10 t the end of the first half, our H.S. principal, J. W. Morrison of was slippery and pddles every- T RK IL Seniors were complete masters ail the Belleville Institute, introduc- where 'here was only one casual -____ E. . . S re ch W ~~the way. With a littie more fin- ed the director and directress of ty. We came back and started Shiloh W.A. met et Mrs. Geo. "Screech O w làfàf esse around the basket they would athletics and Mr. Gordon, music dancing. Most ofth boys. got u Etwell's. After the business dis- have doubled their scoring out- and rhythm teacher, ail cf the their nerve and asked the girls. cussion, Miss H. Deckert gave a [GREGORY FREEND, Editor put. Buckspan, a slow man when visiting school. Mr. Gardon, be- We. had square dancing until we reading and Mrs. L. Paeden and -~it comes te racing, but nimble sides being a musician, is one cf were saying Alaman Left in our Miss H. Hallowell gave 4 duet. on the court ran up 10 peints te the finest instructors of the rhy- sleep. Mr. Witherspoon and Mr. Remainder of evenîng was spent This teek and next, winter ac- juniors losing 24-16. For both lead the team. Tom DeGeer thm and mnusic essentials which Stacey honored us by showing us in a social time. Mrs. Etwell tivities will reach their peak at B. these teams, it marked the îast played his usual steadying game. are taught at the Belleville how experts do it. We had elim- served a delicious and bountîful H.S. Since this coiumn has te be game unless exhibition tilts turn B.H.S. lineups - Munday (6), Schoo]. Approximately 25 stu- ination and spot dances and a lunch. ready Tuesday morning, we are up. Whitby won the senior group Fratik, Cattran (3), Moorecraft1 dents made the trip to Bowmian. broom dance. The girls threw Mr. Jake Hallowell vlsited his unable to feature a story on the Iasing only one game (ta B.H.S.., (5), G. Morris (1), J. Moffat <l)ý ville. their shoes in the middle of the brother, Mr. Wm. Hallowell, New- "At Home" which took place yes- while Uxbridge copped the Jun- Harnden, Allun, Tuerk and Rice. After a short exposition of the room and the boys ran for them tnilwoi o o el terday, but will report o hsirlues umr of league Seniors-Tamblvn (1), DeGeer work at the school Mr. Morrison (the shoes I mean). After somne Ms .L rmvstdM event next week. On Saturday standing and scoring for B.H.S. (4), Rundle (5), Buckspan (10), turned the proceedings over ta more square dancing they took Ms .L rmvstdMs the Girls' Basketball teams travel 1 will be compiled for next iveek. !Paterson (6), Cattran, Phillips, Mr. Gordon. The latter infarmed pity on us and went down ta the Wm. Coulson, Oshawa. ta Lindsay. Word has not yetiTeJnirgmewsa aeo Bellman. us that since his students had nev- lunch rooms ta eat. Everything Miss Alice B. Hallowell, Toron- reached us when the Bantams a good team against a very goo d Bantani Gamne er heard anyone speak they na- was good, but couldn't the mus- ta. spent the weekend at home. play Peterbaro. Since the officiailn.Pcdb lyr h oo-i Bnasnal ahe turally would nat speak themnsel- tard have been hotter? Mrs. Lew- Mrs. G. Etwell is with Mrs. basetal seso cose lstTh ves upon arrivai at Belleville. is, Mrs. Witherspoon and Mrs. Bailey, McCrea's. week. et will eîn witîd asre-ed and played more like grads the score an O.C.V.I., a fact that However, after some training they Stacey helped ta get things ready Mr.RBugewiherro wek ewl egnwt e han Juniors, it was just a case pleased Bowmanville rooters neoer afr onswhc hyi h icen fe ehdteMr. Rt McKay.it hr r view of the five games played, ail of too much Uxbridge. B.H.S. end. Being five times the size of lant or onswihte ntekthn fe ehdteM.AtMKy against the toughest competition put up a good fight and deserved B.H.S., O.C.V.1. was expected ta could produce into words. Na- been filled we went and danced Mr. Victor Farrow and family B.H.S. has encounitered this year.eerponbtteUHSJu- eatugrtamabetLrr turally they wvouId never be able i same more. Shortly thereafter, %vith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun, Beyypin.bu heUH.'Ju-beaGamestemtobat aryta inflect properly, or carry a 1 the party broke up and we stum- Boys'Gamesiors simply had toa much weight Chant really turned it an in the tune. But even the ability ta 'talk' bled home ta bed. On Fridav we Kirby. In the league finale play ed at and scoring punch. Long-haired jsecond haîf with nine points, mak- iteiamlsoeo con eea cOIwt u sa r ly alwl i B.H.S. Februarv 18, Uxbridge and Bob Kcster was the standout play- iflg 14 in ail. In compariso -a itl s amlsoeo co-wr tsho iharuul M.LodHloe adMs teplishment. wide awake answers. Helena Hallowell were in Bow- Bowmaniville split even, B.H.S. er for Uxbridge while Red Mun- Oshawa, B.H.S. really lived uIp, ____________ seniors winning 26-15 and the day shone for B.H.S. its motto "Non quantum, sed To understand, the students __________________ manvilleth qul. u atm perdread lips, but arouind themselvesSvrlfo eeatne h calm, handling the bail like vet- they sametimes use sign language. J ning. rdlysonFiayee crans and ringaing up a final score To demonstrate same of what IRed Cross S..ociety nM. adMs adnTi n of 27-14. these students were able ta per- Cain e~M. and Mrs. LamoPdoTimwasd B.H.S. lineup-Chant (14), Da- form, Mr. Gardon had them sing ±izi.ig.LThis in BoMn. an vis.Le Peenwr (4, ttt(4,Aln(3), Tay- er's Cîock," a good piece ta pro To Raise Three Millionl The mild days last week rather lr(2), Urquart, Maguire, Hey- duce rhythm . The general feel-_____soedun'rtess eeap lan an Whte.ing that the singing brought about preciated and made us think of Girls' Gamnes was Ône of admiration and grati-1 In its recond post wvar nation- spring which is not too far dis- Whatever got in ta aur Junior tude-admiration for these young xide appeal for funds, the Cana- nt guards? Press clippings must people who are fighting a winning dia n Red Cross Society will next M.andtrA Dbo n have gone ta theis heads, as they battle oves their handicap, and 00motcaskyo th eubli f ýork,0, Mrs. L. Hallowell were in Port let in 13 points for Uxbridge. 0f gratitude in the fact that one 00t ar nispaeiewr Hope. course, five of these wese foul shauld be grateful for what one 'in Canada. shots, so that there were reaflyipossesses, not ta becantinuaîîy Pointing out that raising the pro- TYPICAL FAIRES only four field goals against them, greedy for mare lame and wealth. vincial quota of $1.200,000 wvould which isn't bad. Let's hope they After a short demonstration of be the respo nsibility fsmeS'aio rn from B OW MAN V IL LE keep it up at Lindsay. Final ordinary speech, bath the girls thiree hundred Red Cross Branch- Youngatio Army nua TO ne ay Retrn Retrn score a B.H.S. 20, U.H.S. 13. and boys prepared for the basket- es in Ontario, Mr. Ambrose Pres- Ynung Peole sA nua î TO One Wai Return Return The Senior garge was another bail ga e. M . M rin a ident of the Ontario Branch stt- n E j y b e A f i (5 day's) (180 da3's) example of too mach defence and exprg esda br.e bore tonhe ed that approximately fifty per- Kepvle -.$4.65 $ 7.45 $ 8.40 scoring ability on the part ofB. ames that his teams might flot cent of ail Red Cross work in On Thursda3', The Salvation Morrisburg 4.60 7.40 8.30 01.O o f htteeweeb apr wt h toBHS 19 anada was carried on in this Armny held it.i Young People's An- Prescott ---- 4.10 6.60 7.40 onyt'fus ahaais httas eIaly h3 loalJnior province. "Since the first Great nual when a program of mostly Quebec ---------------- 11.15 18.50 20.10 JeLuso h rearguards, Pearl Girls. This proved ta be a con- ','ar Ontario has given leadership musical items was given. Th e (Transportation Tax Py rp) Breslin. No offense Pearl! Con- sidesable understatement. The in Red CroFs activity", said Mr. program included: Opening sang Full information Irom yaur Local Agent: sistent Jackie Heyland scored Il Belleville Junior Boys' playîngamboeHe m gaven"Scripur Faread in y points in the first haîf, easing up quck passing and sunning gamne Success of the 1948 campaign f h ."Sct M Fdin b a bit in the latter frame for three won 27-21, with Edward Pollard, \Vihl provide esseotial funds for oofthe eachers, Mr5. F.uac- GARTON COACHR LINES mare. The Seniors also won their a track star, pacing bis teami with the continued oprto o 7kebush; prayer by Capt. E. Will- 1ROIMANVILLI' TEIlL'PHONE 2666 gsoup and are also in the line for 18 points. The Belleville team Outpost hospitals in Ontario; and Brc Lnser faod the playoffs at Lindsay. W as specially fast, sometimes re- for other activîties such as nutri- Pithara lndsoArthursBell.san CH INEhe (8, Sdd (4, Bte 1 erJunior scorers-Evans (6), Fis- cavering rebounds which seemed tion, First Aid, Swimming and vocal solos. The tiny tats sang CO~CH LNES * ~ '~.- her (), Sudd (4),#tes (). cerain ta fall into B.H.S. hands. Water Safety, Home Nursing pro- oeatncoussnd ner ~iiUIID -Seir coes-ehad(1)Tonkin, although not scoring as gramns, and aid ta vein hrue adeterans Marjerrison (4), Buttery (8), B' often, was also a constant threat. Among unique Red Cross ser- Mss. J. Albert Cale, music teacher, jGrant (4), M. Dippehi 3) For B.H.S. Red Munday was again vices in Ontario for the better- was the special feature for the inlvll ii high man. ment of childsen is the Dental evening when she accompanied 1 Belevile Vist(3)We didn't see the Girls' game.lcoach which is bringing dental same af her pupils. Mss. Cale On February 23, M.H.S. were and perhaps it was .iust as well. education and dental health ta played a piano solo and aise a hasts ta two basketball teams and It is rumored that the score was ichildsen in remote areas of the piano trio with Gwen and Joan members of the staff from Belle- 48-10 in favor of Belleville. Pes- province whese there are no den- Bartlett, and another trio with ville School for the Deaf. Before haps the reasan for the B.H.S. 't1sts. In the Welland-Crawîand Gwen and Muriel Willatts. Vocal letdown lies in the fact that most Health Unit, Red Cross is finane- duets were rendereci by Lorraine of the fans were an the side of ing a two year dental survey and Grace Quackenbush and Mss. -* the visitars. cheering for them an among pre-schooî and school chil- E. Willatts and Major F. Williams. every passible occasion. It shows dren Two vocal salas were sung by 1 ia good spirit. sM. Ambrose expressed confi- five-yeas-old Rase Marie Quac- II The nine girls and nine theoys c in the success of the 1948 kenbush. Six - year - old Teddy C fsom the Ontario School forth campaign and felt that the public Bartlett played a piano solo and e a nDeaf who took part in the pro- would again support Red Cross in was encared. A beautiful bau- ' LUni gram and games at the High its many humanitarian efforts. quet of snap dragons xvas present- ~w~d l I >aii ~ ~ jIjÇ , ISchol wee guests at supper mn I ui fprincipal Morrison and n are >(U I. Tw ~ vrieCes no ant h sta ofBowmanville * Bearl feville tudenandJthir . chmes, fm EilofMLeverncA- STNDers.N Agnd GLeorg le Walrer A0M UIrWA RNG TRETII ourihncipartynan One ganth wae amlycnonjyI Bth tRfofbinown il Van Cap's faous ark niens with F o orm hs eltd thgal Bellmillart thenhFebruta Tomao Suce an th ditintivly ii' I 7.che artsy egnLan t cAI- fVERYBvaPoLVn apTENeEnlanden GordonuntdGAoge th arlous articlesin helearheregal StlVanCm' asPrk and BeMoaeand ec aia ic o oaa ut Tomato Sauce. anexthre yashop askif 7.Tepat bgnwiha cv for ath kauce. Nawit time t sock * nail, an inch square of cheese, for oth ind. Ne isthe imeto sockan aid sbae, an old bonie, a silk up with Van Camp's.I stocking, signature of an adultli 4 whose hast name begins with 11," a foot of colored string, a tin can. UETI The form was divided up into j ~p I winning graup were Bob Knox,CHKYO ED Pat Smith, Jim Frank, Gail Price. After this a fast môving basket- Aylmer-Cholce Qualty Aylmer-Fancy Qualt: bail game between girls and boys Cut APEAC was helci in the gymnasium. This APEAC was followed by dancing in the WAX BEANS no"25Ç6 TI..Ayme-C8ie7ua E V 8 P A G lI I N I FAI. s i ifi S I O9 A B I Premier George Drew RoyalECity ea25c Buyd Mo Lis ten to 2* ud't 4ÇTi * <U T ~7A *~t~Loi1ru4.~J~"~ECalifernia Siinklst Navel 298's falhm t. sýtis e h Fresh Green exceua ib-7m om e IOl Cabbage --lb. 5c cOMBINATION GRADE -1 'f TSite tu tW Mt>.FIrm and Tasty Hothouse oo p.m. Thursday Feb. 2 6thMofbu*mU o W&C- Radishes -bunch lc SPY APPLES e bestum" e éa d aci.s &""0u d W# LdOY PWat."Y-.145 (toslng Saturday , Dodd Kidn.yPllIs THURSDAY, FER. 26th, 1948 d to Mrs. Cle for her help dur- be foliawed cosely, as the recomn- ing the evening. mended amounts may injure the The Young People's Sergeant crop while insufficient applica- Major Hasry Bartlett acted ai tiens will give poor weed control. chairman andi aLo preented the Being more highly selective in prizes won by the children for at- action, sodium sait is considered tending Sunday Shool during the the safest weed kuller for lawss year 1947. andi &mal] crop areas. It is aise xa!est ta use on corn and flux fed.two of th(,, more sensitive Weed Killer to Cone crops, Un Three Form Slightl 'v more convPnient te prepare 'han u slu at, amine Three formulatori of 2 4-D l t (if2,4-JEl oi hîhly avored in each having its own 1pctî x' eran oalitiîeu for contrlling have been placeci recently onw'thd in whr.at, oatx. ad mixed market y Canadian Ijruhtreb 91grnn. B'eýng liquid, It is easily Limnited, it is announceci by R. E. ma'xfed v'.th watrr and should Cudmore, developmirnrt nanalir r rove afpt we spray mach- of C-1-L's agricultural c mîah, e ratQr1t. division. 'rhee wll o , t cf Y 'e fo)rrulauon.s are suit4ble so d iu m sa t, a m in e liq u id t a t r d f w - < . ro mn e ea ester. ai'o and are highly effectivWi The ester type is ;eor sd. -ramaîgbruSh from power- for use in Western Carnada in th(-e rprgt-,-wyroacisides, per- newly-developed ow v o i:.J m e marient paiz*tre.s and other areas spray machines which arp]y am whr7re b)r;iFh s a nuiEance. It is Iittle a.s five gallons of spray pe-)r h!e.~dthe tc formulation is acre. It is cautioned that d:rr. t- he on(?I .t adapted to prepara- t hon s a p p e a rin g o n th e crii tp in r . r tion o f jrp la n ný sp ra .Y s. TIIERE IS A BETTER KIND 0F DRY CLEANING for your fine clothes For Formals-and other finer clothes, yau get the best dry cleaning passible with aur Sanitane Service. See for yourself baw much fresher, brighter and cleaneryourclathes can be. Our Sanitone Service gets out mare dirt, revives original colors, removes ail trace of perspiratian stain and ados! Culi us ta- day for this BETTER SANITONE DRY CL.EAN- ING SERVICE. fVE EV ELEIGH'S CLEANERS OSHAWA LAUNDRY )S H A W A, O NLrw NLj jm l!,QF ty Red Go-Chaire Quality 2's18Ç TOMATO JUICE 2 acos' 25Ç Tinn Case cf 24 Tins $2,89 20 0"29 A vlmer-Fancy Quality Ti. VEGETABLE JUICES 2 "Vn Z29Ç 20 Ozampbells dard Quality Aylmer Tomato or 20n OzEGETABLE SOUP 2 'Tl.19'$g ce Quality 20 03 23e (Carks Cream of103 5 T0in MUSRO OP2Tn RlitJ Habitant Heîi.-Cream of Muý,hruvrn or s $2O. 1 CHICHeN FuisOUP 'eablesiw16 CuI.rd eten53 ôAlnr-riaVgtals zJàc 20 Oz 15Ç ICFsTards 2,n Tn ~ IFN OD ~ I etened 20 OZ. yiv Tl.iA' Hceini-Fruits, Vegetables, Puddings, Di nnes JUNIOR FOODS 3 T ni5 trio resh Vegetables 9 cz. celle bag IroApples Saîad Mix - - 15c MMMMý ýý Ontario Grown Waxed FANCY QUALITY Turuips - 2 lbs. 9c -4 lbs. 29C GTaefrix-6fo 3 Grapefruit - 6 for 23c stosas VU 'J PAGE POUR - 1 nR CANADUN STATESMAN 1RC)WUAMM.T.V. rWMA17're% Insisi on our TIF[ 12-666 'Toinmoz 214 nlý 28 oz 27Ç 20 Oz. lis Mn