PAGE THRrif THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLE. ONTARIO ?TTPRSDAY. WB. 2th19l48 retary of affilîated C.G.I.T.-Miss OBI TUARIES 13Jean Battle,'Oshawa; secretary of Osha a Pesbyeril WA . BldsMission Bands-Mrs. Lloyd Ash- Osh wa re hytril W NES. oi ton, RR6 Bowmanville; secret- DAVID FERGUSON Successful 201h Annual Meeting Saywel, Oshawa; associate rnem- Te aged92ta eto Fbu bls.VI P ]og rsElcid reid b;s .fply sec retary-Miss Alice lag of9 years and eight OliveWrP, RogesElecedcPresdeutu n it y ronths. Deceased aboni Over two hundred W. M. S. gate from the Eastern Section to Werry, R.R.2, Oshawa; literature 1856, and was the youngest son memnbers attended thp 20th an- the school for leaders at Whitby secretary--Mrs. K. Hopkins, Bow- of the late Samuel and Jane Fer-r nuai meeting of Oshawa Presb; olee this coming summer. manville; Missionary Monthiy gusan. terial Woman's Missionary Society1 Mrs. Elton Werry, correspond- and World Friends secretary- i On June 26, 1878, he was united of the United C!iurch in St. Paul's. ing secretary, presented the 'Sto- Mrs. L. A. Snowden, Bowman-! in marriage ta Sarah Jane Greer United Church, Bowmanville on ry for the Year." This report ville; secretary Temperance and with wvhomn he lived ta celebrateÉ Thusdy.Thewoshp srvceshowed a total membership of 1,- Christian Citizenship-Mrs. C. W. their golden wedding anniversary for the morning session was con- 566-an increase of 72. The fin- Siemon, Bowmanville; press sec- and also their diamond wedding ducted by members of the Ennis- ancial report for the Presbyterial retary-Mrs. E. A. Menley, 147 anniversary. kilien Auxiliary, Mrs. Harold showed that after remitting ta the Alice St., Oshawa; secretary of To them were barn seven chul- Milîs, Mrs. R. Ormiston and Mrs. Branch Treasurer, the members of Affiliate societies-Mrs. J. V. Mc- dren, five of whomn survive: Mar- Rie.Seynou*r. Mrs. Seymour the Presbyterial had the privilege Neely, Oshawa; candidate secret- r fOhwWletadWle ."-. s erthemne, "It must be of voting on where they would ary-Mrs. M. F.of KirklandOsha-t (rs.Al ione by me." The speaker said use the surplus amount of $900, wa. benniklenofMrgetn(Mrnd Ai- *We should pray for the revival over the allocation. It was de- of Bowmanville. One son, George )f Christ's Church beginning with cided ta send $200 ta Western of Oshawa, a veteran of the First -me." The way of people's thinking Canada ta be used ta help buildBR W 'WrdWapeeasdhm n mnust b changed. We mnust ask a doctor's new home, and ta send 1946 andon son, Cameron, was :urselves the question "What kind $700 ta Indore, Central India ta iidaoiyRdei h is :)f church would this one be if assist in building a maternity Mrs. H. Reichrath and Carol Wrlda iR idMe inaiso surve everoneacted just like m. igi optl hc ol with Mr. and Mrs. A. Marris, Ca- WrdWr ei losri meer"oneinina hsia' hchwudby thirteen grandchildren and In closing Mrs. Seymour said "We be much appreciated by the doc- bourg.ten-hrega-radiden Dffer too much criticism instead tors and nurses there. Mrs. J. Hartwick, Toronto, with Mr. Fergusan farmed ail his :)f lifting tip."I Vîvaclous Speaker Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson. life in Cartwright and Darlington Delegate Chosen Mrs. A. Rager Self, president of Mrs. E. Legge, Oshawa, with Townships until a few years ago Miss Isobel Cruickshank of St. the Dominion Board of the Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, Ray and when he gave up active farming. Paul's United Church, Bowman- W.MS. was guest speaker morn- Sid. The funeral was held on Febru- ville, was chosen ta be the dele- ing and afternoon, her pleasing Another Busy Bees' Card Party ary 9, from Northcutt and Smithi: ........ personality and witty remarks in was held at the hame of Mr. and Funeral Chapel. Service was l: her description of the variaus Mrs. W. Farrow. There were en- rcanducted by Rev. R. M. Seymour l: .parts of W.M.S. work endeared ough present for six tables. Win- of Enniskillen and was largely at- 1 iï ~ her ta the audience. She said, ners were Mrs. E. Booth and Ar tended. The floral tributes werei: " The glory of living is striving ta chie Brown, and consolation priz- beautiful. Interment was madc S do samething bevond aur reach or es were won by Miss Jean Perrin in S'ampton Cemetery. U trying the impossible. With God's and Bihl Morley. Mrs. Farrow,% Palibearers wcre four grandsons,i help we can do s0 much. As we served a deliciaus lunch and eve- Lloy-d, Carl and Keith Ferguson. rise each m9rning let us. say, ryone enjoyed a good time. Cameron Oke and two nephews, 'This is the day the Lord has giv- Talbert and George Ferguson. V en me'." "In aur missionary Among those attending from a' ~ . i work," she said, "we must build NESTLTTfN distance were Mr. and Mrs. Ir- j-I ,owatAnê on wahls that lie flat. We must win Ferguson, Messrs. Talbert and fight the evil of drink or it will George Ferguson, Mount Forest, FOR continue ta grow. We must hold Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greer, Mr. and Up the standards of aur church Jas. Farder in Mr., Forders pass- Mrs. Addison Greer and son, Fer- AIV Vwork. We must let aur behavior ing. Me was buried in Union gus, Mr, Roy Munter, Grand Val- BAKERYmark us as Christian wamen." Cemnetery, Cadmus, on Monday. 1 ley, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mooey AND The speaker referred ta the stan- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mooey, derds set up by the womnen of and Laurance visited Mr. and Mrs. Toronto. AglAfrica, whiéh are:- Wilbert Malcolm, Yeivex ton. RESTAURANT 1Regular attendance at vil- Mr. and Mrs. George Johns vis- lae raer.ited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. MRS. WM. PARNAL i OnIy he B st ~ 2-Show a spirit of helpfulness taMr. and Mrs. Dan Black maved 1hr asdt etFbur and a desire ta serve,.hme1t9Myd n the persan of a well respect-1 3-Be ready ta condemn sin Thursday. They wihl be greatly ed citizen of Newcastle, Mrs. Wm. Q UÀLITY wherever it is found, even in 'her missed in aur church and com- Parnai, in her 87th year. The AND own family. munity. funeral services were held from 4-,Set an example worthy o Mr. Laurie Moskin is visitingth MorsFnrlCpeB - SERVICE being followed in the way she friends at Elmvale. atnanville, February 21, from there looks after her own home, cloth- Don't forget WlI. meeting ata Bond Mead Cemetery, where Phono 855 es, food and backyard. Mrs. G. Thcmpson's, March 3, nçhe was buried beside ber late 5-She would always be faith- charge of Mrs. S. Malcolm's group. husband, who passed away three fui in making announcements, Mrs. Cecil Wilson is confined toarsao e atr e.W not allowing them ta go unreacd ber bed with a heart attack. W.eatrs o Mer pas tor ev.tW. for weeks. She should prepare Ms .G olsi nTr services spoke kindiy of her as a and lead in womnen's meetings. ot eaelgfo noea Christian woman who made many 6-Be a model of excellence in tion. Wl fricnds in and around Newcastle her co-operation with the mascu- Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wiams, hrshlvefo many years. line baîf of the churcli. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns visit- whTehlwes werevylvey 7-Get on well with everyone. ed Miss Louise Johns and Mr. Paeîbearers were C. CrlveyM President'. IVeleome FeHohs ancack, Wm. Beaman, F. Gra-1 The Teen-Age Group held a so- ýhm .BakunadE oel The welcome ta the new organ- cial evening in the C.O.F. Hall.hamFBckunndEPoel izations was given by the Presi- AIl report a big crowd and good[alnihrsfdeasd dent of the Presbyterial, Mrs. W. timre. She leaves ta mourn he;r pass- P. Rogers. The namres of the new Did hlum bofThrorg e anda *organizations were read by the eavi Allum of Kthenr; and thre vice - presidents, Mrs. Thomas nDT'T'TTf7Ktchne; adr're caused Norton, Locust Hill, and Mrs. L. OBITJ.UAI.LJL>sisters, Mrs. John Pring, Toronto, ayb asd W. Dipe Bowmanville. Mrs. F. Cator, Salem, and Mrs. ippe.l, net n Ms.W tT1 (Rev.) G. W. Kinsman, Chicago, Mr.A.D oret6n rs . WALTER GEORGE VC s P. Fletcher of Oshawa, conducted 111I., who is at present visiting in the "In Memorial Service." A resident of Oshawa for the Toronto and many nieces and nep- Every drop of blood inyou boy Te Finance Committee for past 30 years, having camne there hews. pames through your kidneys once 1948 is camposed of Mrs. A. R., from Toronto, Walter George Sieep on dear sister and take every 7 minutes. When kidneys fail Wilson, Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Vice enterect into rest February your rest. tomfiter out rnpurities, your system Mrs. Russell Gay, Mrs. Uriah 15 at Oshawa General Hospital. /~eadLchy-with painful joints ana Jones and Mrs. C. A. Wright. Seriously iii since last October, he aching back! Officers for 1948 are: was in poor health since the COURTICE Because bath kidneys and liver Past President-Mrs. S. Littie- previaus June. ____ act as purifier of the blood, the most wood, Bobcaygeon; president- Born in Sauina, August 9, 1880, CurieY ng eoemt effective treatment shouid help both. Mrs. W. Rogers, Bowmanville; he was maried in Oshawa August FeburieYo ngitho2ein td Dr. has'@ Kdne-Lier W do istvice- president-Mrs. PJ. Nor- 27, 1912, 'ta Margaret Fletcher Fbur 6wt 5i ted this throuhly nd ffiienty. henance. Meeting opened with pray- P ou seor.ghade's identy.When ton, Locust Hill, R.R.1; 2nd vice- who survives hlm. For sevenerbyAieTlo. udy iIs, yon can be sure of aereliable president-Mrs. L. W. Dippehl, years he was an employee of the Phr yAceTlo. udy groduct used by Canadians fat over Bowmanville; recording secret- Ontario Steel Products until poorar was in charge of devotional half a century. ary-Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Brooklin; heaith forced bis retirement. A and scripture reading was given If your back aches, or y an feel corresponding secretary - Mrs. member of the Centre Street . y Dorothy Winters. Box social "under the weather', get after yourI ' eryBomnieRR2UitdCucle ilasob is planned for March 15 when. kidneys-try Dr. Chase'@ Kidney- tn Maple Grave Young People will Liver Pilla. 4 treasurer-Mrs. Albert R. Wilson, wel-remembered by older memn- b uss oinb o Oshawa; secretary of Christian bers of the Oshawa Tennis Club beget.Amto-yLm stewardship and finance-Mrs. A. where he spent much of his spare ethoe wae15oade adyat- Dr. Chases A. Drumnmond, Orono; secretary time having resided at 89 William toendnghîgareschoor lrh edcon- KIDNWYLUVER PLLS I oMnission CirBowMrnilst~cm- Sret ngWest.Wh andwidow, are: sidered eligible for membership. ero gy ,sronGgendHward o hswas seconded by Audrey, __________________________________________________Osha_ wason sister, Mrs. oftrc Phair. Election of officers was Seia ofOshawa, atrîiea s foliows: President, Kath Pid- brothers, Earl of Cleveland, Ohio, d-k vice pres., Lamne Penfound; tneCla f idewyeOtaia secretarv, Audrey Phair; treasur- Services were held at the Armn- ehl dm;parmcn strang Funeral HomnF1eray1vnDtWne Budy o inElv ...à~E1.17 with Rev. B. S. Fruardof Courtice,B Wintersi, Jaehin a t . - .Unit.- d- Churc -.- - Bradley: recreational conveners, .dsk.for il éther way... both srade-marks mean thze rame Ming. 1 taik on Public Speaking. LiveJy. Mr. andi £vrs. Leslie HnloUf DR. WV. H. GARRATT gamnes were conducted by Buddy were Sunday visitors with Mer- Hawkins, Barry Johnson. Lunch win and Mrs. Perriman, Colu- Dr. W. H. Garratt, son of the was serx'ed. bus. late William Henry Garratt and The newly organized C.G.I.T. of Mrs. Robinson Sr., Oshawa, was Matilda Fanes, pased away at his, Courtice Church with Mrs. Tom- Sunday us with Cedric and residence in Wellington on Febru- My Barber and Mrs. J. Gearing Mrs. Robinson and helped cele- ary 1l, in his 86th year. He was as leaders met Wednesday night. brate her son's birthday. Best born in Belleville in 1862. Me C.G.I.T. and Explorer's Purpose wishes Cedric! attended Albert Coilege and %Vas was repeated. Janet Deline led Mr. ajpd Mrs. Wright, Osh- assistant ta Dr. Joe Caidwell, in prayer; scripture reading by'aa adDula n1Ms k dentist in Belleville. Later he Muriel Taite; Raberta Saunders, awere adnnergues an MSunday wen taWinipg wer h prc-secretary, read minutes and rail with Blake and Mrs. Oke when tised dentistry far .9 years . He, cal. Treasurer Darathy I-lckin the second wedding annivcrsary was assistant ta Dr. Coldwell, reparted. This pragram xvas pre- celebration for Douglas and Dor- Fanes, dentist in Bridgeport, sented: Reading, Margaret Mc- ty aobevd Conn., for two years. He went Gregor; vocal duet, Lorraine Mc- othy 'asanobserved. hrin ta New York and graduated fram Gregar and Lois Antil; stary, Lau- wA phleaat thaCilAgams'n the New York Dental Coliege and ise Wehnert. Knitting and em- wshl tteCclAas opened an office in Yankers, N.Y., braidery work was enjoyed and home on Thursday night when al where he practised for 40 years. gae lydad h etn oined in celebrating Cari's birth- Owing ta ili heaith he was forc- clased with "Taps." cay. Best wishes Carl fram your ed ta retire from active work and Courtice W.A. met Wednesdayf ins came to his summer home in at the church with an attendance Carl and Mrs. Down were hast Wellington where he has resided of 22 aduits and some littie folks. and hostess an Wednesday night for the past 14 years. While he President Mrs. J. McKenzie op- ta a number of friends wneri ahl was in Belleville he wvas a mem- ened the meeting, foiiowed with had a pleasant time. ber of the Argyle Regiment and prayer by Mrs. Hay. Scripture Tah and Mrs. Gearing visited was on active service in the Reili was give yMr.GoreJh- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gra- Rebellion. He wvas an Anglican stan, with the very fine explana- ham, Toronto. in religion. Married in 1863, his tion on same .given by Mrs. Bar- Mr-s. Norman Clemens and Mar- wife, formerly Elizabeth Pearce, rabal. Mrs. Leslie Hancock do- ilyn, Toronto, visited her parents, survives him, also several nieces nated a rug for the alcove; Mis. Gaordon and Mrs. Trevail. and nephews. J. McKenzie. Mrs. Clarence Pen- Twelve ladies were at the Ce- . ARIM TXE is ftineral service, conducted found and Mrs. George Johnston cil Adams' home on Tuesday af- by Rev. C. P. Heaven, was held are ta arrange buying of a piano . ternoon, when a quilt was done in St. Andrew's Church an Feb- Mrs.' A. J. Oke, president, Cour-i for a private party, under aus- ruary 14. The paîl bearers xvere tice W.M.S., presented an outline 1ie of the W.A. Mr. F. L. Marris, Mr. W. A. Da- of the affiliation of the W.A. %vith vern, Mr. Joe Foley, Mr. Arnold the W.M.S. which was accepted Post, Mr. Godfrey Uptan. Mr. by members of W.A. Mrs. Gea. Fred Ford. The profusion of flor- Barber gave a reading and secre- ai offerings revealed the desire of tary and treasurer gave satisfac- many wha had loved and respect- tory reports. Refreshments were ed him, ta pay a final tribute. servedi by Mesdames Warburton, 0 * * Entombment was made in Well- Shipman. HLyý and Tooley. 4% ington Vault. Na. 4 Mission Band held their Those present from a distance meeting, with business items, in- were Mrs. Beryl Oliver, Bow- cluding tw%ù birthdays being ob- manville, Mrs. Arthur Marris, servedi. Worship period opened for CI quicker. Yonkers, N.Y.. Mr. M. J. atl with quiet music with Gwen Os-. nicel, blacker low. Cliffside Park. N. J., Mr and borne at the piano. -Caîl ta War- shine! Mrs. M. G.. Gabler, South Bend, ship" was given by the Band. - md. I heme-'Around the World with AND ORDEIS You Puy V : l'MBLY'S CARBONATED DEVERAGES OS HAWIVA PHONE 755 CP- 1 $35.00 Exciting spring coat favorites . .. wonderfully f ashion right.. . Skirts whirl gracef ully... backs flare.. waists nip in. Ail dernurely f erninine styles ta enhance your figure. Corne in and see thern now. . .. Each coat is an outstanding buy. M ~~.00 - $29.50 SPECIAL PURCHASE! CHILDRE] 1;- ar a he teens w.' ho N'S SPRING COATS wear them are aur exciting new spring fashions. - $39.50 $35-00 Coats in fine fabrics, heaven sent styles and lively colors, are readv for your selection naw. Coats just like big sister's. Sîzes 6 ta 14x $ 29 Specially priced ----------------------- $ 2 9 Phone 451 The Bible." Bible storY was giv- en by Raymond Osborne. Prayer by Gwen Osborne. Story by El- aine Senko on "Temperance'; chorus by five senior -boys; vocah ,duet, Elsie Down and Delbert Grills; story by Gwen Osborne. THE MODERN STORE Darlington Township Road Account 1948 Set at $46,000 T. Sh ci GI F. ('- Darlington Council met Febru- To ary 5 with quorum present. Coun- J. cillors R. W. NichoLs and H. Skin-- ner being absent. M. Skinner was presenit for latter haîf of the meeting. Council renewed ils member- ship in the Rural Association of Municipalities and authorized the Road Superintendent ta attend the Gaod Roads' Association conven- tion. L. C. Mason will be advised that portion of road allowance is not for sale. G. * F. Annis and Ross Stevens solicited a grant for the maintain- ence purpases of Bowmanville Hospital. This matter will be tak- en up at a later date. Reeve Woodyard and Road Sup- erintendent W. Reid of Clarke Township addressed the Council regarding the agreement for work on the Town Line. This appears ta be satisfactory. By-law xvas passed setting road expenditures for 1948 at $46,000. Road Supt. presented his re- port and vouchers which wvere ordered paid. Clerk will advertise for applica- tions for office of assessor.' Clerk will inquire re B.y-law ta keep kennel of dogs in village, W. R. Grosskurth addressed the Council re steel culverts stating they m-ould be hard ta get. Road Supt. will order same number of culverts as hast spring. approximately 20 culverts, 12" ta 24". Cauncil adjourned ta meet on March 4. Following bills were paid: Bell Telephane. service. $ .1.17 H.E.P.C., street iighting 110 00 H.E.P.C., service charges 4.051 L. C .Mason, drawing deed 5.00 Counties' treas hospital- îzationi 18.00 G. F. Annis sheepr inspection------ -27 7R. Valliers, sheep damages -. ..- ý - 115.001 ;heppardi and Guil, relief - 19.59 itv of Oshawa, relief . 48.38 ,en Rae Dairy - .- ---- 8.16 PL. Byam, relief - 14.53 a%\ker's Grocery, relief 37.65 rownship relief --- . 119.48 D. Mo.garth. Jan. salary- 137.50 Everything is aglow wllh freshness and beauty. ...Ail of fashion is bursting forth with wonderful, beautiful coats, suifs and dresses. The new spring has not yet arrived, but our new spring fashionE, have. Corne in and see thern today! How you'11 adore our wonderful new collection of spring suits. Step out in your choice of this season's popular silhouettes ... gracefully rounded, softly f em- mnine with sleek, slimn or widely flared skirts. Ail price- right f ashions. Bowmanvlfle J. D. Mogarth, postage - 5.00 Assoc. of Rural Munie fee - 5.00 J., D. Mogarth, registrations 14.75 A frog of the African Camer- oomis is one foot long. Our faith is \veak tilI it grows strong enough to kindle nations. DO0N 'T WORRY About Your Electrical Wiring! It's economical and smart ta have the right people atttend ta y-our wiring prohlems. If you are having any trouble phone 438 and one of aur trained and experieniced tech- nicians will bc on his way ta hclp you. Feel free ta consult us at any lime %vith hany questions pertaining ta electricity. Our staff will bc glad to help you and provide you with free estimates on any type of job. DROP IN TODAY AND TALK IT OVER HRIGGON ELECTRIC Your Generttl Electric Appliance Dealer 42 King St. B. Phone 438 1 LxP Bowmanville «r- - e'samz