoot a nice black bear. There are lots of moose and doeer and wolves, flot many two-legged anes. There are four linemen an this station, another chap and I, pa- trol aur Une with a jeep and have around a hundxed miles to look after. We have 71 miles of Une going to an emnergency landing strip, also a weather station going off the higbway. To Beatton Riv- er, on the 71 miles, there isn't any one living except a.few In- dians at .Blueberry River. The Company, is putting new bouses up here now but material seems to be the hold-up at pres- ent, bowever, we are very fortu- nate. We are having running wa- ter, also elecrtic power. Across the highway is a maintenance camp that keeps the highway in top shape. We also have a school with fourteen pupil s in. attend- ance. The company supplies shows once a wieek sa we aren't as bad off up here as people would think so far away. We buy our grocer- les wholesale and they are deliv- ered twice a month from Dawson LCreek. 1Well folks we stili lihe Ontario 1but we think this country has just about everything the beart desir- es. With best wishes, cIdmÙal Mode in Canada " BEAM POWER OUTPUT " AC-DC OPERATION " AUTOMATIC VOLUME CONTROL " MAIIOGANY PLASTIC CABINET BRAND NEWI Thealer's M'C±~ an...y - Performance I BIG in Sizo!1 Smcal OnIy in Prico SIIfIlyra v Mrs. A. N. Darch 33 KING STREET EAST PHONE 2890 BOWMANVILLE PHONE 44d FOR DELIVERT PAGM ruTffl J& THE CANADIAN STATEZMAN. BOWgANVMLIC,. ONTARIO TMMDAY. DUC. Ilth, 1947 1946 they were $3 14.9 millions. The big question for thé muni- cipalities: Where do wu go frorni here? EROSION LOSSES GREAT If an inch of top soU l eroded from ane acre of land, appro.ximn- ately 700 pounds of nitrogen, 155. pounds af phospharus and 1,880. pounds of potash are Iost, a"crd-. ing to soul chemnists of CI.L.'o ag- ricuiturai chemicals division. Con- verted ta yield, they datim, the 15 poundsofa phosphorus la egual to that removed in the production of. 485 bushels of wheat. Reason shows me that if k happiness is desirable and a good, the equal liappiness of any other persan must be equally désirable. -Henry Sidgwick. __

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