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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1948, p. 1

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tafr~m4tT "Durham County's Gjreat Far&ily Journal" VOLUME9D4 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1948 6 PER COPYNUBR5 M. H. Siaples ReceivesA rcl re tCos ds Judge Miler Welcomed1 1 iiorious Diploma Agiutr tCosod By Local LawSociety ArclueNeW E!nmir! Development Mmesa F Agiculure uw W W Wi land-Durham Bar Association as- Aociety hcld its annuel meeting !aaitîrore Hatel, Cobourg, Jan. 15, to n Orano on Januery 21 wlien an d an C u S e ke ay ecamne Counly Judge M. A. these officers werc elected for ______Miller, ecently eppoînted ta the 1948: President, Gamnet Rieka md, . ~ldseui office un this district. Thc dinner Bowmanville; ist vice, A. E. Mor-I Dec] înîng eny persanal predie- in tcrms of is aegc stbiiy. 'wzis tcndercd liv J. C. M. German tan, Kendel; 2nd vice, John ition aller presenting a higlly in- lVorld Upheaval wha rcsigned from the position Cruickshank, Hampton; secretery- j formed address an agriculture ta In an uncertein world where some monlîs ega. treasurer, J. C. Gamcy, Orana. j tIc members ai thc Men's Came- fighting stili continues sporadical- Mr. German intraduccd Judge The Agicultural Service Diplo- dien Club oi Bawmenviile, aI the ]y acmoss the globe, with seven Miller wlo esponded by saying mia for meritariaus service toaeg- Balmoral Hatl, Friday evening, free countries ai Europe enguif- thal h le eud the estcem sliown riculture durng the past yeer was Jeu.' 3. W. P. Watson, Toronto, cd liy communisl Russie and with in tle welcome and added thet le awardcd ta M. H. Stapler,1 B.A. raid t hat tlie trend in interna- vast deprivatians continning in considered thc appotunity ta Mms. Herry Jase, Newcastle andf tional rade today placcd farm- ail the democracies rave only Cen- serve Ihis district as a bigli honor. Mr. A. E. Marton, Kendal, werc ers in a position in whidli they ada and the U.S.A.. the uplicavels He gave a bni address an jmdi- appainted delegates ta the Onlar- 1, must decide whcther tIey' will ac- 'n tiade and commerce elecl thei,c il mellers and wes lendered a iia Faims Association convention in cep' quite e meesure ai stete con- divisions in econamic an d polili- vote of lleuks liv Miss Apha Hod- Toronto mcxl month.j tral or cudeevor la win beck the cal thought which las came la lic gin, Bowmanvillc, tle only lady Il was decidcd ta bold field right ta trade freely in their ec- ai mudli conceru la île farmers member of tle lier present. crop competitians this yer in customcd tradition. In an lioum's ai Canada. A repart ai thc meeting ai Dis- oets and poattes. frevifewai Canadien agriculture, Declering blet wc appeer ta trictin l Oshawa, xvas given by' The financial statcment showed Mr. Watscn contriliuted greetly ta have leerned vem3' utIle fmom île Neil Fraser ai OsIeWe, xvla aira balance in the liank ai $9318, as t he information ai bis audience. lessons ai the lest wer, île speek- spk-miîeco an nnuai mccl- campared with $74634 e year ega.1 The Speaker ercm ld tIc course ai agriculture ing ai île Federetion ai Law As- Assets are listed et $813.18, Vth TI paeradGa n from depression deys down la oceis.JC.MGrmnva liabililies ai $7900. mitnbsitoucinha eîIe present, racing production Iappointed a delegebe ta attend thir noxvin hintra odun, wsh el and prices witl very illumineting mîeeting. A resolution was pars- eppcai rhdam judg tyOrong ifigures in which wcre revealedcd Ie rcomnais e apperedas ajude atOroo i heeffects ai stete direction and broutit tc iex ati im- C ounties Warden an das an officiai pessing on se- sbate trading on thc ierm econ- provemt in îlt te retr offices lectons orîte annuel hrhr rvretitergsryofc. S' Born on a ferm neer Gaît amy. Il wes slown how a sur- A pper on impravement in prac- 4". . _ .. .. .. he gradueted from thc O.A.C. in lsa nslal îcbldt tice and substantive iaw xvas giv' ~~ 1928 and in lis present position te dpininWsenC nad cly H. R. S. Rya iPr oe ~ wil îl Livsboc Brecî. on-a a greally e xpended livestock Mcmbers ai the Law Associa- Staria Dept. of Agriculture, lie bas id ty at uai ao o tion present from Bowmanviiie ' vsicdmen cunris airadonexporita Brilain. were Miss Hodgins and L. C. Ma- %' missions ta promate livestock in- Less Production son. teresîs and forcigm trade in thet This belanccd agriculture xves field. He is known la many' ferm- e great factor in rcstaring ferîiliîy crs tîroucli bis writincs in lead- ta tle sali but the wloes muc oJli fdI I9 IA ing 'agricuiturel joumnais. j turc olÎâpsed efie'r- île xvar -xvlicn aamusiaa Pro posed New Ontario Street Public School At present the average enrolnient per classroam Isa 43 with nome classes as high as 47. At the present school enrolinent the extra classrooms ta be provided by the new school wili reduce the number ai pupils per room. ta 35 as recomxnended by the De- partment. It will permit the Board ai Education f0 provide, for the firat time. free kindergarten classes for ail boys and girls 5 ta 6 years ai age. In addition it will provide a much needed auditorium for the use ai South Ward citizens. Ample storage space for equip. ment and supplies wiii be inciuded. Being of ane-storey con- struction the new school will present na fixe hazcîrd. The Board ai Education anticipates future increases in public schoal population due ta the increase in the town's birth rate in the past two years. With this in view plans have been no drawx2 that additional rooms may be readily cadded when required. Lufe Membersi Acclaimed byj When New Off' At the annuel installation ai officers ai lhc Bowmanvîlic Can- adien Legion, Brandli No. 178, hld in thc Legian Hall, Qucen St., Tlursday ight, Jan. 22, cam- rade Alex Mairs reccived a Lufe Membemshîp, gold button and cm- graved certificate for "unseliish and outslanding services ta the limandli in aitering, transiormnimg and rcdecorating the Legian Hall ta make it anc ai tIe briglitest ln Canada." In these termis thc reliring president, Maurice Bres- lin, won unanimous applause f rom ail t#,e comrades assembled, asq he &_,tiééýd the 1ion5ôr on Aiêx. Officiais Present The procccdings et tle meeting were highly important from tle standpoint ai future activities and île declaretians ai policy made by visitimg officielsend île out- gaing and incoming presidents. District Commander Tlmeadgold, Wbitby, and Zone Commander, Loveli, Oshawa, made stirring ad- dresses aiter tle Zone Command- er conductcd île imprersive in- stallation ceremonies for the 1948 officers. Retiring president, Bres- lin, and tLic new president, Cliii Semis, aira made significant speeches on local policy. Great Year In thc spic and span assemlily hall arrenged liy arcliitcct Meirs with thc help ai thc Womcn's Auxiliary. the fluorescent lighting was startlingly brilliint following the cusbomary llckout for île anc minute's silence as commades stoad in tribute ta îhe fellen. The business session was conductcd by president Brerlin which imcluded ,thie gencrai reports ai committees for tle part yeer together with tlie auditom's repart which reveal- ip in Legion Alex bMairs ficers Installed ed a solvent position aiter île ex. penditure ai more tIen $10,000 during 1947. Valedictory This expenclîture invoivcd thé purchese, rcdecorating and furn- ishing ai tle new Legion Hall and Cammade Brerlin thanked one and ehl for the layai co-opematian tînt made possible this fine ac- hievement. His vaedictomy in- cludcd a short summary ai the history ai Branch 178. He told of being wclcomed liy a fcw aid swcats ai Worid War 1, who, kept -the.,Legion--4pr<.alw-e-during the- depressian and Worid War Il. while meeting in a basement raam. Race and crced made no difference ta 11cmn for men of ail failhg joined ta fight the commoià cause for frecdom. Equality The speaker rce fmred tÀo per- sonial observations and experience in the service club spherc which persuaded him tînt tle principles cmbadied in the constitution af thc Legion naarked it as about île ornIý7 service organizebian adhcming faithfully to, the tendts that de- nied discrimination as ta race, color or creed. Honored to lie accepted imb membcrship ai île Legion lic lad been further hon- ared with the presidency for theý part two years duning which lime le had been iavamcd wmlh the greetest iayality in tle wark ac- complislied. His sincceel-thanks won great applause. Service Pin District Commander Thrcad- goid t1cm prescnted Comrade Brerlin wltl île covcted Part President's Pin and camplimented (Comtinued an Page Eight) Bowmanville I Planning the demanci for wneat consumea Mr. Watson described bis visit the entire surplus and the upw rd v ae y C a be fC m ec ta fam hme earAyr Sct-adjustment of wheat prices and e eaed b Ch m e of o m rc lard, to which the father had re-coreganrsutdifrms turned after same years in Can- rtrigt h i ytmo A general review of the activi- being maintained with Town ada and whose son later trained in quic rft.Lvetc rdc ties of th'e Bowmaniviii. Chamber Council in ail these projects. SCanada with the R.C.A.F. onîy ta tian n 1~hags particularly fell by0f Commerce during 1947 was Commercial ]ose his life almost at the close of 7 rcn n aifriiyfl presented at the Janiuary meeting The Commercial Cammittee has thex~a wichened isplas iti. held in the Lions CommuiyCn expiared many things ta make eventually ta make his home* i ntiu sî tespae,,tr, Tuesday evening, Jan.. shopping in Bowmanville mare Canaa. he sory waste in-"v the western tradition:- Among reports received was the cenvenient, said chairman Lamne trdcto tGheqesin oe us two good successive statement af president WalterDoen Awitlmeoprvt indutot the inu tion n he eb crops at fair prices and the future DeGeer that prospects were ex- angle.pAkisin closen ta monument ta "Scotland's greatcst scan go lbag. e nvtaele - ceeduinglty tg odfo ingihengar newcurb speeding, asking merchants Reeve Alex Stephien of Haldimand pe:Te sulidpasofmc it ,winll anrn tarodc- inur y ta t own i te ear f tapark cars on side streets, signs Township, wbo was elected. War- ad men gang ait agley." Plan- tie idbonln ihalg uewihwudgv mlY- at the approach ta the tawn, uni- denoftheUnte Contesaf in, aid the speaker, had been acy' leit ta farm youth in.whicb j ment ta more than 100 people and form holiday closing boums, a Durham and Northumberland for introduced ta Canadian agricul- hywl rfs a folowfrm-thegotiosre copntiufgwt spring clean.up campaign and a 1948, at the January session held turc by the gavernment during îng. Hence the lesson a trtestili an «emcmpnyxishing ta curb on -fly-by-night advertising last %yeek at Cobourg. war and was bing tested today (Continued on Page Eigbt) lacate here. salicitars, were amang the, things Toronto Speaker under consideration and undcr Trinity Auxiliary Chief interest* at the gathering way.Fiacan efr Meeting Feature1 centcred in the address ai the Fnnern efr 7ritof he B iti h . P opl MeeingFeatresguest speaker, Syd Matthews, On_- Treasurer Nels Osborne pre-. ~r t f he D rtih eo le Transiators of Bible tario Regional Manager, Canadian sèhted- a verly sàtlsfactory finan-. ~*UUIkChakV*er of Commerce. Mr. Mat- cial statement with ail bis paid. ~jm aa m i~ofRe overy Trinity Evening Auxiliary met thews gave a splendid, inspira- Wilf Carruthers, reporting on sa- uara tee of T eirRec an.20. Miss Helen Cryderman, tionai outline ai the local and na- cial weifare, outlined the assist- after hearing the annual reports tionai cffectiveness and service ance given in establishing Cit.i- V of the variaus secretaries and ofa Chambers of Commerce and zenship Classes at the High Schaol l iât s R tary Clu Spe ker tanking the members for their was greatly complimented by the for new Canadians and said that Guest speaker at Bowmanville pr einters tuart Jamlees. atdesman.l appear in next wcek's Council was a great and success- Rotary Club Fiday, Jan. 23, Har- peiet r.Sur ae. Saemn u omnt da old L. Garner af Peterboro sum- The warship service was in Reports of committee chairmen Rural and Sports mcd up bis impressions gatbercd cbarge of Mrs. A. Watson and were mast encauraging and dis- The Rural - Urban Cammittee in a seven wccks' tour of the Mrs. 0. Plumnmer. Mrs. Watson, closcd much m-ork donc during under Forbes Heylancl has under British Isies with the affirmation bgnb rwn teto atete~cr way an inspiring program ta make thtteidmtbesii fteProven"~ by W. R. Pîewman. In Industrial this linking up ai tawn and coun- peotpth initabl spyrit i the apheoettldgTscdadtry much more effective for gen- pehe willdcrry thl emrioug nsesayBterutaraures us! The Industrial Committcc, said eral welfare. John James sub- tih mstodistrteiulfoperd in- that belief is more reasonable than1 chairman Gaslett, lied made a mitted the report on Special Ev- tish isrt the iir former eonmin-c;~ unl echef, that Chrisýianity, ai- campîcte survey afi exîsting build- ents whîch joined with the Le- enceir in the polcaisd econmic ugh it daes nat promise im-1 ini~s that mil hI be aveilable far gian ta promote the annual Soap aesiion te orlcd.hclquent munity from trouble, Yet gives uis ne,\\ industriv s but prospects were Box Derby which proved a boas- description embraced the ques- the strength and poire ta make that ncw cor îruction would haveteanmnyalrpasaeu- tiens of food, clothing, fuel, busi- tradmn te ln r n ne~andineret cstms s senthat trouble bearable. ta be the on em in accommodating der way for the present year. at first band. ah aif which gave in- The story fromn the study book 1 the new i idustries anticipated. National Affairs sight ta the message lie sought tae*.concerned the following trensia- commitîce activelesiCprtsentrme canvey. Witli bumorous inter- tors ai the Bible: Mr. Judson, gatialions.'ith severai enquirers. eriaryonhaesarte r S. ludes he rclievcd the stark eali- who trenslated the New Testa- civie eatn nteNtoa iar tics ai bis discourse. ment int Burmese and Mr. Wil- Committee, said that its objc- Introduction liam Carey, Mr. William Ward, Miss A pla Hodgins reported tives were litIle undcrstood but President Mci Dale eiiectcd a and Mr. Joshua Marshman m-hose steps tek' nri by the Civic Commit- education and teacher's salaries happ prlud in nviinghiscombined efforts led ta the trans- tee in pi 2rsing for a parks com- were first on the agenda before happy pelude. ianernvîtingbi lation ai the Bible mbt forly-four :1 mission ind a planning commis- undertaking an cnlarged pragramn Oshawa Chamber af Commerce, Indien dialec-ts. This information ioun rihhadivfratewakepblepnonnd- ta introduce his brother Harold. was given in the farm i a broed - new rinL would be pressed. Plans mesticad world problems. He bypasscd boylioad pranks ta cast. The four men, rcpresented for a c'.)x crief et the new high-_ The general rcmnarks ai presi- affirmn that Harold gaduatcd îrom by Mrs. E. Thompsan, Mrs. M. way w sî*e heing follawed ta as- dent DeGeer will be included in schoal tae.îaurnalism with the Symons, Mrs. S. James and Mrs j sure etter access ta Bowman- the report oi the address ai Mm. London Advertiser and progress- R. Rumney were inlerviexved ly isvlle *each and close contact is Matthcws. ed steadilv ta bis presenit job asth annauncers, Mrs. O. Plum- Genre Maagr, etrboo x-Harold L. Garner Bunner. aminer and manager ai radia sta- P bi ir r a m l eii soito he was aNewsers eleAs- At anc lime, said the speaker, Young Married People' Cr unlies Council Grant Expected in Chicago ta the Newspape' howm whle as yl secondi Advertising Executive Associa- ho ummwer as da ys. atI cd ta Of T__________c tiand wbere lie bcam tI fist pen Bow- Bring BaCk OId Times '.'he annual meeting ai the cd Counties Council will again be Canadian taelie eiecled ta its direc- mnille beach, hence I feed com- Bi wvmanville Public L i b r a r y presenled. Chairman Rogers was toate. (Continued on Page Eighî) The most intercstîng revival1 w ii was open ta thc discerning delcgated ta appear before Town ____________________________________ -meetings lield locallv in receuit p iblic was lield in the Board Council ta rpcak in behali af the limes are those bcing put mbinocom in fthc iibrary, which also annual municipal grant. tU l l Aeffeet by the Young Married Cou- i erves as tle one-room libramy A general repart oi the year's CountiesC u lBas Rep art pIes' Club ai Trinity United ItFelf, on Tuesdey evening. Jan. ectivities wiii he prepared by the Church. They really brauglil aId 20. Members ai the Library secretary for publication in the limies back Tuesday cvening whciM, Board prepared ta present a pub- press. A letter receivcd from the On R gh S hoolArea Sche e le members motored la the home lic accounting ai the activîties for principal ai a rural scbool asking ______of a Mr. and Mrs. Al. Aluin ta cm-i 1947, werc as uisual the soie rep- far information on iibrary facil- Estblihmnt i ighScholj Aea toaccmmdat a avr-joy a winter sleighing party jmc scutatives of the generai public ities for pupils under his charge EstabishmCont ieschali a ea .000 ae naer 1Wlen this annouincemeut iwe et thc getlering and adapted the was referred ta the secretary ta Areas n the United Cil lic vfarioe os reorîstepresenîcd b Norhumerandan Duha is cnfied osly itin hebotn-made a laI ai sighs were bear i vrosrporspne. reply and state the gencral candi- fo-drisa eitngcutisbt m îong rilver-thalchc:d citizeus i1The members includcd Chair- tions. stili receiving consîderation fo-lre feitn orte u n owý&n who remember thc goï d man Rev. W. P. Rogers, Mrs. V. The maximum fine ta be as- lowing the survey made lest 3year cases such as ortl east Durham aid davs vhen dobbin wes regar l- H. Storcy, R. L. Mitchell, L. W. sessed locais pupils for failure ta and representations from theO-il may be found more 3rivanta-e - 1cd as 'a friend and allen an r- Dippeli, A. M. Thompson, and retumn books an lime was fixed taria Dept. oi Education. Further ans for pupils la attend et Peter- biter. Sccv-Treas. Fergus Morrill. et 25e and names ai delinquents information %vas presented et the bora. The province xiii provide, Bu t the eveul xvas made h j-ly fNir. Morrili reportcd a deficil of will be given la the sehool prin- Januamy session of the Counties up ta 75 per cent of thc cost oi traditional wlcn thc bulletin.,sli- S32.50 on the year's aperatians cipals. Coijnciiat Cobaug b S. D. Ren- transportation in eux' case. Thc cd cacl couple ta peck a p½-nic which resulted largely from tak- Aduit mcmberships arecocntin- arepresentative ai' the De- scheme for the Unitcd Counties lunch laelie rafied off. The lady ing out îwo-year subscriptians ued aI $1,00 per year with free lient ai Educalion who spoke envisions five school areas butlidtpthenaeinlebxjfrcrnt eidcls The membership ta juveniles. Books Qe question. mucli more thougît will lic given and the lucky bidder war hem Board cxpresscd thanks ta Mrs. relained beyand the 14 days limit ~e plan ai Higli Schaai Arcas the projcct ta work ouitIch many as a partuer ta enjay tle er;icing J. H. Jury for the donation of entail a fine ai 2c per day. Libra- s simply ta equalize educational difficulties cncountercd. delicacies aller tle sîigl ride. $100. which was used te provide ry hours are 2:30-5:30 aitemnoons advanktages in secondamy sehools. Mr. Rendeli stated thal fine1 This combination is guerenceed ta storna windows la make the libra- and 7-9 evenings except the clos- That is ta say the eflect ai the Ontario counnues have alread ielgive rosy-cheeked camp.exions rv omhbiale d deys, Wednesday and Su.nday. scheme will be te provide acca i unaided by Arden and R~uben- A consideralile increase was modatian for rural pupils ta e up High Scbool Areas and ten 1cmei. ieported in adult memlierships Member5hips in the new wa- ceive the same level oi training imare wvill very shortly~ become OP- Toc) aid ta gel in on bhis en- whidb ros* from 138 in 1946 ta men's arganization, tbe Cana- ndeducation thal is now accord- eralive. For West Durham the jayable fun. thc editor hlpes lIat 250 in 1947. Mr. Mitchell, e- dian Association ai Consumers, ed in city schaols.1 accommodation would teke in conveners Tine and Jact Gîibs, porling for the praperty commit- may be obtained at The States- To bring this accommodation Bowmanvillc. Darliîuton, Clarke, or secretary, Dr. Bill Ri ieu WM-111 tee raid thal arrangements have man office this week. This or- te rural districts the idea is ta Newcastle, Orono and possibîx' ind it agrecable ta give tIc press liecu made for redecarating thc ganizatian is elready exerting in-' either build new centrai bigli same pupils irom neighboring furîber reports on these outîngs. intcrior and il is expected thet fluence in Ottawa and now necds schools ta replace present scatter- townships whose homes wil l e Il is believed Ilese yaîîug cet- the Town Counicil wili repair the taelie backed by the membership ed high schoals and provide ras nearer ta this area than ta the pies plan garden campelitions this Patchi ai plaster fallen from the af ail Canadien wamen in order portetian daily ta the new scsshool in anather amea. Il is like- sumrmer ta relieve thc bigl casti cn.ta accomplish definite resuits in or ta rearrangepe-ythea curicule in rs ly othing will be dame by heoflving. lu 'budgeting for the caming haiting the rising cost of living ept buildings and provide trans- United Counties until aller thele m- 1vears ectivitics the salamy af the and stabilizing aur Canadian ec- portztion ta rpeciaiized classes in part ai tle Royval Coînmiss:;on ai Miss Heleni Devitt lias accepted lilirarien %was increased $10. per, onamy. Membership fee is 50c sudh stibjceci as agriculture and Education which is expecled a position with the Royal Bank mnontl detiug irom Jan. 1. The and the membership campaign vkational tr'ainling. shortl1'. tin Toranto. request for a grant irom the Unit- closes Jan. 31. Recreation Calendar Thursday, Jan. 29 4:15-Pee Wee Hockey, Ratary Rink, Wildcats vs. Bluebomb- ers. 5 p.m.-Mohawkes vs. Killers, Ro- tary Rink. 8:15 p.m.-Basketbail, Lindsay et Bowmamvilie, Intermediete, et Higl Sdhool. Frlday, Jan. 30 7:30 p.m.-Public Skating, Rotary Rink. Saturday, Jan. 31 9 ta 11:30 a.m.-Childrcm's skat- ing, Rotary Rimk. 2 ta 4 p.m.-Public Skating, Ro- tary Rink. 4 p.m.-Midget Hockey Practice Rotary Rink. 7:30 p.m.-Pubiic Skating, Ro- tary Fink. 8:30 p.m.-Teen Town, '"Frasby Frouec", High Sehool. Basketball, Bawmanville et Pet- er oiiodàY. ?eVb. 2 - 4 p.m.-Bantam Hockey, Roary Rink. '7:30 p.m.-Public Skating, Rotary Rink. 7:30 p.m.-Midget and Juvemile Hockey, Bowmanvilie vs. T.C. S. et Part Hope. Tuesday, Feb. 3 7 p.m.-Lebhemcmaft ciers, Lions Commumîty Centre. lVednesday, Feb. 4 2 ta 5 p.m.-Public Skating, Ro- tary Rink. 7 p.m.-Volicybell, HigI Seboal. 7:30 p.m.-Public Skating, Rotary Rink. Vice-Presideni Wallon G. Pascoe Elected Head of Palestine Chapter Byron S. Vanstone Bowmanville schoolmetes ai Byron S. Vanstane and lis meny friends in Durham Caumby. lieem- cd their pleasure lest week on tle anauncement ai lis elevation ta thc Vice Presidency ai îhe Bank ai Toronto. Mr. Vanstone wlo hes been Generai Manager ai the bank rince 1942 and a director for the part ycar prcsented tlie 92nd annuel repart before assum- ing lis new office. Thc executive changes include the eppointmenb ai former presi- dent, F. H. MarrI as Clairman ai the Board and lic is succeeded by J. L. Carson, former Vice President. Mm. L. G. Gillett suc- ceeds Mm. Vanstone as Generai Manager. Ih us lerned elso ilat Mr. Vensione is senior Vice Pres- ident ai the Canadien Bankers' Association. Expansion of the activities ai tle Bank ai Toronto duing Mm. Vanstanc's service as a general manager us shawn in lis repart blet 25 new branches have been apened in the est two years and tle 200 branches now employ 2,- 076 people, an increase ai 948 rince 1939. Depasits ai $337,000,- 000, an increese of 150 per cent in île part five yers are at an eli-time bigl. A graduate ai Bowmenvilic High School, "Bamney" Vanstone was a star lalf-back wilh 'bIc Bowmenville Football Teem, un- defeated for severel scasons. His record for booting the bal bigl- cm and farîler than amy campeli- tam stili stands. Mr. Vanstone is younger bro- ther ai Mr. F. C. Vanstome ai ibis town. At the regular convocation ai Palestine Clepter, Royal Arch Masons, Na. 249, GRC, heid in the Maronie Hall, Bowmanviile, Jan. 19, île members enjoycd an ex- cellent tumkey dinner priar ta tle installation ai officers for 1948 which wes foliowcd by a pragram ai toasts and music. Elected First Principal, Ex- Camp. Wallon G. Pascoe took ov- cm tle chair fmom thc metiring Ex- Camp. A. W. G. Nortlcull and presided for tIc heter pragram. Thc installation cememanies were canducted by Rt. Ex-Camp. F. C. Huer, who was First Principal in 1928. Camp. Owen Niclolas sang thc solo for the installation. Foliowing tbc installation Ex- Camp. A. M. Thompson presentcd Ex-Camp. A. W. G. Nortîcutl 1wibl Ithe Part Principel's jewei. Hîs memerks wcrce ppleuded for thc elegance ai Iloughts ex- pmessed and the recipient spake with decp appreciatian ai tle honour and tle Iribute. Program Unfortunaely due ta storm- blacked roads thc speaker ai thc evening Ex-Camp. Rev. Rowe Seymour, Enniskihlen, could mat attend, mucl ta the regret ai tle gathcring. Thc toast ta ihe Grand Chapter was proposed by Ex-Camp. H. G. Freeman and wes responded ta liy Rt, Ex-Camp. Dr. Harold Fer- gusan and Rt. Ex-Camp. F. C. Hoar. Camp. Cherlie Warren with readings and camedy contributed greatly la lhe interesting pro- gram. The toast ta the newly instaiied officers liy Camp. T. Turner was responded ta by First Principal Pascoe. E x - C a m p. Northcutt and allers. The 3rd Walton G. Paseoe Principals toast by Camp. R. Logan preccded tle closing sn Auld Lang Sine. Officers for 1948 t.E. i2ng, Ex-Camp. Walton G. Pescoe Z Ex-Camp. A. W .G. Northeutt IPz Ex-Camp. H. G. Freeman H- Ex-Camp. R. E. Logan j Ve. Ex-Camp. L. W. Dippell Scribe E Ex-Camp. L. T. MeLeughlin Scribe N Ex-Camp. J. R. Stutt Treas. Camp. N. A. Wilkins P. Soj. Camp. A. P. McKenzie S. Soi. Camp. W. H. Gibsan . J. Soj. Ex-Camp. A. M. Thompson D. of C. Rt. Ex-Camp.. F. C. Hoar Chap. (Continued on Page Eight> Above is Architect John B. Parkins' drawing af the proposcd new Ontario Streot Public School. 0f ane-storey construction, the new school wili include five classrooms, ane kindergarten, one auditorium and playroam, a teachers' room and a heaith room. Estimated cast wifl be $150,000, 50% of which is borne by the Province ai Ontaria. Plans for this schoal have been under consideratian by the Board ai Education for the past three years and'it is hoped that canstructiar may commence during 1948. For some years the teaching in aur public schoois has been seriously hampered by avercrowding and schooi enroirnent is increasing. The Department ai Education, through Inspector T. R. McEwen, has strongly recommended that additional classroom space be provided. il dot-an

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