THURSDAY, 3ANtTARY 22, 1940 r~A r ruFiCNDA TTEMN OMNVLE NAX u ~point was being neared. Frthi E T N IL EV U O5same reason, every province and E T N IL Xydro onservation Ls xplined i[many countries are suffering ai shortage of electrical power, the Congratulations ta Mr. S. R. ~DyCon m is ion r S rik atOsh wa speaker stated. Jones, who will be 91 years young Our standard of living is high,; on Wednesday, Jan. 21. Spaiga h ana yr-gateie f nai sn employment is great. and working I Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Speaingat he nnul hdro gan th ida o Onari usng conditions are good, Mr. Strike Van Allen on birth of a littie night meeting of Lebanon Lodge, 100,000 horse power was consid-1 declared, because we possess the daughter. txF and AM, Oshawa, last week, ered preposterous yet today, con- greatest'supply of hydro in the Mrs. Cecil Glass, Kendal, with Bro. Ross Strike, K.C. Vice Chair- sumption is 2.000,000 h.p. "In world. "Per capita," he indicated, Mrs. Sam Smith. man. Hydro Electric Power Com- the next three years," the speaker "we use twice as much power as Mrs. C. Hoskin, Kendal, with mission of Ontario, centred his revsealed, "we are planning flow the United States, and four Urnes her brother, Mr. Tone Langstaff, 'remarks on the present necessity ta add 900,000 hp." as much as Great Britain." It is ,r electrical conservation with Officias were surprised, lie said, the aim of the H.E.P.C. ta main- Mr. Wilbert Langstaff, Toron- he particular wish ta have the when they found hydro loads in- tain the present high level of em- ita, with his mother, Mrs. Mabel nattcr clearly understood in that creasing after the war terminat- ployment by careful conservation 'Langstaff'sa . an r.T e e -.util iy ed. "We forgot, among other through public co-operatin, l ~ae s orrt rpor te cr " Conservation, said Mr. Strike, things, that haîf of civilization conclucted. usilssfMrJoi or an j5oes not mean going without but was destroyed and the other hlai! H. K. Hillier, representing the i Hss ilsr f Mr. J Barton an e eather the use of electricity with had ta. keep it up." Industrial, pubilic'relations section o! con- son, Mr. Cli!! Whittaker, are with ýhe care necessary ta serve fairly commercial and domestic con- sumers' services of the H.E.P.C. him as is also his daughter, Mrs. S1li legitimate uses and permit ex- suiflptiofl went up proportionate- showed a film illustrating how Morvis, Port Granby. panding industry ta continue a ]y he pontd out, al eas fn omsi onuescol ae Mr. ndHilLwiiTucot pihlevel of employment. With nelled war - production suddenly i hydro in their everyday activities.M.Hliard Truscott and Mr. and 4he public very generally ad- gave way ta a different kind of ___________Ms l ilas oot.vs herine 10 conservation of electri- ail-out production. Cnue e- Ms lf ilas ootvs eux1%. there was stili need for con- mand for luxuries and utensils o!fS o.9,Clrk d with r. and Mrs. S. R. Jones %inuin, th campaign for some varying kinds lad ta be met and S .No9,Cakonunday limne i0 corne. the cail for power was answ"ere_____Te una srvcwsagn 3ýeas ao, r. Srik oc uýnJl t fund hata dheld in the Sunday Sclool roam. Fort .ers goMr.Strke c- tt21tt V~Sfoud tat dager Severai of the fruit men in thisSoe!thdintadfrm- _____ ___ -d istrict are attending the conven- itve of the church service ma b _______ ionnTorntothiswee. Sornesacri!iced but this is surely off- ofeek ta ler fomRothetr lAen set by the warmth and friendli- ran ~ ~~~~~~can cousins how they combat the ns facnrgto ls a mayorchard pests such as leaf gether with pastor and choir. HEA rllr, odlig mth fmany tc There is a marke'd di.erence in rour, oddingmot, fngu, ec.the congregational sînging. Mr. Russell Osborne has sold The Presbyterian annual meet- his east farm. ,ing was lield Saturday evening PREMIER GEORGE DREW isurs. Fred Bowen had th 1le lien the congregation enjoyed a sureof atendng te tandi *birthday party o! Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thompsoin, Ta- in on importunt Home and School Association and ronto, were present as were sev- of rencwing many former friend- eral other guests. ships in H. and S. work and also Mr. and Mrs. WletHnok PR V N E W D R A CAo! meeting Mrs. Arrowsrnith,' mr.Tupper Johnston and Miss 01- Provincial president and listening iive Johnston attended the funeral Sta lier informative and inspiring of their cousin, Miss Edna Sharpe to the* address. We thank Bowmanville' in Toronto on Saturday atron president for lier kind invitation. She was the daughter o! Mn. and Our No. 9 Home and Se-hool As-1 the late Mns. Win. Sharpe who PEO LE O O TA I sociation met Jan. 14,' in the formerly resided here., She at- school hause. It is regrettable tended the local public school. chat it was such a very cold nigit. Th e annual Sunday S5chool ]FRI AYJANU RY 3rdthat only a few managed ta at- meeting was held in the parson- FR DA , AN AR 2 rdtend as Mr. Ceeul Carveth showed 1 age on Wednesday evening, Jan. several fine neels of maving pie- 14. Those present were the pas- DogT) tures. Mr. Dyer aiso contributed tor and Mrs. Bunt, Messrs. Sid some splendid solos. Plans were Lancaïter, Ethen Jones, John El- discussed concerning aur annual, mer and C. M. Jones, Mrs. W. H. dance ta lie held next month. Look Jones, Mns. C. Burley and Miss __________________________________ in__ b Coniing Events" for particu- Winnie Randal. The siate of off- lars. icers for the coming year is: Better late than neyer, but we Superintendent, Sidney Lancas- wouid like to congratulate "Bill ter; asst., C. M. Jones; sey.'ud and Aileen" Aluin on the arrivai oc;tes, te oc;p iist, of a son and heir. Miss Margaret Ovens; honorary Mr. nd rs.Chas Osonn an pianist, Mrs. W. C. Lane. Teadli- Mr.andMrs Chs.Osbrneandicrs appointed were: Adult Bible family, Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Class, Mrs. C. Burley; assistant, guests of their brother, Austin Mr. Clciand Lane; Junior boys', and Mrs. Turner. This is an an- Mr. C. M. Jones; Senior girls', nual New Yean's family reunian. Mrs. N. W. Stevens; assistants, BOUG T a i S1LD]or; Junior girls', Miss Mary Bur- Lake Shore, Clarke , ley; assistants,ivrs. Morris and 1940 HUDSON SEDAN MradMs1obnAlna Class, Miss Minnie Randal; assis- in Ai condition throughout and Lois with Mr. and Mns. Keith tant, Miss Fac Joncs. OrmitonEbenzer.Mrs. H. A. Bunt was appointed Cradie Roll Superintendent ta Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes witliwnhaoeaieywtiMs 1941 ILLYS COUPEi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Port Chas. Morris, Baby Band 'supt.1 194 W LL S C UP IGranby.1 Another meeting o! ail intenested Mr. Garnett Alldread, Redvers,1 in Sunday School wonk will be i o dcondition Sask., witli Mr. and Mrs. Chas.î cailed on Monday evening, Apnil Alldread and Mr. and Mrs. Robin 1 5,ta discuss wonk and followin Alldread. q uarter's lessons.. n 1935 DODGE COACH Mrs. Hammond Brown with lier Mn. and Mrs. Cleland Lane have sister in Toronto. n eturned fromn visiting lier sister Mrs. A. E. Hotsoei is visiting in cording secretary. stewardship, ------ * Simcoe and Delhi. The W.M.S. met in the parson- age Tuesday aftennoon with elcv- cash - trade-ins - or easy terms - en present. The treasurer e BURKETON ported that aur allocation o! $125 had been reached. A great deal Visitors: of the credit for reaching this is rn- 'bMr. and Mrs. H. Davey, witli due aur associate members who M.adMrs. R. Davey. responded so nobly with donations A it*s C atraue Mr n in the calendars and helping with Miss Kim, Teulington, New: quilt whidh was sold. The re- General Auto Repaîrs to ail Makes and Models York, Miss Ann Hopicy, New'erig scearseadhp HAPOOT HN 18 York, Miss Aima Jackson, Toron- odn ertrseadhp taMPrOMe, ONTe.Gerge.ETrontopress, temperance and community _________________________________________________ Mr. Melil esopre, Harono,N friendship also gave splendid ne- S., were recent visitors at the prs home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hop- Acermddanss u ley. oîvA clearcnscdienecues.Bu Mrs. J. Carter spent a few days oI la osinecrs =TH AMZINMr&. AbrtIHghesinToonto. fl r Y Cook, who moved ta Bowman- 1~ il ~ i Iville and Mrs. A. Fowler, Ponty- Il G g ol fR m 119Mrs. E. Strutt, Enniskilien, with friends. WI HIOLD THEIR REGULAR STAGE SHOW AND Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. Grant Car- 1VILLochan were in Peterboro. Miss Doreen Perrett. Hampton, T à 1P-19Tspent a week here until a new ADMISSION: Adults 60c; Chiîdren 30e (tax lncluded) 10 - AMATEUR ACTS - 10 COMPETING FOR $10.00 IN PRIZES Lois of Funi for Everyone Spoisored by the following Bowmnanville merchants: Alex McGregor iJ..Drugs and Remnedies - Prescriptions a Specialty 1. W. Jewell "Big 20" Stationery and Gift Shop Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers Jury and Lovel The Rexali Drut Store - Quallty, Service Mason and Dale Hardware S porting Goods and Electrical Applances F. F. Morris Co. Directors of Funeral Service - Furniture Dealers A. E. McGregor and Co. Sheit and Heavy Hardware Olympia Restaurant Louis Laskaris 1 know that the Lord is aiways on the side of the iglit, but it is mny constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lond's side.-Abraham Lin- coln. PEUCRS Garden Patch-Choice, Cut WAX BEANS Al] Mftrchandise Soid At Your Dominion Store ls Urrtonditionally Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction vaile« Efféetve UntSi Cioslng Saturday. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIEL The Inaugural meeting of the Cartwright Council was held Jan. 12, 1948, members aIl present and subscnibed ta necessary declara- tion after which Rev. R. B. Har- rison conducted the devotional period witl veny instructive re- marks. Council then opened for business. Communication from Road De- partment Convention February 24 and 25. Cierk ta advertise for 3,000 yards o! crushed gravel, al1so 1,000 Yards ta le placed on streets on Lake Scugog. P. VanCamp tender for wood accepted. W. Manlow applied for use of anena pump, refcrred ta Council- Ion Bailey. On motion there is ta le no snow sliovclling paid for this win- ter. ENFIELD Mn. and Mrs. A. MacRae and family, Toronto, at H. Ormiston's. Mrs. H. Stinson visited in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mns. W. Bowman and family with Mn. and Mns. T. R. Bowman, Blackstock. Mn. and Mns. T. Taylor and famiiy enjoyed a visit via tele- plane witli their daugliter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Tit- combe, Calgary. Mrs. Titeombe, known ta us as Peanlie, looks fonwand eageriy ta tIc Statesman every week wîth the news from home. It's a great littie paper, isn't it, Peanlie? We anc enjoying wonderfui noad conditions with the wide smootî roads far good motoring and excellent slcighing combined. If aur city relatives could just ne- alize low good aur noads anc they wouldn't be so nenvous about vcntuning back this fan and this correspondent would lave mare news ta scnd in, BLACKSTOCK The Januany meeting of the Women's Institute was at Mrs. Arthur Bailey's. Mns. EanI Don- reli, president and Miss Alma Graham, secnctary, were in thein places. Rail cali was answered by 'Current Events." Miss Gra- ham gave the financial repart, whidh lias impnoved greatly ow- ing ta card piýrties andi donations. Mns. Lamne Tbampson played fan commun ity singîng. Wc wene plcased ta have Mrs. J. McKibbin with us and ta hean lien intenest- ing account o!flier trip ta the Gaspe Peninsula. Mrs. Stanford Van Camp camplctcd lier account o! the convention in Toronto'in November. Lunch was senved and a social time enjoyed. The next meeting will be an open so- cial evening in the Community Hall. In a snawstanm last Tliursday morning Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bailcy and Mn. and Mns. Clarence Marlow left ta spend a few months in Flofida. They took Mr. Bailey's new trailer. St. John's W.A. met at the nec- tory for thein Januany meeting. Due ta bad wcathen and sickness thc gatliering was small. Last Friday evening thc Young Peopie's Union sponsoned a skat- ing panty at the rink. After an enjayabie time spent tliene, the young People went ta the United Chunch basement whene they lad a basket social, with the baskets foilowing present day pnices. Miss Gwenyth Marlow, Shen- bourne House, Taronto, was home for the weekend. Mrs. Luther Mauntjoy is in Port Perny with Mn. and Mns. C. Me- Gi. Mrs. Jas. Fonder ententained the membens of the W.M.S. at her lame on Jan, 14. LSympathy is extended to Mrs. Larm Hyland and !amily, on the deatl o! Mrs. Richard Edgertan, who was buried in St. Jolin's Cemetery. Friday. Mn. and Mns. Herman Hooey are home fnom Toronto wliene tîey wene visiting fan a few 1weeks. Arrangements made for Ioud speakers on arena. Persans parking their cars on side of noads will be lia-île ta damage ta tîcir car on snow phow, therefore tliey are kindly rcquest- cd nat ta park cars on road. Mr. Ailan and Vancamp ap- peamed before the cauncil ne sdliool chihdncn using thc anena anc on two noon hauns a week, neferned ta caretaker. Accounts were ondcrcd paid as folhows: Gaod Road Association, £500: Booth No. 1, $12.00; Boothi No. 2, $10.00; Booth No. 3, $12.00; Booth No. 4, $14.00; Boothi Na. 5, $12.010; R .Wall, one trip, $2.00; J. Wilson, two hambs kihled, $26.- 00; Clenk registration deatîs, bin- ths, manniages. $9.00: W. Pearce, part salary, $50.00; Roberts Elcc- FARM FORUM Farm Forum met at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. N. H. Mountjoy. On accaunt of road conditions not manv weme able ta attend, but those wlo did feit they had lad a very worthwhile evening. Thc discussion was well entened inta. The deep thinking o! those taking part is very apparent. Next week being review nigît, it will lie hehd in the Community Hall and part o! the evening wilhlibe taken up with the showing a! films. Cadmus and Yelverton anc also taking part. 'N aiity, Sliced Modern-Honey Flavouned n.,37Ç FIG BAR BISCUITS Kent Farmn, Standard Quality, C Style CORN Golden Bantâmn Red Go-Standard Quality TOMATOES Royal City-Choice Quality PEAS & CARROTS Henley-Standard Quality DESSERT PEARS Harsey Brand-Sweetened ORANGE JICE *Horsey Brand -Sweetened GRAPEFRUIT JICE tric, Port .Perry, re arena, $24.68. Council adjourned ta meet Feb- ruary 2nd at 2 p.m. MAPLE GROVE THE HAPPY HOMEMAKERS Thc Happy Homemakers' Club leld thein meeting on Jan. 8, 1948, in thc basement o! Maple Grave church. There were seven mcm- bers present. The president, Joan Wright was in the clair, minutes a! hast meeting were nead and appnoved. Thc rail cali for this meeting was anc duty af a hostess ta her gucst. Kathenine Camp- bell asked ta be relieved a! the duties as press reporter, Jenny Beckett was named as lier succes- sor. Mrs. Sands, club leader, dis- cussed and demanstratcd thc mak- ing and senving o! tea and sand- wiches. Thenext meeting will le held on Jan. 29, at 7:30. At thio meeting, Miss M. Hart, Director o! Women's Institute Girl's Club@ will le present. Mns. L. C. Snowden spent a few days last week wvith her daugliten, Mrs. Otis Pritchard- Manotick. This cammunity was shocked when it was learned that Mrs. Nellie Trcnouth lad, been talcen ta the haspital early in January. and tlat she passed away on Wed- nesday last. The sympathy of this cammunity is extended ta the bereaved family in the sudden passing o! thein mother. SMr. and Mrs. Orval Heard. Osh. awa; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. F tawn; Mrs. J. D. Stevens, -' Sunday vîsitors with Mr. and Wallace Munday, and Mrs. J.IL< Munday.1 Several fnom here attended the chicken pie supper served by the ladies o! Courtice United Church. The Qualî'ty Tea ORANGE PEKOE forsi ..right there when you. need il f., It's here at !ast"! New Filischmann's Royal Fast Rising *# Dry Yeast, the modern baking discovery that keeps fresh in the cuphoard for weeks - always "on the spot'e ctr extra-quick baking, extra delicious resuits. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-Iay i a good supply of New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast -use it as you need it. At your grocer's. Yo« DONMION STORE is Iusdly proud ci receiving many such exipression. of satisaction and godwil from plessed housewivcu in every walk of liféé la our constant endeavour to antici- pate tbefr e"e need, we are ricbly rewarded by the» yoluntary testimoniale to the pleasure ted tlfaction our custmers find in shopping et DOMINION. t 29e C.nnisby I ancy ~,~5<SWEET MIXED PICKLES 113J 314 Cream Aylmer-Baston Style 2,c 18e PORE & BEANS J 7 ma Richmllo-Fresh Ground As Sold " zIeCOFFEE Lb53Ç Fancy Quality 21sç PM ESALMON Quick or Plain 3028,- QUAUER OATS Serves Four People 220TI'33Ç RAFt DINNE Maple Leaf 20 11224MATCHE gz22Ç gr ~ 37Ç tg os29# a et 19*0 kg of o23< Texas Marsh SeediessaETR PCA Grapefruit, size 96, 6 for 25cFATR SPC L Sweet, Thin Skin and Juicy, iz 250 California Fancy Qualiiy Red Florida Oranges - doz. 25c EMqPEROR GRAPES Ontario Grown I 1 Washed Carrots 3 Ibs. 23cl.21 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO i