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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1947, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 1~k1E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIIIO THURSDAY, DEC. 251h. 1942 Establlsbed 1854 WIth which Io Incorporatea The Dowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent. and The Orono News 93 Vears Continuons Service to The Town of Dowmanville and Diérham County. Authorired as Second Clan Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. AN KNDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER - ýýMember Audit Bureau IEUIIIE~of Circulations 'U~ufhUW Canadian Weekly Newspaperu SUBSCR11PTION RATES $2.50 a Vear, strlctly ln advance. $3.00 a Year ln the United States GEO. W. JAMES. Editor The Christmas Spiri (Rev. John -G. Fullerton in The Rotary Voice) Once again we prepare ta celebrate the feast cif Christmas and ta take part In the festivities surrounding this joyous séason. Once again that somefhing which we termn the "Christmas spirft" will take hold of aur heartsa t least for a few hours and renew witbin us fhe milk of human kindness. Once again as we strive ta fathom the reason for Christmas, wc are led back in spirit ta ihe liffle cave on the hibîside of Bethlehem where a radiant, yaufhful Mother bows in adoration be- fore Hen Divine Son.' If seems strange that each year the whcle tvarld should cesse ail ifs commercial activities for this anc day. And, yet, it is only as if should be for we arc celebrafing the birfhday of God made Man. On thaf firsf Christmas nighf as the angeis sang "Glory ta Gad in the highesf," a great hcavcnly lighf s-hone round. On the Christ- mas of 1947, the same "'Gloria" wili re-echo around the wonld; and iights wiil also shine on trce and' hcarth, on citar and in window as the external signs of those inner lights kindled by flc Babe of Bethlehem. Lave and charity, a sudden glow of kind-ness toalal mankind, gratitude and hospifality-fhese arc the real lights that have made the wonld of Christmasfide sa poignantly beaufiful. Yes, al the lights are but the external ovcrfiow of the glaiaus light of faith that was kindled so many centuries ago and wbich must flot die or be qucncbed though we live in a rapidly changing wanld. The iights that humn on free and hcarth and jwindow are offen the year's sale reminder that befween us ail there la a bought brofherhood with Christ Our Saviaur. Whafcver aur differ- ences of station or taste, nationaliiy or circum- stance, wc are ail chiidren of God, memnbers of one family, brothers of Christ. In spite of al the exigencies of this age wc must be caneful ta nrcservc aur faith in God and in aur feliaw man, for on these so muchi depends. The splrit of Chrirstmas cuin-inates in the giv- Ing of giffa. If is inrpired by the half-rcmemn- ibered, "As long as you did If ta anc of these My ]east brcthrcn, you did ifta Me." Sa, underlying the charity and lave thaf inspires aur giffa, is uie deeper love that makes us give ta, others simply because wc cannot give ta Him Who gave Hîmsclf ta us. It is a pity that the spirit of Christmas is a passing thing; that the enobling spirit does nof prevail throughout the wboie ycar. If shauld be the spirit of Chistians day in and day ouf, cf homne, office and workshap. Whaf a place this Wvold would be in which ta live IF we ail pre- served a littie of this spirit for the whole year. At icast, if is samething worth striving for, some- thing warthy of men of goad wiil. Christmas Greeiings From The Canadian Stafesman Tf is aur desire ta give the fuliest and widesf expression ta the time honored grecting, Mer- ry Christrnas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, as 1947 cames ta ifs close. Wbile if bas been a ycar of greaf confusion almost every- whcre throughouf the globe there stili reigns :high hope amang free peoples that the tcacbings of the Prince of Peace shall prevail as want be- cornes cmelioreted and reason becomes once mare cnthroned. Sa at Chistmastimc we pause ta look about Aid take new courage for the fasks ahead. We cian make Christmas merry simply by holding fa the faith and hope inspired at this seasan. May if abide wifh us ecb day throughout the coming year and for ail the long years ched. With al aur gifts and shaning that tradition asks cf us this day, the needs of humanify oblige us ta go beyond aur own cammunity and ouf into the worid with aur Christmas cheer. The thoughts of ail truc Canadians af this time will be very much with the deprived pea- Pies in other lands who bave expenienced littie cf the comforf and substance of a Merry Christ- maesfor fine long years. When aur heants go cut ta tbern today rnay if be with the firm ne- solve that we shahl stnive from day fa day ta tning them beck ta the comfort we enjoy before next Christmas is ushcred in. May this abiding wish become aur enduning work ahead. ÏN i Greeiings bI heWeekly Press frund in association with the editors and pub- lishers in the weekly field, than in any personal virtues or capacities. So aur greetings are gen- uine expressions of fhanks to these good friends. Our hope is that we shall continue to menit the loyaity expressed. To Leslie C. Way and associates, publishers of The Canadian Weckly Editor, magazine is- sued in the interests of the weekly press, our sincere thanks and greetings for much help and inspiration in getting out a brighter Statesman. Wc hope aur renewal check will go to them at Vancouver with a hast of others for a brighter 1948. Finally our hearticst good wishes to those above aIl others wbo make possible the success of Canadian weeklies, the people living along the back concessions and in the small towns and villages and ail the faithful advertisers, togeth- er with thec indispensable, loyal and seif-sacni- ficing country correspondents. The weeklies speak for and support thec cause of more than six million Canadians. A Merry Christmnas and Happy New Yea.r to each and every one of them. Gao. W. James John M. James Womeir's University Club Asks Food Conservatfion At a recent meeting of the Women's Univer- sity Club of Oshawa, a resolution favoring food conservat'on in order to give greater assistance to European rccovery met with unanimous ap- proval. The tcrms of the resolution are: "For humanitarian reasons and because-the peace of the world depends upon the speedy re- habilitation of Europe, wc wisb to inform our govcrnm2nt that we are ready to make sacri- fices' to conserve food, so that more may be available for shipment overseas." "We urge that immediate steps be taken fa restrict the use of grains in this country and we ask that the govcrnment give leadership and direction in an 'avoid-waste campaign'." The members feit, that the governmenf bas given no indication that it plans any special measures to meet the situation. With a crop failure in Europe and lesscned grain produc- tion in Canada, the government permits the usual allotmcnt of grain for alcoholie beverages and thaf wastcful practices continue in feeding livestock and in the preparation. and distribu- tion of food in Canada. The club members insist that if is imperative ta help the people of Europe -now and if conser- vation measures are not undertaken we will not have cnough ta spare. This resolution filîs in a gkip in the program of the Canadian Association cf Consumers which lays no stress on conserv- ing food but rather cmphasizes higher standards cf living in Canada. Stoves Cosi Less But Cooking StiliExpensive Furtrnir confusion and inconvenience ta fh public wes occasioned on Mondcy, Dec. 8, whei Finance Minister Abbof f announced anothe change in bis fcniff decrees of Nov. 17. He re movcd the 25 per cent excise fax from stove and beaters, thus making fhem casier ta bu: but confinued the 25 per cent on home refrigera tors, thus making thcm barder ta get. This adds up fa telling housewives fhey cal go ahead and cook with nothing ta put in ti paf save watcr. Homes wenf and need a refrig crator ta preserve meats and vegetables bougi la quantity ta reduce living costs and seve weste Naw the Minister insists that women make dci:, Irips fa markefta h uy smeler quantifiesa higher cosf with shoe leather and tempers fakirI the wcar and fear. Leftovcrs cen be chucked i the gerbage cen. The reasan for this ecanomic crezy-quilt,i any exists, wes not explained by Mr. Abbott Housewives cannat fefhom bis mind or sec an: sense ta if. But the mectless femily arc console( wifh the announcement that they may brusl their feeth regularly since the Minister bas takei the 25 per cent tex off foofh brushes. Thing ike these wili be remembered by women voter et the coming eectian wben fhcy cen use boli feeth and bnusb in a final brushoff. What a Fake is the T.V.A. Canadien Sociaiists are fond of runninr around the world and picking up stories abat how much beffer fhey do fhings under Socielisri in other countnies. They uscd fa tell us of ftusý sic, unfil fhey discovcred thaf it was a misfake for thcm to praise Communism. Communisn is just the same tbing as Socia]ism, but if i nof popular in Canada, therefone there are r( more staries of the becuties of Russie. There used ta be stanies of how the Swedisl Government bcd finenced a hausing prograz, but Sweden bas just anonunccd thaf if cannoi go on with thîs plan any langer. There used ta be stonies about the grea social securîty system in Brifain, but the Britist Govenment la now fccing a crisis becauseo ifs social services ahnd the subsidies ta kcep i cost of living dawn. Canadiens have been told about New Zeal and, but New Zealand is hcving e harder tini reteining British immigrants than is Canada. One of the pet atonies of aur Socialists bas el weys been the Tennessee Valley Aufhority. Buil to aperate some abaxîdoned power plants erect, ed duning the First Great Wan, TVA bas becomt a super-Government in ifs area. The 'areà shared in ali the war boom of the Second Worlc Wer, indeed fer mare than any other area. Socieiists fell us that this bas been a wist investment of Goverament money, and TV. bas shawn thet this is a perfect way in whici the Government cen, with no loss toacnyane step in and meke any part of the country pros. perous. The faccs bowever, are thaf TVA, which ha. ceat $762 million, bhas neyer been run et c profit Despîte protesta ot the General Accountini Office of « the United Steates Government, TVA refuses ta change inferest on Ifs invesfment 0f course it doesanot psy Federci taxatiar either. The inferest saving clone is enougli toex. plain the fake. s NEW SERIES, ARTICLE il This new series of articles bas attempted to get readers to think for themselves on whether federal government policies have led to a prosperous condition across the board in Canada. Facts have been quoted fromn officiai records that clearly show a false prospterity. This view is now sVipported by The Montreal Gazette, Dec. 12, which states in part: INDIAN SUMMER "The worse deception in Canada today. is the belief that we are prosperous. Granted that neyer before were more people employed at higher wages; that factories are producing and selling more than ever and wc seem to be at the peak of unprecedented prosperity. Yet we are living in an Indian summer and some sort of winter cannot bc far behind. But the broader view is the truer view." LIVING ON SAVINGS "How have we been apparently prosperous? The an- swer is we have done it by not really paying our way, nor really balancing our books, nor getting along in the soundway of busin.ess. We have been living not upon our earninigs but updn aur savings, and what is even more artificial, upon our boans."1 The Gazette, like this series, simply ittempts Jo get people to sec the whole- picture in its truc light. TEST THE PAY CHECK Now having shown in previaus, articles that farmers, factory workers, white coliar employees, pensioners, business, indeed the whole people are in a less favorable position to save and maintain former,-living standards, it will be generally ad- mittcd save in government circles. A simple test is to take the week's wage cêeck and Elnd what it will buy today. That will measure personal prosperity. BILLION DOLLAR COMPLEX Now let us get the broad picture on a national scale. The government's Billion Dollar complex bas run away with its judgment and bas led the publie into its own state of confusion. Naw, belatedly, in an attempt to recover some semblance cf sanlty, Mr. King and bis ministers bring in a bill placing Can- adians under a control neyer before experienced in peacetime. GIFTS AND LOANS Having gîven Britain boans and gifts of more than S 'A Billions to support buying our food products under signed, long- tcrm contracts, the govcrnment permitted buying in the U.S.A. until we went in the hole another Billion and ran short of dol- lars. Then vie clamped down by government decree and started borrowlng. A loan of 300 Million was followcd by an attempt to get mare. It was declined. BILLION HIDDEN TAXES At the same time the govcrnment, this- year, collccted one billion, one hundred Million in hiddcn taxes fromn Canadians aside from income tax, and in November the Minister cf Finance added a ncw excite tax of 25 per cent on many home necessities. While ail this, was going on the Minister boasted that the current surplus would run to some 600 Million dollars. INDUSTRY AND FARMERS But out of ail this muddle, the government compelled farmers to iose over $300,000,000 on food shipped to Britain while cbosing outside markets. At'the same time Canadian private enterprise on its own, plowed back into plant and equip- ment, thîs year, over one Billion, 800 Million dollars to keep em- ployment and production at a higb level. If would be well just to study ail this. COURTICE To the edifors, staff, corresp( dents and readers of The Ccnad. he Stafesman, a merry, merry Chri en mas and a bright, prasperous N er Yeer. ýe Services on Sundcy were cc es ducted by Rcv. F. Yardbey, v was essisfed by members of1 'iY chair and the theme througho s- "Christmas." Music was contr ufed by choir, and the quartel Murray and George Osborne,: an mer Down and Bibi Rundlc, favi he ed with a number. Sundey Schi g- wes as usuai with the exchange ht gifts by teachers and cbass me bers. Sorry ta have nat menti( e. cd Sunday was elso observed Ly White Gift Service. at Mr. and Mrs. Alex Russela ig femily, Ajax, wifh Gardona in Mrs. Trevail. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heg man, Misses Meda and Ina Li if Oshawa, with Blake and Mrs. 0' t. previaus ta their going ta M( ly treal for boiideys. d No. 4 Mission Band held fth sh Christmas concert in the scbc hRepairs are finished -and the roi hf ad a real Christmas decorati gs for their meet!ing. Twenfy-1 rs visitors wene in affendence. Qu h music played by Gwen Osboi opencd the devotional period w~ the theme "The Bible" and1 "Ccli ta Wanship" was given ail Band members. Chnistr Canai was sung and prayer fcrcd by Gwcn Osborne who a told the Christmas sfany. Lor g Prayer was repeated, offering ken and dedicated. Program v uf then prescntcd: Play by the Bei in sfory by Gwen Osborne, and1 s- W.M.S. president, Mrs. A. J. Oi e gave an intcrcsfing talk.- Muai number by the Band closedi m i-ieeting. Lovely refreabne: is were scrved Pn a social time s»e o0 No. 4 S.S. Report Chnistmas schooi report, No. teacher, Miss Arnold: Namesi 3h in alphabetical onder: 1 -, Grade 8: Raymond Osbor Helen Roka, Immc Roka, An ot Senka, Lily Senko. Grade 7: Ronald Osborne, Jo af Veenoif. h Grade 6: Joseph Chrisfi,. mona Christi, Lloyd Covcnly,1 of dolph Raka, Elcine Senko, TI e Veenoff. Grade 5: Milton Arnold. .. Grades 4 and 5: Jayeffe Gecgi Grade 3: Deibent Grills, Dei îe Warburton. Grade 2: Marion Grills. î.Grade 1: Elsie Down, BilIy1 i ka. The Christmas Scbool Conc atc No. 4 wes held on Friday ni, e and with Chas. Osborne as cha e man, everytbing went off fi: Id Rcv. F. Yardley gave a few marks!1 Opened wifh "Welcor given by Marion and Dcli: e Grills, Elsie Down and Bilby1 A ka; chorus, "Christ mas Con ýh Again;" necifafion, BilIy Rol chorus, the Juniors: "Wben C e. Gnandma Cames;" recifati - Thea Veenoff; chorus, "The A mals in the Zoo;" play, 'IRead as the News;" duet, "Dally's Scee Time," Elsie Down and Meri t. Grills; recifation,. Marion Gni' g chorus, "Christ the Lord is Risci A. choral reading, Christmas Snc feu:; piano solo, Lloyd Caver t. Junior chorus, Baby Jesus; reci n tien, Ebaine Seriko; chorus, See Time; recitation, Delbert Gril rhythmn band, Mistresa Mary; Ixercise, A Secret; quartet, "G f (-jwi'ala u.a" Çanlrn Tr -41W p I ~ --~9~de Roka, Ronald and Raymond Os- borne; drill; The Strike in-Santa Claus Land; play, Tom Stockings; Santa up ta date. Naw the huph and in cames Santa who, with helpers, soon gave ouf the many gifts from the lovely Christ mas tree. Pretty decorations made a real Christmas setting. Woman's Association of the Highway met Wednesday affer- noon, at the home of Mrs. Eddie Warburton wifh 23 ladies and two children in attendance. President, Mrs. Johnston opened the meeting with the singing of several Christ- mas carols, with Mrs. Bob Barber as pianist. Mrs. Harry McLean offered proyer and Mrs. Warbur- ME R RY C HRI ST MÂAS Wc deeply appreciate every opportunity we have had ta serve you. ELLIOTT'S Variety House 65 KING STREET EAST ww, Al If bas bi te serve wiIl stni effort to 4uance ol cge. Poole' been -ive me )fy I s Best 1Wishes for a Merry Chrisimas ia pnivilege 'ou and we with every rit a confia- jaur patron- Dakory 53 King St. B. iI ( r' ton read a lavely Christmas mes- sage. Secretary reported and ai- so read xnany tbank you cards. Treasurer gave a most satisfactory report. Annual Christmas party wlll be held, Dec. 30, Mr. Pen- berthy, Cobourg, is te be sent a magazine. Mrs. Barrabal was asked ta preside for election of these officers: President, Mrs. Joe McKenzie; lst vice, Mrs. Robert Barber; secretary, Mrs. Cecil Ad- ams (acci.); treasurer, Mrs. H. Scorgie; asst. secretary, Mrs. C. Simmons; pianist, Mrs. Clarence Penfound; asst. pianisf, Mrs. De Coe; fiower committee, Mrs. An- tii and Mrs. Warburton; quilt com- mitfee, fIrs. Choate, Mrs. Eanl McLean, Mrs. Fred Balson; buying committee, Mrs. Gearing, Mrs. Geo. Barber and Mrs. E. McLean. Mrs. Johnaton, the retiring presi- dent, tbanked ail for splendid ca- operation during ber term of office. Mrs. Barrabal voiced the appreciatian of the ladies ta Mrs. Jobnstan for a job well donc. Re- freshments were served after whicb a sale was held of the dif- ferent articles left from the ba- zaar and buying was quite brisk. The ladies' Christmas party will be heid on Tuesday, Dec. 3th, i the new churcb, and wihl be a pot luck supper et 6:30 and each is ta, bring along a giff, which will be distribufcd later, ao provide your awn plate. cup, etc. On Sunday, January 4th the ap- eing will be held of the ncw churcb witb a former pastoe, Rcv. H. C. Linstcad as guest speaker. On Friday, Jan. 16 the ladies wil serve a bot supper ta which you arc ail invited, speakers and pro- gram wiil be among the intercst- ing items, so keep this date open. A goadly number gafhered at thc H. F. Osborne home and ten- dered a charivari which could be naisy ta Harold and Mrs. Osborne. A fine time was enjoyed. Several young people enjoyed a skating parfy at Muir's pond, and later wcrc entertained at the home of Paul and Mrs. Antil. Many will be interested ta rcad this "Rabbits Make Good" as the owner is an aid Bowmanvillc boy, Ernie Rundie and wbo now re- sides just narth of the Kingsway garage on the bigbway. Starting as a hobby about three years aga with a trio in a pen 4'x6' and now the dimnensions are 12'x36' with untoid rabbits. Asked why he quit raising White Wyandotte chiekens here is the answer. Ask- cd what he wanted for Christmas by bis daughter, he said af fer, other items had been mentioned, rabbits if I could. decide on the brced. Decision was made, and Flemish Giants wcre presented to him. At the end of first year, out of 50 be picked ouf five he thoughf alI o.k. However affer contact- ing a friend who was well versed in this business, he only saicd one was any good. Ernie then had A buck imported from the States ang which was really flot up to the, mark. Two years inter, first prize doc at Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Two firsts and two seconds out o! an entry of fiG t London, Ont., fair. Perse"metuce counts. Good luck Ernie. E'ie wouid -be glad to welcome yu at his home on Saturdays and show you his pens or answer any questions pertata- ing ta rabbits. T HE SEASON'S HEARTIEST CO' OUR WISHES FOR YOUR HEALTE,1 HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY ARE UNLIMITED. MAY YOU HAVE AN EXTRA SHARE 0F ALL THINGýQ GOOD THIS COMING YEAR, ELNHURST HOTEL NEWCASTLE r 7 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND À JOYFUL We pause ta extend 'our sincerest good wishes durlng the holiday season to ail our many friends., If is always a pleasure to serve you. i We will be closcd cli day Thursday, Fniday, and Seturday, December 25. 26, and 27. Open for business again 8:30 Monday, December 29. COUCH, JOHNSTGN & CRYDERNAN I -'I v I We - pause to wlsh our mnany friendsanad custorn- ers a Merry Christmas a Happy New Year. E s tel11e DEAUTY SALON Mr. and Mms H. Bickle N 4; i i 4.~44 TkiE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAJRIO ' PAGE TWO 1 ý jr, ý - ý -%ý . , , ý IIMMDAT, DEC. 25th, le«, ~ALL ad 1 âÈ,

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