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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1947, p. 13

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THRSDAY, DEC. l8th, 1947 . 'r.a---- PAGE TNxRTEEN. The Orono News Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, M.r. A. J. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tarnblyn attended the Hol- item betwat Welcome, Dec. 1. Jug2aley Mott, Toronto, was guest speaker. Welcome la- dies served a lovely turkcy dinner. Orono citizens were saddened te hear of the passing of a most be- loved çitizen on Dec. 10, in the person of Mr. Cornelius J. Hugh- son. In June of this year, bis hosts of friends celebrated with him his lOth birthday, at which ie he was in fairly good health and enjoyed visiting with evcry- one who called. Duning the last few weeks his strength has grad- ually waned. A large cnowd of friends gathened at Onono United Church on Saturday te show their respects for one who had been a leader in aIl good things in the community. Orono Library Board met at the home cf Mrs. N. M. Hall and de- cided to purchase 25 new bocks. Women's Association of Park St. United Church met with presi- dent Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn in the chair. Devotional period was pre- pared by Mrs. M. H. Staples and consisted cf the singing cf a num-, Everyhody Reads Classifieds Swamis,, who wish fo secure the future, consuli the "business opporfunilies" and "business personals" columns of the classifieds-which will bring an excelleni response fo you who wani cash for your idea or business, an idea or business for your cash! The CANADIAN STATESMAN Cail 663 for Ad-Taker si 1 E ELECTRICITY Facts f0, date show that consumption of electricity has been somewmat reduced by modified ration- ing and voluntary savings. The Commission appreciates the effort of ail consumers in this con- nection. But results are stili short of being enough. Electricity costs so littie in this province that people have long been accustomed to using it lavishly. For example, your porch light left burning when not needed is wasting electricity. Ask yourself honestly: are you doing ail you can. f0 help relieve this situation? Electrimcity os preclous! Don't waste it!l Save 'lt!l 80 YOIR PART TO KEEP PAY ENVELOPES FULL Ccltinuing deficiency stili forces some industries to get along on substantially Iess power thon is re- quired for peak production and full employment. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO 1 ') 1 Boy Scout News THIRD PACK ACTIVITIES On Friday night Thirti Pack of Cubs held their regulan meéting with a gooti attendance and the Cubs showing improvement in the matter cf thein ûniforms shoes, etc. After a game cf Chicken- Fîght the Cubs began te practise the concert that is to be put on this Thursday night, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m., te which every mother and dac and sisters andi brothers of Cubs are invitedt t attend. Brown Six then put on a play of "Old King Cole." Be sure and bring your cook- ies and sandwiches for the party on Thursday. For Men as welI as Women Because Dr. Chase' Nerve Food iso generally used by women we are often aaked, "lis Nerve Foodi for men as well as woinen?" Yes, fuly sas many men as women have nervous disorders with loscf leep, indigestion, headaches and cbronio fatigue, and such ailments moon rn n to the use of this weUl *knowa minerai and Vitamin Bi toic. Ask for the pew econ- £E omy ime bottie cf Dr. Chase's Nerve Food _ 60 pilWs-60ets. 180 pill-8l.50 1 S Mrs. S. Malcolm visiteti Mn. and Mrs. Smith, Lindsay. Congratulations te Mn. andi Mrs. SDan Black, whc celebrated their 2th wedding annivensary in Ton- *onto, Dec. 10. Mn. Henry Thompson spent Fn-. day in Lindsay andi attended the Agnicultunal meeting. Sympathy is extendedtoteMn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcdlm in the sutiden passing cf their brother- n-law, Sidney Trewin, Enniskil- zn. Mn. and Mns. L. Joblin visiteti Ar. and Mrs. George Johns. Mns. Dalton Dorrell's school .-hildren (Caesanea) Put on a good oncent and Christmas Tree in C. ).F. Hall on Friday night. Nestîcton W.I. met at the home ýf Mrs. Harry McLaughlin Dec. 0, with meeting in change cf Mns. .1- D. Ferguson's gnoup andi 19 la- ies and seme children present. :oll call-exchange cf Christmas if ts. Report cf convention given )y Mns. H. Vine, Mns. H. Wheelcr and Mrs. C. Wilson. Two minute talk by Mrs. T. Langfeld. A damn- ty lunch was served andi Mrs. Mc- Laughlin ant i al those in charge wene given a hearty vote cf thanka and next meeting in charge of Mns. George Johns' grcup. Mn. and Mns. Frank Playfoot anti Bryce, Lindsay, visiteti Miss Ethel Thom pson. Mr. and Ms. Harold Wheeler, Blackstock, visited Mn. andi Mns. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry1 and family, Oshawa, visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. Nestieton W.A. and M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Samelis, Dcc. 11, with meeting in charge cf Mns. M. Emerscn's group. Meeting openeti with sing- ing Christmas carols. Scriptune was reati by Mrs, VW. D. Ferguson. Devotional by Mrs. M. Emerson. Flans were matie for a white gift service. There were 13 ladies .5 -s, ber of Christmas carols led by Mrs. A. A. Drummond; a Christ- mas reading by Mrs. R. E. Logan and prayer by Miss M. Dairy. At the conclusion of the business, Mrs. Drummond sang "Night of Nights," bringing a beautiful Christmas message in song. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn gave a most inter- esting travelogue on a trip to Gaspe Peninsula and showed a number of pictures of the scen- ery. The following slate of of-' ficers was presented by the nom- inating committee and elected: President, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Ist vice, Mrs. V. Robinson; 2nd vice, Mns. W. Hoar; 3rd vice, Mrs. M. H. Staples; rec.-secy., Mrs. Clar- ence Duncan; pianist, Mrs. J. J. Mellor; treas., Mrs. R. E. Logan; cor. secy., Miss M. Dairy; dlevo- tional, Mrs. N. Porter; parsonage com., Mns. C. Wood; pantry, Mrs. M. Smith; property, Mrs. Ed Dean, Mrs. E. Hamm, Miss A. Wood; vis- iting com., Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. Co' bledick, Mrs. F. Kelly, Mrs. I. Winter, Mrs. W. Seymour, Mrs. M. H. Staples; decoration conven- en, Mrs. F. Tamblyn; press secy., Mrs. R. E. Logan. On Wednesday evening, the Wo- men's Association sponscred a so- cial evening, when Dr. J. C. Dcv- itt, assisted by C. R. Carvcth showed some beautiful pictures of his trip to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Later, Mr. Carveth showed a film taken by him at i the fur farm of Chas. Knox, show- ing a num-ber of the beautiful fox- es and minks. Mr. J. H. Dyer, Newcastle, entertained theý audi- ence by his splendid rendition cf sevenal songs and was accomp- anied by Mns. M. H. Staples at the piano. Rev. A. E. Eustacc ac- ted as chairman and Mrs. A. A. Dnummond conducted singing of Christmas carols. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass, Rochester, N.Y., on the annival of a baby boy. Mrs. Snodgnass was formerly Neya Rainey, R.N., of Orono. Mns. Lawnence Lunn has return- cd home after a stay in Bowman- ville Hospital. Mrs. O. W. Rolph attended the Christmas Winter Fair at Walker- ton where she was a lady judge in the cooking, pickling and farm produce departments. Orono Community Memonial Park Board received a splendid donation of $50 towands the fin- ancing of the new sports field. Miss Marion Brown, R.N., Osh- awa, has been caring for her mc- ther, Mrs. J. D. Brown, who has been Mî. Miss Edith Carter left last week on a trip te Chicago and Winni- peg. Mr. Sid Hughson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Grant, Bowman- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Burns, Peterboro, were among those who attended the funeral oft Mr. C. J. Hughson.t A lovely white gift service was held on Sunday afternoon at Park St. Sunday School with the Sup-s erintendent, Mrs. A. A. Drum-1 mond in charge. Each class made 1 its contribution of white gifts,c vhich will be sent away to make'1 a happier Christmas for home girlss and boys.d Mns. Maria Smith had the mis- fortune to fali in front of her home on Sunday and break a bonee n her leg. Mrs. Thomas Baker presided for the Missionary prognam at Sunday School and nead an appropriate story "The Love Gift." Murray and Allyn Hoskin, accompanied by their mother, sang "Sulent Night"'. After the service, Mn. Linstead conducted election cf cf- ficers for the Sunday School when supenintendent Wesley Yellow- lees, assistant supeninten d e n t Pearl Leach, and treasuner Walter Parrinder were reinstated. In conjunction with the regular Home and School meeting the pu- puls andi teacher cf Solina School will present their Christmas con- cert iriday night, Dec. 19. Mr. and Mns. Wesley Yellowlees anti Haroldi attended the 4Oth wedding anniversary reception for Mrs. Yellowlees' parents, Mn. and Mrs.' Charles Allun, at Bow- manville Saturday afternoon and evening. Y.P.U. met Monday night with Mary Cryderman, Missionany con- vener, in charge of the prcgram. Eunîce Leask, Rae Pascoe and Harold Clendenen assisteti in the wonship service. Evelyn Taylor gave the Missîonany story and neadings by Harvey Yellowlees and Eîleen Farrow anti gnoup car- ci singing were enjoyed. Stan Milîson conducted recreat io n. Duning the business session ,élec- tion cf officers teck place with these officens electeti for the next year.; Presitient, »'wart Leask; vice president, Harvey Yellowlees; secretary, Pearl Leach; treasuren, Elelen Langmaid; conveners, fel- lcwship, Evelyn Taylor and Han- old Clentienen; missionary, Eileen E'anorw andi Rae Pascoe; citizen- ship, Stan Milîson andi Mary Cry- derman; cultural, Harvey Yellow- lees anti Jean Montgomery; pian- st, Eunice Leask; 'auditors, Fran- Cis Wotten andi Ileen Balson. Sincere sympathy is expressed1 tc Messrs. Jack, Norman and Don-1 aldi Yellowlees and their families1 n the s'udden death cf their sis-1 ter, Mns. Leslie Thompson, at Ty-1 rone.1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker,1 Mrn. and Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Baker wene guests cf Mn. andi Mrs. Harold Bal- son, Bowmanvjlle. Mns. Roy Langmaid and Mrs. George Stephens attendeti' a binth- Lay party for Mrs. Pooley at the home cf Mn. William Yeo, Bow- rianville, Monday afternoon. SMn. Lawrence Squair, Miss Idat Stephens, Providence, at Roy Langmaid's. -SOLINA Messrs. J. Baker, A. Ayre, J. Cruickshank, F. H. Pascoe and A. L. Pascoe were guests of the Osh- awa Rotary Club at a banquet held at the Oshawa Airport, Wed- nesday night, Dec. 10. Several members of the Hoi- stein Club and their wives and members of the Calf Club attend- ed the annual banquet at Wel- come. The annual meeting of Solina beef ring was held at the Sonts Hall Monday night and plans were made for the next season with these officers in charge: Presi- dent, J. R. Kivell; secretary-treas- 1 urer, Ernest Hockaday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Yonson and Peter, Simcoe, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kiveil Mon- day and called on other friends. Mr. Wes. Werry attended the Milk Producers' meeting at Tor- onto last week. Mr. Ewart Leask and Mr. A. L. Pascoe went to Waterloo Thurs- day and brought back the new pews and pulpit for Eldad Church. Members of Women's Institute entertained their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay- lor last Tuesday night. The eve- ning was spent playing cards for which Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr and Wesley Yellowlees won high scor- W.M.S. OFFICERS The Chnistmas meeting of the W.M.S. was helti at the home cf Mrs. Cecil Hill. The pncgram took the form cf a Candle-Light- ing Service, which was very im- pressive, several ladies taking part Officens for the coming year are: Past president, Mns. B. Harri- son; president, M*ns. Roy Taylor; vice president, Mrs. Roy Jerguson; secy. <recortiing and correspond- ence) Mrs. B. Harrison; treasurer, Mrs. E. Larmer; supply secy. and temperance, Mrs. J. A. Johnston; Christian stewardship and finance, Mrs. N. H. Mountjoy; litenature and press, Mrs. B. Harrison; Mis- sion Band, Mrs. C. Hill; friendship secy., Mrs. C. Wright; missicnary monthly anti world friends, Mrs. R. Ferguson; baby band, Mrs. E. Dornell; fruit and flower, Mrs. Jas. Henry; pianist, Mrs. Jos. Fonder. The treasuner was happy to re- port that the allocation cf $135.00 had been reacheti with a nice bal- ance. It was agreeti that a White Gift Service -in the form cf foodi for Britain for our Christmas Night Service would be very appropni- ate. It was unanimously agreed that a heavy lunch was bcth un- necessary and unpatniotic in this time cf footi shortage. A social haîf heur anti lunch brought a splendid aftennoon te a close. FARM FORUM Owing te ahl sorts cf interrup- tions oun Fanm Forum has 'been rather wcak, *but we hope in the beginning cf the New Year te make a much better showing. We hear splendid reports cf the Cad- mus Forum. Their meetings seem te be both profitable and pleasant. W.M.S. SUPPER The Fowl Supper and entertain- ment which the Missionany So- ciety cf the Unitedi Chunch put on wvas a decided success, although the crowti was hardly as large as was hopeti for, but those who were there scemed more than satisfîed. The supper was gooti and abund- lecture on Dickens' Christmas c an- olwas a decided success. Rev. MVcKibbon is always geed, but i this he surpassed himself and the 1ld story was made veny interest- ing. Mr. Allun kindly showed ai comic strip which pleaseti the chul- dren especially. MAPLE GROVE HAPPY HOMEMAKERS CLUB The first meeting of the season was held at the home of our lead- er, Mrs. Sanda on Nov. 13, when we elected these officers: Presi- dent, Joan Wright; secy., Cathar- ine Campbell; treasurer, Marie Hannah; press secy., Greta Snow- den. Joan then asked us to de- cide upon a name for the club. Several were suggested but we decided on Happy Homemakers Club. Mrs. Sands told us about Our books and then we made some punch. On Dec. 4 we met in the basement of the church. Mrs. Sanda gave a talk on "The Home, 'the Place to Entertain," and told us about our recipe book. We looked through some magazines for recipes and plans for parties. Miss Mildred Snowden spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Don't forget the Christmas con- cert and tree on Friday evening, Dec. 19, at 8 p.m. in the basement of the church. Remember the White Gif t ser- vice on Sunday with gifts of food and money for postage for parcels to be sent to Britain. 13LACKSTOCIK School concerts are in full swing again. Mrs. Daltoii Dorreil and pupils of Caesarea héid theirs on Friday night at Nestleton. It was a decided success. THE CANA]bl« STATESMAN, BOWMANviLLz. oNTAwn ENNISKILLEN Service Club met Dec.* 9, at the home of Mns. Harold Ashton with 16 members present. Some sew- ing was done for the hospital. The evening dnew to a close with the serving of a nice lunch by Mns. Ashton and her gnoup. Next meet- nig will be a Christmas party in which gifts will be exchanged at Mns. A. Leadbeaten's, on Dec. 23. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. Sidney Tre- win in their bercavement. Mns. J. Kennedy is visiting her daughter in Toronto for the Xmasj holiday. Mns. Williams, Mn. and Mns. F. Cowling, Cartwright, visited Mr. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill and family with Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Werny. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry and Ted spent the wcekend at Liste- wel with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Van 'Camp. Mr. and Mns. William Bragg, Providence, at Mr. and Mrs. Han- old Ashton's. Miss Jean Werry, Peterboro, spent the weekend with Roy Wer- ry. Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Ferguson, Hampton, Mr. Kenneth McLean, Miss Adele Mutten, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. Mr. and Mns. Leo Moffatt and son, Paul, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Laurier McKenna, Oshawa, vis- ited Mn. Tom Abbott. Mrs. A. Leadbeater and baby, George with relatives in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke at Mr. and Mrs. John Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill spent an evening at Mr. W. Bentham's, Union. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and family attended Mr. and Mrs. Non- man Wnight's 4Oth wedding anni- vcrsary at Maple Grove. Mr. B. V. Veale, Ajax, spent the weekend with Roy Werry. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. W. Milîs vis-, ited Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Jennings, Acton. Mr .and Mrs. Russell Ormiston with Mn. Mervin Bird, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and' family were Sunday guests with1 Mn. and Mrs. L. Bradley. Mr. Arthur Jackson, Toronto, is present. Rev. Harrison presided for election of officers: President,1 Mrs. K. Samelîs; lst vice, Mrs. S.i Malcolm; 2nd vice, Mrs. R. W.i Marlowý; secretary, Mns. W. Jack-! son, assistant secretary, Mrs. W. D.! Ferguson; treasurer, Mrs. N. C. Marlow; fruit and flower com- mittee, Mrs. G. Bowers, Mrs. W. D. Ferguson and Mrs. L Joblin. Next meeting at Mrs. W. D. Fer- guson's. A dain-ty lunch was serv- ed- and a hearty vote of thanks given the hostess and group in, charge. f 9 e visiting with Mr. J. R. Ormiston. itors of Mrs. Mary Grlffin. Mr. Lorne Griffin, Purple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskn Smith, En-. Mr. J. E. Griffin, Yelvertor, cal- field, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ed on their mother, Mrs. Mary Bradley. Grfiwho has been iii but is Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and fam- Gmrffi n, ieab ily with Mr. Percy Westlake, So- imprved onsderaly.lina. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Do- Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn vis- reen and Ckm, Tyrone, were vis- ited Mr. AImer Beech, Haydon. You're Sa fe If You Con Stop The danger from driving with faulty bralces ln too great to take a chance on. Better drive in today and let us check Your brakes and put them ln first claaa condition. For you're safe if you can stop . . . as surely and quickly ivhenever an emergency may demand. Our vrices are moderate . .. drive ln today. GARTON'S GARAGE 64 KING ST. E. PHONE 2666 BOWMANVILLE a., vecab- GO: Aytîmne Satu'ýY ecme ~tUt JanUSfl' 1 CI nt latef hi 1dib liEÇURI'4destination ' th, 1948. 'e~nsa-Y, J.-anyPcfl COUSUU ana&ftdianPagent. '11 dra alqel3malm NESTLETON

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