PAGE TETq' ~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMIL, ONTARIO TUSAJNAY2,14 In the Dim and Distant Pasi From The Statesman Files - 1 TWENTY-FIIVE YEARS AGO Noble Grand of Florence Night- January 18, 1923 ingale Lodge, No. 66 1.O.O.F. Farewell party was given in St. Junior Missionary Society Of John's Anglican Church for Rev. St.' Paul's Church enjoyed a and Mrs. C. P. Muirhead who sleigh-ride to W. H. Wood's home moved to St. George's Parish, an the base Uine where they held North Toronto. Rev. G. S. Pas- their meeting. tlewaite of Graf ton is the new J. E. Anderson was installed as rector. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - et- TO PAY us$ A VI$ITj Yau cant get power out of an engine with sticky rings and a bead fuil of carbon. Red Indian Aviation Moton Oit, the ait thar "Cleans as it Lubrîcates", with its exceptianally iow carbon-fonming tendencies helps you avoid this type of power loss, saves ail, saves gas and repair buils. Sec us and save your car and your tem;Per. -~ Special Service i On Brakes We specialize ln making brake drums like new Jwith this accurate iprecision machine. iThis i, the only ma- Ichine In this district that can do brake drum lathlng, hon- ing and grindlng. Came hn today for a speclized job. STOCKER'S GARAGE IWARFAK LUBRICATION- FIRESTONE TIRES In5 King Street East Phone 804 Free Service Dead or Crippled Horses or Caille removed ai once wiihoui charge We va>' your phone eall. Phone Bowmanville 2679 NARGWILL FUR FARM E.R. 1, TYRONE PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2679 p. r. rBAHS. "Screech wi i. GREGORY FRIEN», Editor Brute Ingham, Roseneath, Is the new teacher on the B.H.S. staff. Wedding: Jan. 10, Hilton T. Peters and Erma May S a 1 t e r, both of Hampton. Ebenezer-Geo. F. Annis has re- turned from a trip to Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary ---- -Earl Truil, Nanton, Alta., is visiting his parents. Shaws-D. A. Gilbank, Wald- ron, Sask., after an absense of 15 years is visiting his brother, W. E. Gilbank. Clarke Township Conservative Association elected these officers, Howland Rowland, Mrs. (Dr.) McElroy, Allan Martin, Thos. H. Power. Orono-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary on New Year's day. Nestleton-Rev. R. G. Carruth- ers has gone to Chicago to contin- ue his studies. Milton Sanderson, Toronto University, is taking his work here and preaching very acceptable sermons ----Engagement is announced of Helena Maud Clemence and Herbert J. Bab- cock, wedding to take place early 'in February. Newcastle-High cost of living is due for a faîl as we are ta get milk at 8c quart. Starkville-Shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKay in honor of their recent marfiage. Lake Shore, Clarke-Billy Row- land feli against the stove burn- ing his hand badly. FIFTY YEARS AGO January 19, 1898 Thos. Curtis, an old respected employee of McClellan and Co., was presented with an easy chair on his retirement Newly elected officers of Bow- manville Horticultural Society are Thos. Bassett, R. Jarvis, D. Fisher, P. C. Trebilcock, J. H. H. Jury. Lord and Lady Aberdeen pres- ent at the opening of the Ontario Legislature in Toronto. D. B. Simpson who has been a patient at Jackson Sanitarium, Dansville, N.Y. for several weeks is expected home this week. Three letters from Durham County Boys suggest an Old Boys Reunion be held at Bowmanville during the coming year. Chas. Cox, junior member of the Statesman staff, entertained the staff to an oyster suppfr at his home on Ontario St. Three fraternal lodges, Homne Circle, Ancient Order United Workmen and Woodmen of this World, now all out of business locally, beld election of offîcers. Weddings: J. W. Alexander and Mary Ellen (Nellie) Brittain; Charles Bracken and Cynthia Cryderman; Milton Plollard and Nellie Rutherford. Miss M. Mosetta James, gold medalist in vocal at Ontario La- dies College, and winner of a Scholarship in vocal at the Tor- onto Conservatory o! Music has been appointed a teacher at the O.L.C., Whitby. Miss Nellie Wil- liams has been promoted to a full time teacher in piano at the same college. C. B. Kent, F. Garrett, Alan Williams, Wm. Furze and How- ard McMurtny drove to Port Hope Sunday. About 30 persons attend the first practice of the Choral Union. Enntskillen - Congratulations to our late respected teacher, W. W. Noble, and Mrs. Noble, one of our most charming young ladies, who were married in Toronto on Jan. 11. Maple Grove - Capt. A. W. Crawford sold his 35 acre farm to Wm. Lymer. Courtice - Darlington Union Cheese Factory ended the initial term by making 450 lbs of butter the last day ---J. W. Fotheringbam is now taking a special course in butter making at Guelph. Wise distrust a nd constant watchfulness are the parents o! safety.-Secker. "OId at 40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy yolir gaci ThousaDds amre ppiat 70. Tri, .: . ng U_,Wih Ostrez Contai,,a tonic for weak. feln due molely tW bodys iack of Iron whieh ~~ ,nn enand w....nrail"nid." 7T" 0...erTonlc Tableis for pep. younCer feeling. thW very dey .New .. Rt sqtnted * u eOJg 604. lot sNue ai au drug sdorceovervabem Exams have been returned and checked, and most affairs at B. H.S. have retunned ta normal. Feelings are mixed as the day dawns, pnobably some time next week, when reports are handed out. Fan those who are looking forwand ta the event there is nat much ta say except, well done, keep it up As for those who are- n't sa keen ta find out officially in what their efforts resulted, we can only remind them that thene are only seven weeks remaining till the next set o! exams begins. Cheenful thought, eh what? If possible we will publish next week the list o! those who obtain- ed the highest marks in thein re- spective forms in the Christmas exams. The Variety Show The Variety Show practiceebe- gan hast week. Predictions are, o! course, still bard ta make, but it appears that if everybody co-op- erates, Mary Paterson's aims will be nealized in a successful review. The Hill Billy's are already tak- ing on parts as the Mantins and McCoys, those reckless mountain boys. The othen day Mary bad a regulan Gam-Session, with al applicants for a chorus girl role displaying their shapely wanes in the Chemistry room, since the or- chestra uses the Assembly Hall. Even if the girls don't cook up a formula ta make themselves Betty Grables, they should satisfy ahi the maie comers. Basketball Three out o! four for first bas- ketball games îsn't bad. Our B. H.S. basketball troupe journeyed ta Port Penny on Friday ta do battle witb the Port Penny Girls' and Boys' Basketball teams. The results were quite gratifying. The Junior Girls started off the lengthy boop program by tnim- ming the hometown juniors 22-7. Peg Dippehi was the individual star for B.H.S. racking up 12 points. Madehine Osborne, Ca- therine Campbell and Janet Dale, second formers playing their first games, showed promise as ex- cellent matenial for future B.H.S. teams. Eleanor Sweetman car- ried the load for Port Perry. The Senior Girls had an even easier time of it, winning 22-3. Had not coach Mrs. Lewis bencb- ed Jacqueline Heyland in the sec- ond bal! ta give other members a! the team a chance ta show their ,pnowess, B.H.S. might have doub- led the score. Jackie netted 14 points while the rest o! the team kept the Port Penny squad off the score sheet with a tightly knit defense. All P.P.H.S. points came by way o! fouI shots. Pearl Bres- lin made her presence f elt ! ! ! The boys did flot have as easy a time o! it as the girls. The juniors wene behind af ter the -fîrst bal! o! their game. However, in the latter bal!, Ron Moonecra!t found the range for four baskets to give B.H.S. a close 16-14 win. And firially we have ta acknow- ledge a defeat. Had it not been for a finst quarter lapse on the part o! aur Senior boys the game would have been very close, but using man ta man tactics the Port Penny lads made it 20-6 in the first bal!. Lee o! P.P.H.S, really went wild, with seven field goals. In the second bal! the Bowman- ville team bad an edge in play, but it was toa late. Pont Perry won 29-21.* Had Buckspan prac- tised bis set shots just a bit more, and had Bill Rundle experienced one o! bis "on" days, the final nesuit might have been different. But why post-mortem? Every one a! the seniors vaws that the defeat will be avenged wben P.P. H.S. cornes ta Bowmanville. At that time they will be splendidhy attired in satin sport trousers, wbich sbould dazzle Pont Penny to a degree af ineffectiveness. Sehool Treat Last week the school had the appontunity ta bear Miss Ltona Flood, in what was probably the finest exhibition o! musical tal- ent ever offened at aur school. Our thanks go to the Rotary Club whc made this treat possible. Added Attraction This week the attraction at B. H.S. is the finst Litenany Society pnagram, ta be put on by 4th form this afternoon at 2:30. Eveny- body will be welcome ta see this were ready ta eat, and we made aur way ta the lunch noom where deliciaus sandwiches, coakies, es- kimo piesand pap quenched aur appetites. There was a great deal a! laughing, singing and joking, and as yet we do nat knaw what the partaking teachers thought o! aur merniment. We drifted hame- ward shortly and vowed that since we bad bad such a wonderful tîme, we wauld bave anather par- ty in the near future but for the present we are satis!ied. WESLEY VILLE There was a gaad attendance o! 29 at Sunday Schaol. Mn. Mur- nay Payne taught the Junior Boys' Class in the absence a! Mn. Clan-1 ence Nicholis. Church was held at 11:30 witb Dr. Oke preacbing a veny goad sermon on "God's Guida nc e Thnaugh the Spirit." Farm Forum was beld at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Richard Best, followed by a veny good dis- cussion and lunch. The Young Peaple's Union met an Wednesday evening witb a very good attendance. Miss An- derson, the Fellowship convener, led the meeting. The community o! Wesleyville was very sorny ta hear o! the ili- ness a! Mrs. Oke and a speedy necoveny is hoped for. The Woman's Association hehd their monthly meeting at the homç o! Mrs. Anchie Lord. There was a very gaod attendance. The roll caîl was answered by the paying of the membership fees. Miss Clara Danke and Mr. Cy- nil Darke returned home aften vis- iting relatives in Toronto. NESTLETON Thé- Nestleton W.A. met in the basement o! the United Chunch, Jan. 15. The new curtains were passed araund ta be made for1 basement windows. Mrs. K. Sam- elis and Mrs. S. Malcolm were ap-1 pointed to plan the groups for another year. Leaders are: Mrs.1 W. D. Fenguson, Mrs. J. Gnieves,1 Mns. Wm. Steele, Mrs. R. W. Mar- low. There were nine ladies pres-1 ent. Cookies were senved at the9 close o! meeting with the next meeting in charge o! Mrs. W. D. Ferguson's group. Sympathy is extended ta friends o! Mns. Richard Edgerton, who was buried in Anglican Cemetery Friday. The Teen-Age Group bad a skating party at Blackstock on Tuesday night. Mns. W. G. Bowles entertained the gnoup a!-1 ter. Miss Lamna Sudds, Bowman-î ville, visited Miss Patricia Bowlesî and attended the skating party. î Mn. and Mrs. George Jo hns and 1 When darirness f ails, thie owls takeaover fromn the hawks a:nd ailier predators i the" destruction of harniful rodants. The Great Gray Owl is essentiolly a northern bird, living as far north as the tre. inaecand cornes south ta the settled parts af Canada only during severe winters. Because of the ease with wb.ich it can be caLptured (it can sornetirns b. caught in the hand) it has unfortunately become very rare and every cane should b. taken ta protect useful rat. and mousa-catchen. To halp the. public recognize the. nead for conservation of our nattiral resources, authoritaliva literature on this subjeot and fuli-colour reprints of wiîlhfe illustrations (without, advertising) availabla free by writing to The Carling Conservation Club, Waterloo, Ontario. Dtscovered ln 1741 by Com- mander Bering, the Pallas Cormorant became extinot around 1852 -another bird which will nover acain b. seen. CARLI&G7S teoev,ew uV $yCAIINGS. iSsi Tif CARLINOBIEWEUIES LIMITE§ valletoS. ONTAIIS TOUR TOENJOY - TOURS TO PROTECIT Dlii 11,1) PAG E Mr. Rogers, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hailowel and family in Orono. Mn. Art McKay in NewtoTlville and attended the dinner ini the Presbytenian Church. Mrs. Ross Hallowell entertain- ed a few of the younger folk Sat- urday afternoon in hanor o! Jack- ie's birthday. Several attended service al Shiloh Sunday. Miss H. Deckert spent the weelc- end in Toronto. Miss Eileen Farrow, Braffley's, at home. Mr. M. Shutka in Orono. Let not hlm who prays,1 his tangue ta outstrip bis h» nor presume to carry a messe ta the throne of grace, whfle that stays behind.--South. Billy vlsited Mr. and Mns. L. Job- lin. Miss Faye Ferguson has been out o! school with an ulcerated tooth which had to be treated. Miss Jean Black, Toronto, with hen- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black.0 Mr. Mauriee Nesbitt spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Black and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Vic- tor Malcolm. Mrs. George Farder is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm visited Mr. and Mns. Neil Mal- colm. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Henry vis-' ited bis father, Mr. Talmage Hen- ry who is in Peterboro Hospital. Miss Patricia Pearson and Mr. Richard Bowles, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles. Darlungton Council Inaugural Meeting Inaugural meeting of Darling- ton Township Council was held Jan. 12, at il ar. The Coundil was duhy sworn in after which the Reeve, Kyle Squair, called upon Rev. E. S. Linstead who read a portion of Scripture and offered prayer. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Linstead for bis services. Each member of the Council spoke briefly, the general trend o! their remarks were to hold tax- es from going any higher. Meet- At 1:30 p.m. council resumed regular business. J. F. Heyland and M. H. Wight addressed the council re brushing and cleaning up weeds on roadside. Council agreed to do some work in this regard. W. J. Chapman was engaged as janitor at a salary of $60.00. Coun- cil nenewed its membenship with the Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion. Council made a grant of $100.00 ta the Salvation Army. The clerk ordered seven subscrip- tions to the Municipal World. The following bills were order- ed paid: F. L. Byam, relief groceries 15.21 M. Davey, shovel ------------ 2.59 Cawker's Grocery, relief --- 15.53 Canadian Statesman, advt. 1.35 L. C. Mason, seizure papers 20.00 Claud Smith, relief -------- 21.25 Mrs. Minnie Hunt, bouse- keeper------------------------ 35.00 Grant Carnochan, relief -- 19.45 Mrs. H. McClure, milk for Mrs. Van Luven ---------- -7.75 Municipal World, 7 sub.----- 14.00 Ont. Good Roads Assoc., fee 5.00I Salvation Army, grant ------ 100.00 Council adjourned to meet Feb. 5, at 1 p.m. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and family, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davidson and family, Osh- awa, Miss Mary Vigar, Norwich, and Mn. and Mrs. B. Slingerland and Lynda, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hu'bbard. STARK ILLEý G1ad to report that Ronnie, younger son o! Mr. and Mrs. Ew- art Robinson is recavering fram his illness. Miss Norma Hallowell, Toron- to, with ber brother, Mr. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter in Orona. Miss V. Tyler, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallawell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coulson, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Mr. and Mrs. V. Farrow with their daughter, Mrs. P. Nimigon, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers and li. 9 '~iV TO HELP YOU SAVE DESPITE HIGH FUEL COSTS Now's the time ta spend a moderate amount save a lot ln years to corne! Insulate your home . . . to save on expensive fuel, ta add comfort and value to rour home! It's easy to do . . . ta get the details, just pick up your phone and caîl us. We'Il send an exper- ienced Insulation expert to give you ail the details, including estimates, without obligation on your part. Act Now! Phone 494 SEALTITE INSULATION 47 QUEEN STREET [P. .0 WAR SAVINGS CERTIFUCATES Due 1947-1954 Your War Savings Certificates may be redeemed b7 endorsing and sending them, as they fait due, ta the Registrar, War Savings Certificates, 350 King Edward Avenue, Ottawa. or For your greater convenience, you may leave ail your Certificates now with any branch of this Bank. We shall send them ta Ottawa as they fail due and credit the proceeds ta a Savings account in your name as settlements are received. Rates on application at any branch of THE CANADIAN 8A K 0F COMMERCE BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - R. L. Mitchell, Manager NEWCASTLE. BRANCH - - J. C. Porter Manager ORONO BRANCH -3 . Blue. Manager 196A-r 'q -1 IIIURSDAY, JANUARY 22,1949. ýd omp,