PAGE "ME CANADIAN STATESMAK, EOIFMANVUIL, ONTAMO Telephone pcopie, in lune with other regular consumers of Ontar- Io Hydro elevtric power, aimita conserve their use of that vital comniodity s0 long as the present need to do so exists. SANTA KNGWS THE SOLUTION TO YOUR MEAL PROBLEM He suggests that you head for aur store and see all the lovely baked goods we have Vwaiting for you. FEverything from dainty cookies ta deliciaus fruit cakes ta make yaur holiday meals a huge success. Why go ta tbc bother ai baking Vyaur own whec wc can ai- fer you just the same and ail at budget prices. VCorne in taday and sec for yourself. If you're looklng for Christmas cand.v and ehocolates, w e have them. Poole's Bakery Phono 654 53 King St. E. New Courfice' United Church Deng Erected Near IIighway BHas InteresfingBackground Much interest has been created during the past year in the suc- cessful campaign carried on by the people of the Courtice com- munity ta build and equip the new church just west and a bit north of the village proper. Ex- tensions are planned for the fu- ture and public support is stili in- vited to fulfil the ultimate plans. To continue interest in the church the following history written by Clarence Penfourd will be found an absorbing background. In the eariy part of the last cen- tury a Wesleyan, Meth o d i s t Church, known as Mt. Carmel, was situated an the higihway just west of Courtice, serving the peo- pie of that faith in the commun- ity. Later when the Wesleyan and Bible Christian Churches un- ited, this congregation jained with the church at Ebenezer and the building an the highway was tomn down and moved to b uiid the ad- dition 110w used as a Sunday School at Ebenezer. Interest Revived Later for a number af years the Salvatian Army heid meetings in the hall owned by the Mt. Cars- well Division of the Sons of Tem- perance which was situated north and west af the aid church. These services were discontinued about the turn of the centry and no ser- ious effort, was made ta organize worki there until about 1929, dur- Ing the pastorate ai Rev. Harold Stain'on, who with the assistance ý': M,'*. Pctley, a local preacher, carried cn services in the hall owned by Mr. Pidduck. This effort was carried ta the point ai organizing a new church but was considered too great a financial undertaking for the LAIiIT LIPII DATE--Saturday next, December 13 PLACE-i :15 p.rn., trucks leave Goodyear Factory. DRIVE-lst stage-Lance Plain's secret. 2nd stage-Rooms reserved by George Young. DINNER-6 p.m., Goodyear Recreation roam, Flint, Corbett and Co. guarantee to satisfy ail. ENTERTAINMENT.-7:30 p.m., Carling's Conservation Club Is sending a full evening's entertainment of color- ed films of special interest toalal hunters and fishermen. Lt. Col. P. K. Kitcheson will speak on Conserva- tion cf Game. PRICES-Members of Rod and Gun Club: Dinner and Enter- tainment, $1 .25; Rabbit Hunt, Dinner, Entertain- ment, $1.50. Non-members (Welcome): Dinner and Entertainment, $1.75; Rabbit Drive, Dinner, Entertainment, $2.00. 301130,THE PARTY SATUHDAY OY PHONE 58L THIJSDAY . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11-121 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 Added Attraction Allan Lane as RED RYDER in "Rtustiers of Devil's Canyon" CARTOON IN TECHNICOLOR Extra! iNoN..TuES..WED. Extra! 1the news, the laiesfpictures of THE Royal Weddingi membership, hence it was discon- tinued. A few years later the S. A. ai Bowmanville carried on a Sunday School in the same loca- tion. Then on Nov. 7, 1934, the present Courtice Sunday School was organized as a non-denornina- tianal S.S. with Mr. Jack Wiggans as Superintendent. Sunday School Services Meetings were held in the Pub- lic School at Courtice and carried an until 1937 when* on Feb. 8, un- der the Superintendency ai Luth- er Beckett, it vated ta become a United Church S.S. and has car- ried an with varying degrees ai success under the leadership of Mr. Beckett, Clarence Penfound, Luther Barrabail, Eddie Warbur- ton and Mrs. J. H. Heron, who is the present Superintendent. During this period church ser- vices were held but nat egulariy until it became United during the pastorate ai Rev. W. C. Smith, now ai Port Perry, who held ser- vices every other Sunday evening, preaching at Courtice at 7 and at iÊbenezer at 8 o'clock. This ar- rangement has been continued by Rev. .H. C. Linstead and Rev Frank Yardley. Building Fund Soon after the S.S. was argan- ized, they designated the second Sunday ai every month as the Building Fund Sunday when the collection was given ta the build- ing fund and the decisian was ta- ken ta cammence building a per- manent Sunday Schaol structure. A Women's Association was or- ganized which bas carried an very successfully and bas taken a ma- therly interest in the S.S. from the beginning. Late in 1945, changing condi- tions seemed ta make it necessary for the S.S. ta begin building at once, so a site was purchased. It was then found that a Sunday School couid not hold property. The only satisfî.ctory solution was ta organize a congregation and the necessary steps were taken on May 21, 1946, and Courtice Unit- ed Church came into being under the pastorate oi Rev. H. C. Smith. Newv Building Started The trustees were authorizcd ta buiid basement church and work was begun. Owing to difficulties common ta building operatians these times the building was no't completed in 1946 and this ycar under the direction ai Wilfred Pogson oi Oshawa, it has been carried ta a point where compie- tion is in sight. The building, situated just north ai the store ai Earl Truil, former- ly owned by Mr. Pidduck, is ai cement block construction, 70 x 28, and fitted with steel beams which aiford a room free of al obstructions and wiil allow the basement ta be fuily compieted and need not be d4sturbed when the church proper is built at a later time. Board Gives Thanks Much ai the labor and aiso con- siderable material has been donat- cd and generous contributions have been received from many well wishers for which the Church Board expresses very grateful thanks. It is estimated that at least $3,000 moreis required ta MON.g TUES., WED. December 15-16-17 fDE THINOS JAMES STWAT -w DONRE 9KMSAY, DEC. Ilth, 1947 Henry Blokeiy, Thomas Ward, your gift and oc sure ta ne in full Clifiard Hudson, al ai Pontypool, uniiamm. Haw about having yaur cach received $15.00 and iuther tics washed and pressed for aur prizes ai $10.00 each wcrc award- Christmas party? Mary Pickard ed ta Carlton Patton, Leonard oiiemed ta make us an imitation Porter, Alfred Johson, J o h n campfime ta use, se back up hem Payne, Fenton Fallis, al ai Ponty- goad womk by rcmembeming your pool, Ont.; Donald Lowes ai Cav- flashlight. an; Milton Dunbar, Port -Hope; Joycc and Harvey McGil ai En- One Third of Your Dollar niskillen; Frank Dorland ai Bur- keton and Mlviiie Stmong, Miii- Canadian estimates that one- brook. third ai hem national income is In bis closing rcmnarks, Mm. derived from forcign brade are Summers voiced tI¶c appreciation substantiated by Internat i onali ai Uic. members ta Mm. R. E. Gaod- Trade Organization statistics. List- in, who bas ca-apemated 100 per ing countries according ta tue per- cent towamds the success af the centage ai their extemcal brade te club work; ta bbc vaiaus firms their national~ incarne, New Zea- wbosc gencraus donations made land is at the top with 80 per cent, up the prizes. cioseiy foliow@d by Cuba, Bel- The cammittcc in charge ai bbc giumn and colonies, and Finland. arrangements werc Ernest Cav- Canada's percentage is tbc sarne ana, chaimman; Clifiord Hudson, as that ai the United Kingdom, secretamy, E. A. Summers, carres- with 31, or very close ta a third. ponding secmetary and treasurer; At the bottom aif Uic list are bbc Frank Doriand, Alfrecl Johnston, United States, China and Russia, Delberb Olan, Donald' Lowes, Mii-' with a percentage ai extemnal ton Dunbar, Henry Blakely, Har- trade ta national incarne ai eight, vey McGiii and Allan Beer. four and three, respectively. complete the edifice free- af debt.' We value very highly the friend- aigteRud ly intemest and support ai ail wha aigieRud have helped. The present enroil- In Local Stores ment ai the S.S. is 142.1 In Search of Gifis fEasi Durham Farmer With anly elevenà more shopping days until Christmas when the. jol- Wins op Hoors y old man with the white whis- - kers and hearty laugh will corne In roialo Club uontesi clown the chininey to, leave his _______surprises for one and ail, Christ- The 500 Bushel Potate Club ai mas shopping rates second to none Durham County held a very suc- in the topics oi conversation. 0f- cesfulbanuetin he ownhall, ten we look upon this as a task cessfl anquetn Fin theo.2n Tebut if we walk clown Uic Main St. Wpmen's Association ai the Unit-ofBwavlep gzath, edChurch catered for the dinner. colarful and exciting windows - The tables looked very attractive which the niercha n ts h a ve 1with silver candlebra, candies, ev-. thoughtiully arranged for aur -ergreens and flags and a sumptu- benefit thus can soon turn into a - ous lowl cinner was scrved ta 200 delightful adventure. àguests. Let us take a stroîl around town Following the dinner, Reeve Er- and get a long-distance view ai fnest Cavano acted as chairman for some ai thiese giits. the evening pragram. Mr. Charles The clothes-those black, pow- Stèphenson, M.P., Port Hope, led der blue, green, rose, grey and the community singîng, with Ro- vaiaus other colors ai dresses, al bert Sisson at the piano. Mm. E. with the new look, ai course, sim- A. Summers, agricultural repre-. pie neték lines, long and short sentative for Durham County, told sîceves, tuckcd-in waists, and i the work accomplished by the huge flaring skirts that dare you 500 Bushel Club which had its be- ta- take a whirl at Uic Christmas ginning in 1944 unider the auspices season. From these we go to the ai the County Crop Improvement evening dresses. For the swcet Assoc., and also introduced- the young thing there are 'ample tguests at the head table. gowns ai flowing skirts, and bus- Mr. Stephenson, M.P., spoke tie backs; and for the mare soph-: briflyf hs iterst n cub orkisticatcd types there are dinner and eol a i ntersTowi inclbwr dresses in slinky blacks, greys and particular had reaily bcen put on Wie ihsi rnsaddgi the m.ap with its prize growing fied neck lices. crops oi patatoes. Mr. Norman But we mustn't linger! We Green, Blackstock, Warden ai the looked into thc baby shop and caunty, congratuiated the club saw, ai ail things, a bmush and members on their acheievements, comb set for the wee baimni which stating that the oniy iack in Dur- included a rattie, saap dish and hamn County was proper starage container for what - have - yau. facilities for their huge potata Along these same uines there are supplies and thaught that the next severai windows chuck ful ai ba- venture shouid be aiong this line, by rockers, kiddie cars and tricy- and that it was his desire that the cles which will delight many a caunty should stand behind such younlgster and give many a moth- a projcct. cm heartiailure. Mm. J. J. Mellor of Orono, sec- With Christmas cames the cold rctary ai the Federation of Agri- wcather, Uic snaw, hockey.sticks, rculture, guest speaker, said, "The skates, toboggans, skis, sleighs Loniy thing farmers iacked was co- and tumbles on the ice. Our bopemation among themselves, ta be sparts' shaps arc featuming these eal neighboms with each other. articles with many marc added. The long way aound is sametimes The littie boy i4ith his nase the shortcst way home. If we ac- pressed against the window and cept the detours ai cbanging cir- bis breath making patterns on the cumstances and realize that these glass can't belp loaking iongingly same detours are anly the neces- at the wondcriul pair ai hockey sary steps ta better conditions we mnitts, but with alacmity his eye wiiI have solved haîf thc farmers' ju.mped ta the ski boots, the bad- problems of taday." He also mec- mic.ton racket apd he was ail ai a tioccd how fartunate Durbam bewildcmment again. County is in baving Mm. E. A. The men are fcatured more and Summers as our agricultural rc- more in the windows this y'ear presentative. "His keen interest with brigbtiy coiorcd diamondi in ail farming problemas and par- socks, scarves, car muifs, shirts, ticulamly bis ability in coacbicg jackets, trousers and, oh so many j'uniar fammers' short courses and marc. The dressing gawns for training the junior boys and girls father are most attractive and ei for judging campetitions is a reai hats, tics and even the hankies1 achievement,"1 he said. bold a come-buy-me look, wbich Creightan Camr gave severai are just right for thc humarous sangs, playing bis own Romea. guitam accompaniment. If we migbt borow fmom Uheic Prizes Presented popular, "How are you going ta Mm. Summers then presentcd the keep them clown on the farm"'ai- îoîîowing prizes: ter they've seen the modemn dec- Mm. Delbcrt Olan, R.R. 2, Mill- trical cquipment in the shaps. But brook, with a yieid ai 652 bushels the nice part of it is yau can have .to the acre ai the Chippewa var- your cake and cat it too by giving iety rcceivcd bbc coveted goid these gadgets that make work a watch, valued at $75.00. pleasure ta mother. Wc were quite Since tbc farming ai the Club in intrigued in anc electrical shop. to 1944, the prize ai a watch given sec a cambination radio, public ta the grawer with the highest speakin.g system, record player yied hs ben n anua evnt.and record maker 'cailed the Re- The first year it was won by Mrm. da 'msr h fml ol Alfred Johnston. In 1945 by Er - lave ta receive a record madle by nest Cavaca and in 1946 by Mm. yau. Henry Blakeiy, ail fram Manvers We cauld go on and on-fur Township. mitts, lace table cloths, lovely When thanking the donars for thick bath towels-so many won- the watch, Mr. Olan's comments derful giits pramising ecstatici an his systcm ai growing patataes happincss for the receiver and brought rounds ai iaughtem when quiet satisfaction for the giver. he said "I decided if they couid We are fartunate in having enter-1 win a watch thmee yeams in suc- pising merchants who obtain ý cession an the sandy sailiai Man- these articles for aur canvenience.j vers Tawnship, we could sureiy do as weil in Cavan, sa I picked out my paarest piece ai land, - piantcd the seed and wîth a lit- tic came this is the resuit. Next GIRL 1 year l'Il see what I can do on a good pieee ai land." lncidentaliy, in Mr. Olac's exhibit at tbc RayailUD Winter Faim he just missed out byGUD anc point in winning thc speciai cash pize ai $250 for the combin- exhbit. yieid, quality and bushel , NEWIS Alhbet OaRR ,MlbokS.DCMAYGIE wo secod pacewit-54 bs- ýynwr Lace Trimmed SLIPS A9 lovely straight-cut slip that has arrived in time for Christmas giving. Fine quality rayon crepe with deep, luxuriaus lace at top and$29 ea bottom. Sixes 32 ta 40 .................$ 98m ""Made in Scolland" LACE TABLECLOTHS Here's a lovely gift that mother would appreciatc. A fine quality lace tablecloth, that will set off the table for Christmas dinner, and many other occasions. Size 69x90.... 5-Piece Linen Bridge Sels Snow white linen with con- trastlng flower appliques ln colors ai maize or blue. Set consists ai 36"lx368"cloth and four rnatchlng napklns. Reg. $6.95. $4.95 set Cannon , TOWELS Thlck, soit, hlghly absorbent towels by the famous "Cannan" mills. Ail solid colars wlth contrasting borders. Large, generous bath uize. Colors are rose, gren blue or peach -en,$2.45 ea. $6.95 ea. - Flowered C 101h s A gay, colorful cotton cloth bleached snow wvhite wlth flowered design. Ideal for breakfast o r luncheons. Large size 5Zx70. Reg. $3.98. $3.25 ea. ý' Lace Pieces A lovely seiection ai lace pleces that Include dresser nets, -table -runners, -_and scarves. Ail lovely gits for Christrnas. Low prlced. 45c to $2.29 Part Linen, TEA TOWELS A part linen tea towel that Ls very popular. They make a dandy extra git. Large size wlth check designs ai red or bine. Speclally prlced for-the holiday .2 a season __.2 a For Men and Boys SMART TIES Dad or big brother %would lîke to have anc of these ties. Smart rnilltary stripes in a varlety ai colors. Al made from irnported ma- ternais. $1.00 ea. Ail Wool GLOVES Heip him keep bis hands warm this win- ter in a pair ai these wool gloves. Fine all wool yarns are used, in gray only. -Sizes S ..........$.49 pr. Here's a tie set for the younger man ln the house. Neably boxed tie and hankie set that will add a bit of clash to bis Sunday best. Several colors to choose from. 49c, set Fancy MqEN'S ROSE Here 's an item that he can't have too many «~. Fine al wool socks in fancy designs. You will want several pairs at this low price. Sizes 89C Pr. 91/2tO 11/2 .................................... - ...... Wool Tartan NUFFLERS *Soit, warm, all wool mufflers. The kindý any man will be proud ta wear. Authen- tic tartans. Fringed ends., Low priced ........................ $1p.9ea. Herringbone Weave ALL WOOL DRESSING GOWNS Here 's a dressing gown he'Il be mighty proud to wear. It 's al wool in a herringbone weave. The ideai gown for lounging or for first thing in the morning. $ 0 Navy oniy in medium or large .......................... 1.5ea. Boys" DROAD)CLOTH PYJAMAS A fine giit for sorne young lad you know. Fine quality cattoil broadcloth pyjamas cut just like dad's. Striped designs, in a variety ai colore. Sizes ta fit boys 91 irom 8 ta 14 ..................... .. .. ...................... ...... $2 10 P r. Dandy, Warni BOYS' NACKINAWS A real coat for the yàung man for coid winter days ahead. Made ir-om heavy bianket cioth and iined with checked eider- down. Pockets and cuifs are edged with ~ $. reai leather ta give extra wear. Sizes 12 ta 4 $.75ea.o Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~1 Al wool ]PLAID SKIRTS Ilere 's a dandy skirt that will thrill any missaon Christmas morn. They are made from ail wool lni authentic Scotch tartans. Just the skirt for business, scolor sportswea:r. Sizes 12 ta 18. $9 a R~eg. $6.95.........»............ .......$ .9 Mqisses' WOOL CARDIGANS Just arrived a shipment ai these sot, ail wool cardi- gans. Lovely soit pastel shades ta choose from. Edges bound wth corded ribbon for ~O a extra wear. Sizes 12 ta 18 ....._ $39-e 41 TBEATR 1MUR VILLE E -------------------- ---------------- -------- --------