~A~1U ~EW TEE CAKADIAN STATESMA!4, BOWMANVILLE, OftAEIO THURSDAY, DEC. 25th, ------w - - - -n - - - - - -, MWERRYCHRISTMAS The spirit et the season prompts us te express our appreciatian cf our pleasaut business relatienabips during the 'year. Thanirst JACK BROUGH PLUMBING AND BEATING a King St. W. Bowmanvillie g I CHRISTMAS GREETINGS WE TAXE PLEASURE IN OFFERING Y011 THE COMPLIMENTS 0F THE SEASON ANI) TRULY HOPE YOU HAVE A VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY. ,, STUART R. JAMES INSYJIANCE REAL ESTATE UlLITAKE AWAY ALL or Vèlippled Farm Stock FREE OF CHARGE lghest Prices PaId for OId Hors.. MnoNI4M28PECTERBORO - REVERSECHAURGES N. PECÔNI, Proprietor. Lun of Local Nerchamis hu the HroamiBuggy Age Strnl on the aearch cf material disclosing the early bistory cf Durham County, we were pleased te receive this week trom a val- ued subscriber a commercial rat- ing book published in 1867 which lista thc naines of the men iu bus- iness in Eastern Canada at that tiine. As a matter cf record and general interest we republish herewitb the list as it applies to Bowmai;ville sud the smaller cen- tres of West Durham. Not found iu Uie book were the villages cf Courtice, Salins, Pou- t"~ool and others where smal business was carried on extensive- ly including many mills along lo- cal streams. The Oshawa Eist was quite extensive sud is net lnclud- cd here in the holle that it may be passed on for publication by the Oshawa Times-Gazette. In the Toronto section there Is ne mention of Eatons, but a Jos-, eph Simpson, "wooiens" is listed with a good credit ratiug, possibly the forerunner cf to-day's Simp- sons. Credit Reterence The bock was published by Dun, Wiman Ce. for financial houses as a refereuce in credit rating. Our copy was issued te D. Fisher, Ontario Bank, with his name lettered iu gold on the cover. Credit columns opposite names show the amounts invested in per- sonai business sud promptness lu paying accounts. Duu's was established in 1841 sud is stillinl business issuing weckly credit and financial re- ports. Ail the ratings in Bewmau- ville and district were feund ta be very satisfactory. Some bad a very considerable capital invest- ment. Without disclosing generai ratiugs, the list cf merchants back in 1867, Confederation year, fol- ow Bewmanville Name Business Allen & Ford Gen. Store J. B. Andrews Grocer Wm. Andrews Pianos Thes. Barratt Teamster & Gro. Thos. Basset & Co. Hardware C. G. Bender Tobacco Bowmanvilie Mfg. Co. Furniture S. B. Bradshaw Shoe Store J. M. Brimmacombe Dentist Thos Brodie Jr. Hotel L. F. Brooks Gen. Store Aaron Buckler Watcbes Hy. Bunner Shoes C. Cawker Butcher Thos. Christie Auctioneer W. R. Climie Bqoks & Publisher Consaul & Co. Grocers F. Y. Cowle Gen. Store Thos. Darlington Grocer Morgan Davies Gen. Geods Harriet Dustan Gen. Store Fanson & Northey Tanners Fletcher & Swain Grocers David Forbes Tailor Wm. Freeman Grocer sud Fancy Gds. Wm. Grant Grocer Geo. Haines Carniages F. Henderson Tavern J. Higginbotbsni Drugs Jne. Hobbs Taveru Thon. Hoar Biacksmith W. M. Horsey Tins. F. T. Hoskins Tins. R. S. Manning Cabinetmaker Sami. Mason Jr. Saddler Mancus Meyer Furs Joe Maynand Livery F. F. McArthur Dry Goads McClung Enos. Gen. Store Wm. MecCiug Carniages Jue. McDougall Miller McFeeters sud Frank Produce Jue. McLeod Hardware Jue. McMurtry Grocer Wm. McMurtry Gen. Stord Jas. Morris Carniages Mundock Bros. Grocers R. & H. O'Hara Bocks T. B. Oiee Grocer Thos. Patterson Dry Goods Rd. Peste Tailor John Percy Blacksmith Marshall Porter Saddler Now-foe extra-fsst bakng-ltea New leischmaaa's Royal Fa«t Rising Dry Yeast. No need to keep it in the icebox-it usys fresh ia the cupboard for weeks -righf dhere when you aeed itl utf disao&yc according to directions. Then use as fresh yeast. IF YOU BA"C AT HOME -you cma always keep a large supply ready for «hony-ap.1 bakiag-more deliciou a bàng remits; Orde lelschmnann'îRoyal FastRising DqyYeafromyour grocer todiay. i Wm. Porter Lewis Quick Wm. Ratcliffe Rd. Reid' Paul Robins Wm. Scott Thos. Shaw T. E. Simpson Benj. Sherin Harvey Soper Johuathan Stevens D. Stott Jno. Stott Miss M. Stoughton Thompson & Burns Chas. Tedc David Towns Michael Trelevan Isaac Westcott J. W. Wilson W. Wilson Jas. Wylie Thos. Yellowlees Newcastle Dan!. Allen Books J. R. Barfoot Saddier Chas. Batten Waggcns G. J. Bayly Gen. Store W. R. Bradley Livery Jacob Cassieman Gen. Store Rd. Chambers Shoes Thos. Downing H-otel Robt. Fairbairu Gen. Store Robt. Fothergili Drugs Ed. Gorman Tins. Wm. Grant Shoemaker Geo. Gray Cabinetmakcr P. Grose Hotel Matt. Henry Watchcs A. H. Hunter Grocer Oea. A. Jacobs Produce Robt. Little Taîlor J. P. L ovekin Gardener Frank Martin Hotel Hart A. Massey Foundry Thos. Mller Butcher Sam Moore Blacksmith McDonald & Metcaif Marble Northrop & Lyman Drugs Joe 01f ord Shoes Fred Stiilweil Blacksmith Wm. Stroger Hotel Thos. Tamblyn Tanner G. Templeton & Co. Gen. Store Juo. Trelevan Builder Orono Wm. Armstrong Saddlcr W. L. Broad Gen. Store Wm. Caiswell Shoes Wm. Cameron Gen. Store Chester & Bro. Gen. Store Jas. Dyer Woolen Mill D. A. Ferguson Gen. Store A. A. Gamsby & Bro. Gen. Store L. A. Gamsby Drugs Jno. A. Gairduer Gen. Store Jas. Hallett Taveru W. L. Herriman M.D. Geo. Hill Shoes Hutton & Rowe Gen. Store Jas. Kerr Taveru Wm. Kerr ,Tavern Andrew Knox Taller David Ley Grocer Jno. Mason Baker Robt. Moment Gen. Store Hiram Powers Gen.Stere Nicholas Scott Potash Jno. H. Smale Gen. Store & Taller Thomson 4c Long Tanners Lew Tourge Tins. Thos. Venar Gen. Store Hampton Wm. Beer Jue. Cole Thos. Clanke Thos. Cronkite Henry Elliott Sr. H. & J. Elliott E. S. Fowke Thos. Fowke Wm. Jennings John Johns W. Martin Hy. T. Phillips Joshua Territ Saml. Ward Blacksmlth Tailor Blacksmitb Milîs Mils Gen. Store Cabinetmaken Tanner Shoes Waggons Shoes Tavern Taveru Grocen Ennlskillen Jno. Campbell & Son S. Mill & G. Store A. Ferris & Co. Gen. Store Thos. Ferris Gen. Store Hutchinson & Brisbane Gen. Store D. W. McLeod Gen. Store Sami. Mils Saddler J. H. Morley Tavern Business Diroclory_ Legal W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Money to Joan - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 55C W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9% King Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MIUS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Dental DES. DEVMT & îtuîL Graduates cf Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee BIdg. King Street, Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 pin. dally. 9 a.xn. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 Pmn. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* Monuments The Butter Grnidte Comnpany Phope 501 - P-0. Box 622 ,Port Hope, Ont. Saini. Trewit Morgan -Wooi Matt. Cole Wm. Darling Glover & P2i Jno. Gray J. R. Hamie3 Jno. Hilliard Sami. Trewin Samuel Vans Abraham Yo, In Jr. Gen. Store od Blacksniith Tyrone Waggons itou 'Gen. Store rust Gen. Store Gen. Store "Y Shees d Shoes n Jr. Gen. Store atone Gristmill ounie Cooper The. Ontro Rural Sch@og' Techer JOY TO TH WORLD "The Lord has corne *..let earth recelve ber KIg" May the spirit of Christmnas be wlth yon on this day. J. & S. DELI VERT FRED STANNARD Phone 664 - Bowrnanvilllc J' sald l'taire part, but only ln. an ad- visory capacity."1 Practicail> ail Forums feit the teacher should live in the cern- munlty -and try and be an exampie cf honesty, courtesy, and polite- ness. However, flot the goldfish bcwl type, be natural. Nearly tif- tY forums feit the greatest con- tribution ta the conununity would be ta settie there permanently by Poundry Pediar Produce Shoes Books Shoes Tavcrn Grocer Blacksmith Shingles Sawmill Drugs Carriages Fancy Gde. Produce Confectioner Mils Shoes Blacksmith Grocer Grocer Baker Gen. Store, marrylng a local fariner, o- quently being a lifetinie 1ni~ Hats off to the teacher, mlaOn tario Forums! The Constable of the o f ondon, nj ý lld marakIIÎrl a v e ' l a~ e t i e c o u ld p o uss as very hors4 cow, pig or sheep that fr1 nt tb hames from London Bridge. The Ontario rural school teaeh- er, bissa ber, ia certalnly under- paid iu comparison with her re-, sponsibilities. Since rural areas are tAse seed-bed cf the nation the duties cf the rural teacher are just that much more important. Farm Forum reporta say ber in- fluence is feit for at lcast two generations, theretore her salary should be much higher than that cf a city stenographer sud the teacher lu a one-rcomed school in town. The majority agreed that the rural minister aud the agricul- turai representative should have more monèy since, at the moment, they require greater education. It was pointed out however that ln order ta do the job we expect oyJr teacher te do their education and remuneration shouid be equai. The extra money necessary for a higher standard of rural educa- tion, should corne from Gcvern- ment grants so ail would share equally. Several pointed eut tax- es should be shared by non-land and property owhers alike. Gov- erument bas a responsibility as well snd should coutribute its rightful part. Apart trom becoming better qualified to teach, over 200 for- ums feit the teacher should try and do a few extras. Shannon- ville' in Hastings said "The rural teacher shouid consider school and pupils ber first responsibility and then participate in community af- fairs to the extent that it does net interfere with her duties as a tea- cher." Salford, 2nd Line in Oxford, CARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 Bowmanville I Grandiuother Knows What Drings Quick Relief Since ber own ehfidhood grnd- mother bus known Dr. Chm 's~ymu of Linseed and Turpentine ta be a dependable anaed qck relief for cougbs, cofd , bronc is and similar ailments. la it any wonder that she cees that there la always a bottie of it at hand lu cms of emeghenc Quick action is moet important we colds setmi. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lins.d <=d TuSpentin.. 350 Family size 3 times as much 75J N R A P I p T ]Phone 2831 S,, et be C/iris/mas t'on our hearts Amid childrerx's bubbling Iaughter, lighted trees spread their boughs over many gifts. Our tables are heavy with good things to cat. And church beils tell their song of joy in peaceful heavens.. It's a good Christmas, a happy Christmas, in Canadian homes again this ycar. Let it be Christmas in our hearts., too. L et us be thankful wc live in a land of plenty ... glad we can share our many blessings with peoples in countries less fortunate than ours. Giving, born of the heart, is the truc spirit of Christmas. Giving is the one way to "'Peace on Earth, Good-will to Men". To iSNUSE OF SBAGRAI NewtonvIle Alex Bradley Shees Ephriam Convey Blacksmlth Theoran Dickey Mill & Farm Jas. Lockheart Gen. Store D. B. Low Taller D. March Taveru Wm. Muldrew & Co. Tailors W. F. McBrien MD. Mark Robinson. Hotel Noble C. Smith Gen. Store G. D. Spooner M.D. J. Sterling Shoes, Élackstock (listed as Cartwright, tormerly Williamsburg) Jas. Davis Shoes Jas. Ferguson Shoes Jas. Fluke Taveru Hugh McPhail Gen. Store Entfld J. Hymners Shoes The above is an interestlng stu- dy in pioncer development and business trend«,~We weuid be glad te hear from readers just how ma- ny of these old businesses are stli bcing carfied on by others with particular interest as te whether family descendants atili run tbemn. TEMMDAY, DEC. 25thil-ýlâ4?l THE CAMADIANSTATESMAN, BO"LfflV=X, ONTARIO m MAY THIS CHRISTMAS BE THE MERRIEST AND THE GAYEST CHRISTMAS YET FOR AL L THOSE GATHERED ABOUT YOUR FIRESIDE. 9