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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1948, p. 4

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.ltlIAIJ.JIZJZlàUdSJIN" le .... WGE FOUR THE CANADIAN S'~I!ATESMAN~ TIOWMANVTLT.P~. OW~ARTfl ??flLIAW ,A~,..... -- Te Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 33i4 aster David Hgckin, who bas ident, Glenn Allin; secretary, Ha- n staying with bis grandmo- zel May Fisher, treasurer, Louise * r, Mrs. W. J. Hockin, has re- Hancock; lst vice president and ed to bis home in Ajax. Christian fellowshp convener, rayer meetings were held in EvelnAln ssistant Joyce Mar- United Church on Monday, tin: Christian missions convener, UW esday and Wednesday evenings Francis Jose; assistant, Betty AI- chreof the Young People's lin; Christian citizenship conven- ýýon he W.M.S. and the Eve- er, Kathleen Toms; assistant, Mary -1gAuxilhary, respectively. Hagerman; Christian culture con- ~2he Young People's Union beld vener, Paul Bennett, assistant, lusness meeting after the pray- Claire Allun; press secretary, Mar- Meeting Monday evening. The jonce Toms; pi*anist, Betty Allin; ~e o! officers for the coming assistant, Claire Allin. L-rrwas presented and adopted It xvas decided to hold a crokin- 4ofollows. Honorary P r e s - oie party in the Sunday School 'hnt, Rev. W. W. Patterson; pres- Hall, Tuesday evening, Jan. 20. ATTENTION HOME SEEKERS Now Available in Souihway Gardens 4 and 5-room bungalows and 1 1/2 storey DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $780 Monity Paymenls siari ai $25.20 (Principal and interest) Ail of these modern attractive homes are fully insulatcd -wails and ceîlîng. Ahl have gond 7' basements, well adapted for a recreational rocin. Kitchens have ample buiit-in cupboards with work caunter. VETERANS 0F WORLD WAR 2 HAVE PRIORITY 0F PURCHASE For fui! information. bookiet, photographs, etc., contact the Administrators: elOl' 414roo ~cho field NS URANCE PHONE 4400 Realtors 6 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa AS-S- (JR A N C E Tuesday cvening the C.G.I.T. Group met with the president, Ha- zel May Fisher, in charge. Miss Kathleen Toms conducted the Worship period and took the sec- ond chapter o! the study boook, "Out o! the Tepee." After a sing- song the meeting adjourned with Taps. Tbursday evcning the United Cburch choir assemhled at7 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose. The first part of the evening took the form of practice after which those desiring to do so played crokinole and ècards. The serving o! refreshments concluded the ev- ening. During the course o! the cvcning the election of officers took place: President, Wilbur Baskerville; vice president, Mrs. J. T. Brown; secretary, Betty Ai- lin; treasurer, Evelyn Allun; libra- rian, Glenn Allin; social commit- tee, Mrs. C. Ferguson, Mrs. Jose, Mrs. Percy Brown. Mr. Harold Hoar, Toronto, with Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Mrs. W. E. Toplif!, Peterboro, attended the funerai af ber bro- i ther-in-law, the late George Jam- ieson and while here was the guest of Mrs. Percy Hare. The annuai meeting o! St. Geor- ge's Church Altar Guild was heid at the home o! Miss Bratnix Mc-i Intosh on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 7. Reports o! the work un- dertaken and accomplished by the1 Altar Guild during the past year were presented. Mention was also made of the loss the Aitar Guiid had suffered through the death o! one of its most faithfui mcm- bers in the person o! the late Mrs. Matthew Brown, who had worked se untiringly and given s0 gener- ously o! the fiowers from ber love- ly garden to help make the Altart of St. George's Church beautiful. The officers for 1948 are Miss Beatrix McIntosh, convener; Mrs.E Robert Gibson, secretary-treasur-i We weicome te Canada an Newcastle Mns. Fred Bond an, daughtem, Lulu, whe recentiy ai rived frein Sussex-on-the-Se, Engiand, te join Mn. Fred Band They'ne eccupying apartinents o'. er the Kingsway Tea Rocin. A Greup of Cîtizens met in thi Ceuncil Chamber on Monday eve ning, Jan. 12, and constitnite( thcmselvcs as "Newcastle Cilýizen; Lcague." Rev. W. W. Patterson acted aý temponany chairman and callec thc meeting teonden and explain. cd the purpose o! the meeting whicb. was to onganize a campaigi for the abolition o! Women's Beci Rbains fnom Newcastle o n Feb. lî next. Mn. Fred Lewis, organizer foi the Ontario Temperance Federa. tien o! Toronto was then intro. -duccd te the meeting as the man who had onganized the succcssful campaigns in Colbenne and Bnigb- ton. Mn. Lewis spoke briefly a!- ter wbich the meeting teck steps te, organise and wbich resuited in the !ollcwing officens bcing ap- pointcd: President, Mn. R. A. Go- heen; vice president. Mrs. A. E. Mellew; sccy., Mrs. Cccil Canveth; treas., Mn. H. S. Bitten; mana- gen, Mn. Herbent Hanceck. Publicity and finance commit- tees will e appointcd, at an execu- tiveme'cng at an canly date. The members o! the cammunity extend a veny beanty wcicome ta Mn. James C. Porter, wbo has been appeintcd manager o! Newcastle Branch, Canadian Bank o! Coin- mnerce, to succccd Mn. J. H. Smith who bas netimed due te continucd illhebalth. Mm. Porter was born in the'Niagana District wbere bis parents still reside. He joined the Bank about *20 yeans ago and in that time bas only had two moves -he 11 ycars in Beaverton and 9 yeans in Steu!fvilc, whene he was accountant. It was with a feeling of genenal deep regret and sense o! lcss that the residents o! Stouffville beard that tbey wene losing Mn. Ponter and bis chanin- ing wife and littie scn, Bobby, froin their midst. Mn. Porter was /< be glad of lits advice When you are in doubt about any problem it is good business to seek advice from someone who is cap- able of giving you competent coun-, sel. To enable its nepresentatives to give proper guidance to the public, Canada Life men and women are given intensive and continuing training in ail phases of the life insunance business. They are well qualified to help you choose the best insurance plan or program to meet your particular needs. Thcv are the type of people vou'Il enjov meeting and we are con. fident you'll be glad of their advice. d id d. is is ýr 8 n. COMPANY JAMES MARSHALL, District Manager STUART R. JAMES one o! Stouffvllle's most popular and outstanding citizens in com- munity, church and fraternal work. During the war years he occupied an executive office in the Red Cross and gave unstintingly of bis time and ability. He was also secretary o! the Stouffville Lions Club and a prominent mem-, be' o! the Odd Fellows Lodge. Mrs. Porter and son Bobby expect te move te Newcastle the end o! the month when tbey wii occupy the apartment over the Bank. The residents of the village hope that Mn. and Mrs. Porter and Bobby will like Newcastle and will be happy here. .Mrs. H. C. Bonatban left on Tuesday morning for London, where she wvill attend the exer- cises at London General Hospital wben Miss Barbara Bonathan, nurse-in-training, would receive ber cap. MissRuth Bonathan join- ed ber mother in Toronto and ac- companied ber to London. Mrs. Fpànk Gibson, Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. Tom Spencer, Mrs. Gwen Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry attended the funeral o! the late A. E. Meadows at St. John's Church, Port Hope, last week. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Foster, Ton- onto, Mrs. Sain Smith, Newton- ville; Mns. F. G. Jackson, Orono, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Newcastle. Miss Mary Creegan, Toronto, guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson. Mr. A. Kay, Chie! Game War- den for the Counties of Hastings, Northumberland a n d Durham, was the guest speaker last week at the suppen meeting of the New- castle Lions Club at Elmhurst Ho- tel. Mr. Kay spoke on the sub- ject "Birds" and bis address show- cd be was a master on ,jhe suuject of Ornithology. His very interest- ing and exceedingly instructive talk dealt witb a general kno w- ledge of bird life--its place in n a- turc, its relation te man, the lcad- îng facts cf its lu',- history, its travels, habits and song notes. His address will long be remembered as one cf the most intcresting- dcaiing as it did with nature in one o! the most attractive o! her ani- mate forms, viz: "Birds." WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The W.A. o! the Unitcd Church met for its first meeting o! the New Ycar in the board room, Thunsday, Jan. 8, with the presi- dent, Mns. C. A. Cowan, in charge. Aften the singing o! a 1-ýymn, Rev. W. W. Patterson read the scnip- turc and offered prayen. The Christmas cheen committee rcportcd 25 boxes sent te shut-ins at Christmnas time. Cor.-sccy. read letters o! thanks for cards sent to sick. Annuai reports wene given by the treasuner, secnetany and cor- secrctany, flowcr committee and group leaders aften which Rev. Patterson instailed the officens for 1948. Plans were made for a Congre- gatianal supper on Wcdnesday evening, Jan. 14. Dainty refncsh- ments were served by riembers o! the executive. RINK NEWS The writer o! Rink News saw the bcst twcnty-!ive cents wath o! real amateur hockey on Tues- day night at Onano rink. The first gaine was between the Juniors and the Town teain. This gaine was a battie te the finish witb the younger feiiews kceping the olden fellaws reaily on the tear. We missed Geo. Cnowthcrs (on the sick list), but Irv. MacCul- lcugh toak bis place as referce. Time keepen o! course Raye (Bory) Brown. In the net for the Juniors was Bobby Stephen-1 son and for the Town, Ian. Hoc-i kin. It was a gaine that covcrcd the anena with action aIl the way. The way the Juniors boarded, high-« stickcd, etc., the Huskies on the1 Town teain was something te sec, Look at the lune ups. Juniors-Tracy Embhy, Murray Wallon, Neil Bitton, Jobnny Gib-' son, Gordon Gibson, Stan Powell,J Bill Joli. Town-Sandy Graham,. Doug. Walton, Tom Brencton, Eric on son, Bryce Wand, Gond. Ketchuin,1,« Frank McMullen, Quinney. As you might lhink, lhey were- nt unmatched at all. The Juniors could board, trip and skate and it 1 kept the Town boys pu! fing. These two teains are a niot. You shouhd- n't miss seeing thern this yean.« Penalties wenc handed te Ket- chuin, Gibson and Walton and the i score xvas 8-3. For the Juniors, Em' ly gat thnce goals, J. Gibsen two, Bitton two, and Walton one. For the Town, Grahain got two and Johnson one. With tongue in cbeek (it's bard te decide) the honors of the evening in this gaine go te Tracey Embiy and Sandy Grahain. Both fast skaters and reai stick bandiers. The second gaine was bctwcen Jasco and Weynich "Wood Spec- ialties." Bryce Ward refereed this gaine and the finst and last pno wenc fast and furious. Line Up for Jasco-S. Brereton,1 geai; Ahf Gray, Doug Gray, G.' Tennant, Fce, Reg Meadows, Reg. Meadows, D. Alidnead, Ross Em- bly, F. Osmond. For Weyrich-Scotty Winters, goal; Gond Gray, I. MacCuilough, Ricky Richardson, George Kim- bal C. Bonathan, Ross Cobble- Mothers - .ý. This wilI rermind DrOtaues you thati S Du r. Chase's Syrup lIo usf esde W pendable es ever for the relief of SCughis, CoIds, 354 75 Brouoiutss, ec.î 1 1 1 >MAGIC'S RICH ~~~~~ SCan c.hotenini and c-. ag. dd 1 egg; haut. ,,,dd 2 tbe. graed orange rl,i4 together I ,& c. .1! ted "Il pr pose fleur tt ,r.peait, tp.Ma Ic Daklng 9 Powder; Stin; cut corigto.di- rections below. Bake in 375F. oven, 10 tain. Crestent Cookien Follow above recipe, cut with creacent cut- ter. Bake. Spread with meited sweet chocolate, e rinkle with fincly chopped nu tnieate. MllI.d Cooklis Foilow abova recipe, u Ith round cutter. Cult.;1ia.l1,rround f rom cen- ter of 4 the rounds. Bake. >'Then aprend plain round with mneiced Bweet chocolat.; top wtth doughnut round. -.~. Cocouonut Stl.kes ~ Pollow aboye re- 3' by '" Brush wlth xnlik; prin- ends In anelted Oweet chocolate. peon aSqueaies Pollow above re- cipe. cut dougb in 2" squares wlth ,astry C pecan mest lu g g center of emcl. Bake. Di)p cor- miers, in elted sweet choco- Hapilon Women's Institute Donates $50 To Food for Brifain January. meeting of Hampton Women's Institute was beld in thec Sunday Scbool room with vice president Mrs. F. Honey pnesiding. Meeting opened with community singing and the Institute Ode, foi- lowed by the Lord's Prayer. The Following motions were carried: Ail bis be paid; donated $50 to Tamblyn Food for Britain Drive; each group make one quilt for overseas before end o! Insti- tute year; committee cf Mrs. W. W. Hborn, Miss Ruby Colwill and Mrs. Bruce Yeo appointed te look after donations for necdy; finan- cing o! nink lighting confirmed; card o! sympathy be sent to the R. H. Wardcr famiiy. Mns. J. Chapman reported on North Group aid te nceedy family. Mrs. M. Davy was appointed te Blue Cross Canvaçsing Committee in place cf Mrs. Ennis. The meeting was then taken ov- er by Mns. Ennis, leader cf West Group. Aftcr cornmunity singing the motto cf the meeting was giv- en "Make 1948 Better than 1947 -Accept the New Year one day at a Timê." Mrs. Lorenzo Truli pre- scnted the tepîc "Hot Supper Dishes" in a most intcrcsting way. Many helpful suggestions wcre o!fercd and no dcubt some af the ladies present wili be delîghting their families in the near future with tempting supper cr luncheon dishes. Mns. Truli ciosed with the slogan for aIl te remember "Good Food-Attnactivcîy Served." Raill was calcd and membens answer- cd with "My Favorite Supper Dislî." A delightful piano sole by Mrs. fine neadings by Mrs. Daxv, "The Christmnas Backlog" and Edgar dick, Pete Wynstuik, Bill Wittakcr, R. Van Slike. Honors for the whoe evenîng go te Sammy Brereten in the net for Jasce and who played a super gaine ail the way through. Gray and MvacCuliough came right in on him in the finst period and it wasJ agreed that. Brereton made a bea- utiful save, as nice a one ta bej scen in hockey anywhere and it 1 went on ail the nest cf the game. These boys are ail fast skaters and they bore down on the nets like prefessienals. The long shots and scnambling with six piaycrs or se an top of each othen in front o! the nets was really quite thniiling. Most cf the action was in front cf the Jasco net. In the second pen-J iad net more than two or three shats were made on Winter's net. Brere ton took a smack in the teeth .vith the puck on~ a long shot ta thef goal. He finished the gaine but .vili nurse a sore mouth forair while. Penalties for this gaine ,vcnt te Bill Wittakcr and Van Slike. beth Weyrich boys. The I score was 3-2 for Wcyrich with Wright one goal and, Ricky two fon Wcyrich and Aig Gray and Rog. Meadcws, scaning for Jasco. Incidentally it is pnctty nice ta enjoy a closed-in rink. The pur- pose cf this column is te create nterest in' these hockey gaines., A full schedule is drawn Up for the seasan and will be played hene and in Orono. Bundle yourself Up and 'attend the gaines. Give yoursel! a break1 nd sec the boys in action. How nany 1 wanden realize xvhat you are inissing. We need a closedi ink bere. Come on out and get in the gaine! Remember there are Fon teams and éverl* player is Yood. You wiii sec exceptionally fast skating and stick 'handling nd aithough they ali could do with a good manager or coach ta U Up 4 few details it is good fun ýosec. If he isn't yaur boy or husband ie is a Newcastleite! Caine on )ut and sec fer yourseif and bave full evening's fun for the whole amily! ANN PAGE ICED CAKE each 3,5c A E' P Fruits 6' Vegeta hies ORANGES MEXICAN, SWEET & juicy -7 lb Bag*69 D)RAINGES CALIFORNIA NAVELS, NEW CROP MI. sDo.40. 1GRA1PEFIRITf TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS 96's 6 for 2ne LENIONS NEW CROP, FULL OF JUICE, 300's *Doz.3< APPLES NORTHERN SPY, Domestic Grade - 6*qt. bask.59 APPLES MCINTOSH RED, Dormestic Grade - 6-qt. bask. 639 SALAD MIX READY TO SERVE - Cello19 TONATGEFS HAND SELECTED * * Celle Pkg.'370 SIR,&uLGTS FRESH GREEN No. 1 - 2 bch. 23e YAMqS FRESH LOUISIANA No. 1 2 lbs. 29e TU]RNIlPS WASHED.& HAND SELECTED No. 1 2 lbs. 9e GNfOluS ONTARIO YELLOW GOOKING No. 1 2 Ibm. 159 IT'S THE BEST RED or BLUE BRAND Tour Best Bread Oy' ANN PAGE BRECAD J -AU> MEAT HUY WOF7THE WEEI< White or Brown BREAKFAST BACON SLICED lb 5 5c 24 oz lolc PORE SHOULDERS FRESH SHANKLES lb. 35e BUY Puer SMGKIED HANS WHOLE or HALF . *'b. 499 ÀIyr COTTAGE ROLLS PEAMEALED . lb. 45e A & P CI' BACON PEAELD yte lb. 59< SIiced lb. 62e DO R CGOKRED HAN Sliced lb. 799 POUE LMER lb. 23< NEEI IFI[JMUR SLICED - - lb. 29e Cusonround PORU SHOULDEsRS SMOKED 8HANKLESS .lb. 39< Cso rud PURE PORE SAUSAE lb. 39e lb 51c SALEIGES AK SILVERBRIGHT lb. 35e BLAJJE SHORT HANB~J~EG STEAK LEAN - * - * lb. CAMADA's A. & P. NECTAR ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAClS PINK SALMON PORK SHOULDER MEAT RAM or SPORK SOCIETY BRAND nom; roon 15s pkg 17C CLARK'8 5flhvDe Toniato or FANCY CLIPPER BRAN4D APPLE SAuCE20 -oz.17 PI K E WHOLE DILL AVLMER AYLMER SWEET PRUNE PLUIS -Tin 164 NIVTAU PICKLES K ELLOGG'8 HEINZ A8SORTED RICE KRISPIES 2 Pkgs. Mi< Som 3CONDNE FINE CANADIAN BON ELESS GLD CIEESE lb.4Me RIRFJoX j* BABY ROLLS QUICK or REGULAR JAYNAX CHEESE M 2 QUOAKERUTS 30', pkg 31C 1 's titi 3 7c m12 oz tin 35C m HEINZ ASSORTED 2 s 1-.15BABY FOUDS 20 oz tins 27C 3 Tins25e IONA (PECTIN ADDED) STRAWDERRY JAM MEATY PRUNES - 2 'b21< ANN PAGE FAMOUS FRUIT CAKE M I lb cake 47C YKON CLUB &INGER ALE (contents only) 230 oz btls 25C 24-or. àd Btl. 16-oz. 5~ Btl.2e 10-. 13e Tin 130Ç 78oz.35 Pkg. 7 24 oz jar 39C M J..', "t 't.' r~. 4' "J. J .4- r' R M ViSE I S 0 tqt Best - Known Home Remedy YouCan UseHas Specli- -ý Penetrating-Stimuiating. f V Action That Works Just Fine V Penetrates £Stimulates deep into bronchial chestandbacksur- tubes with its speclal faceý s like a gocd, medicinal vapors warming poultica Home- proved, VapoRub's special penetrating- stimulating action starts to work mighty fast -and keeps on working for hours-to relieve such miseries of colds as coughing spasms, bronchial congestion, muscular tightness. When you rub Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and backz and sec the results -you'll know why it is a family standby in so many millions of homes.V 1 KS Grand for children and grownups. Trt. VAPORUia T'us CANADA LIFE Guest's "Home," the last Mrs. Daw Ross Rowland New truder Squadron with the. rank of dedicating to the memnory of Miss Fih iueat Mary Katerson. A fine program Manager of CKDO Fleght Lietet. Gldy was brought to a close by a read- Page, of Enniskillen, a graduate ing by Mrs. Ennis, "Holiday in the Appointment of Ross R. Row- of the Oshawa General Hospital, Woods." lands as manager'of radio station and a former R.C.A.F. Nursing President Mrs. Cole said- a few CKDO, in Oshawa, i§ announced Sister. They have one son, John fitting remnarks in connection with by the newly re-organized Osh- Robert, now ten months; aid. the New Year and asked the mnem- awa Broadcasting Company. Mr. bers to follow the good example Of Rowlands replaced T. R. Elliott, Miss Mary Katerson, who did who vacated the position when what she was asked to do gladly the company was re-organized. Lake Shore, Clarke and did it well. Tedrcoso h opn Next meeting is an open meet- The dircosothte cr W.A.ny n Ms e.Janswt ing onFeb. .5, when the Centre as norcstitu Ted RelWAiM. ndMr. e viaces~v Group are sponsoring a debate. Dl president; n t.nlyR. Eo, c Mr. and Mrs. Len Buckler, Bow. treasurer. avle EiNSTEIN'S IDEAL AUDIENCE Rowlands came to CKDO when Miss Hazel Powell in Down,,q- Several years ago, David Sarn- the station opened, in October, view with Mr. and Mrs. Don Coul. off, pf the National Broadcasting 1946, as program director, after ter. Company, offered Albert Einstein some years as chie! announcer Mr. and Mrs. ArthurBe $50,000 a year to make a brief with CKGW, Moncton, New1ý weekly talk over the radio.- The Brunswick, hîs home province. He and family .%ith Mr. and Mrs noted scientist thanked Mr. Sarn- was educated at Mount Allison S. Taylor, Courtice.t off, but declined the offer. "I had University, Sackville, and the Un- Mrs. C. Dean, Orono, with rathèr talk to two or three people iversity of Toronto. He enlisted and Mrs. Ken Dean. who understood me." Einstein ex- with the R.C.A.F. in 1941, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake and fa- plained, "than to talk ta a million spent two years overseas with the miiy with Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown, who do flot." City of Edmonton Mosquito In-, Oronio. 1STEAKGIROAST - bg ROAST BLADE BONE OUT i b. 35ç! BUE ROAST - ** b37 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE.- ONTARIO a 1

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