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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1947, p. 5

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'THURSDAY, DEC. lSth, 194~. - THE CANADIAN STATESMM(, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO PAGE 11~VW *SOCIAL AID PERSONAL EarI Fog and Bil Rar, Ro- St., celebrated bis third birthday chester, N.Y. vislted Mr. and with a party on Monday aiter- Mrs. George Ëogg. faon. Mr. Herbert Cale, Toronto, Food for Britain: A customer sipent the weekend with his par- complains; "I parcelleci 25c worth eiýts, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cole. of suet for a needy English fam- .2vr. Stewart Fergusan, Toronto, ily, then had to pay 40c postage." siLpt the weekend wth his mo- Ottawa's Christmas greetings to tlêr, Mri. D. S. Ferguson. the people overseas. Miss Eleanare Wight, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson, was the weekend guest af ber ma- Oshawa, celebrated their 59th ther, Mrs. C. A. Wight. wedding annlversary on Decem- ber 12. The Statesman joins Mns. Y. W. Kirkendall and Mrs. wlth their many friends in Dur- ÀAJî Kershaw, Taronto, visiteci ham County in cxtending cordial friencis and relatives here on Sun- congratulations. dey. Last call; aniyfIve more shop- Miss Ileen Couch, Toronto, ping days tili Christmas. Bow- spent the weekend with ber mo- manville merchants have what ther, Mns. Howard Coucb, Beecb you want andi stores are open ev- Ave. enings. Don't make it a last min- Harvey Lunney bas returneci ute rush. Sec the acivertîsements, from a trip through the Southern act early. States ta Vancouver, making the On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. tour in ten days. . Seward Dowson, Providence, cali- Master Ken Murphy, son ai Mr. ed on Mrs. Weidon Neai, Victoria and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Scugog Roaci, who is under the doctor's HAVE THE NEW LOOK! 'j THE TOWN SHOP DKing si. W. - - Bowmanville care, alsa on ber sister, Mrs. Fry wbo is il at the home ai ber sis- ter, Miss Mabel Lytie. St. Paui's C.G.I.T. -met Dcc. 10. The time was spent in the practis- ing ai the Vesper service. Later Mrs. Quigley's Sunday Sebool ciass practiseci their parts for the Christmas concert whlie Uic rest ai the girls worked an the scrap- books. The acivertisement ai the Olym- pia Cafe if this issue cantains a truc Christmas spirit. The pro- prietar, Louis Laskaris, baving in- vesteci $14,000 in new building and equipment, cancels ail debts owing bim and i wshes ail a Mer. ry Christmas. Recreation Calendar Thursday, Dec. 18 7 p.m.-Basketball Practice, Hg School. Frlday, Dec. 19 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathercraft Class, Lions Cammunity Centre. Saturday, Dec. 20 8:30 p.m.-Teen Town, "Holiy *Hop," High Sehool. Sunday, Dec. 21 8:30 p.m.-Community Cbristmas Sang Service, St. Paul's Church. Tuesday, Dec. 23 7 p.m. - Community Christmas- Party and Santa Claus, Town Hall. Canadian Club <Continued from Page One) you think India bas been exploit- cd by 'the fareigners?" Again the answers were vanieci. The first English ta take aven large sections ai India saw their chance ta set up a type ai feudal systcm similar ta the carly mcdiaeval Engiand. Since then the evolution ai the land irom the wealthy landi own- ens ta the workers haci gradually taken place. Cammunism is rap- idly spreading in Uic ice growing districts without the people real- izing the real pinciples bchind the philosophy. Thein main idea is ta get rid ai the land lords andi distribute the land among the peo- pie. When quenied about wheth- er thîs system aif gavcrnmcnt was enjoying populanity and succes in Russia thcy wcre vague about the methoci or the *exact resuits but they werc greatly in favor of the main idea. In rame cases the peaple feel that India has been exploited by its own sons. 1 Dealing with the third and last question. "When Britain goes- then what?" Dr. McLauin's quer- tionËrs seemeci ta be ai more ai less the rame mmnd. The agrecci that the political andi ecantomic path ai India for the next few years would be anything but smaoth. The people icît that a great deal aif'bloaci would be shed and that, as we sec it taday, bas been true. Because the great problem in India is the different religiaus beliefs ai the people, therg,,iore the wars, riats and rev- olutions would be about neligiaus pinciples. Whcn a political war jr fought the outcome ia decideci at the endi ai hostilities and for the mort part that decision is ab- ideci by. Na, so with neligiaus wars Uiat continue ta affect poli- tics, econamics, education andi in gencral the lives ai ail Uic peo- ple. Eiiectiveiy bringing bis mort interesting addrcss ta a close with the hope ai a united Christian In- dia, Dr. McLaurin citeci a meeting he haci witnessed. The section ai the country where this massed meeting taok place was dominated by the Lear ai the spirits and the passionate hatreci ai their neigh- bars. The yaung man in charge ai the service was a member ai the neighbaning race yet had braught these people tagether in peace through the Chris t i a n church. This jr thî hope that is helci for Uic final urùlty ai India so that it may grow and become a ieading force in the wanld afiairs. Mrs. T. W. Cawkcr movcd the vote ai thanks ta the speaker and said that mare haci been glcaned from that hour about the prob- lems facing India today than cauld be obtaincd fromn many weeks of reading. Mrs. Dippeli afflounced the next meeting would be helci the third week lu January with Mr. Herbert Mowat, as speaker. Santa Claus Show Town Hall, Tuesday Real Gala Occasion The children af Bowmanville andi district have a treat in store next week for Santa Claus is cam- ing ta town. He will appear an the plptforma in the Town Hall auditorium, Tuesday evening, Dec. 23. at 7 p.m., ail dresseci Up in his farniliar autflt andi bearing sweets with a broad smile af greeting toalal the chilciren wbo corne. More than that lie bas brougbt aiong twa colored movies which show the Fairy Queen with Santa and bis parade of clowns which will take more than an hour ta show. Santa says the whole evening af cntertainment is entirely free toalal the children af the community and the parents who may corne aiang alsa. Finaliy wben the show is al over Santa in persan wiil give each child present a nice bag af candy ta take home. Sa mark your calendars naw andi remem- ber the date, Tuesday evening, December- 23, in the Town Hall. Gooci old Santa sent out letters in acivance ta prepare for his Bowmanville visit. Sa the Baw- manvilie Cammunity Council andi the Chamber ai Commerce rent- ed the hall and Eaton's Store, To- ronto, jr sending aiong ail the ather things necessary for this gala occasion. Motorist Smashes Hydrant Cufting off Water Supply Careening south an the Scugog Roaci early Sunday marning an unknown matorist evidently Iost control af bis vehicle which side- swiped a hydro paie, bneaking it off, and then swisbed around ta hit a water hydrant which was ai- sa broken off. The resuit was that residents of the North Ward had their water supply cut off CHURCHES ST. JOHN'ýIS ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. deP. Wright, Rector Mr. R. G. Harle, Organist Sunday Before Christmas 10 a.m.-Sunday Schoal anà Bible Class Il a.m.-Christmas Service Choir boys will sing AduitChair - Anthem "The First Christmas Morn"' by Newton Address: "Born fo be King" 7 p.m.- Naiivity Play directeci by Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Schan CAROLS andi HYMNS came and brqixE your fiends ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCR Minister: Rev. G. C., Qulgley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregor SundaY, December 21 Il a.m.-Nursery School. il arn. - Warship. "Christmas Meditation." Sunday Schoal White Giit Service 7 p.m. - Warship: "Christmas, 1947." 8-15 p.m.-Cormunity Carol Snge the Angel a multitude ai the heavenIV hast praising Gad, andi saying. 'Giory ta God in the highest.' " Luke 2:13-14. Came and jain yaur praise ta that ofai aHMis people. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith Organist: Mn. W. E. C. Workman December 2lst Chrlstmas Sunday 1Il a.m.-.-"White Gits Service" Sunday Schoal meeta with Uic congregation Procession bearlng gits "The Great Gif t" 7 p.m.-Candleilght Festival Anthems, canais, solos. Story: "Wby the Chimes Rang" by Miss Hutchinsan. These are two great services wbich you will enjoy. il a.m.-The Nursery, Junior Church and Sunday- School withdrawn for today. until evening. Town engineer Alf. Biekell was soan an Uic job with a gang nepair- 'ing thé hydrant and Chici ai Po- lice Sidney Venton immediately inveetigateci the scene. Me faunci thc damage as above déscnibeci but was unabie ta détermine whe- ther a truck or car causeci thc wreckage. Contacting ail local garages none was cailed ta do a tawing job. Investigations are stili continu- ing andi the case will remain open until other dlues are tracked down. In the meantime it is suggested that whoever was respansible for1 the damage would be well acivised j ta came forward and expiain the whole thing. Otherwise things wan't be taa camfortable in court wben.the cuiprit la founci. HospItal Board Fac.d With Rislng Cote The negular meeting ai Uic Bowmanville Hospital Baard was RICHARD -HUDNUT Ligbt, arresting Gemey Frag- ..... .. .. .. rance ini these luxuriaus bath pre- paations-Eau de C ologne andi i Dusting Powder-far a delight- ful]y reineshing andc caling aiter- bath sensation.---------- .Set $3.00 Taicum, Cologne and ~ .Penfume ----------set $5.75 .~Dusting Powder ---$1.50 Y~ ~Perfume ---$1.50 and $3.50 Wood's Bath Dii 60c and $ 1.00 Lilac or Carnation TOILET SOAP Box of13, $1.00 held in the nurse's residence Dec. 12. One ai Uic highligh'ts ai the meetin.g was thc drawlng af Uic winning ticket on the "K o a 1 a Bear" donateci by a former esi- dent ai Uic town and now resi- dent in Australia, Mrs. R. M. Cot- ton and daughter, Helen. The lucky winner was Mn. L. Brown, il Duke St., witb ticket No. 578. This was Uic first meeting since the living room ai the. nesidence haci been redecorated, and cvery member ai the board was loud in thein praise oi the transforma- tian of such a drab room irito cii* so bright and éheery. Upan presentatian of the finan-, cial report and accounts by the treasurer the megibers gave con-. siderable time as to ways and. means of combating the ateadily- rising costs ofi maintenance wlth"é out the corresponding help frorn increased revenue and feel that the Provincial Governmerit shouldt give greater assistance to hospl- tala. _________ I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE P e rkin.s BILLFGLDS of SMARTNESS and QUALITY Sheepskin billiolci with zipper -----------------$2.25 Others in sheepskin, mon- occa, etc., with or with- out zippers $2.75 ta $8.35 t SMART, INEXPENSIVEI FOR THE SHAVER Schick Injector Razar Withf the magic biade repeater. Compicte witli blades $1.49 ', Prince Pen## A fine gift for a young man -bas a gooci iridium tip- peci nib. only --$17 Eagle Prince Pcn and Pen- cil Set, boxeci$29 WILLIAMS SETS For Men 69c,$1, up PINAUD SHAVING SETS For Meni $1.359$2.0 Popular Shavlng Gifttb GILLETTE "Tech" Razor Gif t Set includes razar and 15 blue blades in gift box 986 Gît ts that last for yearst RURBERSET QuAVING BRUSHES 50c, 75e, $1.Uu, >.OJa, $5.00 and up i Alex Your Local I.D.A. Drugglst "«Jewelitc" Rail Wave ------ Hughes Lucite Back Nylon Ail araunci style -------- - -------------- --- $3.95 kBristie Brushes $22 and up .-- $5.00 DRESSER SETS Brush. Comb, Mirror $5.98 up PEGGY SAGE Manlcure Sets $2, $3, up S2.95-Others $1.00 up the Arnazing N.w PACIAR D TWIN DUAL ILECTRIC SHAVER 4 smnooth round heads give 100% ta 500%/ more live shavina surface nieoFASTER, SMOOTHER, kLbgiEREASIERshaves. Ol YARDLEY Il 1OldEngiish Lavender Perfume -------------- $1.25, $1.95 andi up z> P Bath Saîts - $1.25 Talcum --- 50c, $1 Dusting Pawder with puiff---- 16 Bond Street Tailet Water-----$1.75 Lotus Cologne -------- - $1.50, $2.50 Fragrance Cologne $1.50 Tria Set (Three Calagnes) - $2.50 Also a Selection af iftt Sets for Ladl's and Gentlemen ~ PERFUMES Goya, Eurape's most dircusseci perfumer, naw offers bis flaw- less fragrance. Git Bottica, $4.50 up Handbag Phials 75c "'BUGLE CORPS" Set $4.00 Cantaining manicure essentiair attractively boxeci an set in amant leather cases-that she'l welcome- 49e, 69e, $1.00 and Up For better holiday drinks Canada or SSparkling 24e Pints 130 Fitch Men's Set Containing shaving andi bain preparations 69c $1.29 MACDONALD'S EXPG1!S or Briish Consols- Packages of 20's or 50's $1.50 Set-Contains Colgate Dental Cream, Rapid-Shave Cream, After-Shavc Lotion and Ta]g. $1.75 Set -Contains Palm- olive Shave Crcam, Aiter- Shave Lotion, Talc. Saap and Calgate Dental Creamn. Also set3 a& $1.00 MeGrgor Phone 792 We Deliver .1.i ..- I 4 SHE'LL APPRECIATE A HIAIR BRUSH by PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC Gif t Sets for Men wltb Shavini and Dental Needs by COMGTE - PALMqOLIVE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY DRUOS mmmmmm«mý 1 - - - - - 1 - 1 jk- à - - ' bu babasmto>- - - - à - a à - » -- - - 0 a a à a - - 0 a - - . -.- a a m a - - a -b@Wmbadllw THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMUNVn&X. ONTAPIO 'MU MDAY, DIC. IM, 104-o 7ýý Ill"?, ' 1 1 ý ý- 1 PAGE Pm, __ar_

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