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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1948, p. 6

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'AG~ S'X THE CANADL4N STATFSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUÔ TKURSDAY, JANUARY 32, iimè oeprsdh .mou Rubber Foolwear REPAIRED VULCANIZED * s * SKATES SHARPENED (OIL FINISH) G. F. Jamieson TIRE SHOP 1 KING and SILVER STS. Bowmnviie -Phoné 467 If you could discover as easily as Jim and Jean did how to have their home campleteby re-wired by experts. They con- sulted Higgon Electric first and found out the hest and niast ecanomical way o! having the electricai wiring af their home modernized. For this specialized service drap inta Higgon Ebectric and one o! aur trained, experienced technicians will be glad ta advise you on yeur prablem. Estimates Furnished Free on Request HICCON ELECTRIC Your General Electria Appliance Dealer SPhone 438 Bowmanville 42 King St. E. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dyer and Miss Francis Dyer left by niotor 'on Tuesday morning for Miamii, Flonida, to \'isit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Blair and where it is hoped the warm climate and suri- ny days will prove beneficial to Mr. Dyer's health.' Mrs. Frank Atkinson, Stouff- ville, Dr. and Mrs. H. MacDonald, Toronto, and Mrs. D. Griffith, Ha- milton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. ST. GEORGE'S W.A. Annual meeting of Woman's Auxiliary of ýt. Georg's Church was held in the Parish Hall Jan. 13. There was a good attendance to hear reports of the conveners of the work accomplished by the W.A. during the year. Miss Beatrix Mclntosh, presi- dent, presided and a resume of the. year's actîvities was p)resent- ed by the secy., Mrs. W. H. Gib- son. Her very comprehensive and interesting report stated there had been 10 regular business and devotional meetings and 10 sew- ing meetings, the latter under leadership of Mrs. John Garrod and Mrs. George Gaines. There had 'been two successful fund raising events, a sale of work and tea held in April and a garden tea in August. The Deanery meeting of North- umberland and Durham was held in the Parish Hall Sept. 25. There was a large attendance, 121 mcm- bers answered the roil cail, with 9 clergy and 3 speakers present. In November the Thankoffering meeting was held when Miss E. Weller, Ontario Ladies' College, was the special speaker, also a short talk was given by Mrs. Ken- ney, regional supervisor of Girl's work. The members of the Af- ternoon and Evening Brancb, W. MOVUNG WEST, M. Rawlinsofl Lirnhted regularir rmale up and ship Houêehold Furniture. Con- aolidated Pool Care to Manitoba, Saakatch- ewan. Aberta, Brtish Columbia and ta Clilfornia. Write. wire or phone for reduced froight races. Ettabllshod 1885. 610 yonge St., Toronto. Kingadale 5125 RENFBEW DOESN'T BRIGHTON DOESN'T TWEED DOESN'T MAXVILLE DOESN'T They ail have spoken in the lasi six weeks! WHO DOES? NEWCASTLE DOESN'T so be prepared fo say so by your X after "No" nexi February 18!h like Ihis I Are you ln favour of the continuance of the sale of beerYe oniy under Public House License for consumption onI F lcensed premises tb whlch women are admitted?N X MARE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THE VOTERS' LIST PHONE MES. J. C. HANCOCK, CLARKE 37-30F NEWCASTLE CITIZENS' LEAGUE R.A. GOHEEN. President MRS. C. R. CAR VETI!. Secre4ary lTe Newcastle Independent Phom. Clarke 3314 1 Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bona- than. C.G.IT. Group met Jan. 13, for hialf an hour before adjourning to a skating party with the Trail Rangers. After enjoying an eve- ning of skating the two groups returned to the Sunday School for refreshments. 'Y.P.U. met Jan. 12, with presi- dent Glenn Allin in charge. Fel- lowship convener Evelyn Allun, conducted the worship period, which was followed by a sing- Eang. Kathleen Toms read two humorous selectiens. Before ad- journing those desiring te do so played ping pong. Mrs. Perc?ý Hare have received word that at a meeting of the St. Thomas Medical Asso- ciation, comprising 28 members, their son, Dr. Jack Hare received the honor of being chief of the Pediatrics Dept. of St. Thomas. Many people will be glad to know that the problem of what ta do with the cards they have received at Christmas and New Year's bas been solved by a re- quest from Rev. Frank Wain, Bai- bau, St. Vincent Island, British West Indies. This is a mission where the natives are very poor i and they love ta receive the cards or even pictures from aid calen- dars. They paper the walls of their little mud buts witb tbem. It brightens their lives and they take great pleasure in admiring the scenes on the cards. The Wo- mnen's Institute of Newtonville are sponsoring the collection and are assuming the cast of sending them by freight. Sa will you collect your cards and pictures from aid calendars and leave them. in the box provided for that purpose in the vestibule o! the Community Hall, or if mare convenient, they can be left at the home of Mrs. E. Hsigh, convener o! Newcastle Group, Women's Institute. At a public meeting held Mon- day evening, in the Council Cham- ber, Mrs. Percy Hare and Mr. Harry Jase were re-appainted members o! the Board a! Manage- ment o! Newcastle Cammunity Hall. A., of Newcastle United Church and also members of the W.A. of Bowmanville and Orono were guests for the meeting. The World Day cf Prayer was held in the Parish Hall. The meet- ing was in charge of Mrs. Horace Ward, presîdent and Mrs. J. C. Hancock, of the United Church. During the year the Woman's Auxiliary bas been sadly deplet- ed by the passing of Mrs. Matthew Brown an d Mrs. T. M. Gibson, who have been called to higher service, also the loss of the presi- dent, Mrs. Horace Ward, who had moved from the village. Miss Beatrix Mclntosh, treasur- er, presented the financial state- ment showing pledges bad been met in full: Receipts, $208.56; ex- penditures, $205.30. Officers for 1948 are: President, Miss Beatrix McIntosb; lst vice, Mrs. Douglas Dewdney; 2nd vice, Mrs. Scott Howard; secy., Mrs. W. H. Gibson; treas., Miss Cora But- ler; dorcas committee, Mrs. John Garrod, Mrs. George Gaines; so- cial service, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley; lit. convener, Miss N. Horrocks; living message, Mrs. J. Garrod; tes convener, Mrs. George Gaines; convener of parocheal cammittee, Mrs. Harold Gibson; little helpers, Miss A. Horrocks; extra cent a day, Mrs. Scott Howard; the rec- tor's nominees to advisory com- mittee, Mrs. Howard Gibson, Mrs. Gordon Ash; Evening Auxiliary convener, Mrs. Douglas Dewdney. Business and devotional meet- ings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month, sewing meetings the 4th Tuesday. COURTICE W ACTUAL SIZ. Good supply of furnace coal on hand of the best quallty guaranteed and well laund- ered. Owen Nicholas Reading-Anthracite Coal Semet-Solvay Coke C.N.R. Yards Phone 410 BOWMANVILLE e'MORE DIRT REMOVED piSTUBBO RN SPOTS GONE >'NO DRY CLEANING ODOR Eveleigh's Cleaners ln conJanction with Oshawa Lauudry OSHAWA Phone Zenith 13,000 eNDuRINC - ICONOMICAL EASY TO CLEAN Se, the wide t'arietY 01 col~uranda combMm a waabk. Dud Dromloy' PHONE 653 Sheppard & GlU Lumber Co. Limiled Plione 715 flowmsanvle usual real performance in goal. Richardson gat 4 out of the 5 goals for Weyrich snd Rog. Meadows got the only goal for Jasco. Win- ters in the net for Weyrich made several good saves but he was neyer as busy as Brereton. The team work and passing is improv- ing. For real encouragement we need more out to cheer the teams along. Sure, lt's cold, but thanks to the rink committee, there are two good lires going in the shack and one can slways warm Up be- tween boliers. If you have a car fill it up with your frlends and drive out to Orono Tuesdsy night and see the games there. The second game on Ssturdsy was between the Juniors and the Town. This game was fast and the town team won 7-5. The tawn boys had to really skate to keep up with the Juniors but Sandy and Johnson were in good form and gave great performances. This i the first resi win for the Town. According to the points so far- Juniors have 8, Weyrich 6 and Town 2. Rog. Meadows, Ricky and Donny Alldread ail received brulses when hit by the puck, but being good sports tbey gtayed in the game. Hope to see you next game. At the moment Newcastle is lesding the league with Bowmsn- ville, Port Hope and T.C.S. In the last game Newcastle won sgsinst T.C.S., 5-4, witb Found getting one goal and Richardson and Creamer two goals each. At the end of the first eriod T.C.S. boys were ahead 4-0 and then Newcastle went on to win 5-4. The final game for Newcastle Juveniles is with Port Hope on Feb. 29.1 SINK OR SUNK? THE LACK cf a sink would make your kitchen Incom- plete. The lack cf enough cf the night kinds cf Insurance niakes Your financial protec- tion Incomplete. For advice on ail yeur insurance needs call this agency. StilarIR'. James Successor to J. 3. Mason & Son INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE King Street, Bowmanvllle important business will be dis- cussed. The sympathy of -this commun- ity goes out to Mis. Barrett and sons ini the passing of Rev. C. W. Barrett at Brighton. He was a good pastor and served on the Hampton circuit for four years and was admired by aIl. Solina Homne ai'd S1el P1 '. will meet this Friday nlght *heu Mr. E. A. Summners, ±lowman,ià, wiUl be guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockad"i and Evelyn at Ivan Ellicott'a, Pets erboro. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ormiston, Billy and Bobby, Columbus, at Bruce T nk's. Mrs. Gardon Leask presided for Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson anct the - Missionary program mtSn ai omnila akY1 day School which included a £eau- Marie, oms'.latJckY ing by Donald Taylor, vocal duet Jolet by Harvey Yellawlees and Stan Milîson and a very interesting ar- It is the enemy who keeps the ticle on the life of Dr. Albert sentinel watchfui. - Mad. Swet- Sweitzer read by Mrs. John Knox. chine. among us. Mrs. Cîsytori Lee, president Albert St. W.A., gave a splendid reading and to close the program, asked that president, Mrs. J. McKenzie, corne to the front, and Mis. Lee, on.behaîf of the W.A. Presbytery presented a beautiful bouquet of roses to Mrs. McKenzie, wbo voiced ber deep appreciation of the gift. To al those who assisted on the program and to ail who, in any way assist- ed, the ladies are deeply grate- fui. The msny friends here extend to Mr. Bill Rundle, Windsor, deep sympathy, whose wife passed away at Windsor lsst week. Glad to report Mrs. Thos. Kins- man and Mrs. Heron, at their homes after - being patients in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and littie cbild, Peterboro, were weekend guests with Garnet and Mrs. Tub-b. Mrs. C. Churchley, Port Hope, wss guest with Norman and Mrs. Griffin. Messrs. Jesse and Jack Arnott, Maxwell's, were Sunday visitors with Blake and Mrs. Oke. SOLINA Ralph Davis made a business trip to Montreal. Mr. Russell Gilbert went to To- ronto to consult an eye special- ist. A. L. Pascoe attended the Pen- sion Board meeting at Port Hope and the Warden's election at Co- bourg Tuesday. The trustees of the Sons ('f TemI- perance Hall are calling a pbic meeting next Tuesday night when, Epsom Salts, 4 lbs.----25e Resublimed Suiphur, 3 lb. 25e Saltpetre, lb.------------- ---20e Bell's Condition Povder -.-50c Spahns Remedy ---- $1.00 Ayerst Bov-Jees------------ $3.00 Rex Wheat Germ 011 ------------- S 1.25, $2.80, $5 Pratt's Bag Ointrnent - 60 Pratt's Cow Tonte - -____60e * ~ . Low Prices NIAL PINOL .;fiî to. Woy t4' coughl Nomeognitoc! NTAQUA NOSE DROPS /.'/ wdi dsm oe l ponoge q;&tky . . . 8O#o h ed cool!., If bas a .0t« b. NYAL CRIOPI4OS w!l b,,,g bock pop. pssd -'y - - -a-iM tk. d,,!dy hepi $0 Word off co4&I Crèophos Stops Bronehial Coughu proves .an ideal tonie large bottle $1.00 Hot Water Botties Guaranteed 89c - $1.19 - $1.49 - $2.00 Kepler's Extract Malt and Cod Liver 011 1llb. 90e - z2lbs.$1.e0 Scotts Emulsion 590 - $1.19 Corega Powder 23c, 39c, 69e 100 A.S.A. Tabs -------- 19e Roblnson's Barley - --- 33e Lactogen -------- 69c, $1.59 25c Noxzema Cream .- ---19c 93c Noxzema Cream ----65e Blondex Shampoo - 23e Frossts NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD Liquid $1.35, $2.95, $4.95 Capsules $1.45, $2.65, $5.95 Softeri Saler I 12lpDs33C Phoime Films Developed Free WF 695 LIIG'S ) UW STOE.Ttum¶ ery Glasses Fitted FARMERS' SUPPLIES FOUR FREEDOMS LEAGUE A group o! citizens, cansîsting o! farmers, merchants, business men, and employees from the loc- al factories met Wednesday eve- ning, Jan. 14, and decided ta, cali ____ themseives "The Four Freedom's Waman's Missionsry Society League." met Jan. 13, with president, Mrs. Mr. R. H. Davies acted as tem- A. J. Oke, presiding. She opened porary chairman. After calling the meeting by reading a selec- the meeting ta arder he explained tion "Fscing the Future with the purpase of the league was ta Faitb." Frayer was offered by arganize a campaign for the con- Rev. F. Yardley, who instalied tînuance o! the women's bever- the 1948 officers. Mrs. Ross Pearce sge roams in Newcastle. As the reparted on, Canadian Association right ta visît a hotel beverage of Consumers. President asked raom was the privilege a! every for new or used clotbing, which woman ta refuse or accept. is sa badl~y needed. Mrs. Elton it was net deemed necessary Werry was in charge e! the study, ta enlist any outside arganizer ta "The Bible for Burma and lIndia" hahdle the "Aye Campaign." and was assisted by Mrs. A. J. Mr. J. Taylor was eiected man- Gay and Mrs. Hopkins. Tbey ager and an able Board o! Ofîc- desît with four great men, wha ers wss eiected toasssist him. had belped in the translation cf the Bible, into languages cf the Far East. A vocal soio was con- RECENT BRIDE FETED tributed by Gwen Osborne. The The manager and fellaw cm- devational period was la charge pioyees a! Canners Seeds, Well- of Mrs. Vinsan sud Mrs. Wm. Bic- ington, presented a recent bride, kle. Frayer wss offered by Mrs. Mrs. Lau Cunningham (nee Aud- G. F. Annis. rey Jaynes), wlth a mantel West- On Jan. 6, executive of W.M.S. minster chime dlock. Audrey ex- met at the home af Mrs. Russel pressed ber deepest appreciation Gsy ta make plans for their 1948 for the beautiful gift. pragram. In attendance alsa, was On Wednesday afternaon of last president and secretary o! Eve- week, the ladies of the Canners ning Auxilisry, Mrs. Archie Muir Seeds picking room took advan- Jr. and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. Re- tage o! their recess with Mrs. Roy ports fromn the treasurer were Wight reAding an address ta Mrs. most grati!ying as the allocation Cunningham on ber recent mar- had been raised by these societies. niage and Mrs. H. Smith making Home and Scbool Club met the presentation o! a satin bound Tuesdsy evening with a geod at- wool blanket and linen table tendance. President, Mrs. Lloyd cloth. Audrey very graciously Courtice opened the meeting,.it- thanked the ladies for the loveiy emns of business inciuded buying gifts. a radio for the Sr. room, ta re- place the one stolen. Commit- HOCKE NEWStee wss chosen te arrange for a HOCKE NEWSsale of work and tes. Chairs are Last Tuesda y night's game at to be bought for use cf H. and S. Orono was a rather raugh and Club. Due ta road conditions, the tumble affair. However the ref- guest speaker was unable ta ho eree says it was a gaod game so present. Mrs. Hinds gave a read-i he ought ta know. îng. ,Mrs. W. Brown favored with Saturday the !irst game was a piano sala. Mrs. Archer and between Jasco and Weyrich. Our Mrs. Brown were la charge o! re- own ice iaaked good ta me and the freshments. Next meeting Feb. boys seemed ta get araund on it l() Present 20. Euchre party pretty nicely. This first game wiil be held Jan. 26. was goad but quite slow in the Much credit is due the Woman's !irst period. Brereton gave bis Association, who sponsored a mast success!ul chicken-pie sup-. per and program on Friday night. ***s*s*s*****...** with araund 300 in attendance and proceeds smaunting over $200.00. h...~ DA sale o! home-made coaking a Do t u}' e carried out by Rev. Frank Yard- * bley, at the close of the pragrsm, Dry Cleanndainggrme il mdeb *the ladies, with a great many *names in the district inscribed BLNFODDthereon, was sold by Bob Fwe i Wth ev.Yarleyas chairman, this program was presenteci: se- lections on the eupbanium by Austin Wiltshire o! Albert St. Un- ited Church, Oshawa; vocal salas - by Rev. S. R. Henderson, pastor of Albert St. Church; readings by Howard Fobey; vocal salas by Miss - Muriel Down, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Down at the argan; piano accardion numbers by Har- ry Rogers. Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, a former pastor, gave a few timely remsrks, and who, we were ahl glad ta welcomé back John T. McCret Optometrist Eyes 'Examimed- Thursday - 2 p.m. to 1 Optical Repairs COWLING'S DRUG STORE WHO WANTS WOMENI'S BDUR ROOMS? THEY SAID S0 JANUARY 7 LAST BI' A VOTE 0F 2052 - 900 THEY SAID SO JANUARY 5 LAST BY A VOTE 0F 707 - 198 - - COLMOME DOESN'T PORT LAMBTON DOESN'T iý or THURSDAY, JANUAIRY 22, IV" SIX "M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.M, ONTARIO

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