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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1948, p. 1

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~Jnbfln t~Ttt~xrnrn "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal"' BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1948 Canadian Droadcasting 25 Years' Service Problems of ( Candia Bradcs'jingCorpi Serves Well Under Handicaps Explained at1 Ltes Chairman A. D. Dunton i>.Dy Comiussiol Few cauntries xwith established, club which was extended ta him Ross Strike, KC. Deputy Chair- universal communications have by Mr. James at a chance meetingAr. man, Ontario Hydro - Electric had greater difficulties than Can- in Toronto, was a distinct honor Power Commission. held the ada in setting up a national broad- much more ta be appreciated .ptigta th RtryCu casting systemn, said Arnold Day- since sitting down ta dinner with idson Dunton, chairman o! the such a representative and keenly Friday, as mentor of the Coming Board of the Canadian Broadcast- intelligent audience, the members 4 Eet omtet xli h i vets Cmmiteeta eplai th ing Corporation Club, Wednes dayi of which could flot be distinguish- prsnciisnpoedstiu evening, February 18, at the Bal- ed. anc from the other, as ta re-tin truotth povce moral Hotel. Dealing With the iecintworcuty o hogottepovc. subject, "Canada and~ Radio," Mr. sdec ing thewn or ountry. Following a barrage o! persiflage Dunton told in fluent terms and ment of the press in its course as and extemporaneous quips occa- with executive directness, just the historical means o! universal sioned by preliminary club bus- how these difficulties were over- communications, Mr. Dunton drew mness, Mr. Strike heightened the came ta bring the 'benefits o! attention ta the sudden introduc- hlrt ihteasrneta modern radio ta the greatest num- tion of radio in the early twenties. hi paredey h kelysrac that w ber on the faircst level of mutual This immnediately brought ta the mtanvillewd se very li h ttle,- interest. front many problems in its devel- mnil ol ufrvr ite Announcement that Mr. Dun- opment. Its haphazard applica- if at ail, !rom local blackouts if ton would be the speaker brougnt tion in early years placed before Gilbert 1. Jones people observed the current out the largest attendance in re- the government the task of a so- warnings ta conserve the use of cent times and attracted nine new lution which must finally ensue Who was honored last week at electriciVx'. members ta the club. With bal! as a service bringing the greatest a banquet in the Royal York Ho- Monday Deadline the membership drawn from the goocl ta the greatest number. tel, Toronto, when he was pre- But if cuts were found neces- country and haîf from the town Hence an Air Commission, headed sented with an engraved, gold, qary, they wouldn't be biackouts and each having practical use for by Sir John Aird, set about the wrist watch and a certificate of since power wouid be shut off radoMr.Dutonha beor hin ask o! gathering ail available in- membership in the Quarter Cen- between the hours of 9-10 arn, a typical cross-section of commun- formation on the question. tury Club of the Dominion Stores and 3-4 p.m. These would apply ity interests. They followed the Extensive Studies Limited, in recognition of his 25 ta homes and stores only since speaker with absorbed attention tvas atflsriewt hsarneet aebe aet which became even more manifest Studies in the U.S.A. and Brit- yas atflsriewt hsarneet aebe aet in the question period at the close ain convinced the Commissioner company. Until eight years ago continue power service ta the of te metig. he esul wa a hattheultiatedevlopentGilbert served most bis time as leading industries ta maintain mighty, fine exemplification of should bc on a national basis w'ith maager of the Bowmanville store production and avoid unemploy- Publc Rlatonsin he f he tat haingfinl athoitywhen he was promoted ta District ment. He stressed the need for radlcReiosio.te phe of thn tat aiognal ouariyI Superv s or for this area. He has general conservation for same radio.Bitin thentoal system res. mnthree children, Helen. wh o is onltime and ta emphasize the neces- Local Interest Btinthe t inte S.A. prdva-th eda Bnkoficsaomerce Torntosi ty he presented a Hydro film, President Howard W. Jeffery opatorsut nwe U.iS.Aextenive inBnkCmere, oot,"Light up with Father" wbich heightened the interest of the oc- licencas wrd iveopedtenHow- and Bob and Bernard, students at sbowed the public inanity in the casion when be nominated Gea. lever n thrdi e saed r- Regiopolis College. Kingston. His use o! electrical energy. W. James ta untroduce the guests, taein tnhoer-.SA.h cota *b re- wife, the former Helen Bottreil, Hydro Film Dunton and hi National Di ie d Mr.Dunon nd is atinalDi-viewing licences every three de several yecars ago. His moth- Thfimwspoetdb y rector a! C.B.C. Programs, Ernest years. In each, therefore, the er, Mrs. Chris Robinson lives on doTh fias pHroltd bH y- ia Busbnell, Toronto, who motoredsttadedtahepicleo Prospect St. The Statesman joins dotcncaHrl ilad thespake t Bomavile.Mm.fiale authoridt they diifered f with his many friends in congrat- who accompanied Mr. Strike as a James disclosed that his local îy in application. -uaigbmonti el rTed he film guetaned aelaborator. "Hall o! Fame" file listed Mr. Introducing the questions o! recognition o! faithful service. aThefl porraed heoenseoffss Busbneli as a Durham County ppltinwasrpyan -t o! powher ihomteand office Boy, born in Manvers Townshippp]togorpyadci O ~ cir io !ftemte n hl another native son who has made mate Mr. Dunton pointed out im- Local S r s Enjoy thougofbtherthgtess atn - h good in a big way. He received a portant differences among theTr dren. Lights ie«t burning in em- hame-coming round o! applause. three countries. Britain with a Weekend Tri f pty rooms, cktsets and garage and "Mr. Dunton,'" said the Old dense population in a small area wastage tram ail the electrical Grey Mayor, "needed no furthem with few problems of phy i i- Laurenfian Hlls gdescmo atehm n introduction since The Statesman terference, had little trouble i multiplîed by cauntless residents, had carried his picture with an setting up and aperating a nation- A five-car C.N.R. special ski isi the fce mo!nauesfaecis- account o! his distinguished car- ý .seno ai.TeUSA ri oknal 4 k nhs'i ntefc fntr' alr eer," and he assumed that the en- wt a large population and a tran ok Hmiealto14, ski ntus-at generating plants. tir adiece wer nmbeedgreat arca with some incidence of iasts Irm Hmno, oot. l a short and snappy addrcss1 tieamon dien12e000read ner!te phsicai interference. mcorted ta 'Oshawa and Bowmnanville ta the Mr. Strike told the present story. long te12,0This adcrsinfgthc a combined area and state setup Laurentian his at St. Sauveur, *Expansion o! industry ta meet lclprs. Ti dvrinude-a with the brake of governmentaî 45 miles from Montreal, lasti war needs took ail availabie pow- en ,was îngeniousy in . daseview ta effect an adequate na- xeekend. er and at the same time restric- ae ost since the constitution tinr evc. The train picked up the 21 lo-tinonmerlsad apoe ù the Canadian Club makes nofa a srie cal athletes here on Friday night preclud e bilsdin npower provision for fines that are com- Population and Geography and returned themn early Manday prlue landia nticuwpatera monta the sevic clbs.The Butin anaa te poblm wasmarning, a tired but mast con- cessation o! war production would guests beamed appreciation of the much more complex. With a pop- tcnted group. result in a surplus o! power for accompanying "Bronx." ulation appraximating only 12 Skiing conditions were perfect sanie time. But the fact was a j< Problems of Radio million, strunfg aiong a narrow, througbout the weekend with rapid industrial past-war expan- Mt-tting out ta tell what radio 3,000 mile border, the geograpby temperatures ranging from 20 be- sion and an even greater demand means ta Canada, Mr. Dunton said xwas such that fixe regions had ta low zero in1 the earl,' moning to for electrical resources. With few that the invitation ta address the (Continucd on Page Six) 20 above at noon, making for fast 1 new plants plus surplus power gliding down buIs which satisfiedbugtfo QeecOnaibd the xpets ad te noice. imanagea ta scrape along until a At St. Sauveur, they were bil i new crisîs developed. The "Iron Second"" Ballalioni letted in severai houses and_____________ lis- Record in World War 1 ~t ningster sP~darkbya sowLions Ladies' Night and a dance. Rope tows and ski D ul Puhis ed in Splndd olmelifts made the uphill work a pea-AD ul Fealure -Pubish d in Splndid 'Voumesure so that everyone had a mar- vellous time. Only casualtv o! President Earl Riddols had the The greatest record o! any bat- the trip was Pearl Breslin witb pleasume o! welcoming a great ga- talion in Worid War 1 is general- a spaîned ankle. hrn toadulfeuehi ly credited ta the "Iran Second" Those xvbo participated !rom t ering t h oul e aure it o! the Canadian Expeditionary Bowmanville Ski Club inciuded: farrangedfrteana in Forc. Tht reordwas arne i John Brooks, Don Brooks. Dora- Club Ladies' Night, Monday even- and the above designation vwas thv Brooks, Ivan Woolley, Ross ing. With the Newcastle Lions won through the fact that the ,Je!!ery, Lawrence Tabb, Len Club invited as special guests for battalion took part in ail the im- fKihHwr trok o the occasion and the wives and pratbte on the western Magee, Pearl and Ed. Bresiin, Billldhred f ebr fbt front fromi beginning ta end and DsaCuk hls og neyer failed ta take its objective Harnden, Mamg. Nichais, Frances clubs gallantly accompanied, the nover lost an inch of gound Rowe, Betty Betties, Bob Rogers, attendance exceeded ail previaus Sho up gased soeties i iCharlie Fletcher, Ron MacDonald records. Shotup, asse, smeties a- iand Jack Tait. rnast surrounded, its ranks de-f__________ h aqe a evda cimaed sx tmes nti mor thp.m. in St. John's Parish Hall by 5.000 men had worn its battleien- .. wnat mhe iC urcn the Women's Auxiliary o! the signia, it nover failed its co For church and was rayally enjoyed manders nor King and country.Stands Fr Tonic together with community singing Itwsa record that needed tell-i befome the gathering adjourned ta ing but the government aban- D 1 . ia the High Scbool auditorium ta ac- doned its officiai history o! the! Bro±IîerI1oou iuress commodate many other guests at war and other mneans had ta be a variety concert staged )y the einploycd ta tell this story I Hampton Church Circuit Bro- r Bill Stuart troupe o! Toronto. Splendid History therhood met in the basement O!f edn a etrsaeso }[ene te rcor basbee pr- ~Eldad Church on Tuesday nigbt, appeamed under local auspices. Hene he ecrd asbee pe-Febmuary 17, with presidenJh There were a bevy o! girls whose served in a splendid volume, "Tbeh «x rsdn. fe e-snigan acn eei h the- ý_ : Cnommunitsiing ng a led byf Tbnan ain were cothe backing o! the book. In the case 115 Majesty in Persan or ther Rex'. Linstead pronouinced the gat undcrway before plasterers o! Col. *"Satyi' it centers abouIt Companionship af St. Michael beniediction and the meeting clos- working inside noticed the back- McLaughlins of Durhami Cokiîn- and St. George. 'rime and again e d witb the National Antheni. I iring smoke, ty and the famiy home near Tv- as commander o! the 2nd be was Eidad Social committee put on Notified immediately, the Fire rone. Two o! bis cousins distin- commended by Bi-igade a n d a fn uc n oilf! oum Department made a quick run ta guisbed tiieniselves witb the 2nd Corps commanders and Sir Ar- o! !cllowship was enjoyed. the premises and put out the fire Batt--ilon. Col, Lamne T. Mc- thur Currie. Commander o! -the f Next meeting at Hampton.,'in a matter o! seconds. It was Laugbliin. CMG. DSO and t\w.o Canadian Army,. by the Ministerr roads and weather permitting, on the !irst real threat o! fire darn- Bars. Nw-ks ýhe voommanding offi- Of Defence. Sir Sam Hughes and probablv March 23 and Agrîcul- age in îown for some montbs. For- cer of the 2'id for a longer period Prime Minister Sir Robert Bai - tuirai Representative. Ed. Sum- tiinatelv the prompt action of Fire than P'i,,\ Other ilo preceded d cn J mers. v,:;11 be the speaker. . Chie! Hloaper and bis alert crew bini, and M\ajoi, Arthur E. Mc- (Continued on Page Six) There weme about 65 present. con!ined the loss ta less than $25. >ntario Hydro Rotary ClubJ I Poisoner Hunted For Killing Eighi Dogs in South Ward lier Ross st 1 lk ght y the police, went ber- serk over the weekend and pais- one alast eight dags within an o! aeaotiie1Tok in the South This was occasioned by Iack of1 Ward bordering on Liberty St. rainfall in the Ottawa and Gat yninao fmwh sal thea pedow er n at generang leged ta be strychnine impregnat- pts haverothewnter ad sonere- ed. in pieces of meat, the victims plans oer he intr hd s"re moaned out their lives in help- duced electrical output that Que- less ineptitude as the killer cun- bec cutbacks« had resulted in anngysuhteprttin f reduction of eight million. KW the night to escape detection and hours per week. The Commission what Solace could be faund in a had warned municipalities as far degraded sou]. back as December 15, ta take steps ta conserve power. Insufficient When the still bodies of these respnseby he onsmin pulicfaithful friends were found by the was followed by another cutback owners, they informed Chief of in supply early this month,' hence Police, Sidney, Venton, who im- anather general warning at this mediately instituted an intensive tîme.0 search for dlucs in expectation of Distribution nkg an arrest. The case i5 ha- The Cmmision enertes n c o waed P closely anid if a The ommisio genrats an !curt aseresuits it will, without buys power which it selîs ta mun- doubt, attract a large section of icrpalities ta be admînistered ,public interest. through local Public Utilitiesj One of the saddest features of Commissions and they in turn the crime is that Bill Ellis lost serve the public as autonomous his faithful collie, Roamer, who units. As a consequence the Bow- perished from tho poison as he manville P.U.C. has repeatedly struggled back ta reach his friend warned users o! the situation and master. Roamer was trained through the press and by hand- by Bill as a watchdog who re- buis. Thus the matter has been mained outside the Bank of Mon- put squarely up ta the people and treal while he performed his du- if cuts become necessary the ties as janitor of the bank. blaîne taîls upon the careless us- Roamer became a favorite of ers of power. If a saving o! at everyone who passed the bank. least ten per cent, or preferably He was friendly but watchful and better, can be maintained for a had almost a human understand- reasonable period there need be ing af his. responsibilities. His no cuts.1 loss is felt keenly by Bill who The speaker concluded: "Con- trained him from puppy days as .ervation simply means, use with an honored member of the house- care, not doing without," but if hold and for his faithful duties. cuts become necessary they wîll The case will not be closed so long be made during the above hours as Bill Ellis is able ta get about. and there will be no restrictions Saturdavs and Sundays. The mat- 6c P>ER COPY NUMBER gî Bowmanville Red Cross Unit Inspired by Field Secretary To Continue Excellent Work Bowmanville Branch of the Ca- nadian Red Cross Society will continue its splendid service in this community for the current year. This decision was taken and the siate of officers elected at the adjourned annual meeting held in the Council Chamber, Friday ev- ening, Feb. 20. Following a con- certed public appeal to attend the meeting, a representative gather- ing of 16 ladies and 9 men formed the necessary quorum to act for the general public on the question and the decision to continue was carried unanimously. There was littie doubt about the issue after the guest speaker, Squadron Leader Ernest Harston, concluded his inspiring oration on the work of the Red Cross in war and peace, in Canada, a n d throughout the entire globe. He was introduced by President Joe O'Neill who recalled that Rev. Mr. Harston became well known in this community some years ago as the pastor of the Simcoe St. flying time to become a Squa~ ron Leader. Shot down severa times, the final crash completely destroyed his hearing. Through- out the Mediterranean, in Asia, inl India and in Africa, he became closely associated with the Red Cross and on his return to Cana- da he faithfully championed its cause and eventually became the Field Secretary of the Ontario Di- vision. An expert at lipreading he created amazement by fol- lowing ail the discussions at the meeting. Past Year's Work President O'Neill outlined the history of the local branch of the Red Cross and summcrized its activities since the war closed, together with its financial posi- tion, before calling on the guest speaker. He commended the la- dies of the branch for keeping the work going and outlined the ex- penditure of funds for the mod- ern equipment of the rnaternity ward in Bowmanville Hospital, the complete facilities for home nursing classes, the sponsorship of swimming safety classes and the supply of cod liver oil ta dis- trict sehool children in coopera- tion with the County Hcalthi Unit, Great Address Squadron Leader Harston car- ried on the story in the larger field of service. Personal ex- perience in 35 countries provided intimate contact with the work of the Red Cross and the story of how its ministrations werc given to ail alike, of every race, color ter is strictly up ta the public. Place of the Church . 'andi creed, became a drmratie pic- ture in the great oratory o! the Club Business InWorld of Today speaier.T o heildn wriesofhie Lamne McLaughin moved thc I peaker.T o hide e sad sto ie !te vote o! thanks ta Mm. Strike an d An overflow gathcring In St. with passages o! humor from the Mr. Hîlliard in complimentary IJohn's Church Sunday evening, battiefields and. the rubble of ternis for their evident considera- i îearci an inspiring address by London. tion o! the public interest. r Herbert A. Mowat, who spoke on Turning froni the story o! the Jack Eastaugh introduced bisI "The Place o! the Church in tbe Red Cross in war the speaker out- guest, yaung John Langton, first World o! Today." Chairman. off Squadron Leader E. Harston lined its' many activities in al winner o! the Rotary Tr5phy for the Canadian Palestine Commis- ie hrh aa e- countries in the years o! peace character and scbolarsbip at the, sion at the United Nations As- Untd1hrcOhaa)Avt and in transition. Immense e!- Boys' Training Scbool. John me- , embly in New York, Mm. MowatI cran o! world war 1, bie obtaincd fort and huge supplies will be ceivcd an ovation wbcn lbe madef flew up froni Lake Success ta oc-f leave froni bis charge at Vonge required for months and years to abrie! and cloquent speech cp h upta t onsa St. United Church, Toronto, ta restore hcaltb nhofdnet thanking the club for its interest the invitation o! Rev. J. dePencier enlist in world war .2. millions who were stricken by the un the pupîls o! the school. Pres- Wright. The Speaker scourge of war and wreckcd by ident Mcl Dale expresscd the hope' Having delivered more than ance lHe served as ,adme of! the its aily> siclcness and hunger. He .Jhat a similar award would be 1krs nBo avleo[ h CFinteMdleas fr-ixgald the sfàrhè hd* gone out froni conitinucd annually. Palestine question, Mr. Mowat ycars and complctcd 900 hours (Continued on Page Six) Tom Palier rcceived bithday omnitted refemence ta this issue ta !lowers. Blain Elliott and George 'picture in dynamic ternis the gen- Cawker won their four-year per- eral situation in Europe and Asia Tyr one Ent husiasîs fect attendance pins. Councillar which resultccl fram the Godlcss Frank Jamieson was introduced egimes o! totalitarian imperial- asa e mmbrofRtay n im H avncdth agmetConve ChurhSeT e a k ho reccived a grand reception by the that ta establisb a lasting peace it vet rh hd T e Ba k S o enieasscmbly. Doc Rudeli cau- bcbooved the Christian churcb es Imb Skating Rink tioned that With four meetings the ta take the lcad with inspired vig-f We havcn't written this column same evcning the most important or.r The ural churcb shed, once* for many montbs but the nîood is wps the annual meeting o! the He traced the risc o! Hitler ta used ta bouse horses and buggies,i upon us and we can't resist the local Red Cross. power bvyfollowing establishcd with a dlean-up parade the wcek i temptation. Besides, the littie ftotalitarian procedure which de- befame the annual fowl supper has waman is out, the 5-ycar-old ladi amos el Coi Inied the gospels, closed the Chris- takien on the "New Look" and is is pounding bis car and the 5- Fa ou BllChirtian churches and imprisone o becaming the hockey and month-old fellow has finally came their ministers. Themefore a higb skating amena fom the winter sca- tbrough with a résouniding "bub- Feafures Final moral force in unisan with ahl de- son, bic" (radio terni for "burp") and nominations adheming ta Chris- The village o! Tyrane is a typ- appears ta be away for the night. Lions Club Series tianity was neccssary in the worid icai exaîple. This year, a group Ail is weil at the moment. We _____o! today ta re-establish the free- o! entbusiasts raised somne money have tumncd off ail but anc dimr The final musical concert o! the dashot.adwttran ork o i n terchuich bulb ta keep tbe Hydro happy and Lions Club series wili feature the The services included anthenis setaarns!ormng tswiterioardsn- are ahane witb our thoughts. famous Leslie Bell Choir in Trin- sung by a choir o! 43 voices and ta a nk ecomp'letie peisnt Rur with meoardsy hi ity Church on Friday, Mamch 5. a brie! welcoming address by Rev. large, but it bas been sa wchh re- momning just as we were about ta 'l'ais cbarming, ail-girl choirf Wright who thankcd Mr. Mowat ccived that plans are now under- embark on aur duties for the day. have been secured by the Lions 'for bis trouble in making such a way ta extend its length sanie 4o By sheer mis!ortune, wc encaunt- in conjunction with the Dcpamt- lion g journey ta deiver a most in- feet before next winter, the ered a neighboring merchant,on ment a! Education as a fitting cli- spiring message. Mm. Mowat left sanie group assisted by the en- Blain Elliott, who came running max ta their present concert ser- the sanie evening for a conference tbusiastic co-opematian o! the toward us in somcwhat of a di- îes. with th e Cabinet at Ottawa be- comniunity also did wondems for ther. Breathiessly (hae had ruri This outstanding choir, under fore returning ta New York. the local park in the summer ten yards) hie asked if xve had the direction o! Dr. Leslie BellI -tue. heard anything o! the big fire in director o! Music at the Ontario , On Saturday evening, they hchd Newcastle on Monday evening in Educational Coilege bas reccivedRe ea on ai aa a skating camnival with neamly 200 wbich !aur people were burned favorable criticisîs wberevem bus erain C l dr people attending and a!tcr the ta death. Ho said he'd been in choir bas been beard. Their uni- prîze wînners had been selcctcd, Cole's Barber Sbap wbere they que style o! prescnting classicali Friday, February 27 Tyrone and Salemi staged a bock- wcre talking about it. We rub- and popular pieces bing popular 2 ta 4 p.m.-Leathemcraft Class, ey game. Theme were clowns ta bcd tbe sleep froni the open eye, acclaini from their audiences. Lions Community Centre. fkeep the crawd in a good mood pried the other anc apart and a!- Dr. Bell bas bad considerable 4 p.m.-Jr. Stamp Club, Public i during the events, bot dogs and ter pondering a -bit camne ta the experience with chairs baving Sehool. , coffee in the Sunday School rooni conclusion that under almost any spent niucb tume witb the papular 7:30 p.m. - Community CouniciII and music ta phease cveryonc. circunistances a newspaper would Fred Waing's Gîce Club as well Executive Meeting, Lions Coi- Winners o! the events were: consider publisbing the details os as with other wcl-known groups. mnunity Centre. Best Pair Comics (girls) Pauline sucb an item. Scason tickets will be honomcd Monday, March 1 Alldmead and Lamna Richards; Finaliy, we awoke completcly for this concert, but those wbor Interiediate Baskctbaîî, Bow . best skater, Bessie Hilîs; best pair and le!t both toc ubbcrs flying wisb ta purchase additiona] tic- manville at Lindsay. of skaters, Mr. and Mms. Ncil Yel- la the air as we made a niad clash kets may secure theni at McGreg- Tesa,1achZlowlees; be i an saeGeraldfothphntocckwt u or's Drug Store. Tedy Mrh2Shackleton; bcst comic pair forcthe porespondhenkt oth ___________ 7 p.m.-Leathercraf t Class, Lions (men), Charlie .Campbelanddetails. cresoneGîbon lvin Community Centre. Bert Stires; cornue pair, Veina deal.Ms laGbolvn Jac an Jll lu Wednesday, Mach 3 Taylor and Grace Hayard- bst ight on the main street o! the Com uniy ente.drssd pai, Joan Beckett and village, hadn't eard the nows and Trini.ty Unifed Church 8*15 p.m.-Adult Staîp Club, Li- Eileen Spicer. Judgcs wcre Jack suggested we cahi Reeve George ons CmuiyCnr.Eiston o! the Radia Shop who was Walton. 11e was just driving out Enjos MoingPicfresalso in charge of the music and the lane but the lady who answer- Les Coombes. ed the phone managed ta stop him TenJayskMon PiClu Yues Seks Tonight The hockey battle royal whîch and bring bum ta the phone. No, TheJak ad illClb (oug p asfollowcd between Tyrone and h hadn't heard ans'tbing and was Married Couples' Club) o! Trinity Salemi saw Tyrone victamiaus 14-7.I fairly certain that hie would bave jUnited Chumch met Tuesday eve- On the siahi ice surface, witb no been noti!ied if any such catas- ning in the Sunday Scbooi room, blue, mcd or any other colorcd trophe bad taken place. President K_,-th Siemon opened - linos, it was quite a match with By this time we were beginning the meeting with a sing*-sang ac- f few penalties and soie really ta *smchl a rodent" so witbout coîpanied by Dorothy Ewers at rugged playing. But. no casual- furtber use o! the Bell systeni, we the piano, This xvas followed by tics bave been reported ta date. h' 1 aur sel! ta tho House of a devotional service by Lorraine On Monday, Solina xvas defeated Colo wbere we iearned that the Dewell. by Tyrone teani 12-8. tragedy bad actually taken place Byron Vanstone introduced Dr. 1 The coimittee in charge in- in Newcastle on Monday evcning, J. C. Devitt and Mm. Cecil Carvetb cludes: Presudent, Bill Tbîesbcrg- but it was Newca'stle, New York. o! Newcastle who sbowed pictures e r; vice-president, Archie Virtue:r Let's bave no more o! that of wild ife in Algonquin Park, treasurer, Lloyd Skinner: score- please. It's too biard on the con- and sanie very interesting *pc tary. Perey Werry and Master o! stitution ta stan. a mamning in turcs o! Nov-a Scotia. Ceremonies Les 'Coombràs. The sucb a fashion. In the short interlude betwcen ladies wba prepared the food If you ever hear it raid that films a ladies' quartette oonsist- werc Mrs. Clarence Woodley, Mrs. photography is a fascinating bob- ing o! MrsX~Van Driel, Mrs. Stuart , Luther Goodman and Mrs. ,Gor- by, don't mention it around this James, Mrs. D. Alldread and Mrs Y . don Yco. office, at least not for a week or Richmond san twa very deight ~ ... .. This pubiicity is being provid- 5 ni hnsipoe ful numbcrî~~~~. - c~d for the Tyrone rink because Wehvtrewul-epo- Ah Witherspoon very appropri- __3 are ns a niu t reaion- graphers an our payroil. Fortu- ately thankcd Dr. Devîtt and M., ifnst otneterepn nately, for the office, rone of us Carvth.PreierGeoge rewsion program this year and con- are being paid as phctograpbcrs After a short business meeting tributinysowirc ems ecm but rather for other proclivities. coffee andi sandwiches were r- Who will make an important frai a surce. orah Until this week we have been do- cd.. The meeting closedwt statement tonigbt, (Tbursday), was an band on Saturday night, ing fairly weli, taking sanie pic- Stuart James making everyonei with regard to "Hydro and the but, due ta technical difficulties turcs that could even be published known ta each other. Future' over radio station CBL1 which are explained in the Back in the paper. We wcre becoming Ncxt meeting will be beld on, at 8 pim. Dont fail ta tune in on, Shop column, no pictures rcsult- 1 80 good that we feit frc ta criti- Tuesday, March 23, at 8;15 p.m. this important addmess. ed. <C:ontinued on Page Six) VOLUME 94 -1

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