THURSDAY. DEC. llth, 1047 THE CANADIAN STATESMA!i, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEE!~ - arouse questioi In the Dim and Distant Pas! teMNis Toronto From The Statemmnn Films system: tural n FIFrY VEARS AGO November 24, 1897 Young Liberàl Club was form- ed at Hampton with these officers: President, EILkG. Pascoe; treas., A. E. Clemenis idcys., W. R. Aluin and W. L. Wafvice pres., W. J. Bragg, Artbur Woodley, F. R. Fol- ey, J. L. Johns, J. J. Smith, W. R. Courtice and Fred Heatle. Mrs. Maiion Burk bas establisb- cd a wonderful record in winning prizes for butter making in exhi- bitions and fairs across Canada. In one year she won 26 firsts, gold medal and diploma. Durhamn Sons of Temperance in fa]l session at Newcastle passed this resolution: That we urge up- on all friends of temperance the need of immediate attention to his deci , Cthy mi fors19 s took.f WaeBE'SFoDrI CENTRE'of -b sthi Orono, Dali: m anil his f;taking Veanelian-lids ae-to-orderi the public mind upon the cutters fromn Oshawa. -_ Norman Co., C. M. Cawker and Son, Mas- on of prohibition. Rundle purchased a pair of Pe- on and Dale. ;Annie Fraser addressed kin ducks in Toronto. ew Era Cooking School of Maple Grove-The debate, re- November 30, 1922 to and expanded the new solved that, Pressa bas wielded i: Natural food for the na- greater influence for good than Weddings reported in this is- man. the Platform, was won by the af- sue were: Lola Irene Souch and Mosetta James sang at a firmative, supported by Fred Fol- F.- Elmer Cox; Olive Laura Bell- at Ontario Ladies' College, ey, Ida Stevens and Mînnie Spry. man and John H. His; Marjorie ywhere she is pursuing a Negative was upheld by Chas. Wonnacott and David G. Johns. raduate course in vocal cul- Worden, Addie Cole and Will Deaths: Henry W. Meader, 68 Frank. th year; Mrs. Sophia Cherry, 85th J. C. Mitchell, Enniskillen, Tyrone -Fred Moore bas re- year. ethird successive year has turned from the North-West, Miss Gwendolyn Williams, A.T. tpointed examiner at Trin- bringing very favorable reports of C.M., had the honor of meeting the rxversity for final year in the Prairie Provinces. world famous pianists, Ignace Pa- me. Geo. B. McClcllan s p e n t derewski and Joseph Hotfman, Neil McPherson, Hamilton, Thanksgiving in Whitby. who gave recitals in Toronto mne ia County Boy, announced Paul and Chai-les Billsey, Tor- past month. ision to cut down his ser- onto, were holiday visitors at the 'IoI. C. R. McCullough, Hamil- to 25 minutes has led other Rectory. ton, father of the Canadian Clubs nisters to follow suit. Honor Roll in Formn IV French and one of Bowmanvilîe's most rGlover bougbt a span of at B.H.S., were M. B. Tamblyn, dlistinguished sons, will address from Moore Bro Bak A. Cawker, M. E. Waddell, E. J. the local club in The Bungalow, Trebilcock was a member' Fielding and G. E. Gilfillan. Dec. 6. ourg Garrison Battery at- G. O. Paterson representei ne of Feman Raid in 1866. December 8, 1897 Bowmanville A.A.A. at Central were garrisoned in Toronto Ontario Basebaîl League meeting days' duty. More than.two columns on the at Belleville. ir W. Allin, Lake Shore, front page were devoted to an ad- Prof. Orlando Jolliffe, Queen's Rev. Irwin's appointments dress by Hon. Edward Blake. University, addressed the Teach- y on Tyrone ýCircuit. Mr-. and Mrs. J. C. TruIl, Eben- ers' Institute here on "Education ia-Mr. and Mrs. John Van ezer, were presented with 100- and Democracy."1 r., and Miss Abigal Van piece dinner and tea set on their Geo. Cornish has bought the W. :ntemplate movlng to Bow- wooden wedding anniversary. E. Pollard farm at Salem from e.__ W. A. Tom, black- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke, Mor- Frank Werry. has sold out to Mr-. Wood, wenstowe, Cornwall, Eng 1 a n d, R. R. Stevens, Maple Grove, hit and the Tom family are celebrated their golden wedding the headlines when his 6-year-olci to Collingwood.--Miss El- on Nov. 11, 1897. (Miss Lizzie Oke, cow, Orndyke Pieterje Korndylce, sce was, James granddaughter, now of Bideford, oecame the world's champion cow dle. was among the guests present). in the 305 day class. Officers of Darlington and Bow- Solina-Mi-. and Mss. W. J. Cry- manville Sabbath School Associa- derman celebrated their 25th wed- December 1, 1897 tion were: President, J. J. Gilfill- ding ann-iversasy.---A. J. Balson ington Council accep t e d an; vice pores., A. B. Cryderman; nas put up a nice lawn ±cnce. Brimacombe's tender for treas., R. E. Osborne; secy., H. C. Zion-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stain- .k plank at $9.50 per thous- Hoar. tnhl eeto o r n Chai-lie Kelly with his guitar Mrs. R. Stainton on their setusn nce Nightingale Lodge, 1 and deep bass voice and bis from their honeymoon. held a jubilce on the lodge daughter, Hattie, took part in pro- Thos. Bottrell and son, were cx- >eing redccorated and in- gram put on by St. Paul's Young tensive winners On bantams and ent lights installed. F.A. People. pigeons at the Royal Winter Fair. was Noble Grand. Those Arthur Cornish has beeii ap- Mrs. Wm. McCling lef t for Tor- part on programi included: pointed organist of Methodist S.S. onto where she will reside witfl Saunders a n d Mosetta in place of Miss Gestie Young who lber son, Chas. McCling. soloists; Gettie Saunders resigned. Clarence Allin, Newcastle, has .rence Tilley, acompanists; C. M. Cawker, butches, invites forsaken the farm to join the staff and mandolin duet, Frank the public to view his grand of the Standard Bank. iy ethck.Christmas display of beef which D. J. Galbraith disposed of 2 Ion - W. M. Creeper includes 12 young heifers bougbt car loads of fine beef cattie to dro- ihome thi-ce McLaughlin from prominent Durham County ver Ber-t Foster. ANN PAGE MILE BEAU Fresh 24 oz loaf lOc VA' m.mflmfl*NHaPCrC icb.L r~mI VEZ pkg 29C WHY PAYÀ 8HREDDED WHEW 2 Pk74 CLIPPER WHOLE DIL PICES Jar2am OLND CHEESE CANADIAN lb 41c GATS ROBIN HOOD 48 ozpkg 29c PARTY CRACKERS Ige pkg 99C ,TOMATO SOIPCIarks2looztinsl5c GRAEFRUIT FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 98's efor 239 ORANGEXS CAL. NAVEL, 5est for Eating 220& DOL-n ORANGES FLORIDA, BEST FOR JUICE 250's - Dox. 2no APPLES MeINTOSH RED, Domestie Grade- 6-qt. basic. 59e APPLES NORTHERN SPV, Combination Grade 6-qt. bask. 59e TONROS B H BAHAMAS . .-.C011350 FEHSHREDDED VEGETABLES elo154 SALAD Mil READY TO SERVE Pkg. P DATES JOLLV GOOD FANCV - - - 1-lb. Pkg. 29# S N. B. FuIly Matured, Canada No. 1 POTATOE - 75 lb bng23 ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 5 ROSES - a 40M SHIRRIFF'8 PURE EXTRACTS B234~ HERSHE'S, *-Y-bq> COCQA tn. MASTER DOG BlISCUITS P kg 19< HEINZ ASSORTED LOUPS 1- Tin .130 CHOICE PRUNE PLUNS ' - Tin 16< ANN PAGE FAMOUS FRUIT CAKE 3 lb ring $139 A P super iRlght Qualitg Met RED wr BLUE BRAND BEEF - STEAKS or ROASIS PORTEEOUSE, WING OR 5I<>OU * lb. 4&< lb.45 LAJULEGSFRESH, SHANK OFF lb. lb.ITSZ~ I OUR A. & P. MEAT BUY 0F THE WEEK PO M : : RSHSANLSSl.274 farmers. Enniskillent-Lcague Social was enlivened by an excellent quar- tette of vocalists, Misses Minnie Rogers, Leta Pottes, L. Ranton and Mr. R. H. Stephens. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Nov. 16, 1922 Reeve Tom Baker headed a pro- test meeting against cutting rail- way services at Solina and Ty- rone and declared farmers who supplied land, stock-pens and equipment fi-ce of cost to the rail- way would take the case to court. Gay and Courtice installed new heating cquipment in No. 4 Scbool at Courtice. Bowmanviile Radio Club organ- ized witli the following officers: Mss. M. A. Neal, R. M. Mitchell, Miss Aileen Hazelwood and Mss. C. E. Rehdei-. Armistice Day celebsated in Bowmanvtile, Nov. 11, bad the fol- lowing speakers on the platform: Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Major R. J. Gui and Rev. C. R. Spencer. rIsabella Creeper, wife of Thom- as Creeper, died at age 99. C. S. Hallm'an, tenor soloist, Bowmanville, sang at Hampton Thanksgiving concert. Complete radio sets advertised by the Empire Sales Co., Bowman- ville, as low as $16.50. Ten-room brick bouse for sent in town at $18.00 per month. (The year-1922). Memorial gates at Orono Cerne- tcry opened and dedicated Nov. 18, by Gen. A. C. Macdonnell, K. C., M.G. Best Shosthorn herd at Orono Fais exhibited by S. Rickard and son, Newcastle. November 23, 1922 Lena Blanche Hamley and H. Thomas Hircock were masried Nov. 18 at the bride's home, "Lakesidc," Bowmanville. Miss Evelyn M. Hanna, Delta, was engaged as a School Nurse for schools in Darlington, Clar-ke and Bowmanville at salai-y of .$1,- 200. Mayor H. L. Quinn with a par- ty of municipal officiais ,visitcd tne fise devastated ai-ca of Nos- thern Ontario. In the B.H.S. Oratorical Contest Wn ointen won first prize oves all;Ruth Grigg won girls' fi-st prize and Maitland Gould boys' [first prize. Durham Club met at Prof. John Squair's home wben Prof. Wsong spoke on the racial question. J. D. Keachie favoi-ed with a solo ac- companiment by W. H. Ciemes. Enniskilen-Dr.- C. W. Siemon will give an address at the S.S. on the "House that Jack Built." . Solina-Mi-. and Mss. J. T. Run- dlle werc psesented with a purse cf money on their 25th wedding anniversary. Tyione-Talbert'Finlay sold bis lai-m to Wm. Staples and is mov- *ng to Unionville. Bill Corden won a suit of clothes for biggest batting average, pair if shoes for most stolen bases and sgnet ring for most home i-uns in thie basebaîl season for 1922. Lineup of B.H.S. basketball team which lost to Blackstock "iris, 14-10, were Maiion Pickard, IAgnes Van.%tone, Lenore Quick, ljorothy Belîman, Grace Caverly, iielen McGsegor. cii-cat War Veterans Soldiers' Club offîcers: Pres., Dr. Bonny- castlc; vice pi-es., Joc O'Neill; secy. treas., Thos. Annison; executive, R. J. Gi, Dr. V. H. Storey, Geo. ICrorobie, A. Ormistead. Clar-ke Township M emo r ial1 Gates at Orono Cemetery were unveiled Nov. 18, by Col. A. Cur- rie, M.P.P., Toronto. Guard of honor was in command of Lieut. J. C. Gamcy. S. A. and Chas. Perrin, Clan- ston, Sask., made an unexpected visit to theis old borne town of Newcastle. Times do change* The only fi-ms in business today whose aduits w%%erc in the papes 25 years aoaeHan-v Aluin, Couch, John- stnadCryderman, F. F. Morris1 December 7, 1922 Bo;wmanville Methodists make record thankoffering of over $2,- 900 at the anniversary services on Sunday at which Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews preached excellent ser- mons. Ross Tilley will give the vale- dictory address at the B.H.S. Com- mencement Exercises. Joseph St. John Terrett, Bow- manvilie, and Miss Dora M. Bel- sey, Kent, England, wcre married Nov. 28, in St. John's Cburch by Rev. C. P. Muirbeaci. Burketon-Mrs. F. Waterhouse is expected to arrive from Eng- land this week. Ebenezer-Mrs. Albcrt E. Run- dle entertained a party of former Mt. Carswell school girls inthonor of ber guest, Mrs. Mary Johns of Darlingford-, Man. %j. J. Thornton gave a report in Orone Methodist Cbuscb on the World Wide Temperance Conven- tion in Toronto. Geo. P. Pickard retires as Reeve of Newcastle aiter 6 years in Council. COMMUNICABLE DIISEASE REPORT Wcek endîng December 6, 1947 Municipality No. of cases Chlckenpox Cobourg---------------------. 1 Brighton Twp - --- --1 Haldimand Twp. 9 Seymour Twp -----1 Darlington Twp.-------- 2 Car-twright Twp----- 2 Clar-ke Twp -------------------- 2 Measies, German Bowmanville ----------- ----------1 Measies, Red Hamilton Twp.----------i Mumps Cobourg ------------i Murray Twp.---- -- ---- 1 Seymour Twp - ---i Darlington Twp.------ - 2 Clar-ke Twp ---------------------- 1 Bowmanville------------------- Port Hope ---------------------- 4 Scarlet Fever Murray Twp. - ------------ Tuberculosis Cobourg - ----------- -__1 Murray Twp. -- --- Total 54 Naple 'Grave Womeu s bIntie, Hears Address hy E. A. Summers The regular meeting of Maple Grove Women's Institute decided that the Girls' home-makin-g club sponsored by this Institute under the leadership of Mrs. Alex Sands and Miss Mildred Snowden are to report their meetings. Mrs. Clifford Swallow, officiai threte - day delegate to the area convention held in Toronto in No- vember, in her fine report, stress- ed the fact that area convention conveners are flot satisfied with reports sent in from the branch- es, more information is asked lor. Women must face responsibilities resolutely in national affairs. Problems facing wvomen are the same in ail countries. Resolutions passed deait with sex perverts, juvenile delinquen- cy, postage on parcels of food to overseas and calfhoo'd vaccina- tion. Miss Lewis, Superintendent of Institutes for Ontario bringing news from the Amsterdam con- ference with several other out- standing speakers gave W.I. mem- bers much inspiration for the tasks ahead. Girls' home-making club work demonstrated at the convention was greatly enjoyed. In the pro- gram, 35 young girls in beautiful costumes d'elighted the gathering in choral singing and a very fine exhibition of Danish folk dancing was staged by eight out of town Danish folk. Mrs. W. H. Brown, agriculture and Canadian Industries convener in charge of the program intro- duced Mr. E. A. Summers, who, following a Christmas solo by Mrs. A. Coverly showed on the screen, home planting and the lack of it. Mr. Summers criticised some plantings around homes as out of balance or over done, emphasized good plantînýg and showed what improvements can b e m a d e around homes in a short timei when the effort is made to so do. This i.s part of our Inetitute pro- gram. Mrs. Ivison Munday read a Christmas story. Mrs. Brown conducted the sing- ing of Christmas carols after which refreshments were served includfing Christmas cake. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Summers on behaîf of the members by Mrs. Ivison Munday. We were very pleased to have Mrs. Summers among other guests Oui of the Pîiure . 0. EVERY DAY FIRE brings death to twenty-seven more people . . . destroys hun dreds of thousands of dol- lars' worth of property. Join the nation-wide cru- sade against Fire today AND, to be safe from fin- anclal loss to Fire, cail on us for insurance protection. Stuart R. James Successor to J. J. Mason & Son INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE King Street, Bowmanville at oui- meeting. Mrs. L. C. Snowden will be glad to enroîl any residents of this com- munity as members of the Can- adian Association of Consumers and at our January meeting, thel convener in charge will present full inforn- ation on this organiza- tion. Despite the addition of 1,290 telephones in service in Oshawa, Brighton, Coîborne, Port Hope, Howmanville, Port Perry, Wbitby and Cobourg since Jan. 1, unfilled orders in these communities total 850. Bell workers in cvery de- partment will not rest until this back-log of deferred applications for telephones bas been wiped out and they are able to resumne their former prideful position of being able to offer service on demand. WHY STRIKES? There are five main causes for strikes. The§4 have been set out by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Standing well to' the fore are the disputes over wages and hours. Difficulties ov- er working conditions-job secur- ity and work load-follow fairly closely. A considerable way down, percentagewise. and one comes to the third cause, the question ef the right to organîze, and still fur- ther down, the right te organize coupled with wage demands. Last cornes inter and intra-un-ion mat- ters as a strike cause. According to the New York Times, the figures for 1945, 'the- last year of record, shows a break- down as follows: Disputes over Wages and hours --- 42.4% Working conditions .. 32.9%. Right to organize--- 12.6% Right to organize plus wage dlaims ----- - 7.9% Inter and intra-union matters------------ -4.2% TUE FLAVOR 0F GGOD LIV It's great to have a temptlng l'company snack" ln the house . .. great to dress up your desserts wlth oui- tasty Christmas cookies. They'rë home baked, wlth cholce in- gredients, in' olorful de- signs. They're just one of our many seasonal speclal- ties. Order now! "whai foods Ihese morsels The Carter Fai]i "Bakers for Two Generations" 25 King St. E.1 ING be" [y Phone 855 ,JOURNEY TO Vacation paradise on Georgian Bay One of a #orles of advetie.. From the seven-mile stretch of beach at its soutbern tip, to the rockçbound coast of the nortbern shore, Georgian Bay is one of the most colourful resort regions in Ontario. And there are islands . . . tens of tbousands of them! Colling- wood, Penetang, Midland and Pars y Sound are some of the holiday centres of this popular playground . . . each 'within an easy drive from Toronto ;.or a few hours by train.. . a littie longer from Ottawa and the border. Like more details? Write to Ontario 'Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. TOURIST BUSIN95S IS GOOD BUSINESS . .. FOR EVERY CITIZEN I We ail profit when the tourist cornes to our province or country. Even if you h ave no connection with hotels, oit companies or amusements, their increased bLISi- ness helps you. So it's in your interest to do ail you can to encourage friends from other parts to corne and share our Ontario Holidays. * publiIhedln the pubic< Ine ml *,;rby John Lobait UmH.ed. ~~~, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO TH V SDAYý DEC. Ilth, 1947 PAGE SEVENTEM