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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1948, p. 7

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rH17»2?PDA'Y. JAINUARy 29, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAC~1~ ~V~N #e6kflow Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Hîghest Prices Paid for OId Horses PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. t (4 YOU WOULD BE SMILING' TOO *0 If you could discover as easily as Jim and Jean did how ta have their home completely re-wired by experts. They con- sulted Higgonl Electrie ficst and founid out the best and most cconomical way of having the electrical wiring of their borne riodernized. F'or this specialized service drop into Huggon Electric and one vf our trained, cxpcrienced technicians will be glad to advise .\ou ru '.our problem. Estimates Furnished Free an Request qIGGGN ELECTRIC Yeur Genoral Electric Appliance Dealer "Ii n e -138 Bowmanvilhe 42 King St. E. 't, GlIad to hear Mms. Florence Trip is impmoving. Mr. and Mrs. David Johns vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Miss Hilda Johns, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Joh ns. Mrs. George Johns, L o t u s Sehool. spent weekend at home. Mc. Belford Panke, Woodbridge visited Mr. Harvey Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Malcolm, Laurence and Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson visited friends in Toronto. jMrs. H. Vine is recovering from hec accident when she feul down- stairs and was badly shaken up. Hec daughter, Mrs. Reg. Middle- Business Direclory .R.Legal WR.STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary *Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Ican - Phone 791 Bowmanvil]e, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. 13 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 WV. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9 à King Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.rn. daily. 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Resider1ce: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeil 2827 DR. E. %V. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville ,Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.rn. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - - 23-5* Monuments Tyrone Park Board I Stenger Jerseys Set Hold Annual Meeting ighDiyRcr !One of the newer berds in Dur- Committees Appointed 1 ham Couanty is that ta a _____il been estabiished by R. P. Stenger The nnul metin ofTyrone and Son of Enniskillen, Ontario. The nnul metin ofThe herd has won considerable Recreation Park Board was held distinction at the Royal Winter in the hall on Jan. 20 with a Fair and local shows. Now atten- large number in attendance. The tion is being drawn to the splen- meeting opened with president, did records that are being corn- pi eted by the Jerseys at the Bill Thiesburger, in the chair who Stenger farm. very abiy conducted the business. May's Spotted Beauty-127247 Treasurer's report was given by- Jersey cow bred by Bokar Lloyd Skinner. Farms of Whitby, Ontario, 'and jIt was decided that there shouid owned and tested by Stenger and be a board of nine directors with Son, has completed in 365 days, the first three named to hoid of- a l'igh record of 10,001 lbs. milk, fice for three ycars, the second 5581 lbs. fat, with an average test three for two years and the îast of 5.585o at 5 years of age. three for one year. The directors Village View Xenia Ladybird, are Bill Thiesburger, Archie Vir- 2nd-106805--bred by M. W. Sta- tue, Lionel B ya m, L e s 1 i e 1pies, Orono, Ontario, has also com- Coombes, Ralph GlaspeIl, Aldin 1pieted a splendid record as an Hoar, Arthur Richards, Harold eight-year-old cow, producing 8,-1 Skinner, Clarence Woodiey. TreaYj 581 ibs. milk, 466 Ibs. fat with an1 surer, Lloyd Skinner; secretary, av-age of 5.43 % Percy Werry. The foilowing were elected for the hockey~ cornmittee: Archie BRADLEY'S Virtue, Ralph Giaspeil Percy Wer. ry, Lloyd Skinner, Murray Tabb,' Russell ,Virtite. This Cornmittee It has been a long time since wiil get lumber for the sides Our school has sent in any sehool around the rink. news to The Canadian Statesman. The foliowing is schedule for* Once again we are striving to re- hockey and skating on the rink. port a littie more often. Skating - Tuesday. Friday and On Jan. 16, we had our Red Satuirday.tevcnings; hockey Mon_ Cross meeting, the first this new day; Wednesday, Thursday and y'ear, with president Bobby Leask Saturda.N afterncon. i thc chair. Sccretary Olive Cry- Football committee is compos- derman rcad the minutes and thet cd of Rcv. A. E. Crcsswcll, Wcs- bu siness period. A short programr Ic]y Hiluis. Lloyd Skinner, Percy was prepared by the president1 Wcrr.v,. Roy Maynard, Ralph Glas- and secretary. After this the sen-r peil, B'll Thiesburger. iors journeyed to the hilis for at .'b1 cornmittce include s leighing party. Lunch was serv-s Lcslie . om-bes, Arthur Richards, cd on their return.V Archie Virtue. As soon as appropriate picturest In future the annual meeting corne to the local theatres, the tea- I wiil be he]d the second Friday of cher is planning to take the pu-h November with a secial to fol- puls to one. We hope it will be low. in Fcbruary.0 We wvould like to tako this op Pupils have watched eagerly t portunity of complimenting the1 the xvork our snow plows have t original comrittee of Bill Thies- been doing on the road.E burger, Archie Virtue and Lloyd Attendance Friday was low dued Skinner who really went ahead to bad roads. Bad roads are alsoS and got things done in a big way kee ping the music teacher away.Y We are happy to say that what We wish the roads will be in good the people of Tyrone district have condition on Wednesday after- been dreaming about for the îast noon, for wve enjoy each of herb 50 years has becorne a reality. We výi-its.F now have a Recreation Park with A box social will be beld at t a basebaîl diarnond and football the school Friday evening, Jan. field. More facilities for the en- 30. There is a program precedinga tertainment of the children are the social. The evening will gete planned for next summer. underway by 8:30. t "Lost Heir'" is the favorite in- l door game during these cold, cold t SAL M dys.On fine days, the older P ~repared by Olive Crydermany Sa _ni Woman's Association Pr 1 Donna Vice of Grade VI. t met a h home of Mrs. W . G.y Wcrry on Jan. 15. The presidcnt,S Mrs. L. Wclsh, was in the chair NESTLETON S for the opening exercises and the g business period. Miss Bessie Blackburn had charge of the pro- Friends of the comimunity ga- r gram. Mrs. K. Werry gave a very thered in COF. Hall Friday night ti interesting talk on the vork of and presented Mr. and Mrs. Dan tý the Woman's b sear oiey lck, Jean and Dora, with aw Readings were given by Mrs. cautiful set of dishes, before they ai Darch and Mrs. Craig and Miss G. leave for their new home at Hay- bý Barrie favored with a vocal solo * don, where they have bought a At the close of the meeting Miss farm. The evening was spent with ci Blackburn and her group served progressive euchre and dancing. re lunch. A dainty lunch and cup of coffee ci was served. We all wish them ev- C: bery success on their new farm. A MisJean Malcolm, Islington, h, AWAY ALL witH Mrarents,. Mr. and Mrs. S. r H. Malolm. P r! ni ni ton is with ber. Mrs. Fred Rogers is in Port Perry Hospital recovering from an appendix operation. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Biackstock, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Malcolm. be tbrust me through the door of the Free Methodist Cburch, be- cause I had snickered during the service. Themn was the days! You either absorbed religion the way it was dished up or you got it booted into you. Our Prime Minister, Mr. King, suggests a meeting of Liberal stal- warts to pick a new leader. Wben the news broke, the Tories, Com- mies and C.C.F.'fers yellecl "hoo- ray." But the grits are sad! Cheer up grîts, Mr. King will carry on if you ask him. He's acting coy like the wife when she wants to know if you stili love bier. Tim Buck, Canadian Commun- ist leader, recently ordered bis followers to back the C.C.F. in tbe next election. Mr. King is real sore over that bit of news. So, figuring be isn't going to get their vote anyway, he proceeded to give the man awful tongue lashing. No doubt the~ 'Commies' will appreciate the free advertis- ing. During Februamy, 1935, our ra- dio was in the repair shop, so we just loope*d the ends of the aerial and ground wires around the iron brackei of the radio shelf. Dur- mng the height of a north east bliz- zard @ne day we observed a soiid stream of electrîc sparks coming frorn the bare wire end of the ground wire, the sparks jumped a good inch. Becoming alarrmed, we soon disconnected it. We thought then, and still do, that the transmission lines to the north of us were charging the ground. But when we mentioned it to certain Hydro officials tbey scoffed. Well, about a month ago, at the height of a nomth east bliz- zard, Alvin Olan had the same experience and bas plenty of me- liable adult witnesses to prove it. Funny thing is, people are be- ]ieving Alvin. But, when 1 told then. of my experience, they in- timated that I was a prevamicator One fellow even said I was a per- vertor of the truth, but I just smiled at that compliment, al- though I might bave been sore if he had hinted that I was a liar. There is about three feet of snow on the level back bere. And it is surprising bow many differ- ent types of birds wilI corne to the house door to enquire for food once they have found out that you are sympathetie to their needs. Don't forget the birds! The mantde of life insurance protection covering policyholders and their beneficiaries in Canada totalled more than $12,000,000,000, just around one billion dollars less than the Dominion's net national debt. ALFALFA SEED Prod~uction of alfalfa seed in 1947 is estimated at 11,000,000 lb. about 3,000,000 lb. more than in 1946. Due ta a big crop of alfalfa seed in the United States in 1947, early dema 'nd from the U.S. for Canadian seed was flot keen, but with a support price of 25 cents per pound set in October by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for northerrn U.S. grawn alfalfa seed, demnand for Canadian seed strengthened. This seed is highiy, regarded in the United States and! it is expected that Canadian seed from tbe 19.47 crop wiil equal that of 1946. TrEA à G et Your Copy of the. NEW FARM ACCOUNT'BOOK at Your Local Post Office You'Il like this NEW Farm Account Book. It's so simple and direct. You don't have to be a bookkeeper to use it. A few minutes each week are enough to set down your farm transactions-the money you re ceive or the money you spend. At the end of the year. it will give you a clear picture of how you made or lost money. Saves Mo ney for You PONT YPOOL It's been so damn cold bere late- ly that the hens blow on the straw in the nests, to try and warmn it Up before settling down to lay. Ruth McDonaid had her legs frost bitten the day it was 25 be- low zero. ,Hope they soon get better Ruthie. Dr. Roscoe Graham, Toronto, the great abdominal surgeon, died recently. We cannot help com- paring the wonderful array of modern scientific paraphernalia that he used with the limited re- sources of Dr. A. Groves in 1878, when he, (Groves), operated on a three hundred pound man named Hood and removed six stones from his bladder through the abdom- inal route, the first time such an operation had been performed on the North American continent. It took place in a bedroon of the old Bullfrog Tavern, in Guelph, the doctor's oniy assistants were two students. The patient was 63 years of age, who iiked bis liquor. He recovered. There's a lot of talk about the bus discontinuing service between Pontypool, and Newcastle. We thought it was too good to last. Many European Jews, who took a great many risks to reach Pal- estine, would now like to corne to Canada or to States to live. Uts very good manners to wait ti11 you are asked boys. 'So stay in Palestine tilI we give you a forrn- al invitation. Remember, it was y'ou who nearly broke your necks .0 get ,where you are, And it was your generous friends in the States that provided the funds, .0 anxious were they to see you go where you are instead of here. Letters fromn Gordon Young- man and Steve Nimigon, state bhat they are enjoying mild wea- her in their section of Alberta, with about six inches of snow, 47 above zero and floods. They are >otb fine. Prof. C. B. Sissons was recently iuoted in the Globe and Mail asi 'emembering how splendidly the choir at the Methodist Church at Crown Hill used to sing "Rock of Ages." Were you with us hired hands Prof. when we swiped Dru- ry's pears after the Church of England service one Sunday eve- ning? And was my face red thel .ight big, burly, black-bearded Tom Luck kicked me a dandy as able ta charge the loss against the profits of the previous year or the next thmce years as shown by the recordsâ you keep ini your Farm Account Book. You won't need to pay an expert ta prepare your Incorne Tax Rcturn if you have this book. Each accotint is numbered to, correspond with the items on the Income Tax Return. You wilI also find the Accotint Book useful in keeping your records, even though you arecflot hiable undzr the Income Tax Act. Get Your Free Book Now Don't delay. Your local Post Office has an Account Book for you. Get it now. It's important that you have it to start the new year. Get the benefit of ail allow- ances that the law permits. Profit from the knowledge gaincd from keeping proper records. It's free-and you will find it most' useful. Cail at your Post Office at the first apportunity for your Account Book. DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL REVENUE (Taxation Division) Fancy Red Aylmer-In Tomata Sauce SOCKEYE SALM4ON 'nn21e 80t 33Ç PORE& REANS The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Fort Hope, Ont. Your Subscription We have occasionally found it necessary to discontinue Statesman subscriptions owing to the fact that subscribers overlooked renewing their subscriptions within thirty days after due date. Our membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations as weli as government regulations make ibr necessary that al subscriptions be paid in advance. The Statesman bas strictly enforced this rule for the past severai years. We regret the necessity of discontinuing subscriptions but it is inevitable when renewal is not made on time. We would ask ail subscribers to watch the date on their labels and make a practice of renewing well in advance. The label shows the month and year of expiration. Your co-op- eration will avoid the need for discontinuance and will also greatly aid our bookkeeping department in checking the vast amount of detail in a subscription list. JAMES PUBLISHING CO. Answers questions you want to know about Incarne Tax, too. Everyone vvith a taxable incarne must file an Incarne Tax Return on or before the 3Oth day of April in each year, sbowing his total incorne for the preceding year. The Farrn Account Book enables you ta take advantage of al the deductions and exemptions. Provides a record frorn wbich you can average your incarne over a three-year peiod. If you are liable ta taxation under the Income Tax Act and have a ycar of loss, you will be ... yau and your girl friend doing home work together, by telephone. But it does tic up the party line - perhaps when sorneone nccds it badly. Sa pîcase don't make it ja habit.. Check? PARTY LIME COURTESY US CATCH ING.U Putting it into practice on evcry cail you make is your bcst guarante that others will do the arne for vou. li Keep colis brief. 2. Spoce your cou', 3. Give right-of-woy to emergency colis. THE BELL TELEPHONE SCOMPANY 0F CANADA lA WILL TAKE 1 rwDOMINION PAGE SEVEN 'ý 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 1 i

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