O AftW VTEIWF THE CANAflTAN STATESMAW. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARXO THURSDAY, DEC. titi. 141 Il ~ iir ~ *.Local Couple Take Marriage Vows The Season' s HEARTIEST COMPLIMENTS A Merry. Merry Christmas! OId Saint Nlck ks about to buzz around wlth his sligh-load of hollday cheer, and so we're on the ivire with a wlsh of happiness for everyone. G. F. JAMIESON TIRE DEPOT Corner of Kinc and Silver Streets, Bowmanville Fram desent ta sea, from earth ta heaven, the spirit of Christmas encircies the worid. To each and every one of you-we wish al the joys and happiness Christmastide brings. Ta al aur patrons, we thank you sincerely ...we look forward ta serving yau even better in '48. J. K. GRAHAM, FLORIST ENNYSKILLEN PHONE 419 Merry Christmas one and ail! Everything looks bright and new and everyone looks happy and gay. It's Christmas! We believe the origin of this greeting stem- med from the land so long known as Merry England, wh ose people naturally celebrated a Merry Christias. The Scots and French tend to reserve their excitement for New Years. Probably we owe much of the tradition to such writ- ers as Herrick, Dickens and Shakespeare and to aIl those sing- ers and players who have per- formed their works through the centuries. Festive Buffet Ideas Mixed Fruit Cocktails: 4 cups grapefruit juice and 1 cup orange juice: 2 cups sweet cranberry juice and 3 cups pineapple juice; 1 cup prune juice, 1,2 cup lemon juice and 4 cups apple juice. Relish Tray Suggestions: Cheese crackers spread with olive mix- ture; salted soda biscuits spread with cheese and nuts; caraway bread sticks; tiny spice biscuits. Buffet Main Course: A light party lunch served attractively will be a credit to the hostess af- ter the Christmas Day meals. Se- lect several of the following: Chic- ken a la King in toasted bread cups; feather-fine cabbage and nut salad; escalioped potatoes, jeiled- star turkey salad with diced cel- ery; potato and turkey dressing salad; pork parceis of sausage meat inside tea biscuits; yuietide saiad of orange, grapýifruit and malaga grapes; double decker sandwiches; grated carrot, diced orange and raisin salad. Garnish Tray: Gherkins; dilis; apple wedges dipped in pickle syrup; celery stuffed with cheese; prunes stuffed with peanut but- ter; carrot sticks and olives. Yuletide Desserts: Baked apples in red sauce and scanes; Orange sherbet and cookies; Bavarian cream and hermits; Chocalate- mint layer cake. Festive Decorations 1. To conserve electricity, use a minimum amount of ornamental or Christmas tree lighting. 2. To prevent candies from dripping, chili them in the refrig- erator for a few hours. 3. Do not place. candles near tissue paper, evergneen bows, cell- ophane, or anything inflammable. 4. To keep balloons f r o m breaking, fasten with twisted elas- tic band instead of thr.-ad. 5. To add a last minute festive decoration, hang a large calendar in the front hall and use Christ- mas tape to stick the Christmas g MERRY CHRISTMAS! MaY Old Saint NIek furnish your home with the Most JoYous Christmas blesslngs . . . The happiest of holidays to vou and yourst .A NORTHCUTT &SMITH AMBULANCE SERVICE - FUNERAL DIRECTORS TO ALL THE FARMERS CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS A Merry Çhrisimas and a Prosperous New Year Schwarz Brothers LIVESTOCK DEALERS and EXPORTERS Pictured above after their mnarriage Nov. 21st. are Mr. and Mrs. Murray R. Grant. The bride is the former Ruth Alberta Stevens, R.N, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne J. Stevens. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant. The couple are residing in Bowmanville. -Photo by Alpha Studio cards on the baek of it.1 If you make a border of Christ-1 mas cards on the back of the cal- endar, use a red crayon to print Merry Christmas in the centre. 1 Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. ENFIELD The Christmas Tree concert was very successful as usual. Rev. R. M. Seymour, as chairman, ex- pressed the views of everyone present when -he cor-hplimented the teacher, Mrs. W. Ashton, on the excellent training the children gave evidence of and the fact that the program was neither too long non too short, something difficult ta contrai in this type of enter- tainment. With no eighth graders and an unusually large percent- age of beginners it was no easy task to arrange such a fine con- cert. Santa was there again and it was quite pathetic ta notice how the poar aid chap has shrunk since last yezr. Mcýybe it's the high cast of living, but, at any rate, his eyes stili twinkle and he is stiil full of pep and bounce. Our raads were ail ploughed out for the occasion and in spite of nippy weather almost every- one was there. Pupils S. Darlington School Area to Receive Cod Liver 011 Tablets South Darlington Township Ar- ea School Board met Dec. 9 at S.S. No. 4 with ail members pres- ent. A motion was passed ta pur- chase cod liver ail tablets for the children of the area. There was littie business ta be transacted at this meeting and the board adjaurned ta convene in January. The Board extends toalal rate- payers, teachers and children of th'e area, Season's Greetings. LONG SAULT The Long Sault School Christ- mas concert was held in the school room Wednesday evening, Dec. 17. Despite a very stormy evening the people turned out in goodly num- bers. Pragram was as foilows: Chorus by seniors, "Ring, Ring, Ring;" recitation, "My Dolly" by Dorothy 'Burgess; a Christmas ac- rostic; solos, Darothy Burgess and John Van Eyk; twa rhythm Band numbers; a mirth-pravoking dial- ogue, "Hick Says It;" chorus, "Jes- 1 .. . us is Born" by three senior girls, Bertha Pleasance, Mary Van Eyk and Betty Burgess; star drill by seven seniors; tramp drill by ten boys; recitations, Bill and Mal- colm Pleasance; a parade, "The Animais in the Zoo;" a comedy, "The Truth- Telling Machine;" pantomine by three angels, Betty and Dorothy Burgess and Rase Marie Prescott; fishing sang by three boys, Tom and Bill Pleas- ance, Bob Burgess; a Christmas pageant in three scenes, "No Room in the Inn;" "Jingle Belis" was sung at the close ta welcome the arrivai of jolly aid Santa Claus. CHRISTMAS REPORT Grade VIII, Mary Van Eyk, 82 %, Bob Burgess, 71%.o Grade VII ta VIII, Bertha Pleas- ance 78%, Rose Marie Prescott 771-', Betty Burgess 70%. Grade VI ta VII, Tom Pleas- ance 80%, Bill Pleasance 78%. Grade V, Lamne Burgess 66%,. Grade IV ta V, Alfred Pleasance 78%. Grade III, Darothy Burgess 74 Grade II, Malcolm Pleasance 65%. Grade I, John Van Eyk, Keith Gobels, Joe Wood and Bruce Bur- gess. Teacher, Mrs. A. W. Prescott. -1I Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. T. McNeil, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. T. Roughiey and family, Oshawa, wxth Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerviile and famiiy, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke, Toronto. Mrs. Bey. Jaynes with Mr. and Mrs. Len Buckler, Bowmanvilie. Mrt.and Mrs. Aif Brown and Jack, with Mr. and Mrs. George, Skelding. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston and famiiy, Bowmanville, Mr. and! Mrs. Robin Alldred and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight' and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs., Les Alldred and family, Orono,; with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aildred' for a family Xmas get to-gether.' Miss Hazel Powell with ber aunt, Mrs. M. Gartshore, New- castle, lef t on Saturday to spend Xmas and the holidays in Florida, visiting Miami, Bermuda and ma- ny points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMinn, Osh- awa, whio are leaving on Xmas Day for an extended trip in Brit- ain, spent Thursday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry. Miss Blanche Taylor, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Art Bedwin. i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, Newcastle, with Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. AIf Brown and Jack with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and Mrs. W. Lake, Ty- rone. WEDDING CONNORS-HEAVES On the 20th of December at 2:30 ln the afternoon, a quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Paul's Uni- ted Church, Bowrnanvilie, when Lillian Heaves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heaves, Cramleigh, Eng- land, 1ecame the bride of Roy Cannons, son of Mrs. Florence E. Cannors. Rev. G. Cameron Quig- ley officiated and the wedding music was piayed by Mrs. R. Dud- ley. The church was tastefuliy decorated with pink and white >mums. The bride, given in marniage by Mr. Douglas Martin, was charming in a gawn of white sheer, fitted bodice and full skirt. Her headdress was siik net with orange biossoms and she carnied a bouquet of roses,- white 'mulns and ferns. The matron of honor, Mrs. Harry Cannons, sister-in-iaw of the groom, wone a pink silk jersey dness, with pink floral hat and carried a bouquet of pink car- nations and 'mums. Mn. Arthur Brooks attended the groom. The reczption wvas held at 185 Churchi St.' w hcr2 the gnaom's ma- ther received in a dness of flow- ered jersey and a corsage of mix- ed 'mums. For the wedding trip ta Toron- ta and points west, the bride don- So me Very Sirange e gry:t thlca :s Christmas Superstitions'9 It used ta be said that if you ate TE9TT~T a raw egg first thing on Christmas P~ IN THE ULJL J. marning you wouid be able ta lif t V heavy weights. In Germany the crumbs from the Chnistmas table when shaken on the soul caused a littie plant known as the Crumbwort to spring up and this plant was said We're riding the range ta have great healing powers. In England it was believed that bread baked on Christmas Day with Santa . . . letting would not go mouldy. In Scandinavia families used ta the sparks fly where put ail their shoes together on' Christmas believing it would ne- hym ..knlg suit in their living in harmony al te a ..knln the rest of the year.I There is a Scottish belief that ta the flame of joy and be born on Christmas is tao have power ta see spirits and even ta cheer ahl through '48. command them. i In Silesia it is said that a baby born on Christmas wili become either a lawyer or a thief. One of the most picturesque be- liefs found in many cauntnies was fltt in honor of the Christ Child the bees hummed a canal on %.,i-,,a Day. In England it was the custom ta place a sprig of 1 holly on the hive to wish the beesOWENN a merry Christmas.OW N I Wa ste paper must have ink tak- READING ANTHE en out befare paper is re-made. C.N.R. YARDS ............. . .I W E L DING Jim Caiueron LESKARD - ONTARIO Phone Orono Ir s Fornierly Cameron Weldlng Service, Toronto ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING Cylinder fBlock.s ad IHeads Weided. Speclallzlng ln Alu-u Lmlnum and White Meta!. <Ail Work Guaranteed)j "TIRED" i«inrbl i gy- I.in iai y ve - p~it. "w. o "'t tW" ,huèdche. "i.ma&i Wun. <u"hedrut awthat £eIîà fmn.Thsa 0 r t Ptt &M d DoUs M y I' M& Dodda Ii.I "w o.6w te cear tii w.M-mAhin aMI zc==s iàfd» "d ii ssuc. aduy.. a Chace bfeel beatu. v.rk qa.Get Dedi'.Kidny M s"odY. 141 I o W y il sories. UpUIl LtU LUir ituh CU- Sh~axe.s *-ethe ejected crorurui- pie will reside in Bowmanvle. Sheep and cattie may 8005 b. pWs ~tured in deer forésts and grouse Most birds migrate at, night. moors of Scotland. YULETIDE GREETINGS MAY YOUR EVERY DAY BE FILLED WITH GLAD- NESS IN EVERY WAY. MANY THIANKS TO YOUI THE ""TOT"" TOGGERY' MRM. BERNICE COLLIS, PROPRIETOR 57 KInz St. E. <Onuvosite Balmoral Rotel> Bowmanville A wish for coniinuedE Good HEALTRI, PROSPERITY, HAPPINESS and LAS TING PEACE fo ail]our FRIENDSM CHARLES R. Vao Fuàrs OOOH~ DE SPIRIT ICHOLAS IRACITE COAL - BOWMAN' MOI/IDERS 0f CAMAA £UMfTED7 c4Nv4N4 m FU EL S - SEMET-SOLVAY COKE [VILLE - PHONE 410 W~ ~--~ SEASON'S GREETINGS EVERYBODY We wish ta express aur deep gratitude for" your kind patronage and friendship during 1947 and hope ta be af service to yau in '48 ~ ( DG WNAN VILLE C. E. MURRELL, Prop. and Staff >/~' IT"nn +ha!" raflirn +ha eml- 1 -9 &l.- »M»ý iFý THUPMAT,' DIC. 25*1 lut THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC) PAOX lffaRT kl"', Ir - .Mgmý!11,lml 1 Pllný,,