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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1947, p. 7

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-- -~--- .-. 1 4NUMSAY, DEC. 25th, 1047 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLE, ONTARIO PAQI BEVEIÇ' " THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT WE CAN; THINK 0F 18 THE GIFT 0F GOOD WILL. MAT YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE IN TME WORLD. RECEIVE IT! W. LEN ELLIGTT BEATING AND PLUMBING I TLENT DISCO VERT NIGHTI, January 2nd, 1948, 8:15 Dowiuanville Town Ral The Walt Goodie g'amiy will present lnx con junetion with their stage show. 5 Amateur Acta of Local Talent eompeting for a cash prise of $10.00 dlvlded, as follows: Ffrst prise $5.00, second prise, $3; third prise, $2.00. NOTE: First prize w iner wlll be given opportunlty te appear as guest artist with îe Goodie Famliy on thefr broadeast over CKDO, Oshawa, SyV4àdar nlght, .anuary 4. 8:30. WHAT C AN Y< ? Contestants apuply by phone 1089M, or letter addresý,F *ait Goodie Famlly, 112 Division Street, Osmhawa.nomuuuIIlnmïnnnIuurnriniiinuirnrnin NEW CANADIANS NIIGHT CLASSES 1IN Engish and'Citizenship Enrol in High School Audiorium 8:00 IP.M. Wednesday, January 71h WHEN A TIME FOR CLASSES MOST SUITABLE TO ALL CONCERNED WILL BE ARRANGED. Bowm anville Board of Educalion M jSocial and Personal i Miss Eleanore Wight, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Lieut. Chas. Spencer, Rivers, Man., witb bis wife and family. Miss Olga Tod is spending the Christmas bolidays witb ber sis- ter, Mrs. A. G. Wright, Hamilton. Mr. Ray Dudley, Royal Conser- vatary of Music, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. Reta Dudley. Miss Collette Ferguson, Univer- sity of Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ferguson. Mr. Don Quick, University of Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Quick. Mr. Don Ferguson, University of Toronto, witb bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson. Mr. Alan Strike, Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike. Miss Edith Carscadden, Toronto, was weekend guest of ber aunt, Mrs. F. H. Morris. Mr. Alden Wbeeler, McGill Un- iversity, Montreal, with bis mo- ther, Mrs. A. D. Wheeler. Miss Winona Clarke, University of Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clarke. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Miss Joan Greenfield, Ontario Ladies' Coflege, Whitby, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Green- field. Mr. Don Venton, Clinton and Miss Audrey Venton, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Venton. Misses Dorotby Stanley and Marjory Osborne, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allin., Mr. Jim Southey, Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, witb bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Sou- they. An interesting pre-Chrîstinas party and banquet took place Monday evening in the Balmoral Hotel wben 65 employees of Osh- awa Wood Products bonored their employer Cecil Found, Courtice. A splendid prograin of music fea- tured the occasion. Mr. Stanley Gomme was the chairman. Rotary Rink now bas a nice ice surface and it is boped that Christmnas and New Year's skat- ers will find weather permitting their holiday enjayment of a fine winter's pastime. Wby bring that up at this sea- son? was the comment beard when an Oshawa truck backed over the sidewalk at a local block Tuesday and forced pedestrians ta take ta the gutter. The driver was apparently unaware of the regulations in effect in this res- pect. He appeared cheerful in setting up a new precedent. Saturday afternoon members of Oshawa Curling Club beld their annual chicken draw, and saine -very keen competition was the re- suit. Skip Alex Brodie and bis rink composed of Alec Hall, Gea. W. James, and Dr. D. R. Davies took the premier prize with a clean-cut 19-8 victory. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Tremeer were in Toronto Thursday even- àing attending the "Hansel and MGretel" opera presented by the Opera School of Royal Conserv- atory of Music in Eaton's audi- torium. Harold D. Bigelow was re-elect- ed Reeve of Millbrook by mai ority àof 15 over George F. Harrington. Councillors elected were: Dr. J. W. Wright, Melville W. BaIl, La- vergne Fallis, Alex Woods. Mrs. F. Cator is spending -Christmnas and New Year's with h er sons and daughter in Toron- Mta and at Malton. Also ber sister, Mrs. Kinsman wbo is visiting in Toronto from Washington, U.S.A. Business failures in Canada for the Past rnonth as reported by MDun's were 41. For the same per- iod a year ago 17. Averaging 100 per cent loss for montbs past tbe figure is now 140 per cent which reflects on the government's dlaim of unprecendented prasperity. St. Paui's C.G.I.T. met in the lecture room on Dec. 17. Mrs. G. C.11 Quigley practised with ber Sun- day SchrcyOi class for the Christmas - -~~..ISI~UIr4W4UZZ ~ --~-~:ham~<uiuioeg': s>ccb~vn~ Su gar 'n Spice n Everyîhing Nice I i1948 I -~ concert. The meeting closed with taps. Winners of the I.O.O.F. hockey draw ticketÏ. for the past three weeks were: Dec. 6, E. Ormiston; Dec. 13, John Stacey; Dec. 20, T. M. Wilcox. Lions Concert (Continued from Page One) anied, as in the minor "What Star is This" and tbe haunting "The Singer" by Michael Head. She trilled her way tbraugh "Rejoice Greatly" from Handel's Messiab and Warlock's "Noel" and thie listener received the impression tbat ber voice knew no bounds. The organ and piano arrange- ments were well blended and splendidly given embracing tbe old familiar strains in the "Christ- mas Fantasy" and "Jesu Bambi- no." The "Hallelujah C baor u s" from the Messiah with its reverent intrepretation by Sîmeon Joyce, pianist, and Edgar Goodaire, or- ganist, was stately and impressive and proved one of the bighligbts of tbe evening's entertainment. Mr. Goodaire bandies the organ with capability and sensitivity, Accompaning many of the artists Mr. Joyce's tecbnical proficiency was obviaus. Bringing with ber a fresh sweet quality wbich was prajected into ber playing Mary Ann Paul, via- linist, delighted ber audience with ber varied selections. Contrast- ing with the statelyý Schubert's "Ave Maria" and Borowski's "Ad- oration" were "Czardas" and "Ma- zurka." "Allegro Brilliante" by Tenhave created many moods, tbougbts and fantasies by the ef- fects in modulation used by the violinist. Tbe baritone soloist, Harry Read, bas a full, deep vaice, a great deal of power and excellent breath contrai. An interesting ar- rangement of Warlock's "Bethle- hem Down" sbowed a definite moa- dern trend. Perhaps it is neces- sary ta bear more of this type of music ta appreciate its true value but it bas been definitely estab- lished that modern music bas a place in the musical world of ta- day. Mr. Read's easy stage pres- ence gave the audience a sense of participation. For an encore be sang the beloved "Old Man Riv- er" by Kern and entered enthus- iastically into the character par- trayed. Miss Smith joined Mr. Read for the capriciaus "Trot Here, Troti There" througb wbich tbey frai- licked with gay abandon; passing on ta the semi-popular, "Sang of Love" and thence ta the popular "I'm Dreaming of a White Christ- mas." The concert was brougbt ta a rausing finish with the ensemn- ble singing "The First Noel." We were giad ta note that an increasing number of young peo-i ple are attending the concerts. With an appaliing lack of culture in the town it is xise far the yaunger people ta take advantage of the oppartunity of hearing and criticizing good music. The noise and unnecessary movement was considerably less than on the pre- viaus occasion, (perbaps because of the stationary seats in Trinity) despite the fact that several iittle boys were playing leap frog in the gallery. PONTYPOOL If this issue of the Statesman reaches you before Christmas we wish you a Merry one, if it cornes after, we hope you have had an enjoyable one. Mrs. Wm. Crocker, who bas suf- fered for a long tirne with an en- larged heart, slipped quietly away to her eternal rest. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. Our stores are ail decorated with Christmas decorations, Dave's restaurant looks about as nifty as any of them. That fabulous character, J. C. Woods, bas decided to seli his farmn for reforestation purposes. Jack Horner is back home, bis burns healing nicely and his eye- sight flot affected as much as was feared. Mrs. Florence Williamson is still in bospital and stili unconsciaus. Nothing new to report on Mrs. Mabel Coulter's condition. Ed. Bredin is home from Port Elgin for the holidays. If the people that seli Christ- mas trees in Toronto persist in buying them for 40 cents a*$ re- tailing tbemn from $5.00 ta $10.00, the fîrst thing you know the grow- ers will be forming a co-op and peddling tbe trees themselves. That is baw monopolies corne into The privilege of serving you bas been a pleasure MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE BRIGHT AND THE NEW YEAR ONE 0F PROSPERITY OUR SINCERE THANKS HGGPER'S Ladies" Wear L. GLASFORD being. Recent storms in this area have filled the secondary roadis. Won- der how long it will be before Uic farmers get wise to, themselves and offer land for three rows of trees ta b. pla nted thereon, so that when the trees are high enough, there will be no need of snow fences and drift digglng, thus ehiminatin.g a lot of taxation, besides the farmers having a mucb better winter road. To say notb-, ing of the decorative effect of the evergreens. It pnly requires a strip 60 feet wide. Those who did not attend the annual Christmas concert o n Thursday night, missed a bang-up evenlng of entertainment. It is a long tîme since people around ber. have had an apportunity of enjoy- ing such a well balanced program. Mr. McCaw and Miss Stewart de- serve an "Oscar" for their sNen- did production. Mrs. Jim Rich- ardson and Miss Jean Coulter belped with the evening's success by unselfishly acting as accomp- anists. Three outstanding items were, "The Puimpkinville Christ- mas Concert," Ruth McDonald singing "White Christmas" and Barbara Custi~s singing "Star of the East." After the concert, tbe rug was rolled back, the fiddles resJýied up and the dance was an. Thiis the first time a dance bas been held in connection with the Cbristmas Concert, it rounded out a good evening's entertainment. Mrs. Jîm Richardson and Charlie Taylor provided the dance music. One disappointment was tbe noni appearance of the chairman, fia one missed hlm as chairman, but, by not declining tbe position, he left the impression be would be present and preside, he did neith- er, thus forcing Mr. McCaw ta car- ry the dual load of concert master and chairman. Two months ago this same guy pulled a siiar stunt. Gettlng to be a habit! Believe it or not, we, have a communist cat. The over flow ie from the cistern, down cellar, runs through the outside Wall. When we don't want the cat in the. house, we put ber outside. Instead of going to the barni and doing sorne- tbing useful, like catching mice, she sticks her head in the tle. and the cistern amplifies the sound, Sa tbat when she yowls she sounds as tbough she were as big as a horse, and nearly drives us "nuts." If she wishes ta get ta the warm furnace, ail she bas ta do is crawl through the tule, swim across the cistern and jump down beslde tbe furnace. But no, rather than belp berself, she makes everybo- dy's if e a misery by yowling fori the things she desires. Ain't that just like her Communist pals? City Merchants FIned Selling Poor Apples Magistrate John L. Prentice. To- ronto, on Friday fined L. Keiner, Harry Eidlitz and Joe Perofsky, members of the British FruitCm pany, Toronto, $100 each and costs or 30 days for selling apple e low grade, including over-faced and under-sized 'fruit. "It's an interesting game if tbey can get away with it, but this is with it," tbe magistrate said, after the time tbey didn't get away evidence was sbown the fourth conviction against the company on similar charges sînce 1929. The magistrate observed, "the public must be pratected against this sort of tbing." oal wiff tg men. Christmas -Greetllgs TO YOU THIS GLAD CHRISTMAS SEASON AND MAY IT BE YOURS TO ENJOY"CONTENTMENT AND PROSPERITY DURING ALL THE YEARS TO FOLLOW. THE RADIO SHOP C.3. ELSTON PHONE 792 . LDOREEN GREETIfOS Throughout this yuletide season we want to wish you, our friends, Ioys, heppiness and the mterri- est-of/ season's greetings. ALEX NcCREGOR Drugs 9DELI VER oieeana AL IN THE GOOD WILL 0F CHRISTMAS, we discover the ever heariening values of friendship, co-operation, joy ihose things ihai make the daily round so worth the living, Ifis our sincere wish ihai ihis welcome harmony may be iruly yours ihis Christmas and ihroughoui the coming year. MARR'S JEWELLERY B.. r di SEALTITE INSULATION BOWMANVILLE TO YO [JU A Chri.tmas cake for yen! lngredients.. a lifetime, of haPPineas, bealth and prosperity and loads ef good cheer. THE CARTER FAMILY UBAKERS FOR TWO GENERATIONS", --- I 4 4 4 4 j j j j j j j j j j j I j -k- 2. - COMME= 01-Motki 9M. PAM «VxNlý

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