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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1947, p. 10

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"ME dANADIAN STATECSMAN, BOWMM<VIfLXE ONTAPJÔ ___ PDR ei~m~' C'M5$/MED BIRTHArticles For Sale R o y là ARNOTT-At Bowmanviiie Hos- ELECTRIC mantel radio, in good pt on December 14, 1947, to condition. Phone 514. 51-1* Mm. and Mrs. J. H. Anott, Orono,# nee Margaret Roy), a son, Wil- GIRL'S skates, white, size 2, $5 L lam John. 51-1 cash. Phone 433. 51-1. PARKR-Mr andMrs.JackPRESSURE cooker. Phone 2672. TM A EParker annaunce the birth of 51-î* T~AT E A Mbsrt ackr BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 i sn oal letabo CHRISTMAS tumkcys. Appiy ther for David, at Bowrnanviile Harold Farder, Blackstock. 51-1 Hospital an December 5, 1947. ________________ *51-1 STORM windows, combinatian Thur.-Frisl, Dec., 18-19 EA H doors, made ta measurements. T. [E T SH. Tabb, Tyrone. 50-3 COLES-At Toronto, Dec. 10, SUNBEAM Mixmaster, in good 1947. Anneta Cales, late af 75 Ho- condition. Also 2 b.p. gasoline garth Ave.. Toronto, and former- engine. Phone 2341. 51-1 1v af Bowmanviiie. Interment in WIEsaesz odcn Bowmanville cemetery. WTEsaesie7 odcn _______dition; alsa rouler skates. Phone GOOD-On Sunday, December 14, 28.54 1947. Joseph Francis Good, bclov- CHOICE table turnips, free of E cd husband of the late Mary brown heart. Phone 2227, S. W.C Good, aged 87 years. Funemal Brooks. 51-1 fmom the Chapel af Northcutt and Smith. Intemment Bowmanvilie ACE Bailey skates, size 10, uscd e ~jcemetery. twice by owner, $6.50. G. Rob.erts, 999 King St. E. 51-1* MYERS-At Quecn Alexandra San, London, Ont.. on December ELECTRIC washing machine. Ap- B 17, 1947, Patricia (Bubby) Myers, piy 69 Scugog St. (north door). daughtcm of Mm. and Mrs. R. My- 51-1* S fige ers. Shclburne. Ont., and sister PAIR of 4 ft. skis, with chalet bar- s ofv Mms. Russell Hayes, Bownan- ncss and pales; also anc jig saw.T PERCY-Passcd away quictly on DODGE coupe, '31, fist class con-C December 9, 1947, at hem home, dition. Good tires, sec at Ed- R~E486 Glenlake Ave., Toronto, Ethel wards' Garage. 51-1*B IIUT~IM~DV Patch. dearly loved wifc of Har- mo n o leyW. Percy, fommeriy of Bow- ORDER your tumkey now. Phone E M vnwvnuule 2747, W. H. Tate, R.R. 2, Bow- 1 manville.N anc on Monday, Dec, 15, 1947, COAL cook stove, 4-lid style with E Lîhian Maude Yciiowlccs, belov- reservoir, complete with pipes, in E cd wife of Leslie C. Thompson. good condition. Phone 2864. D aged 63 ycars. The funeral wili 51-4* j take place from the family es-PYOUHcah 3.ood tiresf idence. Lot 10, Con. 6. Darlington, in goad running condition. Write ""I" - wh on Thursday, Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. Box 996, Statesman Office, Bow- tiuls ORGE SANDERS Interment Bcthesda ccmctcmy. manville.51* LUCIHE WATSON TREWIN-Suddcnly on Saturday, MARCONI mantel radio and bat- December 13. 1947. Sidney Igqhn tery, excellent condition. $30. For ___ OSCAR HOMOIKA . Tmcwin, beloved busband of Sarah quîck sale. Apply W. H. Brown, Aduit Eutertainmeut Minerva Taylor, P'eed 63 yeams. King St. W. 51.1* SELECTED SHORTS Funeral frorn the Morris Funemal CRSMStres iewih Chatnci. Interment Hampton ce- CRSMStres iewib CARTOON IN COLOR metery. 40c lb., dressed 50c lb. Write or phone J. Mercer, R.R. 2, New-T IN MEMORIAM castle. Phone 2534 Clarke. 50-2* Saluday Dec 20 TOMKINSIn ovin meoryCHRISTMAS trees, Scotch pine SaudaDc.2 OMPKINS-In lmovir ndgrnd-yand balsam. E. R. Walker, 39 t "'Personaity moaur, dea mer rn d- h Elzin St., phone 432, Bowman-y nRssed away December 15, 1945. l. 50-2*b là, "Remembrance is a golden chain APPLES. any variety. Have a Ilid Dcath tries ta break but all in bushel of Mclntosb dchivemed for 9 Loi.vain; ' Christmnas. Phone 2381, Lloydn Ted Doualdson Is the greatest sorrow of one's1- V ADDED FEATURE heart. TWO pairs girls' black skates, c The vears mnay wipe out many sizes 3 and 6. Phone 2773. 51.1* n thingq ""T o ised But this tbey wipe out neyer. ESSEX coupe, 1929, chcap. Phone The memomy of the hapDy days 20. 51-1ô When we wemc aIl together." MILK bouse 10'x7', easy ta move. -Siranger" -Ever emembcred by daugehtem Wouid make good brooder bouse;5 CHARES SARRET as Bess, son-in-iaw Jack. and also 120 lbs. stock food. Brenton CHARLES STRRETT as gandchildmcn Tom, Ted, Dacpne29.5- DURANGO KID Barbara and Helen. 5_ acoe29. 51-1 _____________ SM[ILEY BURNETTE BRAND new, small size. ladies'h CARTOON IN COLOR CARD)S 0F TIIANKS knee-iength impoted Mouton fur ______________________coat at less than cost. Apply Bow- 0 Mm. William Hoar, Orono, wish- manvilie, phone 2680 or write Boxa eta thank ail the fricnds, alsa 257. 5i-i t Mono Tue, We. nusesand staff of the Bawman- ville Hospital, Drs. Rundie and WINTER coat, size 16, Englisho Dec. 22-23-24 Bimks and Dm. McKenzic for their wt)ol suit, junior size '14; longr'c kindncss and care during bis stay slecved blouse, blue, size 14; andd - in Bowmanville Hospital. 51-i* black skirt, size 12. Mrs. Baker, . ...43 Lamb's Lane. 51-10 Mrs. Levi McGill wishes ta cx- r pess ta bier ficnds. re;atives and KITCHEN cabinet $25; Morris ti i neighbors hem heamtfelt thanks for chair, $5; large settce. $8; smal b their expressions of gympathy, settee, $3; 2 large tables, $3 ea.; t( cards sent. and floral tributes ex- cabinet gramophone and records, Ir Parrnun Svcpstcndcd ta lier, in the lass of a dear $15; battery radio, $20. Alan Paraniunt Sveepshusband. Special thanks ta Mrs. Baker, 48 Lamb's Lane, Bowman-à Yuu Aloftin the and Rcv. J. McKibbin, and Dr. ville. 51-1*V Scrcen's Greatest Dymond. 51-l* CHEVROLET deluxe coach, 1942, r Rominê.c of the Skies! 1 wish ta sincerely tbank my equipped with deluxe Mapar hea- good friends who re-elected me ter, in A-i condition, just like ncw ta the Board of Education for 1948. with vcry low milcage. Will not Having scrved for three decades I be appreciated until seen. $1,595 , shal cntiueI hpe a mntwith $550 down paymcnt and seasy yourconidece oce gai sotemms or trade-in. Phone 2148. you cofienc one gai ~Art's Garage, Hampton. 51-1* gfterously expressed at the poils, _________________ I extend genuine seasonal greet- OSHAWA"S new furniture'store- ings ta the entire community. Evcrything in mode.rn. Chester- tl 51- Dr J.C. evtt field, bedmoom and dining 'raam t CO IN E EN S suites and studis Bedding and tr Parrnont NecaslcUnied hurh Sn-ity merchandise at competitive r Newcstl UnteziChuch un-prices. Before buying visit Brad- Il day School Christmas Concert, on icy's New Furniture Store, 156 uî ]Bp Friday, December l9th at 8:00 p. Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf rq M. 49-3 fnl NEW unpainted kitchen tables, 51 trs;dvnport bcd, like new,A used ane month, half price; Beat- tl ty copper tub electric washer, R walnut vanity, bargain; coal and7 wood annex; Axmmnster rugs; Rangette, terms. Murphy's phone M P£ T 811. 51-1 R Found a SMALL change purse cantaining I maney, found at corner of Ontar- fc Io and Qucen Streets. Owner may M RELKAME THUCUN ff O » DIO PICTJRE have same by paying for advem- fr tisernent. A. J. Shred, 119 Lib-iI erty St. S. 51-I1 Classit led CASH RATE: 2 cents.-i Must be paid bi IF CHARGED: 3 centsul 25o extra for box numbers qrý ADDMTONAL INSE4ý Ai Classified Ad -Net Later Than Nt Ton must Include cash, stani Gift Headquarters FOR BABY Doll Prams. Kindergarten Sets,ý ricycles, Wagons, Rockers, Kid-: lie Cars, Cradles, Sleighs, Auto-' mobile% Desk Sets, Rocking Hlorses, *Baby Prams, Cribs, High,. Chairs, Commodes, Walkers. FOR HIM Smokers, Lounge Chairs, Cellar-ý ettes, Bed Lamps, Table Lamps,' Mlagazine Racks, Bridge Sets, Dard Tables, Bookcases, Desksï 3lankets. FOR HER Sewing Cabinets, Cushions, Elec-1 tric Tea Ketties, Chenille Bediý spreads, Toasters, Irons, /offee Tables, End Tables, Larnps. and Sparkling Mirrors, Tri-Lite Lamp$ Cedar Chests. GIVE FURNITURE (the lasting gift) Beautiful Kroehler Chesterfleld Suites, modemn lovely walnut Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Suites, Mlarshall Spring-filled Mattresses. Famous Beauty Rest Mattresses, Studio Couches. Occasional Chairs Hlall Trees. Chest of. Drawers, Drapes. Pictures, Gateieg Tables, Rugs, Rangettes, Coal Stoves, Re- frigerators. Electric Heaters. Our Location Saves Von Money Budcrt Terms WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 Church Street OSHAWA, ONTARIO 50-2 * Eleclion Cards To the electors of the Town of Bowrnanvilie: Havin« been nominated for rown Council. and aualified. I take this opportunitv of soliciting your vote at the polis on Decem- ber 22, 1947. If I arn elected 1 shail tmy' to give you honest and efficient ad- ministration and wiil not show oartiality ta any select group. When cailed upon to make de- cisions. I will give benefit to the rnost citizens concemned. At this time I wish to extend season's greetings to the citizens of the town. 51-1* Sincereiy. Ivan M. Hobbs l'o the Citizens of the Mvunicipality of Bowmýnville: I have been nominafed for the office of Town Councillor for 1948 and offer my services beicving that every business maIn should offem some public service ta bis commrunity. If you sec fit to elect me.I wili da my best to make Bowrnanvillc abetter place in which to live, wvork and play and at the saffie tirne endeavour ta sec that the busincss and the finances of the :own are handic4i with the ut- Tlost came. However, no motter which can~- didate you favor. I would urge all votcms ta use their "dcmocratic right" and vote on Monday. Yaurs sinccreiy W. G. (Bill) James Ta the Electors of the Town of Bowmanviiic: I have been nominated for the office of a toý#n councillor. If I arn ciectcd I xviii do cvcry- thing in my power ta help mmm bhis town bath economically and n a business-likc manner. tl bhis way I would endeavor ta nake it a better town in which ta live. I wou]d urge ail voters fa use their franchise at the election no matter which way they vote.' Yaurs sinccrcly, 51-1 G. Frank Jamiesop T'a the Ratepayers of Bowmanville, Ladies and Gentlemen: I have been nominated for thie office of Councillor for 1948. - Should it be youm wish that 1 *epmsents you on that council'I shall dischamge my obligatioh without partiality or favoritism td the best of rny abiiity. Youms sincerely, 51-1* Charles Shaw Wanted To Buy- HAY and stmaw. Would ment barn and stable. Write Box 995, Tbýe Statesman Office. 51-2 BABY car'riage, must be in gaod condition.- Phone 2463. 51n PIANOS-Small'or medium siïe >rcferrcd. Telephone 492, Fred J. Mitchell, Bowmanviile. 51-1 A.PPLES-AII vamieties, any quantities, best prices. A'pply D. Feidman, 205 Arlington Ave.. T4- 'anto. Kenwood 5687. 49-4 ALL types live poultry and fei- thers, top prices paid., M. .Flatt, R.R. 1. Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r13. 1-tf WTE are offering highest prices fôr Red Claver, Alsike, Alf alfa and T'imothy. Submit sampies. Ste- art's Seed Store. Phone 577. 44-t LIVE horses for mirk and fax food. Cali us for highe,.t prices. We also pick up dead farm stock free of charge. Margwili Fur Farrn. R.R. . Tyonc.,Phone Bjw nanville 2679. 41i-tf way so as to interfere with Snow Rernoval. S.S. 7 of Section 40 now reads: No person shahl park or leave standing any vehicle whether at- tended or unattended upon any highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movernent of other traffic or the clearing of snow frorn such highway. S. VENTON, 5i-1 Chief Constable Personal IF backaches are slowing you up, take Rurnacaps. Pains and aches are-relieved after the first dose. McGpregor's Drug Store. 51-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain seaied envelope with price list. Six sampies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 Notices King Taxi Service will be clos- ed ail day, December 25. 50.2* Kcith W. Siemor, MD., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon. Office hours: Aftcmnoon 2-4, except Wednesday. Nights, Tuesday, Thursday and Satumday 7-8. Ail bis must be paid by Dec. 31, 1947. Bis not paid by then will be handcd in for collection. This is your final notice. Bow- manvilie Fuels and Supplies. 51-1 Bowmanvilc, Ont. Will the person who took the goose from Mrs. George Lewins' propcmty on Jackman Road, please rcutrn it to save further trouble. 51-1 For Rent THREE heated rooms, hydro and water. Write Box 997, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 51-1w M ANNOUNCING the opening of AL'S BARBER sSHP ai Hampton AND WISHING ALL A HAPPY CHRISTMAS NEW VEAU Alex. Siackaruk *DANCE ENNISKILLEN COMMUNITY HALL Wed., Dec. 241h sponsored by the Eunlskilen Athietie Club -SPOT DANCES and LUCKY DRAWS Ruth Wilson's Variety Baud ADMISSION - 5se C. Beauoy SehI-onoth.r grand gift gesture-fragrolAt rrnnlndir of your good wshu for months ta cone. . slruloted leoffier Morocco grain ln Block or Brown ... contain 9 Eumntiols for LovlIneu, 10.50. cem e e LAST MINUTE Gifi Suggestions Remington Electrlc Shaver Remington Foursome $23.95 Schlck Super, dual head $21.50 RolES Razor, complote $12.50 Giliette Milord Razor, lu- cludes 5 Gillette fladei $3.79 Gillette Tech Razor and 15 Giliette Blue Blades 98C Eversharp Schick Injector Razor and 20 biades $ 1.50 Valet Auto Strop Razor. - cludes 5 biades and strop complete $1.25 Keystoue MlItary BrîÊsh Sets $6.50 ' $8.50 Simuis ShL-ving Brushm $15,$2,3$3, $4# $5 Yardley Shavlug flbIà $1.25 Early Amer1çan Old Spice Gif t Set: Shave Lotion, Talc and Shavlug Bowl $3.75 Seaforth Shaviug Mue Talc, Shavlng Lofon, Cologne' JURYULOVELL, THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778 Ring St. W. Bowma~w41e *1 4/ __________________________ - *% ~ .~ik.- ~ ~- - A d Ii at sLlvestock For Sale lIelp Wanted H.A. leaguf has been torme. PIGS-50 suckers, ail good pigs. SALESLADY, part time experi. Newcastle and Orono to play %uv à word (minimum 35c) E. A. Werry, phone 2575. 51-1* ence flot necessary. Apply Hoop- enile and Mldget Hockey.' «V before Insertion l er's Ladies' Wear. 50-1 castie will group wlth the t w FIFTY-five Leghorn eson etasi unlorHV y aword (minimum 50c) 5year id Chariesihlsnforoned PortAHopenthearuin e niep ya l.CalsFrank, R.R. sTOwmno il ormdm Adi h igt section, se*. replies directed Io Ibis office Bowmanviile. Phone 2403. 51-1 kitchen. Good hours and wages. castie and Orono wilU combine a »ON SAE RTESNew Olympia Cafe, Bowmahville, team to play against 1he o~hr L~IONS SAME RATESWELL bred Durham heifer, due p2hone 888. aoenmd February l5th. Ten 'grade Suf- GRLwntdtoasitineoue ________________ lets Muet Be Un folk ewes, aged 2 % years. R. J. work in family of two. Phone 413. :ON WEDNESDAY' Hodgson, Tyrone. Phone 2323.51i 51-2* -__ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ sor money order, wlth copy MARRIED' man for general farm 'rate. SIX fresh Holstein helfers, sever- work. Free house. Austin Turn- ai cows and heifers to freshen in er, R.R. 1, Newcastle, pfftne 3820 February and March, at reason- Clarke. 51-2* able prices. We aiso have sever- Noic-I rediAmieai registered heifers and 'bulis., E AR _____________________Walter Frahk, R.R. 5, Bowrnan-.. The Bowmanvilie Fuels and ville, phone 2403. 51-1* REPAIRS to ail makes of refrlg- / Supplies hereby give notice that________________ erators, domestic and commercial. they Ire finished with wood andA cto Sae Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., coal business, Dec. 31, 1947. Any- _______________Sales___ phone 438. 26-tf onehavng aim agîns ths sid . .NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, JUST TRT SOME 0F OUR business please hand in your ciaimx Standing timber and real estate. substantial workmanship, relia- on or before December 31, 1947. 1 have been favored with instruc- bility. dyeing, soiing, sewingec -91-1 tions from Russell Shortt to sell e9 B E L 1 C 10O U S by public auction 11/2~ miles east Try the Neat-Way, King St., W Real Estate For Sale of Dean's Corners, Clarke Town- __________ B ARKE D G O G t ship, on Saturday, Dec. 20, at 1 TWO-storey brick house, modern, ten acres of standing timber Jvnl okyRgtnwa h oia conveniences, large garden, dou- (more or less) consisting of elrn, Jv____oke____ o a heHlia ble garage, eight good building cedar, ash, hernîock, etc. E]m Season we have more thai lots. Possession arranged. Ap- trees suitable for logs will be sold Hitting the press deadline, Dane evrfryubeoefom ply Mrs. Margaret Bmust, 103 Scu- separately, ail other timber wilî Found, manager of the O,îono Juv- ee o o ocos rm gog St. (Digrnan Estate). 50-2* be sold in quarter acre lots. Real enile Hockey Tearn, reports the Everythlng to make your Estate, consisting of 20 acres successful formation of two O.M. mouth water-frorn tasty 'Imore or less, suitable for pastume, H.A. gmoups in this central dis-1 Evelyn E. Cooke will be offemed for sale subject to trict which promise to bring bang-' pies for Yoýur Christmas Dmn- R alElae e caSile a.reserve bid. A. Mitchell, clemk. up hockey and snappy campeti- ner to dalnty cookies for RealEstieNewR. J. Payne, auctioneer. 50-2 tion every week of the coming $l0,500-In Newcastle, beaut iful_________________ hockey season. afternoon teas. solid brick home, 10 roams, ail Work Wanted Junior "B" modemn conveniences, hart1wood ______________ The aggmessive Orono team COME IN AND SEE TH-E floors throughout. Beautifully managed by Dine and coached by MARVELLOUS SELEC- iandscaped. Would make a good ALL kinds of saws shampened, Dutch Osborne enters the Junior two-family apartrnent. Early pos- Don Ellis, 41 King Street West, -,B" group made up of teams froni TION FOR YOURSELF session, $5,000 down, balance ar- Bowmanville. 49-3 Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Lind- ranged.______________ say and Orono. Lindsay and Or- Christmas Chocolates and $3,800 or best offer. Owner's new n bohrtdJir C wl home, hamdwood floors, hydro, 2 Lost pa onoboh atdhed JndrthC"Win- Candies are Ilu dae acres of land. Immediate poses- ner will play off with the top team here. Corne in and pick sion. LEFT in wmong car by mistake in in the Junior "B" group made up yusot 51-i E. E. Coolie, Newcastle. Bowmanville on Friday, Dec. 12th, of the other teams mentioneci. The yusoI two window shades and rollers. scheduie wlll be published later. ____ Take Notice Phone Clarke 26S-L. 51-1 While Orono Juveniles have Any person found stealing ____________ _rond itofefom, Mr.i oo e' akery. Christmas trees from the Town FEMALE hound, one and a haif Found states the team is always P ol" property, Jackman Ave. (old town years old, dark back, brown legs, looking for talent and any play- dump) will be prosecuted. with white on chest, front legs ers wishing to corne forwamd Will Phone 654 53 King St. E. Subsection 7 of Section 40 was and tip of tail. Anyonot. having be welcomed.CoacDne r amended at the last session of the seen this hound please phone Dutcn and book in for workouts. " Legisiature and it is now an of- Clarke 2534. Reward. 50-2* At the same a local O.M. fence to 'park or leave standing anv vehirle pna Publie Rimh- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 7- TEMMAT, MC., 1#01%

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