T H U R S D A Y , 3 A N T J A R Y 29, T948 A NA DL uIA N T A ALs . vJ N * B O W M A N V I L L E , O N T A R IO P ~ T~ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrs. Joseph Austin, Fernie, B. adian Dairy Industry Supplierm C., la visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Assciation at their annual meel Austin and femlly. ing beld at Toronto. Mr. Uppe: Miss Betty Turner, Toronto, is a san-in-]aw ai Mr. Gea. B was eeked gust a Mn.andBickle, Liberty St., Bawmanville Mrs. E. Passant, Duke St. Kenneth G. H. Pearce who haj Mrs. F. Calmer attended the been on the staff ai tht Cana funenal ai ber sister-in-law, Mns. 'dian Bànk ai Commerce at Mid, J. Williams, ini Brantford on Mon- land writes: I have just bet: day. transferred ta Sudbury as accaun. day.tant ai the local bank and sha]: Miss Helen Pritchard ai The be obliged if yau will in futuri Statesman staff wes weekend send Tht Statesman ta me bere guest with Mn. and Mrs. Freden- sa I can keep abreast oi tht do- ick Hughes and Jimmie, Toronto. ings in Newcastle, Bowmanvjlle Miss Dorothy Evans, nurse-mn- and vicinity. training, Toronto Generel Hospi- Lieut. Col. Lyall Carr, Office: tal, spent tht weekend with ber Commanding the Midland Regi. parents, Mn. and Mns. E. C. Ev- ment, announces in Tht Guide ans. that Port Hope is ta have a new Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Cheilis, Miss armaunies. Money for the pro. Phyllis R. Challis, also Mn. Mort ject bas already been vated by Munclofi, Lindsay, spent Sundey Orden-in-Council and building with Mr. and Mrs. - Ceeul Elliott, must be completed by April, 1948. Toronto. No mention was made ai tht tem- porary armaunies for Bowman- Is your eddress label correct? ville wbich was discussed b y mil- The Statesman mailing lists bave itary engineers with the Tawn been revised ta Jan. 21. If there Cauncil early in December. is any errar, please advise tht ai- ThMenMnuMks'Cb fieeat ace.held a meeting on Jan. 23, at the Mn. and Mns. Chas. Bell and home ai Mrs. L. Dumas, Ontario sons, Fred and Ran, and Mrs. E. St. Bowmanvii]e. President, June Bennett, Oshawa, weîre Sunday Lufiman opened tht meeting. Rt- visitons with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. fenence and record books ai a Bennett and Elaine. former member were distributed, Mn. end Mrs. D. 0. Durkin, New irom which mcny new ideas were Taronto, were weekend guests ai formed. A discussion on "Tht Mn. «and Mrs. Wm. G. James and Hame as a Place ta Entertain" attenclcd the Goodyean Recreation praved very belpful. Mrs. Grant, Club dance ini tht High Schaal club leader, instructed the memn- Saturday ovening. bers in the art ai making sand- Norman J. Scott, B.S.A. MSc., wiches. Next meeting is on Feb. manager af Bnaokdale-Kingsway, 3, et tht home ai Mrs. W. Woaliey, bas returned frorn the convention Quten St. ai the Ohio State Nurserymen's Time manches on ,we thougbt, Association whcre ho was one ai as wo nead the fallowing item in the chief speakers. the 25 years ega, column ai the Miss C. A. Martyn. Mrs. Mabel Oshawa Times-Gazette: "A de- Cauch. and Mn. and Mrs. C. G., ating teamn from Bowmenville Morris attended the funenal of High School deieated Oshawa Mrs. C. P. Isreel et Rochcster, N. High Schaal debaters, carnying the Y., on Wednesday. Mrs. Israel is affirmative ai tht subject, "ne- an aunt ai Miss Matyn and Mrs. salved that stnikes in industries Couch. essentiel ta lufe should be prabib- .Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P.P., %for ited by lew." Bowmanville ivas Durham County and head ai the ropresonted by Helen McGnegor Dept. ai Heqlth and Social Medi and Lawrence Meson wbile Kath- cine et MeGili University' Mon- leen McLeughlin and Arthur Siy- treai, was guest speaker et the field took tht negetive side ai annuel convention in Toronto lest tht question for Oshawa." week of the Ontario Association Vory littie ai any importance ai Architects. gaes an in Oshawa unless a form- The past weekend ushened in er Bawmenville or Durham Coun- the first real cold snap ai the sea- ty Boy tekes e leading part. Tht son. Local thermameters regrist- latest news item in this cannec- cred as low as 22 below coupled tion mentions Leightan M. Soucb, with e sharp v;ind. Probs are seey.-trees., ai tht Ontario Motor that the 6-day cold wave will end S aies Ltd., and e former chair- with the fui] moon thiz week. man ai tht Board ai Education, Bawmanville Ratanians bave who bas been eppointed chair- man ai e special committet ai tht been in dcrnand the past xeek ta Chamber ai Commence ta investi- demonstrate their oratonical abil- 'gat h osbl fhliga itie. Ficiy nghtGaret ic-industriel fair in Oshawa duning kard adclnessecl Port Hope Rotary the spring or summer season. Club on "Rural Problems," and Leighton is son ai Mn. and Mrs. Monday faon Ross Strike eddross- Walter O. Souch in this town. cd Oshawa Rotary Club on "Hy- Th metn aihtMtns dro Epansins."Auxiliary ai tht Scout and Cub Menv local societios, clubs and mothens was held in tht Lions other arganizations hold their an- ComuiyCnr nJn 1 nualmeeingandeletio ofof-with Mrs. Walter DeGeer presid- ficrs t tis imeof ear Plaseing. Reports were heard from al see that the secrotary or press cammittees. It was decided ta correspondent sends ta this paper ask Mn. Bent ai the B.T.S. ta put c list ai officens clected as welan the boys' concert for aur an- as e bief nesume ai tht wark ce- ganization. Also that we ceter ion complislied dtîning tht pC st year. tht boys when they open their Tht Boys' Tnaining Sehool wes Scout House et tht Training hononed with a visit on Tuesdey Sehool. We pleyed a few gemes by Miss Isabel Mecneill, recently ai bingo and bcd lunch. Eigb- appointed Superintendent ai the teen members were present. Ontario Training School for Girls Please, may we bave more next et Cobourg and bas tht distinc- manth? Remember it is the third tion ai boing the anly women Wednesday ai eech manth et 8 commander ai a ship in tht Rayai o'clock. Canadien Navy being. onl the H. St.. Pcul's C.G.I.T. met Jan. 21. M.C.S. Conestoga. Tht theme ai tht worship service It was annaunced lest week that was "Discovering tht Great Spir- C. L. Upper, vice presidont and it.", Canal Tuerk reed the caîl ta gen2ral manager ai the DeLaval worship, Colleen Hutchinson read Company Liimited, Peter b a r o, tht sciptune and Catherine Tee- xvas elected president ai the Cen- pie gave c neading. Manie Mar- tin nead a trensleted Indien ver- sion ai tbe 23nd Pbalm. Tht S T J H 'S benediction wsread by Kathleen ANGL)CAN CHURCH box averseas. Sundey Sehool and church attendence wes stnessed as Rev. J. cieP. Wright, Rector e necessity ion chevron recogni- Mn. R. G. Harle, Organist tion. Slides ai a description ai Indiens wene shown in cannec- Sexagesima Sunday j tion with tht study book "Out ai St. Paul's Church Animal Meeting Karks Year of Great Progress The 113thfr annual meeting ai St. Paul's congregation was held t-Wednesday evening, Jan. 14, in ýr the main auditorium ai the 3. church, at which time those pres- e. ent heard some of the most grat- ks ifying and inspiring reports ever -given in the long history of the church. ýn Last year saw remarkable de- 1- velopment ail aiong the line and Il in every department ai the -e church's lufe. Ibis can be xnea- ,sured ta a certain degree by the -addition of twenty-seven families e to pastoral oversight, sixty - six new members ai which iorty- rthree were received an profession of aiaith, and the organizing oi a new Trail Ranger group ai twen- -ty-two boys and a yaung people's - union ai thirty-ive members. The report oi women's activities as usual showed much work dont 9and excellent returns from exten- sive and progressive efforts. Tht Sunday School, always holding a vital place in the ie ofa a chunch, has had a large in- Rev. G. Cameron Quigley *crease in its ennoîlment, while the mission band, baby band, Young least $2,000 in 1948 for the re- Aduit group and C.G.I.T. contin- decorating ai the interior of the ut ta do outstanding wank. chunch and necessany painting Reports from the Woman's As- and repairing of the manse. At sociation and the Board ai Man- the time ai the meeting one hall agens revealed veny favorable ai the amaunt needed for this tbalances in bath treasuries which work had been subscribed. In a will be beneficial to tht plans and most appreciative spirit, the meet- wark ai the new year. ing heartily accepted the very St. Paul's, while desiraus to !m- genenaus offen ai Mr. Norman prome ber awn lufe and tbrough Scott ta instal candlelight xvall it ta bning a good influence and fixtunes in the church at the time a saving grace ta the cammunity, it is ta be decorated. is nat unmindful of ber obliga- Befane the meeting closed, thec tians iurtber afield and ta that ministen, Rev. G. Camenon Quig- end, in 1947, the Wamnan's Mis- ley, wbo presicied for ail the 'busi- sionary Society, tht Evening Aux- ness, expnessed his appreciation iliany and afiiiated arganizations, ai the fine ca-apenation and sup- cantributed a total af $515 which part given by ail officers, lead- was $87 over the allocation: The ers and the people af the church. Woman's Association sent $50 ta He also remarked an the fine spir- the Canadjan Aid ta, China Fund, it and ca-operation that existedD and were able with the help ai throughout the church and its or- the congregatian, to mail 600 lbs. ganizations and the barmany in ai food to, 42 deserving families in wbich they ail worked tagether. Britain for Christmnas, and the This is particularly true in the Missionary and Maintena n ce wamen's work whore there isa treasuner iarwarded ta Toronto likely ta be an averlapping ai in- 1 $802 on an allocation af $640. terests and activities.u One of tht most pleasing fea- Appreciation was expressed ta tures ai the annual meeting was Mr. Roy Lunney for bis faithful a presentation ta Mn. ID. Alex Mc- service as treasuror and regret Gregor, for bis long, faithful and that he bad ta resign for bealth efficient service ta the church in reasons. Warm thanks were aisa his capacity oi choir director. Mr. given ta Mr. and Mrs. E. Dilling Dave Mannison aiter a iew well for the excellent cane given ta theF chosen and inost fitting remarks church building and praperty. T cal]ed on Messrs. Otto Bragg and Mr. Charles Carruthers wvas ne- r Roy Lunney ta present ta Mr. Mc- appainted cangregational repre- f Gregor, an behaîf ai the congre- sentative ta presbytery. Messrs. gation, a lovely easy chair and D. R. Mornison, Gea. W. Graham,0 matched ottoman. Although tak- R. J. Rackhem, and Donald BC i en campletely by surprise, Mr. wene named ta the Board ai Man- b McGregon in bis usual graciaus agers for thnee years, the first manner, expnessed his heartfelt twa being reappai n t mn e n t s. s apprecietion. Messrs. J. H. Swindells, D. A. Mc- In a fonwand looking manner, Gregon, S. Carden, Ronald Heth- whih as ecme haacteristic erington, H. Galbraith, F. ThamP- N ai St. Paul's, the meeting apprav- son, I. Hobbs, R. Rambough, B. î ed the recammendation ai the ai- Syens and Mrs. D. H. Armistead: ficiel boaard that an every-penson and Miss D. A. J. Croasser were tý canvass be made for local and named ta the Missionary and d missianany support. It iurther Maintenance Cammittee for aneCLc agneed ta a praject ta raise at year. Winner of Leacock Memorial Guest Speaker ai Durham Club (Elsie R. Fain) January meeting af tht Dur. ham County Club ai Toronto wa held Jan. 22, .at I.O.D.E. Head. quarters. It wes a c-o-l-,d nigbi 'but'beants were warm in fniend. ship and singing ai "Rule Bnitien. na," et tht suggestion ai tht pres. ident, Dr. Frank Tnebilcock, whilE awaiting tht arrivai ai tht musical dýirector, Cept. Don. Linden. Aiter tht secretary's reporl read by Miss Helen B. Baker, Col- lin Trottimar, who on many oc- casions assisted Partie White or her programs, accompanied by Miss Jean Kyle, sang a number oi Negro Spirituals as only an ex. panent ai this art could do. He annoùnced bis own numbers and hed tht audience join in singing "Steel Away," "4As We Break< Bread Together" and several ath- er weli-kxwivn hymns. Mn. Orval Henderson introduc- ed tht speaker, Mn. Harry L. Sy- lions, treasuren Canadian Auth- ors' Association, first winntn of "The Stephen Leacock Memorial," w'ho, wbile not a native ai Dur- ham County, breathtd tht air ai t for six years while attendîng Trinity College, Part Hope, wbich vouid entitie him ta mnernbtnship, ccording ta tht lete Dr. Gea. Mc- Gi11. Mn. Symans bas e farm north ai Pickering called "Friend- bhip." As e boy Mn. Symons spent me- .y happy summers at Jackson's Point, Lake Simcae. Ht humor- usiy portrayed lie at the Lake- iew House and surraunding dis- trit; described. himieli as a iwash-buckling brazen lad ai sev- n, going with bis loving parents : churcb in e borse-drawn veh- cle; dreaming dreams on tht Deach et Lake Simcae that stem- id ta be a veritable aceen, sael raf t sailing eway in*his yauthful negination like Leviathans or tht uten Mary. Mn. Symons leughingiy remark- I "any similarity between tht in- oductian and speaker was pure- y accidental." Tht speaktr's subjtct "Tht Lea- ock Tradition" described e num- er ai happenings when Lea- ock's fame was spreading, lead- g up ta, tht highlights ai bis areer, when et tht Savoy Hotel iLondon, Engiand, as tht first uloniei invited ta appear before e British Lîterery Society. He described tht awe-inspiring, ongeous setting ai tht State Bal oom in which tht meeting toak lace. Tht lavishness ai tht fur- itre and tht august gathering Enobility, including greet names EChurch and St.att, even ta the ,rance ai the Prince of Wales. ir Thos. Lipton, a well-known gune, polka-dat tie, smile, n'eUl, as e guest at tht Canadien table ld set next ta Mn. Symon's bride hile the poar bridegroom set op- )ite between two men. ec br IQ ed th e Si, inl an xi IE Mr. Symons, feenfulifon bis Canadien hboawbom ho knew sand edmired greatly, as Leacock -had pleyed a definite part in bis tlufe, supposed be should not ho .wel eceivtd amongst this great .British assembly; supposing he -sbould be improperly dressed; >supposing, suppasing; with gnow- 1ing tension supposing until a sul- ent prayor wes oiiered on behali aio this great man that ho should meke good, knowing the British were skeptical ai a ment, Colon- ial becoming e figure ai import- ance. Toast ta tht King-tension in the air, 'but Leaccok in bis inim- >itable way arase ta the occasion. He soan had the vcst audience in tht palm ai bis hand (litenclly speeking). Ho spered no Duke or Prince, even tht geitens ai the Clergy were attecked. Ris not- so-well groomed eappecranco wes forgotten. Tht audience cheened, clapped and leughed hileniously forgetting their. English dignity. From that time farwend Leacock wes lionized, as ho very well sbould bave been, and proved ev- en e Colonial could beome a great man ai lettons. Ont feit lucky ta know such a man.' Mn. Symans next gave c most interesting description ai tht Lea- coek home et Oillia. As e guest ai Mn. Leaccok's son ee wcs given tht pnivilege ta tour tht grounds. Forty acres that bordered Lake Coucbicbing. Here be mot tour- ists irom Englend, Texas and Mexico thet seomed somehow ta mark tht place ballowed graund, but sad ta tbink that Canada bas. yet ta reelize tht greetness ai this genius. The bouse is a long, white, ram- biing, lovely home in heuf wild setting. Tht peculiar blue ai the lake sparkled, showing a boat- bouse et its edge, e iodge complotef with nunning weter and c huge fineplece showing yeoan's son-s Tht son showed Mr. Symans e bookease, two and a ball feet long with two shelves deep that con- tained beeutiiully bound books in red marocco. Ht noverentiy op- entd one ai tht books "Sunshine Sketches" and inside tht caver wes e dried forget-me-not flow- en, and a magnificient cddress "Presented ta bis son witb a mer k ai affection fnom MeGill Univer- sity if honorable memary ai bis father." This bookease, twa and a ball feet long and two shelves deep, stressed tht point tht amazing numben ai books that wene writ- ten by ont man i such a short period ai time. It bas placed M r.1 Leacock emangst the immortels and belongs in the galleny witbh Tolstoi and Dickens. Mr. Symons i closing quoted the Chinese pnovenb "Enjoy your- =l-. 1 Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Robent Smales, Miss Betty Smales, Mn. and Mrs. W. McKinstry, Oshawa, et Mn. James" Smales'. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Harold, Mrs. Westley, and Mns. Jack Yohlowlee-s visited their uncle, Mn. Jack Grills, et Little Britain. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Flett, Murray and Manie, Miss Pearl Leach, et Mn. Norman Leach's, Taunton. Home and Sehool Association meeting was held et Saline school E'niday evening with Mn. Bruce rink presiding. Mn. E. A. Sum- mens, Bawmanville, gave an in- formative talk an tht wanble-iiy, othen pragnam included e vocal duet by Mrs. Lamne Haskin and Mirs. Relph Davi3, accampenied )y Mrs. Isaac Hardy, community singing led 1y Mn. Scott and a reading, by Mns. A. J. Balsan. A leliciaus lunch wves served by the group in charge: Mn. and Mrs. Norval Wotten and Mn. and Mns, Harold Pas.-oe.% lr. B. G. Stevens pnesided fon ho Tem-perance pnagram eat Sun- dey Sehoal and canducted e dis- cussion on tht reasons ai and pas- ible cures ion the increesed con- umption ai liquor, as balanced ageinst similar statisties regard- ing tht intake ai milk-an ai- .rming camparison ta those con- erned with nutritive velues. Bakem's Community Club met1 in the 'seboal Jan. 22. Meeting was in change ai tht West gnaup nd citer tht apening and busi- n ess, Mn. andi M-s. Wes elw les canducted gnaup gaes whicb wene much enjayed. A bountiful lunch was senved by ELDAD ANNUAL MEETING Eldad annuel cangregational meeting was held Jan. 21. Y.P. U. held a short wonship poniod xvith Ewart Leask pnosiding. Rev. E. S. Linstoad thon took change cnd reports were nead from tht diffement onganizetions ai the chunch and Sunday Sebool. Sunday Sehool neponted 42 meetings with an average attend- ance ai 49, use cil United Church supplies, have monthly mission- amy and tomporence instruction, gave $95.67 M. and M. Receipts $304.24; expenses $180.35, balance on hand $123.89. M. and M. reparted $242.35 rais- cd. Cemeteny secy. reponted bougbt e new power mower, with a bal- ance on hand ai $117.23, besides $800 with public trustee, Y.P. Union reponted $585.48 ne- eîpts; $275 being fnam play giv- selves, it is later than yau think." Mn. O. Hendenson wcs calied upan again. and thanked tht speaker ion bis memenkeble de- scriptive powens and that be bad placed e new emphesis an tht lufe ai Proiesson Leacock. Mrs. W. T. Willard, assisted by Gnoup Thnee, %vas canvener ai tht social boum and should be com- mended for its success. Mrs. D. D. McDonald and Mns. O. Wor- den pnesided et the coifet urns. "Flowers are costly in winter, But candies are biossoming thîngs. I xviii iight mine, slonder and fiower-like, tonight." Mns. Herny L. Symons, tht spoaker's wiie, wcs an bonomed guest. It was regretted thet Mn. and IVis. Harold Cooper wene absent due ta illness and Mrs. R. J. Stu- art is stili coniined ta ber home thraugh illness. "Lufe is not made up ai greet sacrifices on duties, but ai littie things. ai which smiles and kind- ness and smehl obligations given habitually are whet xvin and pre- serve tht beant." si e il a. n bi FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATTLE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY 'and WITHOUT C"!ARGE Telephone Collect: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOURG - 48J G~ORDON YOUNC. LWMD St Marys Rotary Club Honors Mr., Mrs. Milis On 56th Anniversary As a native ai Enniskillen ma- ny ai aur alder citizens know W. J. (Billy) Mills personally, while Statesman readers are acquaint- ed wvitb bim through bis occasion- ai, interesting, bistorical contri- butions in these columns about bis native bill-tap village, We would like ta interject bere, too, that in aur wide circle ai friends we knaw no persan bis age, in tbe actagenarian class, wba possesses a more cbarming and youthiul spirit and an aptimjstic autlaak an lfe, than the same Biiiy Milîs. Ail ai whjch comment is by way af introduction ta a recognition made by St. Marys Rotary Club ta Mr. and Mns. Milîs on their 56 th wedding enniversary in wbich The Statesman joins with thein many friends back in the borne- land ai Durham in exténding ta them sincere and cordial congrat- ulations on this memoreble oc- casion. Tht St. Marys Journal-Argus reports this event as follaws: The Rotaniens passed on their good wishes ta Billy end Mrs. Milîs at Monday evening's meeting. Jan. 20 wcs the Milis' 56th wedding an- niversany day. Tribute was paid to, them on bebali ai the club by George Smith, and a taken ai esteem in the farm ai a flowering plant for Mrs. Milîs xvas present- ed ta Billy by Herb Sutberland. Scott Duncan then led the club as they sang 'Believe me if ail those Enýduring Young Charms." This was iallowed by a spantaneous 'Jally Gaad Feilows." Billy spoke apprecietively ai the club's kindnesses to himself and wife in aifering a thank-yeu. Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Riekard and femily. Shcw's, with Mn. and Mns. Alec Hendny. n. endn Mns. Chas. Alldred, Be a An and Brien with Mn. and Mrs. Les Aildred, Orono. Bfour LeGresley cnd Archie Hondny attonded tht annual Po- lice concert ai tht Detroit Sym- phoney' Orchestra et Meple Leef Gendens, Jan. 21. Mrs. Gardon Martin is with Miss Lynn McNeil et Cabourg, where Lynn bas undengane an appendectomy and is quite ill. Mrs. W. Beskerville and Mar- ilyn in Oshawa with Mn. and Mns. Frank Johns. Miss Blanche Taylor, Oshawa, Miss Alice Taylor, Countice, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin, Bnown's, with Mn. and Mrs. AnthurBod- win. Mr. and Mns. Bob Shupak, To- onta, with Mn. and Mns. W. Elalmes. Mrs. Hemmand Brown is su£-1 fring inom a stroke in Toron- to, ber leit side 'being completely oarciyztd. Keep in mmd the quilting at tht cburcb Feb. 11. Next meeting Feb. 2, et Caene Alhin's. r Hot Wafer Boufle .D.A. "UTILITY" Reg. 89e - 63c Toofh Brushes "LUSTRAL" BRAND Nylon Bristie Reg. 25e for 19ô en 19 times with 3 more places booked. Paid $246.96 on new el- ectric organ and have on hand $276.77. Church treasurer reported $126. 34 of a balance $1,068.16 collect- ed. Eiders: Wesley Yellowlees, C. D. Pascoe, A. L. Pascoe, S. E. Werry, B. G. Stevens; stewards, Harold Pascoe, E. R. Taylor, Jno. Knox, Bruce Tink, Gordon Leask; attditars, Bruce Tink, Walter Par- rinder; ushers, Percy Dewell, Bruce Tink, Jno. Knox; Lorne Hoskin,-Ralph Davis; M. and M. committee, Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Bruce Tink, S. E. Werry, C. E. Shortridge, secy. It was carried unanimously that we express our appreciation ta the choir for valuable services rend- ered and that we give the usual amount ta Miss Ileen Balson, pi- anist. Pastor reported 129 members, 1 burial, 6 'baptisms and no mar- niages. Meeting closed with benedic- tion after which Elmer Wiibur auctioned off boxes for the bene- fit ai the Cemetery fund, realiz- ' ing $60 and a social balf hour was enjoyed with 45 present. 1lnimaeambe's Hill wes tht scene ai much activity on Setun- day and Sundcy when Oshawa Ski Club held thein annuel ski mee t. We are v ery sarry ta leern that Clîfiord Cowan wes hurt in e matar accident. We wish him e speedy reeovery. Mns. S. B. Rutherford wes in Toronto attending tht funeral af ber grendmother- Mrs. S. Rutherford enterteined tht W.A. et a quilting on Wednes- day aiternoon. I.D.A. SPECIALS Cocoanut 011 Shempoo reg. 25e, 39e ------19c, 33c CoId Crcam, 1 lb. jan, reg. 69e -- ------ -- 54c Baby Creàm, 3 oz. jar, reg. 50e ---------- 38e Kiten-Or Tootli Powder 3 oz., reg. 29e -----22c Penetreting Liniment, 4 oz., rer. 45e - --- 33c Senna Leaves, 1 and 4 $100-00 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY WEEKLY PLUS A MONTHLY JACKPOT PRIZE ON I.D.A.'S "MIDGET QUIZ" Get ful detahls nd weekiy entry forms et yôur I.D.A. DRUG STORE CGUGH AND COLD REMEDIES Grove's Cold TaTTTTTTTTT29c, 49c Camphorated Oil, 3 oz., reg. 30c --23c Syrup White Pine & Tar, reg. 25c.. 19c Vicks Vaporub orVa-Tro-Nol -------43c Bronchida Cough Syrup, 8 oz.-------50C Pinex Cough SyrupComnpound---49c BaVer Aspirin Tablets --------l8c, 29c, 79c PLASTIC CURLERS exclusive wIth n l *V, THE CRI Deluxe Kit, $2.50. $1.50. Refihi Epsom Salis le 1 oz. cn, reg. j5c HOME PERMANENT Milk of Magnesia EME COLO WAVE I.D.A., reg. 33c, 55c LReg. Kit 27c, 43c; t PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY A&LEX McGREGOR Mn. and Mrs. Alex Walker and family and Mn. Keitb Bradley with Mn. and Mns. John Thomp. son. Miss Jean Wannan in Taranto. Miss Marion McKelvey with Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mn. Armand Hahlingswo r t h %vith bis sister, Mns. Jim Ruther. fond. We are glcd ta repart that Mrs. Dick Luxan is somewhat improv- ed. Tht men bave finished insulat- ing tht sehool. PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM Owing ta inclement weather aur forum did not meet an Jan. 19. but on the 26th, review nigbt, we were entertained with Shcw's et Ebenezen by S.S. 4 Darlington. Aiter listening ta tht broadeest from Bnackville, Miss Needien, Provincial Officen ai the Fedena- tion, was intraduced and asked questions as ta aur cnswens. Mueh could ho iearned and thneshed out bv, baving this lady et aur local forum sometime. Elmer Cox, Shaw's. ected as leader ior Shaw's and Providence. Mrs. Otto Bragg and deughter, rendened c lavely piano duet and Grant Brooks favored with two, solos. Gannet Riekard introduc- ed Mn. Moore and Mn. Tanner- bill, Hamilton, and Mn. Robson, Bowmanviile, noprosenting tht In- ternational Harvester Ca. wba showed variaus films, which wene interesting and instructive on fenm lufe in Amenica. A grand lunch w-as served by S.S. 4 Darlingtan hasts and bas- tessos and aur hearty thanks were tendened by Forbes Heylend, ne- spanded ta by Charles Osborne. IoeWoe Chose Box of 12 Ke- 32~ 30 e 25e60Siz 49 KLEENEX PACKAOI 0op 300tIssg,.s634"ix9'f 200 tissues Ir' xW 10" 7 MA NS SIZE l2"x12", 2 9c Your Local I.D.A. D ruggist DRUGS W. Deliver I <fi Phone 792 ST. PAULàS UNITED CHUIRCHI MINISTER: REV. G. CAMERON QUIGLEY ORGANIST: MNRS. RETA DUDLEY, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. CHOIR DIRECTOR: D. ALEX MCIGREGOR 10 A.M-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M.-NURSERY SCHOOL4 1 l. AM.-W'ORSHIP: "Our Neuroiic Personahies and Peace of Mnd" Special Young Aduli Service '.cnbcrs of Youing PeopIe's Groups taking part. Th-,c!lc'So you cail yourselt a Christian" 8 P.M.- Fireside Hour The first of five nionthiy feilowship gatherings. A cor- dil] invitation toalal young people -% 1 ý - - - . . ..-- àl",We S.S. No. 9, Clarke Our Ferm Forum met this week et Gea. Walton's, Newcastle. Mn. and Mns. Tubman, Brown's S.S., bave bought Maurice Ped- weli's house and wiil be maving in shortly. Miss Belcb is iii, et ber borne neer Millbrook with mumps. Tht Trustee Board have secured the service ai Miss Berthe Cain, Or- ana, for e couple ai weeks. Mr. Jas. Brcnch is iii et Roy's borne, Third Line East. Mrs. Harold Gibsan and Mns. Howard Gibson eccompenîed their busbends ta Toronto ta tht Fruit convention and attended the ban- quet et the Royal York. Mrs. Harold Gibson stayed with ber mother in Scarboro ion a couple ai days. We are glad ta repart Bert Bo- wen is very mruch better. Bort hes been canfined ta bed for two weeks. but is naw able ta be up around the bouse. r FLOUR FOR ILIGHTER - UORE T 1 ENDER PRIES, CAKIES AND PASTRIES THUfflDAY, :»MARY 29, 1948 pruv_ eqAvAnTAWY C2@rAnýVC219AI,9 19C Thermogene Medicated Wool- -49c, 98c d a t) ti n h SE . Y.- SOLINA DRUGS