A ~7 I A ~iA ~W UfS q a~a ALS.'.J.blLJiZy, Jr THE C! ANAflAN STATFESMAN, BOWMANVIE, ONTARIO PAGE THREN 4 ,Women's Group ai i Triniiy Church Report Good Year The regular monthly meeting of Trinity W.A. was held in the echool room' Tuesday afternoon,1 Jan. l3th. Miss Florence Werry's1 'An important part of my has been Crown Brand Cari right for a littie character li these grown-ups sure are li them Crown Brand Corn; dishes. And she uses it in h~ I can hardly wait until I'm enough ta have same hot wai or pancakes smothered w~ deliciaus Crown Brand. If as good as it is in rny cerel mmmmm!" For years doctors have rec mended the use of Crown Br Corn Syrup as a satisfactory car hydrate acting as a miik modi for bottle-fed infants. group had charge of the devo- honest with ourselves and truc ta tional peariod and it was e reali God. inspiration ta aIl present. Miss.ý Business followed with the Werry gave the Bible reading and'president Mrs. C. W. Slemon in Mrs. Jenkins followed with a ve- the chair. Il was suggested that ry beautiful poem "The Hindered1 a cable of congratulation be sent Christ". Mrs. P. Cowling then! ta the Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Hoskin gave us some splendid New Yepr 'on the arrivai of a daughter Jan. thou.ghts. She appealed ta us ta 12 at Indore hospital, Indie. Re- make this a better world by being parts of veriaus groups were giv- better people: la keep befare us en for the year 1947 and showing th&e 111e and death af Jesus: ta be e very successful year education- elly, socially and finencially. The total amount raised was $1,394.54. Rev. J. E. Griffith instlled the officers for 1948 and thanked the ladies for their splendid co-oper- ation. Mrs. Slemon aiso thanked the ladies and asked for their con tinued support for the coming yearý and meeting closed with iprayer. I The poem mentianed above follows: The Hindered Christ The Lard Christ wanted a tangue- I one day To speak a message of cheer To a beart that was weary and worn and sad F And weighted with mîghty fear. He esked me for mine but 'twas busy from morn ta night. The Lord Christ wanted a hand one day To do a loving deed, He wanted two feet on an errand for Him But Ihad need of my ospeed; , dc ever since my hrst bouleC n Syrup. Now, that may be al like myseif, but let me tell yau, lucky what with Mom serving Syrup with so many of their her baking, too, as a sweetener. old me's and .rbo- lifier CROWN BRAND CORK SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD. MONTREAL -TORONTO Aise MnufacI.tureroCna CcdaCorn Siorch cm. also Selected Shorts and Cartoon SATURDAY,, JANUARY 24 Milais1111tIli? SINGLETON -LAKE - SUMS Added Attraction Chas. Starrett as the Durango kid Smiley Bumette the West's No. 1 Comic "HBEADING WEST"' Cartoon in Technicolor Nsonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jan. 26-27-28 ANOTHER ROMANTIC TRIUMPH WITH THE NEW STAR MdARGARET PATRICIA LOCKWOOD STEWARD GRANGER ROC ##LOVE STORY" AND ANOTB]ER SMASH RIT I ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Plan... New York and London New Y.ar's Revelry. Tojo takes stand lu a-ar crimes trial. The Iceberg Athlette Club at Coney Island. Further List o New Memoria Orono Caatham, O- Berry and Family H.- Hancock, B. ~ Cowan, B ------- - - ---- Robinson, B. Weber, G.-- Brough, family-.-- --- Bell, R -------------------------- Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. M. Tamblyn, Carias ----------- - Reid, W. A. --------- Cornish, H. ----------_ Clysdale, L., Port Granby - W ede, H - -------------- Cale, T---- --------- - - - Timlach, J. _____- Semis, B. Barrie, M. Payne, C. Powell, H- Kimbaîl, J. Brown, A ---------- Wannen, M- ---- Bupon, E---------------- -- Brinscombe, T. Graham, F ----- - --- - Rutherford, J- Rutherford, C ------------- Rutherford, W. Wennen, Wm ---- Rutherford, S. B. Ard, Kathleen ------------- Biglow , J.- ------------ Chapman, S. C -------------- )f Doi rSai 10.00 Sur 7.00She 2.ý000 Ber 5.00 Rei 5.00 Sa 1.00 Os] 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 ICav 5.00 Van 2.00 Van î.oo Be, 2.00 "Be 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 Ir 2.00 ente 5.00 loye 2.00 zen 10.00 ies<ý 2.00 for 2.00 sud( 4.00 shoc 6.00 led1 5.00 i --0 in Ii 10.00 o swered 'Nay'. 1- Shackletaon, K----- - 00j ean Sa ail that day 1 used my tangue, Wannan, J ---------------------- 2.00 a* h My hands and my feet as 1 chose Chapman, O ----- ------------ cuth I said same hasty bitter words 5ew0asletar That hurt one heart God knows. N~ .e c10.00 seti I busied my hands with worthless All M . ad rsE . ---- -- ----- 5.00 el play,te And my wilfui feet went a crook- Gray, Bras.-------- ----- - 10.00 r 1 Lovekin, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. 10.00 afi ed way. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 20.00) mar: And the dear Lard Christ was Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. N. ---25103_ný His work undane, WerM.adMl.K . 50 e,j For lack of a xilling heart? WerbM.adMs .G .0Iorr Oniy through men daes He speak Newtonville 2ete ta men, Cale, Mrs.__------------- 1.00 Jcnr Dumb must he be apart? Ugla, Mrs. W.------------- 50)5 a 1 do nat knaw, but I wish taday, Buriey, S. - ------- ------ 25 A I had let the Lord Christ have His Giaver, S.-----1.00--- -------Lo iî way. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.- 1.001 Star Thompsan, Miss B.---------- 1.00 cral Thompson, Gea. ----------- 2.09.) ter INNesbitt, Fred --------------- 5.00 Jan Lancaster, J.----------------- 1.00 ra r Burley, R.------------------ 1.10 01 (Intended for Last Week) Hanccck, W.- ------------2.00 shar Messrs. Walter and Victar Hu- Rednap, A.----- -------- 1.00 villa latt,. Oshawa, at Russell Perkins'. Morris, C._--------------------- -.50 EIca Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Bunt, Rev. H. C -------------- 5.00 Cen Douglas Flett's, Enniskillen. Stark, Mrs. J ------------------- 2.00 cupi Rev. George Killen and Mrs. Stapietan, B.------------- 1.03. -l Kilien, Sarnia, at Robt. Kilien's. Milisan, Mr. and Mrs ------ 4.00111 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow- Eilaît, MW. F - ---------- 5- .001 0C leMiss Helen Yeilowlees, Mr. DealD-v--------------20 a Vernon Powell, Columbus, at Ger- Stevens, Mary------------------ 1.00 1\as ry Glaspell's. Rabinsan, C. ----- 10.00 vive Mr. Hans Geissberger Jr., Miss- Raindall, Mrs. - ------------ 1.00 nepi es Mary and Bertha Geissberger Mr.VnAln. - -.' W at August Geissberger's, Harma- Elmer, John-------------- 10.00 fly. Janes, Mr. and Mr--. C. M.- 10.00 M Mr. and Mrs. David Hutcheon Hatherly, j ..............-. 1.00 haV and famiiy, North Oshawa, at Ro- Elliait, J. E. - ------------ 5.00 sin<i bert Kilien's. Manlian, V. ----------- 1.00 Lle1 Mrs. Russell Perkins and Mar- Mortcn, Mrs. R. -- 2.00 the garet at Fred Ashton's, Toronto. Whiting, T. E.------- 5.00 sO Messrs. George and Noel Chant, Rudwarth, Mrs. 1.00() St. Thomas, at Reford Cameron's Thampson, S. B. --2-.0 and Arnold Venner's. Beasly, Mrs. C. -2.*00 v.11 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson Jones, Mrs. T. W.- --- --- 10.00 casJ and f amily et Ben Hubbard's, Orono U Burketon. Gas ad- 10 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Hill, 'H----------------------- 1.001 r.ne Percy Bryce's, Toronto. Hill, Harry------------ 1.00 in il Mr. Jas. MeMaster, Toronto, at Hill: Nelle 1.091 h Alex McMaster's. Barstow, W.--- ---- --- --2.001 Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Ayre visited Tebble, Wesley------------ 1.00 lS their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd' Met- Henderson, George ---------5.0' caîf at the haspitai. Hnesn ------ .0lc The Durham -Peterbaro Ayr- Heln, R.o, - -------- -- -- - 2.00, -c sbire Club heid a Barn Show at Harris, r.Mr ------2 Alex McMaster's on Thursday Ms ay - . witb a fair attendance. HaCrysl, Ms H--- ---- 2.00'.,r. TeAdult Bible Class wiîî meet HriL -- -50 aTrayhe e' hm n a Allun, Clarence 2.03 atTac lsplsbon n a-Luxan, J. --------- urday night ta arrange for a tea- .J-- - - cher for theclass and edccl off- ues, ------------- 3.0.)- icers for 148.V iCW--------50 ___________ Reid, L. E ------------------------ 2.(_. Preistiy, A.- --------------------0' Adversity bas ever been con- Perrin, A. T.-----------------10. sidered the state in which a man Perrin, A. G., Newcastle- . --0l.0.' mast easily becomes acquainted Hancock. R.. Orona, ------ - 3.0,9 -. witb himseif, then, especially, be- Simpson, Jas------------------- 5.0 ing free from flalterers.-Johnson. Getlik, P -------------------- 1.0) The good things of prasperity Hollingsworth, R -------- - - - 5001 are ta be wished; but the goad Bailey, John ----------------- 10.00 i ce, things thal beiong ta ad'versity are Power, Gardon --------- 1.uo 'a~ la be admired.-Seneca. South, Mr. and Mrs. C.-- 10.00o cePt Bryant, G.- - ------------- 10.00 T Walton, A -------------------- -5.00 e Business Directory Harris, Ms .10 Es Sandercock, 0. - 5.00 Chu Nixan, Henry 5.00 ris1 Legal Scott, H. N.------------- .0o Aluin, H. - --------- - -------- 1.00 M W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Reiney, E. R -------------------- 10.00 mut Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Bullack, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. 5.00o affe< Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. C. 5.001 was Money ta Ican - Phone 791- Stapletan, Mr. and Mrs. E. - üo lira] Bowmanville, Ontario Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin- 5.001 also LAWRENCE C. MASON B.A. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 5.00u Lacj Barrister, Solicitor, Nolary Public Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. W. ---- 5.001 Wa Kig îrelW, owanile B ail, Mr. and Mrs. Ken ------ 2.00! Unit Phone: Office 688 - Residence 55 Nielson, Aege --------- - 1.00 Cain Hilîs, Mr. and Mrs. K. 5.001TI W. F. WARD, B.A. ___________ Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9½ý King Street E.ON A OH LD Y Bowmanville - Ontario NA I O IA Phone: Office 825- House 409, MISS APHA 1. HODGINS jBarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould 4Temperance St. - Bowmenville Phone 351 DR.DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates ai Rayai Dental Colgand Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville iOffice Hours: 9 e.m. ta 6 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phorie 790 Residexice: Dr. J. C. Devilt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 ar..la 6 p.rn. deily 9 arn. ta 12 noan, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone ti04 - - 23-5* monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. nations For spital Fund tnders, Mr. end Mrs. A. _ 10.00 irorecaît, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1.00 ierwin, M. E ' 5.00 rry, Mrs. W. J. 10.00 ainey. Neil ------_- 10.00 ipeoJack -__ -2.00 3borne, E. F. R. 50.00 $1,115.00 Bowmanville iwker, Mr. and Mrs. T. W-100-00 instone, Mr. and Mrs. M. 50.00 instone. Mr. and Mrs. B_. 50.00 ignell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J-__ 25.00 ýest Wishes for 1948" - --- 10.00 OBITUARY GEORGE .JAMIESON n Newcastle an Jan. 5, Ihere ered into his eternal rest a be- ed and highiy esteemed citi- nin the persan of George Jam- n. Though in failing health rsame weeks previously, bis dden passing came as e great ck ta anc and ail when hie pass- peacefully away in his seven- -fourtLh year. It is int.-resting ta note that his 1 1er, James Jamieson, was barn i Ireland in 1838 and whien a lad 10 lound his way aver the oc- nand spent the second decade hiis yauth warking mostly with big lumbLcrinen in the section und Rice Lake. In 1858 he led in Clarke. While here hie ýMiss Margaret White, daugh- af Mr. anci Mrs. Victor White, nQrtlicrn Clarke. They were irried by the late Canonî Brer.t St. George's Church, x in 187l.1. iram Ibis unioan w.... n ïcu.r sons and ane d.ia.r er, Geo.rge, Jchn, Will'amn and nic. ..ý.crg w-as the last re- ining member of bis family. A.s a y',oungl man Gorge was a dl kîîown iigure in Armstrang's )re, Orono, where lie speru sev- i ycars ai his business lufe. Af- .saine 'cars in Toraonta, Mr. rrieson carne ta Ncwcastle as a tner wiih Mr. William Jack- ýin the livery business. A ct lim-e alter caming ta Ibis age hie was marriect la Miss anar Niason and toak up resi- nce in the hame wbich he oc- pied at the lime af bis death. swife, Eleanor, died July 31, 18. Dn May 18, 1921, Mr. Jemieson iunitcd in marriage wilh Eva iud Rickard by wihcm lie is sur- cd. Also Ia maurn a 2oeloved phew are tbree- uncles, George lIte, Pontpoal, Ben White, Or- cArchie \inice, 'J.oranto. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Jamieson -e been clasely assaciated ever ie tbe iaUer came ta lNewcas- forty-one years aga. Besides livery business they w-ere al- partn...rs in a butcher business .er the name af Jackson and iieson. But George Jamieson ibest be remermoered in N'ew- -,e as the genial pastmaster in svihage. i-lad lie lived ti11 the ai i, cbruary this year lie ..lci have conipleted twenty- le ycLarS as a public servent hecapacity of postmaster for cviiiage o'iS.wate inc,? Lis dem'sc, Mrs. Jamieson i rcC.1\ c.i a personal letter lram4 '1' i.anst..î- .is..rict, Post - 4 e nisp.or in wilich lie £i it it a with Ceep ic.,reî i.aa. had ieïriied of tme pas.ng 0o G. Jamieson wbo haiu.. Liatrai NewcasLle. u.. 2 e 1, 1919. 'lce pai- .r. .jamicsan would be a icr, s o thce Post Office 1)c,,, Ls lie had heen a mos.. - and eliîcicit postniasîci i. f ll ca-aperation aI . -. Jamiesan will be remcn- is a lo% cr 0± tlowers aU 4 r-Lil, w-no tooîî a keen inter-..4 sports af many îcinds. 1hie n 4 n chairnian of the c\cwcz..tL- -cro Loinis- ,n since ils î1î ltion in Ma*.ce," 19a8. 7he funerai services condu.c by bis pastor, Rev. W. W. 4 son o ai îNxcastle U n it ýrch was beld fram the l\iîo_- Fanra 1Chpe, B- mn-i 1 ina es 1 colors, 13ubbling Calif ornia-borrowec J k I ~ (J pressed and pinked seams, sound workmanship and dependable, washable ATC spun rayon. New styles for misses, Women, and haif - sizes. EACH _ ~ ~ p " To wear NOW like Cal- if ornia Sunshine in the house. " To SAVE for those gold- en Canadian days ahead. " New Skirt YARDAGE in f avourite washab1e dresses. 9< 1olzw à4e4f2ùnJ .&nd SPhone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville PIJBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST DY JOHN LABATI LIMITED at W~aIker'! Tropice Dres-s WINTER sports are won- Wderful in Ontario! There's miles and miles of trails for cross-country skiing in most areas - countless places for skating -crisp, snow-blanketed country roads for sieighing. Bethany - Caledon - Hunts- ville -Midland -Owen Sound -Summit-take your pick, they're ail wonderful! Whether it's skiing, skating or sleighing that spelis Winter sports for you, you'l find snowlands aplenty close to home. For complete information regard- ing Ontario Winter resorts, write bo Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Bldg., Toronto. L£:'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK Let's sSe they get the best we have to offer. Everyone bene- fits from the income tourist business brings to Ontario. So it's in your interest to encourage friends from other parts to share aur Ontario Holidays. TOURIST BUSINESS IS GOOD BUSINESS ",NUAIKY 22, 1943 kard, Jas. Smith, Herbert Tomit, ThnsCnB Ernest Rich, H. . Britton, Cecil hnsCnB Interment was made in the fa- Bcuiu mily plot in Orono Cemetery. Extensive plans are elreedy be- ing blue-printed for Canada's ELIZABETH CARSCADDEN t h i r d annuel "Beautificetion WARD Cempaign" ta be conducted next Aformer resident of Cartwright May, eccording ta an ennounce- adMnesith esnoEl-ment from ils sponsors, the Jun- adt Mane rs n he enrsan of iior Chamýber of Commerce of the late Alfred Ward end daugh- tCanata ional a ntrsti ter of the late Robert and Lucinda thdainlcean - up effort- Carsaddn pssedawa ether(more than three hundrl Cana- homcae, 47 ained yAveiTronodian communities took part iast on Jan. 2, 1948. She was prede-sparingbasprmplanng amnie ceesed by lber three children: înee strt ste ann Tigcommittee Russell and Fred W. Werd, Ph .D' forundextse an. Thi cofmitte Cambridge, Eng. Rer home "bs udrtecaresi iGr beenthe entr of ospast don B. Pallent of the Steel Com- emong the Wards, Carsceddens pany of Canada Ltd., Montreal. and Devitts for many years. Since Supporting the Junior Cham- Iasing ail bier family she had turn- ber in its efforts are severai na- ed bier attention particuîarîy ta tioal business organizetions, in- Y.W.C.A. work and bier guIfs ta ommerce the Canadin hMbenu-f the needy were liberai and usuel- fCmrercsseto, the CanaMn- ly anonymous. Her estate, afle tr erdin At canis the Laqu- certain legacies to relatives, pass- dAsoc tVrns &Lcqe es ta lier favored charities-Sick Asocation, The Canadien Elec- Childrens' Hospital, Institute for trical Association, Tourist Assaci- the Blind and the National San- ations, Good Roeds Associations, itorium.Florists Association, and others. itarum.Publicity ta be used will iihclude newspapers, magazines, trade pa- pers, ibilîboards, shawcards. ra- Religiaus truth, touch what i di, mavie trailers,- etc. Many na- points of it you will, has elways lionel edvertisers are expected ta ta do with the being and govern- lie in the "Beautify Canada" ment ai God, and is, af course, theme, with their regular con- ilimitabie in ils reech. - Hitch- sumner advertising during the cock. period ai the campaign. ---------- STARK VILLE THE LITTLE OL' HOME PAPER When you're feelin' kind o' lonet sorrie, An' the atmosphere is blue, When life's no bed of roses, An' folks seern down on you, I know wbat wili make you hap. py, An' chase away the frown- Read the littie ol' newspaper From our ol' home town. You wan't laugh about the tri:b lin' things, The paper bas ta say For every line's a message, Fromi the ai' home far away Even Si's new chicken coop, Wiil not provide a smile An' the great big city dailles. Lie unopened ail the while, Bil]'s girl bas gone to college, An' Jo&s boy's home from France, The Ladies' Aid will hold a social An' the Mason's give a dance. So you read the local hoppenings An' neyer miss a line, An' cause they're ail your neigh- bars, You'l be glad the crops are fine. Then before yau know it, You've read it thraugh and thru' An' ail the world seems brighter An' life seems goad to you, So for a pili of plcasure To chase axvay the frawnr, Take the little ai' newspaper, From yaur ai' home town. 1