$11 ?TEM DAT. 1EC. luth. 1047 1-. .4, TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLE, ONTAM<> COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Trull, Nan- ton, Alta., are with Earl, and en- joylng the lovely apartments over the store. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Oshawa, Mr. andl Mrs. Foster Snowden, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Chaude Smith and dauhgter, Vicky, Tor- onto, Mrs. Geo. Pearce, wcre Sun- day guests, at. the Ross Pearce home. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Warburton Svisitors in Belleville. and Mrs. Blake Oke were eSunday visitors with Jesse and Mrs. Arnott, Maxwell's. *Sorry to report H. F. Osorne In- dlsposed. Hiss many friends wish for a speedy recovery. The Farmn Forum was held at Ted Hutton's on Monday _pigbt. On Sunday, Jan. 4, the S unday opening will be held when Rev. H. C. Linstead, a former pastor, will be guest speaker. Watch for further particulars. Oshawa Gun Club bas moved Itb equipment from North Ogh- awa to thc farm of Will Wade, north of Courtice. Among those attending the New Year's Ev. FROLIC AND DANCE In the NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Wed., Dec. 31, 1947 Dancig from 10 p.m. until- Russ Creighton and bis five-piece band of Toronto ln attendance RATS, HORNS, SPOT and NOVELTY DANCES Miss New Year's Eve Contest will he held Admission $1 each Stockley-Van Camp etitertainment at Whitby with AI Harvey, Toron- to, as M.C. were, Wilburt and (Mrs. Bresett, who also won a prize>, Mrs. A. J. Oke, Lloyd and Mrs. Crago, Wmn. and Mrs. Bick- ell, Norman and Mrs. Down. The Sunday services were wel attended, when Rev. F. Yardley told the story of the Wise Men. Suitable music was provided by the choir. At the morning service the following children were chris- tened: Susan Jane, daughter of1 Monty and Muriel (Found) Millar, Harmony; Lynda Diane, daughter of Robert and Iona Courtice, Cour- tice; Victoria Lynn, dauhgtcr of Claude and Velma (Pearce) Smith of Toronto, and William Gerald, son of William and Mrs. Marsh, Courtice. 1W.M. SOCIETY W. M. Society meeting was op- ened by President Mrs. A. J. Oke, with a short reading. A sugges- tion was made, for the president and Mrs. H. P. Osborne to attend the Board meeting. The Canidan Friendship carol service was con- ducted by Mrs. G. F. Annis as leader, assisted by the following ladies, who, each represented a foreign country: Mrs. K. Hop- kins, Mrs. K. E. Courtice, Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mrs. Elton Werry, Mrs. Esli Oke, Mrs. H. F. Osborne. Mrs. Lloyd Down favored with two vocal solos, an Indian lullaby and an African carol. The Christ- mas lesson was rcad in unison and closed with prayer by the president. Thro'ughout the service Christmas carols were sung.* Officers for 1948 are: Honorary prcsident, Mrs. R. E. Osborne; past prcs., Miss Louise Osborne; pres., i'fre. A. J. Oke; lst vice, Mrs. H. F. Oscrr.e: 2nd vice, Mrs. A. J. Gay; recording and corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. GaiF; treasurer, Mrs. Elton Werry; stewardship secy., Mrs. H. F. Osborne; temper- ance secy., Mrs. Ross Pearce; mis- sionary monthly secy., Mrs. W. R. Pickell; supply secy., Mrs. Chas. Osorbne; literature secy., Mrs. K. Hopkins; press secy., Mrs. R. Gay; community 'and friendship secy., Mrs. Cecil Found; C.G.I.T. leader, Mrs. Glen Pickell; assistant lead- er, Mrs. K. Hopkins; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Stanley Coverley and Miss Gwen Osborne; Baby Band leader, Mrs. K. E.. Courtice. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Home and Schooi Club held tbeir Christmas meeting Dec. 9, with president Mrs. L. Courtice presiding. Business items includ- ed a letter of thanks from the Junior teacher, Mrs. Sands, for piano reccived. This bas been the object of the many euchre parties held, and now, for the chairs. Help this cause, by attending the~ forth- coming parties alter the holiday season. Mrs. Saundersr and Mrs. G. Chartran contributcd rcadings and violin and piano accordion sehections wcre given by Mrs. Bob Barber and MrE. McK e n z i e. Christmas carols were sung, with Mrs. Eric Courtice at the piano. Gifts were exchanged, and lunch served. Next meeting Jan. 13. EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxifiary met Dec. 10 at the home of Mrs. G. Chart- ran. President Mrs. Saunders op- ened the meeting with hyma, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." The candle lighting service was in charge of Mrs. Harry Gay, assisted by Mrs. Eric and Mrs. Lloyd Cour- tice, Mrs. G. Chartran, Mrs. Wil- frid Brown, Mrs. Clarence Hoc- kmn and Jean Gay, each represent- ing a foreign nation. Accordion selections were given by Miss Lcah M. Quad, who, also was ac- companist for the carol singing. Mrs. Harry Gay expressed appre- ciation froma the Auxiliery to the retiring president, Mrs. Saunders. Gifts were exchanged and lunch servcd. 1948 officers are: pres., Mrs. Achie Muir Jr.;1st vice pres., Mrs. Eric Courtice; rec.-secy., Mrs. Lloyd Courtice; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Gay. W.A. HIGHWAY BAZAAR Womnan's Association on the Highway held their bazaar in the' Salvation Army Citadel, Oshawa, Dec. 10. It was a grand success. The Ladies rcalized $400.00. The room was gaily decorated and also the booths and the many conven- ers and assistants certainly had a busy timne. Mrs. Cecil Found, an- nounced the bazaar officially op- ened and was presented by presi- dent Mrs. Jahnston with a lovely corsage. The ladies are very grateful to the Salvation Army for allowing them to hold the bazaar in their rooms. Next year, they hope to have their own place ready for the gathering. HAMPTON Miss Nora Kerslake, North Bat- tleford, Sask., visited ber brother, George. Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, spent the weekend' at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn were in Toronto a few days hast week. Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson is with ber nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rackbam, Lee and Lynda, Bowmanvilhe, were visitors at G. Adcock's. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allin, Osh- awa. Mr. Keith Billett, Toronto, with friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, To- ronto, with Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. Clarence Tink at- tended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Wili Wihhs, Hastings. Friends were pleased to sec Mr. J. W. Balson out to church on Sun- day night, after an absence of sev- eral weeks through illness. We welcome to our village and community ile, Mr. and Mrs. M. Davie and son of Detroit, wýho took over the J. R. Reynolds store on Dec. lst, and bave now moved their houschold effects here. We also extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Tindale and son of Whitby, wbo bought the Bilett farm. W. W. Horn attended the execu- tive comrittee meeting and din- ner of the Ontario Cemetery Offi- ciaIs Association in Toronto last week. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson wbo on Monday celebrated their fiftieth wedding annîversary. A gathering in their honor was held at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowling. Their qCliUford, arrived home from askatchewan to pay them a visit. White Gift Service will be held at the Sunday School sesson next Sunday afternoon. Christ m a s carai service wili be in the eve- ning with our pastor in charge, who willhbave a Christmas mes- sage. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE December meeting of Hampton Women's Institute was heM in the Sunday Scbooh Roomn with presi- dent, Mrs. Cale in the chair. Trea- surer reported alter choir gowns paid for, balance of $319.10 on hand. Report by Mrs. W. W. Horn on help by Centre Group re needy famnilies. Mrs. Cole reported pro- gress on outdoor skating rink. The following motions were car- ried: Bills be paid; January meet- ing to be held one week later than usual; Mrs. J. R. Reynolds to contact Bowmanville Scouts re paper collection. After Mr. Mel. Davy bad ably explained tbe var- lous phases of the Blue Cross Hos- pitalization Plan, it was decided ta have a committee canvas the members for enrolment. The fol- lowing committee was appointed: Mrs. Ennis, Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and Mrs. J. R. Knox. It was decided ta re-imburse the leader af the Boy's Club, for equiprnent purchased this year, and also ta give lîim afuirther $10 ta carry on with. The North Group presented the following progutm, which was in charge of pragram leaders, Mrs. J. Chapman: singing of Christmas carols led by Mrs. Ken Caverhy. Motta was "Friendsbip is the only cernent that will bold the world together.Y Mrs. Cale presented some of the highlights af the con- vention in Toronto, wbich brought out very clearly the wonderfl work the Women's Institutes in Ontario are carrying out. Mrs. Knox gave a very impressive re- sume of thc address given by Col. Cring at the evening session. Mrs. Jim Smales sang two cbarrning solos. The rail was called with mcm- bers answering with what im- pressed them most in the con- vention report. The answers show- cd that ali-found something worth wbile. Meeting closed with the National Anthem, after which the HAYDON Sympathy is extended to thc family in thc suddcn passing of Sidney Trewin. W.A. met at Mrs. Cccil Slcm- on's on Thursday. Bible reading was read by Mrs. Forget and de- votional by Mrs. A. Beech. Miss Vivian Cowling rendered a %solo, accompanying berself on the gui- tar. A reading was given by Mrs. Jack Potts. Misses May and Win- nifred Trewin rendered a duet, and Rev. A. E. Cresswell gave a Xmas talk. Lunch was served by Mrs. C. Slemon's and Mrs. D. Cam- eron's group. A special collection was taken for "Xmas Cheer to British Children." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mal- vern, spent the weekend at Mr. A. Beech's and Mr. and Mrs. Beech entertained friends from Union, Saturda'y evening. Mr. Theron Mountjoy went ta Peterboro to sec Mr. Jessup who is ili in the hospital. -Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mrs. Cecil Crossman's, Bowmanville. Mrs. Don Cameron at Mrs. Chas. Rice's, Bowmanville. Messrs. Clarence and George Colenutt, Essex, Mrs. E. C. Ash- ton, Enniskillen, Miss Verna Tre- win, Oshawa, Mrs. Glen Martyn, and Bob, Mr. Jim Martyn, Bow- manville at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mrs. Ruth Legere, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton at Mr. W. Bentham's, Union. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King and Garry John, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. -Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Herring, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Beech's. FARM FORUMS PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM We met at Mrs. Irwin Bragg's with 22 present. Discussion topic was "Organizing for Community Action." The cleaning up of ahl roadsides with the Township Council's help is greatly needed in this community and a committee has been appointed to waît on the Council re levelling, grading and clearing brush. We are hoping to get results. A warble fly project will also be undertaken in the spring. It was suggested a comm'*nity work- shop for farm machinery repairs is needed. Our forum is eager to get the first named project underway as soon as it is permissable. We are not meeting on Review night, Dec. 22, but will start the New Year, Jan. 5, at Forbes Hey- land's. X#IT>&9 Boys' Ail Wool PULLOVERS c Here's a dandy gilt for some young lad you know. A fine ail wooh pullover with Thursday, V neck. Colours are royal or wine. Sizes 28 to32. Regular $25 _____ 1.98 ea. Store * In order that ,the Christmas Deceml;er 24, SScotch WooI am. on Mondý Baby Shawls An ahi wool shawl that is of -the ho 1 sawl ta; Forf -hh * finest quality wooh and rayon withFo h * novelty knit ýborder. $9 .C e il Size 52"x52". Ahi white$49 a h nil Soft, ciosely tufi set you'd be prou. iIDonhulIhroom. Set consi * toilet seat cover. SIKI SLACIKS shades. For those who ski here is a real buy in an aIl wooi blanket cloth. Sizeç i 9 r 14 to 20. Navy only$5 5pr Chinchilla ~ No excuse now ta let the young ~i J anc go chihly this winter. We have reduced the balance of two popular ines ta chear at i this big reduction. Reg. $8.95 25 per cent. off Wool Flannel BLAZERSM Just the thing for the young girl or boy ta wear ta school this winter. All wooi flan- nel blazers in cither navy or red. Trimmed with cord. Sizes 8 ta 14 _-$4.95.__ Wool Plaid Dressing Gowns The Ideal dressing gown for cool marnings around Uic bouse. Thye are ail wool and in authentic plaids . . Sizes 3 ta 595o 6X - - --- 5.9 Little Girls" CREPE DRESSES Dresber up in anc af these attractive little frocks for the holiday seasan. Fine quality crcpe, 'with pull sîceves and smocked trimmings. Colours are rase, powdcr, green or fawn. Sizes 3 ta 6X$49 Phone 45 1 THE MODE Christmas Parties Ai St. Paul's Church Greatly Ënjoyed The assembly room at St. Paul's United Church presented a lovely appearance which provided a de- lightful atmosphere for the first of many parties that will be beld by various organizations o f t h e church this week. The large fire- place mode by Allan Cuthbertson is a work of art, and placed near a beautiful spruce tMe, which is well lighted and decorated, gives a central setting, while the walls are suitably adorncd with streamers of traditional Christmas coloring. At seven o'clock Monday night the Trail Rangers, in fuli numbers, met before the lire-place to sing carols, receive their treat and ex- change their gilts. Their mentor, Mr. Ed. Doidge, told the story of a littie star which although small in comparison with other stars al- ways did its best, and became the star that led ta the highest and greatest. As usuai the group was led in its singing by its only female member, Mrs. 0. Bragg, presiding at the piano. In appreciation of the interest, time and energy shown and given. by Mrs. Bragg and Mr. Doidge, Paige Lycett and Dennis Hughes presented ta them,1 on behaîf of the boys, tokens of1 their gratitude. The Young People's Union mret at 8:45 p.m. and in the soft glow of candies, fire-place ancl tre lights conducted a beautiful ser- vice of worship. The president, Violet McAllaster, led the singing of carols while Bill Robinson pre.- sided at the piano. Gordon Poil- ard read the Christmas story and Sally Cole led in prayer. Follow- ing the worship period, the union enjoyed games directed by Walter Bent and Ailan Cuthbertson. The meeting was rudely interrupted by old Saint Nick who neyer seems to consider time or place when he wants to make an appearance. However èvery member present excused the intrusion when 'Santa gave them each a gif t. A treat of apples and candy was given dur- ing the evenin.g and the night's program was concludee with re- freshments. Thirty-two members were present regretted that those of the union who had exams on Tuesday could not have been in attendance to enjoy a grand eve- ning. il a. S.P. JENDURINC - ECONOMICAL EASY TO CLEAN Scthe <ide vaity of colomra um combinutions gal&, 'lI Bund PH( MOVUNG WEST Sheppa M. Rawlinson Limited r:utarlY make up and shlp flousehold F utue. con- L m e solIdated Pool Cars to Manitoba, Siaskatch- .wan, Alberta, British Columbia and to freight rates. E.tablisbed 1885. Phn 71 610 Yonge St., Tdronto. Kingadal. 5125 UNOVIN%, FACKING, SHIPPL46 and STORAGE 4-, I Bromley )NIE 653 . Bowmanvillei YOPPIRFB&S1D 54-inch WALKER'S ýrisimas Shopping Hours W O OL C RE PE Give Mother or Sister, yes even the girl rDec. 18 Io Wednesday, Dec. 24 friend a dress length af this fine quality (INCLUSIVE) 8 ahi wool crepe. It's a gift they will appre- Open-8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ciat. Cowder bla$2,49 yd our staff may have a well, earned holiday oVer cregyorpwr-$24yd tseason, Walker Stores will close Wednesday, at. 9:00 p.m. and will remain chosed until 8:30 ~r- lay, December 29. A Sure Hil. - An inexpensive gxft that will be truly le 130mewelcnme. Choose yours from our HoeÀ variecýselection, fine plastics in eith- BATH SETS ___ _ ted Chenille Bath Sets. A id to have in your own bath- ists af large bath mat and r.Cohours are in soft pastel "Spruce"A Shave Sets. A dandy 3 pc. set that consista of powder, alter shave lotion and saap. $4.50 A 2 pc. set that consists af soap and lotion. $3.00 Single pieces of any anc af the folowing: Saap, lotion or talc. .$ 1.50 .Rayon TABLE CLOTHS A really extra quality rayon c]oth in a large table size, 54"x72". Large floral designs that predominate in green, blue or wine. YoV wili want $3 severai for your friends $63 Boxed STATIONERY Fine quality statianery that is attrac- Single Sirana' A lovely gift for someone. A single Istrand af these very popular pearîs. Evcry S strand bas safety catch. REG. $2.50 $1098 (plus 25 -/ tax) Full Fashion k LRAYON ROSE1 i Irregulars REG. $1.19 89c pr. A chance to stock Up flow <w.' on these popular full fash- jK oned h ose. They are irreg- ,)ulars of $1.19 line. Imper- ~, fections are very slight and will not aff ect the wear. Sizes 9 to 10 only. Colours, romance beige and tropic blush. ,Lq E .~..J<l<E~<IIi Flannelette PYJAMAS They are made aI wbven striped fiannelette, natti- ly tailored with packet. Cut roomily *for extra camfort. $.9n Sizes 8 ta 14$24 r out f twn.Check your list with Children's Item_ 45c Io $1.98 SLEEPERS Gui Chiîdren's soîid colour, warm fiannelette two- H ANKf IES piece footed style thal Single hankies or boxed set of tbrce. -button together. Blue or Lovely hankies in cither cotton or linen. lpink. 6$ 7 r Some with lace, some vlain. Some es- Sizet 2 ta .$.7 r pecially for c a$O0 children cIo$.0 ------ zeJ, <lùn4ed ERN STORE buywmanville PAGE1 PROCLAMATION I hereby requesi ail cilizens of the Town of Bowmanville fo-observe Doxing Day, Friday, December 26, 1947 as a holiday and Io govern themselves ac- cordingly. SIDNEY LITTLE, Mayor Town of Bowmanville GOD SAVE THE KING RENEWALTIME To the large number of our subscribers whose subscrlp- tion to The Canadian Statesman expires with the end of the year we would lîke to take this opportunity to remind you to renew now. Audit Bureau ot Circulations requfres that ail subscrlp- tions be paid ln advance. lu order that you won't maiss any copies of thý paper you would be well advised to send lu your remittance at once so that you will be sure of receing a steady flow of your weekly paper each week. Use the coupon beloiv for renewais. Subscription Rates 1 par $2.50 - 6 months $1.50 - U.S.A. $3.00 Cut out and mail to The Canadian -Statesman, Bowmanville, Ontario: Please renew my subscription for years, en- closed please find $ M. lb.VAL. .10 00,