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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1947, p. 17

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R.B. 1. Tyrone. TH C (AM.AY'TA 7J.,qA ,ISIAN,7 BDWMAI mXi! rr. ONARIO' T H l L J J A Z, J.F C . . m m, 19 4 7E . ' . = - ......', - - V I..- -.. .L'. -. l Durham Memiber Writes from Ottawa In orden ta acquaint Durhami County farmers and veterans with what bas transpired in pamliament since the Houspened Dec. 5, C. E. Stephenson, .P for Durham Dounty, bas g*n the press the rohlowing facts. The House was ealled together Dy Prime Minister King before Christmas ta deal speci!ically wlth 4vhat be called two moat pressing items o! business: (1) The Gen- eva Agreements, (2) The Gavern-i ment's later deal with the U.S.A1 in the dollar criais.1 In the Speech fmom the Thronei ie bad it written that Canadian1 pmospcmity was the greatest ever. ~onsequently be arranged the or- ier o! business so that no discus- dion could take place on the prea-1 bnt pligbt o! farmers .and veter-4 ina. These things couid wait. Bracken Forces Immediately the Progressive lonservatlves, led by John Brac- Uen took this line: "The Geneva and U.S.A. Agreements weme ai- ready given effect without parlia- ment's sanction, hence were flot pressing. On the other band the famm prablems and veteran's problems weme most seriously pressing and should be remedied at once. But the government and the. Speaker o! the House ruled again- st the discussion o! these matters. However the opposition didn't let up and sought every means o! bminging these questions forward. Little success was achieved again- st the huge government majority which included a good many farrn- cm members. Veterans Shut Off In the case o! the veterans whose pensions arc fan short o! meeting rising living casts, A. J.1 Brooks, Progressive Cansera"tive, and a veteran, moved the adjourn- ment o! the House ta discuss relief for the veterans. With what re- su it?1 The speaker, elected as a Lib- eral follower o! Mr. King said: Hansard, P. 123; "1 must nat re- ceive the motion or give permis- sion ta adjourn the House." This was the government's Merry Christmas ta the veterans. Farinera Dou't Count Dealing with the farm question the Minister o! Finance evidently thought that farmers counted for littie far he attempted ta show how prosperous they were. He proposed ta quate sanie figures shawing farmers coats and prices. One o! aur party suggested that the farmers were flot stupid and knew very well their costs and me- turns. But the Miniater meplied: P. 92, Hansard: "Fanmers are flot the anly people who perhaps are flot as intelligent as they may think." And he went on ta say: "On the figures it is pretty bard ta argue that farmers have not had a faim increase in prices. They have had the biggest. I will not admit that farmers have not had their faim share o! price increases." But the Minister did not go on and quate a list o! farmer's costs. Sa there you have the govemn- ment's attitude ta farmers. No discussion, take it or leave it. Questions Asked Shut off from debating these things ail we could do was inter- ject questions and take the risk o! being howled down or called to order. I took the apportunity of asking a few questions and was the first anc ta get in a word as to what the government would do for farmers. You will sec in Hansard: P. 74, 1 asked the Minister o! Agriculture ta make a statement if the govern- ment intended ta do anything for the relief o! farmers. The Minis- ter replied: "I made a statement ta the Farrn Conference the other day wbich contains ahl I arn able ta, say at this tume. I ar nfot in a position ta say any more." Sa that was that. Laten on, Hansard: P. 92, 1 inter- jected a question when the Minis- ter o! Finance was speaking about the sound and prosperous condi- tion o! the country, and asked him ta explain the plight we were now in, for facts were facts. He said: "I will corne ta that plight," but be failed ta do so. Later, Han- sard, P. 133, Minister C. D. Howe told that Canadian farmers were flot permitted ta ship ta the U.S. A. Sa the wbole thing cornes down ta gag rule as fan as farmers are concerned. With bee! at $35 in Chicaga and around, $16 in Tom- onta and tbe cost o! feed grain nearly doubled the farmers can wbistle sa far as the governmcnt tong Di10anoe W,1lI be Busy thies Christnmas We Il do Our very best to put your calis throught but thero will be delays. S o many people like to make Long Distance catis V' at Christmas that there are bound to be delays - ,somnetimes long delays. But if you do make a cali, we'11 be doing our very best to put it through. THE BELL TILEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA I 91GHEST PuICES PAID SFor OId or Crippled Horses liminate the middle man-gtet thie ctire pro- eeds for yourclf by selng direetly to the I o sulr LUXURIGUS SCARVES of Mixik antd Fox Save money by buylng direct fram the producer. Order Irmcdlately ta be ln turne for Christmnas. Brunner Mond FactoryI Locates at Port Nope Followlng the report of the pro- poscd new Dunlop factory 'at Whitby cames news of the estab- lishment of a Canadian factory of the Brunner Mond Corporation at Port Hope. Land for the new building has been purchased aiong Highway No. 2, just east of the tawn, overlooking the lake. Brunner Mond (Canada) Ltd. is expected ta open the new build- ing for manufacturing in Marcb, 1948. The plant wiil be 80 x 200 if., constructed of brick and steel and the. remainder cf the 6 acres bougbt will be iandscaped to the waterfront, making a modern, at- tractive setting. The company manufact u r e s compressor and condensing units used in refrigerators of ail kinds. The latter have been made in the U.S.A. since 1931 with air com- pressors dating back ta 1906. The Canadian autput will go to sup- plying Canadian manufacturers and distributors. Fortunately for the community the matter o! hausing bas been greatly relieved by arranging with Wartime Housing ta build a sec- ond ailotment of homes under this scherne, the first units having been completed some tirne ago. Port Hope is ta be congratulated on its enterprise in these respects. In The Editor's Mail Fenelon Falls, Ont., December 11, 1947 Dear Mr. James: I beg pardon for being a bit late with my subscriptlan, but have just returned a few days aga from a lengthy trip in the United Stat- es, and almost imrnediately on my return I took down with a heavy cold and have been in bed ever since. I arn confident that you will forgive my seeming neglect. The Home Papers had ganged Up onl me during my absence, and 1 had some pile ta go through, but they were very enjoyable as us- ual. By-the-way, congratulations are due you, and I don't think there is anyone more delighted ta pass themn on ta you than I arn. I do it sincerely too., What an honor ta win the A.C. A. Silver Medal for outstanding service to Canadian advertising. I arn sure ail the aid Boys and Girls would like ta give Three Cheers, and no daubt they have ai- readiy done this. I have at any- rate, and feel mighty proud ta be one of the Old Girls of the Old Town of Bowmanville. Keep up the good work. To me your paper is deserving of the highest praise, and is worthy of any future Medals. It's a meal joy ta receive it weekly. On the whole, tJ4e past year bas been a good one, and have enjoyed good health and much o! the pres- ence of God ini my Life. I trust lis been thus with you and yours? I pass on to you and ail the Home Folks the same aid message that bas corne down thraugh the years at this time of the year, a Merry Christmnas and a Happy New Year. God bless us ahl. Sincereiy, G. Hollande Brigadier Enclosed find cheque covering renewal for another year.-G.H. Incompietely burned cinders are a valuable fuel, ad'viscs the Can- adian Institute o! Plumbing and Heating. They are needed for banking a fire, and burning thern may save as much as 15 per cent of the coal bill. Cinclers can cas- ily be sifted frorn the ashes. is concerned in the House at the moment. Just ta show how production Is falling due ta high feed costs and Iow contract prices we secured from the Ministry af ter much urg- ing the state of aur food shipments under contract ta Britain this year. Here are some of the main items: Contract. Bacon and ham, 350,- ery. REPAIES toalal makes of aewlug machines RN a portable Electrie ln your own home, $5 per month. Singer Universal Motors 25 ta 75 cycle --$30.00 Sin4 r Llghts -- - - $5.25 Buttonhole Attachments $1075 Singer iàutomatie Electrie Irons - $ 9.75 Sewiug Cabinets (walnut) - - 324.75 Sewing Stools ___ $_ 14.00 Skfrt Markers -- 2.39 Singer Househoid Iron -$12.95 SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St. Tel. Oshawa 696 OSHAWA Home and School Club Hear TimeIy TaIk On Christian Home 'Rev. G. Cameron Quigley, guest speaker at the Home and Schaoi Association meeting in the Cen- tral School Gymnasium, Dec. 10, spoke on "Home" eiabomatlng an the words "Take what you want," says God, "Take it and pay fat it." In making any decisions we must pay for it, the speaker stat- cd. Either great or lowiy living involves sacrifices. Most o! us admire and prize the qualities in on Guaranteed 234% Trust Certificates IMUED for any amount .... for a term of five yem .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest .... Interest cheques mailed to option, may be allowed to accumulate at C'e reach holders on due date, or, at holder's compound interest. An ideal investment for individuale, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boatds, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 Yom ln B»Inus Brick Siding Eav.stroughlng FURNfACES AND OILDURNERS Call on us for Guaranteed Work DAVIS & GRANTI PRÔNES: 842 - 2674 J Country Couples Club At Courtice Circuit Croates Enthuslasm The newly organized Courtice Circuit "Country Couples Club" met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmen Pollàrd. First part o! the evening we heard Citizens' For- uni broadcast aver CBL, later dis- cussing the "Peace Tmeaty with Germany," led: by Ken Summer- ford. President Wilfred Brown cailed the meeting ta order and business was disposed of. Rev. Yandléy gave the devotional in the farnia! a Bibilcal contest. Mr. and Mms. Howard Cryder- man, la charge of recreatian, had a good aid !ashioned spelling bee, Jeaný Yardley being "champ" of the match. A deliciaus strawberry - short- cake andi tea was served by the hostess, Jean Sunrimerford, Jean Munday, Kay Hutton and Marie Rogers assiating. Much cred4t la due the onigin-_ atar o! the married couples clubs that bave been starting in many ( % - ' !, organ Io flot able to do as mnuch work, nom pem!orm its functians as efficiently. The biood stmeam carmiez the -4tal fuel and oxygen which the hard-womklng tissues requlme. "With progressive bardening o! the artemies, it is then evident why varlous badiiy functions are lessened," bhe states. Alter deacribing in detail the essential changea in an affected blood vessel, Dr. Hamilton re- marks that "we do not know why these degenerative changes occur in the walis o! tbe arteries, but it is thought they are consequent ta an injury, thç nature o! wh.ich ls unknown."1 The most commoniy affeeted or- gans are the three mont vital ones in the body-the heart, the brain and the kidncys. "Aithough it affects maies more commonly than females, itoccurs In bath sexes," he stAtes. "It oc- cura In perdons o! ail occupations. "There ïsarno convlncing cvi- deftce that diet la o! any signifi- cance. Coffce, tea, nicotine and alcohol have been cansidemed, but there is no proot that tbey are the cause. It ls probable that theme is no single cause o! arterioscler- osis. "Sufficient evidence bas accu- muiated ta indicate that infections and infectious disease may play a prominent part in causing art- enloaciemosis. We know, tao, that diabctics are mare prone ta de- velop arterioscierosis than the av- erage individual. Just haw in- fections and biabetes cause art- emiasclerosis, we don't know."1 Dr. Hamilton remamks that art- eriosclerosis ls such a comman and constant accompaniment of aglng, that it la not generally regarded as a disease, but as a natural pro- ceas. He adds, bowevem, that flot infrequently "we encounter vig- orous oldesters of 90 odd years, who have no arterioscierosis."1 "Hence," be mays, "it is not ia- evitabie, wblch gives great sup- port Ita the theomy that artemios-ý clemosis la a disease."1 Available at ALLIN'S CORNER GRGCERY Phone 367 - - King St. E. DOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEN Phone 578 - - 73 King St. W. WULL TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or, Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Highest.Prices PaId for OId Horses PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. r M Rev. G. Cameron Quigley a christian home and the mai arity of homes in our dey are drawing dloser ta the fundamentals of a Christian home. We must be wili- ing at ail times ta share cheerful- ly the lot that is found in home- makîng and child bringing Up. The man, toa, must accept the me- sponsibility of parenthaod and if he did not count the cost he shauld neyer have entered into marriage. True companionship requires ac- tive partnership. We must put affection into aur love.- Sympathy, imagination and helpfulness can expeil ail the cnit- ical snabishness and bad tempen we passess. Family lite should be deepiy and creatively religiaus. Ta bring up a Christian child we must sur- round him with Christian living. Nothing is s0 beautiful or creative as a home where a Christian child has came end made Christmas.the year araund. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. G. Clarke and a vote o! thanks was moved by Miss Hall. A musical programa consisted o! a vocal solo 'by Mrs. S. R. James and piano solos by Marina Perfect, Virginia Stutt and Marianne Je!- fery. It was meported a letter had been sent ta, Mr. Buckspan, mana- ger o! the Royal Theatre, asking for a better class of matince for Saturd'ay afternoons. Miss Hall, Librarian, reponted that the Pederation wished aill baokÊ returned by the end o! the year. Miss Richardsoil won the prize for the parents count with 15 present. Mrs. W. Clarke, newiy elected- member o! the School Board, and Mrs. F. Dilling, a can- didate, each spake a few words of thanks for those who supported them. In place of Christmas presents the members marched aroundi the room and placed a donation of meney in a box at the front ta, be sent to the Children's Aid Saciety, Mrs. Dillinig, canvener of the theatre night, reparted on the sale of tickets for the show. Singing o! Christmas carois led by Miss H. Morris, with Miss Bragg at the piano cancluded the meeting. After the singing of The King, lunch was served by Mrs. G. Clarke and ber group. Hardenlng of Arteries Affects Vital Oragns Scientists for many years have been seeking the cause or causes of arteriosclerosis, but sa far, "ahl we know are sanie o! the things which do flot cause it,"1 says Dr. John D. Hamilton, Professor of Pathology at Queen's University, Kingston. He describes arterial degenera- tion, commarily known as bard- ening o! the arteries, as cansisting "o! a thlckening o! the wall of the blood vessel, which results in a loss o! elasticîty, and a namrawing of the blood channel," and adds that "it is flot the bardening or thickening of the vessel wahl which is important, but the nar- rawing o! the blood channel and the reduced volume o! biood wbich that vessel may carry." Remarking on the importance o! a good flow o! biood through any argan or tissue, Dr. Hamilton says that without such a flow, the ROOFING ASPHALT - FELT SHINGLE churches. Where there was a teii- dency befome, for young marmied couples ta drift away fmom their chumch, these clubs have provided fresh interest and inspiration. Not only in getting acquainted with the minister and his wi!e, and finding them as human as aur- selves, but aiso proving an excell- ent way o! meeting and knowi'ng aur neighbors scattemed through- out the community. Our club bas cnlarged since the !irst meeting themefome we find it impassible ta carry on in private homes. Next meeting will be held at Ebenezer Church an Jan. 14. Ail mamried couples are extended a cordial welcome. ............ Santa says, 11win her heart and hold her heart t'O --send flowers at Christmas time!" Hardy dr year 'round plants and exquisite fresh eut flowers trown ln our own nurseries offer a wide and beautiful selectiop- Place your order now, avoid disap- pointment later. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GIVE... If you are confronted with this problem we sugggest that you drop Intô our store and let un tive You a hand. We've lots of ldeas that are positive to make your gift a bit SEE OUR DISPLAYS OF PLANTS, WREATHS, CUT FLOWERS, POINSETTIA8, CYCLAMEN AND MIXED PANS ATKINS' FLOWER SEOP ]PHONE 474 FOR FREE DELIVERT - B OWMANVILLE 33 KING STREET EAST de MARGWILL FUR FARK WB ALBO PICK UP DEAD FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE 1 1 7 le 1%1"0 il»Ik l"Ir i Campalgu Nearlns T1he s$1000 Marik The Lions Club commtttee -3 quite pieased with the generous response to campaign for the purchase and use of the T.B. Christmas Seals and submit the foliowýng report as of Dec. 13. Letters sent out 3,084 Letters returnied 1,102 Amounts enclosed $964.20 They have sent out this week, remInder carda whicli take into consideration donations received 1up to Dec. 13, and trust ail who tpurchased these brlght and cheery seals Winl make full use of theni. Telephone Bowmanville 2679 1 à,

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