THOREDAY, JANUARY 29, 1948 WALKER'S OFTER f/l/RPfg5/pLE Special APRONS A heavy quality twill apron, with bib and adjustable shoulder straps. Royal blue or green with pocket and bib trimmed with red. Reg. $1.25 and $1.75 65c ea. Stockîaking over and we find ourselves with a number of odd lines, broken sizes and color ranges, which we have drastically reduced for quick clear- ance. There are bargains for everyone. Sale siaris Thursday, so be here early for these outstanding values. 26 Inches Wide All Linen TEA TOWELLING A fine quality pure linen tea towelling in check design. Note the extra wide width. Your chance to stock up and save money -- Broken Sizes and Lines BRASSIERES Here is a group of brassieres from well known manufacturers, that have been re- duced to clear. Broken sizes and discontinued lines, in white or tea rose Reg. $1.0 79çÇ yd. HALF PRICE To Clear! SKIRTS You'll have to be here real early for this out- standing special. The quantities are strictly limited. Skirts in plaids and in plain colors. Reg. $4.95 to $7.95 $2.98 Easy to Sew FLOWERED VOILE Fine quality voile with dainty flower design, dandy for little girls' frocks and summer gowns and pyjamas. 36 inches wide. Reg. 54c -------------- ---------- 39c yd. Odd groups and small lots of merchandise, drastically reduced to clear. Check off what you need below. A CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Real value in a fine fabric glove. Colors are brown, navy, and black. Broken sizes only. R eg. $1.39 - ....-- - -- - - - - - -- -- - BENGALINE DRAPERY One piece only of this popular, hard wearing, drapery fabric. Beige color only. 54 inches wide. Reg. $2.29 yard ------------- LADIES' BELTS A group of leather and plastic belts. Narrow and wide widths in a variety of colors. Reg. to $1.49. 29c Io 98c ea. SHEER SCARVES Soft, sheer scarves in soft pastel shades of rose, green or blue. Reg. $2.79 $1.79 ea. $1,00 Pr. 98c yd. LACE RUNNERS AND CHAIR SETS Slightly counter soiled runners ,nd chair sets in natural shade. Reg. $1.55 to $118- FLOWERED SEERSUCKEË Easily laundered, no ironing. The ideal mat ,rial for play togs, sun suits, housecoats and dress -s. 27 inches w ide. Reg. 59c-._ _____ _ ___- _.- 49c yd. MISSES' SWATERS Slceveless type pullover with cable st'ch. Col- ors are powder and pink. Small sizek only. Reg. 52.49 $1.65 ea. BOYS' STRIPED JERSEYS Cotton striped jerseys for the active boy. Broken sizes and colors only. Reg. 98c BOYS' ALL-WOOL PULLOVERS A fine all wool pullover in blue, wine and brown. V necks and long sleeves. Sizes small and med- ium only. Reg. $2.59 -- LINEN HUCK TOWELS A lovely huck towel n pure linen and bleached snow white. Reg. 98e ________ 49c ea. • ea. AT REDUCED PRICES CHILDREN'S DRESSES A wide and varied selection of children's dresses in plain colors and printed cottons. Super values at this low price. Sizes 2 to 6X. Reg. $1.98 98Ça LITTLE GIRLS' SKIRTS Checks, plaids and plain colors in wools and spuns. T Some with button on tops, some with shoulder straps. ea. Sizes 2 to 6X. Reg. to $3.59 SEERSUCKER HOUSECOATS ) A small group of seersucker housecoats in large flowered design. So easy to launder and keep looking fresh. Reg. $4.95------ $198 SPUN DRESSES 10 only spun rayon dresses in winter shades. You will need to be early for this one. Broken sizes only. Reg. $495 $198 GREATLY REDUCED! CURTAINS FRILLED CURTAINS Fine dotted marquisette curtains with frilled edges. Plain white or colored backgrounds. Size 36"x2/4 yards •COTTAGE SETS Charming little cottage sets of snow white marquisette with multi-colored chenille dots. Set consists of ruffled upper sashes and plain lower sash TAILORED PANELS A lovely tailored net panel curtain in cham- pagne color that is made in England. Ideal for living room or dining room ---- Reg. 56.50 $3•79 pr. Reg. 54.95 $2.95 sel Reg. $4.95 $2.98 pr. Grand Clearance JEWELLERY An outstanding group of costume jewellery that includes ear rings, pearls[ brooches, etc. Ail reduced to HALF PRICE Irregulars Full Fashioned RAYON HOSE Just received a shipment of these popular full Imperfections are slight and will not affect the wearing. Sizes 9 to 10'2, in romance beige shade CHENILLE MATS Soft, velvety, chenille mats in a large size for bedroom or bath. Colors green, rose and coral - fashioned rayon hose. 89Çp ru Reg. $5.95 $ 3m98 New Spring FROCKS $4.95ea. An extra dress for your spring ward- robe, Lovely spun rayons in bright colors for the new season. Dresses you'll wear for afternoons or shopping. This group also includes a few tropi. canas. Sizes 12 to 22½. /d4e4 cÇ&4eÀtm.&m4iJo I 11,\'; Mi THE MODERN STORE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREU ---------------- - ------ ---- 32m= 1 ---------- -------- 59c ea• Bowmanville Phone 451