-j SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL THE PEOPLE 0F DURHAM COUNTY MAY I EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS. AND AS YOUR MEMBER AT OTTAWA I SHALL DO MY PART TO MAKE 1948 AS PROSPEROUS AS POSSIBLE FOR EVERYONE. F RO0m CHi GR' HAPPY NEW RISTMAS EETINGS' and a YEAR jq A~t ~? ~1eqqYIOIDM U~WIAf7TT.~ WPÂTflTRURSDAY, DEC. 25th,1947,', 1AGEZSBut THEf.CAADIA14 S.ti.Fi . M N Truiniag Scimol Party (Contlnued from Page One) the administrative and teeching staff. Fine Banquet The entire essembly of guests, student bd and staff enjoyed thc splendid anqûet served li the school dlning hall et 6:30 p.m. Christmas decorations made by thc boys adorned the walls and after singinig grece a staff a! stu- dents servedi the dinner. Carols wero sung and later the guests made e tour aof the veniaus build- ings including the dormitories, al spotless and in grand order. Main Program Assembled in the school audi- torium for the grand program o! thc evening, Mr. Eastaugh intro- duced the eight spociel offerings ~,by calling an the School Bugle Band for ,thefr tattoo. With bu- gles and drumns the 30 members really went ta town, circling the hall in step and with remarkable harmony, led by a diminutive dld harmony. The 5 "Merry Men" Drum Major. The guests got a real insight into how real ability was developed arfiong the stud- ents. Community singing was led by Stanley Rickard, Assistant Super" intendent and youthful valces took the pleasing high notes in spien- which turned out to be 6 offered a panel of sangs and solos. They were students with a fine ear for music and the introduction was a recitation by young Ronald Mc- Cann, "The Night Before Christ- mas." They ail got a big hand. Excellent Music The school music teacher, Mr. French, nimbly p!aying the piano then led the boys in their indivi- dual house sangs, well worded and weIl composed, which was a de- lightful competition li vîrtue and acclaim. Other student body songs were "Blue and Gold," the achool colors, and flnally the B.T.S. sang, & the rallying, arm-in-arm challenge c just as emphatlc as any college a sang.E Then the staff male singera, 30C strong, rendered populans and 1 hymns under the baton o! Mr. ti Rickard. They had practised at J odd moments etter weekdey mealsb end eppeaned for the first time be-r fo re the students. If they antici- J pated the "Bronx" they wero soon( persuaded otherwise for tho boysa eppleuded evon mare vigorouslys than the ather members o! the au-1 dience. The Terry AwardJ Next came the Terry Awerd,5 which is the annuel gift o! Ho- tenian Bert Terry, Toronto, ta thec boy of eaçh house who is votedt the neatest and manliost for thec yoar. In the absence o! Mr. Ter- ry who wes uneble to be present1 due to an accident, Major Virgin1 made the presentation. The win-i ning boys wore K. Murphy, R.1 Gardon, G. Howard and F. Rollins,' but the latter was unfortunately« absent. The others beamed their1 thanks and pleasuro as Major Vir-j gin shook eech by the hand as ho extended the gifts. In e short eddress Major Virgin told of the great work accomplish- ed et the Boys' Training Schools. Ho told of visitars from al ecross Canada and even abroad, who, alter visiting the schools hed writton back thein opinions thet no schools o! like character and purpose throughout the whole world cauld equal those et Bow- manville and Gaît, Ontario. His great inspirational message om- bodied thanks ta the Rotary Clubs for their splendid, continuing in- tenest end special praise ta the school staff who now had the schoal rolling in hig-h goar. Ho conveyed his hope that. Mn. Terry would have e repid recavery. Grand Finale Number 7 on the pnogrem wes community singing from a sang shoot o! Christmas carols again led by Mr. Rickerd. Mrs. East- eugh won applause for instructor M. -McHugh and hîs art students who creatod the usually attrac- tive docorations in the hall whon ho tald o! the great pains they had taken ta provide them. Fineliy came the grand finale o! the occasion. To the music of "lJingle Bouls" down the main eale came Santa Claus in ail his familier costume and beard. Ho hed e big red balloon ta which was attechod an air pump and as ho proceeded ta the gient Christ- mas tre ho had~ many boys try ta pump up the balloon tili it burst. Finally it was set froe and soared abave the yaung herids which punched it higher et each descent. Good Old Santa Sente who had ail the fecility o! repartoe o!, e Rotanien named Campbell o! Toronto was complet-i ely swamped with his load o! gifts and had ta caîl on J. J. Brown, field director o! the school, who helped disti bute the percols, Aiîd whet gifts! ! And what joyous revelry 1 ! In conclusion Mn. Eas- teugh askcd the boys ta give some expression o! thein thanks ta the visiting Rotarians. Thon pende- monium nigned fan minutes with cheers, whistles and shouted their thanks that reised the roof. Thon all the boys shook hands with the neanest Ratanian. This almost concludes the story o! a grand occasion. It is told ail too much bore! t of the senti- ment thet penvaded the auditor- ium. But the deepest and most abiding pictune o! the wholo eve- ning was the presence o! two lit- tle boys eged about 9 years who hed just been admitted ta the school. They wone being outfitted ta go an ta the Geit school for junior boys. They too got pros- ents just like the olden boys. Homelessaet a tender age and nover having hed a reel Christ- mas, thein toars o! joy bI.ought teers ta the eyes o! the guests wha gethened about. School Rooms Just beforo the assembly fan the progrem Mn. Eestaugh showed se- verel guests thnough the art noomn o! the school. Here were !ound amazin.g exhibits of the hendi- cne!ts o! the students. And across the hall the pimary grade teach- or, Mrs. Densem, showed even more bandsome and useful articles made an hand-100ms as well.as a store furnished with groconios iwhero students learned the prac- ORONO NEWS Orona L.O.L. No. 49 held its in- stallation ceremonies for 1948 affi- cers on Dec. 15. The following are the officers: W.M., J. D. Brown; D.M., J. Lyell Lowery; Chap., J. H. Walsh; rec.-secy., R. R~. Waddell; fin.-secy., N. F. Por- ter; treas., W. J. Riddell; Marshall, E. J. Hamm; lecturer, (lst) G. R. MIorton; (2nd) R. M. Stutt; Com- rnittees, (lst) N. F. Porter; (2nd) E. J. Hamm; (3rd) W. E. Davey; (4th) H. W. Murray; (5th> J. Ly- aii Lowery; Tyler, C. W. Allin; sentinel, H. W. Murray; auditors, W. E. Davey and E. J. Hamm. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Arnatt on the arrivai o! a son in Bowmenville Hospital. Mr. Edgar Middleton is now drlving the bus between Newcas- tlie and Pontypool for the Colla- cutt Coach Linos. Orono Odd!ellows Lodge et the Decemben meeting made presenta- tions ta two o! thein newly wed mneinbers, Bro. Jack Bairstow and Bna. Lenoy Brown. Ena. Gardon Watson, P.G., read the eddress and Bra. Harry Devey, P.G., and Ena. Gibson, P.G., presented. the guests o! honor with an end table ahid electric dlock and o!!ered thein congratulations and best wishes. Orono Continuation School put on their annuel Christmas dance ia the Town Hall Fridey evening, when the pupils wene hasts ta meny of the ex-pupils and other fniends. A very large crowd was in attendance and enjoyed danc- ing to Bernard Tiernay's Orches- tra from Oshawa. The pupils served lunch in the basement o! thc hall. Women's Christian Temperence Union hold its Christmas meeting in the United Church Schooi room on Dec. 16. Mrs. Doive conducted a Christmas wonship service which included a much enjayod solo by Miss Stella Best. Duning the meet- ing, Mr. C. J. Hughson, who had recently passe.d awey, was feel- ingly nemembened. Mrê. F. Jack- son played several Christmas cen- ols on ber accondion and also en- tentained with a humonous nead- ing, "The Christmas Chicken." The clip shoots on the subject, Col. Wm. Farrell, 37-16th St., New Toronto, in renewing his sub- scription, writes: Dear George:- Just a line to wish you and Mrs. James a Merry Christmas, also your staff. I trust you may be spared for many years to corne in the good work you are trying to do to enlighten the public. Mrs. Farreli and myseif are fairly well at our ages of 80 years next July, if we live that long. We will be mnarried 57 years on the last day of this year. I get Mrs. Farrell up every d-ay in her wheei chair at noon. She has not stood on her feet for over three years. I have only been away fromn house 15 hours in the past year. Mrs. Far- rell and« myself wish to be remem- bered to ail friends in Bowman- ville and surrounding district, Wishing ail a Happy New Year. tical means of making change, computing accounts and really learning buàiness. Visitors should ask to see these rooms when they cali et the school. An so at the close of the evening, back to Toronto motored the dele- gation of Rotarians who saw ai first hand what values they and their colleagues hed brought tc the lives of homeiess young boys Back through the chili of a win. ter's night they went with warr heerts for they had taken part ir one of the finest services men car render youth. They were richl> rewarded end will not soon for- got: v I I Christmas Thanks The thanks of the whole scho& and this entire community are ex- tended ta tho Toronto Rotary Clut for what it has don-e at this Christ. mas season. Particular thanks gc to the committee of 30 Tarontc Roterians who assembled and pac. kaged the gifts and brought thern aiong for each inctividual boy anc the ladies o! the staff. The occasion was of particulai interest to Rotarian Harold GuII3 who was born on the very fern on which the Bowmanville Boys Training School now stands. Hi was specially charged with con veyîng in behaîf of the schooi an< this whole community, "Merri Christmas and a Happy New Yea: to the Rotary Club of Toronto. 0 n n n Lr 1 Mr. aad Mrs. Jack Reid on Sun- weu xnown ~nristmas caro.s. ine rravinciai ~oy ~cw&~ '~wums-. 1 . "Why do we need the W.C.T.U.," were studied. Heather Rebekah Lodge Degree team were guests of Port Hope L.odge Thursday evenlng and put on degree work. Prof. C. B. Sissons was gucat o! honor et a dinner party at the Un- iversity Club, Toronto, an Monday evenlng, given by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clarke. Guests lncluded Mns. Sissons, president and Mrs. Sidney Smith, president and Mrs. Walter Brown and many others. Clarke Township Council held its final session for 1947 on Dec. 15, to, wind up the year's business. Orono rlnk wes opened for skat- ing on Saturday and the young people will be able ta enjoy their vacation ta the full. Another matter of interest-The Orono Athletic Association has engaged Miss Hemnbly to teach professional and figure skating for the winter. She will give lessons on Orono ice commencing next week. Anyone wishing to join the class should contact the above Association. That's ail for the moment. Christmas services in the Uni- ted Church on Sunday were in keeping with the season. The morning service led by the pastor, Rev. A. E. Eustace, wes a special service of sang and praise, and included a number of Christmas cerols and two beautiful anthems by the full choir, with solo part in one, taken by Mr. Eustace and solos by Mr. R. E. Logan (0 Holy Night) and Mrs. A. A. Drummond (And There were Shepherds). In the afternoan a large crowd gathered again ta participate. in the Christmas service o! the Sun- day School under the capable di- rection o! the superintendent, Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Eech class of the School had been well trained by their teachers in preparetior for the service, the children taking their parts exceptionally well. The highlight o! the service was a portrayal of the story a! "The Shepherd who Didn't go" acted by the girls of Miss E. Sherwin's class, ail in suitable costume. The Lynch brothers pleyed Christmasc carols on their horns and the whole congregation participated in the singing of carols with Ar lene Boyd at the piano. The evening service was canduc- ted by Mr. J. J. Mellor in the ab- sence ci the pastor who was ill] and a hristmas message given The chair rendered two very finE anthems under the direction ol Mrs. Wm. Lynch, who bas been assisting during the enforced ab- sence of Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe havi moved into their new home ai >the north end of the village. Visitons: Mrs. C. Beirstow, Norman anc William, Leskard, with Mr. anc Mrs. Harold Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Muin, Tor- onto, with Mrs. Isobel Muir and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Glenville. Mr. and Mrs. Gord-on Simpson rToronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hon. rry Cornish. e Miss Vijola Gilfillan, Taranto 5with her mother, Mns. J. J. Gilfil- i an, who has been ilI. Mn. Ivan McKenzie, Oshawa with Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKen- Mie. Misses Marjorie McLaren ani Anna Staples, Toronto University at their homos for Christmas veca. tion. y Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto dwith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings y Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Seuit Ste Manie, with their son, Wm. Lynch Mrs. Lynch and family. Miss Ruth Elford. Toronto, witl LtMr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. d Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid witl -u I s - - slnging was led by Mr. Norman [Lindlsay of the Communlty Pro- gram Branch o! the Dept. o! Ed- ucation, Toronto, who was assis- ted by Miss E. Follett at the piano and Mrs. Reta Dudley at the or- gathergVanwith a vr eathfe gatn. Mrs. Va Dre favore the solo. aloners from acrasa Canada, .01. their assistants wlll attend a »«.- il training course in Ottawa frothi April 17 to 19, 1948, It la announoé-, ed by Maj.-Gen. D). C. SprY, C4 B.E., D.S.O., lef Executive Corn- missioner ~ Dominion Scout liaduatel$Otn day. Miss Jean Forrester, Ingersoil, with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Forrester. Miss A. Basnett and Miss F. Gray o! the O.C.S. staff at their homes in Toronto. Orono Wômen's Institute met Dec. 19 with meeting in charge o! Mrs. J. Richardson, convener o! the Home Economics and her com- mittee. It wes truly a Christmas meeting with program, decorations and refreshments, in keeping with the Yuletide season. Mrs. Bob Keeno spoke an "Christmas in England"l and It was indeed In- teresting to compare aur festivities with theirs. Although there is littie difference in the treditional Xmas dinner ,in Erigland caroling and Boxing Day are two main Meatures o! the seasan. Mrs. Gib- son gave a delightful Xmes reed- ing followed by a carol by Eileen and Carolyn Jones. Miss Lucille Lynch elso gave a Christmas reci- tation. Mrs. J. Richardson thon demonstrated icing a Christmas cake. Following the demonstra- tion, the members viewed the var- ious Xmas table decorations on displey and refreshments were served. Fallowing a lovely cup of tee, chinese chews and Christmas cake it was a lovely treat to have home made candy. .- Short' - MATINEE FRIDAY DECEMBER 26 AT 2 P.N. SATURDAY, DECENDER 27th COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS TEEN TOWN Unden the leaership o! Uic newly-eiected executive the Teen Town "Holly Hop" on Saturday night was e huge success. The gaily deconated hall and cheery Christmas ýrees seemed ta givo evenybody the holiday spirit. The most noticable difference was the picket fonce carrai in which 'Mae- stro" Ross, Jackman pleyed his records. This eliminated the crowd backstage et the record player. Evonyone enjoyed the convenience and senity o! tho new snack ber, and more improve- monts such as these are promised for the near future. There wero many novel dences with pnizos gelore. Glen Hodgson furaished some very enjoyeble "boogie-woo- gie" during the intermission. More fun and more pnizes are promised for the next dance an Jan. 10. Be sure you came. COMMUNITY SONG SERVICE The monthly sang service spon- sored by the Community Council was heid in St. Peul's Church on Sundey evening. The largo ga- thering, which fiiled the churcb, thoroughly enjoyed singing the A Chrisimas Gift To Yourself Membershlp In the Sky Loft SKI CLUB, DAGMAR Ontarnls Newest Ski Resont Two ski tows now in apor- etion. Ski Lodgc with aven- night accommodation. Meals, Snack Bar. Sleigh transpor- tation !nom station. For inframation: Phone evenlngs, Claremont 21 R 12, or write: Sky Loft, R.R. Na. 4, Uxbnldge, Ont. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY THE ALPHA PHOTO STUDIO NEW YEAR We would like ta take this opportunitý rta thank aur friends and custamers for thein pa- tronage. GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY Mon. - Tues. - Wed., M IN CINECOLOR Two Shows in One! A Real Treai! DEC. 29 -30 .31 - ------ ----- -- -- ---------------- ------- -- --m:- --- - stop s ai CHRISTMAS TIME AND AS WE STOP IN THE MIDST 0F THE SEASON 0F GOOD CHEER OUR HEARTS GROW TENDER AS WE ARE CARRIED BACK IN THOUGHT TO THE REALITY 0F CHRISTMAS DAY, AND WHAT IT MEANS. IN SINCERITY, WE GREET YOU AND WISH YOU A DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAY SEASON. Merry Christmas to Al Me rr y Christmas!I Our holiday wish for you is that the joyous light of Christmas will continue to ggladden your hoart thraugh- out the year. W. . J.ERRY'S and toa ai the best of Health, HaPPinesa, and Prosperity WEDER'S FADRIC CENTRE 10 KING STREET EABT, BOWMANVILLE I - BOWMANVILLE FOX LATE NEWS- CAItTOON - SHORTS NEW YEAR'S EVE MID-NITE SHOW! Tickets Now on Sale ai our Box Ojfice Make sure and gel yours early! GEORGE FORMBY #GEORGE ON CIVTY STREET#l also Community Sing - Shorts CARTOON IN TECHNICOLOR* I <h -- - --- -------- YULETIDE JOYS May your every wlsh be tranted, every hour âUeilci wtb happiness. Nason and Dale Hardware * Elcetrical Appliances * Sportinh Goods Cartoon in Technicolor RtO3±L!!THEATRE THURSDAYI FEIDAYI DECENEER 25-219 GALA HOLIDAY FEATURE Wall Disney's Happy Comedy Musical "MAKE MNE NSIC"I presenting the talents of BENNY GOODMAN, DiNAI! SHORE, THE ANDREW SISTERS, NELSON EDDY, JERRY. COLONNA, ANDY RUSSELL and PIED PIPERS Short in Technicolor, Men of Tomorrow Charles E. Siephenson, M.P.' I Aikins' Flower Shop PHONE 474 33 KING ST. E. ------------------------------- ALL THE WORLD Miss Leola MlIler KING ST. EAST MILLER'S BEÂUTY SALON 7ý ý, 4C 1 -il rqu-.-& 1. nq1k- 1 12.- Qýlf rývnwki« i nqur eqàwàTTam cprÀmw-cfflAlq lRt'jVnXAWVrLIýE. ONTAR10 1 "The Advenlures of "JDON COYOTE" IN CINECOLOR presenting RICHARD MARTIN au DON COYOTE Cartoon in Technicolor MATINEE MONDAY a-.,