THURSDAY. DEC. 151h, 194? THE CANADI&R STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTAMO S 40eJa~ ONAL GIFTS FOR RER PERSI COMPACTS AU styles LADIES' RONSON Lilhters LOCKETS, Sterling and Gold Ftiled ---- LADIES' PARKER "151"1 PEN and Pencil Sets 4DALIA' IPEARLS ______ CAMEO NECKLET and BRACE] Set ____ (See our Spe ITS EA T ....... . .. PERSONALGIFTITFRSBA B ai RONSON LIGHTERS TIE SETS $6-0410. SOC Up o $5.00 $37 CIGARETTE CASES LEATHER WALLETS and KEY CASES $1.50 Io$9.0 5C up SIGNET RINGS P35 ARKER 8.50 Sterling $1000 Up Gpld $7.50 up $3.501o $1.50, NIFE and CHAIN SETS SOHICK BLECTI RAZOR Gold Filled $695 4 etti mi Double Beal EVANS'COMBINATION CIGARETTE CASE $1.0 $1.0 NDLIHTR $10.00 43 King Street West -$2.50auP* wwoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoe~~~ $8600 EARRIUNGS -$1.00 ip STERLING SILVER DI $18.00 SETS, -le - BIRTHSTONE RINGS -$ 1.00 up $S1.0 Up FLET $6«75 $1.00 up $6.95 )RESSER $35-00 10K Gold STERLING CIGARETTE Cases $4.95 Up -$9.75 Bcial Dollar Case of Costume Jewellery) be sure f gel one of our free gifi calendars WIILtIV 1- Observlng the National Christ- m Vesper Service for 1947 the C.G.I.T. membershlp, carried the whole program at St. Paul's Unit- ed Church, Sunday night, Dec. 14. Under the leadership cf Donalcil Creasser and Mrs. G. Cameror Quigley, 18 C.G.I.T. members to- gether with 7 male members of the congregation presented the beautiful tableau, "The Birth of * Christ." It was a most inspiring * reminder cf the Nativity, wholy appropriate at this season. With the church entirely dark- ened, save for two stage spotlights and the cast softly outlined ln candie light, the costumed char- acters portrayed with vivid sol. emnity the surroundings at the birth of the Saviour. [t was the acme o! historical pantomime long to be remembered. The program of Christmas mus- lc included a number of carols and hymns very well integrated DO YOU KNOW ... that there are approxmmately 25,000 "Unknown cases"' of tuberculosis? . that TB stili kilts mort Conadians between 15 and 44 thon any other distose? ..that the. surest woy ta discover TB and check its spreod is the chest X-roy? *.that your Christmas Stol money buys X-ray units and makes possibis mass exomanotions? PLEASE, mmnd in your con- tribution todo ;. %'t'1 , with the sermon preached by Rev. G. Cameron Quigiey who told' the story of the fourth wise man who travelled the known world in his search for the Child Jesus. At the morning services a large congregation took part in the Communion when 19 were indue- ted into church membership. The cast in the tableau includ- ed: Mary, Violet McAllister; Jos- eph, Mansel Stacey; Shephèrds, Don Wiliams, Kenneth McQuar- rie and Joe Barton; Kings, Wm. Corden, Reg. Rackham and Bert Syer. Girls taking part in the candie light services included: Marilyn Hall, Peggy Piper, Rose Dilling, Shirley Piper, Ruth Bragg, Joyce Bragg, Catherine Teeple, Connie King, Myrna Tuerk, Carole Tuerk, Marie Martin, Isobel Cruiclcshank, Bessie Yeo, Kathleen Yeo, Noreen Kane, Elinor Dunn and Colleen Hutchinson. 1l7'TIT)Tmr Fortielh Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Allun Mr. and Mrs. S. Charles Allin were honored at their home, 55 Church St., Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, Dec. 13,-on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniver- sary. There were afternoon and evening receptions when 138 nam- es were signed in the guest book. The bouse was beautifuliy dec- orated with gift baskets of flow- ers, 'mums and poincettias. The bride and groom of forty years received in the living room. The bride wore a corsage of rose buds ptesented by the four grandchil- dren, Miss Marilyn Mark, Harold Yeliowlees, Robert and John AI- lin. Friexids and relatives from Toronto, Oshawa, Taunton, Ennis- killen, Solina, Newcastle, Peter- boro, as weil as many in Bowman- ville district were receîved. The tea table was set off with a beautiful arrangement of chry- santhemums, white tapers In sul- ver hoiders, and a silver tea ser- vice at each end. VV .J.JJ.L.~ UThose pouring tea. were Mrs. G. _______F. Annis, Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees HAGERMAN-INGRAM and Miss Marion Alliri. Assiat- ing in the tea roomn were Mns. J. In a candle-light ceremony, V. Marks, Mrs. Clare Allun, Mrs. which took place at haif past five Wesley Yellowlees, Mrs. Alfred; o'clock Saturday afternoon, Dec. Alun, and Miss Nan Allun. 6, at the home of her parents, Miss Miss Marilyn Marks attcnded Janet Naomi (Jean), younger the guest book while Mr. Ciare daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. D. Allun answered the door with Mr. Ingram. became the bride of El- Jack Marks and Mr. Wesley, Yel- wood Duncan, younger son of the lowlees assisting. late Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Mr. and Mrs. Allin lived ail Hagerman, o! Hagerman's Corn-. their forty years o! married life ers. Rev. R. H. Wylie officiated. on the farm On 2nd Concession, The wedding music was piayed Darlington, now, occupied by their by Miss Beth Ingram, sister of the eon Mr. Ciare Allin, until six bride. and the soloist wvas Miss years ago when they moved to Laurie Lemke. their present home. The marriage was on the 48th Among the gifts received were anniversary of the marriage of the a gold wrist watch for the bride bride's parents. and gold pocket watch for the Given in marriage by her fath- groom. Other gifts, includingmna- er, the bride was attended by Miss ny cards and messages were re- Reta E. Follis, of St. Stephen. N.B., ceived by the h appy couple. as bridesmaid, and the best man Many o! the guests had been at was Jack Hoar, o! Toronto. the wedding forty years before The bride chose a model frock and ail expressed the wish to in afternoon length of rose crepe again visit them in ten years time romaine, fashioned with a short to celebrate their golden wed- peplurn, the bodice embroidered dizng. in crystal. Her headdress was o! The four children, Mrs. J. V. curled ostrich. feathers in dove Àý1arks, Toronto, Mr. Ciare Allun, grey, fastened with a rhinestone Bownianville, Mrs. Wesley Yel- clip, and she wore a corsage bou- lowiees, Enniskillen and Miss Nan quet of sweetheart roses. Allin, Toronto, were ail pleased Miss Follis wore an afternoon ito be present and help celebrate model in siver grey romance: this occasion. Mr. Albert Alin. crepe, with a headdress o! acqua- Mr. Charles Allin's brother. was1 marine cocque feathers, and her- alço very glad to meet and heip corsage bouquet was o! red roses. ietrantemn uss Following the reception the cou ntrai-hemnyges1 pie left on an extended motor1 trip, the bride wearing a printed' One o! the helpfui features on silk jersey dress, a brown topcoat new sleeping cars is berth num- and matching off-the-face hat. bers in luminous plastic. They They wilu reside in Newcastle,,are already in use on Canadian iOnt. à National trains. BAPTISM AT ST. PAULS At hall past four Sunday after- noon and in the presence of a few relatives and friends who included the paternal grandmother, Mrs. H. Conners, Miss Reta Conners and Miss Lillian Heaver of London, England, Thomas Michael, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Con- ners, was presented for the rite of holy baptism. The setting at the platform was significant for this service, as the properties for a na- tivity tableau had been set up for the evening service. There, be- fore the manager with candles and ,ghts îlluminating the scene, the young baby was baptised by the minister of the church, Rev. G. Cameron Quigley. For this im- portant day in his life young Thomas Michael wore a beautiful shawl of crochet silk, the gift of bis maternai grandmother, Mrs. Scott, of Leeds, England, and a chfristening gown of loveiy satin, back crepe, exquisitely made by his great aunt, Mrs. Cunningham, also of Leeds,. England. YOU can stop moth dam- age in your home. As author- ized Berlou Service Dealers .wegive you a 10 year guar- antee. If Benlou fails - - - if there is any damage, we pay the bill. Why not, let us mothproof your blankets, carpets, ruga, garments, upholstered furni- ture and furs? Berlou Moth- proofing is 'coiorless... odorless and stainless. The cost is small. A man's suit ---a woman's dress or coat can b e mothproofed f o r 10 cents a year. Any mater- il mothproofed with Berlou retains its original softness. Remember-B e r 1 o u profes- sionai mothproofing protecta you for 10 years or we pay the bil. Dowmanvdle Clouners &Dyers 77 KING STREET .WEST Phone *0O for Pick-up & Delivery WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at Il a.m. with an attendance of 33, with Mr. Carroll Nicholls teaching the Bible Class. Church was held at 7:30 with Dr. Oke preaching a very good sermon on "The Purpose of In- carnation." The music was pro- vided by Mrs. Oke and Mrs. Reeve. The Young People's Union was held at the schoolhouse with an attendance of 23. Dr. Oke, who conducted the topic had a quiz on Christian Culture. A crokinole party was held at the home of Mr. Cyril Darke on Fridlay with ten tables playing. The high prize was awarded to Miss Helen Binsted and Miss Lau- ra Binsted received the low prize. The men's high prize was awarded to Mr. .Harold Best and Mrs Clarke, who played as a man, re- ceived the low prize. Miss Helen Barrowclough, of Lakeport, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barowclough. Mrs. George Dinner spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Per- ey Hoskin, Welcome. Mrs. Mary O'Neill, Port Hope, and Mrs. Clara Sheppard, Eliza- bethville, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W. Payne. 1 Messrs. Ken Dinner and Arnold Austin. had the good fortune to shoot a wolf in this district. Mr. and Mrs. C. Paynie and How- ard attended the Durham Holstein Breeders' Banquet held at Wel- corne on. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Martyn, Welcome, and Miss Dorothy Ma- son, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Marsh. Mrs. Binsted and Margaret spent Saturday evening with Mrs. W. Payne. Ruth Payne spent Tuesclay with Miss Betty McHolm1 Welcome. The Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Austin. The election of officers was the same with the exception1 of Mrs. Austin, who was put on! the flower committee..i The Farm Forum was held at:i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken! Ashby. The topic discussed was! "Organizing in the Community."1 STARK VILLE A goodly nuzrrber attended Shi- loh on Sunday ifternoon. The! Shiloh W.A. met in Starkville School house on Wednesday eve- ning. A fair attendance with Mrs.: Bert Trim, vice president in the chair. General business was dis- cussed. Friends from Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. George Etwell. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell, 3nd family in Bowmanville. Mr. David Parker visit i n g friends in Lindsay. Miss Helen Dechert spent weekend at her home in Toro Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson Mary Lou in Bowmanville. Little Sharon Brown ie e spending some time with grandmother, Mrs. M. Shutka Mr. Roy McKay, Bronte, vis Mr. Art McKay. Also Messrs.' and Art 'McKay at Mr. Mcý Robinson's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers, awa, with Mr. M. Shutka. er, Cannington. Lthe Messrs. Laveine Stone, Bronte, Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson visit- onto. John Stone, Orono, with their fa- ed her mother, Mrg. Jake Hallo- and ther, Mr. Fran.k Stone. well. Mrs. Ross Hailoweil has been Mrs. R. Boughen at her broth- I is laid up with septic throat and has er's, Mr. Art McKay. her been under the doctor's care. Miss Audrey Farrow, Newcas- a. Mrs. Howard Farrow visited tle, at her home. sited in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Todd with Mr. Roy Mr. A. Minto visited Mr. and and Mrs. Don Stapies, Newton- rley Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Bowman- ville. ville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Paeden with hi@ Osh- Mr. E. White visited his broth- mother in Newtonville. -, '-I N-~~ ~ r t, 2 ~ Si. John's Anglican Church CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 11:30 p.m. CHORAL COMMUNION CAROLS AND HYMNS - CHRISTMAS ANTHEMS Corne and celebrale the birihday of our Lord, I Christmas Day, 10 a.rn., Farnily service for al COSTUM JEWELLERY Brooches _______$1.00 UpI 'BENRUS" EXPANSION Bracelets _____ DeautiWpl Candlelight Servicb Held ai Si. Paul's Sunday Night J"u BOWMANV À ý 7 1 - - ý- 1 L ?rI -Y >ý4Vr-ý ýrnW- Pl THURSDAY, DEC. 18th, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B07î?&ANVICLLE, ONTARIO m i PiUm s9vm A IP IP 9s