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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1948, p. 12

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1~ ~4. , 4 PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, NAT !rHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 194e I HOOPER'S Wall Piclures . 0 Discontinued line! Here's a wanderful apportunity ta save on wail pictures. Beautiful paintings (reproductions) in bardwaod frames. Due ta the fact we are discontinuing tbis lino they are sclling at lcss than cast. Inventory Sale Prîce $2.00 Io $8.50 China Vases .. . SYes! Believe it or not-beautifuliy designr.d real English China Vascs aI lcss than baîf regular price. *Take advantagc of Ihis bargain price and get thal long wanted vase. )Inventory Sale Price as low as $3.00 AFTER INVENTORY uY It's here for another week; Hooper's big Afler Inveniory Clearance with a lineup of Costume Jewellery - Dinnerware - China - Silverware and Gifts ail ai greatly reduced prices. Below are illustrated but a few of the many bargains-as it is impossible Io lisi ail the articles on sale. So corne in and look around, there's no obligation to buy! COMMANDS ACTION! PRICES SLASHED! TREMEND DUS SAVINGS! Aire Ycu Interested in Sumethinu fur Sthin.g? 1110W foGel Il! 3-Piece Tea Service A beautiful 3-piece Tea Service, including tea pot, cream and sugar, given awPy absolutely free during aur Clearance Sale. With every purchase during aur Clearance Sale you will reccive a purchase slip which when depas- ited in the ballot box gives you a chance ta win tbis beautiful Tea Service. Aluminum Trays .. .bu We advise you ta u one af these Alumin- ~ um Trays 'naw at this reduced price. Beauti- 1 fui band wrougbt in Thistle design. Need no palishing, just wipe ta bring out that ever- lasîing shine. Inventory Sale Price as iow as $3.00 N w STARK VILLE Severe cold weather and some snow has 'been prevelant in Ibis district. Everybody's ready for a rise in temperature. Unfortun- ately the bear saw bis shadow (we're afraid) an Fcbruary 2, so tbat's six more weeks af winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim vis- Ited a mink ranch at Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Trimble and daughîer, Olga, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mrs. Harry Haninglton, Toron- - FIat la Casas, te imake au Ashalt TRI te sit Casadîu Coeuiltleus. ENDURINO - ECONOMICAL EASY TO CLEAN Set the vide va riety of colours and combnations av'adabLe. Dud Bromley PHONE 653 Sheppard & Gil1 Lumber Co. Limiled Phone 715 - Bovmanville Pearl Necklaces . .:--- Have ber loak smart in ane of thesa Pearl Neckiaces. In triple, double or single strands. A gift of wealth at a saving. $2.00 Io $6.00 (plus tax) ta, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hallowell. Miss Darathy Farrow wiîb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vico Fr row. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson and fLa- mily in Port Hope. Messrs. Liew Hailowell and Alf Dobson, Mesdames Ross Hallo- well and Gea. Etweli, attended the parsonage tea in Newtonville last week. Miss June Boughcn visited bier unrle, Mr. Art McKay. Miss Helen Deckert spent the weekend in Taranto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lau and Raymond Trim were in Orano. Mss Norma Halloweli, Mr. Llew Halloweii, Mr. Ait Dobson are Maving their residences wircd for the hydra. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Garvoek and Ronnie visited ber parents, MI-. and Mrs. A. F. Gibson, on Sunday.1 Be sure ta sec aur advcrtisc- ment in the coming events. Wc promise you a good time aI aur Valentine Dance. The Home and School regular meeting wiil be held an Tuesdainstead o! Wednesday next week. The pragram committee are prom- ising a splendid musical programn. There is also a lot of business ta came up for discussion and last minute plans for the dance. We are sorry ta iearn thal Mr. Jas. Branch was taken ta the bas- pitl Tucsday morning. 1Cecil Mailex' and Wiliie Brunt's families attended the card' party at Mrs. Tom Wilson's, Bron section an Saturday night. LESS ICE CREAINI ATEN jThe average Amerlean uscd an estimated 18 quarts of ice crcam i1947 which was lower than the * * O recara ai 2u.5 quarts in i1946. WILL TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or Crippled Farm Stock FREE 0F CHARGE Nighest Prices Paid for OId H ormes PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERSE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. NE WTON VILLE The annual congregati o n a 1 meeting af the Newtonville Uni- ted Church xvas beld on Wedncs- day evening, January 21, with I8 prcsent. Rev. H. A. Bunt was in charge o! the meeting with Mr. A. Redknap as secretarv. The pastor reported a membership af 124, an increase o! seven aver the prcvit. s ycar, 26 baptisms, Ihree nipriages and six buriais. Trea- surer's report showed a balance of $161.32. The Goard Fund is $2,000.00 in bonds and $380.00. Sundav School balance $1.94 and first quarter of 1948 papers paid. Wonns Aýssciation balance is $411-09, a figure $265.00 short of their projeect, namely, the new parsonage hbathroom. The Par- sonagce Fuind Committec reparted $38.59 in treasury. Young Pea- ple's $24-59. Woman's Mission- arv. Scciety total monev raised $127.00 havitig reached allocation of $125.00. A sum of $117.25 bad been forwarded ta M. and M. treasurcr. The rcsignation af Mr. John Elmcr, able treasurer for twe nt ycars mas regretfuiiy ac- ecpted and -Mr. C. M. Jones ap- pointcd. Mr. Ethen Jones was electeci ta fili the vacancy left through ceath af Eider Albert Wragg .Mr. John Elmer was re- elcetced eider. Messrs. Frank Gil- mer, Geo. Kimbail and Cleland Lane wvcre re-elcîed ta Board af Managers. lMr. Sid Lancaster re- ceccd M. and M. Fund treasurer. Auditors ected: Mr. Cieland Lane and Mrs. Frank Gilmer; par- sonag1e committce for this ap- pointmeni, Mrs. T. Langstaff, Mrs. J. Stark, Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. A. Redknap and honary p~ember, Mrs. W. C Lane were re-electe<1 ing the winter witb ber daugh- ter, Mrs. Willard Lockhart, Niag- ara Falls, N.Y. Messrs. Cliff and Fred Wbitta- ker, Toronto, attcnded their un- cle's funeral and with their mo- ther had tea with Mrs. Wm. Whit- taker. Mr. Edgar Milison is attending a class in carpcntry in Hamilton. A number attended the show, "Dear Ruth" lasI Wedncsday eve- ning. Thirty-five ladies attended an afternoon tea in the parsonage on Wednesday, January 21. Owing ta raad conditions, the ladies of Kendal and Shilab. werc unable ta be present. An official Board meeting was held in the cburch basement Wed- nesday afternoon. A report next week. Mission Band met Friday aler- noon, January 23, in the' Public School with president, Doreen Milison in the chair and Gloria Lane secretary. The program as foiiows: The Mission Band Pur- pose, Lord's Prayer with Mrs. Ronald Burlcy at the piano, the Band hymn was practised. Scrip- turc by Lawric Stapîctan. Ral rail was a distribution of pins by Mrs. Bunt and explanation of symbal af daisy. Mrs. C. Burley had charge af the story period. Benediction led by Bilv Lane. Collection, forty-one cents. We are glad ta repart the health of Mr. Toni Langstaff is mucb im- proved. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kesier an birth af a baby son. KIRBY ProPerty cominittee re-elccted: An enjayable evening was Mec-srs. A. Redknap and C. Lane spent at the schaal an Monday at and Mrs. W. H-. Joncs. Messrs. the crakinale party. Mrs. Jim A. Redknap and C. Lane elected Rutherford won the lady's prize comnmittce ta prepare church and Mr. Jim Ard the gent's. Con- statements. A social haif baur Solàtion prizes went ta Alberta and lunch ,vas enjoyed. Nichais and Donald Cbapman. A member of an aid pioncer The church held their annual family, Mr. Jael Warkman passed meeting an Tuesday evening, Jan- awva. January 22, and was laid yar 27, with a good turnaut and to rest an Saturdav, January 24. a successful meeting. The scrvice ivas canducted by bhis The W.A. held a social evening pastor, Rcv. H-. A. Bunt, in the on Wednesday. Mr. C. R. Carveth United Church. We extend heart- shawed interesting pictures with feit s.vmpathv ta his widaw, Sar- music by James Lowery and his ah, wxho in her blindness depend- saxaphone, accompanied by his ed sa much an him. Alsa ta t%. mother, Mrs. J. H. Lowery. Mr. 1 daughters, Mrs. Marris (Alice), and Mrs. Arnold Wallace were Part Granby and Miss Lillie at presented with a magazine stand, home and one sister, Mrs. Frank a mirror and 26 pieces of china- Bartan, Taranta. ware, as a taken af welcome back Mrs. John Lancaster is spend- ta aur community. A bountiful _____lunch was then served. We are sarry ta learn of the accident in which Mr. Fred Brima- combe was crusbed when he fell from a harse. with a record of 50 yea'fuft rùot «i1 We are glad ta see Stanley ractorY treatrnent for Piles or hemorrhuijc6 Chapma n is able ta be at church vO can Poaitivel>. depend oi, again. Dr. h a9 We see the Wm. Aliin's are al Dr hses'ointment lit up with electricity nw ,istors with Mr. and Mrs. Clif -1j JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP G ST. PHONE 747 Donations Continue To Be Received For Hospital Fund Week by week donations re- ceived for the Bowmanviile Me- marial Hospital Building Fund are gradually bringing the amount ta the objective rcquired for this worthyv project. Subseriptions pubiished this wcek are from the progressive and enterprising vill- age of Orono. If any itials or namnes are incorrect, picase advise us as il was a bit difficult ta de- cipher some of the signatures. Orono Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Riddell Miss M. Davcy ----------- J. C. G amcy --------- ------ Cliff Breeton ------------- Mrs. Annie Evans ------- Harold Good -------- ------ J. W alter -- ------------- Fern Chapman----- Orono Lodge, 436, 1,00OF. Catherine Colwiii,ý----- Mr. and Mrs. H-. Walsh - -- Mr. and Mrs. F. Lyccît --- Miss Viola Gilfilian ------ M . H. Staples ------- ------ F. K elley - - --- ------- Mary Somerville -------- R. E. Logan -. ------- Dr. A. F. McKenzie - ----- N. F. Porter .------ ------ W. A. Robinson --------- B. Crosslcy - ---------- Miss Taylor ------ -- Lawrence Hooey -------- Mrs, J. Middleton ---------- Mrs. Tenant..........-------- E. Burges - ----------- M rs. Jas. Baill --------- Mrs. C. F. Duncan---- Mrs. W. Nacaters--------- W m . Lewis --------- ----- M rs. T. Hall ------------ Chas. W ood - ------- ------ Mrs. D. Wyte ------------ A. Gilrov ---------------- M. Fowler ------------------ H. *Murray----------------- M. Cobbiedick ------- G. Walton------------------- N. Cobbledick ----- - -- Harold Hooey --------- Chas. Bebee ------------ E . B est - - ---------- --- C. R. Knox ---- .... Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown Colin Taylor ------ . .------ Alfred Little ----------.----- A. Harris -ý-- -- Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones- F. Tamblyn- Mrs. Mary Miller Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rièhards ford'Cowan with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liams and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cbapman. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bigeiaw and family .vith bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigeiow. Miss Jean Wannan and Mrs, S. B. Rutherford in Oshawa. S., Payne --- ------------ - 2.00 W. J. Glanville ------------- 2.00 S. G. Berry ---------------- 5.00 C. A llun ---- ---- -- --- --- 2.00 R. and Miss Sherwin ----- - 2.50 J. H. M orris .------------ 2.00 S. Dowson------------------- - 5.00 A. A. Drummond ------------ 25.00 L. McGennis ----------- 2.00 Jackm an . -------------- 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall --- 10.00 Gea. Beethers ----------- 5.00 0. W. Rolph -- -------- 25.00 Mrs. Harry Mercer ------- - 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean ------- 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. Dean ---- -10.00 Harry Bailcy -------- ------ 10.00 H. J. Souch------------------ 5.00 Silas Souch - - --------- 2.00 J. Stevenson -------- 5.00 R. K eane -------------- 5.00 W. Souch ---------- 5.00 W. B. Hoar ----------------- 10.00 F. Truill--------------------- 5.00 A Friend ---------------------- 5.00 Ray Goode - ------------ 5.00 J. G ibson Sr- ------ --------- 2,00 F. Nicholson ----------------- 4.00 0. Covan ------------- - 5.00 D. Graham - ------------- . - 2.00 J. M offtt -----t--------- 1.00 G. W inter --------------- - 1.00 Dr. Sherw in ------_------- 10.00 W . .1. H all ---------- ------ 5.00 C. Farrow-----------------10.00 Art W hite ----------- 2.00 J. C. Tambly,'n ------------- 10.00 Ceeul Graham --------------- 2.00 E. M. Seymour-------------- - 2.001 J. Hudson ---- --- - 1.00 J. S tark ----------- .. 0 A. E. W addell 2.0--------- 0L i C. -S. McLaren -l------ 0.0r Orono Boy Scouts -------- 20.00 J. J. M ellor - --------- 25.00 1 C. B. Tyrrell _ -------- 25.00 Tyrone'1 Ronald Scott --- ----- - 5.001 Correction In list of contributions fromý Newtonville, published in a prev- ious i5ýsue, Mrs. T. W. Joncs shauldi bave been Mrs. G. W. Joncs ------ $10,00. Legion 'Herbie' Issues! Challenge to, Sonate For Game of Cribbage (Bylierbie) Now that wc bave aur own Le- gion Home conveniently locatei on Qucen St., we're able ta gather about and shoot the breeze for an hour or so afler supper. Maybe a game of darts or ping pang is in order, or the mare keen apprecia- tion of bridge or cribbage. Ahl these are available in several nice warm rooms with pienty af good chairs and tables. Some are even of the army type ta make a fel- Iaw feel at home. For the studi- ous there arc periodicals ana mag- azines ta be read in chesterfield chairs and lounges with handy reading lamps. Rigbt now we are looking for a few goad cribbage and eucbre players ta campete with Legion ' eams and extenui an open cnal- Give that den or recrealior. raom that New Laok, wiîh an up-ta-date silverpIatcd Cocktail Set. Consists of Tray, Decanter and six glas- ses (silverplated). $12.50 lenge ta the champions of Wood's Senate. And aur bridge tcams \vill take an any aspirants. Mare than that we have a lusty volicybal team that bas practiscd ail wintcr at the High Schaol gym. Il is open ta take on any team in town any Wedncsday nighî framn 7 ta 8 p.m. Challengers will be accommad- ated by getting in toucb with the sparts chairman at phone 2910 o %vith Alex Mairs or Ted Tice. Lct's get tagether accasianally befare autdaar sparts commence. Fish become seasick Ion ged storms. in pro- WEEKLY CROF RE» T V- FOR DURHAM COUNI'Y E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative, in bis weekly crop rcport for Durham County mnakcs lb ose intercsting observa- lions: The increase in the price of hogs bas revived interesî In tbis branrh of livestock and bas tcrm- intaccl the marketing of brood sows. There appears ta be a rea- sonably good supply of seed oats in the county but seed barley is limoitcd. One of aur larger dlean- ing plants is aperating steadily w hich is cansiderably earliet than previaus years. il. A REAL BARGAIN for FRIDAY and SATURDAY While they lasI.. I 25 Ded Table Lamps COMPLETE WITH SHADES (No Buibs) THE BUY 0P THE WEEKI at $2.50 each Be Here Early ! HOOPER'IS KIN( I ____'7i2 t: TO HELP YOU SAVE DESPITE HIGH FUEL COSTS Now's the time to spend a moderate amlount . . to save a lot ln years to corne! Insulate your home . . . to save on expensive fuel, to add comfort and value to your home! It's easy to do . . . to get the details, Just pick up your phone and cal! u&. We'll send an ex r. ienced Insulation expert to give you ail e details, lncludlng estlmates, wlthou' obligation on your part. Act Now! Phone 494 SEALTITE INSULATION 47 QUEEN STREET "IURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1948 - 1

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