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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1947, p. 4

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r. - UAI!V I'IWTD THXE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TEU SDAY, MeC. 2iStb ? HAMPTON )7he Sunday evening service at sliurch was a very fitting one to the Christmas season, and was ex- ceédingly well attended. The choir axid minister in their ncw gowns pi'sent a front of beautiful uni- fotmity. The choir in procession- al. carol up the aisles took their places with dignity and led the cângregatiofl in several extra car- olhymns which were sung with ir&piration and enjoyment. The extra hymns of well known kind cduld be a help ta any service. 7'#e choir sang twa anthems quite adceptably and the organ vo1uin- taries were fitting and spiendidly dane. The sermon was indeed stirring and helpful to ail and was preached by Qur own minister, Rev. E. S. Linstead. Good con- gregations are regularly deserved. Proc1ai cd ceutred arouud thc months cf HAYDONthe year. The children portray- _______ed by sang or stary the highlights Your correspondent wishes the of each month. JoUy old Santa staff and patrons of thc Canadian arrivcd and distributed the gît ts Statesman a very Merry Xmas and fram a wcil ladened tree. Just a Happy and Prasperous New before he left Sauta drew the luc- Year. ky wiuner for the turkey, who was Mrs. W. Martin receivcd word Mrs. Frank Jamieson, Bowmau- of the passîng ef ber brother-mn- ville. A vote of thanks is tender- laRySerHmitncd Mr-. and Mrs. David Malcolm law, oy SarsHamiton. who donated an excellent 23.1lb. Mr. David Malcolm has been turkey for the draw. very busy thîs past wcek getting RvA .Ceselgv his flock of turkeya ready for mar- e.AE.Cswl gv a ket. Thcy were excellent brds, splendid sermon Sunday afternoon a real credit ta any turkey raiser. on "The Xmas House.'" The choir Miss Vivian Cowling uuderwcnt was in attendance. Mrs. Sidney an operation in Bowmanville Hos- Trewin sent a beautiful bouquet pital on Tuesday for appendicitis. et 'muma for the service. The Xmas Tree Concert was Mrs. Chas. Garrard with recla- held on Thursday evening. Much tiv'es in Oshawa. credit is due aur teacher, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and June Anderson and the pupils for family, Taronto, at Mr-. H. Ash- the splendid concert thcy produc- ton's. Mrs, Elmer Hawcs, Whit'by, Rcv. A. E. Crcsswell, Tyrone, at Mr. W. Trewin 'a. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garrard, Enniskillen, at Mr-. C. Garrard's. Miss Meta Degeer, Bowmanviile, m ationis holidaying with her mother, Mrs. E. 'Degeer. in a t Mr. and, Mrs. A. Beech décomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn te Mr. Walter Carr's, Ced- -- - -rington. I hereby requesi ail cifizens of the Village of Newcastle to observe BOXING DAY FRIDAYI DECENDER 26, 1947 as a holiday'and bo govern lhemselves ac- cordingly. I GEORGE WALTON, Reeve Village of Newcastle. GOD SAVE THE KING I. Christmas Cheer WISHING YOU THE MERRIEST 0F MERRY CHRISTMASES AND ALL THE BEST IN '48 Nurphy's Furniture and. Appliauces milI OBITUARY MRS. LESLIE C. THOMPSON Trhe sudden passing of Mrs. Les- lie C. Thompson at the family home in the Tyrane district came as an everwheiming shock ta the family circie and indeed ta the cuti-e community. Apparentiy in good heaith, Mrs. Thompson pass- ed away quictiy Monday evening, Dec. 15, at the age a! 63. Only daughter o! Donald Paton Yellowiees and his wife Susannah Francis, Lillian Maud Yeliowlees was bei-n on the oid homestead west af Bowmanville, on the Tabb farm, later known as the Barton farm. On completing her educa- tien in Providence and Salem schools she studied the art o! dressmaking with the Dingmau Sisters, Bowmanvilie, and much o! her time throughout lîfe was de-ý voted ta doing for others less gift- ed in the surraunding country, among whem she will lic sadly mlssed. Beloved by evcryone who knew her she attracted frieuds by the grace et her personaiity and the sincere wish te be o! service te others. A member o! Tyrone Uni- ted Church wbich she served so faithfuliy, she aise found time for valued work in the Red Cross and as a group leader in the Women's Institute. Devotcd te ber tamily and te ail worthy endeavors she was an outstanding mother and fine citizen wbo wished no pi-aise or publicity for ber splendid work in the community. Martied on April 6, 1910, to Les- lie C. Thompson, tbey lived hap- puly in their Tyrone home for the past 37 years. With her husband there remain te mouru ber pas§- ing, three. sons, thrce daughters and eight grandchiidren: Francis in Bewmanvilie, Donald at Cour- tice, Art4ur at home, aud Mrs. Stanley Hodgson (Alice); Mrs. Gco. W. Graham (Susie), and Mrs. H. Rk.Moses (Marie), ail "of 1ow- manville, together with their chil- dren. Oue daughter, Eleanor, pas&- ed away in 1926 and oue son, Nor- man was killed on active service in 1944. Aiso surviving are thi-ce broth- crs, Normian Yellowlees o! Hamp- ton, John at Solina aud Donald at Columbus. A dreat number cf friends joined the family in mour- ning at the funerai which waa, held trom th.e family resideuce on Dec. 18. Officiating in the services, her pastor, Rev. A. E. Creaswell, spoke feelingly et the great ser- vices reudered- by the deceased and gave comfortiug words ta thc surviving famiiy. 4 great weaith of floral remcm- brances werc borne te the grave- side in- Betheada Cemetery by, ncphcws and neighbors. Wreaths came trom Tyrone United Church, Tyrene Young People's Leagua, The Neighbors, -St. Paul's Young People, Bewmanville, the Orange Lodge, Long Sault, the Canadian Order et Foresters, Loyal Orange Lodge 2384, tic Goodyear Recrea- tien Club, the Geodyear Tire and Rubber Co., T)epts. 260, 262, 270A and 274, thc publishers and staff, Canadian Statesman, M ur i el Dunn's Euchre Club, and a great number from other friends and relatives. The bearers werc famiiy ncigh- bers, Tom Barr, Leslie Brooks, Len Bradley, Clinten Bigelow, Milton Virtue and Luther Good- man. CH R IST MAÀS GREETINGS A toast to our many friends for the bapplest cf holidays. PA LMER "S Barber Shop thec church heie, for the iast twe Sundays aur minister bas given ua a very camprehensive and in- tcresting study of thc conditions af cf thc worid before Christ came, why Ile camne, and purpase of 1His werk. Iu deaiin.g with thc subjcct he gave us -the background of pro- pbccy in relation to Christ, and he conciuded bis remai-ks last Sianday by seying that aithough Christmas time was a loely tinte te receive and give cards and greetings, gifts, etc., yet in reallty Christ did net corne ta get us ta do these things but came and gave His life that wc might be savcd from oui- sins. He remindcd us that for 300 years af- ter Christ was born, ne one celc- brated His biAhdày. Not until we began ta study His lite, teachings, miracles, heelings, personality, did we become anxious to celebrate His birthday. He also sounded a bit cf goad advicc, that perhaps we might celebrate the birthday of Christmas and pass the whale day, in grcctings, eating and drinking, social intercourse, with- out even having aur guest there at aIl. He even wcnt so far as to say he belleved that many homes, wouid celebrate without even ask- ing God to bless the food that day. The minister la afraid that with a glorified Santa Claus, tinsel, pi-es- enta, and feasting, aur children may without aur direction, neyer . ... ... NOT JUST A WISH FOR CHRISTMAS BUT A WISH FOR EACH DAY 0F THE YEAR AND NEVER WERE GREETINGS MORE HEARTY OR WISHES MORE TRUE AND SINCERE CHARTRAN'S MEN'S WEAR BO0WM AN V 14LLE be braught to realixe that Christ- mon mnd Heerd zend.r.d two ias -~mas means, or ahauid mcmn Salva- numbers. tion to our souIa, fot just amuse- In front of the pulpit waa a Iargè ment ta our bodites. basket of beautiful flowers, plaoel 1During the service a maie quar- there in memory of the late Mr. tette, Messrs. Wearn, Wright, SI.- Sidney Trewin. by bis family. SEASONS1 IGREETINGS Our sincerest thanks fori Dowmanville yeut rieis arD Auto Paris KEN CAVERLY, Proprietor /1fx M d/ya ;rRAD41/T/dO On this happyliay We're wishing you Mhe* happieae Xmas You ever knew.. We would like te take this opport+4ity to thankc customers for their patronage due\ng the sunir and aise te remind them we are agýin available1 any repai- work you require fixing , . DAVE BOTHWELL eP SoUS ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bull and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gatcheil and family, Osh- awa, with Mr. Tom Abbott. Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. Oswald Pethick, Toroto, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton with Mr. and Mrs. Willian Bragg, Providence. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Annis. Mr. and Mrs. ClifforIl Pethick i at Mr. Jack Pott's, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. C. Milis, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Weaving, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Graham, Donna and Marguerite, Ajax, vis- itcd his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and family at Mr. Walter Carr's, Cod- rington. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry with Mr. and Mra. A. L. Bailcy, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milis and family with Mr. and Mrs Cecil Milis, Maple Grove. Master Grant Werry with Mas- ter Clarence Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, Port Per- ry. A suprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ash- ton for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. The guests Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and the bride and groom of 35 years sat down to a bountiful fowl din- ner, prepared by Mrs. Ashton. Af- ter which to Mr. and Mrs. Okc's surprise, they werc presented with a lovely case of silverware to which the bride and groom re- plied very fittingly thanking one and ail. 1 Mrs. Florence Caughiil, Burke- ton, is holidaying with Mrs. E. Stutt. Messrs. Clarence, George and Bert Colenutt, Essex with Mrs. Sidney Trewin and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin at- tended the funcral of her -great uncle, Mr. J. Steele, Port Perry, oni Friday. Miss Margaret Seymour, having finished her intcrnship at aur La- dy o! Mercy Hospital in Toronto, is spending a couple ot weeks with her parents 'before taking up her work in Whitby whcre she has been apponited on staff at the On- tario Hospital. W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Wearn on Dec. 9, with at- tendance of 14. Meeting apened with prayer by Mrs. J. A. Wcrry. Roll caîl was answercd by Christ- mas verses. Mrs. A. Wearn's antd Mrs. Seymour's groups were in charge of program: organ instru- mental by Mrs. Milton Stainton and a very interesting chapter on the study book was abiy given by Mrs. Seymour. Lunch was servcd by the group in charge. The annual Christimas Concert was held in the Comxnunity Hall on Thursday, Dec. 18. An excel- lent programn was given, prepared by.the teachera of our school, Mrs. Waiker and Miss Van Camp. The pupils had learned their parts ve- ry well and ail showed much tal- ent. The chaîrman, Rev. Sey- mour moved a vote of thanka ta the teachers, parents, scholars and caretaker Pye and ail others who had helped to make the evening such a success. Atter rcceivlng presents at the hand cf dear aid Santa Claus, ail returned home feeling that it was an evening weli speUt. During the worship service In Our nmer for PHONE 9688 S~woea Roy W. COURTICE Nil DEALER FOR qIEVROLET. PONTIAC, OLD! AND CADILLA C CARS, CHEVROLET AND ro OUR FAITHFUL OLD 9R SAN'D OUR CHERISHED NEW 0ONES WE END SINCERE CHRISTMAS' GREETINGS A AN ABUND- ANCE 0F GOOD WISHES P TH E COMING YZAR. chois SYMOBULE, IRUICK G.M.C. TRUCKS T A 11 ~~b.I< - 4 i ,'"1 rAtrzi ýq 1 I"I"VAL.IAL. r ý- mà.m À R.K. 3. BOW1WANVELLE

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