CANADIAX STÂTESMAX, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY. DEC. lStb, 14? Henry Smith and bis wife have been able to retire to a little cottage in the country. Tom Storey, a Iaboring man ail his life, is putting bis son through college. Mrs. Little and the youngstcrs have been able to keep up their home since John died. Canada Life representatives are The NewmaieIndependent Phone: Clarke 3314 *4 We Invite yau to inspcct aur stock and we are sure we can suvPly yaur needs in yard goods as low as supply will permit. A NEW STOCK .I . or Woollens Rayons Collons Drapery Blankeis 91 1 WEDER'S FABRIC CENTRE 10 RING ST. E. - - BOWMANVILLE If backaches are slawing you up, take Rumacaps. Pains and aches are relieved aftcr first dose. Dy- er's Drug Store, Newcastle. 51-1 Mrs. Norman Allun and Miss Marion Allun and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun attendcd the 4th wedding anniversary celebration ai Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Allun, Bowmanville. Mrs. J. G. Jackson, Mr. Alex Filipowski and friend, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. N. Smith. We are plcased to sec Mrs. Geo. Smith out again after ber recent illness. Y.P.U. met Dec. 8, with presi- dent Glenn Allii charge. Glenn took charge ai the worship ser- vice and Rev. W. W. Patterson read a Christmas story. The eve- ning concluded with a period ai carol singing. C.G.I.T. met Dec. 9, at the home ai Mrs. Wm. Storks. Eleanor Hancock had charge af the wor- shîp period. There was practice af the sangs for the Vesper Sen- vice. Remainder ai thc evening was spent in»wrapping toys which will be sent to, Uic Part Hope shel- ter. Mrs. Storks served refresh- ments ai hot chocolate and cook- ies. A large congregatian attended the C.G.I.T. Vesper and Candle- lighting Service Sunday evening, Dec. 14. Leaders Pauline Storks and Kathleen Toms conducted the service and the group formed the choir. Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osh- awa, was guest speaker and she took as her subjcct, "The C.G.I.T. Purpose.' ' Miss Margaret Grice with ber sister in Part Hope. Mr. Stuart Milligan, Canadian Bank ai Comerce staff, spent the weekcnd at DeserQnto. Mrs. Geo. Rickard celebrated her 93rd birthday on Dec. 12. Ma- Newcastle High School Com- mencement Exercises for 1947 were held in the Community Hall Auditorium on Wednesclay eve- ning, Dcc. 10, before a large and appreciative audience. Present- ing ai the academic awards, ath- letics awards, graduation diplom- as, and intermediate certificates, interpersed with a prograni ai girls andboys precision drills, choruses, folk dances, a double trio and a anc act play featured the cvcning. The choruses by Grades 9 and 10 were rendered and consisted of three numbers in French. Al- s0 well rendered were Uic chor- uses by the entire school. The Girls' Precision Squad drill was excellently donc and the girls looked very attractive in their un- iiorms. The Boys' Precision rifle dril was carried out in a most military and efficient manner without a ilaw, the boys looking trim in their school cadet uni- forms. One ai the prettiest numbers an the program was the folk dance with the girls looking swect and prctty ini Uieir quaint French cos- tumes. The Double Trio consisting ai Catharine Dewdney, Karen Ains- lee, Hazel Farrow, Shirley Go- heen, Mari orie Toms and Audrey Grahami sang a group ai thre sangs wbich were much enjoyed. Accompanists for the evening wcre Joyce Martin for the char- uses, Margaret Ovens for the French folk dance, Evelyn Gobeen for the girls' precision drill and Claire Allen for the Boys' rifle drill. A anc act hilariaus comedy en- titled, "Who Gcts the Car To- night?"' was very realistic and mirth-provoking deaiing with the problem oi Mr. Jones, whosc fam- ily ail wantcd the car and would en'.. and lh. candie il actera Pô." emnityth ibirth ofihe acmne ai tobe) .TI 10 often privileged to help bring about such results. Because of their thor- ough training and experience, these representatives are well equipped to prepare an insurance program to suit y01W individual needs. They are sound counsellors, trusty friends. They are the kind of people you'll be veryglad to meet. THE (JIINADA LIFE 4~U- A5TR 1XLCB ny af ber relatives and fr4ends called ta extend best wishes ta her. She also received congratu- lations from Montreal, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Toronto and Belleville. Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, with her mother, Mrs. Gea. Ric- kard. Mrs. Scott Pollard is helping in Uic Post Office during the Christ- mas rush. Miss Cunningham, BRH.S., with Major and Mrs. Bennett. FORM VETERAN$' ASSOCIATION Richard Henry Davies was ap- pointed chairman, Douglas Wal- ton, vice chairman, Howard Rowe, secy. afd George Graham, treas., for the newly formed Veteran's Association whieh w as organized at Uic banquet at Elmhurst Ho- tel, Wednesday. evening, Dec. 10, and which was attended by 45 ex- service men ai the twa great wars. An executive committee ai nine menibers was elected by ballot as follows: Milton Brown, Gardon Gray, Harold Hocken, George Meadows, Fred Couch, Victor Garrod, Jack Wade, Gardon Lak- ing, Jini Taylor. Appreciation bas been made ta the government for a charter for a recognized Veterans' Associa- tion, upon receipt ai the charter, the question ai a living memorial wi11 be gone into and the Coun- cil will be approached regard- ing a tax free rink. It was decided ta hold thc meet- ings ai the Association at Elm- hurst Hotel on Uic last Wednes- day ai every month. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Rae Venner gave the following Valecictory address: Ladies and Gentlemn- Tanîight for Uic last time we ai the graduating class are taking part in the Commencement Exercises ai Newcastle High Scbool. We werc proud as Mr. Dewdney hand- cd us aur Diplomas. But had we stopped ta think we would have felt a moment ai sadness. We arc sorry ta part, sorry ta leave New- castle Higb. For four years wc bave shared happy moments and unbappy moments. We bave stu- died together and played together. And niow wc are four years aider and wiser, good fricnds and with a book ai memories that wiil stay with us and entertain us through the years ta came. As a class we bave stuck togeth- cr weli. Thirteen startcd out in g rade nine in 1943. The end ai that year thrce members lei t. Mrs. Gienney and Mr. McCoil lef t ta take up duties elsewbere. The next fall I joined the class and we had two new teachers, Miss Mor- gan and Mr. Venner. The foilow- ing June, Jane Lunt went home ta England and Mary Dewdney leit us ta go ta Bishop Strachan School in Toronto. The next year we lost Miss Morgan who leit us ta be marricd and Herman Sch- mid. Last year Mr. Goheen be- came aur new principal and Aud- rey, Gibson came ta us for a few months. Sa tonigbt there are nine ai us graduating, scien ai the "old ariginals." I wish wc couid al be here. Many ai you likeiy know what bas become ai us ail but for those who don't I would like ta tell you briefly. Four ai us bave gone back ta High School for fur- ther study-the boys Keith, Neil and Murray ta, Bowmanville High and I ta, Oshawa High. Three ai the girls bave gonè into hospitals ta train as nurses, Barbara, Betty and Joan and Mary is clerking in ber fathcr's store. Audrey Gib- son, the last of aur numbers is teaching school. I speak for myseli but I think the rest will agrce that these four years have been four of aur hap- piest. Perhaps thçy seemed un- important ta us as they passed, but naw and in the years ta come we will look back with fondness on aur days at goad ald N.H.S. Wc wan't think then ai the home- work and exams we graancd about or the times we thought things should havé been donc our way. Instead we'll rerpember the fun we had together-that wc all pull- cd through each grade and wcre pramated ta the next class. We'Il remember bow we used ta settie the affairs oi the country and Uic fates ofai a the leading politicians in our science spares in Grade 10. We'll remember the debates ai last year wbcre we argued till we were blue and then howled with laughter at the end because ai someonc's bright remark. We'Il remember the flash ai hydrogen we biew up in the lab anc day and how we teased a girl about the lettera she wrote in achool, and not take no as an answer ini apite af his persistent refusais. The comedy was ane of the best acted plays that has been put on by the students. The action was swift, there was no lagging af limes. The diction was excellent and their voices could be heard distinctly ta the back af the Hall. The cast were ail at ease ini their parts and each and every one gave a smooth acting performance. The cast: Newton Selby as Mr. ýones, Fae Jones as Mrs. Jones, Claire Aflin as the vivaciaus, per- sistent daughter, Jim Gilmer as Paul, the equally persistent son and Rodger Mellow as Mary's beau, Jack. They ail deserve gre'at praise for their exceptional- ly gaod acting. High praise is al- so due their director, Principal R. W. Goheen. Academie Awards Montague Scholarship-Interest of Trust Fund, created by the late Thomas Montague for the boy and girl having liighest standing in junior matriculation, won by Rae Venner and Keith Pedwell. Wilmot Gold Medal-For gener- ai proficiency in completing jun- ior matriculation, presented to Rae Venner. Professor Squair French Prize -won by Rae Venner. Mrs. Fallis' Er g1ish Prize Grade 9 and 10-won by Tom Venner. Canadian Club History Prize- to student most outstanding in history, Grade 10, won by Claire Allin. Joseph Coulson Memorial Prize -ta winner ai English Essay con- test, won by Ronald Powell. Mellow Shield for "Character, Sportsmanship and general pro- ficiency, Grade i2-won by Neil Britton. Philip Proficiency Shield, Grade 9-won by Doreen Powell. Dr. J. A. Butler Proficiency Shield, Grade 10-won by Rodger Mellow. Athictie Awards Langman Shield-Senior girls, won by Audrey Graham. J. A. Smith Shield-senior boys, won by Alec Martin. Jr. Girls' Championship Cup - won by Hazel Farrow. Jr. Boys' Championship Cup- won by Lloyd Martin. Secondary School Graduation Diplomas were presented ta Bar- bara L. Bonathan, Neil Britton, Joan A. Duck, C. Audrey Gibson, Keith Pedwell, Elizabeth Stephen- son, Mary C. Toms, Rae J. Ven- ner, Murray R. Walton. It is interesting to note here that Barbara Bonathan is now a nurse-in-training at Toronto East General Hospital and Elizabeth (Betty) Stephenson is a nurse-mn- trainin.g at Ottawa Civic Hospflal. Intermediate Certificates were presented to Claire Allun, Russell J. Branch, Franklin V. Creamer, Gardon T. Gibson, Betty K. Gray, Ronald R. Hocken, William. C. Halubenko, J. Rodger Mellow and Thomas S. Venner. Drills and play werc directed by R. W. Gaheen, Folk dance and castuming by Miss M. E. Davies. Vocal numbers by Mrs. R. W. Go- heen. The High School staff consists af R. W. Gaheen, B.A., principal, Miss M. E., Davies, B.A., assistant. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS à XM AS SYUKON dmi' CLARKI è É PLI OCEAI' Pl SOve. Fred MULK1 SWhite o y-' or Brown a boy about his beautiful wavy hair. Then we'il rernember thc big- ger events in our school life. Com- mencement each, year, the plays we put on, the sangs we sang and haw wc thought. aur knees would shake. We'il think of the friendly competition on aur annual field day, the feast after it and the dish- es that had to be washed. We'll remember how we enjoyed aur Cadet Inspections even though we have been rained an twicc. Yes, aur memories will be happy ones. Newcastle High is a little school, perhaps ane af the smallest High Schools in Ontario. Maybe that is why it is such a friendly sehool. When you came ta Newcastle High a stranger, as I did, you are sure ai being welcomed and made ta feel at home and happy with the students. I arn glad and proud 1 VIMUYUaLtuN1111, 1119 7c that I can say "I went to Newcas- tle High School." As I close may I thank my fellaw classmates and students for three years that I willl always cherish and wish them and their school every success and happiness through the years. 1ENFIELD The Women's Association met at Uic home af Mrs. G. Bowman. The following new officers were clected: President, Mrs. W. Bow- man; vice piresident, Mrs. H. Smith; secy., Mrs. L. Simpson; a;sist. sccy., Mrs. G. Bowman; treasurer, Miss Elsie Samis; pian- ist, Mrs. J. Parr; assist. pianist, Mrs. G. Bowman; comfort com- mittee, Mrs. E. Prescott, Mrs. L. Simpson; lunch cammittee, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. M. Samis. ljr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and CASE, 1245 2 30-as btls 25C1 16 , is-oztin 39C SAUCE4a 1 ATS 15-os tinZS 4&-m pkg loc 1 qVy Li 8c m FANG LOI POUL DR] NECTý TEJ CLI PP DIL LANG PICI HEIN; BM GHOIC API FANC' SA! MoLAI dit T E LARGE 8AERUT FLORIDA MARSH 5for 23< UJ611 24-01 MiFLOIDL WEET Daz. ML LOAF lo' TANGERINES JUICY-Large Sixe 176%. 3510 01.11 ORANGES CALIFORNIA NAVELS 2881à Dox. KEMP GRAGES CALIFORNIA NAVELS 220's Dor. 3<PEJ ANN PAGE EXTRA FANCY & FANCV-JUMBO SIZEFO FRITCAKE jpg B.C; DELICIOUS 100's . for ~ R 1-lb 7C 2-lb 8< APLS B.C. DELICIOUS I8'S *Dcx. <PAL cake 47cake 87 APPIXS ONTARIO NORTHERN SPV 6-qt.45 OIE 3-lb ring -* 1.39 APE DOM ESTIC GRADE baok.63 PA IDUPD THE BEST LATE lb. 55g< IBY _______________ M a'aIE HOWE VARIETV No. 1 A BRDES IPU S OREGON BOSC -SWEET -4 for 25<ALB CAKE TONATOE tsh Nm.ireg. 35< 5o. FLOU LOUISIAN 1A No. 1 ..- 2 Ibo. 29e ANNF FLOSEAILOTS LOUISIANA, LARGE fo2 for 31/2lb pkg 28cR NA RIONCH CLA CEE1 EATS PAiSCAL No. 1 uc 230 NIE RED w CHOPI I. IL - BLUE BRAND BEEF - STEAKS or ROASIS r-Ho'u", SIRLOIN or WING lb 419C ELESBHOUND m m m mlb4.5C «E MNB IRST FIVE RIBS m lb 39C IPED SUET, lb. 21c LAMB FRONTS, lb. 27c. MIK FED GR2 ROASTIf CEICKI 5-lbs up lb GO VERb TU' ALI. GRADE A or GRADE B Limited Supply1 PRIC famly ai Me'. R.'Best's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Smith, Mrs. J. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Nid- dery and Robert, A. E. Niddery, Taronto, at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason,' Oshawa, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott with Mrs. W. Graham, Port Perry. Rev. R. M. Seymour began Uic first af a series ai sermons Sun'- day. If thc sermons to follow compare with Uic ane especially enjoyed last Sunday, the mem- bers af this congregation have a special treat in store. To repeat the highlights ai thc sermon would, te ta omit none of it, and wc urge everyane ta, try and came ta church next Sunday and cnjay a sermon that will te better than any you can iind on your radios. We salute thc brave lady who manocuvers a car aver flowers supplled by IK, GRAHAM MLORIST - ]ENNISKILLEN - oe -~ - i icy his and makes it posaible for us ta enjoy aur Christmas ser- vices. For- your convenlence &ùd guaraùitee of expert work- manship-leave your shoes at QUINNEI'S BARBER SHOP, NEWCASTLE Iwo-day service Write name and Instructionsa plainly. Neal.Way Shos Rlepair Shop. 74 King St. W. Bowmaavtfle FLOWERS for Christmas POINSETTIAS CYCLAMEN JERUSALEM CHERRIES * * * AUl Types of Cut Flowers on display at Bagnell's Si ore PHONE 419 * * * KMWN!D AND OPSAlISBY ,h.....,ATLANTICa PACIFIC , 1mI TOP OFF VOUR XMAS MEAL WITH p A&p S Custom Grounci COMMlE I'CLOCIK -lb 47c M CIRCLX lb49C YCANADIANi ISTER « Ti.6 .TRY - VIRGINIA DARE ESSING 1 Sti. t 7AR ORANGE PEKOE à BACS l'kg. 31g PER WHOLE !'S SWEET MIXED KELES JarM ýZ ASSORTED RYFOUDS 3 Tins 2>< PLE JUICE 3 20.o:.274 'Y PINK VTES « 82:&41 ýREN'S COMBINATION TES -16SS< P'S SALTED BLANCHED UNUTS ' Tin, m iISAES OR WOOLENSk~< ET SOAP 1 - Reg. LMOLIVE Cake 8 ILIIE Cak 114 V'8 ASSOWE D ST FOUDS 2 Tins 150 PURPOSE OSES FLOUE 7B. 404 PAGE ~ 1 N'S NMENT GRADEL IKETSlmi 1 WEIGHTS 53Ç CLUB <CO>NTENTS ONLY) 'IERa ALE N SPRAy RY ADERITî miBIII 11OOD JRIIT'Y FLOUE71j., 1C 2-ba IGIM ET TI ES Fiat flftige, popular brands, freh ok EX TRA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ÎI BUY A BAG TODAY à AM. pageI A REAL TItUAT THEIR SWEETEST MEXICAN BREAD IAAfC.L j I A PINSON YOULL BE GLAD TO SIE C O&fPA NY JAMES MARSHALL, District Manager S. R. JAMES POHK SHOUES FRESH SHANKLEsss lb Z7c FDSPORK BtES - m m b39c BEAIATBacon' PIECE lb lSC BREAKAST BACON SLICED lb 57c COTAE EOLLS PEAMBALED m m lb 45C PIoeED 0 TONGUES FRESH lb 27c SLIOM COOEED a m m lb 79< » ---, .. --- --7---- - - - -- - - - --- - - 1 1 1 ai IMM ------ -------------- ----------- , 74W "19 CANADUN STATESMAN, BOMZANVMU,'ONTARIO TRURSI)AY, DEC. lm, l"F 0 ým .mMmý