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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1948, p. 12

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'IUW(A MA ITANM STA EMA frelatives on the passing of Mr. BLACK TOCK Joseph Forder who was buried at the Union Cemetery, Cadmus on bring out some new talent. Mrs. Goidwyn Faint, Ve Congratulations ta Mr. James'Monday. . and Mr. David Fairtborne, Byers who bad bis 87tb birthday Millbrook Juniors and Black-1 onto, Mr. anud Mrs. Frank Wi en February 25. May be bave stock Juniors played a hockey Grant and Beverley, Tyrone, xnany more! game Friday evening, score 11-3 ail home on Sunday witb Mr, Mrs. Fred Bailey Ici t on Friday for Blackstock.J Mrs. Osmond Wright. They for' Windsor ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farder is driving a ceiebrating Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson. truck at Fenelon Falls for Gardon Wrigbt's 32nd wedding ann Miss Burma Morlock, Health Snooks. sary an Feb. 23. We woulc Nurse, is back aiter being in Lon-E A fine game ai hockey between like ta co.gratulate Edith a1 don everl weks o atend er nniskill en and Biackstock,' Mon- fine achievement. She bais' don ser h alws taatendbe day evening, was the cioscst and cesfuily compicted ber hair< anc ai the best ai the season. ing course- and is cmployec W.M.S. beld a vcry successiol Score was E-4 for Enniskilicn. A Hait, Renircw in Toronto. choall.Te rty in 15tesmmunit big scbed uic is planned for this Sympatby is extended te Haec.t her re 15 abls. rs. wcek and a game we are especial- and Mms. Herman Hoocy an Hel erehride ad ar Dm ly laoking forward ta is the anc dcath ai Mrs. Garnet Sande reilwcrcwinnrsion Friday evening betwecn th (Lila Hooey) ai OrangeVilE Sympathy is extcnded ta Mms. 1 marricd men ai Purpie Hill and Friday. Jas. Farder, Nestieton, and ail the 1 Blackstock. This game sbouid SOLINA Sauina Women's Institute February 16 in the churcb ment witb Mrs. Roy Langr pTTTTnE~I1 prcsiding. During tebs members could make applica for baspitalization protectior D - lhemselves and familles in R E. CO D Durham County Ca - opera Medical Services, thraugh thE cal institute. $15 was vote( o~ ime onailR~the "Save the Children" f Unbreakable Picture Records literary hm wafute For hilden' FunandEduclio. Ca he toid the life story ai Edna For hîlden' FunandEducfio. Ca be ques adredseveral oailber ems and Mms. John Baker Sr. played hundreds o ie nal hngahS caunted facts in thebc eo SangsTom Baker mead a poem by 1 Aiew ai the titles: ored 1with a vocal solo, accomp TETOWN MOUSE AND THE COUNTRY MOUSE Miss Pearl Leach presidcd the tempemance program. atS THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF THREE BLIND MICE day School and was assistcd Evelyn Taylor and Mms. A. WHEN THE KING SNEEZES TEN LITTLE INDIANS Balson. Mms. Arthur Moore and THE CAT AND THE FOX THREE LITTLE KITTENS Fmank Pascoc attendcd the1 eral ai their cousin, Mm. Kenn THE WOMAN WHO PECKED POP GOES THE WEASEL E. Cmagg, at Toronto last W nesday. Mm. Cragg was ser OH DEAR, WHAT CAN THE MATTER BE parliamentarv prcss corresp< cnt for The Globe and Mail his recent]y published book Oill 49ceachther on the Farm" is among ry.Hismoter asEunicc Aw woattende.I Sauna school. Members ai the Homei Sehool Association are inviled The adio Shopbe guests ai Brad]cy's Cammi The adio Shopý'-Club Friday night, Februi VOUR R.C.A. VICTOR DEALER 27. Mr, A. L. Pascae attcnded 38 Ring St. E. Bowmanville Phone 573 funcral ai Rev. T. H. P. And son at Simcoe St. United Cbti last Wednesday. Master Amnot Wotten is bac] Iwo < THANKS! 'The Bowmanvilie Lions Club wish ta thank ail wbo sa gcnerously supportcd thcmn ln their sale cf ChmNýtmas Scais;. Wc rcceivcd $1,794.85 ta date but hope the final retumns will go well uver the $1,800 mark. Witb yaur money w'.e have purchascd for you an X-ray machine for Durham County use, which as soon as it is reccived end set up for use furthem notice will be given. Again thanking yau. Bowmanville Lions Club WV. E. RIDDOLLS, President i p~ure alert. their Glen Rae Daury PHONE 444- FOR DELIVERY King SI. W. Bowmanvîlle alreschool again after an attack of evening was spent in dancing. and Mrs. Hutton were preete DOLLARS ITHf A É'UTUR-; Vright The boys' hockey team Played Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Clem Topping, a coffee table; Mr. and Equalîty of opportunity for 1Tor- at Tyrone rink Monday night and Doreen and Rena Graham,' Mrs. Jeffery, a magazine rack and young Canadians-this was onE right, when Tyrone won 14-10. with Mrs. H. Rahm, Burketon. end table combined. Mr. and ,were Visitors: Mrs. Bob Bothwell (e enJr of the objectives of the Family r. a d rs. . E Wery wth iss Mrs. Win. Wight bas been on (e enJr and Mrs S.E. err wih Mssthe sick list.. vie). were flot present but they Allowance Plan. were Brimacombe and Mrs. Pcnfound. hr a areatnac receivcd an end table. Those Raiigteiprac fa O.Bwmnile at the ice carnival Saturday night. presen' thanked the community education in opening the doors of niver- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe atfxa rn ngtadteieor their lovely gifts. A social apotnt o tercide I aso arvy Cos îpan', Tuntn. was good. A goodly number werc time was enjoyed. suc- andrs. daugters a orot ons in costume and several received Miss Mildred Snowden spent som~e parents are depositing ail a rsc- M and Mgtrs. A.Drn. MMate1 prizes. There was a hockey game iveekend with ber cousins, Dr. and part af tbeir Famiiy Allowance drby andr.oan, Mrs. J. W. McM aster. between Tyrone and Salem. Hot Mrs. Llyn Coates, Brantford. cheques in special savings ac- Ziyan oan, t A . L. Pasc eMe. dogs and coffee xvere sold.' Miss Marion Foley spent the Mr. Mr t . a d L . R y An e so . Of ia oard me F bru ry 17 w ekend w ith er cousins, M r.1 counts at the B ank of M ntreal. . an Mr. Ro Anerso. %ith a good representation from and Mrs. Ernest Gilbank, Shaw's. "Parents are plcasantly sur. lethe Argare Band oetSOhw a the circuit. Minister's saîary was prised to find how quickly this leon A.r.adsons.ChreSmtan increased ta bring it in line witb CONGREGATIONAL MEETING savings fund maunits up when e o M. nd rs Cares mih ndthe rising cost of living. The cheques are deposited regularly," Anna, Oshawa, at Everett Cry- Board endorsed the proposai ai At the annual congregational said George Moody, manager or derman's and J. W. Yellowlees'. the a Prest Association af Osh- meeting a goodiy number attend- th e Bank af Montreal bere. "Ifa .Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and awa rsbtry that the church c.Atrtewrhpsrie aysfrtFml loac Patsy at Gardon Davis', Oshawa. members increase their giving by Atrtewrhpsrie aysfrtFml loac Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allun, Mr. 20 peýrcent. secy., H. G. Freeman read t h e cheque gaes inta a new bank ac- Albert Allin, Mr. Clare Allun and Senior Young People met Feb- minutes. The reports presented cut n ssvdrglr~,t maet oblerte omavlea esYl ruarv 19 in the Sunday Sehool showed good progress during the child will have aver $1,000 ta his 'maid Masters John and Joe Hentig room with a large attendance. It er Th caimnRv.Fcedttteagofsxe. setteweedwas decided ta entertain St. Paul'syar Techim ,Rc.Fcedttteagaisxen sn spentt their neekel nd withve teteiri Yardley, gave a general pastoral "Such a cash reserve can bea mesgrandparents, Mrri and ta hve metinSinrcview: no. af families 86, persans tremendous help in making that Hentig, Mr.awanr.GS. the hall. It was decided to donate 320, baptisms 8, marriages 5, bur- drcams for en education come atiOhw.$5otnh asnaebadt iaîs 2. Financial reports of Trus- truc." Mr. Moody de."h orhelp pay parsanage debt. Meet- tee Board, Stewards, Sunday moncy can be daddeouthctan tn TYROr ing was in charge of recreational School, Y.P.U., W.M.S., Evcning time, of course, ta meet an cm- i th1e Tyrone graup, under leadership ai Elinor Auxiliary, M. and M. and Mission crgency or somne opportunity. But ie a- yroe WM.S set aparel apad for n reant. Gam es wcreBand were given by the variaus many parents prefer ta consider W M sen a arce ta lavd fo reanod pi ve ,n rcasurers and revealed the total it a special Education Fund. We'lI -d ta Miss Mary Haig, Missiona ry i Salmon boai, saloe otatoes, amaunt raised as $3,226.00, a be glad ta open an accaunt for fund. Japan, at Christmas. Mrs.* A 'hom e-made buns and cofice were slight increase over last year. Ail any interested parent. hom- Huis received a letter statin g she served. the necessary cammittees wcre !re in had received parcel.i appointed: Ushers and ta take up Mrs. Cale and littie daughter, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE the offering, A. Burgess, Ronny M hthe Gaît, Miss F. Gardner, Bowman- Brooks, Harry Snowden and Reg The ville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Barr Febrizary meeting ai Tyrone Wheatley; eiders re-eiected for 5 car- adMs nePiis Womren's Institute was an inter- years, Thos. Snowden, H. G. Erce- who r and Mrs. G.Me Ciellan, Pecsting one, cspecially for aider man, A. Laird, and Lloyd Snow- Jac- erboro, with Mr. and Mrs. F, L. rc.sdents. The tapic was "The den-, stewards elccted, LloydPe rPO- Byam. His tor"ai Tyrone Church" and Snowdcn, H. J. Brooks, Cecil Jeff- e .re- Mr lM.' ~ bly prepared and given by ery and Sam Van Camp. Trustee it Nja and Mrs. ta Stephens, M Mrs. L. Goodman. Collecting la- Board was re-clected with R. R. on eitber. W itt g] d i and Mrs. St. with Mr.1 cal hiztory is a hobby ai the speak- Stevens, chairman, and L. Hoc- able aniaunt for Mr.dMrs WF. Park. o r, wha s a life-long resident af i k treasurer, H. R. Foley, secre- Dks Nina Miss Helen Hall, Hamilton, Tyrone and whose ancestars have tary. Sunday School anniversaryDoe fav- with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall.I aalobeen residents fromn early wiil be held Sunday and Monday - ipan- Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, years. She was thus well chosen June 20 and 21. Members ai the with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdan- for this tapic and drew on mem- parsonage board, Mrs. J. D. Stcv- 4I hh~ 1for aid. a ry, information from aIder ac- ens, Mrs. I. Munday, Thos. Snow- Sun- Those attending the W. M.5. quaintances and aid records for den, C. Jciiery and S. White. 1by Presbyteriai in St. Paul's Church, her data. Anything short ai a Words ai appreciation by H. R. J- Bowmnanville, were Mrs. S. Jew-camplete report ai this paper Folcy ta aur pastor for bis scr- eli, Mrs. A. His, Mrs. J. His, ,vould be to leave out many in- vices was hcartiiy endorsed by Mr. Mrs. F. Werry, Mrs. Everton tcresting items. We shaîl here the cangregatian. The question JeDksmgtb fun- White, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mrs. J. just state the points covered-the ai duplex envelopes was Icît for ~Dksmgtl neth Cook. Mrs. Jewell and Mrs. Mil founding, list ai ministers, dates consideration by the Board oi bave your name en Ved- er ai Tyrone Auxiliary toak up ai adding ncw pews, furnace, Stewards and the M. and M. and peneil. We b. nior the oiicring and Mrs. A. il shed, instailing ai hydro and a mittee. lng machine in ta, and- gaetepaefiddcto.ew such highlights. We express mTh e highiight ai the evening : that Den and penc and Next meeting of W.M.S. at Mrs. gratitude ta Mrs. Goodman for. was when Mr. R. R. Stevens spoke "Fa- W. Rahm's on March 4 at 2 o'clock collecting these facts ai aur church ai the long and excellent service YU AEO the with Mrs. A. Hili's graup in histo ry. rendered the church as chair lead- SNL ,bra- charge. Ail ladies invited. Mrs. Beckett was hostess for er and arganist, by Miss Edna wde, M.adMs .Rh ted this meeting a nd Mrs. Rosevear Swallow, who recently resigncd50 Mr. nd Ms. W Rah attnd-presided for the busincss session: ti ulpsto n nbhl aded a birthday party ai their son, Ihosp itai reom donation ai $3.00; o th dual postion arnd n ehaf corne Ir d Ron, at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. jcarnmittee w'as named ta look ai- with a sum ai maney as a tangible un- Hon ayneBwavilo ter the entering ai the Better expression ai ber efficient and wae, ca1.s, ring aryMndy Farm House Contest; cammittee sacrificial services. Edna vcry locke'ts, cigarette Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright and ai Mrs. H. Skinner and Mrs. G. fittingly replicd. with any engraving the children with Mr. and Mrs. O. Erent ta receive suggestions for Ross Stevens maved a vote ai der- Wright, Blackstock.j the Mrs. Thompson memorial. thanks ta the choir and the pres- rch Mr. and Mrs. W. Park with Mr. RaIl cali was answercd by "an cnt leader and organist, Leslie and Mrs. S. Duval and Mr. and item af interest on work donc in Collacutt, and hcartily endorscd E LER k ta MVrs. fi1. Steele, Peterbora. Mrs. other branches." Mrs. R. Scott by those present and ta which Mr. - Duval, who is quite i11, returned gave a very fine devotianal. Collacutt ably rcplicd. At the 98Kn tW home with ber son. Mrs. D. Stainton presented the conclusion a social hai! bour was M Vrs. W. 'I'. Wordcn visited her program ai a reading by Dorothy enjoyed. sister, Miss Nellie Scorgie and Wright, tapic by Mrs. Goodman, also her sister, Mrs. G. Drew, who and a splendid cantest prepared is in Oshawa Hospital. by Mrs. E. White, the answers be- There is na unemployment in I Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott and ing the merchants ai Bowman- Finiand. j Ross, Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, ville. Mrs. Stainton expressed Shaw and famiiy, Bowmanville, thanks ta participants in the pro- willi Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. gram._____ Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Ronnie Next meeting at Mrs. G. Ail- and Marilyn, and Miss Jean Phiip dread's and do nat farget the w.iliMr. and Mrs. William Good- mccting at Hamptan, March 9, at Icllow, Cadrington. 1:30 p.m. on Hausehold Account- Ca., ,ratulatians ta Miss Helen ing. - cdaughtcr ai Mr. and Mrs. -_________ i\,iiller, nums-in-training at -., GncalHospital, an re- MAPLE GROVE ng her cap with high stand-* _-"zs Eileen Spîcer and Joan Little Mises Glaria and Danmr mathr, Ms. L Virue. Mrs. Rc:,s Stevens. ..c mdte Mrs. L.enncth Lmb A gaod number gathered in the - .on, were with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Sehoal basement, Thurs- A jAilcread. day evening ta eniay the lantern rMr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and ldes presented by Dr. Devitt !n.Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. vt Dr. Rudell at the prajector. Wý. Rahim. r ictures inciuded same ai bis bhl-r Mm. and Mrs. C. Johnson, Wii- days at Algonquin Park, Samne on ma, en nd eg, shaa, ithhis awn lawn which included win- Mm. nd Ms. R Mayard. ter scenes and iiowers. Miss Len- Mrs. J. McRoberts visited ber ore Callmciitt favared with a cau- sister, Mrs. W. Miller. iple ai salos accampanied by hem hr~r ~- t. Mr. and Mms. H. Skinner, Miss rathier. H. G. Freeman acted as Phoes: M~eai Dept. 382 - ruil anu Dorothy Skinner, Mrs. W. Lake, chairman. The gathcring wvas aI- Fwith Mr. and Mrs, William Lake, so ta hanor the brides and grooms Newcastle. Mrs. Lake, who spent ai a few manths back and at the M a e ai e tSei the wintcr with ber daughter, proper lime the ehairman askedi e iD n rm n.g o-.. THISîl eEANDePrd1 Ld OE - lb. 20 HOC UmpRasLITN OS RS KILLED, NOT COLD STORAGE. Grocery Depariment Specials THLJRSDAY, FRIDAY and SA TURDAY THIS WEEK Otherwise YOU'II get NOTHING or WRONG NUMER TU N EUPHONECOPN or CAA 0TRIS FOR WMn A 4COIU stuifs un the nse causes mouth breathing. throat tlckle and night coughing, use this time-tcsted Vicks treatment that goes ta work lnstantly ... 2 ways at oncel At bedtinae rub good aid Vilka VapoRub an throat, chest and back. Then watch ItS PENETRATUNO sTimuLATiNO action brlng relef f rom distress. It PENEffUTES to, upper breath- Ing passages witn soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULAIS chest and back surfaces 11kG96 wanmlng, comfortlng poultice.. and it keeps on working f or hourg, aven, whlle you sloop - to, ase coughing spasi, relleve muscu- lar soreness and tightness-and brlng grand comfortl Try it t0- ~g~t... Vlcks VapoRub. .00, N. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO ~-ff 'ORES Grocerles 677 àis - - lb. 25c - lb, 25c IN. WING OR oasI - lb. I 48C B.READ Butter, No. 1 grade Tomalo Juice Calfee, Max well House - lb. 55C - 2 lins 19c1 Aylmer Soups a . 3 fins 25cý ATTENTION LADIES 1 Did y'ou know tbat you can bave your meat orders delivered %vlth y-our grocerles absolutely free. Just phone 677 and give us your grocer y and meat order and lt will be delivered to Four bomne. Alil rocery orders over $ 1.00 de Iivereùi FREE. 'J 21 RING STREET WEST LE, ONTARTO BOWMANVIn. I I PAGE TWELVEC R. J. .DILLING. Treasurer Seal Sale Committee CAWIE1'S KEATS and GROCERIES TH-ZRSDAY. FEr. 28th, 1948 An Arab can divorce bis wife r insby declaring is intent before a r ine s of; nuber r Foofwear REPAIRED VULCANIZED )f' SKATES SHARPERED, aiG. F. Jamieosoi, y!TIRE SHOF It KING and SILVER STS. Bow~man ville - Phone 467 Tnr cAmAnT,&iv ".,ramv--mAw, a m IL 70c 21 RING STREET WFST 48C loc a loaf LLE, ONTARTO

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