tURSDAY DEC. Ilth, 1047 - FÀRM FORUM &à. NO. 4 FARM ]FORtUM Our FPorkum met at the home af the Group Leader, Kcith Ormis- ton. With an attendance af 24 adult.s and smre juniors, the top-' le for discussion was on the Com- munity Teacher. Comparing tkg salary of the rural teacher w, qvere agreed that aie or he shourd 4iank higher than a city stenographer or the teacher ln thc cîty who has only one grade. We would not agree that the shouid receive as much as our Minister or Agricuitural ep- tentative. Most Rural teachers are not pald as much as we think they should be, mainiy because of our syatem cf taxation. We would like to sec rc-asscssment Sa, that the holder of smail properties wil assume a more equai share of the educational expenses, similar to wliat is being done in our neigh- bor townships. Also we think the grants of our government have »ot been raised in proportion 'ta the cost of living. "How can the rural teacher make the best contribution to the rural comnunity?" Our Forum agrees that the teacher should live Jhere and if that be the case, they Mn te of greater assistance in the bétterment of the comunity. Next meeting is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hutton. Most U.S.A. presidents have been lawyers. Peace is the proper resuit af the Chriatian temper. It is the great kindness which our religion doth us, that it bnings us ta a settled- nesa of mind, and a consistencyj within ourselves.-Bîshop Patrick, GASOLINE nee'aOw tif. for yaur car la -0 tankful of Texaco Flre-Chif.î tfmjs great gasoline j: fast-acting, iooth and powcrfulý More ecc- amical, ton. You'Ii go more miles *fIeu wheo youli up wich Texacog uks.Chi.f.stop mn oday I STGCKER'S GARAGE TEXACO PEODUCTS * Brakes Relined * Brake Drum Lathlng Martak Lubnication Firestoiý Tires 193 Rinig St. E. Phone 804. "ME CANADTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILE, ONTAMO New Vocational Training Plan Looking ahead ta the day whcn tic training of veterans unden the Vocational Training Plan will came ta an end, delegates to the Canadian Vocational Training Ad- visary Council brought under in- ténsive study ail aspects ai civi- lian vocational training, during the twa-day conference which ended in Ottawa rccently. It is now certain that the train- ing ai veterans will be completed as a project in Uic sunimer of 1948, a much earlicr date than had been anticipatcd three years ago, it was reponted by R. F. Thompson, Di- rector oi Training, Dominion De- partment of Labor. The deadiine date for new applications for training remains fixed at Dec. 31, 1947. Thc Council considered same changes suggested in thc regula- tions govcnning the training of ci- vilians ta provide for a larger measure oi provincial responsibil- ity and contrai, in return for the increased percentage of provin- cial casts. Of particular interest ta thc meeting was a report irom the Province ai Quebec covering a prograni oi expansion af vocation- ai schoola in that Province, eall- ing for a total expenditure af $6,-' 424,300, about 50 per cent oi which is ta be paid by the Dominion. Under Dominion - Provincial 10- year agreemients signed in 1945, the Dominion assista financiaily in the carrying on and deveiop- ment af vacational training an the secandary schooi level. Each province receives an out- ight grant annually af $10,000. The Dominion aiso allots an an- nual contribution among the prov- inces af $1,910,000 in proportion ta the number ai young people between 15 and 19 yeans in each province. A further Dominion contribution ai $10,000,000 is ai- lotted an the same basis for capi- tal expenditures for buildings and equipnient. Except for the $10,- 000 annual grant, thc Provinces must match the Dominion contri- butions dollar for dollar. Ail provinces have advanced plans for. taking advantage ai this I. M Rubber Foolwear IIEPAIRED VULCANIZED * q, * SKATES SHARPENED (QIL FINISH) * 0 0 G. F. Jamieson TIRE SHOP RING snd SIL VER STS. Bowmanvllle - Phone 467 iU' Ontario Farm Radio Forums Summarize 'Whai's New ini Health Results cf Forum discussions De~. 1, on "What's New in Health" is prepared by G. Clare Burt, Ontario Secretany, as follaws: Accarding to the Farm Forums, health services arc centainly in- adequate. Doctars, nurses and dentists are conspicuous by tlieir absence in Uirec quartera af tic cammunities reprcsented. Those who feel services are aufficient àay they live close ta a city or prosperous tawn. .Nowr let us suppose the Forums were sctting up a Provincial or National Heath Plan. Based on reports. it wauld takc Uic follow- ing farm: They feci since Uic lack ai per- sonnel is the major cause ai tie wholc situation every effort must be put forth ta encourage yaung people ta become doctors, den- tists anid nurses. Since the nurses- are in shonteat supply, naturally something has to be donc, and fast. Every effort ha: ta be made ta increase tie training by en- larging tie present facilities ta accommodate marc girls. Classes must be carried on in more of the smaller haspitals, espccially those that have recentiy discon- tinued nurses' training courses. However facilities aren't goîng ta praduce nurses, without great- er incentive ta encourage girls ta enter the profession. Thc for- unis suggest two things. First the training period be shortened by having more ai the routine chores iooked aiter by nurses aides or heipers, and sccondly try and sec that the nurses in train- ing receive sanie rLmuneration, several suggcsted in tic form ai scholarships. Marc nurses aides courses shouid be started as weil. The need for rural doctors is urgent, and the forums say this excuse that there arenl't enougi facilities has ta be overtome im- mcdiately. Hornings MiUls in Duffenin puts it tisway "Thc gavernment must train mare doctors and not ailow tie medical profession ta restrict the numbers for merccnary nea- sans." Severai others pointed out wc could niake facilities readiiy for war, but thc shoc'seenied ta be on tic wreng foot when it came ta peace tume education for doctors. Qranted the facilities are forth- coniing, students must be encour- agcd by incrcasing the number ef scholarships ta bath medical and dental students. Preparations shauid begin im- mediately ta buiid dozens of smail rural hospitais, and at the same time, eniarge aur present anes ta take cane ai Uic more difficult cases. To relieve the present con- gestion-they f eit convalescent homes for chranics and the agcd were most urgent. Steps must be taken ta sec tiat doctors are mare eveniy distrib- uted betwcen tic cities and rural areas. If merccnary reasans are causing tic situation, action should be taken by the munici- pality. The reports indicated that too many doctors wene not able ta accept rural cails, in most cases, because they were getting on in years. Ticrefore we shouid sug- gest ta aur rural dactors that thcy empioy a heiper ta assist, espe- cially in winter. Also efforts should be made by laymen, ta keep roada in better condition. Rural dental problenis could be WEDNESDAY, DEC. l7th Mary Ami Paul, 'violin; Simeon Joyce, piano; Edgar Good- 1 aire, organ; Lilian Smith, soprano; Harry Read, bariione. Dominion assistance in expanding their vocational training facilities, but so far Quebec is far in the icad in ca-ordinating their plans for ta, Quebec's program had been minion contribution af $2,142,150 approvai. At Oct. 4, 1947, a Do- approved. OBITUARY MRS. CHARLES M. DEAN The funeral service of Mr&. Charles M. Dean who passed away Dec. 5 was ield in Bunketon Un- ited Church, Monday afternoon, and was largely attended, by rela- tives and fniends. Rev. R. M. Sey- mour conducted the service and aise read a camiorting message irai Rev. M. Sanderson, Toron- to, a friend, ai the family, who was unable ta attend the funeral. Rev. J. McKibbon, Biackstock, assisted in the service. Mrs. Seymour sang tic beauti- fui solo "Sameday We'll Undier- stand." Two favorite hymns ai the deceascd- "Rock ai Ages" and "Shail Wc Gather at the River" wcre aise, sung by the cangrega- tien. Bearers were six grandsans; Bert, Arthur, George and Carson Dean, Raymond Lunn and Lamne Garrow. Man.y beautiful floral tributes banked tic casket including trib- utes from Courtice W.A. and Bur- keton W.A. Othen panticulars af Mn:. Dean's' passing are contained in an eut-ý uary on page il of this issue. Roman Catholie tities îay naw be used for tic first tume since 1871, whcn addressing the King. Tic mare we know, the bettei we forgive; Wioe'er icels dceply, iels foc- ai who live-Mme. De L. Income Tax Men Com1plete Survey For, thc past two weéks six members af tic Payrali Auditing Staff ai the Income Tax Dcpart- ment, Toronto Tistrdct, have been making an income tax survey in Bowmanvîlle, Orono and New- castle. They compieted. thein work ,Tuesday, Dec. 9, and re- turned ta the city. Members ai tic party included D. A. MacLen- nan, J. H. Birkin, W. C. Hunter, R. L. Macdonald, E. L. Rosciman and H. F. Sneath. Followîng an off icial visit ta The Statesman office an interview disciosed that tic îajority ai the business places in this district had been faund faitiful in obscrving the regulations. Thii: is mare ne- mankable in view ai the iact tiat tuis is the flrst officiai visit o! this kind since the regulations wcre laid down in 1942. It is the paiicy ai tic Depant- ment not anly ta check up but mare particuiarlyta render every assistancé te merchants and in- dustrialists in expiaining ail the details and the fanms caîing un- der tic regulations. The six offi- ciais visiting tuis district, ioiiow- ing tuis poiicy, made many iniends by their gentlemanly ap- proach. In conversation witi Mn. Mac- Lennan we iearned tiat Art Kent, son o! Postiaster Carl Kent, ai Bowmanvilie, was a populan mem, ber ai the staff of thc Tarante branch and has been clevated ta tic position af Assistant Director o! Personnel fon the entire Tar- onto District. Do be tter thinking FOI people and you wiil think better 0F then.. Chose te give youn best whcre you are or you wan't be chosen te go anywhere else. ORGAN and PIANO LILIAN SMITH MARY ANN PAUL (accompanied by piano and organ> BARRY READ ORGAN and PIANO LILIAN SMIfTH MARY ANN PAUL BIARRY READ LILIAN SMITH and HARRY READ ENSEMBLE T i cke fs - 50C p ro g r Noel Languldi Christmas Fani O Holy Night What Sttr laTI Rejoice Greatl, Mazurka Adoration Allegro Britai Haly Boy Nazareth Jesu Bambino HalleluJah Che Three Holy Kt The Little Roa Andante fram Concerto in D Ave Maria « Noci - >ien - - - Guilmant tasy arranged by Goodaire and Joyce rhlm? - -- - - Rida"t - - - -Wleniawskt - - * - Borowski nt. - - - - Tenhave - - - - Ircland - - * - Gounod - - - - Yon orus tram "Messlah" - -Handel nga - - - s Gliere ad te Bethilehem n ead - - - Warlock Christmas Candies Duets - - e - Warren - a * - Wanlack Wienlawskt Schubert e a Selected l'h. Firat Noci No Seai s Reserved JTickets avallable from any membera cf the Lions Club or at the followng~ places: McGregor's Drug Store, Bowmanville; Dyer's Drut Store, Newcastle; C. B. Tyrreil, Drugs, Oronio; and Roy W. NichoIs' Garage, Courtice. PAGE SmmE The ovent of the Christmas seaso, DGWNANVILLE LIONS CLUB Ckristmas Concert TRINITY UNITED -CHURCE1 m 8.15p.m 38 King ELECTRIC Floor __ Polishers $59.50 and $99.50 Electric Clocks RED OR WHITE $6.95 (plus tax) H E DUr RADIO Cliristmas [Sireel East For Baby à ELECTRIO Boitle Warmers $3.50 $19.95 Io .$23.95 FOR A ME-RRIER. c H R 8sTm A S A Few R.C.A. Vicior Album Suggestions ON THE MOONBEAM IRVING BERLIN MELODIIES SHOW BOAT - THE HAPPY GANG EYMNS OP ALL CHURCHES CONCERTOS FOR DANCING MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSIC BLOSSOM TIME OPERETTA FAVORITES H.M.S. PINAFORE - SCHUBERTS UNFINISHED ST - e Vaughau Monroe - * e Wayne King e e * Tommy Doraey, * e0 e Choir - e e reddy Martin * - a Perry Corne - - * AI Goodman * - Jeanette MacDonald - e Gilbert .& Sullivan rMPHONY - oston Popg e e e SHOP Silex aind (cnrv 111~~~ lmYaluuu i ueaners HOW TO PLAY BASEBALL by Joe E. Brown $60 tFEMKERS and STOVES UPRJGHT and TANK TYPESF éFE M (ALL IN COLORFUL PICTURE ALBUMS) F$5.25 Io $10.95 $68-50 - $79.50 - $8950 $12.95 (private listening room for your convenlence) Children's Unbreakable Record Albums ]PETER and the WOLF, THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD; Use Your Head-Not Your Finger Gift Headquarters' Phone 573 helped eonsiderably Ly flrst hav- ing more travelling dental cli- ica and aecondly by the dentists trYing te give patients longer'ap. pointments. Now about the National Reaith Plan. Practicaiiy every forum feit it was progrcssing much too slowlY. Several lndicated thc plans were tabled in 1945 and as yet we havcn't scen any restaîts. Most forums agreed a National Health Plan would be an asset If several things happencd. They wanted ta be sure rural canada would beniefit, the same as urban arcas, by having an equal amnount of service per capita. Numerous groupa werc a littie skcpticai of the cost of its operation. Shaw'a forum in Durham said "Ycs, pro- viding the moincy is r.ot raiscd by direct taxation on property. Other groups suggested the Plan ahouid take in more terri- tory. Some disagreed altogether and felt its operations were toc far away from the people. How- ever, the vaice of Ontario, as spoken through 481 forum com- munitiez says we nced an ade- quale health plan now. This article far froin exhausts the summary- of their reports, but I think you will agree Uic for- ums are ta b. congratulated an their constructive suggestions. Let us hope the>- are taken up by thc praper authoriie. A Correction Wc made a terrible mistake ln last week's Statesman which eaus- cd considerable conf usion in crcd- iting Mn:. A. J. Oke, Courtice, with supplying us with several aid papers and clippings of Inter- est back in the gaad old days. Credit for this budget af news should have been given te Mrs. Blake Qke of Courtice, te whom we oiter aur humble apologies for making such a mistake. In any event the items created cansider- able comment and brought te mind many incidents and persan- alities long since forgotten. ZION Mr. and Mns. Hans Geissberger at Uxbrldge. Mr. and Mrs; Leslie Warren, Thornton's Corner's, at Fred Cam- eron s. Messrs. R. W. Bail and Leonard Bail, Miss Dora Bail, at Toro. to. Mr. Hans Geissberger Jr., Miss- es Mary-and Bertha Gelssbergel at John Suttcr's, Maxweil's. A large number of the farmerf and their wives from Zion at4 tendcd the. Millc Producers' bans quet at St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Stanley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer, at Wes Cam-. eron 's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gelssberger at S. Gate's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geisaberger are sailing on the Queen Mary from New York on Thursday for Stae, The First Noel e:::; PEE WEE THE PICOLO and PAN TUE PIPER ;-ýý e