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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1948, p. 15

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1PAGE F1TrNuW mITU.DAY. JANUARY 29. 1948 TEE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO r---- R7R «#4Ç - ~«q~M55fFi5D BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM S li; -,and Ms. William IR. BENNETT-In ioving memory of M7 Z Necatie, arn happy ta an- a dear husband and father Ben- ounce the birtb of their son, Ron- jamin Bennett who passed away, bl Br uce, on January 4th, 1948. Jan. 27, 1937. la Bowmanvilie Hospital. 5-1* Some day we hope ta meet again, Saine day, we know not when BME-Mr. and Mrs. Norman To clasp bis hand in the btter 8*0l nee Reta Burgess) are land, bappy ta announce the birth af Neyer ta part again. their son, Kennetb Wayne, at the -Ever emembered by wif e and Bowmanvillo Hospital, Saturday, children, Doris and Harold, January 17tb, 1948, a baby bro- ther for Jackey. 5-1* CHALLIS-In loving memory of a dear mother and grandinother, BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. Norman Etta Challis, wbo passed away Brown announce the birtb of their January 24th, 1946. daughtem in Bowmanville Hospi- What would we give ber hand ta tai on Thusday, Jan. 15, 1948. 5-1He clasp: Hrpatient face ta sec; FAGA-Mr.and rs. . P.Fa-To bear ber vaice, ta sec ber sinile ganannunc th bith ýf hei' ýAsSin the days that used ta be. daughter at Bowmanvillc Hospita1l -- isd yso owr en January 19, 1948.5. and grandcbildren Marion and ________Jack, Shirley and Johnny, PARTNER-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jn n en - Partner (nec Bemnice Quinney) announce the birtb of their daugb- RUNDLE-In loving memory of, tem, Patricia Anne, at Bowman- aur dear son and brother, Pilot ville Hospital on Saturday, Jan- Off icer Sidney Gardon Rundle, uary 24, 1948.5- R.C.A.F. missing over Germany, January 29th, 1945. DEATI-S Manv a lonely licartache, _____________ __________ Often a silent tear, CO14LINS-On January 22, 1948. I Alxvays a beautiful memory, at Toronto, Annie Snook, belaved For the ane wo loved s0 dear. wife of the late George Collins, of God gave us strength ta fight it, Trenfon, Ont.. mother of Mrs. j. And courage ta bear the blow, J. Mellor (Edna). of Oono,' Mrs.- But what it meant ta lose bimn D. G. McPhail (Norma). of Otta- No anc wvill ever knaw. wa and J. E. Collins of Toronto. Lovingly rornembered by Entombment Belleville, Ont., Motb or, Dad, Edward and Mausoleuin. Bernice.54 ISRAEL-Suddetil *v at ber rezi- SHORT-To loving mrnory of a dence 26 Cady St., Roehester,' NY. dcir iad. u-ho pussed away Jan. on Monday, January 2t,1948. 2_9th. 194o. Minnie Hooper Israel, beloved Your prcserîce is ever near us, wife of the lato C. P. Israel. Fu- Your love romnains with us yet; neral wvas beld Ja-nuamy 28 with You were the kind of a father interment at Rochester. 5-1 Your laved ones would neyer LýUXTON-In Eownianville on -Sadl.v rn'sed by son 'Frèd and, January 24, 1948, Mildred B.* Lux- daughter-in-law, Elva. 5-1 ton, beloved wife of Wm. A. Lux- ton, in ber 7lst year. Funerali Custom Work from Nortbcutt and Smith's Fun- - oral Chapel. Interment Bawrnan- SIDEWALKS and driveways, ville cemetery. sno%% cleared. Reasonable rate. H. T.Moore, phono 2368 Bowman- ville. 4-2 Th .&Statesman Sold REPAIa Ai Fallawing Stares Dyer's Drug Store. Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle %V. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville C.B. Tyroîl, Orono IÇT. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F.]j7m, Tyrone ~J~~rrnHampton REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, eonestic and commercial. Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., pbone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Sboe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility. dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the NeatWay, King St., W. Lost 7PHackwod, Pontypool I SMALL black change purse çon- T. Saywell, Blackstock taining number of small bills. Lost BagnliJur & ovl Saturday 5 p.m. in vicinity .of W. J. Bgel uy&Lvý Walker Store and Dominion Store. .1. W. Jcwell, W. J. Berry and Finder please rcturn ta Statesman The Statesman Off ice. Office. 5i ..WMV r., E ORRIC DRUGCNKU Are You Readily Susceptible fo Calds? Colds -and their oftiincs scrious comiplicationis are the cause af mare lost Une atid productive effort than any other type of in- fection. Fortunately, medical researchi bas devclopcd Oral Vac- cines provcn bighly effective in prcvcnting or reducing the severity of colds. These vaccines arc available in tablet or cap- sule forrn at voim Rexail Druig Store. New! For Ilair More Beautiful Ail Three Ways S h as 1a Neiiw beauty cream shanmpoo beaves hair mare lustrous. cas- ier to manage, softer. jar 59c Charm-Kurl Home Permanent %Vave Now-you can give yourself a beautiful permanent at home mithout isk ta your hair. Only $1.79 £Ith 50 ne,.% "Locktte" curlers ~eluxe Frame Special Have a deluxe embossed en- largement made of your favor- ite negative. Framed in ebony, colored 67e Framed In -walnut, colored 87e ViI amin Praducis Ayerst Aiphamnettes for Essential Vitamnins A and D $i0 1.85 - $3.50 Frosst Nea Chemnical Food Vitarnins and MineraIs neces- sary for the normal funictianing of the body. Capsules for Aduits: $1.45 - S2.65 5 5.95 Fluid for Children: Sl.35 - $2.95 - 54.95 Puretest Multiple Vitamins 100 capiules (50 doses) $2.19 Puretest Plenamins wlth liver and iron (25 doses) ---- 11.75 For Lifetime Shavlnt Comfort Get a Self-Stropping Self-Honing Rails Razar - $12.50 No Blades to Buy JURY & LOVELL Flîorý 778 C.N.R. Tickets YOUR REXALL I)RUG STORE When We Test Your Eyes It is Donc Properiy CARDS 0F Tl-ANKS Mrs. W. C. Rowe, Centre St., wishes to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for cards and kind inquiries received during her iii- ness and long stay in St. Michael's Hospital. 5-1* Mrs. Willett Hawley and fam- iiy express sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown during the illness and funeral of the late Mr. Hawley and very special thanks to Dr. Howard Rundie for his generous attentions. 5-1 On behaîf of rny wife and myseif" I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors and friends and also to Dr. Rundle, the Masonic Order No. 66 of New- castle, and the Oddfellows of Flo- rence Nightingale for their many acts of kindness during my recent accident of having to be in a body cast for three months. 5-1* Wm. J. Malley. The family of the late Mrs. Nel- lie Trenouth, wish to convey heartfelt appreciation to the many friends, relatives and neighbors for their kind acts, words of sym- pathy, and beautiful floral tributes during the illness and recent death of their mother. Also wish to thank Rev. Frank Yardley, Dr. H. Ferguson, the staff of Bowman- ville Hospital and the ones respon- sible for opening the road. 5-1 COMING EVENTS Dance at Bradley's School on Friday, January 30 under auspi- ces of Bradley's Community Club.1 Bill Clark's orchestra. 5-1 Bowmanville Canadian Legion will bold a monthly bingo in the Legion Hall. Queen St., the last Saturday of each month, at 8 p.m. 4-1 Dance at Enniskillen Commun- ity Hall, Friday, February 6 un- der auspices of Enniskillen Athle- tic Club. Music by Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. 5-2 Corne to Sbaw's Homne and School Club annual card and cro- kinole party, February 6 in the school bouse. Admission 2è5c. Ev- erybody welcome. à-i* See the untual decorations at the Club 15 "Starlit Bail" at the High School on Febrùuary 6th. Proceeds for the Hospital Auxil- iary. Get your tickets fromn club memnbers or phone 772. 5-1 Progressive crokinole and euchre in Community Hall, Tyrone, on Friday, Jan. 30 at 8:30 p.m. Lunch cafeteria style. Admission, adults 50c, children 25, under 10 years of age, no charge. Proceeds for the Tyrone Recreation Park. 5-1 Look here. See here. The dance of the year. The J.anuary Baîl in the Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, January 30th under the auspices of the Newcastle Ju- venile Hockey Club. Advance ticket sale. Lucky Draw. Danc- ing from 9 -to 1. Roy Forrester and his 7-piece popular dance band in attendance. Admission 50c per person. 4-2 Orono Amateur Athietie Associ- ation is holding its big St. Valen- tine's Eve Leap Year dance Fni- day, February 13th, fine to one, in Orono Town Hall, special dec- orations, Roy Forrester and bis popular 7-piece dance band, fea- tured guest soloist, Sadie Hawkins dances, lucky number prize, spot light prize. Admission fifty cents; gallery spectators silver collection. 5-3* Notices Dr. C. W. Slemon's office xill be closed for winter holidays frorn1 February 8 to about March 15. 5-3 Keith W. Siemon, M.D., 38 Cen- tre St., Pbrsician aMfd Surgeon. Off ice hours: Afternoon 2-4, except Wednesday. Nights, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf Applications will be received for the positions of Careta ker of Communîty Hall, Clerk and rea- surer, Assessor, Collector of Vil- lage of Newcastle on February 9, 1948. H. C. Boniathan, 5-1 Clerk Change of off ice boums: Dr. Birks' off ice will be open every afternoon (except Wednesday and Sunday) from 1:30 ta 4:30. Pa- tients will be seen at other boums by appointment. Also office will be closed week of January 26 ta January 31. 3-3 The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society will be held in the Coundil Room of the Town Hall at Bowmanvilie on Friday, Februamy 6th, 1948, cornmencing at 8 p.m. Members are urgcd ta attend, and any others, wbo at- tend because of inrterest, will be doubly welcome. 5-2 Work Wanted STORM windows, combination doors, made ta measuroments. T. H. Tabb, Tyrone. 50-tf WOMAN wants position as bouse- keeper in small family. reference if necessary. Write Box il States- man Office. 5-1* Personal WHO is yaur girl fiend? Send themn a Valentine from Ellhott's Vaiety House, 65 King St. E. 5-le H YG IE N IC supplies (rubbem goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. The CANADIAN STATESMAN Classified Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a line for versez per Insertion NOTICES, COMING -,VENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. c'ash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must be pald before Insertion If Charzed: 3c a word <minimum 50c). Add 25c extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Addltional Insertions at Same Ra'tes) ALL CLASSIFI'-D ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEPNESDAY. Cash, stamps or mon ey order with order to get low rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Help Wanted LADIES-would3 you like ta make same extra money seiling quality dresses on a commission basis in your spare time? Work among your fiends and neighbors in your community. Write us and we will give you full particulars. We feel sure that you will be in- terested in aur offer. Write ta Box No. 8, Statesman Office. 4-2 WANTED: Reliable man as Deal- em in Durham County. Expemi- ence not necessamy. A fine op- portunity ta step inta aId profit- able business where Rawlcigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh Dept. ML -A-140-163, Montreal, Quebec. 2-4 MEN or women, splendid opor- tunity, average $4500 weekly for man or woman ta supply more than 250 Famîlex necessities ta the people in your neighborhood. Write today for complete details of aur time-testcd plan for fast, easy, dirct-to-customer sales. Catalogue free. Familex, 'l 6 O O Delorimier, Montreal. 2-6 Wanted To Buy CIRCULAR Saw and frame. Ap- ply Nelson Rabbins, Hampton. Phone 2349. 151 PIANOS-Small or mnedium size preferred. Telephone 492, Fred J. Mitchell, Bowrmanville. 5-1" BEFORE sclling youm live poultmy try us. Our prices are higbem. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 4-tf* APPLES-All varieties, any quan- tities. Apply D. Feldman. 205 Arlington Ave., Toronto. Ken- wood 5687. 5-4* ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf LIVE hanses for mink and foic food. Caîl us for higbe:,t prices. We also pick up dead farmn stock free of charge. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf Wanted to Rent THREE-roomed apartmient or a small bouse, in or around town, for twa aduits and six yL'ar old boy. Write W. Wallis, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 5-21' YOUNG marricd couple, no ch il- dren, require bouse or apartment in Bowmanville or Newcastle by April. Bath go ta business. Wnit2 Box 16, Statesman Office. 5-1 Real Estate Wanted EIGHT room brick bouse \vith a 1Nrge lot; north end of town pre- fcrred. Will buy outright or ex- change six room bhouse. Write Box 10, Statesman Office. 5-1 TORONTO client wants ta buy a large, old fashioncd brick or stone bouse, four to six bedroomns, state- iy hall and spaciaus living room, dining room and kitchen. Mrs. Evelyn E. Cook, Real Estate, New- castle. 5-1 HlIp Wanted HOUSEKEEPER. liberal wages. sleep out. Apply Mrs. Breslin. Phone 436 or 854, Bowmanville. 5-1 SINGLE man for modemn dairy farm, to begin Mamch 1 or before. Stanley Malcolm, Nestleton.1 Phone Port Ferry 194 r 21. 5-1* Work Wanted HOUSEKEEPER-Nurse available Apt. 8, 74 King St. W., Victor Ma- nom. 5-1* YOUNG lady desires work as clerk. full or part time. Write Room and Board AVAILABLE in warm home, suit elderly lady or couple; light nurs- ing came, if desired. Write Box 13, The Statesman. 5-3f TENDERS WANTED TENDERS wilI ho received up until February 7, 1948, for 20 single cords of bardwood ta be pilcd on scbool grounds S.S. No. 21, Haydan. Lowest or any ten- der not nccessarily accepted. ALYMER BEECE, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, Sec.-Treas. 5-2 FUEL OIL AND GASOLINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Tenders will be received at the office of W. R. Strike, K.C., King Street, Bowmanville, until 12 o'- dlock noon, February 7th, 1948, for -the wholesale jobbcm fuel ail business of the late C. A. Bartlett in the Town of Bowmanville with tank car starage facilities togeth- cm with aIl necessary equipment including 2 tank delivery trucks also bease of retail gas and service station together with purchase of equiprnent and supplies in ser- vice station. Annual gallonage sold-fuel and stave ail, 301,759; gasoline, 31,140 higbest or any tender flot necessarily accepted- inspection of equipment on the premises. Tenders mailed or delivered ta ho plainly marked as such and ta cantain certified choque for 5 per cent of tender price. 5-2 The Volers' Lisis Act (Referred ta in Section 59) Natice af Silhings af Revising Officers TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the pur- pose of hearing complaints or appeals witb regard ta the voters' lists ta be used at the vote ta bc taken under the provisions of The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, in the Municipality of the Village of Newcastle will ho held at the times and places set forth in the scheduie bereinafter set out: s ch edule Namne of Munlclpality' Village of Newcastle Date and Hour of Slttings FEBRUARY 6th, 1948 at 2 p.m. Place of Sittinge Council Chamber, Community Hall, Newcastle Clerk of Revising Officer H. C. Bonathan, King Street, Newcastle, Ontaria Judge M. A. MILLER will bo the Revising Officer for the above mentioned municipality or mun- icipalities. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list ta be so me- vised is Parts 1 and III of the. vaters' list prepared for the nun- icipality of the Village of New- castie (1947). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires ta complain that his naine or the naine of any persan entitled ta ho entered on the said list and bhas been amittod from the saine, or that the names of any per- sons wbo are not entitied ta be voters have been entered thereon, may on or before the 3rd day of February, 1948, apply, complain or appeal ta have bis naine or the naine of any other persan on- temed an, or removed froin the ]ist. AND FURTEER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must bt by no- tice in writing in tbe prescribed form, signed by the camplaînant in duplicate and given tothe- Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for bim at bis address as stat- ed above. Box 15, Statesman Office. 5-1w (Signed) ______M. A. MILLER, AUTO mecbanic, licenscd, e- Chaimman of the Election Board quires work on Saturdays only. for the County of Durham. Write Box Na. 12, Statesman Of - Dated this Sth day of January, fice. .5-1 A.D. 1948.3- Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale STRAW, also carpenter's good HOUSE and three lots. Apply 57 work bench. Phone 2214. 5-1 Liberty St. South. 5-1* IDRY pine lumber also good light cutter. Phone 1504 Clarke. 5-1* FURNACE. Apply Fred Grigg, 81 Ontario St., Bowmanville. Phone 369. 5-1 EXCELLENT table turnips, free of brown heart, $1.35 per bushel, clearing right out. S. W. Brooks, phone 2227. 5-1 BEATTY electnic washer, copper tub, in perfect running condition. Mrs. John Rickard, Newcastle. 5-1* CABINET radio, new batteries and tubes, good finish; also new toboggan sleighs, 5 ft. bunks, $75. Carl Todd, Newtonville, Ont. 4-2* LIBRARY table, rocking chairs, Victrola and records, music cabi- net, feather pillows, new braided mats, cutlery. Phone 2483. 5-1* RADIO, electric, cabinet, DeFor- est Crosley; also metronome. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Nestieton. Phone Port Perry 194 r 21. 5-1* PUMP jack with electric motor, like new, $25. Also would like to buy set of tractor difcs for wreck- ing. R. LeGresley, Newcastle. Phone 1130 Clarke..51 ONE power drag saw, 6 foot, com- plete with winch and track. Aly- mer Beech, R.R. 6,' Bowmanville, Phone 2292. 5-1 DO you burn oil? "Kleen-Flow" oul conditioner improves burning in any oi uruer. Available at The Radio Shop, Bowmanville. 5-1 COLEMAN ail burning space heater, in good condition, will heat approximately 6,000 cubic feet, $50. The Radio Shop, Bowman- ville. 5-1 HOUSEHOLD effects-Adam per- iod solid mahogany dining set;1 silk damask chesterfield set; an-1 tique walnut bedroom, and an iv-1 ory wicker set. 3303 Newcastle.j OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in mode.n. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf ONLY two owners since new. '39 Plymouth sedan, 4 almost new tires, good spare, heater, slip cov- eiýs, new, spotlight, fog light, de- froster, new license, Prestone anti- freeze. Bill Joli at Bowmanville, or E. H. JolI, Newcastle. 5-l* TRADE-INS - Beds and springs complete $10.00; coal stoves, new linings , and grates, $25.00; ice boxes, reg. $46.50 for $29.50; chrome chairs $7.50; mantel ra- dio $14.95; vacuum cleaners $19.- 50; Axminster rugs 9x]1,,2, $14.50. Murphy's, phone 811, 57 King St.i W. 5-1*i ONE new Renfrew cream enamel Cookrite range with high closet and reservoir, coal and wood grates, ail cast iron lire box: also one Renfrew Cookmite as above, used thmee years in our own borne, 30 per cent off to save moving. Apply Mountjoy Sales & Service, phone 2503, Hampton. 5-1q. TWO Fleury Bissell tractor plows equipped with rolling coulters and skimmers. Immediate delivery. Take winter delivery and be sure. Also one 12-14 tractor disc and one 14-16 tiTactor disc. Also tak- ing orders for spreaders. tractor1 discs, plows, spring tooth lever1 harraws and scufflers. Apply ta Mountjoy's Sales and Service,1 phone 2503, Hampton. 51 MONTE End Specials-Chester- field Suites, green or wine, clear- ing at $129.00. Spring-filled mat- tresses, aIl floor samples roduced, $19.95 to $37.85. Window shades, rubber stair treads, Congoleum rugs, battleship linoleum, odd cbests of drawems, $19.85; odd dressers, daybeds, drop back cou- ches, Axminstem and Wîlton ugs. Many other items at F. F. Morris Ca. s]ashed in this month end clearance! 5-1 CHENILLE Bedspreads, $5.29. Manufacturer's clearance. First quality spreads. size 80x96 in al beputiful pastel colors. $5.29. Closely tuffted full 90x100 basket weeks aid; ane registered Guemn- sey bull, eighit months aid, of R. O.P. dam. Phone 2880, W. G. Allison. 4-2* ONE hog 11/4 years aId, purebred Yorkshire, not registered. Quiet andiof proven ability. Price rea- sonable. Apply F. H. Bray. Phone Brooklin 54 r 14. Oshawa R.R. 2. 5-1 TWO building lots, fronting on High St., 66 ft. frontage, 145.1 ft. deep. Quick sale for cash. Ap- ply Don Cameron, phone 2645 ev- enings. 5-1 FIVE-roamed frame bouse, partly insulated; baîf acre good garden soil; in Bowmanville; $1200. Ap- ply 10 Bradshaw St. 4-1* FIVE-roomed fmame bouse, partly insulated; haîf acre good garden soil; in Bowmanville, $1200.00. Apply 10 Bradshaw St. 3-1* FARM, 72 acres, near Nestieton, suitable for tobacco or mixed farming; buildings in need of re- pair. Write Box 999, Statesman Off ice, Bowmanville. 1-tf*GOOD investment for handy man. Nine-roomed house in Orano; 3 small apartments rented; two large rooms available immediate- ly. Write Box 14, Statesman Off - ice. 5-1' FARM-150 acre daimy fam1/4 mile from No. il higbway, near Greenbank; new bouse; large barn and'dnive shed; bydro and watem in bouse and barn; wood lot and creek. First' class farm. Fal ploughing done. Possession im- mediately. Low taxes. Part cash, balance arranged on flrst motgage. Phone Port Perry 299J or Bowmanville 2487. 5-1 DWELLING, solid brick, good lo- cation in Bowmanville, 8 rooms 3- piece bath, furnace, hardwood floars, modemn kitchen, garage and garden. Early possession, $7,300 cash. FARM-100 acres, 7 acres orchard 3 acres bush, one of best farms in Darlington, hip roof barn equip- ped with steel stanchions, water bowls, litter carrier, cernent silo. 8-room stone bouse including bathroom and furnace. FARM-5¾1/ acres good land, ber- ry bushes and fruit trees, 8-roomn bouse, hydro, barn, drive shed and garage, 3/ mile from aschool on good road. STUART R. JAMES, Real Estate 24 King St. E., Bowmanville Chicks For Sale PLACE your orders for Gainforth chicks now. Phone 2420, Bar- ron's, Hampton, for prices and information. 2-4* AS agents for Bray Chicks, we ad- vise you get price list, etc., and order soon. If you want themn, Hatcbery can give prompt sbip- ment on day-olds and started. Or- der the right cbicks for the good markets. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 5-1 MAPLE GROVE Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Iva Twist on Thursday evening wben Iva installed the new afficers. Jessie Swallow was in charge of pmogram. Scipture was read by Audrey Snowden and prayer by Toots Barabail. Chapter of study book was taken by Jessie Swallow, president Jean Munday, took charge of business. Flower cornmittee are Lyra Flint- off, Iva Twist, Toots BarrabaîL Meeting closed with Mizpah ben- ediction. The annual Sunday School meeting was held and. these offi- cers were eiected: Supt., H. G. Freernan; asst. supt., Wm. Laird; secy., Ken Summerford; asst. secys., Art Burgess, Bert Snow- den, C. Swallow; treas., C. Swal- low; musical director, Leslie Col- ]acutt: pianists, Marion Foley, Ed- na Swallow; assts., Joan Wright, Leslie Collacutt; cradle rail and Home Dept., Mrs. Ken Summer- fard, Mrs. Sam Van Camp, Mms. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Spears; audi- tors, Lloyd Snowden, Laurence Wbite-, missionary supt., Doreen Jeffery; temperance supt., Stan Snowden; teachers, beginners, Mrs. H. Brooks; asst., Doreen Jef- fery; primary A, Pearl Collacutt; asst., Mrs. S. Morton; ýrimary B, Marion Foley; asst., Mms. I. Mun- day; juniors, Jean Burgess; asst., Mrs. Ken Summerford; interme- diate girls, Mrs. Ross Stevens; as- sistant, Rev. F. Yardley; intemme- diate boys, Stan Snowden, asst., Rev. F. Yardlcy; Bible class, Mr. Laird, asst., Ross Stevens; officers of Bible class, President, Lloyd together. Several in this community are suffering from bad colds. Milk-for-Britain saved British lives. Let's save more lives with Food-for-Britain. Notice Io Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Juifa Bragg, late of the Township of Darling- ton, in the county of Durham, Wl- %(1. dow, deceased, wbo died on or about the 3rd day of January 1948. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51 Creditors and others havlng : dlaims against the above Estato are required to send full particu. .1 lars and proof tbereof to the Ex. ~ ecutor or bis solicitor on or be- fore the l6th day of February, 1948, after whicb date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard oniy ta the dlaims that have been received. DATED at Bowmanville, In the said county of Durham this 12t1j day of January, 1948. THOMAS H. CLEMENCE. Bowmanville, R.R. No. 4, Ont., by bis solicitor: L. C. MASON, 30 King St. W., 3-3 Bowmanville, Ont. Notice to Creditors.,' IN THE ESTATE 0F Elizabeth V1. Ann Allin, late of the Town of ' Bowmanville, in tbe tounty of Durham, Spinster, deceased, wvho died at Bowmanville, on or about the 28th day of August, 1947. THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and oth ers having : dlaims against the above Estate are required to send full particu.. lars and proof thereof to the Ez- ecutor or his solicitor on or before the 29th day of February, 1948, ý after wbich date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having ý regard only to the dlaims that have been received. DATED at Bawmanville afore- said, this 28th day of January 1948 CLARE E. ALLIN, i Bowmanville R.R. No. 4, Ont., by bis solicitor Lawrence C. Mason, Box 29, Bowmanville, Ont. 5-3 HAYDON Sorry to report, that Mr. Ge&.; Cowling is not improving. The Bible class social evenîig was heki at Mr. A. Beech's on Friday nigbt. There were a fair number present considering the very cold weather. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and,' family, Tyrone, at Mrs. E. De- geer's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at Mr. Everett Beech's, Port Hope. Messrs. Nelson Gage, Len Riley and Jack Glover, Thornhill, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Miss June Anderson witb Miss- es May and Winnifred Trewin. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Lynda at Mr. Clifford Petbick's, . Enniskillen. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, oNTAiRio ORUBMAY, JANUARY 29,1948 1

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